• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,735 Views, 1,506 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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A Diamond in the rough



“Secret stealer.”

“Thanks for getting me grounded bitch.”

“Your parents would be ashamed of you.”

That last one actually made Apple Bloom recoil in shock, picking up her head to glare at the student who said that, not that she knew who it was in the first place.

Unfortunately for her, she should’ve kept moving as another student grabbed her tray and smashed it against her shirt, eliciting a chorus of laughs as the food got all over her chest and the floor. Apple Bloom sighed and picked the tray back up, only to have it kicked away.

Apple Bloom groaned in annoyance, having to lean over and grab the tray and try to salvage any food on the floor. She got up and began walking to her usual table, students shoulder checking her the whole way. She sat down, taking a deep breath and exhaling. She grabbed her wad of napkins and began cleaning off the food residue, grumbling in annoyance.

She looked at Scootaloo's abandoned lunch, giving a tired sigh. She probably wouldn’t see her friend again, but it seemed rude to help herself to Scootaloo's meal when she’s still in the cafeteria. She’d have to wait for the girl to run off.

Her head perked up as she noticed someone sitting next to her. She looked over and was surprised to see that Diamond Tiara was sitting next to her, quietly eating her lunch.

Apple Bloom stared at Diamond Tiara. She had always been so pretty, which was easier for her to admit now since they became friends. She had always carried herself with a refined grace Apple Bloom was jealous of. Not to mention her perfect makeup, million dollar clothes, and stunning hair-

“Are you going to talk to me or stare at me creepily the whole time?” Diamond Tiara said, breaking Apple Bloom from her thoughts.

Apple Bloom turned away to hide her blush. “Ah’m just surprised to see yah here. Yah don’t talk to me no more.”

“And whose fault is that?” Diamond said bitterly. “Sorry, that was rude... It just looked like you needed a friend right now.”

“We’re still friends?” Apple Bloom asked hopefully.

“A bit more… strained then before.” Diamond admitted. “Kinda cross with you after you nearly ruined my friendship with Silvy. We nearly broke that necklace in a fight before our parents stepped in.”

“Is she still my friend?”

“Yeah…mostly. She’s angrier than me though. Which I don’t blame her really, she’s your friend and you went after her anyway? That’s kinda awful.” Diamond Tiara turned towards Apple Bloom. “Why did you go after her anyway? Your sister was part of your plan, but Silvy seems like a needless victim.”

Apple Bloom sighed. “We were worried when the two of Yah thought Sunset was innocent. We thought that posting that picture would’ve either distracted the two of yah long enough or gotten yah to hate Sunset… clearly it didn’t work.”

Diamond Tiara merely hummed, turning back to her lunch. “So, where’s Sweetie Belle?”

“Sweetie's lunch time was switched around.”

“Really? The school trying to make sure the three of you don’t try colluding together?”

“No, she asked them to switch it.” Apple Bloom explained. “This is Buttons lunch time, she can’t face him after they broke up.”

“I thought they were on a break?”

“Please.” Apple Bloo rolled her eyes and scoffed. “We all know what that means. Ah’d never say it to her face, but he’s done with her.”

“Alright, and Scootaloo? I’m pretty sure that’s her lunch tray.”

Apple Bloom merely pointed. Diamond looked over to where Apple Blooms was pointing and saw Scootaloo at the Rainbooms table, three of the Rainbooms blocking Scootaloo as she held her hands up to them. Rainbow Dash meanwhile looked away angrily, her arms crossed.

“She’s at her daily failed attempt at talking to Rainbow.” Scootaloo's posture fell and she quickly ran out of the cafeteria. “She’s gonna cry in the girls bathroom until the bell rings, not that she’d admit it.”

“Hm, must be kinda lonely being here by yourself…”

“Yeah, but at least I can pilfer her lunch now.” Apple Bloom reached over and began eating Scootaloo's lunch. “She’s better at dodging the crowds than me.”

“Doesn’t she get hungry? How does she survive the rest of the school day?”

