• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,374 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial Eleven: Diplomacy Is-

“So, why are we here again, and why are you still holding me hostage?” Top Speed asked, glancing down the line of old-timey jail cells.

Though no guards were currently present, Top Speed knew they were all sitting just outside the room. Being overruled by a house assassin was not common, and the stallion could hear the pair of poorly trained soldiers leaning against the door. Not like they would hear anything as Kanathara had just finished erecting a simple barrier over the entire room.

“You are not a hostage,” Kanathara corrected as she penned a letter and sent it away in a small plume of purple fire. “You are an ally in our quest for peace and a return to normality.”

“Plus Fluttershy wanted to meet up with her parents before we spoke to them, so you got stuck with guide duty again,” Rainbow Dash added.

Top Speed sighed and gestured to the cells. “Well, you got your wish. There are the two moon-touched we’ve managed to secure which did not immediately kill themselves.”

Kanathara hummed thoughtfully as she peered into the tiny cell and at the single creature lying within. Strapped to the bed so that her fore and back legs were stuck fast to her sides, the young mare couldn't so much as move a single muscle. Thick bindings kept her head secure to the bed, and even her jaw was restrained, likely to keep her from biting someone.

“Almost seems a little excessive,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Top Speed snorted. “Hardly. They’ll fight like wild animals once they realize they’re about to be taken in. Then, once bested, they just lay there, staring at the ceiling as if waiting for the right time to strike.”

“Stay over there, Toppy,” Kanathara commanded, pointing to a spot just out of sight of the jail cell. “This should only take a minute.”

Though he grumbled, Top Speed did as he was told, still a little afraid of what the pair of demons were capable of.

He then watched them enter the cell, which lit up with a bright purple light mere moments later. Complicated geometric patterns and shifting runes too numerous to count appeared not long after. By then Top Speed was feeling a little curious, and he leaned to the side in order to peer within, observing the pair as they worked.

Rainbow Dash stood off to the side, seemingly ready to strike at a moment’s notice while her mistress cast a strange spell. Top Speed knew very little of the magical art, though he could recall enough lessons on combating mages to get an inkling as to what was happening. The large ethereal apparatus floating over the keeper’s head was meant to scan the contents of whatever was beneath it.

Which was exactly what it did once it hovered over the moon-touched young mare. Who didn't initially react, continuing to lay still, her milky eyes distant and unseeing. Then, as the array began to hover closer to her head, the bright white circle stamped on her forehead started to glow.

“What, what's going on here?” muttered a distinctly masculine voice which emanated from the bound mare.

“Nothing, screw off,” Rainbow Dash barked.

The moon-touched looked over at the pair of undisguised demons standing to her left.

“Wait, you two, again? Have you not screwed up enough of my plans?” exclaimed the slightly nasally voice.

“No,” Kanathara flatly declared.

That seemed to take the wind out of the moon-touched, who slumped to the bed.

“You know, on the one hoof I appreciate your honesty, but on the other I honestly hate you for constantly undermining me,” they muttered in a slightly defeated tone.

“I’m sure you’re quite used to that by now,” Rainbow Dash teased.

The bound mare shuddered. “What are you doing anyway? That's not any kind of scanning spell I’ve seen before.”

“Don't worry about it,” Kanathara retorted. “I won't take much longer.”

“Won't even give me anything, eh? Now that's just rude,” whined the nasally voice of the moon-touched.

“I’d give you a fresh black eye, but smacking you around at this point would feel kinda sad,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“Pfft, go ahead. It's not like these puppets are doing much anyway,” retorted the mare.

“We’re done here,” Kanathara stated, her scanning spell winking out of existence. “I have what we need.”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “Just like that?”

“What, do you doubt my skill?” Kanathara retorted.

The vengant merely chuckled. “Not even for a second.”

“Good, then let's continue. I want to put this entire debacle behind us as soon as possible,” Kanathara pressed.

Top Speed ducked back and waited for his captors slash allies to return.

Which they did a few seconds later, their pony disguises having been reapplied in the meantime.

“To Fluttershy’s parents, then you may go,” Kanathara commanded, her magic undoing the silence spell which had hung over them until that moment.

Top Speed rolled his eyes. “Yes, my liege.”

“That's lieges, or liegi? What's the plural of liege?” Rainbow Dash thought aloud.

“I…” Kanathara paused. “Don't know actually.”

“Lieges!” shouted a voice from behind the door.

“Be quiet, you idiot, now they are going to know we were listening in on them,” whispered another pony.

