• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,371 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Six: Cruel Discovery

“Wait, I thought only demons could have familiars,” remarked Fluttershy.

“I thought so too, yet it's as clear as day,” Kanathara replied. “Fascinating.”

“But how?” Rainbow Dash asked, scratching her head.

“I don't know,” admitted Kanathara. “Contract magic is supposed to only work between a demon and a mortal, or a demon and another demon. Even then, the contract is usually worded as such to only take effect after the mortal’s death.”

“But why is that though?” interjected Nimbus Sprout. “Don't demons make contracts for more than just souls?”

“Enforcing a contract will drain power from the demon if the pony is alive. Old or more powerful demons can do this with ease while imps could actually wither up and die if they try,” Kanathara continued, tapping her hoof as she inspected the cord of energy extending from the mare’s head. “Making a familiar out of a mortal is also more or less impossible, as the energy requirements are nearly infinite. Either someone has gotten ahold of an almost infinite source of power, or they’ve effectively figured out how to bypass those rules.”

“Woah, that would be crazy,” murmured Rainbow Dash.

“Not even the sun holds the amount of energy required to force a mortal to become your familiar,” Kanathara finished, the glow surrounding everyone fading rapidly. “I must find the diabolist who figured it out.”

“So she signed up for this then?” Fluttershy inquired, gesturing to the unicorn.

“Not likely,” Kanathara replied quickly, waving a hoof in front of the unicorn’s face. “You can force someone into becoming your familiar, but it usually wipes their mind and turns them into little more than a robot. It's usually not even worth the effort, and the only ones who actually go through the process are particularly cruel demons.”

“That’s horrible,” Fluttershy whispered, aghast. “Can she be freed?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “We’re in unknown territory right now. Normally a familiar can't be released from their contract, but I assume if we managed to take away this source of power that it could be possible.”

“Good thinking, Rainbow Dash. It must take a considerable amount of energy to maintain so many connections at one time,” Kanathara added.

“Just another reason to find this Element,” Rainbow Dash declared.

“Wow, and here I just thought they were not the smartest,” remarked Nimbus Sprout, who blinked. “What, why are you all looking at me like that?”

“You know, we haven't been able to taste a fresh soul in a while,” suggested Rainbow Dash. “And I could really go for a meal.”

“Plus being privy to enslaving his fellow ponies is pretty heinous,” added Kanathara. “I bet noone would even miss him.”

“Hold on a second,” Fluttershy interrupted, jumping in between the demons and the pegasus. “He doesn't seem evil to me.”

“He is aiding and abetting a cult that is forcibly enslaving and making ponies prisoners in their own bodies,” Kanathara deadpanned. “Seems like a pretty evil action to me.”

“Hey, I didn't know about any of this stuff,” stated Nimbus Sprout, throwing up his hooves.

“Y-yeah. He’s not evil. He's just… ignorant,” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Are you seriously defending someone who helped rob a pony of their free will?” Kanathara asked, leaning in.

“M-maybe? I don't know. This whole situation is weird,” Fluttershy admitted.

Rainbow Dash raised a hoof. “Actually, I have a better idea.”

“One that doesn't involve my best friends eating my soul?” asked Nimbus Sprout nervously.

“Yes,” Rainbow Dash declared.

“Well, go on,” Kanathara urged.

“Well, we are going to need a distraction to get out of here, right?” Rainbow Dash began, looking to Kanathara.

Who nodded. “It would make things easier, because as it stands right now, we are going to have to kill a lot of people just to escape with the Element.”

“Is there any way you can avoid killing lots of people?” Fluttershy whispered hesitantly.

“Why do you care? I thought you wanted to leave right away,” Kanathara stated.

“I did, but well, I would like to find a way to free these poor ponies,” Fluttershy whispered, glancing to the unicorn. “I know I probably won't be much help, but maybe I could talk my parents out of whatever it is they are planning.”

“Alright, before you respond, hear me out,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “What if we sent this guy to go get the paladins? Have him spill his guts.”

