• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 14,374 Views, 981 Comments

Born In Light, Forged In Darkness - Jest

Twilight Sparkle's entrance exam has not gone well, she cannot hatch the dragon egg and in her desperation has begun to panic. Little does she know failure is going to be the least of her worries.

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Trial Eleven: -For The Weak

Fluttershy stood nervously behind her parents, who had donned their ceremonial armor for the occasion. Their daughter, however, remained nude, doubly so now that Top Soil was no longer with her. The stallion was only in the next room, but that may as well have been across the planet as far as Fluttershy was concerned.

Breathe, Fluttershy, breathe. If you don't get yourself under control, you’ll have to use your inhaler again, she reminded herself, placing a hoof over her chest. You’ve got this.

Even she didn't believe the assertion however, and as she looked around, her confidence fell even further. Her parents were quiet, as were the majority of those who were also on the side of peace, unlike those who weren't. Those ponies talked animatedly amongst one another, plotting, scheming, and whispering in harsh tones.

Sun Sire, Will Power, Lightning Break, and Cartwright all milled about a few feet behind Fluttershy. Their words were too quiet to hear, but Fluttershy could tell it wasn't good just from the way they looked about the hallway. Their gaze flicked from the paladin guards standing around the room’s perimeter, to Fluttershy’s parents and finally the double doors ahead of them.

These lead to a simple conference room, though from the way the other pegasi spoke, one would have thought it was Tartarus itself. Yet they also seemed strangely energized and not overly bothered by the fact that they were currently in enemy territory. In fact, they seemed downright eager, with Lightning Break wearing a wide smile on her strong, teal face.

“Ready to embarrass yourself again, Fluttershy?” Lightning Break called.

In an instant, the taller pegasus’ cadre of followers fell silent and watched as their leader strode up to the butter yellow pegasus.

“No,” Fluttershy stated.

“Well, that's too bad, because it's going to happen anyway,” Lightning Break pressed.

“Screw off, Lightning,” Mrs Shy muttered. “Quit trying to antagonize us.”

The much taller pegasus snorted, glancing down at the mother and daughter who stood before her.

“I’m not antagonizing anyone. I am merely wondering if dear Fluttershy is ready for what is coming,” Lightning Break replied. “I just don't want to see her heart get broken like last time.”

“That won't happen again,” Fluttershy stated as confidently as she could muster.

“And why not?” Lightning Break exclaimed, glancing around the room. “I see no back-up, no extra votes in your corner. What have you brought to the negotiating table this time? Or is it just more hot air and meaningless platitudes?”

“I have friends who-” Fluttershy began.

“Friends? Impossible,” Lightning Break exclaimed. “You’ve spent seemingly every waking hour attempting to waste our time with these fruitless talks. When would you even have a spare moment to speak to someone other than your mother?”

“Watch your tone,” growled Mrs Shy. “I still lead the Ebon Wind, and I am the eldest member of the warrior houses.”

“For now,” Lightning Break replied. “Though something tells me after you fail yet again, the others will finally see you for what you are. A miserable loser.”

“I'd rather my wife be a loser than a moronic high school bully with a hormone imbalance and a moustache!” Mr Shy interrupted.

“W-what?” Lightning Break looked down, pawing at her upper lip. “I don't have a moustache.”

“Thanks, dad,” Fluttershy whispered.

“No problem, hun,” answered the stallion.

Lightning Break growled. “I won't forget this, worm. If I gain a majority of the council votes I’ll strip you of your status and expel your entire useless family from the houses.”

“If,” Fluttershy replied simply before turning away.

“The delegates have arrived,” announced one of the unicorn guards standing near the door. “You may enter whenever you are ready.”

“We are ready now,” Mrs Shy exclaimed.

Every single pegasus in her retinue, even the ones glaring daggers at the back of her head, perked up. They then collectively straightened their spines, stood a little taller, and did their best to look the part of Cloudsdale nobility. All save for Fluttershy, who only grew even more uncomfortable by the display.

They really haven't learned much from their defeat, Fluttershy ruminated.

She stowed such thoughts for the moment and merely followed her parents into the next room. Which had at one point served the more mundane purpose of housing meetings between low-level managers. Now, however, it would be the site of one of the most important meetings in Cloudsdale’s history.