“Oh, whoops,” murmured the first guard.

Kanathara chuckled, shooting Top Speed a sidelong glance. “How have you guys not been wiped out?”

“Sheer bloody luck, it seems,” Top Speed murmured bitterly.

Kanathara and Rainbow Dash smiled as they pushed past the larger, more well armed guards near the heart of the citadel. Here at least, security was tight, and what few unicorns were on their side had erected several magical barriers. None of which were strong enough to keep Kanathara from either slipping past them or simply ignoring them entirely however.

Once on the other side of the door, the pair of disguised demons waited for Top Speed to step through before closing it firmly.

“Wait here and don't allow anyone to bother us,” Kanathara commanded.

“Feel free to grab a book or something though,” Rainbow Dash added.

Top Speed snorted and plunked down in an open chair, his hooves crossed over his chest.

A simple locking spell was followed by one that was meant to keep out any who may dare to listen in on them. Then both demons turned around to find themselves in what had at one time been a rather luxurious library.

Though its walls were blackened by smoke, and soot stained the ground, there was very little visible fire damage. Something had saved this place from the worst of it, be it luck or the actions of some very diligent staff, Kanathara wasn't certain. In the end it didn't matter much, and she swiftly began to walk inside, turning down a seemingly random stack.

After a short jaunt, they saw Fluttershy waiting for them, her eyes lighting up the second they neared. Her male companion they had first met in the greenhouse smiled as well, his soft features growing doughier still when he grinned.

“Oh, there you two are. That was quick. I assumed you were going to take a little longer,” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“It didn't turn out to be nearly as difficult as I first thought,” Kanathara answered.

“Which should have been obvious given who we were dealing with,” Rainbow Dash added with a snicker.

“Well, my parents are currently restoring some books in the next room. So just, uh, follow me, I guess,” Fluttershy urged.

She didn't wait for a response and made her way deeper into the library, leaving the demons to follow behind along with the earth pony.

“You know, we never did introduce one another,” Kanathara spoke, glancing at the male walking to her side.

“Oh, I suppose we didn't. I doubt you remember me from the last time we met,” murmured the stallion.

“Boss here turned you into a plant, right?” Rainbow Dash answered.

“I guess you did remember,” he replied, unfazed by the vengant’s continued glaring.

“I’m glad you made it out alright,” Kanathara declared.

“Me too. Even if I enjoyed my time having branches, I like having legs a little more,” declared the pony.

“What's your name?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“Top Soil,” answered the stallion. “And sorry for not offering it sooner. Spending time as a plant kinda left my head a little messed up.”

“Odd. It should have faded by now,” Kanathara murmured.

The earth pony shrugged. “It must have been something to do with the house’s control over my brain.”

“Possible,” Kanathara reasoned. “If this confusion and malaise plague you for much longer, then seek treatment. Something may have come loose, so to speak.”

“Noted,” Top Soil murmured.

Rainbow Dash extended a hoof in front of the earth pony, slowing him down and allowing the demon to lean in close.

“What is your intention with Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash whispered in a low, menacing tone.

“Rainbow,” Kanathara hissed. “Now is not the time.”

“No, it's quite alright,” Top Soil exclaimed. “Right now, we’re just supporting one another through a hard time. When this is all over, I hope to deepen that relationship, if she's interested.”

Rainbow Dash sniffed the pony’s head a few times before frowning. “Damn, you are one nice guy. Like unironically nice. I don't smell a sin worse than forgetting a birthday on you.”

Top Soil winced and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, I’ll never forgive myself for that one. Grammy was really looking forward to it too.”

Kanathara gently pushed Rainbow Dash away. “Great, you found out the guy is nice. Now, can we please continue with our plan? We have a lot to do.”

“Yeah, sure, but this isn't over, mister,” Rainbow Dash declared, jabbing a hoof at Top Soil.

“Okay. Feel free to visit whenever,” Top Soil replied with a smile.

Damn, it's hard to be mad at the guy. It's like disliking a puppy, Rainbow Dash thought.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. Lay off the guy for now. We need Fluttershy on our side, and insulting her new boyfriend will not endear her to us.

They are not dating, Rainbow Dash retorted.

You keep telling yourself that, Kanathara exclaimed.

“We’re here,” Fluttershy stated, stopping next to a normal-looking wooden door. “You two go on through. I need to talk to Rainbow Dash for a second.”

“Ooh, busted,” Kanathara remarked.

“Pfft, whatever,” Rainbow Dash retorted.