“I don't think I’m a fan of that. Even if you are speaking metaphorically,” exclaimed Nimbus, raising a hoof.

“That's not a bad idea,” Kanathara murmured, tapping her chin. “If we make him tell the paladins that the Element is here, I bet they would be back with reinforcements in no time.”

“The chaos they would create would allow us to slip away with the Element,” Rainbow Dash concluded, raising her eyebrows. “Pretty smart, right?”

“That doesn't sound too bad,” agreed Fluttershy.

“It could work. But after we send him away, we would have to move fast, and we have no idea where to start,” Kanathara’s eyebrow raised slowly. “Or do we?”

Nimbus chuckled nervously. “Uh, what's the look for, friend? You aren't still thinking of eating my soul, are you? Because I can tell you right now that it's like the rest of me, thin and probably pretty tasteless.”

“Oh no, I’m not going to kill you. I’m just going to cast a more powerful compulsion spell on you to extract the information I need and make you forget all about this little meeting,” Kanathara stated, her horn glowing. “Now hold still, this will only hurt a lot.”

Nimbus Sprout sprinted down the halls of the compound, his legs pumping and his heart pounding. He wasn't sure why, but he had gotten the sudden urge to fly straight towards the nearest paladin outpost and tell them everything he knew about the houses. This urge was so strong that the only thing he could think of was the strange unicorn’s parting words which had told him what he had been doing was wrong.

Pouring on the speed, his hooves carried him out of the labyrinthian structure and out onto the field. Upon exiting the building, someone tried to stop him, but the nimble pegasus leapt over the other guard before flapping his wings. In short order he found himself outside of the compound and his pursuers quickly became confused, stopping dead in their tracks.

If he was paying attention, he would have heard that they were trying to figure out what was going on. He would have also heard that they had given up, merely assuming Nimbus had some kind of official business. He did not notice either of those things though, as his gaze remained fixed on a distant cloudbank which he knew housed the paladin camp.

The young stallion may not have known why he was there, but that wasn't going to change what he was about to do.

“Too bad he didn't know more,” remarked Kanthara. “Though I suppose we should be glad that he at least knew the next higher-up.”

“Meh, it's not like it was that difficult, considering it was that same door we saw earlier,” added Rainbow Dash, whose armor was growing and slowly covering her entire body.

Fluttershy sighed. “I just hope my parents aren't tied up in this whole mess.”

“That is unfortunately quite possible,” commented Kanathara, who gazed down on the pegasus. “They are likely officers or high level agents for these warrior houses.”

Fluttershy nodded grimly. “If you do have to fight them, just please let me talk to them before you, well…”

“We will,” interrupted Rainbow Dash, her helmet clanging down over her muzzle. “Alright, I’m ready when you are, boss lady.”

“One moment.” Kanathara leaned down, fixing the pegasus with a firm look. “We can't afford to waste time with being merciful, not with the paladins closing in. Are you sure you want to stick with us?”

Fluttershy seemed about ready to give in, only to glance back at the glassy-eyed unicorn mare standing in the corner of the room. “Could you at least spare them? Please?”

Kanathara glared at the pegasus for several long seconds before sighing. “We’ll do what we can, but everyone else is fair game. Got it?”

“I understand,” Fluttershy stated.

The keeper of secrets rose to her full height once more. “Alright. Rainbow, I’m on your six. You know the routine.”

“Finally, I’ve been waiting to cut loose for what feels like forever,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, smoke billowing from the grille of her helmet.

“Just remember, these may be mere ponies, but they seem to be prepared for demons,” Kanathara warned.

Rainbow Dash snorted. “Prepared or not, these fools won't know what hit them.”

Then before anyone could say anything, the vengant put her head down and simply ran through the door. Cursing her familiar’s excitable nature, Kanathara followed the winged demon out into the hall, wherein the vengant was already fighting a tall slim pegasus wielding a long sharp dagger in one hoof and a short sword in the other.

