• Published 16th Jun 2015
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My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic - madhat886

The Apples were a normal farming family living in Ponyvile. Up till a young boy name Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now in a world without ninjas or a need for them.

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Chapter 3

Originally a small farming town of Ponyvile that has been connected to Canterlot City thanks to urban growth. The town has become heavily industrialized by the investments of Choas Inc. Under the guidance of Mayor Mare, the town grew rapidly, transforming from a small farming community to an industrialized town. However the town's expansion and modernization was accompanied by a spiraling crime rate that was unheard of years earlier. The Ponyvile police force thanks to Choas Inc funding they are a well equipped force. The main headquarters a former church is located in downtown Ponyvile. Smaller precincts are spread around the town due to the size of the expanding township.

Approximately 40 percent of the town's inhabitants are directly employed with Choas Inc, working in its many businesses as the founder and CEO of the company Discord, has all the game consoles made within the town as he doesn't trust having his factories ship overseas. So he built his factories in Ponyvile and brought back life in the slowly dying town as the lack of high paying local employment caused many young people to move to Canterlot City. Which cause new homes and businesses to open up as the town grew as people began moving into the town for the new jobs there. (1)

Inside the police building police chief Spitfire look over the file on her desk about the boy found after a lightning strike. She has seen the video that Pinkie Pie and her sisters had shot. The video showed lighting just appearing in the sky without any clouds. And since the tape wasn't edited as Pinkie was being herself.

"Fleetfoot are you there?" Spitfire ask as she hit the intercom.

"Coming," Fleetfoot said as she came inside the office of the chief.

"Still nothing on the boy?" Spitfire ask.

"Sent everything that could be used to find out who he is and still nothing. He's a John Doe, it's like he just appeared out of no where," Fleetfoot said.

"Well if this was a show the lightning strike could be what brought him to us," Spitfire said.

"You have been reading Megan's books too much," Fleetfoot said.

"Lightning appearing out of a cloudless sky and a young boy dress as a ninja. And that oversize scroll and ninja weapon being kept in the evidence room. The scroll is full of Japanese drawings and there's no one in the force that can translate it," Spitfire said.

"I read manga and it looks like someone just wrote over what's already written," Fleetfoot adds.

"There is also the matter of what to do with the boy. We can send him to a group home once he wakes up," Spitfire said.

"Already taken care of. The Apple's are going to take him in as he was hurt on their farm," Fleetfoot said.

"That's one problem taken care of," Spitfire said.

"Why are you so interested in this?" Fleetfoot ask.

"Because, I haven't seen anything this strange happening since, I was still in middle school. A strange rainbow kept on appearing and disappearing around the Apple farm. Now a strange lightning appeared out of nowhere and a boy dress as a ninja just appeared," Spitfire said.

"You're not telling me you believe that all those books that Megan wrote are base on what happen to her?" Fleetfoot ask.

"No, I don't, I just think that strange rainbow is just a base for her idea to write those books of her. But since Pinkie Pie has her hands in it, it's just better to get it solve before she decided try to solve it herself. You remember what happen last time," Spitfire pointed out.

"I thought we all agree to never speak of it again," Fleetfoot said.

"I just want to forget it," Spitfire said agreeing. "But the fact remains from what Doctor Horse has found it looks like the boy was abused for years."

"No denying that," Fleetfoot agreed as the boy showed all the signs of child abuse.


At Canterlot High -

"Come on you have to do better than that!" Raspberry Torte said as she and the other girls enter the girls locker room after a basketball game.

"I could say the same to you," Apple Jack said as she walks next to the taller girl.

"It's just lucky for you two that, I'm shorter than you two or, I would beat both of you," Patty O'Green said as she like the others change out of their gym clothes.

"Ha, I don't need to be tall. I have speed that's all, I need," Rainbow Dash said joining in.

The other girls kept out of it as the four strongest girls in sports began to argue with each other. Apple Jack while the toughest due to her farming life and stood 5'11'' even at 16 years old. Was nothing to Raspberry Torte was is the same age as Apple Jack but stands at over 6 feet and still growing. Apple Jack got her height from her parents as her mother is over 6 feet while her father is just under 7 feet and was a former wrestler who is built like a bear before giving it up after falling in love with Megan. Raspberry Torte on the other hand has normal size parents and no one knows where her height came from or the strength that came with it.

Patty O'Green and Rainbow Dash are very into sports and are great athletes, but are lacking in height. Patty O'Green stood at 5'4'' while Rainbow Dash stood at just 5 foot. But thanks to their smaller bodies both are able to move faster than either Raspberry Torte and Apple Jack. Patty O'Green has more skills in just about every sport played at school allowing her to keep up with stronger athletes. While Rainbow Dash uses her light frame and small size to be able to move at a faster speed and is great at free style running. Raspberry Torte still can outrun her in a straight out race as her longer legs allow her out pace her.

"Oh yeah," Raspberry Torte said as she finish pulling off her shirt and cross her arms underneath her sport bra covered assets. (2)

"At least, I don't have those slowing me down!" Rainbow Dash growled as she doesn't need to wear a bra as she has nothing to support. Something that she is very touchy about.

