• Published 16th Jun 2015
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My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic - madhat886

The Apples were a normal farming family living in Ponyvile. Up till a young boy name Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now in a world without ninjas or a need for them.

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Chapter 28

Flying above the staging area of the invasion, Megan watched as all the gamers step onto the magic circles being powered by the magic users casting the spell but also being connected to the city's power grid. Because of the vast amount of power being used for the spell, other cities and towns power companies are sending them more power through the state's power grid. Discord has his entire computer team working on the computers to handle so many players at once and giving all the players who are joining max levels and power ups for the battle to come. The avatars of the games are controlled by the player's mind and when destroyed the avatar would burst apart like in old school games, without doing harm to the player. There also be other players who be joining in from around the world thanks some magic spells to create hard light bodies that can be controlled by either computer or game console. They won't be as powerful as the ones in the magic circle but they be more of them.

There are also many other people who are signing up to 'World of Chaos' both in Ponyvile and Canterlot City, with more from the surrounding towns and cities. Many late comers are loading up on weapons and armors and how their avatar would look like. Which made the staging area look like a massive comic convention, as many gamers made their avatars look like characters from different fictions. Heroes and villains among others are one of the many things that 'World of Chaos' allow gamers lots of freedom and made it popular. (1)

Many of the leaders of groups are gathering their party members to work together, others are gathering around military gamers who would lead groups of gamers in squads. There's a whole bunch of gamer avatars who look like the G.I. Joes from the old cartoon banding together along with Cobra. There are also some old vets that Granny Apple knows who came in to help along with their friends. Old men and women stepping onto the magical circles and younger avatars of themselves appeared in front of them. Most of them joined with their grandchildren groups

The friends from the other world are all doing what they can to get ready. They would take up the rear letting the gamers take the blunt of the force of the ninjas. With the rock minions that Crunch created to clear the path, and once on the other side he would create more minions. The Ice Orcs, penguins, crabs, grundles, stonebacks and bees would create a stronghold around the gateways so that once they get Naruto they could easily be able to retreat. The flutterponies would use their wind powers to help in blowing ninjas and flying enemies away. The bushwoolies and the furbobs would help out where they can, which is mostly in getting to small and hard to reach places.

Megan turn her gaze to two late comers who came to help after she seek them out, remembering what they did when they were still living with their mother. In a converted pool-mobile which is a large flatbed truck with a pool made out of a open top container, the two witches Reeka and Draggle have been busy. Megan knew that even with all of the friends and gamers with their avatars with their game powers being used. The ninjas are still well trained killers and they would need all the cheats they could get. And the smooze being all but unstoppable but for the power of the flutter ponies, is an ace they would need. The sisters had fallen on hard times after their mother kicked them out, and after seeing for themselves what Earth is like they decided to help in exchange of moving to live on Earth.

Then there are the vehicles that are used in the game that are also being brought to life. The massive pirate ship of the sirens, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. The colossal warship in the game world is a entire level to itself. In the game lore the ship is built from the bleached carcasses of leviathans, and resembles a gargantuan floating fossil. The masts are visible as the giant creatures vertebrae and the massive sails their tanned hides. The ship is armed with giant cannons of a battleship and anti-air guns with more sci-fi weapons thanks to some upgrades. Which would be sailing on the smooze like how Reeka and Draggle did when they first summoned the smooze. (2)

The massive mobile fortress of Midnight Castle of Tirek Lord, which is a black stone castle on top of a massive platform that uses tank treads to move. Midnight Castle is also a mobile construction yard, that spreads thick clouds of smog from its many smoke stacks, the factory level spits out monsters that are part flesh and part metal. The battlements of the castle are covered in cannons, making the castle a grueling level for any gamer.