The confrontation was over in an instant, with the pegasus’ attacks unable to pierce Rainbow Dash’s thick armor. All the demon had to do was headbutt the pony, and she was down for the count, blood pouring out of her shattered nose. The guard’s companion was a little faster, and with a cry of panic he turned and sprinted towards the nearest door.

Only to receive several thousand volts to the spine, courtesy of a lightning bolt cast by Kanathara. The smell of burnt flesh and blood all but punched Fluttershy in the nose, though the demons didn't seem to even notice it. Rainbow Dash was already bounding down the hall, Kanathara close on her heels, her horn alight with power.

Shouldering her way through the next door, Rainbow Dash ran right into a surprised pegasus. He wore only a breast plate and an undercoat of leather which did nothing to stop Rainbow Dash’s fire breath. The pegasus managed a strangled, gurgling scream before the flesh on his head melted away, revealing bare bone beneath.

His compatriot screamed and tried to run away, but Kanathara was ready, firing off a quick beam of energy that decapitated the fleeing pegasus. Who looked on in horror as his body stumbled a few feet before toppling forward, his blood pouring out onto the floor. Inhaling, Rainbow Dash devoured the first pony’s soul while Kanathara sent a small bolt of power through the other guard’s forehead, mercifully finishing him off.

Fluttershy had thought she was ready for what had been about to happen, but even a few seconds into the fighting, she already regretted sticking around. Blood covered the bottom of her hooves, and the smell of death and burnt flesh clung to the inside of her nose. She wasn't sure how she found the strength to move, but she trotted hastily after the pair of demons.

Hopping over a corpse, Fluttershy was vaguely aware of alarms going up all throughout the facility as flames licked up the walls. The occasional pockets of hellfire burned intensely, causing Fluttershy to have to duck under them or jump over them, lest she too end up as fuel for the demonic fire. Following the trail of carnage wasn't too hard, as the occasional scream helped to point Fluttershy in the right direction.

The shy pegasus was just in time to watch as Rainbow Dash tore the forelegs off of one pegasus before kicking him down the hallway. Immediately after, a hulking earth pony brought down a large wooden club against the back of her head, though the vengant seemed unaffected by this. Before Rainbow Dash could turn and respond, Kanathara had snapped off a quick spell, turning the earth pony into a potted plant.

Which Fluttershy was quick to pull out of the way before another pegasus wielding two curved swords flew screaming at the keeper. The pegasus didn't get far however, as Kanathara clapped her hooves together before pointing them at her attacker. Who dissolved in mid-air, her face screwing up into a look of confusion before she died, her body turning to dust.

Only a single guard was left, and he was scrambling down a side hall, a trail of blood following close behind him. Rainbow Dash’s grille opened, and the vengant fired off a ball of fire which immolated the poor pegasus’s entire head. Flesh burnt, bone melted, and the guard’s headless body tumbled to the ground a second later.

Kanathara looked down to notice Fluttershy was hyperventilating on the floor, a potted plant clutched tight against her chest. A flash of pity passed through the demon’s eyes, and she cast another spell, one that kept Fluttershy’s lunch from coming back up. Then the keeper was gone, following behind Rainbow Dash as she kicked open another door and unleashed a gout of flame.

Which immolated the two guards before they could even fire their crossbows, their bodies falling to the ground only to crumble into twin piles of ash. Fluttershy’s hooves felt heavy, and her wings clung tight to her sides as she nervously put one hoof in front of the other. Making her way down the halls, Fluttershy caught only a brief glimpse of the occasional spell or short fight.

One thing she did see was the aftermath of it all, with dead and dying ponies littering the tight passageways. She did also find the occasional pony who had been knocked unconscious or turned into a seemingly random inanimate object. When she found those ponies, Fluttershy tried to push them to the side of the hall so they wouldn't be trampled, all while clutching the plant tight against her chest.

When she finally managed to catch up to the duo of demons, they were standing before the same strange door they had seen earlier. Kanathara’s eyes were closed, her horn glowing brightly as her grimoire floated before her, waiting to be used. Rainbow Dash merely stood next to the keeper, her body turned sideways in order to act as cover for her mistress.

