• Published 15th Nov 2021
  • 10,735 Views, 1,506 Comments

In the wake of Anon-A-Miss - General Alduin

It's been a month since the Anon-A-Miss incident, and Sunset feels more alone than ever. Can Sunset forgive those who betrayed her? Can the school recover in time for the friendship Games? Can everyone move on from Anon-A-Miss?

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A panicked Sweetie

Scootaloo studied her nose in the bathroom mirror, staring at the ugly bruise covering the middle of her face. She was lucky that Rainbow hadn’t broken it, that girl was strong.

Scootaloo turned her head when there was a knock at the door. “Scootaloo? Sweetie, you ok? You’ve been in there for a while now.”

“I’m fine Aunt Holiday.” She briefly debated whether she should continue wearing the bandage, but the bleeding had stopped so she didn’t see a point. “Just… checking something.” She pulled away from the mirror and opened the door, cringing as Aunt Holiday gasped when she saw her nose.

“Oh, sweetie.” Aunt Holiday lowered herself to get a better look at Scootaloo's bruise, her hand pushing Scootaloo's head up. “Does it still hurt?”

“A little. Not as much as it did before.” Scootaloo answered, gently pushing Aunt Holiday's hand away. “I’m going to finish my homework.” Scootaloo turned and began walking to her room.

“Scootaloo?” Scootaloo stopped and looked at Aunt Holiday. “Me and Loftie are going to be out tomorrow night. Dash called and wondered if it would be alright if she could babysit, at least for one night.” There was an awkward silence between them. “Is that alright with you, or should we find someone else?”

Scootaloo turned her head, briefly debating with herself. She wanted to say no, but something stopped her, an idea forming in her head. “Only if she brings Sunset.” She didn’t wait for Aunt Holiday's response, continuing to walk and eventually arriving at her room, walking in and shutting the door behind her.

She flopped down on her bed and sighed, staring at the ceiling as she mentally prepared herself for homework. Usually it wouldn’t be an issue, but she really wanted to work on her plan to make Sunset the valedictorian, though it seems that she won’t have to really do anything with the Rainbooms on her side.

She was pulled from her thoughts when her phone rang, pulling out the device and seeing that Sweetie Belle was calling her. She answered and placed the phone next to her ear. “Hel-?”

SCOOTALOO!” Scootaloo jumped in surprise and fell out of her bed. She growled and was about to berate Sweetie Belle angrily, stopping when she heard her friends' next words. “Sunset’s at my house!

“What?” Scootaloo said in surprise, jumping up. “Why is she-?”

I don’t know! Rarity was baking and I came out of my room to investigate, then she was there!” There was a muffled voice from Sweetie Belle's phone. “She heard me! What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?

“Go out and greet her, coward.” Scootaloo huffed. “You haven’t even tried to interact with her since we confessed, you just duck out of sight when you see her. It’s time you man up and properly talk to her.”

Wow, you’re soooo helpful Scootaloo.

“Well, I am pretty amazing.” Scootaloo grinned at Sweetie Belle's annoyed scoff. “Look, she’s probably there for Rarity, and if she’s talking to Rarity, that means she’s trying to mend fences with her. At least give Sunset a hi, she’ll appreciate it.”

Alright.” Sweetie Belle took a deep breath and exhaled. “I can do that, it’d be rude not to greet a guest. I’m sure she won’t rip my throat out. Tell my story if I don’t make it.”

“Uh-” was all Scootaloo got out as Sweetie Belle ended the call, not sure how serious that last request was. “Hmph, and they call me a chicken, at least I can talk to Sunset.” Scootaloo tossed the phone onto her desk and sat down.

She sat there quietly for a minute, immediately grabbing her phone and punching In a number.

"Hello?" Big Mac's voice came from the other end.

"Hey Big Mac, can I come over later?"

"Later? What time?"

"I dunno, whenever I'm done with my homework I guess."

"Ah'll call yer aunties to see if it's alright, but Bloom’s still being punished, so don’t expect to do anything fun."

"I expected as much, I just need to talk to her about school.”

Alright, see you then.” The call ended and Scootaloo put her phone away.

A devious smile grew on her face as she began to pull out her homework. “You’ll accept me as your sister, Sunset, you’ll see.”

“That was really fucked up Lyra.” Bon-Bon admonished with a glare.

“Me?” Lyra turned towards Bon-Bon. “Just because she likes King of the Rings doesn’t mean she isn’t homophobic.”

“Has she done anything to make you think that?”

“Make me think that? You thought she was homophobic too!”

“And I was wrong! It was wrong of me to judge her like that just because she’s a country girl. She’s nice, there was no reason I should’ve thought she was like that.” Bon-Bon looked off to the side, looking ashamed. “I hadn’t even known her for two seconds before I laughed at her for wanting to join the Garden Club…”

“Yeah well, she hasn’t done anything to prove she isn’t homophobic has she?” Lyra crossed her arms, waiting for Bon-Bons rebuttal.

“Her sisters gay!” Bon-Bon huffed. “She came to me asking for advice because she’s never had a gay family member before, she wanted to make sure her sister felt loved and supported.”

