• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,699 Views, 1,505 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Reconnection between sisters

Rainbow Dash dried her hands with a ball of paper towels, taking a moment to throw it into a trash can from afar, the paper ball landing perfectly in the trash. “Nothing but net.” She pumped her first and began walking out of the bathroom.

Rainbow's phone began ringing and she pulled it out, seeing Applejack was calling her. Her face lit up and she answered. “Hey AJ! I take it everything went well with Sunset?”

Well, yes and no.

Rainbow Dash looked confused. “Yes and no? What does that mean?”

Well, it turns out Bloom lied to the both of us, she told Sunset we needed help and she told me Sunset offered.

“Wait, what? Your sister seriously went behind your backs and forced a meeting between the two of you?” Rainbow Dash stopped walking. “I’m guessing it worked out though?”

Yeah, me and Sunset chewed Bloom out and Sunset yelled at us. Afterwards Ah went out to give her lunch to the pigs but Ah found her in her car. Turns out she felt guilty for making Bloom cry.” Applejack explained. “Ah offered her lunch, and we Uh… well, we had a long talk and drove for a bit. Ah won’t get into all the details right now, Ah’m still reeling from the emotional rollercoaster of the last few hours.

“Well, what can you tell me? I’ve been waiting all day to hear back from you.”

Well, Ah’m sure yah’ll love to hear that Sunset still considers us her friend.” Rainbows eyes widened. “Including yah.

“W-what!?” Rainbow Dash put a hand to her chest and fell against the wall, grinning like an idiot. “Th-that’s great! I-I thought for sure she was going to hate me. Oh! I-I better tell Flutters! She really needs to hear-”

Dash.” Rainbow Dash stopped. “Sunset… Sunset doesn’t consider Fluttershy her friend anymore. In fact, she says she hates her.

Rainbow Dash stood there for a few seconds before breaking into a laughing fit. “Sorry, I thought I heard you saying that Sunset hates Fluttershy.”

Dash, Ah’m serious.

Rainbow laughed even harder. “You almost had me there AJ. Now tell me what really happened.”

Rainbow, yah know Ah’d never joke like that.” Applejack said sternly. “Sunset says she hates Fluttershy.

“What?” Rainbow Dashes smile dropped. “No no no no, t-that doesn’t make any sense. What possible reason would she have to hate Fluttershy?”

Ah tried asking, but she wasn’t comfortable discussing it.

Dash twitched nervously as she absorbed this information, her mind racing. “Y-you go up to her and you convince her to hate me instead.”

What? No, Ah’m not doing that RD.

“I deserve it!” Rainbow pleaded desperately. “I was awful during Anon-A-Miss. You go up to her, and you remind her of all the shit I pulled with her. Tell her how shitty a friend I am, make something up! Just anything to have her stop hating Fluttershy.”

Dash, even if Ah did do that, which I won't, that’s just going to make her hate two people. Yah didn’t see the fire in her eyes when she was discussing ‘Shy, there’s no way for yah to take her place.”

“A-are you even allowed to be telling me this?” Rainbow asked panickedly.

Ah asked her if Ah could tell the others what happened and she said it was fine. She even said, and I quote, ‘you can tell that Bitch Fluttershy I hate her, I want nothing to do with her.’”

Rainbow's mouth fell open with shock and she was left standing speechless. “She really called Fluttershy a bitch?”

Yeah, but Ah’m not gonna tell ‘Shy that and Ah’d appreciate it if yah kept her from finding out.

“I’m with her right now!”

Oh…” there was an awkward pause. “Yah keep this from her, yah here? She’s already dealing with this Anon business pretty hard.

“So, what. You want me to lie to her?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow, fidgeting nervously

Well, not exactly.

“So I should tell her.”

Hell no.

“So you want me to keep it from her, but you don’t want me to lie either?” Rainbow growled. “This is an impossible set of directions to follow!”

Look, Ah don’t usually advocate this, but maybe just try… omitting that part? Try to make it clear that Sunset needs time and ‘Shy shouldn’t approach her on her own.

“Isn’t that still technically a lie?”