Kanathara chuckled, her horn dulling as the door glowed a faint purple. “Child's play,” she remarked before the door returned to its normal coloration, though now without the noticeable flow of magic which came from it.

Without a word passing between them, Rainbow Dash turned around and bucked the door down, sending it flying into the next room. Where it slammed into a short earth pony, dropping him to the ground before he could even move an inch. His companion was a little quicker however, conjuring a shield before starting to cast a second spell.

This unicorn wasn't like the rest, as she seemed both alert and ready for anything, her horn glowing a faint pink. The ensuing cascade of fire which exploded from Rainbow Dash’s maw caused the unicorn to wince, but her shield still stood. Lowering her horn, the unicorn fired off her retort, causing a jet of strange gold liquid to shoot towards the vengant.

Kanathara made sure that attack never hit however, as she created a small portal in front of the liquid, causing it to vanish in mid-air. Then, before her opponent could cast another spell, Kanathara slammed her glowing hooves into the ground. Wooden spikes erupted from the floor, skewering the unfortunate unicorn before she could dodge out of the way.

Leaving her hanging there, gasping for breath as blood poured out of several dozen deadly wounds, Rainbow Dash trotted forward and crushed the mare’s head between her hooves, ending her misery. With that done, the two demons looked around, noting that this hallway had brick walls, as well as a wooden ceiling and floor.

Tapping the wall, Kanthara could sense that it was reinforced with some kind of magic, as it glowed a faint gold color when she touched it. Leaning down, the keeper of secrets studied the unicorn’s formerly white fur, and her cutie mark which had been of a crystal flower. Straightening her back, Kanathara turned away from the gruesome sight and towards the door at the end of the hall.

“Solid stone,” Rainbow Dash remarked, tapping the door in emphasis. “They must be protecting something important in here.”

“That's likely where this officer pony is holding out,” Kanathara declared. “If they’re smart, they’ll know were coming.’

“Time for a grand entrance?” asked Rainbow Dash, smirking.

“I-” Kanathara began, only to spin around when the sound of hooves ran up behind her.

Looking down, the keeper was surprised to see a panting Fluttershy sitting on the ground, a potted plant held tight against her chest. “Ah, good, you’re here,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“You really gotta stick close to us, Fluttershy,” reprimanded Rainbow Dash, who shook her head. “We can't protect you if you run off like that.”

“I know,” Fluttershy replied quickly, doing her best to look away from the headless, mangled corpse still held aloft by a dozen wooden spikes. “I just couldn't leave them there.”

Kanathara sighed and held up a hoof. “Here, I’ll make you invisible. It should last until you make an offensive action or ten minutes have passed.”

“Oh, um, thank--Eeep,” Fluttershy squeaked, her and the plant shimmering out of view a second later when Kanathara’s horn flashed a bright purple.

“Good thinking, boss. Now we shouldn't have to keep an eye on her,” Rainbow Dash announced with a grin.

“Though I don't need to remind you that you are not indestructible and should stay far out of the way,” Kanathara stated, staring intently at where she assumed Fluttershy was standing.

The pegasus nodded, only to remember that she was invisible. “Oh, um, yes. I’ll stay in the hallway.”

“Perfect,” Kanathara declared, turning to her familiar. “Now, if you would do the honor.”

Rainbow Dash bowed low. “It would be my pleasure.”

“Get those crossbows into place,” shouted a hooded stallion from atop the narrow platform which was attached to three of the four walls of the library.

A library that had a tall, vaulted ceiling pockmarked by skylights reinforced with thick metal bars. The high bookcases went from the floor almost to the twenty foot high roof, breaking only at the thin balcony. A flight of stairs attached to one of the walls lead up to this second floor which normally had several small tables set aside for reading. Now they were flipped over, used as impromptu defences, behind which crouched over a dozen pegasus archers.

