• Published 15th Nov 2021
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In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

  • ...

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Generosity’s lament

Apple Bloom carefully set the table, wanting everything to be perfect for her sister and Sunset. She had been sneaking glances toward them for an hour, and it seemed the two had been getting along.

The fact no one stormed off or yelled at each other indicated that Phase five had succeeded, now she needed to capitalize on her success.

Phase six would probably be the easiest to implement, all it required was for the two older girls to sit and eat together. If they didn’t start talking of their own accord, Apple Bloom would get the ball rolling.

She turned her head as the door opened and two pairs of footsteps stomped to the kitchen. “AJ, Sunset, yer just in time.” The two girls stood at the entrance of the kitchen, looking at Apple Bloom. “Now, Ah remember Sunset sayin’ she was vegetarian, so Ah made sure Granny didn’t give her any-”

“Apple Bloom.” Apple Blooms body seized up at Applejacks tone. “Do yah mind explaining why Sunset told me yah asked her to help around the farm today?”

“Or why Applejack told me you said I volunteered?” Sunset crossed her arms over her chest, her glare hardening at the ore teen.

Oh shit.’ Apple Bloom thought. “O-oh! D-did Ah say t-that? W-well Ah must’ve gotten c-confused is all-”

“Apple Bloom.” The pre teen immediately shut her mouth. “Tell us the truth... Now.”

Apple Bloom stood there blankly for a few seconds, wilting at the glares the girls were giving her. “A-Ah just wanted y-yah to be f-friends again.”

“And yah thought lying, manipulating us, and sneaking behind our backs was the way to do it?” Applejacks frown deepened.

“It’s like you learned nothing from Anon-A-Miss.” sunset shook angrily.

Apple Bloom reeled at the accusation. “Ah have! Ah learned my lesson!”

Have you?” Sunset challenged walking closer. “Cause unless I misunderstand, you made a secretive plot, lied, manipulated us to push our friendship in a direction you wanted, and refused to talk to either of us.”

Apple Blooms defiance fell. “Yah wouldn’t have listened…”

“That’s what you said last time!” Both Applejack And Apple Bloom were taken aback by Sunset's sudden anger. “Do I seem so unreasonable that you can’t talk to me!? That you can’t talk to Applejack!? How have you not learned a single thing!?”

Applejack noticed her sister's eyes water. “Hey, Sunset, maybe lay off-”

“And you!” Sunset turned to Applejack. “You’re the element of Honesty, why is it so easy for your sister to lie to you?!”

Applejack stammered for a response as Sunset got in her face.

“Do you take everything she says at face value? How can you not be suspicious of her after Anon-A-Miss?” She growled. “Does being the Element of Honesty just mean you suck at knowing when someone’s lying? Cause it sure as hell doesn’t stop you from being dishonest!”

“Y-yah leave her alone!” Apple Bloom shouted, gaining Sunset's attention. “I-it’s me yah want! Ah’m the one who lied, not AJ!”

There was a long pause between the three of them, Apple Bloom shaking as tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

“... You said you did this because you wanted me and Applejack to be friends again, right?” Sunset asked in an angry tone.

Apple Bloom nodded quickly, hoping it might win Sunset over.

Sunset looked Apple Bloom dead in the eye. “You failed.”

Apple Bloom's breath hitched at that and tears started falling down her face. Sunset turned to leave, stomping out the house before slamming the front door behind her.

Applejack stood there quietly, ruminating on Sunset's words, snapping out of it when Apple Bloom started sniffling.

Applejack ran forward and wrapped her arms around Apple Bloom. She was mad at her, but admonishing and punishment would come later. Apple Bloom could only meekly grab onto her sister as she cried, thinking she had permanently ruined any chance Applejack had to reconnect with Sunset.

“What in tarnation is goin’ on in here?” Both Apple sisters looked over to see Granny Smith standing in the doorway, looking over the scene. “Where’s that Sunset gal?”

Both sisters looked at eachother, not sure how to explain to her what happened.

Rarity was finishing up the seam of her latest creation. She stopped her sewing machine and lifted the garment up, looking it over for any flaws before fitting it on a mannequin.

One might expect Rarity, out of all her friends, to be the most melodramatic about Anon-A-Miss. But surprisingly she had handled everything with a surprising amount of grace, as befitting of a lady she’d tell you.

She was least vocal when protesting Princess Twilight's decision, had the least complicated relationship with her sister, and felt she was on better standing with Sunset (not that it meant much) than the other girls, barring Fluttershy of course.

Speaking of her sister, Rarity hadn’t seen her all day today. While Sweetie Belle couldn’t do much during her punishment, she could still come outside. But Sweetie had opted to stay in her room all day every day, only coming out for school (which she dreaded) and dinner.

Rarity sighed. Poor girl had taken it the hardest of her friends since they all fessed up, and from the sound of it, she was the least antagonistic during Anon-A-Miss. Her stealing Sunsets photos was the worst thing she did, and it was mostly just to spite Rarity for snubbing her earlier that day.

Not that it makes it ok or anything.’ Rarity stubbornly thought. ‘She still revealed everybody’s secrets, ruined my friendship with Sunset, and didn’t do anything to stop Anon-A-Miss before they all confessed.’

But still, it might be nice to have a conversation with her sister that lasted longer than three words. She bit her bottom lip nervously, getting up and walking out her room, making her way to Sweetie Belle's room.

She knocked softly. “Sweetie? Are you in there?” No response. “Sweetie Belle, I know you’re upset, but you can’t stay cooped up in your room all day.” Still no response.

Rarity sighed and knocked again, stopping when there was a loud bang on the other side of the door. “Go away, Rarity.” Sweetie's muffled voice said.

“Sweetie please.” Rarity tried opening the door only to find it locked. “It isn’t healthy to be in there all the time. I just want to talk.”

“Go away Rarity I’ll… I’ll just hurt you again.”

“Darling, you revealing my closet of shame wasn’t that bad. I’m still angry about it, yes, but I’ve barely seen you since you and your friends came clean.” She was quiet for a few seconds. “I miss you.” Still no response.

The irony was not lost on Rarity. Sweetie joined Anon-A-Miss because Rarity didn’t want to spend time with her; now Rarity would give anything just to talk to her sister for even a few minutes.

She sighed after another minute. “Alright Sweetie. I’ll be here if you ever want to talk.” Rarity then turned and walked away.

Why should I care whether we talk or not? She betrayed my trust! She hurt my friends!’ Rarity thought in an attempt to make herself feel better. ‘She hurt Sunset!’ Rarity started marching down the stars.

But I hurt her more.’ Rarity suddenly stopped halfway down. “... I’m a terrible friend and an even worse sister.”

She gave a small sigh and sat down, pulling her legs up to her chest and relaxing her body. “What am I going to do?”

Author's Note:

Back by unpopular demand: me.

Yes, I figured nearly two weeks was long enough to keep you all waiting.

Seems Apple Bloom didn’t think her plan all the way through, now she’s got Sunset mad at her and AJ.

Now, don’t worry, we’ll get to Lyra and Bon-Bons misadventure soon. The scene is probably going to be long and I wanted to get to something else first.

It also looks like Rarity’s situation is the opposite of Rainbows. Where Rainbow can’t get Scootaloo to leave her alone, Rarity can’t even get Sweetie to interact with her.

Anyway, thank you all for taking time to read my fic!

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