“She… she did?” Lyra's shoulders slumped and her expression softened, turning to look at the door.

“Yeah, at no point did I feel like she wanted to persuade her sister from being gay or that she suddenly hated her. She just wanted to support her sister… Regardless, she was doing me a favor. I know I need to work to earn back everyone’s trust, but it was nice to have someone offer to hangout with me. It’ll be a while until things settle down enough for me to hang out with any of you comfortably.” Bon-Bon sighed. “For a moment there, I really thought she could be a new friend or something, so thanks for scaring her off.” There was a silence between the two until Lyra suddenly ran out of the door. “Hey! Where are you going?!”

Lyra sped past Candy Dasher who was making her way to Bon-Bons room, curious why Applejack had left in a huff. She was even more confused when Lyra rushed past her without even acknowledging her.

Lyra pushed the front door open and saw Applejack's truck pulling out of the driveway. “AJ!” She waved her arms, trying to get Applejack to stop. It didn't work, the truck continued to back out, causing Lyra to run forward and jump into the bed of the truck right as Applejack began driving away, the truck coming to a sudden stop.

Lyra pulled herself up and crawled to the rear window, sliding it open. “Get out.” Applejack demanded.

“AJ, just wait! I need to-”

“Call me a fucking inbred?” Applejack turned towards Lyra, tears in her eyes. “Ah don’t wanna hear it.”

“No! AJ, please, I just want to talk.” Lyra pleaded. “I’m sorry ok?” Applejack looked away and an awkward silence fell between the two. “I don’t trust you not to drive off if I get out, so I’m going to crawl in through the back.” Lyra awkwardly maneuvered herself over the edge and opened the back door, climbing in and hoping Applejack wouldn’t drive while she was halfway in.

Thankfully she didn’t, and Lyra closed the door, climbing onto the passenger seat. The two say in silence for what felt like an eternity, Lyra wondering the best way of doing this. “AJ, I’m really really sorry, that wasn’t cool of me-”

“Yeah, it wasn’t.” Applejack interrupted angrily. “Yah don’t know anything about me.”

“You’re right, I don’t. Admittedly I didn’t think you did sports.” Lyra realized she needed to change her strategy when Applejack scoffed in annoyance. “Bon-Bon told me you asked her for advice about your sister. You’re not homophobic, I shouldn’t have thought you were just because you’re country.”

There was another awkward silence as Lyra thought over what she could say next. She didn’t need to as Applejack finally spoke up. “Ah don’t know if it’s a sin or not, but it ain’t hurting anybody, so what do Ah care?” Lyra noted that Applejack had calmed down considerably, though she was still clearly uncomfortable with Lyras presence. “Ah love my baby sister, and Ah’m gonna support her no matter what she chooses to do with her life.” Applejack wiped her eyes. “Ah just want her to be happy.”

“Yeah, I get that, I want my siblings to be happy too.” Lyra drummed her fingers on her thighs nervously. “Is that why you were so upset? You thought I was saying you hated your sister?”

“Are yah serious right now?” Applejack looked over at Lyra with a glare. “Everything Ah said in there and yah still don’t understand?”

“I-I was just…” Lyra thought it over for a long moment. “I see, you’re upset I believed you’re a stereotypical redneck.”

“It’s not just you.” Applejack pulled her head away and glared at the road in front of her. “It’s everyone. Everyone at school, everyone every time I go out. everyone online… they see me and decide Ah'm just a dumb racist hick who thinks science is witchcraft and sleeps with her brother." Applejack inhaled sharply. "They… they make me so ashamed of who Ah am. Like there’s something wrong with me.” A sniffle escaped from Applejack as she wiped her eyes again.

Lyras frown deepened and her face softened. “What about your friends? Not everyone’s friends with wizard girls, a unicorn, and a magical pony princess you know.”

“They’re the only friends Ah have, and Ah can’t help but feel that they’ll just… forget about me when it’s convenient.” Applejack gives a bitter laugh. “Ah don’t know why Ah’m telling yah this.”

“We’re not the most logical when we’re upset. Me yelling at Bonny yesterday only proves that.” Lyra cracked a smile when Applejack gave a snort of amusement. “Your friends and family love and care about you AJ. Your friends aren’t going to just forget about you, they need you as much as you need them.”

“That’s what Sunset said last night, but Ah still… it’s hard for me to make friends, so Ah don’t want to lose the ones Ah have. But Ah can’t help but feel like the black sheep.” Applejack sighed. “Just like everywhere else.”

The two sat in silence as Lyra ruminated on everything Applejack told her. “I was wrong.” Applejack turned her head to Lyra inquisitively. “I was wrong about you and wrong to treat you like that. I never knew you felt this way and I’m sorry for contributing to it.” Lyra nervously played with the hem of her skirt. “I don’t think you, or anyone for that matter, gives you enough credit. I mean, you helped save the world, you can channel magic through music, you’re friends with a goddamn unicorn. Only four other people in the world can claim that.”

