• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,374 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial Seven: Pyrrhic Victory

“You know, I’m not sure how to feel about all that,” Rainbow Dash, disguised again, remarked as she banked around a cloud.

Kanthara nodded her assent, the similarly undercover demon following close behind her partner. “I know what you mean. Despite everything, that didn't really feel like a win, did it?” Kanathara exclaimed.

Rainbow Dash snorted irritably, her illusion faltering briefly when soot billowed out of her nostrils. “You’re telling me. First Fluttershy’s dad pulls out some ancient super weapon and then Fluttershy herself ends up saving our butts by bashing him over the head.”

“And that's without mentioning how disappointed we both were after Fluttershy ended up stepping in to save her mother,” Kanathara murmured bitterly.

“I mean, I get why Flutters would do something like that, but her mom might have killed both my parents and enslaved a ton of people,” Rainbow Dash added, the demon flapping her false feathered wings in order to go over a low-hanging cloud.

Kanathara simply fell under the obstacle, coming out on the other side just as Rainbow Dash had leveled off once more. For a moment the keeper of secrets said nothing, merely staring off into the distance and letting her eyes glaze over. The Everfree was as vast and as verdant as ever, though Kanathara had recently gained a distinct appreciation for the dangers the forest held. Still, it was undeniably beautiful, and the sight made the demon’s pulse slow and her muscles begin to relax.

“I mean, she might not have done all of that herself,” Kanathara offered weekly.

Rainbow Dash snorted once more. “I know what you mean, and honestly, I don't know what I’m more angry about. Not being allowed to off that crazy bitch, or not feeling mad about not being able to off her.”

Kanathara chuckled as she flew lazily next to the winged demon. “Fluttershy does have a way of making you almost feel bad just for being pissed off in the first place.”

The vengant sighed. “Yeah…”

“Speaking of Fluttershy. Did you notice how the Element flashed when she grabbed it?” Kanathara asked.

“Wasn't that just the spell though?” Rainbow Dash questioned, glancing over her shoulder.

Kanathara shook her head. “That was not just the spell. It… connected with her. Just like how the other one connected to Applejack, remember?”

“I guess those two instances were fairly similar,” Rainbow Dash admitted. “But I don't know if they are connected. It kinda seems like you’re reaching.”

“You may be right, but I just get the impression like they were resonating at the same frequency or something,” Kanathara continued, her gaze becoming distant once again. “The way it happened made me think that some manner of magical transference had occurred.”

“If that's what you think happened, then that's probably how it went down,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“I wonder what it all means,” Kanathara continued. “Do you think they might be the Bearers of the Elements?”

Rainbow Dash performed a lazily roll, shrugging her shoulders as she did so. “I don't know, and I don't think it matters. Once we hand over the artifacts to queen spooky pants, I don't think she's going to let anypony near them.”

Twilight hummed thoughtfully as she looked down at the forest. “Either way, that's a consideration for another time. Right now we have to check in with everyone and try to figure out the next best target.”

“Totally, though I kinda hope it's the one in Manehattan. I’ve never been there before, though I hear it's pretty cool,” Rainbow Dash offered, angling her body towards a seemingly random copse of trees in the distance.

“That would be nice. Maybe this time it wont be such a straight forward slug fest and we’ll actually have to outthink our opponents for once,” Kanthara exclaimed with a hint of excitement.

“You’ve been reading too many Eleven Oceans books,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

The keeper used her magic to flick her familiar upside the head. “I have not, and besides, even you have to admit that it would be nice to not be forced to rush all over the place. Why, if that was the case, I bet we could even take the time to see the city properly.”

“Which would be nice…” Rainbow Dash admitted.

The pair began to descend more rapidly towards the copse, speeding towards the thick vegetation without making any attempt to slow down. They passed through an invisible wall and emerged out in a large open area, one that housed a seemingly normal cabin. There had been some changes since the pair had left as the generally barren space surrounding the small home now sported a garden.

A rather large and intimidating one that was currently being tended to by Pear Butter, who was kneeling down next to an incredibly strange plant. The entire thing looked like a single terrifying red fruit covered with dozens upon dozens of purple spikes. Pear Butter wore a straw hat and wielded a comically small trowel, which she was using to prod the fruit with.