"A good sport's bra handles that," Raspberry Torte said being the girl with the biggest rack in school. But since she is so big all over on a normal size girl her age it would look normal on her.

"Now stop that. Quite rubbing those things in Rainbow Dash's face," Apple Jack said.

"Fine," Raspberry Torte said as she started putting her clothes.

"Apple Jack?" Pinkie Pie ask appearing next to her already dress.

"Yes?" Apple Jack ask.

"Is that boy still hasn't woken up?" Pinkie Pie ask her. It's been a week since the lightning strike and the boy hasn't woken up yet.

"Nope," Apple Jack said. "Mom hasn't heard a word from the hospital yet."

"I'm sure he wake up soon and we'll be able to discover why he suddenly appeared after that strange lightning strike. I hope it be something like in your mother's books," Pinkie Pie said.

"Yeah sure.... He's a real ninja from a ninja world and has come to our world to find special people to aid him to fight against a demon that's taking over his world," Rainbow Dash said offhandedly.

"That's so cool! I can become a ninja!" Pinkie Pie shouted out. Than darted out of the locker room.

Rainbow Dash quickly found herself surrounded by Muad, Marble and Limestone. All three of them had flat looks on their faces which is normal for them. In fact most of the students at the school still can believe that the wild and crazy Pinkie Pie is related to her sisters as how different they are to her.

"Now you did it," Muad said.

"Pinkie is going to go and try to be a ninja now," Marble adds.

"Like the time she tried to be a superhero," Limestone pointed out.

"Oh yeah," Rainbow Dash said rubbing the back of her head. "Sorry about that."

"You're not the one who lives with her," Muad pointed out.

"And we have to deal with her all the time," Limestone said.

"You are also the one who cause her to get that idea in her head. You know the thing that everyone agreed to never speak of again," Marble said causing all the girls in the room to glare at Rainbow Dash.

"Heh, heh, I didn't think she would actually do it," Rainbow Dash said as she is still being blame for that one.

"Wouldn't do it? Where have you been living for the last couple of years?" Raspberry ask.

"Don't worry Rainbow. You can join our group if Pinkie does what she did before," Sunset Slimmer said.

"Oh no she isn't," Peppermint Frizz spoke up.

"Yeah we don't need her in our group," Stormy said.

"Rainbow Dash you need to go and put a stop to Pinkie's plans on being a ninja before it's too late," Trixie said.

"Right," Rainbow Dash said as she quickly dress and runs off to stop Pinkie.


In Ponyvile General Hospital -

Naruto had no idea where he was after awakening to find himself in a all to familiar hospital room. It's different from what he remembers being in before but it's the same smell and feel. Having spent a year in a hospital he knows the feel all to well. Looking around he saw that everything was design different from what he remembers. He felt so weak he couldn't move. He never felt like this before, like something was wrong with him. But than he realized something why does he know what a hospital is like and why was he in one for a year. He tried to remember but he couldn't, just bits and pieces.

"So you're awake at last," a man dress as a doctor said as he enters the room.

Naruto said nothing as he watches the doctor work on the machines connected to him. Naruto

"I'm Doctor Horse and you're in Ponyvile General Hospital. We been treating you here since you were brought in. You been asleep for a week now," Doctor Horse explains. "So tell me young man what's your name?"

"Naruto," he remembers that's his name.

"Where do you come from?" Doctor Horse ask. He sees that Naruto is having a tough time answering. It's common for children like him to block out traumatic experience and with him in a comma, memory lost is expected.

"I can't remember," Naruto said.

"I was afraid of this looks like the lightning strike has effected your memory. You were found in an apple farm after being struck by lightning," Doctor Horse said not wanting to tell the young man that it's likely that he was abused. It might be better for him to not remember what happen to him.

"I was?" Naruto ask.

"Yes but don't worry the family who owns the farm is going to take you in till we find your family," Doctor Horse said.

"Family?" Naruto said to himself wondering why that seems so important to him. (3)

"Yes they're going to take you in," Doctor Horse answers.

Naruto reach for his cheeks if he was checking something that he couldn't remember.

"Oh you want to see yourself here's a mirror," Doctor Horse said handing him a small mirror.

Naruto took the mirror as look at his face. The face he saw in the mirror was off for some reason. He rub his cheeks not remembering but knows that something was missing from his cheeks. All he saw was a unmarked face of a young boy who doesn't remember who he is.


Author's Note:

1 –The housing bubble of 2008 was cause by the fact that the suburbs that were built in places that didn't actually have anything else supporting their economic base. Las Vegas survived due to its massive casino based tourist industry but it is now surrounded by hundreds of thousands of acres of per-built tract houses in the middle of the desert that will probably never sell.

2 - Unless the woman is wearing a sport bra, I don't see how in animes and comics how women with large breasts are able to move around without hurting themselves.

3 - Naruto suffering from PTSD and suppress memories of all that has happen to him has been lock away. It happens as children often block horrible events from their minds.

Also while Naruto world speaks English they write in Japanese. It's so that Naruto will only have to learn to write in English and not learn to speak it. And it makes as much sense as the normal plot line of any manga and anime. They just make things up as they go, not even trying to make logical sense in how that would work in real life.