Apple Bloom shrugged. “No idea, but it’s not like she does anything anymore. She was kicked from the soccer team and her clubs. Just goes to class and home, like me and Sweetie

Diamond Tiara was quiet for a long moment. “Hey uh… I know you’re still punished and all, but you think maybe we can hang out sometime?”

Apple Bloom looked confused. “Ah mean, Ah wouldn’t be opposed to it. But Ah doubt Granny would let me do anything fun.”

“That’s ok, I can have you help me out at the garden, make it sound like a favor to me. Surely your grandma wouldn’t be opposed to having you help someone you wronged.” Diamond said somewhat nervously.

“Ah’d have to run it by her. What time?”

Diamond shrugged. “Whenever I guess, probably some time after school.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Apple Bloom flashed a friendly smile before chowing down. “Yah get a new hairstyle?”

“Finally! Someone notices! And it’s the cowgirl of all people!”

“Ah’m not that uncultured yah know.”

“Hmmmm, yes you are.”

“Hey Sunset, is something bothering yah?” Applejack asked her friend as the two of them made their way to Social Studies.

“What? No I feel fine.” Sunset looked at Applejack. “Why do you ask?”

“Yah just seem… distant. Ah noticed it back at lunch when yah weren’t talking to me or Derpy. Yah just kind of stared off.”

“I-it’s nothing Jackie. Just some news I learned when the Principal called me in.” Sunset mentally face palmed, knowing Applejack would want to know more.

“Really? What’d yah learn?”

“Uh…” Sunset didn’t want to lie to her friend, but she didn’t want her to know about the mess with the Valedictorian, not right now anyway. “Well, apparently I can participate in the Spring Fling.”

“Really?” Applejack stopped momentarily, but quickly caught up with Sunset with a huge smile on her face. “Sunset, that's great! Ah assume, not sure how yah feel about it.”

“It is.” Sunset nodded. “She says I can even run for Princess.”

“Are yah?”

“Probably not. I’m still kinda traumatized with what happened at the Formal; plus, either I’d get no votes cause nobody likes me, or everyone will vote for me cause they pity me after Anon.”

“Well, it’s yer decision. Personally, Ah think yah should run, maybe the competition will take yer mind off things.” Applejack nudged Sunset in the arm. “And for the record, yah got my vote.”

“You’d vote for any of your friends if they ran. What’re you gonna do if one of the others ran against me?”

“Who’s gonna do that? Dash would never accept such a girly title as princess and barely tolerates dresses, Pinkies got her hands full already setting everything up, Rarity swore off running for Princess after last Spring Fling.” Sunset winced at that. “And… well, Ah think yah know why a certain someone wouldn’t run.”

Sunset's eyes hardened into a glare at the subtle insinuation of Fluttershy. They quickly dissipated with a grumble. “Guess you’re right. But what if you ran? You couldn’t vote for me.”

Applejack let out a loud, boisterous laugh. “Me? Run for Princess? That’s absurd! I dislike dresses more than Dash, and who’s gonna vote for the muscly farmgirl?”

“Don’t sell yourself short, a lot of boys think country accents are sexy as hell. Plus, you got those adorable freckles.” Sunset said as she poked Applejack's cheeks. “I’m sure you’d get a few votes.”

“A-Ah dunno.” Applejack nervously chuckled, scratching the back of her head.. “Thanks for the confidence boost though.”

“Anytime.” Sunset smiled. Soon the two girls walked into their Social Studies class and sat down, applejack behind Sunset.

“Yer at least gonna go to the Fling right?”

“Of course.” Sunset answered. “Even if I’m not running for Princess, the Fling is always fun. I would’ve gone even if I didn’t have anyone to go with.”

“Got any ideas for a dress?”

“Well… no.” Sunset was quiet for a moment. “Do you think… Rarity might make one for me?”

“Uh, yeah, she probably would. But that would mean yah have to talk to her, and Ah’m sure she’d want to reconnect.” Applejack reached over and placed her hand on Sunsets shoulder. “Are yah ready for that?”

