• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,735 Views, 1,506 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

  • ...

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Welcome to sadcube corner!

“Are you sure about this Bonny?” Lyra asked nervously as she and Bon-Bon stood in front of the school, their fellow students walking past them as school let out. “She barely agreed in the first place then got angry, I really doubt she’s going to join us.”

“Probably, but it would be rude of us to bail after you invited her.” Bon-Bon said leaning against a wall. “Plus, if she does decide to join us, then finds out we left without her, she’d probably be angrier with us.”

“I guess. Suppose we don’t want to give her another reason to be angry with us.” Lyra conceded, looking out over the crowd to see if she could find Sunset. “No idea how we’re going to interact with her.”

“You invited her, shouldn’t you have the plan?” Bon-Born raised an eyebrow at Lyra.

“I had expected her to agree if she had forgiven us or was receptive to the idea.” Lyra turned towards her girlfriend. “Having Sunset still upset with us wasn’t part of the plan. I don’t know if anything I do or say will make her angry.”

“Well, you’re gonna have to improvise cause here she comes.” Bon-Bon subtly cocked her head to the school entrance, Sunset walking through the doors and marching down the steps.

Lyra tensed in anticipation, waiting to see what Sunset's final verdict was. She tried to make herself seem inconspicuous, not wanting to look desperate, choosing to look at her phone.

“So.” The two girls looked towards Sunset, who had stopped in front of them with her bag slung over her shoulder. “Are we ready?”

Bon-Bon and Lyra gave each other a look, both surprised she had decided to join after all. Both were wordlessly urging the other to address her first.

Sunset frowned as the two of them just looked at each other blankly. “Are we still going or what?” Sunset said in an annoyed tone.

The two stopped looking at each other and turned to Sunset. “Oh, yes. We’re just surprised you took me up on my offer.” Lyra responded.

“I agreed to join, didn't I?” Sunset crossed her arms over her chest. “It’d be rude to bail without telling you two first.”

“Regardless, we’re glad you decided to join us Sunset.” Bon-Bon said with a friendly smile. “Did you drive to school? We’d offer to drive you, but we don’t want you to leave your-”

“I walked, I always walk to school. You don’t have to worry about my car.” Sunset said cutting Bon-Bon off. “And before you say anything, I’ll be buying for myself.”

Bon-Bon was a bit annoyed that Sunset had interrupted her and had shut her down so quickly, but decided it wasn’t worth making a fuss over it. “Alright, we’ll drive you there then.”

The three girls turned and made their way to the parking lot, Bon-Bon and Lyra walking next to each other while Sunset stayed a few feet behind them, making her feelings about this clear.

Bon-Bons phone rang and she brought it out.

Lyra: ‘Don’t offer Sunset shotgun, she’ll probably say “Whatever” in a moody tone

Bon-Bon scowled at the text, growing annoyed with how presumptuous everyone was being… and that they guessed exactly what she was going to do.

She put her phone away as they reached the car and took out her keys. “Sunset, you can sit wherever you want alright?” Lyra gave her a small frown, thinking that was basically the same thing.

“I’ll just sit in the back.” Sunset declared as she opened the back door and got in.

Bon-Bon turned to Lyra and gave her a smug grin before getting in as well. She turned on the car when Lyra got in and drove off.

The drive to the Sweete Shoppe was awkward. Lyra and Bon-Bon made small talk and asked Sunset a question every once in a while, trying to coax her to talk with them, to which the redhead promptly gave a short and uninterested answer as she looked out the window.

Bon-Bon was thankful when they finally parked and made their way into the Sweete Shoppe, a moody Sunset once again giving them a wide berth. The three got their treats from the counter and sat down.

The three of them sat there awkwardly, Sunset staring down at her milkshake while the two girls stared at her.

“So Sunset.” Lyra finally spoke up, causing the girl in question to look at her. “You said you had a car right?”