Landing nearby, Kanathara and Rainbow Dash trotted over to the wrath demon as she peered intently at the odd-looking plant. “Interesting, I didn't know that a hellgathian spine fruit could be grown in uncorrupted soil,” Kanathara remarked.

“It shouldn't be able to, but I was able to replicate the barrens with a bit of sulfur and a heaping helping of salt,” Pear Butter replied, only to stumble back when the fruit suddenly sucked in her trowel, swallowing the small tool whole. “Though this one doesn't seem happy about things.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled as the fruit spat out the gardening implement, which was now missing its wooden handle. “Don't be too hard on yourself. Those things hate everyone and everything. Looks like good eating, though.”

Pear Butter smiled as she rose back to her full height. “True. So how did the mission go? I see you more or less in one piece at least.”

Kanathara blinked and dispelled their illusions. “Sorry about that. Forgot I even had them on still.”

“Don't worry about it, besides if we are being honest, I’m rather curious as to what you would look like if you had grown up as a pony,” Pear Butter admitted, the demon motioning for the other two to follow as she slowly walked down the long line of plants. “Tell momma Pear Butter all about it, and I’ll make sure to find you two something fresh to eat along the way.”

Rainbow Dash perked up. “You wouldn't have any strawberry snappers by chance, would you?”

Pear Butter flashed the vengant a smirk. “Do I look like the type of demon who wouldn't plant the tastiest thing outside of a fresh soul?”

“I knew there was a reason I liked you so much,” Rainbow Dash remarked, grinning excitedly.

“I thought it was because of her quote unquote, gigantic golden backside,” Kanathara added, much to her familiar's chagrin.

“Augh, I told you that in confidence, while drunk!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

Pear Butter blinked and looked down to Kanathara. “It's not that big, is it?”

Kanathara merely rolled her eyes. “Anyway. So to start, the mission went well, but that doesn't mean we didn't hit a few snags along the way. Such as when we-”

Pear Butter nodded slowly. “Well, that certainly was a tale, and here I’ve been just trying to get in touch with my earth pony heritage. Among other things.”

“Well, I mean, you’ve certainly done well,” Kanathara remarked, the demon gazing out over the rows upon rows of plants, some of which grew over a dozen feet tall.

“It makes sense though,” Rainbow Dash added. “Since you and Tirek will be staying here for a while, you should get some food growing, just in case.”

“Still, I wish I could grow something that didn't originate from one of the lower planes,” Pear Butter exclaimed sadly.

Kanathara opened her mouth to respond, only to be interrupted when a walking bag of fertilizer trotted up next to them. Upon noticing the bag’s presence, Pear Butter smiled and took hold of the brightly colored package.

“Ah, Willow. Good to see you finally found it,” Pear Butter happily announced, revealing that beneath the fertilizer was a small, hooved imp.

Who grinned wide, revealing its rows of sharp pointed teeth. “No problem, boss lady. Need anything else?” it asked in a high-pitched and slightly nasally voice.

Pear Butter scratched her chin. “No, I don't think I do. Feel free to rejoin the others or pick something that catches your eye.”

“Thank you, boss. Willow will do that right away!” proclaimed the imp excitedly.

Kanatahra raised an eyebrow as she watched the green-skinned imp trot excitedly away, its tiny wings flapping uselessly at its sides. Though humanoid like most imps, this one was definitely a product of the Everfree, with a slightly more equine appearance. Which came in the form of its tiny feathered appendages, hooved back legs, and single jagged horn which poked out from the middle of its forehead.

“Ugly little bugger,” Rainbow Dash whispered once the imp was out of earshot.

Pear Butter chuckled. “That's the other thing I mentioned I’ve been up to, and they aren't that bad. If anything, they are a step up from the normal imps.”

“Almost look like cherubs,” Kanathara pointed out.

Pear Butter cocked her head. “I suppose they kind of do, in a way. ”

“Only more pony like,” Rainbow Dash added.

Pear Butter nodded. “They are also more tribal than the imps you find in the pits. Territorial and aggressive like all of their kind, but more willing to agree to a mutually beneficial agreement without having to use a contract.”

