• Published 15th Nov 2021
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In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Two suns talk

“-and then we kicked her sorry butt like this!” Rainbow Dash flew off her street and began shadowboxing an invisible enemy. Applejack rolled her eyes and bit down on her tail, pulling the Pegasus from the air.

“Um, not exactly Princess.” Twilight looked back to Princess Celestia. “She had gotten away before we were able to, Uh, ‘kick her sorry butt’ so to speak. She had escaped into the cave systems and is most likely on the run.”

“And you say she had the ability to remove ponies Cutie Marks?” Twilight nodded. “It is unfortunate a pony with her talents has gone down such a dark path. I can only imagine what happened for her to decide Cutie Marks were evil…” Celestia was quiet for a moment. “And you say a magical map appeared in your castle to show you the location of the village?”

“That is correct Princess. Preparations are already underway to study the map and its effects.”

“Very good.” Celestia turned to Fluttershy. “Now, I believe that is all we need to discuss. You are all dismissed.”

Each of the ponies bowed to Celestia and made their way to the exit. Twilight stopped right before she crossed the threshold, remembering her promise to Sunset. “Princess Celestia, can I ask you a question?”

“You just did.” Celestia said teasingly, having lost her regal tone from before.

“Oh! I guess I did. Excuse my presumptuousness.” Twilight said as she bowed her head.

Celestia shook her head at Twilight's inability to see she was only teasing her. “Twilight, please, there is no need for such formality when it’s just you and me.” Celestia trotted over and lifted Twilight's head. “Now, what’s on your mind?”

Twilight was quiet as she tried thinking of the best way to erode her question. “It’s about Sunset Shimmer.”

“Oh, is that so?” Celestia's expression cracked and she pulled away her hoof. “How is she doing? Last I heard she was dealing with someone on the, what was it, ‘Internet’?”

“Well, you can ask her yourself because-” Twilight pulled the journal out and levitated it between them. “-I brought the journal with me.”

Celestia actually took a step away from the journal, her eyes scanning its every feature. “Oh, Twilight, I appreciate you want to make things right between us, but I’m afraid that simply isn’t possible. Sunset doesn’t want to talk to me.”

“That’s the thing though.” Twilight trotted up to Celestia, a bright smile on her face. “I asked her earlier if she wanted to talk to you and she said yes! But only if you were open to talking to her as well.”

“She… she did?” Celestia asked in a hopeful tone, taking the journal from Twilight. “Thank you Twilight, this means a lot to me.” She turned to Twilight and nodded in appreciation. “Please inform the staff I will be retiring to my chambers for the remainder of the evening, and to not bother me unless it’s an emergency.”

“Of course Princess. I hope everything goes well with you and Sunset.”

“As do I Twilight.” Celestia held the journal close as she exited the room. “As do I.”

Celestia made her way through the halls, wishing she could just dash to her room and talk to Sunset, but knew she had an image to uphold. She nodded politely to anyone she came across and finally entered her room and closed her door behind her.

She laid on her bed and stared down at the journal, anxiety and trepidation growing within her. “Come on Celestia, it’s just Sunset… the Sunset you haven’t spoken to for seven years... The Sunset you banished from the castle…” She groaned and put the journal down. “What am I going to say to her?”

For ten minutes Celestia sat there, thinking of dozens of messages she could write to Sunset to open up the conversation. From formal and detached, to jovial and warm. Finally she realized she didn’t need to do any of that, it didn’t matter what she wrote, Sunset would just be happy to be talking again.

With that, Celestia grabbed the journal, levitated a quill, and got to writing.

“So, this guy is from a time traveling alien society but looks like a human?”


“And he doesn’t have a name?”

“Of course he has a name! It’s the Doctor.”

“That’s… dumb.” Sunset remarked as she reached over and got a fistful of popcorn. “Why do you watch this again?”

“My boyfriend is a huge Dr. What fan.” Derpy answered. “I watch for him, just so I can understand his cute ramblings.”

