• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,375 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

  • ...

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Trial Five: An Unexpected Meeting

“It is.”

“So be it then,” Kanthara declared before nodding to her familiar.

Instantly the flames that made up the vengant’s mane and tail roared to life, engulfing the lead cultist’s face and causing her to stagger back in shock. Rainbow Dash quickly brushed aside the pony’s limb before leaping forward and putting herself between the cultists and her mistress. Who was even now working another spell, one that would ensure their swift exit from this situation.

The sudden and oppressive sensation of an anti-teleportation field jumping into place made her change her plans though, and she released her built up magic into the face of the nearest cultist, knocking him off his hooves. By then the lead cultist had recovered and seemed to be more annoyed than anything, her face somehow managing to not be burnt completely off. Making a note that her opponent was well-prepared for this interaction, Kanathara issued a quick mental command to her familiar before turning and running.

Eager to follow in her mistress’ footsteps, Rainbow Dash conjured a wall of flame between herself and her enemies before dashing after the keeper of secrets. The ensuing scramble of cultists and barked orders made Rainbow Dash smirk, though her smile vanished a second later when she heard hooves following close behind her. Evidently her wall of hellfire had done little to slow the cultists who seemed unbothered by the fact they had to leap through a great torrent of the stuff.

Cursing her foul luck, she followed after Kanathara, noting that her mistress was conjuring another spell, only to sputter a litany of curses. What's wrong? asked the vengant.

They are blocking all high level spells, the most I could muster would be a magic missile or something equally as useless, Kanathara thought back.

Then I guess muscle will have to reign supreme! Rainbow Dash declared, the vengant leaping forward and spreading her wings, only to immediately faceplant. Nevermind.

Growling, Kanathara spun around and used her magic to heft the vengant back to her hooves only to stop when she noticed the cultists were right behind them. Too late, we have to fight.

“Stop!” shouted the lead cultist. “You have less than three minutes before the paladins get here and you cannot escape us.”

“Pfft, you guys are nothing,” Rainbow Dash declared.

Kanathara growled. “Why are you telling us this?”

“Because I am on your side, believe it or not,” began the cultist, who strode forward, her minions giving her a respectful distance. “I know it may not seem like it, but I wish to work with you, while the paladins will kill you on sight.”

“I don't like this one bit, boss,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“You don't have to like it,” interrupted the lead cultist once more. “You don't have to trust me, or like me, just know that I am standing between you and certain death.”

Kanathara growled. “Certain death that you brought upon us.”

A seemingly random cultist stepped forward. “We have very little time, wrap this up. Now!” He declared.

The lead mare growled. “Please, come with us. I have a long distance teleportation rune established not far from here. Noone needs to die today.”

“Or maybe I should draw this out a bit longer and let you and the paladins kill each other while we slip away in the confusion,” Kanathara retorted.

A strangely nondescript cultist reached for something beneath his robes, only to be interrupted by the lead cultist’s hoof. “I can handle this, trust me,” she growled before turning to Kanathara. “I know your family, I know your name, and I can tell you all about your past but you must come with us.”

The keeper frowned, her plans crumbling in her mind. “Impossible,” she muttered.

“It is quite possible,” the lead cultist declared, taking a step forward and extending a hoof. “Come with us, and I will tell you everything you want to know.”

“Don't do it, boss, this smells like a trap,” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“I…” Kanathara muttered, the demon hesitantly stepping forward only to stop, rethinking her action at the last second.

“We are out of time,” declared the stallion, who reached beneath his robes and retrieved a strange black stone with a burning red heart in the middle.

The object quickly flared to life, an unnatural light spilling from it and making the two demons instantly grow weaker. Kanathara felt her knees give out and her body to tumble to the ground at the same time. She could feel the same happening to her familiar. Only a half muttered yelp of surprise slipped past her lips before she couldn't even begin to start casting a spell.

The only thing she could do was look up in fearful apprehension as her captors closed in around her. Fear, doubt, and anger swirled in her mind, though no emotion was more prevalent than disappointment. Their enemy had been prepared, ready for this exact moment, yet Kanathara had been so focused on the paladins that she had not even considered this possibility. It wouldn't have been hard either, a little scrying, a little thinking ahead and she could have avoided this whole thing.

