• Published 15th Nov 2021
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In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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The essay puzzle

Lyra stared at her phone idly as she waited at the exit for Bon-Bon to make her way from detention. She was bursting with excitement, barely able to contain herself as she so desperately wanted to tell Bon-Bon her plan was back on.

Sure it’d be a little awkward considering Bon-Bons betrayal, but helping Sunset superseded that.

Plus, she still loved Bon-Bon despite what she did. Lyra wanted to continue hanging out but maybe just a little… less.

She grimaced, she’d have to talk with Bon-Bon about what they could expect from their relationship going forward and what boundaries the other might set. They’d have to start small with intimacy, Lyra wasn’t sure what she would and wouldn’t tolerate from Bon-Bon right now. It was probably a good idea to bring their parents in on this too, they probably knew what to do.

She perked up when the door opened and Bon-Bon appeared. “Bonny!” She ran forward and wrapped a very confused Bon-Bon in a tight hug. “Bonny you won’t believe it!” Lyra pulled away. “I saw Sunset register for the Spring Fling, our plans back on!”


“Turns out I didn’t need to recruit Derpy! She did it all by herself by complete accident! Derpy is such a good friend isn’t she? She’s practically a good luck charm!”

“That’s really nice Lyra, but I-”

“Now all we need to do is recruit some more co conspirators, set up my campaign and do a middling job, and figure out how to secretly support Sunset so she becomes Spring Princess-”


“What?” Lyra's previous enthusiasm faded at Bon-Bons outburst.

“I’m with a friend right now.” Bon-Bon said as she pulled away, Applejack awkwardly walking into view and staring at the two of them.

Lyra and Applejack awkwardly stared at each other for a minute, Applejack clearing her throat to break the silence. “Yah wanna do what?”

“I… Uh… I want to help make Sunset the Spring Princess.” Lyra cleared her throat. “I was hoping it could maybe help brighten Sunset's spirits if she was voted princess. I didn’t think it’d fix everything, but I thought she’d appreciate it and maybe trust everyone at school a little more.”

“Alright… why is this a secret?”

“I wanted it to be a surprise for her and I kept it from everyone because I’m not sure how she’ll take it. This could backfire, I’ll readily admit that, and Sunset may not be keen on talking to anyone who knew about the plan. I don’t want to botch anyone else’s chance at reconciling with Sunset or make things worse for her.”

“Well, Ah know now…” Applejack sighed. “... Ah’m not gonna tell her what yer up to, but Ah want no part in this and if she asks, Ah’m not going to lie to her.”

“Fair enough, you weren’t supposed to be recruited anyway.” There was an awkward silence between the three girls. “So, why are you hanging out with Bonny? She said you were her friend?”

“Oh, uh, yah could say that. We talked a bit at lunch and Ah proposed we hang out ‘cause Ah felt bad that everybody at school was shunning her. Seems that isn’t the case anymore, so if yah want me to leave…”

“No it’s ok.” Bon-Bon swiftly added. “We already made the plans and you need to talk to my mom. Plus, you’re probably the only person who will associate with me right now, and I want to get used to your company.” Lyra looked at Bon-Bon with a frown. “Hon, things are way too awkward between us right now. You and I both know it’ll take awhile before things get back to normal, we won’t be hanging out as much.”

“Fine.” Lyra looked away to concede. “I really do need to talk to Bon-Bon about our plan though, do you mind if I tag along?”

“Fine by me!” Applejack smiled, slapping Lyra back and eliciting a startled yelp from the girl. “The more the merrier as Ah always say!” She said before walking towards the parking lot.

“Did you really need to hang out with her?” Lyra looked at Bon-Bon while rubbing her back.

“She was nice! She invited me to eat at their table from now on and isn’t shunning me for what happened.” Bon-Bon said defensively. “Also, I want to see if we can become friends, that’s what the school needs right now after Anon. It’s what Twilight would want, right?” Bon-Bon started walking towards her car, Lyra running after her.

“But you know what she thinks about you and me!”

“Actually, she doesn’t care. It surprised me too, but we misjudged her.” Bon-Bon looked over as Lyra grumbled something under her breath. “Just give her a chance! You’ll see.”

