• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,735 Views, 1,506 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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The sleepover pt. 3: Dresses, home wreckers, and gay Christians. Oh my!

“There, all pretty again.” Sunset teased as she wiped off the last of Applejack's makeup. “Thank Faust you weren’t wearing Mascara, otherwise you really would’ve looked like Rarity.”

“Hardy har.” Applejack rolled her eyes, a small smile on her lips. “Thanks for this by the way. It was… nice to get the attention of a boy, even if he wasn’t my type… at all. Most boys don’t spare me a second glance.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, I’ve seen the way Micro Chips looks at you.” Sunset said with a wink.

“Micro Chips?” Applejack recoiled in surprise. “Yah think he… yer just fucking with me aren’t yah?”

“Maybe, maybe not.” Sunset waved dismissively. “You’re gonna have to wonder~” Sunset said in a sing-song voice.

Applejack squinted at her friend suspiciously, trying to read whether or not she was joking. “Well, regardless of if he’s into me or not, he’s not exactly my type.”

“You were just complaining nobody was into you, take the win.”

“Ah am taking the win! Ah’m taking both wins dammit! But it’s not like Ah’m gonna roll over for whatever boy shows an interest in me, that’s Pinkie's job.”

The two began laughing (admittedly at the expense of their friend) for a good minute, their laughter slowly petering, leaving the two sitting in an awkward quiet. “... Hey AJ?”


“I’m curious, and you don’t have to answer, but when was your cousins funeral?” She was worried that somehow he had died within the last month, and Sunset didn't know about it because of her shunning. She would’ve asked when he died, but that felt like it might open some old wounds.

Applejack looked awkward, trying to think how best to answer. “... Remember when Ah punched yah that one day in freshman year?”

“Uh… Yeah, I remember that. I thought it was weird because you had never been violent before and I wasn’t treating you any worse than usual.” Sunset's eyes widened when she realized the implication. “Wait, that was when your cousin's funeral was held?”

“Right around there.” Applejack nodded. “We flew out of state to attend, Ah was absent from school the week before. Ah’d apologize for hitting yah, buuutttt…”

“Hey, no apology needed.” Sunset held up her hands dismissively. “I was a bitch who hassled you right when your cousin died, I deserved a lot more than that.” Sunset lowered her hand. “For the record, I really didn’t know about your cousin at the time. If I did, I would’ve left you alone for a bit. See? I had a heart, however small it may have been.”

Applejack huffed in amusement and gave a small smile. “Thanks old Sunset, yer not as much of a bitch as yah could have been.”

“You’re very welcome… inbred hick.” The two shared a small laugh, Sunset's smile dropping afterwards. “Ah hell, I got you in trouble that day too.”

“More like tried. The teachers knew what was going on with me and were told to ignore any… out of character behavior on my part. They also knew we were antagonistic to each other and that yah probably said something to tick me off. They let me go with a warning.”

“Oh, well… good.” She cleared her throat awkwardly. “You got a picture of your cousin?”

“Yeah.” Applejack squinted her eyes at Sunset. “Why do yah wanna know?”

“Just curious. I’m imagining him as big as Big Mac, surely he’s the norm when it comes to the men of your family.”

“Think again cause he was as skinny as a twig.” Applejack pulled out her phone and showed Sunset her cousin: a young, surprisingly skinny, teenage boy with yellow skin and green hair waving at the camera.

“Huh, didn’t expect that.” Sunset handed the phone back. “I figured all the men of your family were these huge, stocky creatures. You all work on farms right?”

“Yeah but not everyone’s going to be as big as Mac. In fact, Mac’s probably the only Apple like that, Ah blame the lack of siblings helping him out.” Applejack shrugged. “Though then again, Granny claimed Mac was ten pounds when he was born, Ah imagine it was pure muscle.”

Ten pounds? Your poor mother.”

“Yep!” Applejack chuckled in amusement. “My pa was a big guy too, my mom blamed him for Macs size and never forgave him for it.”

“Well, now I got to see. Show me a picture of your dad.”

“Hold on, Ah have a family portrait Ah can show yah.” Applejack swiped through her phone for a few seconds, eventually handing Sunset her phone. It showed a picture of Applejack's siblings and parents, Pear Butter and Bright Mac in the back (a baby Apple Bloom in Pear Butter's arms) with Applejack and Big Mac in the front, Applejack waving excitedly, showing her gapped teeth while she smiled.