Her thoughts were cut off by the sound of hooves as someone walked up to her, the black stone making her so weak that she couldn't even move her eyes. The last she saw was the disappointed face of the lead cultist, her intense teal eyes boring into Kanathara’s own.

“We will speak again soon. Then I will explain everything. I promise,” she whispered before darkness consumed the demon’s vision.

“Hey you, you are finally awake,” a voice remarked, the sound breaking through the haze that had fallen over Kanathara’s mind.

“Whuh?” muttered Kanathara who tried to stumble to her hooves, only to find that she couldn't move so much as an inch.

“Yeah, I wouldn't bother with that, boss, they got us tied up real good,” explained the familiar voice.

Shaking her head, Kanathara blinked several times, clearing the blurriness from her vision and enabling herself to see clearly. The demon quickly realized she was in a cell, a relatively small one at that, with thick bars keeping her in while the walls were made of an oddly textured black stone. There were no windows, no amenities like a toilet or bed, just the floor and about six square feet of space to stretch out in, provided she could move. The room itself was also fairly dim, lit only by a torch somewhere to her right, though the demon needed no illumination to see.

“Rainbow Dash?” Kanathara asked, peering across the way to where her familiar sat in an identical cell.

“You feeling alright, boss?” Rainbow Dash asked, the vengant shuffling as much as she could under the pile of chains that bound her body completely.

Looking down, Kanathara found herself bound by a similar set of numerous silver chains which had small red runes on each link. “Not again,” she muttered.

Rainbow Dash snickered. “I know right? Why does it always have to be chains? Ropes do the job just fine and are way more comfortable.”

Kanathara sighed. “Likely because of some sort of demonic binding runes that stop me from being able to hear your thoughts or turn into smoke.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Strong too. Everything I’ve tried doesn't put a scratch on these stupid things. They are even anchored to the ground, which just seems like overkill.”

Kanathara glanced over her shoulder and noted that her familiar’s words were true, prompting the keeper of secrets to sigh. “I can't believe we got our butts kicked so fast,” she muttered bitterly.

“They cheated with that stupid stone thingy,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a snort. “If not for that, we totally coulda taken them.”

“I don't know, Dash, they were ready for us, and I got caught up worrying about those stupid paladins.” Kanathara sighed and rested her chin on the warm metal chains that wrapped around her neck. “We’re supposed to be better than this.”

“Hey now, even awesome demons like us have bad days, you know? Besides, we've been in stickier situations than this before,” Rainbow Dash remarked in a dismissive tone.

Kanathara nodded. “That is true, but I can't help but feel like this situation is different for some reason. Something big is going on, Rainbow Dash, and I think we just got ourselves stuck in the middle of it.”

The vengant snorted. “Story of our lives, amiright?”

Kanathara chuckled, though her laugh was cut off by the sound of a heavy wooden door opening somewhere to her right. Leaning as far forward as she could manage, the keeper of secrets glanced down the rows of empty cells while straining against her bindings.

“Can you see them?” Rainbow Dash whispered, the vengant doing the same thing as her mistress to even less success.

Kanathara scowled and looked down, only now realizing that her grimoire was similarly bound by even thicker chains, meaning it was not going to be any help. “No, but they are coming this way,” she whispered back.

The plod of hooves slowly approached the cells, revealing the cultist leader they had seen before, as well as the nondescript cultist whom had wielded the black stone. “There? They are fine, see?” stated the lead cultist, who gestured to the pair of demons.

The vaguely stallion-shaped pile of darkness and robes said nothing as he stepped forward and eyed both of the bound demons in turn, his gaze lingering on their chains. “You have bound them quite well,” he muttered, his voice somehow containing no inflection or memorable qualities to it at all.

“Of course I did,” growled the cultist with the shaved head. “Now would you leave us alone? I have much to discuss and I don't need you breathing down my neck and ruining everything again.”

If the strangely unremarkable stallion was annoyed by her tone, he didn't show it, and merely nodded before turning away, stopping only for a moment when they neared. “You had best remember who you serve. These two are important pieces to her plan and I will not allow you or anyone else to ruin that. Understood?” stated the stallion.

Some of the anger seen in the cultist’s eyes dissipated and she nodded briefly. “Loud and clear.”

