• Published 15th Nov 2021
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In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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Comforting a Jewish rainbow

“Welcome to my humble abode!” Rainbow said proudly as she opened the door, her and Sunset filing in.

“I’ve been to your house before, Dash.”

“Yeah, once. I don’t usually bring my friends here because-” She was interrupted by two voices arguing loudly from the kitchen. “-because of that.”

Sunset looked confused as she followed Rainbow to the kitchen. There, they found her parents arguing with each other while Windy Whistles cooked dinner. She looked over when the two walked in, drawing her husband's gaze to the two girls.

“Oh! Hi honey, how was school?” She looked to Sunset. “I see AJ was able to convince Sunset to tutor you.”

“AJ?” Sunset looked at Dash with a confused look, the girl seizing up.

“I may have uh... forgotten to ask AJ to be a middleman for me and Sunset.” Rainbow said with an embarrassed expression.

Dash.” Her father said with exasperation

“I’m sorry! I saw her at her locker and I panicked.” Dash said defensively. “Worked out didn’t it? She agreed to help out.”

“Barely.” Sunset chimed in. “Probably would’ve worked out better for you if AJ approached me first.” Sunset said with a knowing look.

Rainbow cleared her throat awkwardly at everyone’s exasperated or disapproving looks. “Well… no reason to focus on what I could’ve done.” She grabbed Sunsets hand and began walking out the kitchen. “We’ll be in my room if you need us.”

“Oh! Can I offer you girls anything?” Windy Whistles asked with a smile.

“No thank you Mrs. Whistles, and no need to make an extra course for me, I won’t be staying for dinner.” Sunset said as politely as she could as Dash led her out the kitchen and up the stairs. The moment they left the kitchen her parents immediately got back to arguing. “Your parents having marital problems or something?”

“Actually, this is them behaving because I brought someone over.” Rainbow said with a smirk. “I remember when I first brought a friend over and their arguing scared her away. I was so confused because I thought that’s just how everybody’s parents were.”

“And why do they argue so much?” Sunset asked with some concern.

Rainbow stopped and gave her a look. “We’re Jewish.”

Sunset blankly stared at Rainbow for a moment before her eyes lit up. “Oooohhh, that makes sense. That why you and AJ compete so much over stupid shit?”

“Maybe a little, but I’m also just naturally competitive.” Rainbow opened the door to her room. “Plus, we favor logical debates over physical competitions.”

Sunset stopped when she saw the disheveled state of Rainbow Dash's room: discarded wrappers and scrunched up papers littered the floors, mingling with empty pizza boxes, dirty socks, underwear, and an inordinate amount of sports balls of every type.

A laundry basket sat near the wardrobe, overflowing with carelessly tossed clothes and a soccer ball for no reason. While at the other end sat a waste basket near Rainbow's computer desk, looking like it hadn’t been taken out in weeks.

Speaking of Rainbow's computer desk, it was covered in wrappers, cups, and various debris Rainbow couldn’t be bothered to throw away, a half eaten pizza slice perilously too close to the computer.

There were about six pairs of shoes scattered about, all of varying states of wear and tear, one caked in mud.

Rewards from various sports competitions were strewn about, the only things other than the computer that were in good condition.

“Have you thought about cleaning your room for once in your life?” Sunset said as she wrinkled her nose, the smell of B.O., stale food, and festering garbage too much to bear.

“Not until my mom makes me again.”

“I’ll save her the trip.” Sunset grumbled. “Dash, if your room is still worse than a pig sty that was left to rot in a landfill for a few centuries, you can forget about me tutoring you tomorrow.”

What?” Rainbow swiveled to face Sunset. “You can’t do that! The state of my room has nothing to do with my learning!”

“It fucking might. I can feel myself getting dumber by being forced to breath all this in. The Germans really could’ve used this for World War 1, I bet they would’ve won the war if they unleashed this stench on the Allied Powers.”

“The stench of my room is not worse than chemical weapons!”

“That theory requires further testing.”

“Oh, whatever! Why not just do it somewhere else if it’s such a big deal?”

“We could, but that’s less convenient and I can’t in good conscience allow you to live in such filth.” Sunset turned to study the room, too afraid to close her eyes and too afraid to open them. “There’s a show on tv that would love to-”

Don’t.” Rainbow held up her hand. “My mom makes that joke all the freaking time. I don’t need to hear it from you.”

The two had a stare off for a few seconds before Sunset spoke up. “Cleaner room, or no tutoring.”