“You were so cute!” Sunset said excitedly before turning to Applejack. “What happened?”

“Atleast Ah used to be cute. Ah can tell yah were an ugly baby.”

“Harsh.” Sunset pouted in an exaggerated manner before returning to the photo. "Apple Bloom looks exactly like your dad, that's kinda uncanny. Your mom’s pretty, I can see why your dad liked her." Sunset tilted her head to look at Pear Butter from a different angle. "You seem to take a lot after your mom though."

"Ah get that a lot, Granny says Ah have a pretty striking resemblance to my ma, said Ah even loved pears of all things when Ah was a baby." Applejack finally realized a mischievous smile had crept onto Sunsets face. "What're yah planning?"

"Nothing, I swear!" Sunset held her hands up defensively. "It's just, your dad's quite the tall glass of water. You Apples make some good looking men."

Applejack recoiled and looked at Sunset with wide eyes. "Hold on there tiger, he's a lot older than yah."

"So? I'm nearly eighteen, I'm an adult." Sunset set the phone down. "Only got a few weeks before I'm legal and can seduce your dad."

"What?" Applejack asked flabbergasted. "Maybe it's best that ma and pa aren't around. They'd sit us down one day and announce they're getting a divorce because yah seduced my pa."

"I'll get you a 'Sorry I slept with your dad' cake, will that suffice?"

"No! Yer cheating with my pa!"

"Well, see if I invite you to the wedding." Sunset crossed her arms and harrumphed.

"Wha-ta-wa-wedding?" Applejack stood up. "Yah are not marrying my pa! Ah forbid it!"

"We’re in love! You can't tell me what to do! I'm older than you and your stepmom!"

"Then Ah’m not coming to yer wedding." Applejack crossed her arms and looked away.

"Wowwwwwwww, some friend you are. You're not even coming to the happiest day of my life?"

"Yah just said yah weren’t inviting me!"

"Yeah but it doesn't have as much impact if you decide not to come. Faust, if you're this angry about our relationship, how on earth am I going to tell you about the baby?"

Baby?” Applejack got close to Sunsets face. “This is a huge violation of the girl code!”

“Girl code covers exes, people your friend fancies, and siblings. Parents are free game.”

“Parents are implied!”

“Well whoever codified girl code should’ve specified now shouldn’t they?” Sunset smiled at Applejack's flabbergasted expression, the farm girl pacing back and forth.

“Fine, fine. Then Ah forbid yah from dating Mac or Bloom, got it?”

“Well now who’s being weird? I didn’t even bring up Bloom.” Sunset tilted her head. “Something you want to tell me Jackie?”

“Yer the one making it weird yah homewrecker.” Applejack placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Seducing people’s pa’s, what am are we gonna do with yah?”

“Well, at the very least you don’t have to worry about me going after your brother. He’s not my type.”

“Because he’s taken.”

“Nah, nothing against your brother, but I prefer a man I can have a conversation with.” Sunset was quiet for a few moments before she eyed Applejack. “Though, if he was, I’d climb all over him like a set of monkey bars all day long-”

“Ok! Ah’m stopping yah there yah slutty succubus.” Applejack forcefully put her hand against Sunsets mouth.

Sunset pushed away Applejack's hand and pulled back. “Oh come on, I’m not the only girl in school who thinks your brother is a fine specimen.”

“Yes, yah are. Ain’t no girl but Sugar Bell ever showed any interest in him.”

“Really? And before Sugar Bell, how many times a week did some girl ask you about Mac or what Mac was doing later?”

“About twice a day.”

“And you never caught on they were into your brother?”

“They weren’t into my brother.” Applejack chuckled, shaking her head dismissively. Sunset gave her a look. “Oh my God! They were into my brother! Ah thought they were interested in our products!”

“Well, they were interested in a product.” Applejack held her index finger up to Susnet in warning. “I do have to wonder just how many of them got ‘lucky’ along the way, certainly somebody succeeded.”

“They weren’t trying to sleep with my brother.” Applejack chuckled, shaking her head dismissively. Sunset gave her a look. “Oh my God! They were trying to sleep with my brother!”

Sunset laughed internally to herself, hiding her grin. “Well at least you don’t have to worry about them anymore. Your brother’s not the type to cheat, he’s only having sex with Sugar Bell.”