What do you want from me Dash? We can’t tell Fluttershy Sunset hates her but she’ll be expecting news. Ah don’t like it, but we need to buy time to change Sunsets mind, this is the least deceitful way to go about it.”

Rainbow was about to answer when a voice caught her attention. “Rainbow Dash!” She looked over to see Fluttershy waving to her from afar, making her way through the crowd.

“I gotta let you go, Fluttershy came looking for me.” Rainbow held out her hand to wave back to Fluttershy.

Remember, don’t tell her anything.” Applejack warned. “Ah’ll see yah at school.

“Yeah, see ya AJ.” With that Rainbow Dash disconnected the call and put her phone away.

“I heard you say AJ.” Fluttershy commented with a smile, stopping in front of Rainbow Dash. “Was that Applejack?”

“Yeah.” Rainbow put on a cocky smile. “She called and apparently things were a great success. Turns out Apple Bloom lied and forced the meeting between them though.”

“Oh no.” Fluttershy's smile faded. “She really went behind everyone’s back so soon after Anon-A-Miss? I take it that neither of them were happy when they found out.”

“They weren’t and there were some… issues.” Rainbow cleared her throat. “But Sunset And AJ got to talking and things worked out. S-she didn’t tell me much about what happened though, said she was still exhausted.”

“I imagine she would. Something like this would take a lot out of you.” Fluttershy shuffled nervously. “D-did she say anything about us? About me?”

“Well, it turns out we’re in a better position with Sunset than we thought.” Rainbow said with a forced grin. “We won’t have to start over like we thought… d-don’t go up to her though, you’ll just scare Sunset off. She needs to come to you.”

“That’s fair.” Fluttershy seemed sad but nodded. “I’m still going up to her on her birthday though, I picked out her present months in advance.”


“Yeah, don’t tell me you forgot Dashie.” Fluttershy giggled. “Sunset's eighteenth birthday is on February twelfth. Remember we were going to give her a surprise party?”

Horror briefly crossed Rainbows face but she quickly squashed it before Fluttershy could notice. “Oh yeah! Her big B-day. She’ll be able to vote right?” Rainbow Dash began walking with Fluttershy following along. “We might have to downsize our plans though.”

“Nonsense Dash, if things are as good as you say, then Sunset won’t mind. Plus, I’m sure she won’t mind if I just go up and give Sunset her gift.”

“W-we’ll see.” Rainbow cleared her throat and desperately tried to think of a way to change the subject. “So, hair extensions?”


“Sorry, sorry.”

Applejack sighed lightly as she set her phone down, staring up at her ceiling for a few minutes. Today was… interesting.

On the one hand, she was glad that her and Sunset worked some things out, despite the rocky beginning. On the other hand, she had learned quite a bit about her friend, and things had just gotten a whole lot more complicated after Sunset's feelings for Fluttershy were revealed.

Applejack groaned and placed her hands on her eyes, she couldn’t for the life of her see why Sunset could possibly hate Fluttershy. She was sure Fluttershy would have the least trouble getting back in Sunset's good graces.

Maybe Ah can ask Fluttershy what happened? But that might tip her off somethings wrong… unless Ah ask everyone what they might’ve done during Anon. But Sunset could see it as me circumventing her…’ she pondered on what to do for a few seconds before giving up.

She got off her bed and walked out of her room. She stopped at Apple Bloom's room and stood there for a few seconds. ‘Come on AJ! She’s yer baby sister, there’s nothing to be afraid of.

Applejack took a deep breath and twisted the handle, walking in to see Apple Bloom sitting at her desk writing something. The red head looked over. “Oh, hey AJ. Yah here to yell at me?”

“No, Granny probably yelled enough for the two of us.” Applejack walked in and looked over. “What’re yah writing?”

“An apology note to Sunset. Granny wants it to be perfect, she had me write five apology essays for Sunset and threw out each one. My hands are starting to hurt.”

Applejack nodded, watching her work for a minute. “Hey uh, think yah can take a break? Ah wanna talk.”

Apple Bloom seized up. “Yah sure yer not gonna yell at me?”

“Ah promise on Ma and Pa Ah won’t yell at yah.” Applejack sat down on Apple Blooms bed and patted the empty space next to her.