“Good,” muttered the dark-robed male before he trotted off, his departure as silent as death.

As soon as the door clanged shut again, the cultist sighed and ran a hoof over her shaved head. “Well, that could have gone better,” she remarked.

“Ya think?” Rainbow Dash deadpanned, the vengant jingling her chains in emphasis.

“My apologies about all this,” remarked the mare, who gestured to their prison. “Someone was supposed to slow the paladins down and give us time to discuss things diplomatically, but for some reason that didn't happen.”

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “Sure, whatever you say. Now would you get to the point already?”

“Right.” The mare cleared her throat and straightened her spine while turning towards Kanathara. “My name is Twilight Velvet and I'm your mother. Your name is, or was, Twilight Sparkle.”

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “Why would you name your daughter after yourself?”

Twilight Velvet sighed. “It was a long standing family tradition. The eldest female would take the name Twilight. It all started when our house stayed neutral during the Nightmare Moon rebellion, but that is ancient history.”

“History that I do not believe,” Kanathara remarked plainly, the demon staring down at the mortal mare with barely contained irritation. “You wouldn't be the first to claim some knowledge of my past in order to try and leverage my familial loyalty.”

“I can't even count the number of demons who tried,” added Rainbow Dash.

“But has any of them been a pony?” retorted the mare, to which there was only silence. “I assumed as much.”

“That doesn't mean you are telling the truth,” Kanathara pointed out. “You are obviously in some manner of cult, and likely desire our allegiance in an attempt to gain some measure of power.”

“I care very little about what the rest of the order does,” Velvet replied flippantly. “They can try to take over the world or live forever. That's not why I’m here.”

The two demons exchanged a glance. “Then why are you here?” asked Rainbow Dash.

The mare smiled sadly as she gazed into Kanathara’s eyes. “I’m here for you and only you.”

Looking into the other being’s eyes, Kanthara found her sharp retort die in her throat. This pony, this mother had definitely lost a child, and she could see the hurt, relief, and lingering anguish as plain as day. She could also feel an odd sense of deja vu that welled deep in her body which reminded her of when she looked upon the face of the paladin commander.

“So, are we going to pretend like that wasn't the creepiest statement I’ve ever heard?” Rainbow Dash interrupted, only to receive a glare from both her mistress and Twilight Velvet. “What?”

“Just be quiet for a minute, please,” Kanathara requested.

The two demons exchanged a look before the vengant reluctantly snorted a small puff of soot. “Fine, whatever. Just let me know when you two are done,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

Kanathara sighed. “So, what now?” she asked, turning to the pony.

“What do you mean?” Velvet replied.

“I’m sure you understand that there is no way I’m going to believe you, no matter what you may say,” Kanathara began, her features becoming stern. “You seem to know what you are talking about, and I sense some truth in your words, but I’ve been wrong before.”

The pony nodded slowly before walking over to the other side of the hall and unbuckling her breastplate. “Simple. I’m going to let you go and then you are going to cast a zone of truth on me. After such a thing is done, you will know that what I say is true.”

Kanathara raised an eyebrow as she watched the pony shuffle out of her armor and place her weapons off to the side. “You are kidding, right? A zone of truth interacts negatively with any restrictive ward, like the anti-teleportation array I can feel, or the general magic dampener that is hampering my demonic abilities.”

Velvet nodded and discarded the last of her hidden weapons into the small mountain of steel and leather. “I understand completely,” stated the pony.

Kanathara’s eyebrow raised even further when the other mare waved a hoof over the bars, and made them slide into the floor. “I would not be here unless I was ready for such a possibility,” she added.

With a flick of her horn, the wards fell, and though Kanathara could feel her magic continue to be restricted, her demonic abilities were once more hers to command. As such she quickly turned to smoke and slipped through the chains that bound her before reforming with her grimoire intact. Plans swirled in the demon’s mind and for a moment she considered simply goring the other being with her horn, only to think better of it.

Lighting her horn again, the pony seemed to ready a more advanced spell and Kanathara found herself on the defensive, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Only for her magic to suddenly return to her, making her realize that the wards that had been holding her back no longer did so. With a glance at Rainbow Dash, Kanathara realized it wouldn't be difficult to free her familiar from the chains that bound her.