“Is this what love is? Having to watch cheap Sci-fi so you know what they’re talking about?”

“Love is also cosplaying in uncomfortably tight clothes for him and being dragged three hours to the convention hall and learning he got the date wrong.” The two girls shared a laugh together, only stopped when Sunset's journal began vibrating. “Does Twilight have a girl crush on you? She seems to write to you a lot.”

“No, but I’ll be sure to tease her that you think she has a crush on me. She’ll love that.” Sunset opened the journal and her heart skipped a beat at what she saw.

“Sunset, it’s me. Are you there?” Sunset immediately recognized Celestia's handwriting, unable to believe what she was seeing. A torrent of emotion raged within her and a part of her wanted to close the journal right there and then.

“Something tells me it wasn’t Twilight?” Sunset didn’t even look at Derpy as she shook her head, her eyes transfixed on the words in front of her. “I’ll leave you two alone, just holler if you need anything, ok?”

Sunset merely nodded as Derpy snagged the popcorn bowl and fled through her door. Sunset gingerly sat down on Derpy's bed. She grabbed the pen from earlier and shakily began writing. “I’m here Princess Celestia. It’s been a long time.”

“Oh Sunset! It’s so good to talk with you again.”

Sunset stared down at Celestia's words for a moment before completely breaking down. “I’m so sorry Princess Celestia! You were right, you were right about everything! I wasn’t ready to learn about the mirror or be a princess. I’m so, so sorry.”

“Sunset! It’s ok. I know you’re sorry, I’m just glad to be talking with you again. I’ve missed you a lot.” That soothed Sunset a little. “And you know what? I’m sorry too.”

That caught Sunset off guard and she furiously began scribbling. “What are you sorry for? I'm the arrogant narcissist that never respected you, I never took your listens to heart, and I’m the one that went against your wishes then ran away from home to some unknown world!”

“While this is all true, it still doesn’t excuse the fact that I failed you. I’ve had arrogant and ambitious students before, and I’ve always been able to temper their worst impulses and redirect their ambition. I showed you the mirror, and whatever you saw ultimately doomed you.” There was a lull in Celestia's writing. “If I didn’t show you that mirror...”

“There was no way you could’ve known I would’ve seen me as a princess in the mirror, you were trying even then to humble me.”

“You saw yourself as a princess?”

“For a brief second, yes. I saw myself as an Alicorn.” Sunset had a bitter smile on her face as she wrote the next passage. “So, are you ready to talk about magic mirrors?”

“Well, since you already went through one I might as well.” Sunset giggled lightly at Celestia's teasing. “I know precious little about the mirror, Starswirl was a great wizard but poor note keeper. But from my understanding, in addition to being a gateway to another world, it can also show the viewer their future.”

Sunset's eyes widened. “So that means-”

“Yes Sunset, I had intended to uplift you into an Alicorn when you proved yourself worthy. First, I had intended for you to become the bearer of Magic when Nightmare Moon returned.”

“Just how long had you been planning this? Ponyville is the closest settlement to the Castle of the Two Sisters, it seems strange you coincidentally founded a town that close to the elements decades in advance, all the element bearers just so happened to be there, and Ponyville was chosen for the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration.”

“Sunset, I’d been planning for Nightmare Moon's return the day my sister was taken from me.” Celestia answered. “Ponyville was just the final phase of my plan. I couldn’t stop her before, I could only seal her away with help from the elements, and using them by myself nearly killed me. It had also transformed them into useless rock, the elements were never meant to be used in such a way. They would only be able to manifest again when six individuals proved themselves worthy.”

“What if they didn’t? There was no guarantee anyone would have proven worthy in time. Twilight told me they only barely defeated Nightmare Moon as is.”

“Sunset, when you get as old as me, you learn you always need a backup plan. Of course I had prepared for the possibility the elements wouldn’t manifest.”

