• Published 15th Nov 2021
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In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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The worst day ever

“Come on and… there!” Pinkie Pie cheered happily as she removed her hands from her head, her hair in its usual poofy state. She stared at her reflection with a big smile on her face, only for her hair to immediately deflate and Pinkie to groan. “How does that even work?”

She tossed the hair product she was using and sat down on the edge of the tub, looking down at the ground. She grabbed her hair and put it into a ponytail, trying to make it seem her straight hair was a conscious choice.. “Ha! Ponytail, what a silly name for a hairstyle. Ponytail! Pony… tail. Pony…” She sighed and slid backwards into the tub.

Her mind couldn’t help but wander to the friend who’s smile she stole, which seemed to be pretty common among her other friends as well. She wasn’t sure who to blame for the entire situation; the CMC, the school, her friends, the comic writers, or herself.

Her life just felt like an overly dramatic fanfiction written by a barely competent author. She wished there was an easy way to just make Sunset happy again, and have everything back to the way it used to be.

She whimpered lightly and reached for her phone, putting it up to her ear as she called Rarity. “Yes Pinkie darling?

“Hey Rarebear, you Uh… got any more hair product, the one you gave me isn’t working.”

You want more hair product? It isn’t healthy to put so many chemicals on your head darling, what was wrong with the last one?

“I just… wasn’t feeling it you know? It’s not giving me the kind of style I want for my hair.”

And what style is that exactly? Don’t think I haven’t noticed you wearing a straight ponytail for the past few weeks, I’ve been friends with you long enough to know you would never willingly wear something so ‘normal’ and boring.” Pinkie cringed guiltily. Seems she had failed to act like nothing was wrong. “Now, what’s really going on darling?

Pinkie was quiet for a long moment before exhaling softly. “Ok fine. My hair refuses to be poofy ever since what happened with Sunset, I think it’s tied to my mood.”

I’d say that makes no sense, but I’ve learned to accept the impossible while being your friend.” Pinkie couldn’t help but giggle and snort in amusement. “Have you tried curling it?

“I’ve tried everything! I even tried perming it three times in a row and it only lasted two minutes.”

Three times in a row? Are you crazy? How are you not bald after having so many chemicals on your scalp? By this point, you should be growing a third arm.

“You think that would work? I could really use a third arm.”

Wha- no, I was joking, please do not try to grow a third arm.” Before Pinkie could dwell on it further, Rarity interrupted her and moved the conversation along. “Now, you said it was tied to your mood?

“Well, Yeah. If I’m ever feeling down my hair seems to straighten out. It usually comes back within the hour, at worst it takes a day. But ever since Twilight told us about Sunset, it just, well, refuses to be poofy.” Pinkie sat up in the tub. “I don’t really get it either.”

Something tells me that sweets, happy movies, and parties haven’t helped.

“They almost work. I feel happy and I swear I can feel it about to poof up, but then I think about how much Sunset would’ve loved them too and I get sad again.” Pinkies frown deepened. “It’s been especially bad since yesterday.”

Yesterday? What happened yesterday?” Rarity asked, sounding concerned.

“I was working at Sugar Cube Corner yesterday after School. Sunset came in with Lyra and Bon-Bon, which was weird, since she only comes in the morning to get coffee. Which is SUPER awkward when I’m at the register Saturday mornings. I have to act all polite and restrained like she’s just another customer even though she’s my friend, and I just want to tell her how sorry I am and invite her out to play Candy Land, and have lunch and play video ga-”

Pinkie.” Rarity interrupted with an annoyed tone. “Stay focused, what happened yesterday?

“Oh yeah!” Pinkie stood up in the middle of the tub. “I didn't want to make Sunny uncomfortable since she was with friends and I didn’t want to ruin it, but I also wanted to keep an eye on her, so I hid behind customers and a few counters. It seemed fine at first, they were just talking, but then Sunny and Lyra started yelling about something and Sunny started crying. She must’ve been embarrassed as she ran out of the store before I could go up and hug her.”

Rarity was quiet on the other end, absorbing the information Pinkie gave her. “Do you know what they did to make her cry?

Pinkie shook her head. “Nope, I was thinking about asking them myself on Monday, but it didn’t seem intentional. Lyra tried to stop Sunny when she ran out than her and Bon-Bon started arguing.”

Rarity hummed. “Darling, I know you wanted to cheer Sunset up, but you know you can’t just go up and hug her.