“I must admit I’m rather intrigued by the prospect. Though it does feel a little weird, knowing that there are a bunch of demons just wandering around,” Kanathara admitted in a hushed tone.

Rainbow Dash shuddered. “Still. It's better than the alternative.”

“Absolutely. It's just well, you know what I mean,” Kanathara remarked with a shrug.

Pear Butter nodded once more. “I get it. Though the more metaphysical social contract of mutual aid seems more binding than anything enforced by demonic magic.”

“I’m starting to understand that now,” Kanathara admitted before shaking her head. “Regardless, I feel like we have gotten off track.”

“Yeah, you wouldn't happen to know anything about our next targets, would you?” Rainbow Dash asked, scratching her head. “I remember one of them being in Manehattan and the other is held in Canterlot by the paladins, right?”

“And the final one is missing and last spotted in diamond dog territory. Or so Velvet mentioned,” Kanathara added.

Pear Butter shrugged. “I think that's what she said, but to be entirely honest, I’m not completely sure. Now that we are talking about it, I believe they had received some news on one of the Elements though. Perhaps you should seek out Tirek and Velvet sooner rather than later.”

Kanathara and Rainbow Dash exchanged a look before nodding.

“Then that is what we’ll do right now,” Kanathara declared.

“Best of luck with your gardening and imp wrangling,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Pear Butter chuckled. “And I hope you have an easier time getting those two to stop bickering long enough to talk to them.”

With that the wrath demon turned and walked away, making her way towards a freshly constructed shed near the edge of the bubble.

“What do you think she meant by that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Kanathara frowned. “If I had to guess, I’d say they aren't exactly getting along very well.”

“Pfft, I wonder why,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Let’s just hope they can at least play nice for a little while,” Kanathara exclaimed, only to sigh. “Ah, who am I kidding?”

The vengant patted her mistress on the shoulder. “I’m sure it will be fine. I mean, how bad could it be?”

“And I told you that such a plan would spell certain death!” Tirek shouted, banging his fists on the table and causing the large scrying orb to bounce out of its pedestal only to land right back into its holder.

Within the crystal sphere, Velvet rose to her full height, glaring at the demon. “It wouldn't be if you actually took my suggestions seriously!”

Tirek scoffed, waving a dismissive hand at the mare. “You and I both know that the citadel isn't that easy to undermine, furthermore-”

“Would you shut up for two seconds?” Velvet shouted, jabbing a hoof towards Rainbow Dash and Kanathara who stood awkwardly just inside of the room.

“Real mature, Velvet. You know we’re both adults here. You can't just start screaming whenever-” Tirek continued, only to stop and actually follow Velvet’s hoof, to where he found his two adoptive daughters standing behind him. “Well then. Now I feel like an asshole.”

“I mean, ya kind of were,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

Kanathara sighed. “It's nice to see you too, Tirek.”

The centaur stiffened slightly, but nodded slowly. “It is nice to see you as well, Kanathara.” He quickly inspected the keeper of secrets. “I see that your mission didn't leave you worse for wear at least.”

“It went well. Even if it didn't go exactly as we had planned,” Kanathara remarked as she walked over to the table, her familiar following close behind her.

“We got the Element, at least,” Rainbow Dash added.

“That is good,” Velvet pointed out.

“You weren't injured, were you?” Tirek cautiously inquired.

Kanathara paused briefly before shaking her head. “Not severely, and we may tell you more about what occurred later, but right now I heard mention that you received news about one of our targets?”

“Also, what were you arguing about? You weren't talking about like, the citadel right? Like the place where the paladins are based near the top of mount Canter,” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“Err yes, but that is a discussion for another time,” Velvet assured them.

“We could give them a hint though, right?” Tirek replied, glancing at the crystal orb.

The pony merely raised an eyebrow ever so slowly.

“Right, of course,” Tirek hastily exclaimed, raising his hands in defeat. “That is a topic for another time.”

Kanathara glanced curiously at her adoptive father and was about to press him, only to notice the serious expression on her birth mother’s face. “I assume you are planning on assisting our goal in some way,” Kanathara fished.

Velvet nodded. “And that is the only hint you will get out of Tirek and I. Hopefully by the time that you are able to acquire the last element not held by the paladins, we will be able to reveal our little surprise in full.”