The spells the pony had used to free her were relatively easy to replicate, and after she freed the other demon they could very easily slip away, be it in the form of smoke or simple teleportation. A look into the pony’s eyes changed her train of thought though, as she stood before the taller being, looking up at the demon expectantly.

“Well? Do you know how to cast a zone of truth?” she asked.

Kanathara pursed her lips and glanced from Rainbow Dash to her so called mother, conflicted on what to do. Rainbow Dash seemed as at odds with herself as Kanathara was, the vengant staring intently at the pony, as if trying to figure out her angle. The pony herself exuded such an air of intense concern that Kanathara couldn't even bring herself to consider the possibility that she was lying. Whether Kanathara was this mare’s daughter could not be determined, but what the demon did know was that this pony truly believed she was.

“I do,” replied the demon after a long pause.

“Excellent,” Velvet declared. “Then whenever you're ready.”

Kanathara glanced at her familiar one last time and received a slow nod of approval, bolstering her resolve. “Alright then, here goes nothing,” she muttered before lighting her horn.

It didn't take long for the spell to be complete, though Kanathara waited an extra few seconds before finally releasing it, the demon unsure if she even wanted to know the truth. When it was finally done, the pony channeled her magic and scanned Kanathara’s spell before nodding confidently.

“I gave birth to you at Canterlot General Hospital and chose the name Twilight Sparkle. Your true birthday is June twenty-first, and you were born eighteen Equestrian years ago, though I suppose your subjective age is well over twenty,” Velvet stated with a soft smile.

“I…” Kanathara muttered, her knees shaking as the reality of the situation came crashing down around her. “You are really her, aren't you?”

Velvet smiled. “Yes, I really am your mother, but please, just call me Velvet.”

“That's sweet and all, but could you get me out of here?” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “These things are chafing like mad, plus I’m pretty sure there is a piece of chain about to go up my-”

Kanathara blushed and quickly enacted the spells she had seen her mother do a minute ago, freeing her familiar from her bonds and making the bars disappear into the floor. Once that was done, she turned to face the mare in question, silently caught between the urge to hug her and demand answers. Ultimately her urge for intimacy won and she reached forward, pulling the pony into a tight embrace.

One that the mare eagerly reciprocated, squeezing the demon tightly and without hesitation. “You have no idea how happy I am,” whispered the pony.

Kanathara nodded and pushed back slightly. “Before we go any further, I just want to say that it's great to meet you, but Tirek and Pear Butter raised me. Any relief I feel is just because I finally don't have to deal with anymore bullshit attempts by someone trying to manipulate me.”

“Woah, that's harsh, boss,” Rainbow Dash remarked, the vengant sitting down next to her mistress.

Velvet shook her head and wiped away a tear. “That's okay. You have never seen me before today, and so long as you are home, that's all I care about.”

“Well, I wouldn't go that far,” Kanathara warned, even though a small part of her didn't want to say anything as negative as that.

“You are on the right plane of existence anyway, which is a good start,” Velvet added with a soft smile.

“Ask her about your dad and the rest of your family,” Rainbow Dash urged, the vengant bumping her shoulder against the keeper.

“What she said,” relayed the other demon.

Velvet chuckled. “Well, your father is a unicorn named Night Light and he's a good pony, despite his recent life choices which I don't agree with. Your brother is Shining Armor, whom you may have already met, given that you were in Ponyville at about the time he arrived.”

“My brother?” Kanathara scowled. “Well, isn't that just great? I have a fanatic for a sibling.”

“I wouldn't say that,” warned Velvet. “He too is a good pony, and I know I said they would kill you on sight, but that was only a half truth. His troops may be forced to slay you in combat, but Shining Armor merely wishes to capture you in order to try and reverse the changes you have gone through since you left this plane.”

Kanathara exchanged a glance with Rainbow Dash before laughing loudly. “What a numbskull!” Rainbow Dash shouted, while slapping her knee.

“I’m a demon. That's not something you come back from. Nor would I want to be a defenceless herbivore anyway,” Kanathara pointed out.

Velvet nodded. “I’m not sure if he has some sort of secret weapon or if he's simply deluded, but regardless, he believes that such a thing is possible. I personally see no problem with your current form, though it is a little annoying that you are so much taller than me.”