The flying airship of Ahuizotl which is a war blimp the Prydwen. It isn't that big compared to the other bosses, his area being a jungle with ancient ruins and villages dotted here and there, the hard part for gamers is getting to the war blimp. The ship is armed with machine guns and cannons, with docking hooks for 4 vertibirds to dock with the airship. (3)

Which is joined by the flying fleet of the Changelings armada of rocket powered airships lead by Chrysalis Queen. The airships aren't that big with the main ship being the Hive. Which is the flagship of the armada which is heavily armed and guarded. The massive ship is divided into three levels, plus a surface deck and a bridge. The hanger bay that houses a multiple gunships, the second is workshops and crew quarters, the third level is engineering deck. The main problem for gamers is making their way past the smaller airships to get to the Hive. (4)

The flying ships are formed around the floating Crystal Castle of Sombra King. The Crystal Castle is a giant black crystal that floats in the air. It can fire spikes of crystal that spreads pillars of crystals wherever they land. And fire beams of energy that can reduce any gamer to zero health once it hits. The fallen gamers once in contact with the spreading crystal become crystal monsters. The main problem for gamers is getting past all the defenses and make their way into the Crystal Castle.

They also brought to life some of the giant monsters and giant robots found in World of Chaos that take entire parties to bring down. With there being giant summons it just be easier to take care of them with other giants. As Spike couldn't take on all those giants summons by himself. There are also the vehicles and mechs that gamers have that they be able to use during the fight.

The only thing holding them back is overloading the servers that are running everything for the battle. Even if the new microchips made out of magic crystals that reduces their size by a factor of 1 million and their speed increased by 1 million as well. There was only so many that were made and connecting all the different computer systems together. Not to mention all the gamers who are logging in to help out from all over the world. Doctor Hooves has an entire team of computer programmers and tech expects in keeping the entire rush together computer system together. He's even have some of the students to help, Midnight Sparkle, T.N Honey, And Shy Violet are leading the team of students in running the software while Banana Candy and Ginger Snap are helping with the team of students in keeping the hardware running. Banana Candy came up with using the ice orcs and penguins ice powers to keep all the CPUs from overheating, by placing them all in a hanger that was setup and the ice users could use their powers inside to keep the inside of the hanger ice cold. With the human techs inside working on the computers having to wear winter clothes. (5)

“Well this is certainly something you would only find in a convention or one of those fan art and fictions,” Megan said having been to conventions seeing how her and her husband game avatars are in World of Chaos.

Thanks to Discord making some calls the other game companies and others have agreed to let gamers copy from their fictional holdings. Which gamers have went wild with and the staging grounds look like a fan convention. From above she can see gamers decked out in armor or avatars from Mass Effect, Halo, Gears of War, Boarderlands, Fallout, Crysis, Doom to name a few who went with soldiers. With them joining with the G.I. Joes who are with Cobra being lead by real life soldiers.

Bioshock gamers are with the Metal Gear crowd. A bunch of gamers with fighting game avatars are all grouped together next to the Overwatch crowd. A big group of ninja themed gamers are bunched together to fight fire with fire, with the likes of the turtles to the ones in Dead or Alive. The Star Wars crowd have joined up with Star Trek and drawing in other sci-fi gamers. There are a big crowd of magic users from traditional magic users like from Forgotten Realms, to magical girls.

There’s a huge crowd of players from Warhammer and Warhammer 2000 with them separating into order and chaos. Huge crowd of World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Phantasy Star, and other online games. There are a massive group of heroes and villains from comics and other group of cartoons. There are also many gamers who taken avatars based on a manga or an anime. And even some horror movie monsters joining with the monster gamers. The remaining gamers are from lesser known or not as popular fictions.

Many of them aren’t here in person but seeing so many people willing to help her out made her happy, even if it is the only chance they will ever get in getting to fight in a battle like what’s coming as their avatars or as their favorite fiction stars. The ones who are using the magic circles are mostly from Ponyvile and Canterlot, who all have something personal thanks to the attack. And all of them have been using this time to get use to their avatar bodies.

“Megan it’s time,” Discord said whose standing on the shoulder of the Iron Giant.

"Is everyone ready?" Megan ask.

"Yes but even with the upgraded military grade capacitors, we're still don't have enough power or computer systems to field every gamer at once. So the ones who are helping from their consoles will just have to wait for an open slot," Discord said.

"Aren't you using those new computer chips made from ground up magic crystals?" Megan ask.

"Yes but even so the consoles that the online gamers are using are still using the old ones and the system that we have is jury rigged and being held together by chewing gum and paper clips. The equipment that was left by the ninjas are advance but are still being studied so we're left with what we got. I'm surprise that it's even working and the doctor doesn't want to chance it and it frying on us," Discord said.

"What about on the magic end?" Megan ask.

