• Published 16th Jun 2015
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My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic - madhat886

The Apples were a normal farming family living in Ponyvile. Up till a young boy name Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now in a world without ninjas or a need for them.

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Chapter 1

My Little Naruto -

Applejack took a bit from a slice of apple pie to go with her eggs and sausages. You would think anyone would have maintained a distinct hated for all things apple after working on an apple orchard for most of their lives, but not Applejack. The family farm has been with her family for generations changing hands from one generation to the next and what they farmed. When her mother was still a child the farm use to have horses before becoming a full time orchard.

“Want some chicken to go with that?” asked her brick wall of an older brother Big Mac as he took out a plate with the leftover fried chicken from the microwave.

“Pass me a couple of drumsticks,” Applejack said.

“Yup,” Big Mac said as he gave her the plate of chicken.

“Hope you got a good night's sleep there, Big Mac. It's going to be a long day," the thought of seeing some of her best friends would normally have put a smile on that freckled face of Applejacks, but not today. She heard that after the long summer break that the school is going to be having a test to see how much information the students retained.

“E’yup,” Big Mac said.

Suddenly a little girl scampered into the kitchen complete with an oversized bow attached to her head and a school backpack over her shoulder.

"Boy am I starving!" she shouted out as she hop onto one of the chairs.

Applejack snapped out of her cynical mood at the sight of her little sister.

"Morning Applebloom. You slept alright?" she ask.

"Sure did! What's for breakfast?" Applebloom ask.

Big Mac was a man of few words and answered his littlest sister's request with a plate full of food, to which the little girl dove right in devouring far more than a typical six year old normally would this early in the morning.

"Morning kids," their mother Megan Apple greeted them as she enters the kitchen. (1)

"Hi mom," her kids greeted her.

"Don't be late for school. Your father and, I will be working late to get the harvest in," Megan said having already eaten. "Also remember to leave something for your grandma."

"We will," Applejack said as their grandma is sleeping in.

The three slibings ran out the front door to catch the bus, the farm house sits in front of a large orchard that's been around since the town was founded. The apple orchard thanks to the best selling book series 'My Little Pony' their mother has written, has allowed the old farm to modernized. They also been given a grant to start producing their own brand of beverage. Sunset Sarsaparilla a apple base drink that has become quite popular with the people of Ponyvile. They have also been shipping out some cases to the surrounding towns and getting some good feed back.

"And here we are at the farm that started this city. The home to the Apples who have been here even before it was a town, which town became a city. Home to Sunset Sarsaparilla which thanks to the backing of Choas Inc the up and coming game company, is being spread out. For those who don't know Ponyvile is a farming town that exports to the surrounding towns. But thanks to Choas Inc setting up shop here, the town is becoming more modern as more people are coming here to work and make their home," a pink haired hyper teen all but shouted to her camera crew.

"Pinkie Pie what are you doing?" Applejack ask watching as her friend making her two younger sisters Marble and Limestone be her camera and mic crew in that order.

"She's making a student film," Maud Pie said girl's older sister said. Who is staying out of her little sister's wild idea after the last one didn't work out so well. She doesn't even want to think about it.

"Wait isn't Ponyvile a town? Why is she calling Ponyvile a city then back to town?" Applebloom ask.

"It was till it became apart of Canterlot City thanks to urban growth. And now the town is listed as being apart of Canterlot City on the map," Applejack explains.

"So do, I call Ponyvile a town or a city?" Applebloom ask.

"Either is fine," Big Mac said.

"That's right all day, I'm going to be filming and showing what a wonderful town Ponyvile is. And we'll enter it in the Choas Inc contest and Discord the CEO will choose it to show it on his company's website. And we'll win the new EQ game console," Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Get back in your seats!" Lightning Dust the bus driver shouted causing all the students to settle down.


"Okay are we on?" Pinkie Pie ask her sisters who gave her a thumbs up. She's now standing in front of the high school she goes to with her friends.

"Welcome back to the pie cast. We're here in front of the Canterlot High the oldest highschool of Ponyvile which is where many of my friends go to," Pinkie Pie said as she pointed her sisters to film where she's pointing at.

A girl with rainbow colored hair came racing by on a bike. She zoom past the three and park her bike on the bike rack in front of the school. Right behind her is a younger purple haired girl on a scooter, who folded it up and followed the older girl into the school.

"That was Rainbow Dash the fastest girl in the school and her little sister Scootaloo who are running late to school again," Pinkie Pie said as she noticed vice principal Luna standing next to her.

"Girls get to class now!" she ordered them. The camera feed stops as the Pie sisters ran before the first bell.


"Hi it's lunch time and it's time to show you more of our school," Pinkie Pie said as she walks the halls with her sisters following her.