“Right now you have other things to worry about,” Tirek remarked.

“That doesn't sound good at all,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “You didn't try going into town, did you?”

The centaur rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “No, and just a heads-up, but the majority of the paladins have likely returned to Canterlot or gone to parts unknown. Even still, they did leave behind a slightly larger garrison.”

“They have a feeling Tirek is in the area, though for some reason he has been put lower on the priority list,” Velvet explained.

“I wonder why,” Rainbow Dash remarked aloud.

Tirek sighed. “Yes, yes. My forces have been decimated, my resources plundered and my resolve weakened. Even still, I am determined to assist you two in whatever manner I can. Despite your asinine remarks.”

The vengant chuckled nervously under the centaur’s gaze. “Have I thanked you recently for all you’ve done because wow, bang up job, boss man.”

Kanathara pointedly ignored both Tirek and Rainbow Dash, turning to Velvet. “So what is this bit of news you wanted to tell us?”

“The Element is being moved,” Velvet stated, her voice instantly becoming serious. “The one disguised as an art piece and hidden in the grand galleria in central Manehattan.”

“That's odd. When are they moving it and why?” Kanathara replied.

“I… don't know,” Velvet admitted after a short pause. “My contacts in the paladins don't think its position is compromised, but for some reason they were still spooked.”

“Well, we did just steal one from them,” Rainbow Dash pointed out, the vengant leaning on the table.

“We don't believe that is the reason,” Tirek interrupted. “Our current theory is that the higher-ups in their organization have altered their modus operandi. As this change is so big that their entire communication network is abuzz with activity.”

“Like Rainbow Dash said, we did just make off with one of the Elements, started a fire, and unleashed a bunch of demons,” Kanathara added.

“Whatever is going on, it's affecting more than just the branch devoted to keeping the Elements safe,” Velvet explained. “Logistics, counter intelligence, and even the monster-fighting subsection of the paladins are all suddenly shifting focus.”

“That is big,” admitted the vengant.

“Exactly, which is why you need to be extra careful here on out,” Tirek stated. “If they are mobilising that many auxiliary forces, it may potentially mean that they are onto us.”

“Or onto Velvet’s little organization,” Rainbow Dash offered, glancing at the cultist.

“Doubtful, but regardless, my spies have been less than reliable of late,” Velvet remarked in a dejected tone.

“So we discovered when we recovered not the Element of Laughter, but the Element of Kindness,” Kanathara exclaimed.

Tirek raised an eyebrow. “Your network wouldn't happen to be compromised by chance, now would it?”

Velvet shifted uncomfortably. “I have had an unusually high turnover of agents in recent months…”

“We can worry about all this intelligence gathering mumbo jumbo later. What we need to know right now is how long until they start moving it and where they are sending it,” Rainbow Dash stated.

“It will be sent to Canterlot most likely, and if my hunch is correct, then they will be moving it to the citadel to be stored along with the other two Elements already in their possession,” Velvet explained.

“That would be very bad,” Kanathara exclaimed, turning to the centaur. “Father, do you have any suggestions?”

Tirek blinked, temporarily taken aback before quickly giving his head a shake. “Velvet mentioned that she was working on some manner of synthetic soul alternative made out of concentrated wild magic. Perhaps that will give you the boost needed to fly all the way to Manehattan in time to catch them,” he turned to the pony. “Unless you have finished altering the teleportation matrix. In which case I would suggest going to Canterlot and setting an ambush.”

Velvet shook her head. “My attention is too divided and the subroutines that ensure no one but I can use it are buried too deep in the spellwork.”

“Well, I don't know about you, boss, but I could really use a pick-me-up. Especially if we are going to fly across half the damn continent after spending the majority of the day doing just that,” Rainbow Dash announced, the vengant rotating her shoulder and causing the joint to pop several times.

“Still… we’ll be lucky to get there before nightfall even if you manage to keep a good pace,” Kanathara murmured.

“Provided the train to Canterlot is faster then the one from Manehatten you could still hit them upon arrival,” offered Tirek, arms crossed over his chest. “And the rest would do you both good.”

“Trust me,” Velvet interjected, “this stuff works. Besides, they are fully fledged demons, Tirek, they can go for days without rest if necessary.”