The ground floor was in a similar state, with most of the experiments having been swept aside so the defenders could use the tables for cover. Though the defenders were mostly made up of pegasi, some of whom flew over head, a few were unicorn spellcasters. Several glassy-eyed unicorns also stood off to the side, their horns glowing and awaiting the commands of their overlords.

That wasn't all though, as the first line of defence were six well-armored earth ponies who wielded a variety of large, two-hoofed weapons. Even with such fire power the atmosphere was tense, with every pair of eyes staring at the reinforced door, waiting for something to happen. Just as the white-hooded pegasus leader was about to command a servant to fetch additional reinforcements, the main exit began to glow.

That glow centered at a point near the top of the doorframe which went from red to yellow and then white before proceeding down in an arcing motion. It took a moment for the overseer to realize what was happening, but as soon as he put two and two together, his heart leapt into his chest.

“Ready the ranged spells! The second that door opens, I want you to fire everything you have into it!” he shouted. “I won't let those short-sighted paladin morons disrupt our work.”

His subordinates nodded and readied their weapons or magic while the six earth ponies assembled on either side of the door. Plated from head to hoof in thick armor, the ponies stood patiently, their weapons held high and their corded muscles bulging. The tension only grew as the glowing circle slowly completed itself, becoming more of an oval shape upon finish.

As soon as it was complete, the circle of stone fell forward, revealing an empty hallway just beyond. The archers resisted the urge to fire, though the servants held no such reservations, loosing spell and bolt alike as they were commanded to. Rays of fire, beams of pure magic, and a small flurry of conjured icicles flew through the opening and into the empty hallway.

The white-hooded pegasus tried to tell them to stop, but the loud crack of spells and occasional boom drowned out his first command.

Taking a deep breath, the pegasus used some of his innate powers to increase the sound of his voice. “Stop!” he shouted, bellowing loud enough to overcome the cacophony.

Instantly the spellfire ceased, as did the occasional bolt or arrow which flew through the doorway. Smoke billowed from down the hall, filling the room, only to be swiftly blown away when a pegasus weather mage summoned forth a strong gust of wind. There was a moment of quiet before one of the archers on the ground floor suddenly screamed before falling silent.

Glancing over the railing, the overseer watched in horror as a winged demon clad in cruel-looking plate mail tore the head off one of his assistants.

“Kill the demon!” he shouted, pointing down to the vengant who was already leaping upon another terrified pegasus.

Jumping into the air, one of the pegasus guards that had come to their aid readied his crossbow, only to be blown out of the air by a beam of energy. Now lacking everything below his navel, the pony tumbled out of the sky, entrails falling onto a now terrified research assistant. Spinning towards this latest threat, the overseer was surprised to find that a keeper of secrets had shimmered into existence, horn glowing with power.

Arrows were loosed, bolts fired, and spells were cast while the six earth pony guards sprinted across the room, throwing tables and ponies alike out of their way. Though the hail of projectiles was significant, neither demon seemed fazed by it, either deflecting them with magic or simply shrugging them off. Rainbow Dash simply tanked the lightning bolts, beams of magic and arrows while continuing to leap from one opponent to another.

Kanathara was unbothered as well, the demon having conjured a shield that batted aside most projectiles. Only a particularly powerful lightning bolt was able to pierce the barrier, though it was stopped by the demon who raised a hoof and simply absorbed its energy. Which she then turned around and fired back at the caster, blowing their horn clean off their head and dropping them to the ground, unconscious.

“Fighters, target the mage! Casters, target the one with wings!” shouted the overseer, before he leapt into the air and conjured a bolt of lightning which traveled up his tail to the points of his wings.

Rainbow Dash saw the twin bolts coming and leapt aside at the last moment, dodging one, but not the other which twisted in the air before slamming into her side. The demon was surprised when she felt the wind get knocked out of her, and her entire body tingled from the impact. She didn't let that slow her for long, however, and pumped her great wings, surging towards the closest enemy.