Kanathara snickered as she looked down on the mortal mare. “You may be tall for a pony, and I short for a keeper of secrets, but one tends to grow much taller than the other.”

“So I’ve seen,” Velvet remarked with a snort.

“With that said, I suppose we should address the elephant in the room,” Kanathara began. “How is it that I came to be in Tirek’s care?”

Velvet sighed. “I guess we had to get to it at some point. Though I warn you, this is not a pleasant tale, and I fear you may not think of your adoptive father in a positive light after you hear it.”

“He abducted me,” Kanathara stated, the demon raising an eyebrow at her biological mother’s shocked reaction. “It's not difficult to guess.”

“I suppose, but it's a little more… visceral than such a simple description like that would make you think,” Velvet warned.

Kanathara frowned and sat down on the warm stone floor. “Tell me everything, and don't leave out a single detail.”

Velvet sighed. “It all started when you were attempting the entrance exam of Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns…”

“... And after the spell failed to find you, I joined the order with the purpose of finding you, regardless of the personal cost. Which is where I’ve been ever since,” Velvet concluded.

The two demons sat in silence, one stunned by the revelations while the other was deep in thought. Rainbow Dash was a little too perplexed by the situation to really offer much to the conversation, though the vengant couldn't help but wonder what would have happened had Tirek not been involved in the keeper’s life. Kanathara meanwhile was wrestling with the true depths of her father’s actions and what they meant for her.

Her life had been stolen from her, a good one by the sounds of it, and though Tirek had obviously intended on turning her into a weapon, their last conversation made her doubt if that was still his plan. The old centaur had grown tired somewhere along the lines, though as a demon he didn't suffer biological age like most mortals, there was no doubt he had changed. Kanathara couldn't even blame him for this abduction either, as she knew exactly why he had done such a thing.

In the end, the keeper of secrets pushed her thoughts aside, resigning herself to hear Tirek’s side before she made a final judgement. Right now all she could decide was that Celestia deserved what was coming to her, though her brother and biological father were different stories. Just thinking about them made her head start to spin and she reluctantly sighed, before looking her mother in the eye.

“I need to hear what father has to say before I make any judgments, but for now…” Kanathara extended a hoof, “for now we’re good.”

Velvet smiled, and shook the offered hoof. “You won't regret this. Though I warn you, there are some within the order who would see you locked up or worse.”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “I’d like to see them try. Now that we know what's coming, I bet we could take the lot of ‘em, eh boss?”

Kanathara chuckled. “Unless they got another one of those black rock things.”

“Oh yeah. Screw that stupid thing,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Ahh, yes. Sorry about that by the way. The black hunger is not exactly gentle, I’m afraid,” Velvet remarked with a hint of regret.

“What exactly is it anyway?” Kanathara asked.

“It's a prime evil that has had its mind wiped and its soul implanted into a stone.” Velvet shivered. “It's a terrifying artifact of unimaginable power, and all we can consistently make it do is sap the energy of nearby demons.”

“That sounds… horrifying,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“What kind of prime evil?” Kanathara pressed. “I suspect it has something to do with hunger, given its name.”

Velvet nodded. “It's a truly ancient artifact of unfathomable age, but we have been able to narrow down the prime evil to either the first to eat their loved ones or the first being to consume itself.”

Rainbow Dash stuck out her tongue. “Disgusting. Hopefully, we don't run into that thing again, it made my very soul feel weird.”

“Well, it's not like there are many prime evils just lying around, so I don't think we have to worry too much about them,” Kanathara remarked.

“Hey uh, while were on the topic,” Rainbow Dash interrupted, “I know you talked about this before, but what exactly are prime evils anyway?”

“They are-” both Velvet and Kanathara began, only to glance at one another.

“Go ahead,” Kanathara offered.

Velvet nodded. “Prime evils are demons born from mortal beings who were the first to commit a great atrocity. Their power depends on the evil of said atrocity.”

“Like being the first one to eat crackers in bed or what?” Rainbow Dash pressed.

Kanathara grumbled under her breath, stifling a small blush. “More like the first one to commit genocide or to force themself on a child.”