“He and Sugar Bell aren’t having sex.” Applejack chuckled, shaking her head dismissively. Sunset gave her a look. “Oh my God! He and Sugar Bell are having sex! That is so messed up!” Sunset laughed hysterically as Applejack sat down, looking like she had just had her whole world torn apart. “Thank yah so much Sunset. Not only did Ah have to listen to yah go into great detail about how yah’d wreck my family, but now Ah have to worry whether or not Ah was an accomplice to getting my brother laid.”

“Hey, you wanted this sleepover. It’s your fault it ended up this way.”

Twi wanted this sleepover.”

“Yeah but you proposed it.” Sunset said smugly. “Out of all the things she had on that list, you chose sleepover.”

“Yeah, well, little did Ah know.” The two girls sat quietly for a few seconds, neither sure how to move on. Or perhaps Sunset was planning on how to mess with Applejack next, and Applejack wasn’t going to let that happen. “Hey Sunset, this has been fun, but can we move onto something a bit more… serious?”

“Um, I guess.” Sunset sat forward. “Is it about you and me?”

“Oh, no, it’s about…” Applejack cleared her throat. “Apple Bloom.”

Sunsets frown deepened. “And what’s serious about Apple Bloom that we need to talk about?”

“It’s just…” Applejack was quiet, not sure how best to proceed. “She’s gay.”

“Yeah, you told me she was dropping hints, trying to avoid the talk.”

“That’s Just it, she wasn’t dropping hints. She came out to me a few days ago.”

Sunset gave Applejack a confused look. “I was there once when she randomly started talking about how pretty Diamond's hair was. She was dropping hints.”

“No, turns out she was just a girl in love.”

“O… ok?” Sunset threw her left hand up. “What exactly did you want to talk about?”

“Ah just… Ah have no experience with a gay family member. Ah was hoping yah maybe had some insight on what to do?”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “You knew she was gay this whole time and now you’re seeking advice? What changed?”

“A-Ah dunno! Ah just… maybe because she was acting casual about it made me not make me think it was a big deal, but now that Ah know it’s a big deal to her it’s a big deal to me? Or it never really hit me she was gay until she came out? Ah don’t know.” She looked to Sunset. “Got any advice?”

Sunset was quiet for a few moments, thinking on what to say. “Well… don’t let her hide it, she shouldn’t hide or be ashamed of who she is. Let her discover her sexuality slowly, don’t try to force it. Just be there for her, like you always are. But most importantly-“ she grabbed Applejack's hands. “-don’t treat her any differently. She’s still the same Apple Bloom. Before she was your sister who just so happened to be straight, now she’s your sister who just so happens to be gay. Same personality, same experiences, same love, same mastermind behind Anon-A-Miss.” Sunset smiled as Applejack rolled her eyes at her not so subtle jab at Apple Bloom. “You also will have to cut people who aren’t as accepting of Apple Bloom, she doesn’t need that in her life.”

“Like my family?” Applejack pulled away. “A-Ah dunno Sunset, us Apples are pretty close. Ah’m not sure Ah want to cut people off or cause a rift in the family.”

“Look, your family’s going to find out about her sexuality, she shouldn't hide it, and there may be some that aren’t as accepting. I know you’re all close, but your sister comes first.”

“But… they're my family Sunset. Ah can’t just-”

“And Apple Bloom is your little sister.” Sunset interrupted. “Until you get a husband and kids, she’s the most important family you have. More important than your extended family.” Sunset could see that Applejack was ruminating on Sunset's words, still looking unsure. “Look, you’re still going to have a extended family, there’ll be those who are accepting or at least tolerant. There just… won’t be as many to talk to, and if they let something like that get in the way of family, then they don’t deserve family at all.”

“... Yer right.” Applejack finally said. “If they can’t accept Bloom, then they don’t deserve her. Ah’ll also have to re-evaluate our church, Ah have no idea what their stance is on homosexuality. If they don’t accept it then we need to stop attending.”

“Church?” Sunset lifted a brow. “You go to church?”

“Of course Ah do!” Applejack said proudly. “Every Sunday.”

“Is that so?” A smile spread on Sunset's lips. “What kind of clothes do you wear?”

“Normal church clothes, formal dresses and the like.” Applejack shrugged.

“Dresses huh.” Sunset hummed. “You know it occurs to me that I’ve never seen you in a dress.”

“Uh… Yeah?” Applejack caught on Sunset was up to something.

“Think I can tag along next Sunday?”

Applejack's eyes widened. “U-uh n-no! Y-yah don’t want to go to c-church! It’s super boring!”