Who raised her crossbow as a shield, only to have her head and weapon cut in half by a supernaturally sharp wing. The lifeless body toppled to the ground as Rainbow Dash landed with a thump atop the second story of the library. With only a few feet between the wall and the railing, the assembled pegasi struggled to get a bead on the demon without hitting their allies.

Arrows and bolts whizzed past or clanged uselessly off her armor, and Rainbow Dash made short work of her next opponent. A gout of flame melted the flesh of his chest, exposing his lungs which were quickly immolated immediately after. Springboarding off the dying pony, Rainbow Dash counted up her opponents, quickly finding that she still had a dozen or so left.

This is almost too easy, Rainbow Dash thought, before a sudden gale force wind sent her careening towards the wall. Face met wood, with the demon’s armored form utterly destroying the bookcase and leaving the vengant in a tangled heap of tomes.

Bursting out of the pile of knowledge, Rainbow Dash seethed, searching for the pony who had struck her down. Which unfortunately left a large enough opening that another weather mage conjured a rain of hail which pelted the demon. Pushing through the ice storm, Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth, silently reprimanding herself for having taken them lightly.

Below her, Kanathara was having a slightly easier time, with the keeper weaving in and out of cover, dodging the charging earth ponies with ease. Leaping over one table, the demon was surprised to find a cowering researcher huddled in a ball, crossbow lying forgotten on the ground. Taking pity on the poor thing, Kanthara cast a sleep spell on him, ensuring he didn't become a problem in the future.

Six left, she thought to herself before quickly teleporting across the room.

“Fighters, spread out and ensure that she can't keep teleporting away!” shouted a male voice from somewhere above her.

Kanathara cursed the hooded pony, as now she actually had to try, unlike before when the six ponies just followed behind her in a line. Swatting aside an arrow with her hoof, Kanathara built her magic before unleashing a hail of conjured arrows which shot in all directions. Two pegasi archers dropped out of the air, dead before they hit the ground while a third was forcibly grounded and the rest managed to avoid coming to any harm.

Some had conjured shields of wind, while others simply dodged out of the way or ducked behind cover. Taking advantage of this opening, Kanathara was about to fire off another teleport when an axe began to descend towards her head. Acting fast, the demon turned to smoke, narrowly managing to avoid having her head removed from her shoulders.

Reforming immediately after, Kanathara kicked the weapon from her attacker’s hooves before following that up with a heat metal spell. The pony’s steel helm glowed white hot, his flesh melting even as he swung at the keeper with his armored hooves. Silently cursing herself for not going with a more deadly attack, Kanathara decided to put the poor stallion out of his misery.

Leaping back, Kanthara completed another spell, this one causing the earth pony to radiate a dark aura. Stopping dead in his tracks, the pony’s body twitched, trying to fight off the magic’s malicious effects on his body. It was a useless effort though, and smoke billowed out of every one of the stallion’s orifices before he collapsed, his blood having been turned to vapour.

Above them, Rainbow Dash roared defiantly against the sphere of wind that surrounded and protected her opponent. In front of her, a robed pegasus pushed her wings to their absolute limit, conjuring all the wind she could muster. Rainbow Dash smirked suddenly before spitting a wad of tar-like fire which upon meeting the wind orb splattered all over the pegasus’ body.

Screaming in agony, the pegasus dropped out of the air, dozens of small pits opening up on her body as the hellfire burnt through skin and muscle alike. Knowing that she had strayed too long on this target, Rainbow Dash tucked her wings against her side and narrowly avoided a shard of ice. Which flew past her head and embedded itself in the wall of the library, sticking deep into the aged wood.

As she was falling, Rainbow Dash breathed deep and bathed a knife-wielding pegasus in fire. The pony rolled around on the ground, forgetting all about the keeper of secrets he had been trying to sneak up on. Pumping her wings, Rainbow Dash twisted her body out of the way of another duo of lightning bolts.

So agile and fast was the greater demon that one of the weather mages couldn't even muster a response before the vengant was upon her. With a quick twist, the pony’s neck was snapped, and another body was added to the growing mound below. Unfortunately for the demon, this had slowed her down just enough that the overseer’s next bolts hit her square in the stomach, sending the vengant spiraling to the ground and through several tables.