“I couldn’t just leave her like that Rarebear. I know she probably would’ve just pushed me off, but I’m sure she’d at least appreciate the thought. Besides, I’ve been leaving her little presents here and there and she doesn’t seem to mind.”

Does she know they’re from you?

“Well… no. I’ve been signing them ‘Not Pinkie Pie’.” There was an audible slap from the other end. “But she doesn’t seem to mind getting gifts from a mysterious benefactor.”

Darling, I guarantee she knows it’s you. But if you’re certain she doesn’t mind than I won’t stop you, just don’t try to hug her please.

“Well, I don’t see how she would know it’s me but alright.” There was an awkward pause between the two friends. “So, how's Sweetie?”

Rarity sighed dramatically. “She’s been exiling herself in her room ever since they all confessed. The poor dear’s been taking it hardest out of her friends. I can’t decide if she feels the most guilty or if she’s still reeling from her break up with Button Mash.

“I thought you said they were on a break?”

Pinkie come on, we all know what that means. Button was pretty miffed with her when her involvement came to light, I’m not sure there’s any salvaging of that relationship.” There was a muffled commotion and voices vaguely sounding like Sweetie Belle and Rarity over the phone for a few seconds. “Great, the one time she comes out of her room is the time she overhears me saying that. Look, I need to go, I’ve got a sister to comfort. I’ll see you later darling.

The call ended and Pinkie stood there alone. “Yeah. See ya Rarebear.” She pulled the phone away from her ear. She stood there all alone for a minute before shaking her head and grabbing a curler, marching up to her bathroom mirror and undoing her Ponytail.

“Hey Sunset?”


“Yah said yah had a brother right?” Sunset turned to look at Applejack, surprised with the sudden question.

“Uh, yeah. I have a brother.”

“Any other siblings? Who’s the oldest?” Applejacks was quiet for a moment. “What’s his name?

“His Name is Sunburst, I’m the oldest, and it’s just us… that I know of.” Sunset eyed applejack. “Why do you ask?”

“Just curious, Ah realized yah never really talked about yer family.”

Sunsets shoulders slumped. “I don’t like talking about them. Whenever I think of them I just… I get so homesick. I miss them so much.”

“Why did yah leave then?”

“Because I was an entitled, arrogant, manipulative narcissist who felt she was owed the title and responsibility of princess. I left when Celestia was going to remove me as her protege, it was the only way to salvage my ambitions.” Sunsets demeanor feel even more. “I thought it was only going to be two years I was gone. Turns out, time goes three times faster back home when the portal is closed.”

Applejacks eyes widened. “That means you’ve been gone for-”

“Seven and a half years... Fuck, I owe so many birthday presents.” Sunset finished. “I only learned that when I snuck over. I had also learned that Twilight had replaced me and gained princesshood in my absence, everything I had wanted.”

“Is that why you stole her crown?”

“Yeah, I thought the element of magic was what made Twilight into an alicorn. Turns out, I was wrong. Celestia gave it to her… and she would’ve given it to me too.”

“What do yah mean?”

Sunset began driving down Sweet Apple Acres driveway. “After me and Twilight began talking over the journal, I learned that she had become an element bearer during the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration, when Nightmare Moon returned. There is no doubt in my mind Celestia had been planning for that day, Ponyville was chosen to host the Summer Sun Celebration years in advance, and it just so happens to be the closest settlement to the Castle of the Two Sisters, where they found the elements to begin with.”

“And yah think she was grooming yah for that role before Twilight.” Applejack guessed.

“Yeah.” Sunset nodded and wiped her eyes as she parked her car. “Celestia had approached me and told me she wanted me to help with preparations for the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration, which she did for Twilight. And since I was a magical prodigy, it’s not a stretch to assume she had planned for me to take Twilight's place. Which means I would’ve become princess if I just waited...” Sunset hugged herself and tears began falling down her cheeks. “I blew it.”

Applejack reached over and pulled her friend into a hug, admonishing herself for digging into Sunset's past too much. “It’s ok Sugarcube. Ah’m sure they’ll make yah into a princess one day.”

“You don’t just get handed alicornhood Jackie.” Sunset shook her head. “Twilight had to fix one of Starswirl's spells after spending months learning about friendship. All I have to offer is a failed resumé as Celestia's student, being a bitch for two years, and turning into a demon. Besides, Twilight deserves it more than me.”