The space itself wasn't much to look at, given that it had suffered a considerable amount of cosmetic damage. Like most of the mid-level hotel they had assembled in, there were holes in the walls, and scorch marks could be seen in the corners. The large, circular table was undamaged though, and was currently seating a good number of non-winged ponies.

There was the leader of the paladins himself, Dawn Hammer, who smiled faintly upon locking eyes with Fluttershy. As did Rainbow Dash, the disguised demon standing a bit further back from the golden-armored unicorn stallion. Kanathara remained as stone-faced as ever, and seemed more intent on studying the new arrivals than making Fluttershy feel welcome.

Not like the yellow pegasus minded of course, the keeper of secrets was at least neutral, unlike the other people seated in the room. Who varied from seething with rage, to looking like they were about three seconds from leaping out of their chair and strangling the closest pegasus. There were a few who did genuinely seem calm, though Fluttershy could tell that even they were inwardly quite tense.

They also weren't quite as noble as the houses and their representatives, and varied considerably in appearance. There were several gang leaders who were decked out in wild clothing and sported fantastical manes of considerable size. Add to that a few blue collar ponies who had likely not been important until the schism, and the difference was plain to see.

Fluttershy gritted her teeth and made a mental note to try to find other leaders outside of the house higher-ups. That would have to wait, as for now Fluttershy just needed to focus on seating herself beside her mother and waiting for the chance to speak.

“Welcome, ponies,” Dawn Hammer exclaimed once everyone had found a chair. “I’m glad to hear that you are willing to once more return to the negotiation table.”

“Let us once more vote to continue this charade. I have a raid to lead,” Lightning Break exclaimed.

A stout earth pony with an enormously tall mohawk slammed his hoof into the table with enough force to crack the reinforced wood.

“I knew that bitch hadn't changed her tone. Why are we wasting our time talking to these genocidal slavers?” he shouted.

Dawn Hammer raised a hoof. “Now, now, I have certain assurances that this time will be different. Isn't that right?”

Kanathara nodded, but said nothing.

This seemed to be a signal of some kind, as Rainbow Dash began to walk slowly around the circle. Her pace was ponderous and slow, her nose flaring constantly as she sniffed at the individuals seated. Occasionally she would glance at Kanathara and nod before continuing on, though what purpose this all served was beyond Fluttershy.

“Don't tell me you’ve brought in an invalid to sniff our behinds like an animal,” Sun Sire exclaimed, his tongue sticking out in disgust.

“This does seem rather ridiculous,” declared Will Power, the rounded pegasus chewing on the end of an unlit cigar.

The others in Lightning Break’s group continued to make disparaging remarks, but Fluttershy noticed that the non-winged ponies remained silent. Whatever plan the two demons had put into motion had apparently been shared with them, either that or Dawn Hammer ran a tighter ship. Which could totally be possible, as the division created by Ebon Wind’s failure had created two clearly opposing camps.

A divide which was almost as deep as the one in Cloudsdale itself.

“This is a sham,” Lightning Break claimed, stomping her hoof against the table and rising from her seat. “Clearly you have brought us here merely to embarrass your betters by having your handicapped pet sniff our backsides.”

Kanathara stepped forward and cleared her throat, silencing everyone through unknown means.

“Embarrassing you is not the only reason this meeting has been called,” Kanathara began, glancing slowly about the room. “The true purpose is to teach you, both pegasus and otherwise, a very important lesson.”

“As if a race traitor has anything to teach us,” Lightning Break spat, leaning forward on the table.

Kanathara was unperturbed, however, and merely continued as if nothing had happened.

“I know it may seem that you are in a room with those who you would call your enemies, but I am here today to show you that is not the case,” Kanathara declared. “For in fact you are sitting side by side with allies, which you will need in the coming fight against your true foe.”

She leaned in close, lowering her head. “Nightmare Moon.”

There was a moment of silence before a pudgy older pegasus asked, “Is that name supposed to mean something to us?”

“It is the name of the demon who has torn the sun from the sky and plunged your world into darkness,” Kanathara explained. “She is the one who has attempted to break your city and its peoples. Not those who sit across from you…”

Fluttershy noticed that Rainbow Dash had finished her circuit of the room and had given her mistress one final nod.

“Or at least not all of you,” Kanathara finished.

“What do you mean, exactly?” inquired Fluttershy’s mother.

“You all know of the moon-touched, yes?” Kanathara pressed.