“Yeah but… seeing you in a dress?” Susnet whistled. “It’d make it all worth it.”

“Ah wear a skirt!”

“A denim skirt, hardly a dress.”

“Yah’d have to wear a dress!”

“You think I don’t have formal clothes? Come on AJ.”

“Fall Formal!”

“To be expected at a social event like that, you’d never wear a dress of your own volition.” Sunset grinned. “Unless it was at your church and I wanna see.”

Applejack scrambled for a new excuse. “A-Apple Bloom will be there! Yah two will be in close proximity to each other. Yah don’t want that, right?”

“To see you in a dress, I’d gladly spend an hour near your sister.”

“Well too bad, yer not coming.” Applejack crossed her arms. “Ah won’t tell yah the address.”

“That’s fine. I’ll just tell your granny I’ll be joining you for church on Sunday. She’ll tell me where it is.”

Applejack groaned in defeat. She knew if Sunset got Granny involved, there’d be no stopping Sunset from joining. Granny would probably drag Sunset there. “Fine, yah win, yah can join us for church… but Ah really do need to find out what the church's stance is.”

“They don’t talk about it?”

“It’s not a fire and brimstone kind of church, they preach love, acceptance, and family. Not a lot about what is or isn’t a sin, but almost everybody there is a conservative Christian. So… yah know.” Applejack looked up. “Gonna be hard to leave, been there since Ah was a baby. My great grandpappy helped build that church, four generations of Apples have lived and died attending that church.”

“But if it’s not a suitable environment for Apple Bloom, then you need to take her out of there.”

“Ah agree but… where are we gonna go? What church is outwardly accepting? What’ll come close to the church we have now?”

“Well, I know for a fact Bon-Bon attends church. Found out when I used to follow her around for blackmail.”

“Um… well, at least yer stalking had some good?” Applejack said unsure. “How do yah know she’s even open at her church?”

“Are you kidding? Have you ever opened up that girl's social media? Practically every other post is something about pride, she’s definitely open with her church.” Sunset countered. “You can go up to her tomorrow and tell her what’s going on. In fact, she’d probably have better advice then me since she’s fully a lesbian and has grown up in this world. Back home, orientation isn’t an issue, so I’m not sure I can relate as well.”

Applejack nodded lightly. “Alright, Ah’ll keep that in mind. Thanks Sunny, yer a good friend.” She punched Sunset in the arm, eliciting an ‘ow’ from the red head. “Even If yah do go around seducing people’s pa’s, yah blood sucking harpy.”

“You’ll come around, I’m a cool step mom. You’ll see.” She yelped in pain as Applejack punched her in the arm again, a smirk on her face as she rubbed her arm.

Author's Note:

Yay! Back with another chapter in only 4 days!

A really long one too, I actually had some fun writing this.

So, the ‘Micro Chips having a crush on AJ’ is a reference to Sonicfan05s ‘Through the Eyes of Anon-A-Miss’, where there’s a brief reference to Micro having a crush on AJ.
Thought it’d be a cute reference to the work of a long time fan and fit with what they were saying.

The two joking about how it’s ‘Pinkies job’ is a reference to the fact that, from what I’ve read, the fandom has a tendency to make Pinkie a bit, shall we say, promiscuous. And, you know, I can kind of see it. So I’m keeping that characterization here.

If anyones wondering why the school didn’t do anything about Sunset and AJ, despite knowing the two disliked each other, well, what are they going to do? People dislike each other and you can’t always do anything about it, especially if no one says anything.
They didn’t know just how far Sunsets antagonistic behavior went, they just thought it was two girls with bad blood for each other.

Also, Mac being ten pounds is a reference to, well, me. My mom says I was ten pounds when I was born.
I was a fat baby.

The description of the portrait is directly taken from some fan art. Give me time to find the link and I’ll set it here.

Also, the ‘sorry I slept with your dad’ cake is a direct reference to a funny image of a cake just like that. Shouldn’t be so hard to find.
You can blame it for the entire conversation that followed.

I also did copy the ‘Applejack shakes her head’ joke to all 3 instinces. Cause as a drunk man once said ‘comedy come sin threes!’
I also loved the idea that AJ couldn’t possibly think her brother was attractive, that she never out together all the girls at school were into him. He’s her quiet brother, what would people find attractive about him after all?

Also, set up a confrontation with AJ and Bonny. Won’t that be exciting?

Anyway, thanks for reading my fic!

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