“Yes, what’s your point?” Sunset raised an eyebrow at Lyra.

“You just struck me as a motorcycle gal is all. I’m surprised you’d have a car instead.” Lyra commented.

“That’s because I am, but you can only fit two people on a motorcycle. It’s not practical when driving around… friends.” Sunset's face fell. “Plus they’re more dangerous to drive, so...”

Bon-Bon noticed Sunsets demeanor and quickly thought on how she could change the subject. “Uh, so what did you do during Winter Break?”

“Went back home, didn’t want to stay here after what happened.” Sunset took a sip from her milkshake. “Twilight said I could stay there for the rest of the year if I wanted, but I decided against it.”

“Why didn’t you? I mean, I’m grateful you came back, but no one would fault you for staying home after what happened.” Lyra asked curiously.

“I wanted to, but I felt like I would just be running away from my problems.” Sunset answered, folding her hands together. “Just… seemed cowardly I guess.”

The two girls shared a look before looking back to Sunset. “Sunset. We never… asked how hard Anon-A-Miss was for you.” Bon-Bon reached her arms out and cupped Sunsets right hand. Sunset tensed and debated on whether or not to pull away. “Do you... want to talk about it?”

“I don’t know what there is to say really.” Sunset gently pulled her hand away.

“Well, perhaps if we had a better idea on how you feel, it could help in earning your forgiveness.” Bon-Bon offered.

Sunset groaned in annoyance. “Here we go again. Forgiveness. Everybody just wants my forgiveness.”

“Well, I mean, yeah. That’s how making amends works.” Lyra added.

“Gee, thank you Lyra, I had no idea that’s how that worked.” Sunset gave her a small glare.

“Sunset, come on. It’s been a month and you’re not even trying to work with any of us.” Lyra said in an annoyed tone. “I get you’re angry, but we really are sorry.”

“Are you?” Sunset snapped. “How do I know that? How do I know you all just can't handle the guilt? How do I know you actually care that you all hurt me?"

"We're all apologizing aren't we? What more proof do you want?" Lyra challenged.

"Apologies aren't enough." Sunset growled.

"It's what you did!" Lyra leaned forward, the other patrons looking over at the escalating situation.

"I did more than apologize!" Sunset stood up and slammed her hands on the table. "I worked my ass off trying to make it up to everyone, especially you."

Lyra was about to retort before she saw that Sunset's eyes were watering. Her eyes softened, having not expected Sunset to cry. "Sunset?"

"Do you have any idea how much work went into making a fake Fall Formal for you? How humiliating it was to admit to the entire school I sabotaged you? How difficult it was to convince both of you that it wasn’t a trick?" Sunset shook angrily as tears started falling down her cheeks. "And how did you thank me? By writing 'Cuntshit Shitter' on my locker."

Bon-Bon gasped. "Lyra! Is that true?" Lyra opened her mouth to answer but was stopped by Sunset.

"You asked how hard it was for me during Anon-A-Miss?” She turned to address Bon-Bon now. “It was worse than being blasted by a rainbow and falling to rock fucking bottom.”

The tears flowed freely now, Sunset's anger replaced by barely contained grief. “I worked so hard to make it up to all of you, to prove I had changed.” She wiped her eyes. “After the sirens I thought I had earned everyone’s trust and forgiveness. I was happy for the first time in a long time.”

By now all the patrons were looking over and watching the three girls, Mr and Mrs cake silently arguing on what to do. “But all it took was an obvious frameup and two posts for my friends to abandon me. Three for the entire school to turn on me.” Sunset sat down and slumped in her chair. “It was like all my hard work was for nothing. That no one will ever truly forgive me. That no matter what I do…” Sunset crossed her arms over her body like she was hugging herself. “My past will always haunt me.”

Sunsets sniffled lightly for about a minute as the two girls opposite of her absorbed her words. “I’m sorry, I can’t trust you. N-not anymore. I want to trust you, I want to believe that this will never happen again and you all are truly sorry…” Sunset's turned away from them. “But I can’t.”