“Those poor fools who stared too long at the moon and were possessed,” answered a suit-wearing unicorn with a receding hairline.

“Of course we know of them. What is your point?” demanded Lightning Break.

“My point is that they are the ones pulling the strings and keeping you at one another’s throats,” Kanathara answered, raising a hoof. “In fact, they might be sitting right next to you.”

A few ponies glanced nervously at their neighbors.

“Ha! Ridiculous,” Lightning Break exclaimed, sitting back in her chair and crossing her forehooves over her chest. “Everyone knows that the mark of a moon-touched is obvious to everyone.”

“If it is not hidden,” Kanathara exclaimed.

“Impossible,” Fluttershy murmured.

“Even the cripple knows this fact,” Sun Sire exclaimed in a disgusted tone.

“Oh really?” Kanathara mocked. “Then allow me to show you.”

Before anyone had a chance to ask what she meant, the space above her head shimmered ever so slightly. A moment later, a strange silvery wave washed over the entire room as well as its inhabitants. Some, the light ignored, others it clung to, making their fur brighten significantly, though not blindingly so.

Each one of Lightning Break’s cadre save for Will Power were lit up like this, along with several of Dawn Hammer’s group and one of Fluttershy’s mother’s. Uncle East, as Fluttershy had come to know him over the last few weeks, was illuminated, his wide-brimmed boater hat no longer hiding his grizzled features. Across from him was the office worker, as well as the plain earth pony mare to his right and one of Dawn Hammer’s lieutenants.

Before anyone could ask what was happening, the silver ponies shimmered briefly before a familiar brand appeared on their heads. Their eyes also became pale and sightless, like the moon-touched Fluttershy had seen down in the citadel’s jail. It wasn't just a passing resemblance though, they were exactly like those mindless thralls of the demons.

But despite how perfectly they looked like them, Fluttershy couldn't help but feel like something was off. They hadn't been acting like empty-headed slaves to those darker powers. They were self-serving and cruel, yes, but not that. This irked Fluttershy, and though she was tempted to say something, Rainbow Dash’s gaze caught the pony before she could speak.

Though no words were uttered, that look told Fluttershy to trust her old friend, and despite her misgivings, Fluttershy obliged.

“What is the meaning of-”

“What have you-”

“Preposterous, this must be-”

A dozen voices all rose simultaneously, each attempting to shout over the other. Though uniform in their desperation, they ranged from pleas of forgiveness to accusations of treachery. There were calls for violence, for a trial, for an end to the meeting, and many more Fluttershy didn't care to note.

Dawn Hammer slammed a hoof into the table and shouted, “Quiet!” at the top of his lungs.

Immediately the clamor died down, and all looked to the paladin, who in turn gestured to Kanathara.

“As you can see,” began the disguised demon. “You sit amongst those who would see you all perish, pegasus and otherwise.”

“This is insane! I am no moon-touched!” Lightning Break shouted. “I may wish to expunge the land walkers from our great city, but my bloodlust ends there!”

“We cannot simply trust the word of this outsider,” Cartwright exclaimed, then paused to mop the sweat from his brow. “I demand we send for an impartial unicorn to dismiss these illusions!”

“As loath as I am to defend my subordinate, he has a point,” Mrs Shy remarked. “We require additional validation before we can continue with this meeting.”

“Someone fetch the mercenary,” Lightning Break shouted.

“Go ahead,” Kanathara replied, gesturing to the door. “I think you’ll find that they too will realize that the truth staring them directly in the face.”

“And our own?” asked the office worker, glancing expectantly at Dawn Hammer.

Who nodded and gestured to one of the guards stationed around the walls of the room.

The other pony trotted over and stood silently. Much like the others in the room, who all waited for a second opinion. Which came in the form of a mauve unicorn with a pair of bright red stars on her flank.

“Woah,” she muttered the second she entered the room.

“Quit gawking and dispel these illusions,” Lightning Break demanded through gritted teeth.

“Err, right, of course,” murmured the unicorn, who glanced about the room.

Seeing that no one was about to stop her, she lit her horn and cast a relatively low-level dispel. Or at least Fluttershy assumed that was what she had done, as nothing had happened.

“Nothing happened,” muttered Sun Sire. “She has failed again.”

“Listen here, you worm. I want you to dispel these illusions, and I don't care if your bloody horn explodes in the process. Do you understand me?” Lightning Break shouted.