“Ahh, yeah that is pretty messed up,” Rainbow Dash admitted.

“What kind of conversation did I just walk into?” asked a male voice.

Kanathara and Rainbow Dash leaped into defensive stances while Velvet merely sighed. “Hello, Blackguard. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

The top hat-wearing stallion smirked. “Oh just checking in on you. Gotta make sure my right hoof isn't doing anything crazy like releasing a bunch of demons inside my super-secret base.”

“Who are you?” Kanathara demanded, the keeper’s horn alight, the demon ready for anything.

“And what are you?” added Rainbow Dash.

The stallion grinned and took a slight bow, taking off his top hat as he did so. “As your mother said, my name is Blackguard and I lead this sorry bunch of misfits. Before I answer your second question I must ask one of my own. What do you think I am?”

Kanathara’s eyes narrowed on the stallion, noting the loose black overcoat he wore, and the perfectly kept grey fur that poked out from under it. His top hat seemed brand new, the tall black object adding a few inches to the unicorn’s height, and almost hiding his short, pointy horn. His burnt orange mane hardly poked out from the edge of his chapeau, though there were two things Kanathara could see with ease, namely his bright red eyes and cutie mark.

Which happened to be of a black shield with a blood red pike over it, the sight unnerving the demon almost as much as his blood red eyes did. Eyes which made Kanathara wonder if he was part demon, especially given that his aura felt akin to those born of the lower planes. Though even then, there was something off about it, something that made him different from a normal demon.

“You have some demonic heritage in your past, don't you?” Kanathara asked. “Either that or you’ve made a pact, or had intimate contact with a demon for an extended period of time as Velvet has.”

“You had it right the first time, but I’m going to take away points for not leaving it at that,” Blackguard replied with a smirk. “But as fun as it is to play twenty questions, we have an important visitor waiting for us.”

Velvet stood suddenly, the mare breaking the zone of truth which had been placed on her before donning her armor and weapons. “Who is it? Don't tell me it’s White Snake again,” Velvet hissed as she slipped her leather armor into place.

Blackguard chuckled and leaned towards the keeper of secrets. “Don't let her tone fool you, your old ma is a big fan of Blue Blood and his giant mouth.”

“I did not…” Velvet grumbled under her breath. “You know just how to rile me up, even after all these years.”

The male snickered and took a step back. “What can I say? This tense atmosphere was starting to make my skin crawl.”

“Wait, who is… what's going on?” Rainbow Dash interrupted, the vengant slowly relaxing as she realized a fight wasn't about to break out at any minute.

“Ah, where are my manners,” Blackguard exclaimed before sweeping forward and planting a kiss just above the vengant’s left forehoof. “Welcome to my home, young Rainbow Dash.”

“You had better-” Kanathara began, a threat seconds from leaving her lips before the stallion appeared before her and kissed her hoof as well.

“My apologies, Miss Kanathara, but we have someone very important person who wants to meet you and they simply cannot wait!” exclaimed the pony.

Before Kanathara or Rainbow Dash could do anything, the stallion vanished and appeared across the room, next to the large oak door. “Chop chop now, we don't have all day,” he shouted down the hall.

Kanathara grumbled. “I hate trickster demons.”

“Agreed,” muttered Rainbow Dash.

Velvet followed behind with a slight smirk on her face. “Come now, Blackguard isn't that bad. After you've had about a decade to get used to him.”

“What was that my dear? You aren't besmirching my good name, now are you?” Blackguard shouted from across the room.

Velvet merely rolled her eyes and gestured to the door. “Come on, we better follow him. Chances are it's serious.”

“Hold on. Why should we go anywhere with either of you?” Rainbow Dash asked the vengant stopping in place.

“Unless we are your prisoners,” Kanathara remarked, while eying Velvet carefully.

“I wouldn't say that. More like forced house guests,” Blackguard remarked with a slight chuckle. “And speaking of which, we have another guest who isn't fond of waiting.”

“I have a feeling that we are going to discuss your status around here in greater detail once we reach wherever it is Blackguard is bringing us,” Velvet elaborated. “The stallion simply enjoys being mysterious.”

“Yes yes, ruin all the fun why, don't you?” Blackguard remarked while giving his eyes an exaggerated roll.