“Did yah talk with yer family when yah spent a few weeks back home?”

“No, nobody but Twilight and her friends knew I was there. I spent the whole time in her castle trying not to cry. I wasn’t in the right emotional state to talk with anyone.” She couldn’t help but smile. “Twilight even hid me from Celestia, which is very unlike her. I’m not ready to face Celestia, my family, or Equestria until I have something to offer.”

“Something to offer?” Applejack tilted her head.

“Your world, it’s science and technology is centuries ahead of Equestria. Your history can teach us many lessons, and your culture can enrich our own… most of it anyway.” Sunset looked back to Applejack with a half crazed look. “If even half of what your species has uncovered can be applied back home, it would cause a scientific revolution! Your technology will put an end to disease, industrialize our society, lead us into space!”

Applejack was a bit intimidated by Sunset's passion. Seems she had found something else to obsess over other than crowns. “And yer gonna try to learn all of it?”

“As much as I can. I thought it was going to give me an edge over Celestia at first, but now I realize I can instead revolutionize our society. I’ll try learning as much as I can and codify everything else, I won’t be known as ‘Sunset, the failed princess’ I’ll be known as ‘Sunset, greatest mind in equestria.’”

“That why yer trying to be valedictorian?”

“Part of it. The other reason is I feel it’ll complete my redemption. What’s more poetic than the fallen queen bee becoming the valedictorian? I’ve got a big speech planned out and everything. After that I’m not sure, I want to return home as soon as possible but I could spend a few years at college.”

“Let’s just get through all of this Anon-A-Miss business before you go planning for college.” Applejack wanted to change the subject before Sunset could go off on another tangent. “Back on topic, was your brother all alone when you left?”

“No thankfully, he had this friend named Starlight Glimmer. They’re thick as thieves, I don't remember a time they were apart before I left for Canterlot. Though, I’m sure they didn’t have as much contact after Sunburst did the same.”

“Was there any… doubts in yer mind when yah left? Maybe yah thought yah could beg Celestia go give yah another chance, or how much yah’d miss yer family.”

Of course there was.” Sunset groaned. “I was leaving everything I’d known for some completely different world. I wouldn’t see my family again for years. That day was the worst day of my life... until the last Fall Formal.”

“It… worked out in the end though didn’t it?”

“Yeah, now. But when it happened… when it happened it was the worst night of my life.” Sunset breathed in deeply and closed her eyes. “Putting on that crown was the worst mistake of my life. I thought it was going to turn me into an alicorn. Instead, it turned me into a demon. The pain was… agonizing. Have you ever had your bones lengthened? Your muscles tightened? Have two wings grow in seconds? All this while your body feels like it’s being seared by white hot flame.”

“Well, n-no. Ponying up is pretty painless.”

“Well it wasn’t for me.” Sunset gave a bitter laugh. “That’s not even the worst part. My body began moving on its own, my mind barely registering what was happening. Kind of like a dream, my subconscious forced to watch as I tried to kill all of you, hypnotize the school, and try to invade Equestria. I had never intended to go that far, I hadn’t intended to do any of that!”

“Hey hey hey, it’s ok.” Applejack grabbed Sunset’s Hands. “It didn’t last for too long. We ponied up and shot you with that rainbow, we freed you.”

“You did. But that just led to the worst part.” Sunset shook her head. “After what felt like my whole being subjected to the full power of the sun, my mind was quickly overwhelmed by everyone’s memories. All at once, I saw every bad thing I did, every time I hurt someone, every time I had ruined someone’s day. I felt what they felt: how much they hated me, how much my words hurt, the fear my very presence inspired. I saw how much me leaving Equestria hurt everyone I cared about. I experienced my mother crying for days when Celestia informed her I had run away.”

Applejack looked upset. “A-Ah had no idea.” She wasn’t sure how Sunsets mind didn’t just crack under all the pressure.

“Oh, then I wake up below rock bottom, my whole body sore and piercing pain on my back and tailbone, with Twilight telling me how much I suck. Than the whole school gathering around and sees me crying like a baby, my reputation falling from most feared person in school to most reviled in under a second. I was sure Twilight was going to take me back home and have me executed.”

Applejack's eyes widened in shock. “S-she would never! Twilight would never have killed yah!”