"Well that's what I'm thinking is holding the entire thing together. Whatever spell that the Moonchick casted is holding the entire jury rigged system together. Even the doctor doesn't know how it even works, just saying it's magic. But even with magic the techs are working overtime just to keep it from falling apart now that it's working," Discord said.

"As long as it does the job," Megan said focus on saving her son. Then saw Firefly flying towards her.

"Megan it's time!" Firefly said.

"Time to see if the ninjas will do this the easy way or the hard way," Megan said.

"Let's go," Discord said.

"Wait I want to come as well," Firefly said.

"Then you need some armor," Megan said as she used the rainbow of light on Firefly, encasing her in a silver colored armor that covered her entire body, and the metal wings cover the real ones are rainbow colored.

"Wow," Firefly said looking over herself.

"Now me," Megan said as she creates a suit of armor for herself. It's like the spacesuit from the game 'Prey' but is made out of metal plating. The armor is colored white with rainbow strips running down the sides and the helmet is clear showing her face. She summons a giant lance that she easily wielded thanks to it being made out of hard light.

"Megan we're ready!" Danny said who is dressed as agent Smith form 'The Matrix'.

"Ready to get our nephew back," Molly said who is wearing power armor with a jetpack from Fallout and armed with a gatling laser.

"Good but remember to follow my lead and the plan," Discord said having come up with a plan after learning that the magic users can make his game world real.

"Yes," Megan said as she looks at her family's avatars waiting at the portal.


Ninja World -

Minato and Kushina waited at the open plain area miles away from the Fire Lord castle, where the portal to the world Naruto had been living in had appeared. They're all ready for what's to come, they can't give up Naruto to them. He's the only hope their world has in maintaining their way of life. They have been running themselves ragged as they searched for him, and preparing themselves if they failed to find him. They have gathered much tech and other items from other worlds and been changing many things so that if chakra went away the effect wouldn't be as bad. Now that Naruto is back, he has become the hope of this world to maintain their culture as it is and their way of life. All the villages and lords have sent everything they have and using what weapons and tech they gotten from other worlds to help in the battle to come. So Minato and Kushina waited using shadow clones while ninjas and other warriors are waiting to strike.

The portal open and Discord came stepping out, followed by Megan and her family. As in the entire family, the Apples, Pears, Oranges, Grapes, Bananas, Berries, Peaches, and Turnips. With Paul's family branch also coming in too the Meats, Eggs, Hams, Beefs, Pork, Lambchops, Milks, and Fishes. Some managed to come down to Ponyvile while others are using the online avatars, in all there are over a hundred family members who managed to show up. And all of them but for Megan are there by using their game avatars. (6)

"Discord who are they?" Minato ask seeing the army Discord had brought with him.

"Meet the extended family clan that you took Naruto away from. The Apples are a big family with many branches connecting them to other families by marriage. And seeing how Naruto was taken in such a manner, it provoke a massive response for the entire family to come together like this. Even bigger then their last family reunion as nearly everyone could make it," Discord said walking up to the pair of ninjas followed by Megan and Paul while the rest of the family waited.

"So you two are my son's birth parents," Megan said standing with her husband Paul facing the couple who gave life to Naruto.

"Yes," Minato said.

"And we are grateful for you taking care of him," Kushina said.

"We already know that the Leaf ninjas are the ones who mess things up. That you wanted to talk things out and that Naruto might had agreed to help you all. But with all that has happen, there's no going back. We want Naruto to be return to us and maybe we can start talks before things go too far for such things," Paul said.

"Naruto is too important for us to give him up. He is the hope for this world to remain as it is. Do you two have any idea what we would lose if he goes back with you and refuses to ever help us? Our entire culture and way of life depends on chakra," Kushina said.

"With what equipments that were left behind and how you can use portals to travel to other worlds. I'll say it be an easy fix to stop depending on one power source," Discord said.

"It's deeper then that. The villages and lords are all doing their best to keep how things are. We would have to give up and lose so much of our culture if Naruto doesn't do what he needs to do to save us," Minato said.

"Then what?" Discord ask.

"After he does what he needs to do he can leave to return to your world," Minato said.

"He'll be an adult when it's over and he can make his own choices," Kushina said having talked with Minato and agreed with him that it's the best way to handle Naruto. By giving him a goal that he would want and would work for, even if it means losing him in the end.