“Y-yes, ma’am!” exclaimed the unicorn mercenary.

Her horn lit up once more, this time it burned far, far brighter and for much longer. When the spell was complete and the power released, it washed over everyone in a mauve wave. Everyone, including Fluttershy, looked around the room curiously, only to find that nothing had changed.

“What are you trying to pull?” Lighting Break bellowed, rising from her seat and stomping up to the mercenary. “I have paid you good bits to serve me, and I swear if you’ve betrayed me, I will throw you off the nearest cloud!”

“That was a greater dispel cast at double power,” Dawn Hammer exclaimed in a calm tone. “I’m a little impressed she even managed that.”

“Which means… what?” Will Power muttered, the merchant looking around at his fellows warily.

“That if these were illusions, they would be dispelled. Only an alicorn could cast something strong enough to resist that,” Dawn Hammer explained.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow and glanced over to Kanathara and Rainbow Dash, who were still disguised. The keeper was looking rather smug while Rainbow Dash seemed about two seconds from erupting into laughter.

“Preposterous!” Lightning Break shrieked. “Fetch the others.”

“I don't think that will be necessary,” Dawn Hammer stated. “Simply scan the spell and tell us if it's the same as the moon-touched spell.”

The paladin then nodded to his guard, prompting him to light his horn and begin casting his spell. While this was happening, others seemed to be working up the nerve to speak, but were stifled by Dawn Hammer’s imperious aura. After a few seconds of quiet, the guard frowned and turned back to his commander.

“It's exactly the same. These people are moon-touched,” he declared.

Another cacophony of yelling, accusations, and insults were tossed around, but this time they ended with a bit more force. Kanathara’s forehead glowed faintly before the moon-touched ponies’ mouths were suddenly bound by black chains. The ethereal objects clamped down tight, securing themselves around the back of their targets’ heads.

“You see now what I mean,” Kanathara began. “Your true enemy never was the houses, or the people who they were trying to kill. It was Nightmare Moon.”

“I think your lesson has been well-received,” Dawn Hammer intruded, stepping up to the forefront. “And I think I speak for everyone when I say we shall deal with the moon-touched in our midst.”

“Yes, I agree,” Mrs Shy declared in a low tone. “Cultists have no place in our ranks, or our world, for that matter.”

Fluttershy silently excused herself and trotted around to the other side of the table. While she sneaked away, a vibrant discussion was being had on what to do with the cultists. Suggestions ranged from immediate execution, to imprisonment, with a few more crazy ones tossed in for good measure.

What would gouging their eyes out even accomplish? Fluttershy grimly thought to herself.

Pushing that nasty image from her head, Fluttershy approached the two disguised demons. Who had retreated to a corner of the room and were watching the interactions with varied degrees of interest. Kanathara seemed to be monitoring things closely while Rainbow Dash snickered to herself.

“So,” Fluttershy began in a low tone, “what did you do?”

“A moment,” Kanathara muttered, the space above her head shimmering for a moment. “There, now we can speak freely.”

“What makes you think we did anything at all, hmm?” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Because they are not cultists or demon slaves,” Fluttershy declared.

“You are correct,” Kanathara exclaimed. “Though I would not cry for them. They have committed their own heinous sins.”

“How do you know this?” Fluttershy demanded.

Rainbow Dash tapped her nose knowingly. “I can sniff out their guilt. For example, Cartwright has committed great acts of unprompted violence to those who can't defend themselves.”

“His servants,” Fluttershy murmured.

“Hmm?” Kanathara pressed, raising an eyebrow.

“There was a rumour,” Fluttershy began. “That he was beating his servants, and even… having his way with them. A maid told me that he even forced one of them to have an abortion.”

“That lines up,” Rainbow Dash muttered. “He stunk to high heaven.”

“And the others?” Fluttershy asked.

“The two office workers reek of greed and the plunder of riches behind the backs of those who don't know better. If I had to guess, they defrauded a bunch of people of their money and got off scot-free,” Rainbow Dash began. “Sun Spire’s arrogance could put a Canterlot noble to shame, and his racism is tinged with the scent of violence.”

“Will Power is innocent though?” Fluttershy inquired.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “More or less. He hasn't committed any mortal sins like the others, but he is using the situation to his advantage. It seems like for altruistic reasons though, as I don't detect much selfishness on him.”

