• Published 15th Nov 2021
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In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Sunsets always underestimating Twilight

Sunset walked into Derpy's room, the girl angrily pacing back and forth. “Hey, look, I appreciate you sticking up for me and all, but I really think you should make up with your-”

“I want you to run for Princess.”

“I- what?” Sunset looked confused at Derpy's outburst. “Derpy, I’m not doing that.”

“Well that’s fine, but it was going to be your restitution to me.” Derpy said casually. “Thought you wanted to make up for your past behavior towards me.”

“Wait, what?” Sunset looked even more confused. “Derpy, I don’t see how that helps you any, it really only benefits me.”

“It’s simple really.” Derpy answered. “If you win, I’ll be friends with the Spring princess and gain some popularity by proxy. Or you’ll fail, and I can get some revenge for when you bullied me out running for Fall princess freshman year.”

“I-I dunno.” Sunset looked guilty at Derpy's words. “You have to admit you’re reaching to justify it as your restitution.”

“Oh yeah. A Hundred percent.” Derpy nodded. “To be honest, I just think you’ll have some fun running as princess and it’d be nice for you to put yourself out there.”

“I appreciate that Derpy, but…” Sunset said nothing as she crossed her arms. “I don’t think I can handle another failed campaign. It hurt when I found out I was the only one who voted for me.”

Derpy seemed shocked. “What about Snips and Snails? They were your flunkies right? Didn’t they vote for you?”

“That’s what really hurt. They voted for Twilight. They helped try and steal the crown from her, but voted for Twilight anyway. That spoke louder than words just how little anyone actually liked me.”

Derpy stared at Sunset awkwardly for a moment as she thought over her next words. “Well, this time is gonna be different. You’ll have at least two votes. Me and you girl.” Derpy held out two fingers towards Sunset. “Plus, you’ve changed since the Fall Formal. People actually like you now, you're not the same… jerk, as before. Plus, I’m sure you’ll get some remorse votes due to what happened with Anon.”

“But what if I actually win?” Sunset challenged. “I… I don’t think I could go through that again. After all the times I’ve been crowned princess, I don’t think I can do it again.”

“It’s not about winning or losing.” Derpy retorted. “It’s about having fun. I just want you to have fun Sunset Shimmer. For you to feel confident in yourself again and not stress over whether you win or lose.” Derpy leaned closer. “Did you have fun before you were crowned? Whether you were campaigning or just enjoying everything the Fling offered?”

“Yeah… I did. A lot of fun actually. ” Sunset admits meekly. “But that still doesn’t benefit you any! Even with your flimsy justification.”

“Ok.” Derpy shrugged. “But I’m like super mad at my dad right now and It’ll be fun to stick it to him by having you run for princess. Plus, I could easily guilt you into doing more stuff for me if I wanted.”

Sunset was taken aback by Derpy's attitude. “You don’t seem like the guilting type.”

“I’m not, but you would be the easiest target ever to guilt trip if I wanted to.” Sunset looked nervous and scanned Derpy's room with her eyes awkwardly. “I’m kidding. I don’t guilt people.” Derpy flashed a reassuring smile which seemed to help Sunset relax. “But you would be super easy to guilt into compliance, just saying.”

“Um, alright.” Sunset said in an unsure tone. “But you’ve convinced me. I’ll run for Spring princess for you... even if it doesn’t really benefit you.” Sunset had the wind knocked out of her as Derpy barreled into her and pulled her into a tight hug. ‘She sure likes to hug.’ Sunset remarked.

“I’m glad to hear it!” Derpy finally pulled away with a bright smile on her face. “Now how about you and me slay more zombies? I can sacrifice myself to the horde to make up for earlier.”

Sunset smiled and opened her mouth to agree, only for her bag to vibrate, causing both girls to look over. “Oh, that’s Twilight. She’s probably going to tell me how her meeting with AJ went. I should take this.” Derpy smiled and pulled away, allowing Sunset to walk to her bag and take out the book.

She turned to the most recent page and looked over the words. “Hey Sunset, it’s me AJ. Twilights being panicky cause she wants to ask about the situation between you and monkeyshy and thinks you’ll stop being her friend-” Sunsets eyes widened before glaring down at the words. “Derpy! Get me a pen! I need to yell at Twilight.”

Derpy seemed confused but found a pen and threw it to Sunset.

“Twilight! You really think I’d stop being your friend over this? You’re my best friend!”

Twilight let out a sigh of relief, turning towards Applejack to see the cowgirl had lifted her hat to give Twilight a smug look. Twilight rolled her eyes and elbowed AJ, levitating her quill to respond to Sunset. “That’s a relief, I was so afraid I could lose you if I didn’t approach this right. This entire situation caught me off guard.”

“Yeah, AJ warned me she slipped up with you earlier. I expected you to ask sooner or later.”