“I don’t know. Could try to do it anonymously, then have the dress delivered.”

“Yah know there’s no guarantee it would be up to yer standards or would even fit yah, and Ah don’t think Rarity has a way to deliver it unless she was doing it herself.”

“And if she took it to my house she’d know it was me… guess there’s no way around it.” Sunset leaned forward and rested her chin on her hands. “I’m gonna have to talk with Rarity.”

“Yah… want any help?”

Sunset shook her head. “No, this is something I have to do myself. We might have to start slow, act as provider and client before slowly broaching the subject.”

“Well, Ah’m here for yah, the both of yah.”

“Thanks AJ.” Sunset flashed a smile. They both looked down as Sunsets bag started vibrating. “Weird, Twilight doesn’t usually write when I’m in class.”

Sunset reached down and pulled the Journal out, flipping it to the most recent page. “Hey Sunset, sorry to bother you, but I know you and Applejack share this class period and I was wondering if she was there with you?”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, she’s here. Do you need her for something?”

“I do actually, do you mind giving her the journal?”

“Sure I guess. Just remember to write in English.” Sunset handed Applejack the book. “She wants to talk to you.”

Applejack looked confused and grabbed the journal, taking a moment to think what she was going to say. “Hey Twilight, you wanted to see me?”

There were some random squiggles on the page that Applejack couldn’t read, which were quickly crossed out. “Sorry, force of habit. Look, I know you’re busy, but do you mind if you come over after school?”

“Come over? As in cross through the portal?”

“Exactly, I need to see you.”

Applejack's eyes widened. “Why? What do you need me for? Can’t you cross over yourself?”

“I just want to ask some questions and maybe give you a plan for Sunset's recovery.”

“Why not just come over and do that?”

“I’m busy, I’m barely able to squeeze you in. I can’t go to the Human world otherwise I’ll be late for an important meeting, having you come over should be a lot faster and convenient for me. I also don’t want to deal with your fellow students, they might try distracting me cause they don’t see me often.” Twilight explained. “Plus, don’t act like you haven’t wanted to see where me and Sunset are from.”

Twilight had her there. Applejack had spent many hours thinking about ‘Equestria’ and everything related to it. “I guess I can find the time. I’ll see you later Twilight.”

“See you then!”

Applejack closed the journal and handed it back to Sunset. “Well?”

“She wanted me to go through the portal to meet with her.”

“Really? Why?” Sunset swiveled in her seat to face Applejack.

“Not entirely sure, but it seems to do with you. She wanted to ask me some questions, no doubt relating to our meeting on Saturday.”

Sunset was about to ask more questions but was stopped by the bell. “Well, good luck.” She swung around to face the front of the room. “Oh and, before you go through the portal, close your eyes.”

“Uh, ok?”

“No, seriously. Close your eyes. You’ll regret it if you don’t.” Sunset warned with a serious look before giving her attention to the teacher as he began taking attendance.

Author's Note:

Oof, seems Apple Blooms being bullied pretty hard.
And no friends to weather it with? That sucks.

Atleast Diamonds coming around, and it seems Bloom has a thing for the former brat. Wonder why Diamond invited her out?:trixieshiftright:
This is probably the only official ship i’ll Make in the story.

By the way, that sentence about Diamond and Silver nearly breaking the necklace in a fight is a very small shout out to Sonicfan05s story “Through the Eyes of Anon-a-Miss”, a long time reader of the fic.

Too bad for Scoots. Can’t catch a break at lunch or after school. Hopefully Rainbow will come around soon.

I’m going to have to keep track of this arbitrary schedule though, so internal consistency isn’t broken. Not that anyone would notice otherwise.

But it seems Sunset is pretty dead set on not running for Princess. Hopefully Lyra can convince Derpy to help out.

And, again, I seem to make some accidental chemistry with AJ and Sunset. Why do I do this to myself?

And what’s this? Sunsets going to have to talk to Rairty, and AJs going to Equestria? This should be fun!

Anyhow, thanks for reading my fic!

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