“I doubt it.” Lyra crossed her arms. “But... I suppose it couldn’t hurt.” She said in an unsure tone before breaking off from Bon-Bon towards her own car.

Apple Bloom shook her leg nervously as she waited for Sunset. She looked down at the papers in her hands, the final draft of the apology essay her granny forced her to write.

She had absolutely no idea how Sunset was going to react. She had been avoiding Sunset for the most part (Saturday being the regretful exception) as she knew Sunset didn’t want to associate with her.

She felt bad she hadn’t apologized to Sunset yet, but their interactions were far too stilted and awkward for Apple Bloom to apologize. While her plan did have some success in helping Sunset recover and revitalize her and Applejack's friendship, Apple Bloom knew that Sunset still hadn’t fully recovered. Not nearly enough for the two of them to be ok.

Apple Bloom briefly wondered what would happen if her plan went off without a hitch. She had spent hours making an in depth plan on how Sunset and the rest of her friends would restore their relationship (all manipulated by her of course) before she ultimately apologized, hoping Sunset was recovered enough to be friendly with her.

Ultimately it didn’t matter because that didn’t happen, which perhaps was for the best. If things went this bad with the first phase, then things probably would’ve been catastrophic if she continued. She should consider herself lucky that Applejack and Sunset got on speaking terms because of-

“What do you have there Anon-A-Bitch?” The papers were torn from Apple Blooms hands, immediately pulling her from her thoughts.

“Hey!” She jumped up and tried to grab them back, one student grabbing her arm and pulling her away. “Give those back!”

“What’s this? ‘I’m sorry Sunset Shimmer’? Now, what do you have to be sorry for?” The student asked in a mocking tone.

“Y-yah know why! Just give me the essay back, Sunset needs to read it!”

“Sunset is much better off without you and your cunt friends Anon-A-Bitch.”

“J-just give me those back! This doesn’t concern yah!”

The student hummed. “No.” They finally said, eliciting a laugh from their friends. “In fact, I’m going to do Sunset a favor.” They held up the paper and started bending it in different directions.

Apple Bloom's eyes widened. “Stop! Please! Ah worked hard on that! Sunset needs to know-!” She yelped when a student shoved her to the ground, Apple Bloom climbing onto her hands and knees.

She looked up when she heard the papers being ripped. Again, and again, and again till they were small shreds of paper.

Apple Bloom teared up and began to sob as the student threw the paper confetti at her, the group laughing.

“HEY!” The group stopped laughing and looked over to see a furious Sunset marching her way towards them, most of them looking intimidated. “Where do you get off beating up middle schoolers? Once I get my hands on your necks, I’m gonna-!” That was all the students needed to hear as they ran away and turned a corner. “Yeah you better run! If I see you near her again, I’ll fucking kill you!”
Sunset huffed and her shoulders slumped, taking a harsh breath to calm down. She looked over to see Apple Bloom gathering the shreds of paper, sniffling pathetically. Sunset frowned and fell to her knees to help her. “You ok?”

“No.” Apple Bloom sniffled, looking down at the paper in her hands. “Ah spent hours on this."

"Was it homework?" She asked, almost immediately forgetting her question. "They can't get away with that. Come on, I'm taking you to the principal's office, I know who those kids were." Sunset stood up.

Apple Bloom's eyes widened in fear and she jumped up, grabbing Sunset before she could leave. "No! Please, don't tell her anything!"

"Let go of me." Sunset struggled against Apple Bloom lightly. "They beat you up and ruined your work, I'm not-"

"Pleaasseee Sunset!" Apple Bloom begged. "Ah already have a shitty reputation as is, Ah don't need to make it worse by being a snitch!"

"I can't just-"

"They'll just come after me more!" She placed her hands together pleadingly. "Please, please, please just let it go?"

Sunset stared down at Apple Bloom for a few seconds, sighing in defeat. "Scootaloo was right. You do have a martyr complex."

"Ah do not have a martyr complex!" Apple Bloom said indignantly. "Ah have a self preservation instinct!"

"Fine, whatever. Self preservation." Sunset held up her hands. "So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Uh…" Apple Bloom looked down at the shreds of paper. "It was about the paper."