Kanathara and Top Soil left their companions behind, entering into a small room dominated by a single massive table. Upon which rested numerous books suffering from either very minor to quite severe fire or smoke damage. Though the piles were high enough to obscure the two other ponies in the room, Kanathara knew they were there even before they peeked around the piles.

“Oh hello, is that you de…” murmurmed Mrs Shy who was still sporting a very broken nose and a pair of black eyes.

“Oh my,” added Mr Shy, who wasn't much better off, though his injuries were less noticeable, save for the obvious lump on the back of his head.

“Don't worry, I’m not here to finish the job,” Kanathara interrupted.

“That's… good,” Mrs Shy muttered.

“Yes, quite,” Mr Shy added.

“I’m actually here to help you bring peace to Cloudsdale, if you can believe it,” Kanathara declared.

“I don't think I can, to be honest with you,” Mrs Shy admitted.

“I’m afraid I’m with my wife on this one,” Mr Shy exclaimed.

“They really are, or at least they sure seem to be,” Top Soil added.

“They?” asked the pegasus mare.

The door opened, and all eyes turned to a guilty-looking Rainbow Dash and a thoroughly unimpressed Fluttershy as they walked into the room.

“Sorry for the delay,” Fluttershy began. “I just needed to chat with Rainbow Dash here.”

“S-sorry, Top Soil,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“It's okay,” Top Soil cheerfully replied.

“So, these were the… rogue variables you were speaking of,” declared the elder mare. “No wonder you were so cagey about their true identity.”

“I didn't want you both to run away,” Fluttershy explained, glancing nervously at the floor. “This meeting is really important.”

“Speaking of which,” Mr Shy exclaimed, rising from his seat. “Why exactly were you hoping to speak to us anyway?”

“Simple. I want you to call a meeting between your side and the paladin remnants,” Kanathara stated. “I have a plan to bring about peace between you.”

“And how exactly would you do that?” inquired the lone pegasus stallion.

“We can't tell you that,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“And why not?” Mrs Shy pressed.

“Because if you knew what our plan was, then it would alter the variables and make it less likely to succeed,” Kanathara began. “Furthermore, your interference could not only invalidate our efforts, but might make things far worse.”

“You are not exactly instilling a lot of faith,” Fluttershy whispered.

Rainbow Dash snorted. “We don't need faith. We just need you to trust us enough to start the talks. We can take things from there.”

“What assurances do we have that you aren't simply going to use this as an opportunity to wipe out all the leadership and take over for yourself?” Mr Shy asked.

“Because that would take far more time and effort than simply making peace,” Kanathara answered with a shrug. “To do otherwise, we’d need to convince their second-in-commands to join our side, and on and on. It's far more expedient if we turn you all towards our true and mutual enemy.”

“Nightmare Moon,” Rainbow Dash finished.

The ensuing long moment of silence was broken by Top Soil clearing his throat.

“Well, I for one trust them to do what they are saying they plan on doing,” he exclaimed. “Though their desires aren't completely benevolent, their goal is a good one.”

“Rainbow Dash wouldn't lie to me,” Fluttershy added.

Her parents exchanged a look and a sigh.

“Alright, you twisted our hooves. Your father and I will call a meeting, but be aware that the others probably won't agree to an armistice without something big,” Mrs Shy declared.

“We are well aware of the situation,” Kanathara stated.

“Well, I hope you have a good ace in the hole, because we are going to need it,” muttered Mr Shy in a low tone.

“If they say they do, then I believe them,” Fluttershy confidently exclaimed.

“Thanks, Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash remarked.

“No, thank you,” Fluttershy countered.

“Don't do that quite yet. We have a few more letters to send before we can put things into motion,” Kanathara warned.

“What do you all need to do?” Top Soil inquired.

“Like I said, just send a few letters, is all,” Kanathara answered with a shrug. “I need to know where the other paladins stand, and who amongst the other side are resistant to peace.”

“We have our own observations we could give you,” Mrs Shy offered.

“That would be great. In the meantime, you guys should get this meeting all set up,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“You don't need more time to work on this grand plan of yours?” Mr Shy inquired, leaning in closer.

“We do not,” Kanathara confidently declared. “By the time you’ve managed to get everyone together, we’ll have finished what little prep we require.”

“Well, alright then,” Mrs Shy murmured. “I guess that's it, huh?”

“Pretty much,” Kanathara stated. “I’d offer to answer some of your questions, but I don't really care.”

Fluttershy shot the keeper of secrets a glare, one which did little to move the demon from her dispassionate position.

