• Published 15th Nov 2021
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In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Revelations at Mario and Luigi's

“Boy, she really tore that plan down huh?” Bon-Bon said with a teasing grin. “What’re you going to do now?” Bon-Bon looked over to see Lyra was staring off with a frown on her face. Bon-Bons grin faded. “Lyra?”

“Huh?” Lyra perked up and looked over. “Did you say something?”

“I asked what you were going to do next.” Bon-Bon leaned forward. “Sweetie, you ok?”

“Not really.” Lyra sighed. “I was really proud of myself for making that plan, I had thought of everything. But then Principal Celestia just rips it apart.”

“Yeah that was pretty brutal.” Bon-Bon nodded. “I find it weird she was saying it like it was a hypothetical situation, she clearly knew.”

“Technically she doesn’t know our plan.” Lyra replied with a huff. “We never told her. If we went through with it and it backfired she can plead ignorance with Sunset or her superiors. She probably learned that when dealing with the Schoolboard or something.”

“Well, she doesn’t have to worry about that. Clearly we can’t use the plan anymore.” Bon-Bon shrugged.

Lyras eyes lit up. “Or can we?”

Bon-Bon gave Lyra a confused look. “Uh, no. We can’t. You were there when she tore down every facet of your plan right?”

“Yeah, but the main problem with it was we were trying to recruit the school.” Lyra began smiling. “Of course that was a bad idea. Teenagers are terrible at keeping secrets, and the more people you tell a secret too the more likely it will come out, especially if it’s someone that still dislikes Sunset. Plus, she’ll hate the idea that the school was going behind her back to vote her Princess.”

“Uh Huh.” Bon-Bon said simply, waiting to hear Lyras point. “So?”

“So, we don’t recruit the school. Sunset will win the crown fair and square without manipulating the school beyond campaigning... mostly.” Lyra said excitedly. “We’ll have to keep the plan between as few people as possible while trying to push the school to vote for her, maybe we could even fix some of the friction among the student body while we’re at it. We’ll probably have to downsize how many people are running, but that’s out of our control.”

“Um… ok.” Bon-Bon just stared at Lyra for a few seconds. “While you did get rid of the school wide conspiracy part, that now leaves your plan vulnerable to a lot of factors. Not to mention we don’t know if Sunset will even run, she only ran the last few years because she was a bitch and won through sabotage.”

“Well, we’ll just have to have someone to convince her, and I’m sure people will vote for her. If not out of guilt than probably because she was popular enough after the Sirens.” Lyras smile faded slightly. “Maybe I could even run and be terrible at campaigning, help redirect the votes.”

“You’re gonna have to tell her what you did eventually, if she doesn’t figure it out first.” Bon-Bon pointed out. “And who knows how she’s going to feel about you manipulating events, even if just a little. The more you manipulate the angrier she’ll probably be, which could reflect on the rest of the school depending on how influential you were. But by not manipulating anything your plan could fail spectacularly and Sunset could get no votes at all, which might be even worse. All this is assuming that she’ll even run in the first place.”

Lyras smile had faded completely and she was left with a nervous look. “I know it’s not perfect, but I really do feel like it’ll help her. I’ll just have to be careful with how much I manipulate.”

Bon-Bon merely hummed. “So, your plan is to have Sunset voted as Princess of the Spring Fling by using a minimum amount of manipulation, among a minimum amount of co-conspirators, while sabotaging your own chances of being Princess, while trying to smooth things over among the student body, while trying to subtly push people to vote for Sunset, while trying to keep it all a secret, and all this is predicated on whether Sunset will even run or be thankful she was voted Princess?”

Lyra nodded, though her previous enthusiasm had disappeared. “Yeah…”

“Are you sure you don’t want a less ambitious plan sweetie?” Bon-Bon stared at her for a moment.

“I just… I just don’t know how else we could let her know the school trusts and accepts her.” Lyra was quiet for a long moment. “It could go very wrong, you should probably just leave me to do it alone, I don’t want to ruin your chances with Sunset if it fails.”

“Nun uh, there’s no way in hell I'm doing that.” Bon-Bon cupped Lyras face and stared into her eyes. “You’re my girlfriend, we do everything together. If you’re going down, I’m going down with you.” Lyra couldn’t help but smile brightly, placing a hand atop of Bon-Bons. “Besides, someone’s gotta keep you grounded.”

Lyra giggled. “You better not vote for me when I run, I’ll be angry if you do.”

Bon-Bon smiled deviously. “No promises.”

“So what’re you thinking about getting?” Sunset asked as she looked down at her menu. She looked up at Applejack when she didn’t answer after a full minute. She found that the cowgirl was looking every which way but her menu, studying every little thing in the crowded restaurant. “Applejack.”

Applejack looked away and stared at Sunset. “Oh, Ah dunno. Pizza?”

“You go to an Italian restaurant and you order Pizza?” Sunset Asked flabbergasted. “We can get Pizza some other time.”

“This place is new, Ah don’t know what’s good or not here. Pizzas the only thing I know for sure Ah’ll like.”