"The paper?" Sunset raised a brow. "You mean… this?" Sunset gestured to the few shreds of paper still on the ground.

Apple Bloom nodded. “It… it doesn’t matter anymore. Yah can’t read it, yah can go home. Ah’ll just throw it away…” Apple Bloom said dejectedly, turning to walk out the school. She jumped when Sunset grabbed her forearm, forcing her to stop. She turned to look at Sunset, the girl looking unsure and clearly struggling on deciding what to say.

“This seems… important. Important enough for you to try and reach out. You’ve piqued my interest so… so I’m going to help you put it back together.”

“What?” Apple Bloom turned around. “Sunset, it’s nothing but confetti now, we can’t just-”

“Sure we can.” Sunset interrupted. “It’ll be like a jigsaw puzzle, it’ll be fun.”

“No it won’t.”

“No it won’t.” Sunset said with a slight smile. “Come on, let's gather the rest and go to the art room, I’m sure they have some tape.”

Apple Bloom stood there dumbly before nodding her head and helping Sunset collect the rest of the paper, following after her when they were done and walking into the art room.

Some members of the art club were still hanging out, everyone looking over at the new arrivals. Most were shocked to see Sunset and Apple Bloom together, most glaring or frowning at Apple Bloom. Sunset glared at them back to signify Apple Bloom was with her and moved to the far end of the room.

“Here, you spread the pieces out and I’ll get the tape.” Sunset placed her collection of paper shreds on the table, Apple Bloom nodding along and placing her own collection onto the table. “And if any of you mess with her, you’ll regret it. Understood?” Sunset growled as she looked at the other students.

Nobody said anything, but Sunset could tell she wouldn’t have to worry about them. She stood up and went to the filing cabinet, pulling out a bunch of tape for the two of them.

When she got back, they quickly got to work trying to put the pieces back together and tape them, slowly but surely restoring the papers.

After a full hour, they finally finished, having used a full roll of tape. Apple Bloom looked it over to make sure nothing was missing. “Looks good.”

“Alright.” Sunset sighed in exhaustion. “Now, what’s so important about this paper exactly? I didn’t get much from trying to piece it together like a puzzle.”

“It’s just… Ah wrote this for yah.” Apple Bloom held the papers out to Sunset. “Ah want yah to read it. Please?”

Sunset looked surprised and perhaps a little nervous as she reached out for the papers. She took a deep breath to steel her nerves and looked down, beginning to read.

For five minutes, Apple Bloom watched with bated breath as Sunset read her essay, clutching her seat tightly as she awaited Sunsets verdict

Finally, Sunset looked up, placing the papers on the table, just staring forward blankly. “Sunset? What do-” Apple Bloom was immediately engulfed in a very tight hug by Sunset. She sat there confused as Sunset began crying lightly, some of the students eyeing the two and talking amongst themselves. “Sunset are… are yah ok?”

“Yeah.” Sunset pulled away from the hug and wiped her eyes. “Just… I didn’t know you could write so well.”

“Yah figure stuff out after a few hours of writing…” Apple Bloom said mostly to herself. “Sunset, Ah know Ah already said it in the essay, but Ah am so sorry for what Ah did. Ah was petty, jealous, stupid, and possessive. Ah misjudged yah and refused to give yah a chance, even after yah saved everyone from the Sirens. Ah’m also sorry for Saturday, Ah just… Ah wanted yah and AJ to be happy again and Ah was too scared to talk to yah properly. Ah know this doesn’t solve everything, but Ah hope yah can find it within yerself to forgive me and maybe... call me yer sister?”

Sunset couldn’t help but smile and wiped her eyes to clear the new tears forming in them. “Well, I’m sorry for Saturday too. Even though you deserved to be berated for being stupid, me losing my cool and making you cry wasn’t ok.” The two sat in silence as Sunset thought over what to say next. “Apple Bloom… like you already said, this doesn’t fix everything. I can’t forgive you, not yet. But it’s a start, this is exactly what I wanted from you ever since your involvement came out. And this-” Sunset gestured to the essay. “-is one of the sweetest and most sincere things anyone’s ever written to me. Mind if I keep it?”

“Not at all.” Apple Bloom said with a small, awkward smile. “Do… do yah know when yah'll be able to forgive me?”