The centaur snorted. “Fine, but this artificial soul had better be safe.”

Velvet chuckled. “It is perfectly safe. In fact, I’ve tested it a few times on a number of associates.”

“Well, if she says it's good, then I’m willing to try. Though if this doesn't work, I’m going to have to brew more than a few pots of coffee before we leave,” Kanathara remarked.

“Tirek, you know where it is, right?” Velvet inquired.

The centaur nodded and used his magic to conjure up two containers of silvery white liquid roughly the same size as beer bottles. “Let me know if it's as good as the real thing,” he remarked, levitating them towards the pair of demons.

Kanathara nodded, took one, and bumped it against her familiar’s. “Bottoms up!”

“To victory!” Rainbow Dash added.

The two demons uncorked their bottles in unison before tossing them back and swallowing their contents in a few large gulps. Once empty, the bottles were returned, and the two demons took a step back, eying each other and then themselves. Initially there was no glow, burst of light, or seemingly any reaction at all, the pair merely standing there waiting for the other shoe to drop for almost a minute.

“I don't feel any--oh, there we go!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, her eyes going wide as her mane tripled in size, billowing behind her with all the intensity of a firestorm.

Kanathara meanwhile was merely struck by just how much energy was suddenly at her command. The swirling nebulas and distant stars within her own mane came alive with motion, rearranging themselves into dozens of different formations in the span of seconds. Energy sparked from her horn, setting a loose document ablaze with bright violet fire that quickly threatened to spread out of control.

Tirek hastily gathered up the rest of the papers he had left out, cursing while he snuffed out the magical flames. “Watch where you're shooting that thing, we were working on important plans here,” complained the centaur.

The keeper didn't even hear her adoptive father’s words for several seconds, until all at once she returned to normal. Looking around, both mistress and familiar exchanged a knowing look, as well as a wide smile. The lingering fatigue caused by their long flight and short fight was gone, replaced by an energy that felt akin to a burst of adrenaline.

“That was quite something,” Kanathara muttered.

“You’re telling me. It felt like my soul was on fire, but like, in a good way,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed eagerly.

“See, I told you it was fine,” Velvet added.

Tirek frowned and let out a long sigh. “So it seems. Perhaps we will have to build more of these magical condensing machines that you spoke of earlier.”

“Will there be a crash?” Kanathara inquired.

The pony shook her head. “There are no drawbacks to the potion other than a comparative loss of potency when contrasted against a regular soul. And because it has very little spiritual energy, it won't make you any more powerful.”

“So you made a super espresso coffee that only demons can drink. Basically,” Rainbow Dash stated.

Velvet chuckled. “I guess you could say that.”

Tirek cleared his throat and uncrossed his arms. “With that out of the way, I presume you will be departing then.”

“As soon as we get some directions or at least the name of the station they’ll be leaving from, as well as the time they will be doing so,” Kanathara replied, turning her attention to Velvet.

“East 18th Street Station, nine p.m., tonight,” Velvet exclaimed.

“That's in the city, right?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

Kanathara hummed. “I think so. Which means we will need to hide out onboard and then wait until we are out of range of any potential reinforcements they may call.”

“An excellent plan that shouldn't be terribly difficult to execute as the paladins seemed to be rushing to get this done,” Velvet commended.

Rainbow Dash grinned and bumped her hip against the keeper’s. “So, you ready to start another fight?”

Kanathara smirked right back. “Always.”

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: Gear Change, John, Vindistic Shadow, Jordan, Megawott06, Fiamgoku, 浩民 簡, Nightwing, Jwarrior, Travis, Rhys, Hannibal, Dragon's Sheppard, Venerable RO, Corey, BeenMcsqueen, Mop Hop, Dale, Xvos1337, Nathan, Blade Tech, Tiwake, Free, Octavia&lowbar, GruB, Lich Lord Krosis, Todd, Canaray in the coal mine, Prysm, Mephia, Mike, Astor, Steven, Soundtea, Megatyrant, Ceepert, Menthol Qtip, Peter, Nfreak, Mikhalia, Doomgooey, Craig, Mirvra, Ivar, Starless, Apollyon6024, Facinus, M, Vigilant Watch, Pacsik, Kali, Makani, Diokyo.

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