Rising triumphantly above the battlefield, the white-hooded pegasus pointed towards Kanathara. “Focus fire on the mage, quickly!” he shouted.

Kanathara knew her familiar was far from out of this fight, but without any breath in her body, she would need a moment to recuperate. Almost immediately, an earth pony lunged forward, breaking her concentration and causing Kanathara to have to leap into the air. Using her forward momentum, Kanathara drove her forehooves into her attacker’s face, causing the earth pony’s helmet to crumple.

Feeling her opponent suddenly become slack, Kanathara assumed they were unconscious and began casting another spell before her hooves were on the ground. When she landed, a black, smoky circle sprouted around her, just in time for the second earth pony to come charging in. He didn't make it far though, as the second his hoof touched the circle his body was filled with necromantic energy.

Flesh bubbled, eyes popped, and the pony fell, dead before his corpse could even hit the ground. Her spell, though effective, had forced the demon to stand in one spot for several seconds, opening her up to more attacks. Though the arrows bounced harmlessly off her hard skin, the buffeting assault of conjured hail that came right after drove Kanathara back.

Balls of ice the size of baseball pounded the keeper’s body, forcing her to turn to smoke in order to avoid being bludgeoned by the things. She wasn't able to reform where she wanted to however, as a sudden powerful gust sent her wisp-like form across the room. Disoriented and more than a little turned around, Kanathara reformed upside down, landing in a pile of books.

By then her companion had healed up enough that when Kanathara fell, Rainbow Dash rose. With fire shooting out of every crease in her armor, Rainbow Dash leapt out of the pile of broken furniture and books. Wings pumping, Rainbow Dash slammed into the first pegasus guard she could find with enough force to turn bones to jelly.

Gripping the now lifeless body, Rainbow Dash hurled the pegasus at the overseer, causing him to abandon his next attack, giving the vengant more than enough time to fly past a startled pegasus guard and bathe him in fire. Pouring magic into her wings, Rainbow Dash soared towards the still recovering hooded pony.

A noble or perhaps stupid pegasus leapt into her way, long sword raised above her head, intent on cutting the vengant down. Rainbow Dash was far faster however, and with a sweep of her hoof, the vengant shattered the mare’s forelegs. A second punch knocked the mare out, dropping her to the ground below where most of her allies lay dead or dying.

Unfortunately for them, this was enough time for the overseer to regain his balance and fill his own wings with energy. As Rainbow Dash closed in, he pulled back the feathered appendages and unleashed all the pent up magic in a single burst. Thousands of tiny bolts of lightning arced all over Rainbow Dash’s body, only for nothing to happen after they slammed into her.

“How did that not affect you?” he shouted.

“Teamwork, bitch,” Rainbow Dash shouted before clocking him square in the nose.

Bones broke, and blood spurted, the pegasus tumbling out of the air, only saving himself at the last second by snapping his wings open. On the ground a few feet away, Kanathara smirked, the simple insulation spell having proved more than effective. She couldn't celebrate for long though, as another earth pony charged her, greatsword raised high.

Without the covering fire of the many casters and archers, most of whom lay dead on the ground, Kanathara had enough time to deal with her lone attacker. With a quick spell, his sword was turned to gelatin, and a second spell put him to sleep right after his jello sword bounced off Kanathara’s head. The keeper chuckled and wiped her forehead clean of the yellow gel, a small part of her tempted to give it a taste.

Landing a few feet away from the mage, Rainbow Dash’s hooves crunched audibly as they punched right through a dead pony’s rib cage. Blood now covering a good chunk of her body, the vengant strode over to the overseer, noting that most of his underlings were dead. The few who lived were either making a beeline for the door, hiding, or already unconscious on the ground.

“Give it up, man. You don't have any more pawns to hide behind,” Rainbow Dash stated casually, waving a hoof over the bloody and decimated library. “Look around you. You aren't about to win this one.”