“Ah guess…” While Applejack's voice was still a little sad, her posture had improved considerably.

“You guess? Dude, that’s cool! You’re so much more than some dumb hick, and if anyone can’t see that, then fuck ‘em. Including me.” Lyra smiled. “I’m sorry AJ, I really am. You deserve better than a bitchy lesbian calling you a redneck.”

“Y-yer not bitchy, a part of me understands why yah wouldn’t like me.” Applejack awkwardly added, clearing her throat.

“Stop, I am a bitch. I’ve been nothing but a bitch ever since Anon started, but I’m slowly getting better. And I can start by making it up to you.” She held her hand out. “I want to start over, give you a chance, like I should’ve done. Let’s go back in there and, I don’t know, tell us more about yourself or something.”

Applejack stares at Lyras hand. “Would this make us friends?”

“I mean, it’s a bit early for that, but maybe we could become friends somewhere down the line.” She held her hand closer. “So what do you say? Do over?”

Applejack was quiet for a moment before she reached over and shook Lyras hand. “Do over.” She suddenly punched Lyras arm as hard as she could, eliciting a startled yelp from the girl. “Starting now.” She said with a mischievous grin as she drove the truck back into the driveway.

“Ow! That hurt!” Lyra winced as she rubbed her arm and got out of the truck. “Why are your knuckles so bony?”

“Cause they’re knuckles, Dash’s knuckles are so much worse.” Applejack answered unhelpfully, making her way towards the front door. “Now come on, bitchy lesbian.”

Lyra sighed, knowing that was the nickname Applejack had chosen for her from now on, and she only had herself to blame.

When Applejack opened the door, they found Bon-Bon stepping back so she wasn’t hit by the door, the girl giving Applejack a confused look. “Wait, I thought you left.” She looked even more confused when Lyra came up behind her. “She didn’t blackmail you into staying, did she?”

Lyra gave Bon-Bon an annoyed look. “I’ll have you know that I apologized and helped her self esteem.”

“It’s true.” Applejack nodded. “She jumped into my truck before Ah drove off, called herself a bitchy lesbian, apologized, and asked for a do over. Figured Ah’d give her another chance.” She began walking to Bon-Bons room. “Don’t worry, Ah know yah two have a lot to talk about so Ah won’t stay long.”

Bon-Bon and Lyra watched Applejack for a few seconds before Bon-Bon turned her head towards Lyra. “Bitchy lesbian huh?”

“Oh, don’t even start with me.”

“Hey, I’m just reiterating what she said.” Bon-Bon held her hands up defensively. “Figured you aren’t ready for me to start teasing you again.”

“Eh, it depends on my mood.” Lyra started walking forward, Bon-Bon following behind her. “Though, I guess we can be bitchy lesbians together.”

“I’ll take it.” Despite the insulting moniker that Lyra had saddled her with, Bon-Bon couldn’t help but smile at the return of some normalcy. “Octavia’s a bitchy lesbian too, right?”

“Everyone’s a bitch in our group, except for Derpy.”

“Even Time Turner?”

Especially Time Turner.” The two shared a small laugh. “Being a bitch transcends gender.”

“Now all we need to do is corrupt Derpy, I think we’re starting to rub off on her. She swore at me yesterday.”

“Derpy? Swearing? I don’t believe you. She’s too pure.” Bon-Bon groaned in annoyance as they finally walked into her room, BonBon closing the door behind her.

Author's Note:

And I’m back, later than I had intended. Sorry for the wait, been busy with work and my birthday last month, then got distracted with my fancy new computer.

So, I wasn’t sure what to do with Scoots aunts. In the show they lived out of town and came over to watch Scoots while her parents were out, but I wasn’t sure how to adapt that to Equestria Girls. I finally decided that they live in the same city and that Scoots stays at their house whenever her parents are out of town. I’ve decided that whatever vague job her aunts have in Equestria Girls frequently has them stay later and leaves Scoots home along, so they have people babysit her.
Not a perfect adaptation, but it gets the job done.

As for the call with Mac, I was originally going to have Scoots be talking to Granny, then I scrapped that. Then I was going to have her talk with AJ, then I remembered AJ isn’t home yet. So I finally decided on having her talk with Mac.

When I had originally written Scoots wanting to come over, I had zero plan of what she was going to do and why she wanted to come over, I just threw it in. Thankfully I now have a vague plan.

I’ve also decided that the Apple family has three trucks now. We know they atleast have two from the show, and I’ve decided that the one AJs driving is meant for driving more people while the other two are more for transporting goods.

I also liked that, while AJ isn’t sure about homosexuality, she’ll still support and love her sister no matter what. I thought that was really sweet.

And again, I feel like AJ would be the most insecure of the Equestria Girls cast. We did see that she was a bit insecure in the show when she was younger, and she’d be very different to everyone in CHS. Compound being a teenager, and you have a very insecure girl.

I also had a really hard time ending the chapter, I felt it ended too suddenly. I finally settled on what we have as I felt it was a natural ending for the dialogue and the chapter as a whole.

Anyway, thanks for reading my fic!

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