She opens a classroom to show a purple haired girl making a younger girl with a purple and pink hair model for her as she tries to find the right hat to go with the dress. She is able helped by a pink haired girl and other who is wearing all orange. A dark skin girl dress in indigo is working on some fabrics on a sowing machine.

"In here we see Sweetie Belle being the model for one of her sister Rarity's dresses. Helped by her friend Crepes Suzette, Lala Orange and Indigo," Pinkie Pie said as she closes the door to go to the next one.

In the next room a pink haired girl in a large yellow sweater is singing as she is being recorded by a girl with black and pink hair is working the record systems. Another girl with long black hair is singing along with her, another dress in a more refine sense is playing the cello, another girl with light blue and white hair is playing a lyra and another girl with dark blue and pink highlights wearing pink glasses is working the sound system.

"In here Fluttershy is being help by Cherry Jam to get over her stage fright. She doing this by having their song recorded to be played later. Bon Bon is recording while Lyra Heartstrings Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch are backing up the singers," Pinkie Pie said as she noticed that all the people in the room had stop what they're doing as she just ruined their take.

"Moving on," Pinkie said as she closes the door.

In the next room some girls are working on putting together a machine of some kind. Two girls one wearing a large light purple hat and a blonde are putting pieces together. While two glass wearing girls, a blond with a hat with a smiling flower on it and a violet haired girl are working on two computers.

"In here Ginger Snap and Banana Candy are helping T.N Honey and Shy Violet with one of their machines," Pinkie Pie said.

"Coming through," a redhead boy dress in red said as he carried a box into the room walking pass Pinkie.

"And the one who just walk pass is Red Butler," Pinkie said as she closes the door.

Pinkie pointed out of a open window, out in the field are out and about.

"Over there are the sport couple Patty O'Green who is holding Buddy Blue's legs for his situps, they're always in training." A blue haired boy is doing situps as a green haired girl is holding her legs.

"Over there doing some new cheers are Canary Yellow, Tickled Pink, Moonglow, Angel Cake, Lime Chiffon and Apricot." The cheer squad are doing a new cheer that their squad leader a yellow haired girl came up with.

"And over there in the school garden is Strawberry Shortcake, Apple Dumplin, Orange Blossom, Mint Tulip, and Cafe Ole. They're having their photo taken by Photo Finish." A girl wearing a strawberry like hat stood in front of her fellow garden club members having their picture taken by a white haired girl wearing pink glasses.

"And over there under a tree, talking with Applejack are Annie Oatmeal and Carmel Corn." Applejack is talking with two brown haired girls dress like her in a country style, with one wearing a cowboy hat.

"Over there Lemon Meringue and Peach Blush are fixing up Lime Light's hair." A brown haired girl and a blonde are busy as they fixed up another blondes hair.

"On the stands are Stormy and Peppermint Fizz." A purple haired girl just as a punk rocker is talking with a brown haired girl dress in red and white clothes and hat.

"Oh look it's Huckleberry and Krys having a race. Too bad they're way behind Raspberry Torte the biggest and strongest girl in the school." Two boys one wearing a old straw hat and other a bike helmet are trying to catch up to a very tall girl with long purple hair.

"And helping Derpy with her muffins is Rainbow Brite who is always so colorful." A blonde haired girl with one lazy eye is carrying a basket of muffins helped by a blonde girl dress in all the colors of a rainbow.

"And over there far on the other side of the field are Rainbow Sherbet, Coco Calypso and Seaberry Belight the school boating team," Pinkie said two her camera crew." A light purple haired girl weaking a colorful hat is busy repairing a small boat. Helped by a tan skin girl with brown locks and wearing a green hat with flowers on it. Appearing out of the water from underneath the boat is a long blode haired girl.

"Pinkie what are you doing?" Twilight Sparkles ask. Standing with her are Plum Puddin, Blueberry Muffin, who are showing the three new students around. Tea Blossom, Frosty Puff, and Tangerina Torta, who's families have moved into town.

"Oh we're entering in the Choas Inc contest for a new EQ game console. For once, I have the new game console, I will have the power!" Pinkie shouted as she waves her hands in the air. As photo cut outs of lightning appeared over her hands.

The problem is that the lightning would only appeared when she cuts and paste the final cut of the film. Which meant she's just saying power and holding it for a long time, while she's waving her hands in the air. Causing her three friends and the three new students wondering what's going on.

"Oh no a giant spider! Laser Eyes!" Pinkie shouted as she blasted the giant spider with laser eyes that isn't cut into the film yet.

"Giant spider?" Tangerina Torta ask wondering what's with the pink haired girl.

"Oh no more!" Pinkie shouted as she lets out more lasers from her eyes. Which will be edited in later again.