“You know it’s not going to be like the Pizza we order from a Pizza chain right? It’s probably going to be more traditional or whatever.” Sunset pointed out. “Look, this place is pretty busy, people wouldn’t be here if it was bad. Besides.” Sunset looked back to her menu. “It's Italian food, what’s not to like?”

“Ah Guess.” Applejack sighed in defeat. “Maybe Pasta or something. What about yah? Doesn’t dough use eggs?”

“I’m vegetarian Applejack, not Vegan. I only cut meat out of my diet. I eat everything else.” She peeked over the menu. “You did see me eat the sandwich earlier right? That had egg in it.”

“Yer horse diet makes no sense. Yah know horses die when they eat chocolate here right?”

“Daisies also kill horses here, but I’ve eaten plenty of daisy sandwiches back home.” Sunset said casually. “Also, I’m a Pony, not a Horse.”

“Where do yah all get milk anyhow? Yah told me the cows over there are sentient.”

“First off, it’s sapience. Second off, most milk is either supplied by cows, goats, sheep, or Mares for a profit, usually young mothers looking to make extra money.”

“Mares?” Applejack reeled away after Sunset said that. “Isn’t that kind of like-”

“Hi, are you two ladies ready to order?” A waitress said, walking up to their table.

"Uh, Ah’ll just get the Pasta." Applejack awkwardly said, handing her menu over.

"And I'll get the cheese Ravioli." Sunset said doing the same.

"Any appetizers for you girls?" The waitress asked.

"Bread is fine, thank you." Sunset answered as the Waitress smiled and walked off. Sunset sat quietly as Applejack started drinking her soda. "So does your brother know about the dozens of guys?"

Applejack spit out her soda and placed a hand on her mouth before she made a mess, Sunset laughing hysterically. She glared at Sunset as she wiped her mouth. "That's not funny."

"For you." She said with a wide grin. "But seriously, your brother seems like the type to beat the shit out of any guy who steals his little sister's innocence."

"Why? Cause we're country folk so he wants it for himself?" Applejack cringed and mentally face palmed.

"You said it, not me."

"How about we change the subject?" Applejack said embarrassed. "You said you only talk to Derpy and Vinyl right? What about Flash? I've seen you talking to him, and you didn't seem to hate him too much."

"It's… complicated." Sunset rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah I talk with him more than most of the school, but that's only because he 'wasn't sure' I was Anon or not."

"Isn't that better than thinking you were?"

"It is, but not much. He only believed it was possible I was innocent. Not exactly the kind of support I want right now."

“Yah need all the support yah can get right now Sunset.”

“I know.” Sunset sighed. “And I guess he deserves some lee way after how I treated him when we were dating, but… it still hurt. He knew me better than that.”

“Yah gonna have a long talk with him too?” Applejack asked curiously.

“I’m gonna have to have a long talk with everyone eventually.” Sunset said with a tired laugh. “Not looking forward to that.”

“Speaking of which, how often can Ah expect us to hang out? Probably shouldn’t get used to this right?” Applejack asked nervously.

“I’m… not entirely sure.” Sunset admitted. “I think I needed to relax after what happened at your farm, and I don’t really do anything during my free time anymore and I'm a bit lonely. But yeah, don’t think it’s going to be like before or anything.”

“Ah figured.” Applejack nodded. “What about the others? Ah’m not trying to push yah into doing something yer not ready for, but now that yer comfortable enough around me maybe yer comfortable reaching out just a bit?”

Sunset sat there for a moment, staring intently at her drink. “I don’t know.” She finally admitted. “It’s… it’s a process Applejack. I have different ways I feel about all of you and different ways I want to repair each relationship, but I guess I’m more willing to reach out to the four of you than I was a month ago.”

Applejack frowned. There it was again. “Uh, Sunset, you said ‘the four of you’.”

“I know.” Sunset stated simply.

“There’s… there’s five of us.” Maybe she had forgotten somehow?

“There’s five of you in the group, but only four of you I still consider my friend.” Sunset explained.

Applejack's breath hitched. It wasn’t a mistake. “Woah woah woah, hold on there. Ah know Rainbow was especially boneheaded during Anon, but-”

“It’s not Rainbow Dash.” Sunset said with a scowl, trying to indicate she didn’t want to continue talking.

“W-wha?” Applejack just looked confused. “If it’s not Rainbow and it’s not me…” She was silent for a moment. “What did Pinkie Pie or Rarity do?” Sunset merely glared, silently urging Applejack to let it go. Applejack however knew she was on the right track. “Was it Rarity? Cause Ah can’t imagine Pinkie doing anything to yah.”

“I don’t want to talk about this.” Sunset said with venom in her tone.

Bingo.’ Applejack thought. She reached a hand out and cupped Sunsets hand, the red head shaking furiously. “Look, whatever happened between yah and Rarity, it can be f-”

Applejack didn’t have the chance to finish as Sunset slapped her hand away and got up, slamming her fists on the table and screaming. “IT'S FLUTTERSHY! I HATE FLUTTERSHY!”

The entire restaurant turned to look at their table, the previous commotion and conversation among employees and customers dying down after Sunsets outburst.

Applejack meanwhile just sat there dumbly, looking up at Sunset's furious expression. “... What?”

Author's Note:

Oh yeah, I went there.

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