“I wouldn’t have to if you were honest with me up front. Why didn’t you tell me something was going on with you and Fluttershy?”

“I’m sorry Twi, I really am. But you’re already doing so much for me that I didn’t want to add more work for you. I don’t want to be a burden.”

“Sunset, you are not a burden. I enjoy helping you, I want to see you happy again.”

“Perhaps, but this isn’t something you can help me with. I knew you’d try to help me and Fluttershy be friends again, but there’s no way in hell im being friends with that conniving bitch.”

Twilight visibly flinched at Sunset's words, starting to grasp just how bad this was. “Sunset! You can’t say that. I know things are difficult, but you can’t say that about Fluttershy.”

“I’m sorry Twi, but I don’t want anything to do with Fluttershy from here on out. Not anymore.”

“And why is that exactly? You can’t just spring something like that on me and not tell me what happened.”

“Twi, I‘m not very comfortable talking about what happened, especially when I’m at a friend's house. I don’t think I could keep a lid on my emotions.”

“I guess that’s understandable, but will you at least give me some details about what happened?” Twilight grew worried when Sunset didn’t respond. “Sunset? You still there?”

“Yeah I’m still here. I guess I can give you a vague run down of what happened, you may get frustrated with the lack of real details.”

“Hey, I don’t want to be pushy. Just reveal what you’re comfortable with, ok?”

“Alright, thanks Twi. You’re a good friend.” Twilight smiled and felt pretty good about herself, but then began wondering if Sunset was trying to butter her up. “So, it wasn’t too long after Fluttershy's singing performance was leaked by Anon. I knew she’d be devastated, and that she blamed me, so I went to talk to her and try to convince her I wouldn’t do something like that to her.”

“I can only imagine how that went down.”

“It was probably worse, because we had a very heated discussion relating to my guilt, whether or not i’m a terrible person who used Fluttershy, and me asking why her of all people believed I was Anon-A-Miss. Some vicious words were exchanged and afterwards I couldn’t look at Fluttershy the same anymore. She’s not a cutesy innocent angel she likes to present herself as, she’s much more conniving. Over here at least, your Flutters fine, I actually kind of adore her.”

Twilight read over Sunset's account of the event, trying desperately to think what the two girls might’ve said to each other to lead to… this. “Alright, I understand why you may not be thrilled with Fluttershy. But while I’m still not sure why you’re angriest with Fluttershy, I promise we’ll figure this out, ok?”

“That’s what I’m afraid of. I appreciate you wanting to fix things between us, but please don’t spend more effort one me, you’re already doing so much.”

“That’s what a friend does Sunset. I’m going to redouble my efforts with your recovery till you’re happy again.”

“I doubt that having Fluttershy as a friend again will help with that at all, but I won’t stop you. Even if it is an exercise in futility.”

“You underestimated me once before you know.” Twilight wrote with a triumphant smirk. She quickly realized how that might’ve come off and panickedly backtracked. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t think that through, I meant it as a joke, I don’t mean to-“

Twilight, relax!” Sunset placed her words right next to Twilight, interrupting her. “It’s fine, I’m not offended or anything. I actually thought it was funny. I guess I can’t stop underestimating the pretty pony princess pupil.” Twilight lets out a sigh of relief and chuckles at Sunsets teasing. Her train jolts to a stop and she looks out the window to see they’re in Canterlot station. “Twi?”

“Sorry, we just pulled into Canterlot Station. I won’t be able to talk for a while.”

“Alright then, I’ll see you later Twi. Good luck picking out concubines or whatever it is you crazy royals get up to.”

“That’s not happening, I can barely date, I’m definitely not having multiple lovers vying for my attention.” Twilight's eyes lit up as she realized something. “And before you go, can I ask you something?”

“Hit me.”

Twilight stared at the journal for a long moment before writing. “Since I’m in Canterlot, how do you feel about talking to Celestia?”

Author's Note:

Seems Lyras plan had a very roundabout success. Seems Derpy didn’t need any coaxing to try and get Sunset to run. Hopefully it doesn’t get weird when everyone learns about Lyras plan.

And I thought It’d be really sad and comedically tragic if Sunset found out she was the only one who voted for herself.

She must be really pissed if she wants to spite her dad, she doesn’t seem like an especially spiteful daughter.

I’m also pretty sure Sunset considers Twilight her best friend, but doesn’t think Twilight feels the same. But I also interpret Twilight as the kind of person who’d view all her friends as her best friend.
Whether that’d be to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings or because she loves her friends that much, who can say.

Well at least we know more about what happened with Sunset and Flutters. Must’ve been a really bad argument if Sunset is this angry. I wonder what they said to eachother?

At least Poneyshy is safe, Sunset seems to like her.

Uh oh, Sunset and Celestia are going to be talking?
Guess Forgotten Friendship is gonna be different in this universe.

Thank you all for reading my fic!

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