"Is she always like that?" Frosty Puff ask.

"Yes," both Limestone and Marble answered.

"They're her sisters. They live with her," Plum Puddin pointed out.

"And she's always doing things like this," Blueberry Muffin adds.

"It must be tough," Tea Blossom said.

"Please help us," both sisters said as they continue to film their sister blasting spiders that aren't even there.

"Pinkie what's going on?" Cheerilee ask as she walks into the frame shot.

"Oh no the spiders are all over Cheerilee the English teacher. Don't worry, I'll save you!" Pinkie said as she blasted the spiders off of said teacher that wouldn't be shown till after the final cut.

Cheerilee just stood there dumbfounded as Pinkie acted like she's blasting things off of her. A crowd formed around the scene all wondering what Pinkie is doing this time.

Zecora the chemisty teacher appeared in front of the camera. "Girls go to your classes while we have a talk with your sister."

The camera feed stops.


"Hi after a long talk with the teachers, it's back to showing you all about this town," Pinkie said to her sisters who continue to film her.

"Pinkie are you going to do this all day?" a green and red haired girl ask as she walks by behind Pinkie.

"Yes, I am Watermelon Kiss," Pinkie answers as she raises her fists into the air. "For nothing, and nothing will ever stop me from creating a video that will get me a free game console!"

"Hey Pinkie want to come along? My mom called and her first edition of her new book is out," Applejack said walking into the frame shot.

"Great!" Pinkie shouted as she and her sisters love the book.

"Sis what about the console?" Limestone ask.

"And nothing will ever stop you?" Marble ask.

"New book now, game console later," Pinkie said as she motions for the feed to stop.


"And we're back. Pinkie Pie here in the Apple family farm and the birth place of the book series My Little Pony. And we're talking with said author of the book Megan Apples," Pinkie Pie shouted to the camera.

"Settle down," Megan said having dealt with Pinkie for years now. She's sitting in the family living room on the couch while the other family members stood on the sidelines out of frame. In her lap is the new book for her book series.

"So tell the viewers what's the new plot in the book?" Pinkie ask her.

"The new book is titled, The Bell and the Ram. The villain is Grogar an evil demonic ram necromancer who once ruled Ponyland 500 years ago. He escaped from the shadow world where he was banished to bent on revenge. Now the ponies of Dream Valley and their human friends must work together to find the ancient bell that was used to banished him before he finds it first," Megan explains not wanting to give out too much.

"That's so great! I sure wish that something like that happens around here," Pinkie said as she zips to the livingroom window. "Oh no a dragon is attacking!"

Pinkie runs outside with her sisters following and starts fighting the dragon with laser eyes, while her sisters film it. Causing the Apple family to stare out of the window. With the Pie family farm nearby they have gotten use to Pinkie Pie but only so much.

"What is she doing?" Paul ask his daughter, Applejack.

"Fighting a dragon that she well edit into the film later," she answers.

"Has she been doing this all day?" Megan ask.

"Yup," Big Mac said.

"She's just as hyper as ever," Granny said watching from the window.

"At least her parents cut her off from having sugar," Paul said.

"She's hyper as it is already," Megan said remembering how Pinkie gets when she has sugar.

"Once we gave her a lot of sugar just so she'll be able to beat Raspberry Torte in a race," Applejack said.

"Was that when she fell down in the middle of the track and was fast asleep?" Applebloom ask.

"Yup and why she's band from having any sugar while in school," Granny said as she works at the school as a lunch lady.

A loud boom echoed through the house causing the house to shake. The Apples came out of the house to see the Pie sisters staring into the apple orchard where the sound came from.

"Pinkie what happen?" Applejack shouted.

"There was a big lightning strike! Follow me!" Pinkie Pie shouted as she race off to see where the lightning strike hits.

"Granny wait here with Applebloom," Megan said as she, Paul, Applejack and Big Mac ran after the Pie sisters. They needed to see what kind of damage the lightning did to the orchard.

The Apples ran deep into the orchard on the heels of the Pie sisters. They came to the spot where the lightning came down to see the Pie sisters gathered around something. Coming closer they saw they were gathered around the still body of a young boy with spiky blonde hair dress in what's left of a orange jumpsuit. In his arms is a oversized paper scroll.

"Oh god he must have been struck by the lightning," Megan said as she quickly reach into her pocket to get her cell to call 911.

"Is he alive?" Applejack ask.

"Yes he is," Pinkie Pie said as she check if he's still breathing.

"Son help me bring him to the house," Paul said as he and Big Mac carried the young boy between them carrying him to the house.

"Help is on the way," Megan said as she looks at the burnt ground where the lightning struck and up into the sky, not seeing a single cloud that a lightning both could come from.

Author's Note:

1 –Megan is from the G1 series.