The four beings stopped in front of the oak door just as it began to shift and twist in an unnatural manner. The wooden exterior quickly vanished, replaced by a pulsing, almost flesh-like mass of black and red muscle. Before either demon could give voice to their shock, a pair of eyes emerged and opened, revealing pitch black goat-like irises at the heart of each enormous orb.

“A gatekeeper,” Kanathara muttered in surprise. “Fascinating.”

The door blinked and looked down on the keeper, a mouth emerging from the twisting mass of flesh and revealing a row of flat teeth and a long serpentine tongue. “Ahh, a keeper of secrets who has a vengant familiar no less. Long has it been since I have seen one of either of you. Don't tell me Blackguard has managed to cajole you into joining his silly little club.”

Kanathara shook her head. “Not yet, though I’m fairly certain that before this day is over he’ll at least try.”

Blackguard stepped between the demon and the door, hastily pushing them apart. “Only here for an hour and already you gossip right in front of me! The nerve of you, Oluuraal, have you no shame?”

The demonic goat door rolled its huge eyes. “Don't rush me, Blacky. I merely wish to catch up with the first true demon I’ve met in quite a while.”

“Well, we have urgent business with a patron of ours. An important one,” Blackguard stressed.

Instantly the gatekeeper’s face became neutral and she sighed. “We must speak again soon, young keeper. Until then, be a smart girl and don't sign anything this nitwit puts before you.”

“She won't. I’ll make sure of that,” Rainbow Dash added.

Kanathara rolled her eyes. “Like I need your help in that regard.”

“Come now, we have an important individual to meet and an important decision to make,” Blackguard exclaimed, before pushing open the door and stepping inside.

Kanathara looked within to find a relatively normal office waiting area, a pair of chairs sitting on one side while an empty secretary’s desk sat on the other side. “Fine, but you had better tell us why you need us in the first place,” Kanathara warned.

“And not try any funny business,” Rainbow Dash added, the demon jabbing her hoof towards the stallion in emphasis.

“Of course, of course. Scout’s honor,” he declared with a hoof over his heart.

“Alright then,” Kanathara exclaimed before trotting inside, followed closely by Rainbow Dash, who eyed the stallion carefully.

Velvet was about to do the same when Blackguard’s hoof shut up to stop her. “Sorry, my dear, but I’m afraid this must be between just our new guests and our oldest one. You understand, right?”

The pony seemed ready to offer some form of rebuttal, but one look at the stallion made her resistance bleed away. “I understand, just send them back my way before too long. Okay?”

Blackguard placed his hoof back over his heart and gave the pony a short bow. “But of course, my dear.”

“Just ask Oluuraal to send you to my lab once your conversation is over. I’ll make sure to answer any questions you may still have,” Velvet proclaimed, sharing a glance with Kanathara.

The keeper nodded. “Thank you, Velvet.”

Kanathara watched as the door closed and her mother’s sad face vanished, replaced by a grinning top hat-wearing stallion’s. “Well then, let's hurry this up, shall we?” he asked, before appearing beside the next door, a hoof already on the handle.

I don't like this, Rainbow Dash warned.

Me neither, but we are his prisoners, so we had best stay on his good side, for now anyway, Kanathara exclaimed before trotting up to the stallion. “Lead the way.”

“Excellent,” he declared, before throwing open the door in a dramatic fashion. “Introducing Kanathara, the keeper of secrets, and her familiar Rainbow Dash the vengant.”

The pair of demons peered within the strangely normal office, only to be struck by a strange sight. Namely the oddly intense pair of disembodied teal eyes which stared forth from a swirling mass of darkness seated across from them. The creature’s body seemed to be made up of a great many stars and galaxies which seemed to twist and shift on an unseen wind, hiding all but her enchanting gaze.

A gaze which appeared vaguely draconic, her narrow pupils capturing Kanathara’s attention and not letting it go. “Come in, my young friends. We have much to discuss, you and I,” spoke the creature, whose voice belied a power so great that the keeper felt herself compelled to move.

So close from their last brush with a similar feeling, there was no doubt in either Kanathara’s or Rainbow Dash’s minds. This creature before them was a demon and it was most definitely a prime evil of immense, world-shattering power.

Author's Note:

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