“Well, first I have to think about forgiving my friends. But this is the closest you’ve ever been. I think we’re past the most awkward stage of our relationship, you can come talk to me from now on if you want, I promise I won’t blow up at you or be too standoffish.”

The two girls shared a small laugh which was interrupted when Big Mac opened the door. “There yah are!” He walked up to Apple Bloom. “It’s almost 7:00! Ah’ve been calling and texting yah for an hour, the schools starting to close.”

“What?” Apple Bloom took out her phone and looked to the time: 6:47. She then looked to find that her brother had called her over twenty times with over a dozen texts. “Oh, sorry Mac. Ah had it on vibrate and Ah was too busy with putting my essay back together.”

Big Mac said nothing and looked between Apple Bloom and Sunset. “So… everything went alright?”

“It did!” Sunset said with enthusiasm. “I think you should get her a career in writing essays.”

“God no! Ten drafts were enough, Ah’m not writing an essay ever again.”

“Yah will if yah want to keep yer grades up missy.” Apple Bloom groaned indignantly as Big Mac smirked. “It’s getting late, yah want me to drive yah home?”

“That’d probably be best, I don’t usually walk alone when it starts getting dark.” Sunset stood up and followed after Big Mac and Apple Bloom. They made their way out the school and into the Apple Family’s truck, Apple Bloom sitting between the two.

“So, AJ tells me that if Ah talked more Yah’d be all over me?” Big Mac asked with a smirk, starting the truck

Sunset tensed and blushed furiously. “She told you!?”

“Yeah, something about getting yah back for seducing people pa’s?”

“That was out of context!” Sunset defended angrily.

“Dang Sunset.” Sunset looked down to Apple Bloom. “Ah knew yah try to be a bad girl, but Ah didn’t think yah were that bad.”

“I am not seducing people's dads and you’re not my type!”

“Which one of us? Cause she said yah were trying to date Apple Bloom.”

I specifically said I wasn’t trying to date Apple Bloom!”

Apple Bloom began laughing hysterically as Big Mac had a grin on his face as they drove, Sunset sulking with a furious blush the entire way to her home.

Author's Note:

Hello readers! Back again with a chapter. I was focusing on my submission for a contest (which was disqualified) and have been really busy with work lately. I’m also going to try to write two Halloween storied (one also for s contest) so I guess I have 6 days to write all of that.

Lyra talking about the plan right as AJs behind the wall is semi inspired by an Oof vine where some dudes friend starts talking about how his friend cheated on his girlfriend, right when the girlfriend is right behind him and blocked by a corner. No idea what it’s called and if anyone can find it, I’d appreciate it.

Not too much is probably going to happen with AJ knowing, but the thread is there if I decide to follow it.

There also will be a bit of hostility between AJ and Kyra in the next chapter, so stay tuned.

I kept the students vague and faceless because there's no point in identifying them and they could potentially be people we know. Or maybe not, highschools have a lot of kids.

I also was originally going to have one of the students punch Blooms stomach, but I thought that might be a little too mean, so I replaced it with her being shoved.
Not great, but better then being punched.

Sunset was also going to swear more, but I whittled it down to one swear.

I wasn't sure if the art room was the right place for them to go, but it's likely to have enough tape, so I decided that's where they went.

I also would've written Blooms essay, but I wrote enough damn essays in HS and I refuse to wrote another unless I have to.
Also, anything I wrote I knew wouldn't be emotional enough for Sunset to react this way. I decided to leave it up to all of you imagine what she wrote. Sort of a 'Nothing is Scarier' moment but emotional.

I thought It'd be sweet if Bloom wrote something so emotional for Sunset and help mend their relationship.
Hope it was emotional enough.
I also thought her apology was pretty good, and of course Sunset wouldn't immediately get over it, but I feel she'd start to warm up.

I've also established that detention gets out at 5:30 and since Bloom is going to detention she gets out at 5:30, and since they did this for an hour, that would mean its almost 7:00.

Mac making fun of Sunset was spur of the moment for me, I thought It'd be funny if Sunset was on the receiving end of being teased and embarrassed, especially since she tormented AJ during their sleepover.

Anyway, thanks for reading my fic!

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