The overseer spat a wad of blood onto the ground as he rose back to his hooves, hood falling away to reveal a short, curly white mane. His fur was the color of sea foam, and his eyes were a light, sky blue which glared intently at the vengant. Though his nose was shattered, and blood flowed down his face, the stallion seemed unbothered by this wound.

“No, I don't think I will be giving up anything,” he replied, reaching into a hidden pocket of his robe.

“This is getting pathetic, just surrender, and I promise to make this quick,” added Kanathara, who stepped up beside Rainbow Dash.

“Arrogant demon, you have not won yet!” the stallion exclaimed, pulling out his hoof and revealing a vial filled with strange black smoke which undulated violently within its container. “Not while I have this!”

Rainbow Dash gasped. “You wouldn't.”

Kanathara lifted an eyebrow. “What are you so worried about? It's just a jar of smoke.”

“It is not just a jar of smoke,” exclaimed the pegasus. “It is a caged supercell! One of the most deadly weapons known to pegasi kind!”

“There are only like three in existence,” added Rainbow Dash.

How deadly are we talking about here? Kanathara mentally inquired.

Deadly enough to instantly kill everyone in this compound, including us, unfortunately, Rainbow Dash replied.

Kanathara frowned. “You’re bluffing.”

“Oh, am I now?” asked the pegasus, who smirked as he pressed his hooves against either side of the vial. “Why don't you light that horn of yours and find out?”

After several tense moments, Twilight sighed. “What do you want?”

“I want you two to surrender yourself to me,” declared the stallion boldly.

“You know you can't force us to become slaves like those ponies, right?” Rainbow Dash retorted.

The pony scoffed. “The Element can easily bend your will as it has done to hundreds of others.”

What's the plan, boss? Rainbow Dash inquired.

We wait and keep him talking, just trust me, Kanathara returned. “So you admit it then? That you forced all those ponies to become your slaves, knowing how horrible this act truly is.”

“Lesser beings are below my concern,” he dismissively replied. “Pegasus society needs our guiding hoof now more than ever, and the ground walkers will help whether they want to or not.”

“Just one question,” Kanathara began, raising a hoof.

“Make it quick, my reinforcements will be here in moments to collar you two,” spat the male.

“How were you able to accomplish all this?” Kanathara inquired, gesturing towards the dead and dying ponies lying all around them. “To make familiars of another mortal being should be impossible.”

The overseer’s eyebrows raised briefly. “Of course you figured it out. I suppose you are a keeper, after all,” he smirked. “A powerful demon was contacted, a deal was made, and plans for a powerful ritual were traded to us.”

“What demon, exactly?” pressed Kanathara.

The male shook his head. “I do not know, nor does it matter.”

“I wonder if it was her,” whispered Rainbow Dash.

“What did this ritual do anyway?” asked the keeper.

“You are an inquisitive one, aren't you? Though I suppose that is in your nature,” the male straightened himself. “No matter. We will have you in our service soon enough. As for the ritual, it merely took two innocent souls and some rare ingredients. After that we had a gem which could corrupt even an Element of Harmony.”

“Wait, who were these two souls?” demanded Rainbow Dash, the vengant stepping forward.

The pegasus growled, pressing his hooves tight against the vial. “Not another step closer, or we’re all dead!”

“Tell me who they were!” shouted Rainbow Dash, eyes narrowing and wings unfurling.

The stallion didn't get the chance to kill anyone, however, as his mane suddenly flattened and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. As his unconscious body fell to the ground, Kanathara swiftly grabbed the bottled supercell in her magic. With the weapon now firmly in her grip, the two demons watched as a teary-eyed Fluttershy shimmered into existence, pot still in her hooves.

“I can't believe you would do all that,” she whispered, tears flowing down her face. “You used to be so kind.”

“Wait, who is this guy?” asked Kanathara.

Fluttershy sniffed, the pegasus falling to her knees as she cradled the stallion’s head in her hooves. “He was my father.”

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