“I had just stolen the element of magic, the first, last, and sometimes only line of defense against threats to Equestria, slandered a princess, turned into a demon, tried to invade Equestria, then tried to kill her. Being an Equestrian citizen, all of those are considered high treason, even if my argument about being corrupted by the crown held up in court.”

“Oh Sugarcube…” Applejack Thought quickly on how to lift her friends mood. “But hey, at least it all worked out. Yah and Twilight are best friends now.” She made sure to avoid bringing up the rest of the school, knowing Sunset would only bring up Anon-A-Miss.

“Yeah.” Sunset gave a sad smile, wiping her eyes. “She’s pretty incredible.” As if on cue, Sunsets journal began vibrating and the two girls looked over. “Ah hell, I completely forgot to write back to Twilight.”

“Something tells me yah didn’t tell her about helping out at the farm?”

Sunset gave a nervous smile. “I didn’t want her to make a big deal out of it, I thought it was just supposed to be chores. I told her I was going out for errands.”

“Yah never have errands.”

“She doesn’t know that!” Sunset said defensively before looking out the window with a panicked expression. “She’ll be less angry with me if you’re here, she’ll be too excited to care that I lied if we talk with her together.”

“Yah question my V card, call me an ugly maid, slap my ass, made country folk stereotypes and now yah want me to help yah?” Applejack said with a huge grin. “Give me one good reason why Ah shouldn’t leave yah to yer fate?”

Sunset sat there awkwardly, her fingers pattering the wheel. “I called you pretty, there’s that.”

Applejack snickered. “Good enough, no one ever calls me pretty. It’s nice to be complimented like a normal girl every once in a while.” With that, Applejack opened the journal to the most recent page. Her smile dropped as she looked at the incomprehensible scribbling son the page. “Did she have a stroke or something?”

“Hm? Oh, no. She’s writing in Equish. It’s easier for us both to read and write in our native language.”

“Yah don’t have English over there? How did yah two speak it so fluently then?”

“Star Swirl thought ahead, apparently the portals enchanted to imprint advanced understanding of the language of wherever you’re going. Pinkie knows perfect Equish after that incident with the Chihuahua, the rope, and that ice cream sundae.”

Applejack nodded. “Well, can yah tell her to write in English? Ah haven’t been through the portal yet.”

“Sure thing, just hand it over.” Sunset grabbed the Journal from Applejack and began writing, Applejack leaning over to look

“Hey Twilight, sorry I haven’t written to you for a bit. But can you write in English? I’ve got Applejack here next to me, and we’ve got some exciting news.”

The two girls started laughing as Twilight began writing frantically, admonishing Sunset for lying to her, demanding to talk to Applejack immediately and demanding the two tell her the full story

Author's Note:

Well how about that, I didn’t wait till Monday to write about Pinkie.
So yeah, I was going to have Flutters and Dash start the chapter off, but I wanted to save them for next chapter when AJ calls.

Seems Pinkie has the most contact with Sunset, and at least Sunset isn’t angry enough to throw out any gifts.

Button Mash breaking up with Sweetie is a reference to another Anon fic ive read, I’m not sure which one.
And of course, ‘on a break’ is a reference to Friends.

But wow, a whole lots of exposition in the latter half, hopefully nobody minds.

It’s interesting the fandoms kinda decided that Sunsets an orphan of some kind, but I love the theory that Sunburst is Sunsets brother and decided to run with it.

I also think I found a way to fix the timeline issues in the original series. Time going faster in Equestria would explain why Twilight and Sunset were the same age despite Twilight being much younger when Sunset left. It would also give Twilight enough time to be Celestias student before the events of the first season.

It also seems she doesn’t know that Sunburst and Starlight split up, and that Starlight became a bit of a Communist. I’m sure she’s in for a surprise when Twilight tells her about her adventures in Our Town.

We also learn that the Formal was the worst day ever for Sunset. I feel like that would be true in canon, and I also kept the common plot point that Sunset was subjected to every foul deed she committed not after being blasted by the elements.
While also adding her going through excruciating pain, which is also implied in canon.

I also figured that since Sunset is a high school student in a world more advanced than her own, she’d probably bring that knowledge back to Equestria. I gave her a motivation for doing it and trying to be the Valedictorian.

You’ll also notice that Sunset writing in the Journal is now red instead of Orange, i’ll Probably have to edit chapter 1 at some point.

Anyway, thank you all for reading my fic!

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