"So Naruto would just have to give up what's left of his childhood to be able to return home and only after years have gone by to see his family," Discord said.

"Do you think we want things to be like this? The plan was to talk and come with an agreement that would make both sides happy. The lords and other villages don't want to take the chance that Naruto would just stay in your world or start world jumping," Minato said. "But this is what we have to deal with because of the Leaf Village. But don't worry the Leaf Village is paying for what happen."

"And that makes up for all what has happen?" Paul ask.

"No but if chakra goes away. So many lives will be cut short and ways of life will never be the same. I'm a leader and have to make tough choices for the greater good. So Naruto can't be given back to you," Minato said.

"I notice something," Megan said speaking up. "You two talk about saving this world and how it's all resting on Naruto shoulders. But what does Naruto feel about it? You all talk as Naruto is nothing but a tool to be used and when he's no longer needed, he'll be discarded. Does Naruto even have a choice in all of this? Does he matter to anyone in this world besides him being the only one who can keep chakra from fading away?"

"Naruto is my son. And I won't lose him!" Kushina said staring at Megan.

"You treating him more as an object then as your child. I do my best to do what's best for my children. You on the other hand while you two did give up your lives to protect Naruto when the fox tried to kill him during the sealing. Was it for his sake or for the village? Is he a child or just a tool in your eyes? Do you two even know anything about him? Have either of you two comfort him when he has night terrors? Asking him how his day is going? Helping him during his childhood to become a functional adult with the skills he needs to make it on his own? Or are you two only saw him as a weapon for the village that broke him and that me, my husband Paul and our family healed to give him a chance of having a future?" Megan ask.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Kushina shouted out. "Do you know what it's like? To have a son you only got to hold for a moment before you died? And when you been brought back to life that the people you had trusted to take care of him and the people we gave up so much for, all turned their backs to him or took part in beating him and leaving him broken? I will never make that mistake ever again."

"No you're still doing it. All of this to keep chakra around even if it makes Naruto my son life one that he doesn't want. He just wants to come home to the family he needs. You two are not parents. You two never were. He was only a replacement for you two. To be a weapon for a ninja village. And it's been happening for a long time, from what I forced the fox to tell me," Megan said.

"It's our way, our culture. What right do you have to judge us?" Minato ask.

"When the culture is being forced onto someone who doesn't want anything to do with it. And Naruto doesn't want to be a ninja or have anything to do with you two," Paul said. (7)

"If Naruto had to suffer as he did before to keep chakra from disappearing. Would you two do anything to help him or just let him suffer and once it's done with go and pretend to actually care for him?" Megan ask earning nothing but silences from the two ninjas.

"Well seeing this is going nowhere and you ninjas won't be returning Naruto willingly. There's no choice," Discord said snapping his fingers and transforming into a mismatched chimera made from different parts of animals.

Portals began opening up all around the vast plain near the Fire Lord's castle. One releasing a torrent of purple sludge with many eyes on it, with a massive ships sailing on top of it. The ones in the air released airships that filled the air. And on the group portals open up that released ground vehicles and people on foot. And portals that have giant monsters stepping out of them lead by a giant wingless purple dragon and a giant rock dog.

"I sent out word for help and with all the people that, I have helped over the years and people who heard of my tales. Have come to help me in my time of need," Megan said to the two stun ninjas seeing so many people and other beings coming to help Megan.

An armored covered pegasus came flying from behind the Apple family and landed next to Megan.

"And it's time for us to help her for all that she has done for us," Firefly said.

Author's Note:

1 - Just like in Ready Player One movie in how users can copy what their avatar looks like based on someone in fiction.

2 - The Maelstrom from Pirates of Darkwater.

3 - From Fallout 4.

4 - Bioshock Infinite, The Hand of the Prophet.

5 - Online playing is already hard enough if the servers running the programs start overheating because of too many people online. And that’s not even getting into the issues on the users side in them having a slow connecting speed or their console is out of date and other host of problems.

6 - I went with Paul's side of the family, family names being meat related to counterbalance the Apple clans plant ones.

7 - It's their culture and their way is one thing, but when it's being forced down on someone who doesn't want to be apart of it and makes it clear that they don't want to be apart of it. That's when hiding behind that it's culture and tradition doesn't work. Especially in the eyes of the law in most places, when harm or abuse happens.