“Fine.” Rainbow growled. “I’ll film myself to prove I cleaned up.”

“And I want it cleaner every day I come to tutor you.”

Rainbow groaned in annoyance. “Finnnneeee. Let’s just get to tutoring.”

Sunset looked around in an attempt to find a seat. She’d usually use the computer desk, but there clearly wasn’t enough space. Eventually she gave up and went to Rainbows bed, the two crowding around her nightstand. She opened her textbook to chapter fifteen and looked it over. “By the way, unless you’re celebrating pride, having a rainbow banner above your bed is super egotistical.”

“Says the girl carrying around a bag with her butt mark.”

“Cutie Mark.”

“And where are those located again?”

“On a Ponies flank.”

“Uh huh, and where is it currently located on you?”

Sunset was quiet for a moment. “... On my outer thigh.”

“Uh huh, and how close is it to your-”

“Turn to page hundred and twenty three.” Sunset interrupted, showing her the page.

Rainbow smirked in victory and dutifully turned to the page. The two got to work, Sunset instructing Rainbow to read certain passages and explaining certain concepts to her when she needed help.

After half an hour, while Rainbow was reading, Sunset spoke up. “So… Jewish.”

“Yes, I am in fact Jewish.” Rainbow responded idly. “Your point?”

“Just kinda surprised. We never really talked about it and you celebrate Christmas with everyone so I never would’ve guessed.”

“Not here, no reason to. My parents don’t care if I do Christmas shit with my friends. Don’t know if that’s normal for Jewish parents or if they’re open minded.” Rainbow looks up. “Don’t know why you care. Aren’t you Faustin or whatever? I doubt they have Christmas in Horseland.”

“First off, I only celebrated Christmas once with Flash to get him off my back, and second off, Hearth's Warming is surprisingly similar.”

Rainbow gave Sunset the side eye. “Ya know, we never did discuss much about Horseland. You mind going into detail about some of the religions?”

“I think you should be studying.”

“I’m taking a break.” Rainbow closed her textbook and looked at Sunset expectantly.

“I’m supposed to be tutoring you.”

“You are tutoring me, about alien religions.”

“You aren’t going to let this go are you?”


Sunset groaned softly. “Fine, if it’ll make you study harder.” Sunset closed her own book and turned towards Rainbow. “It would take way too long to describe everything, so I’ll just tell you bare details about three of the biggest religions in Equestria.”

Rainbow nodded and gestured for Sunset to continue. “Hit me.”

“First, there’s Faustism which is what I practice. We believe Faust and her scribes wrote the universe into existence, giving the universe substance after Has and Bro made the concepts and laws that the universe would abide by.” Rainbow placed her head in her hands, transfixed by Sunset. “Next there’s Alicornism, a slowly diminishing religion that worships the Alicorns as living gods. They used to be a lot more influential before Nightmare Moon, many too horrified to continue worshiping the Alicorns after what happened. The final nail in the coffin was when Celestia came by and basically said ‘stop worshiping me.’”

Rainbow let out a laugh. “Seriously? She was worshiped like a god and she told them off?”

“Celestias not the egotistical type… not like I was.” Sunset said mainly to herself. “They still had a pretty big influence on the culture, I’m not sure if everyone's current treatment of Alicorns is much better.”

“And the third?”

“Ah, somewhat obscure religion about the Watchers. I don’t know too much about them.”

“Well that’s a little boring. Tell me another!”

“I said I’d tell you about three religions.”

“That was like two and a half, you can’t just say ‘I don’t know too much’ and expect me to be satisfied.”

“Fair enough.” Sunset sighed in annoyance. “There’s an obscure cult called the Descendants of Paradise. They worship something called ‘The Megan.’”

“The Megan?” Rainbow snickered. “What a dumb name.”

“Your turn.”

“I- what?”

“I told you about a few religions back home, now it’s your turn to tell me about Judaism.”

“Oh come on, do I have-” Rainbow stopped when Sunset gave her a look. “Well uh, I’m not sure what there is to say really. We only have the Old Testament, we seem to constantly be challenging God, and we aren’t supposed to eat meat and dairy together.”

“I’ve seen you eat Cheeseburgers before.”

“I didn’t say I was a good Jew. My parents are pretty relaxed about religion so it’s fine. I don’t think I could survive if this was a Kosher household, have you seen how restrictive Kosher is?”