“We’ll be in the other library room we saw back there,” Rainbow Dash indicated, gesturing back the way they came. “Come get us when you’ve got everything sorted.”

With that said, the pair departed, leaving the four ponies alone.

Mrs Shy fell back into her chair with an exasperated sigh. “I thought we were dead for sure.”

Mr Shy snorted. “Yeah, right. Those two demons wouldn't give us a quick death.”

“Those two ‘demons’ have been more moral than you two,” Fluttershy pointed out, adding air quotes around the word demons. “So if I were you, I’d quit pretending like you’re a couple of dishonored saints.”

Both of the older pegasi winced.

“R-right, sorry,” Mrs Shy murmured guilty.

“Are you sure about this, honey?” Mr Shy inquired, leaning across the table and touching Fluttershy’s shoulder. “I know our first meeting with those two wasn't… great, but they are still demons.”

“What? Do you fear they might forcefully rob you of your will and make you a slave in your own body?” Fluttershy whispered, brushing off her father’s hoof.

“Your dad has a point,” Top Soil interrupted. “I didn't get the feeling they were lying to you back there, but they also weren’t telling you the whole truth.”

Fluttershy snorted. “I know, but I also know that they genuinely do wish to help. Even if their reasons for doing so are rather self-serving.”

“That's all I wanted to hear,” Mr Shy exclaimed.

“We’re just worried about you, is all,” Mrs Shy added.

“I’d worry more about yourselves, because if their plan succeeds, then normality will soon return to Equestria, and if that happens, you two are going to be in a whole lot of trouble,” Fluttershy pointed out.

“And we’ll accept our punishment when the time comes, but before that happens, we need to look out for Cloudsdale and you,” Mr Shy stated.

“That's all we’ve ever wanted,” Mrs Shy added.

Fluttershy’s eyes narrowed, and her jaw clenched. “After all those atrocities, you still think you hold the moral high ground here. When are you going to give up and stop pretending like what you did wasn't a simple power grab?”

“I think we should go,” Top Soil interrupted, stepping between them and gently pushing Fluttershy to the door.

“Power had nothing to do with it,” Mrs Shy replied, crossing her hooves in front of her chest. “Our number one concern was always your safety.”

“Let it go, hun,” Mr Shy whispered.

“Yeah, mom,” Fluttershy put, spitting the three letter word like they were venom. “Why don't you tell me all about how you committed more war crimes in the last year than the world has seen in the last thousand?”

“And we’re gone,” Top Soil exclaimed, pushing Fluttershy out the door and closing it behind them with a back hoof.

Fluttershy huffed. “I appreciate what you did, but I still think you’re being too kind to them.”

“I’m not being nice to them,” Top Soil corrected. “I’m being nice to you.”

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy whispered.

“That argument would have ended the same way all the others did. With you shouting until you're blue in the face and your mother stubbornly holding onto her terrible opinion,” Top Soil explained. “Nothing would be accomplished, save for ruining your afternoon.”

Flutteshy sighed. “I think it's a little late for that.”

“Yeah, no kidding. It's already five o’clock,” Top Soil pointed out.

“No, not that, I…” Fluttershy chuckled. “Thank you.”

The stallion grinned. “It's no problem at all.”

Fluttershy smiled and gently nuzzled the other pony. “What would I do without you?”

“Have an asthma attack, probably,” Top Soil replied. “Either that or assault your mother.”

Fluttershy rolled her eyes. “Come on. Let's get back to the greenhouse. I wanna make sure the rest of the plants are watered before this meeting happens. Something tells me we won't have time to do so anytime soon.”

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This update was made possible by the wonderful support of readers like you: Ech, Tailsic, Chrisb32, Nightwing, Tonoz, CoreyPeters, Thane, Renegade, Sunset Flash, Kyokimute, Monsterkittie, Louts Petals, Tacocat, Tom, MestreJ, Aang Slyver, Canary in the Coal Mine, Ceepert, Starless, Vi Watch, Facinus, M, Nfreak, Venerable Ro, Blade Tech, Cryil Shadeclaw, John Gonzales, Nightwing, Peter Coulthard, Srgtartman, Thane Kull, Victor, Dale, Dragons' Sheppard, Egery007, Gear change the earth pony, Ivar, James, Kali, Lich Lord Krosis, Menthol Qtip, Midnight Serenade, Mop Hop, Nathan Brown, Octavia Lowbar, Pacsik, Soundtea, Hannibal, Fiamgoku, Grub, Matias Duran, and Steven.

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