A long silence reigned over the table, broken up by the murmuring from the other patrons. Sunset finally remembered they weren’t alone and looked up, finding that everyone was staring at them. Mortified, she stood up and quickly made her way to the exit.

“Sunset, wait!” Lyra called out as Sunset pushed past the door and disappeared from view. Lyra gave a frustrated huff and turned away from the door. “Well, that could’ve gone better.”

“... Cuntshit Shitter? I had no idea you were so vulgar Lyra.” Bon-Bon declared, eliciting an annoyed groan from the girl beside her.

Applejack double checked the horses feed, making sure she hadn’t forgotten any of them. When she was done, one of her favorites nudged against her arm, practically begging for attention.

She chuckled and reached hand out, slowly stroking her mane. After a minute, a frown grew on her face, her mind wandering to a certain someone. While Sunset had made it very clear the differences between her and Applejacks’ horses, she couldn’t help but think of her unicorn turned human friend.

And how royally she and her friends had messed everything up. Sure Apple Bloom and her friends were the masterminds behind Anon-A-Miss, but that was little comfort to the cowgirl. She could still remember the palpable fury on Princess Twilight's face when she was told the whole story. And just how loud that girl turned out to be.

It was a surprise to the Rainbooms when Twilight, despite everyone’s protests, demanded they give Sunset her space. Saying the redhead needed time to think things over.

Applejack could only grimace at the implications. For all she knew, Sunset was done with her and the Rainbooms and that was Twilight's polite way of informing them.

It wouldn’t be so bad if Applejack didn’t feel like a liar. She genuinely meant it when she said she considered Sunset family, and now that she wasn’t here it felt like a part of her family was missing. But given how fast she turned on Sunset, she started to doubt whether she believed that in the first place. Family has more trust in each other don’t they?

“Sis?” Applejack was broken out of her (admittedly) mopey thoughts when Apple Bloom walked in.

Applejack turned towards her sister. “Yeah Bloom?”

Apple Bloom stopped and stood there awkwardly for a few seconds. “Uh, Sunset came up to me earlier and offered to help out on the farm this weekend. She said she’d be here at 9:00.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “She did? Why did she go to yah and not me?”

“She said she still isn’t comfortable talking to yah, but hopes that working on the farm will eventually lead to the two of yah talking things out.” Apple Bloom explained. “So she wanted me to deliver the message so yah aren’t surprised when she shows up.”

Applejack’s eyes widened and her heart raced. “Oh, well, That’s... good. Do yah perhaps know which day she’s coming?” Applejack couldn’t help but feel elated at the news, hoping she would show up tomorrow.

Apple Bloom shook her head. “No, and Ah’m sure if she gets busy she won’t show up.”

Applejack nodded. “Alright, Ah’ll make a schedule for her chores.” Applejack placed her hands on her hips. “Now, don’t yah have some of yer own chores to do, Anon-A-Miss?”

Apple Bloom nodded and turned, walking towards the barn door. Applejack turned away, a big smile on her face. She was excited to finally be interacting with her friend after so long, and even more excited she had come of her own volition. Her mind raced with the possibilities of what this could mean for the two of them, planning every detail of the day.

Apple Bloom meanwhile curled her hand into a fist and punched the palm of her other hand, a victorious smile on her face. “Phase two complete.”

Author's Note:

Third chapters done!

Hopefully Sunset isn’t too overdramtically sad. I tried to keep it subdued.

I’m rather surprised with how many people were hostile to Appleblooms plan, I might have to get rid of the implications to not give the wrong idea.

It also seems it won’t be easy for the school to earn Sunsets forgiveness, what are Lyra and Bon-Bon gonna do?

Like always, this chapter needs some polish. Perhaps when I get some time i’ll polish the fic a bit.

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