“Has anyone ever hassled you? I know some people are rather… close minded.”

“Me personally? No. But it is weird to think that people hate me for something so… arbitrary.” Rainbow said with a small frown. “Though it’s not like I go around advertising that I’m Jewish. Maybe one day I’ll yell it out in public and see what happens.”

“Hm, and you’ve already had your Bar Mitzvah?”

Bat Mitzvah, Bar Mitzvahs are for boys.” Rainbow Dash corrected. “It was about four or so years ago. I only learned this afterwards, but apparently my parents were responsible for my sin before my Bat Mitzvah.”

Sunset smirked. “Should’ve sinned more.”

“I should’ve.” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Super unfair that I can’t pass my sins off to my parents and have them punished for it. Had I known I would’ve stolen so much candy.”

“Your parents wouldn’t have made you put it back?”

“It would’ve been gone too fast for them to notice.” Rainbow pointed up. “Only the big guy would know.” The two shared a small laugh, Rainbows smile fading afterwards.

Sunset noticed and her smile fell too. “Something wrong?”

“No, it‘s just… I missed this. You and me hanging out.” An awkward silence fell between them. “Sunset, I’m like… really sorry for punching you in the face and how I acted during Anon-A-Miss. There’s no excuse for what I did. I was childish, immature, violent, and unnecessarily cruel. I abandoned you and thought the worse of you despite everything you did and I want… I need… I want to make things right with you and see you smile.” Rainbow sniffled. “I want to be your friend again. At least, without the awkwardness.”

Sunset just stared at Rainbow Dash quietly for a few seconds. “I know Dash. I want that to, but I… it hurt when you all left me. Still does. I want to trust you but I don’t know…” Sunset looked away to hide her tears. “I trusted you once.”

Rainbow stared at the back of Sunsets head. “Maybe… maybe I can help you trust me a little right now?”

Sunset looked back, curious. “What do you mean?”

Rainbow was quiet, deliberating whether she should continue. “Immediately after the Fall Formal, me, AJ, Rarity, and Pinkie slept over at Pinkie's house. Me and AJ couldn’t sleep and… we got to talking about you.” Rainbow looked ashamed as she recounted the story. “We didn’t believe you really changed, we didn’t believe you ever could change and that you were just trying to save your ass. Now, we promised Twi we’d take care of you and I wasn’t going to break a promise, but me and AJ thought you’d eventually go back to your old tricks.”

Sunset deflated, knowing where this was going.

“So, we promised each other that when you did… when you did we’d cut you out of the group because clearly you were just using us. Twilight would’ve understood.”

“And when Anon-A-Miss happened…”

“When Anon-A-Miss happened, me and AJ got together and remembered what we said that night. We contacted the others, told them what we were doing, and planned to confront you in the morning.”

A painfully long silence filled the room as Sunset mulled over Rainbow's words and Rainbow fidgeted, waiting for Sunset to respond. “... It was after the Formal.” Sunset finally said. “You were justified in not trusting me. The confrontation being planned wasn’t much better, but it would’ve happened with or without your talk. Thanks for being honest.” Another awkward silence. “Was there… any moment you thought that maybe Anon was someone else?”

“... No.” Sunsets breath hitched and she looked away, wiping away the tears welling in her eyes. “I’m ashamed to say I didn’t. There’s… there’s no excuse. I’m… I’m just…” Rainbow Dash herself looked away and wiped her away. “I’m so sorry. I’m such a shitty person.”

Sunset looked back as Rainbow's voice cracked. She was clearly trying to hold herself together. “Rainbow?”

“You were right about me before the Formal. I really am just a dumb jock with no future.” Tears began flowing freely. “It hurt too when I thought you were Anon and stabbed us in the back, and I just… I wanted to punish you for making me trust you then… th-then betraying me after everything I did for you, that’s why I hurt you so much during Anon.” Rainbow was on the verge of breaking down. “Then it hurt even more when I learned you weren’t Anon and I betrayed you. I’m no Element of Loyalty.” She couldn’t hold it anymore and broke down.

Sunset sat there awkwardly, staring as Rainbow broke down in front of her and cried freely, giving out stuttered apologies and choked sobs. A part of her was worried that her parents might hear and come in, while another part of her didn’t want to comfort Rainbow Dash.

Without thinking, she leaned forward and hugged Rainbow Dash. Rainbow looked up, calming down a little and stared at Sunset. “W-what are y-you-?”