“What was it then?”

“Nothing too complicated I am afraid. I would just fight her till I was killed. You must understand, there was no way I could’ve won. At best I would’ve defeated her and died in the attempt, or she would have succeeded in killing me.”

“But then how would-”

“Why do you think I uplifted Cadence? If I had died and Nightmare Moon was still alive, I would’ve at least weakened her enough for Cadence to finish her off. If Cadence survived, she’d have taken over as ruler. If she hadn’t, it would’ve been Blue Blood and you. Then later Twilight when she became my pupil.”

“Were you going to kill Nightmare Moon?”

“I would have to, I was unable to seal her away without the elements. It would be regrettable that Luna would’ve been killed as well, but considering the fates of billions hung in the balance it would have been necessary.”

“Fates of billions? What do you mean?”

“Sunset, what do you think would’ve happened if night and day suddenly stopped? One half of the planet would’ve been cooked by the sun while the other would’ve frozen over. At best civilization would’ve survived in the twilight region, at worst everyone would’ve died. No one would be able to raise and lower the sun and moon as long as Nightmare Moon was alive, and she was too far gone to realize the implications of her plan. Or perhaps she didn’t care.”

“Guess I never really thought about it.” Sunset pondered over this new information, having never seen this side of Celestia before. “Why were all the element bearers there? I assume you had Twilight meet with them because they were the most likely candidates, but why were they all there?”

“Luckily, fate smiled on us by having two of the bearers already there. The rest were scouted out by my spies and subtly moved to Ponyville when they were identified as prime candidates. Pinkie was told of a town that desperately needed somepony to cheer them up, and we paid off the previous apprentice baker so she would quit her position so Pinkie could take over. My spies infiltrated the Cloudsdale weather service and reassigned Rainbow Dash to Ponyville. Finally we fabricated a situation where a ‘sick’ dog couldn’t be cured by anypony in town, leading Rainbow Dash to invite Fluttershy over who ‘cured’ him, which led to Rainbow Dash convincing Fluttershy to stay in town.”

“This all seems rather-”

“Manipulative? I know. I’m fully aware of the shady nature of my actions. But considering it was the only chance to save my sister and the entire world, I would do it again. Plus, I’ve had to do a lot worse Sunset, this job requires you to get your hooves dirty to preserve the lives of others. Not every threat can be destroyed with armies or magic.”

Sunset didn’t want to inquire further about what Celestia may have done, so chose to ask about the bearers. “Do they know?”

“No, but this information will be freely shared with them should they inquire about it. Plus, I’m sure Twilight will be reading over our interaction.”

“If I know Twilight, she’ll probably be stressing over whether or not she should snoop.” Sunset chuckled. “She’ll try to justify it by saying she needs it for my recovery, but fight with herself for hours thinking she’ll violate our privacy.”

“She’ll probably have a nervous freak out.”

“Exactly! Much like when she harbored me during-” Sunset realized what she was writing and put a hand to her mouth.

“If you’re worried that Twilights going to be in trouble for sheltering you during Hearth's Warming, don’t. I already knew.”

Sunset's eyes widened. “You knew? How?”

“Twilight is many things, a good liar isn’t one of them. I received a letter from her stating that you specifically weren’t there and she definitely wasn’t hiding anything.”

“Are you serious? We need to teach that girl how to lie.” Sunset face palmed. “She’s probably going to freak out when she reads that.”

“Personally I thought it was sweet. Sheltering you while you were going through a tough time and attempting to keep you hidden from me. I wasn’t going to pry anyway, I had assumed you were done with me by that point.”

“What!? Why would you assume that? I wasn’t the same arrogant brat anymore.”

“When you were confirmed to still be alive, I had waited three months for you to pick the journal back up and write back to me. When you didn’t, I had assumed that you were still angry with me and had decided to cut ties.”

“Is that why the journal ended up with Twilight?”