“But you can't tell for sure,” Fluttershy reasoned.

“She can't smell the absence of something,” Kanathara pointed out.

“I suppose that's fair. What about Dawn Hammer’s subordinate, and Lightning Break?” Fluttershy inquired.

Rainbow Dash snorted. “That one’s easy. The unicorn has been abusing captives and generally wants to butcher every single pegasus he can get his hooves on.”

“We were working with Dawn Hammer to get rid of him,” Kanathara explained.

“That's unfortunate,” Fluttershy muttered.

“Not nearly as unfortunate as Lightning Break,” Rainbow Dash began. “That lady’s a real piece of work.”

“Why do you say that?” Fluttershy asked.

“She most likely fancies kids, if you catch my drift,” Rainbow Dash whispered in a low tone.

Fluttershy gasped and glanced over to the red-faced pegasus mare currently being held back by a pair of guards.

“No way,” Fluttershy muttered. “I knew she was bad, but that's too far, even for her.”

“She lusts for the defenseless, and seems to have done so for quite some time,” Rainbow Dash continued. “The sin wafting off her is… incredible. It's taking me every last bit of will power not to crush her head between my hooves.”

“Thats… not surprising actually,” Fluttershy murmured.

“Try not to think about it too much,” Rainbow Dash offered.

“So we are in agreement then?” Mr Shy asked while glancing around the room.

“It seems so,” Dawn Hammer answered.

Kanathara held a hoof to her lips before dispelling whatever barrier she had erected.

Fluttershy bit her tongue and went back to observing what was going on.

“The afflicted will be held at a joint facility located in the mountains, with the hope being that they will eventually be cured,” Dawn Hammer began. “In the meantime, we will end the schism and join the fight against this Nightmare Moon person.”

“I have heard that an army moves against her already and will be mustering in the fields below Canterlot in a few days time,” Kanathara offered. “If you wish to save your world, I would advise you seek them out.”

“We will have to send scouts of our own to confirm this, but if what you say is true, then the path is already set before us,” Mrs Shy exclaimed.

“Indeed,” Dawn Hammer exclaimed. “Now, let us discuss the fine details. I want this city back in order as soon as possible.”

Kanathara gestured to Fluttershy, snapping her out of her hypnotized state. The keeper then motioned towards the door, prompting the three of them to leave the room and its occupants behind.

Once outside, Fluttershy turned to Kanathara. “What will happen now?”

Kanatha erected another bubble around the trio before speaking.

“Cloudsdale will enjoy a short bout of peace, then it shall be towed to the closest town, evacuated of non-combatants, and turned into a mobile fortress,” Kanathara replied.

“It's going to be so freaking cool to see this enormous city flying over Canterlot,” Rainbow Dash gushed. “From there we can rain down hell on those jerks.”

“That certainly does sound… effective,” Fluttershy muttered.

Kanathara nodded. “That is my hope, anyway. The city would prove a very valuable resource, though it is only secondary.”

“To me,” Fluttershy concluded.

“Exactly,” Rainbow Dash declared. “You need to come with us to save not only Equestria, but the entire world.”

Fluttershy hummed thoughtfully. “Before I agree to anything, I’d like to hear what you plan on doing from here.”

“Escort you to the rendezvous point, then split off and grab Pinkie Pie,” Kanathara explained. “From there we will lay siege to Canterlot, confront Nightmare Moon, defeat her, and save the world.”

“Why though? Why go through all this effort to save a plane when you could just as easily leave?” Fluttershy inquired.

“The array in Canterlot binds us here,” Kanathara answered.

“That's not a real answer, and you know it,” Fluttershy retorted with an uncharacteristic amount of force. “You could just as easily destroy it when attacking Canterlot and avoid tangling with such a powerful creature.”

“Pfft, the boss is just a big softy,” Rainbow Dash exclaimed, wrapping a hoof around the other demon’s shoulders.

“I’ve grown to like this place, and it's where all my loved ones live, and all my stuff is stored,” Kanathara replied. “Besides, Nightmare Moon strong-armed me into signing a contract I didn't want to. Noone pushes me around and lives.”

Fluttershy shuddered. “Well, I’m glad your reasons are at least… partly altruistic.”

Kanathara smiled. “Yes, well, no one's all bad.”

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