“I’m hugging you dingy.” Sunset hugged her tighter. “I know things are… weird between us, but I can’t just watch you cry.”

“W-why? I d-didn’t help y-you when you c-cried.”

“I know, but that’s what friends do right? They help each other? Make the other feel better when the other is sad? It doesn’t matter if you didn’t help me, I want to help you.” Rainbow calmed down considerably at that. “Plus, your parents might think I did something if they find you crying.”

The two laughed for a moment and Rainbow wiped her eyes. “Yeah, not a great look if I’m crying while you’re tutoring me.” Sunset held onto Rainbow for a few more minutes as she claimed down, letting go when she was just sniffling and hiccuping. “Uh… thanks for that. I don’t like people seeing me cry but…”

“Don’t worry, it’ll be our little secret.” Sunset punched Rainbow in the arm. “Don’t want our lead guitarist to lose any street cred. You’re too awesome for that.”

“Took you long enough to admit I’m awesome. Shame I had to cry first.”

“That’s the only time I’ll admit you’re awesome, can’t let your ego balloon too big.” Sunset reached for her text book. “You might start floating into space.”

“Har har.” Rainbow rolled her eyes, grabbing her text book and turning back to the original page. “By the way, what do you want for compensation? I’m willing to pay, but I’m not exactly rolling in dough.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t want money.”

You don’t?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “Then what do you want?”

“Not much.” Sunset said idly, looking over the book. “I just want you to talk to Scootaloo.”

Author's Note:

Yay! Only 2 weeks this time!
I also think this is one of the few chapters without a cut to a different perspective. Weird.

Rainbow admitting she forget to get AJ to approach Sunset on her behalf was a reference to the fact I forgot about the plan and abansoned it in favor of Rainbow and Scootaloo running up to Sunset.

And before anyone gets on me for any perceived anti semitism, I just want to point out that even in their own culture and religion there’s a lot of references to constant arguments.
I mean my god, in the Old Testament Israel literally means ‘he who wrestles with God’, that’s hard core.
Abraham haggled with God about Sodom and Gomorrah.
And from what I’ve heard, Jews do seem to argue a lot.

Speaking of, Rainbow being Jewish was all for the sake of a joke in the prequel. I thought it’d be interesting to have a Jewish character, even if she’s not particularly devout.
Her being Jewish might factor into her scholarship and a potential short story or plot about a birth right trip to Israel with the girls.

Rainbows dirty room wa s inspired by me looking up her room in Equestria girls so I could accurately describe it, and finding it rather messy.
I played it up for the sake of comedy, but I thought I did a rather good job describing how chaotic everything is.

I also referenced the Blair Witch and Hoarders in the exact same sentence.

And if people ar wondering, yes Sunsets cutie mark is on her outer thigh. Here it’s a tattoo, and people from Equestria will have the same thing when they enter the human world.
I saw that on a fim fiction once and I thought it was a really neat idea, so I’m appropriating it.
Please don’t sue.

Now, Faustism was influenced by semi abandoned world building for some of my fim fictions. I was inspired by the Pony POV series and the Shaodws who make, watch, and rule.
Fausticorn is of course Lauren Faust and her scribes are a reference to the show writers.
Has and Bro is a reference to Hasbro, but theyre two different entities so it was too silly that they’re there.
And the quickly mentioned Watchers are basically us.

And I wonder if the reference to Megan is foreshadowing for events in the future, perhaps pertaining to future fim fictions of mine? :pinkiehappy:
(Don’t worry, she won’t suddenly appear in this story, but I did scrap a plan where she showed up and talked to Sunset.)

I was also going to have Dash say “maybe one day i’ll go to a KKK rally and wave a flag of the Star of David”
But referencing the KKK seemed a little too close to our world and people read this to escape from the real world and its problems.
It would also be weird if Rainbow mentioned the Star of David when everyone has such weird names. Theoretically because David was in the past and of a different culture, his name could be David in this world despite how ponified the world is.
But that’s convuluted. I’ll just avoid name dropping real historical figures when ic ant change their name to something else.

I also wasn’t planning for some reconciliation and emotional scene between Rainbow and Sunset, but might as well add it.

I was planning on having them talk a little more or wait til the tutoring session was done before having Sunset drop the Scoota bomb, but that seemed like it would take wha too long and this chapter is long enough.

Speaking of which, I did foreshadow Scootaloo in my last authors notes. :scootangel:

Anyway, thanks for reading my fic!

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