“Yes. I figured that since you were never going to talk to me again, there was no use in keeping it. I knew Twilight would quickly realize what it was and try to communicate with you, though I hadn’t expected you would write in it yourself the very same day.”

“Well, it was an emergency.” Sunset thought over what to say next. “Celestia, I’m really sorry I nearly ruined your plans. I feel so much worse for what I did now, the world could’ve been destroyed because I was being a selfish bitch. Guess you were wrong to think I was worthy of being uplifted.”

“Firstly, don’t ever call yourself that… name again. Secondly, I did say that the mirror showed you your future. There’s still a chance Sunset.”

“But I’d need to be your student! You kicked me out, remember?”

“Sunset, I was angry. Rightfully so, but I had regretted what I said before I found out you left. I was going to find you the next morning and talk things out and give you one more chance. Obviously that never happened, but the point is that, if you so wish, you can resume your studies under me when you come back home.”

“Really?” Sunset felt her eyes water as she shakily began writing. “You’re serious?”

“I am. But something tells me that’s not what you want. Twilight’s doing a better job than I ever did as your teacher, and you’re probably learning things over there that I could never teach you. Besides, being worthy has nothing to do with being my student. Cadence was never my student but she proved herself worthy of ascension after all.”

“I guess that’s true.” A smile grace Sunsets lips as she wiped her eyes. She wasn’t sure if she even wanted to be princess anymore, but to know that Princess Celestia still had faith and offered Sunset her place as her student again, despite everything she did, overwhelmed the poor girl with gratitude.

“Now Sunset, about your family…”

Author's Note:

Yay! Another chapter done in a reasonable amount of time! And just a day before my birthday!

And yes Twilight was so excited she forgot to report back to Sunset. Don’t worry, Celestia and Sunset will tease her for that.

And very slight trollestia in this one, I always kind of liked that characterization.

And there, I made a Dr. Whooves/Dr. Who reference. Dr. What was the best I could do, Dr. Who already has the best title.

And the mirror showing people their future is my interpretation of what happened. Celestia definitely was planning on uplifting Susnet at some point whether the future is predestined or what I’m not sure.

The elements being useless after Celestia used them is my interpretation as to why they just suddenly disappeared and Celestia never used them for any threats that may or may not have appeared in the intervening thousand years.

I’m also pretty sure Celestia would’ve had to throw hands with NM if Twilight failed. Which she thought she might’ve died in the attempt and that’s the reason Cadence was princess.

And while we saw that everything was somehow fine if NM won, Celestia doesn’t know that. It makes sense she thought that the entire world would’ve died if day and night stopped turning.

And anyone else find it really suspicious that Ponyville just so happened to be the closest settlement to the castle of the two sisters, where the elements were found, and Celestia had a hand in its creation?
Or that all the bearers just so happened to be there and Twilight was coincidentally required to meet with them, some not even having lived in the town their whole lives?
Or that Ponyville, of all places, was chosen for the thousand Summer Sun Celebration?
Celestia definitely planned something. You can’t convince me otherwise.

My explanation as to why all the element bearers were there is the best possible thing I could come up with. Personally I’m kind of proud of it.

I’m also pretty sure that a world leader would have to order assassinations, espionage, blackmail, disappearances of threats to the nation, etc. that just seems the nature of national security. Every world leader probably has blood on their hands and we can only hope they did (most of) it for the right reason.
Celestia is no different.

And poor Twilight has everyone she knows tease her. She’ll feel so embarrassed after reading over their interaction.

Twilight also seems like a terrible liar, I’m sure she would’ve revealed that Sunset was with her during Hearths warming.

Celestia thinking Sunset would never talk to her again is also my interpretation as to why the journal just so happened to end up with Twilight out of the blue.

But at least this thing ended on a somewhat happy note. Sunsets still got a chance at being princess.
I won’t write Sunset and Celestia talking about Sunsets family cause I want to keep that a secret.

Anyway, thanks for reading my fic!

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