Apple Bloom gingerly got up and sat down, twiddling her thumbs as she waited for her sister to start.

“... First, Sunset wanted me to let yah know she’s sorry. She was too angry to do it herself.”

“What?” Apple Bloom snapped her head towards Applejack with a look of shock.”Sorry? For what?”

“For making yah cry. She’s angry with yah, but she felt guilty for going too far.”

“The only way yah would know that is if…” Apple Bloom trailed off. “Where were yah for two hours?”

“Ah was with Sunset. Yer plan had an… unexpected success.” Apple Bloom lit up. “Don’t let it go to yer head now missy, it very easily could’ve backfired. Yah can’t force something like that, especially after yah got in trouble for something similar. Pull something like that again and it could end very badly for everyone involved, got it?”

“A-Ah won’t, Ah learned my lesson. For real this time.” Apple Bloom sheepishly nodded. “Besides, it’ll probably be harder for me to get away with something like that again.”

“Yah got that right, Ah’m gonna be second guessing every little thing that comes out of yer mouth.” An awkward silence fell over between the two sisters. “Why’d yah do it anyhow?”

Apple Blooms shoulders slumped. “Yah just seem so… sad all the time. So does Sunset. Ah thought that maybe if the two of Yah got to talking, maybe yah could reconnect and yah both wouldn’t be so sad anymore... Maybe yah would love me again.”

“Wait, what?” Applejack reeled back. “What’s this Ah hear about me not loving yah?”

“AJ, don’t try to pretend.” Apple Bloom sniffled. “Ah fucked up big time, it makes sense Yah wouldn’t love me anymore.”

“First off, don’t use that language. Ever.” Applejack held up her finger at Apple Bloom. “And second off, there is nothing… nothing in this world that would ever make me stop loving yah. Yer my sister Bloom, it don’t matter if yah up and killed me, Ah’d still love yah no matter what.”

“But Rainbow Dash-”

“Is angry with Scootaloo, just like me. She handles her anger differently from me, but that doesn’t mean she hates Scootaloo. Even if she did, their relationship has nothing to do with us.” Applejack explained. “Yah don’t need to earn back my love Bloom, just my trust.”

Apple Bloom stared at Applejack for a few seconds before breaking down, suddenly flinging herself into Applejack and wrapped her arms around the older girl, crying into her sister's chest. Applejack pulled Apple Bloom into a tight embrace and began stroking her sister's hair.

After a few minutes Apple Bloom pulled away and messily cleaned her face, hiccuping at random intervals. “Yah want me to give her yer essay when yer finished?”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “N-no, Ah gotta d-do it myself.” She said with a bright smile. “C-can yah at Least convince h-her to hear me out?”

“Ah dunno, we’re still trying to figure out the limits of our relationship. Ah think yah might be alone on this one.”

“That’s f-fine. Ah’ll manage to convince h-her.” Apple Bloom smiled again and hugged Applejack tightly. “It’s gonna suck writing those essays though.”

“Not as much as it’s gonna suck dealing with Sunset, that girl was pissed with yah.” Apple Bloom groaned in response as Applejack chuckled.

Author's Note:

Well, I think the weekends coming to an end folks. Next chapter we should be heading too Monday, where we’ll see more Lyrabon!

Was pretty sweet of Dash to try and have Sunset hate her instead, doesn’t seem to realize how deep Sunsets hate for Flutters goes.
Still seems to be dealing with the guilt from her actions during Anon, I’m sure her and Sunset talking will be interesting.

But now it’s gonna be even more difficult to hide the truth from Flutters, Applejacks even advocating not being entirely honest to spare Flutters feels. Gonna be even harder when the rest of the Rainbooms find out.

But hey, Sunsets birthday is coming up! I’m sure nothing bad will happen right before Sunsets 18th birthday:pinkiehappy:

Seems AJ wasn’t done having emotional talks though, seeing as how she and her sister got to talking. Seems they’ve worked some things out, now hopefully Bloom won’t make anymore boneheaded decisions.

I wonder what would happen if Bloom caught wind of Lyras plan? Hmmmm

Anyhow, thank you all for reading my fic!

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