• Published 16th Jun 2015
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My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic - madhat886

The Apples were a normal farming family living in Ponyvile. Up till a young boy name Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now in a world without ninjas or a need for them.

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Chapter 21

In the Everfree forest Sakura had secured the old fort, she found signs of construction workers having been there but are all gone now. She did find a man in a uniform who must be the guard to protect the construction equipment sitting in a vehicle. She knock him out using a dart gun she's been given, then search him for any clues. She found a one of those phones she has seen the ninjas from other villages have been using, something that they gotten from another world. It was no secret that the other villages have been preparing in case they fail to find Naruto. Which all are advancing as fast as they can to be able to fight the Western countries who are waiting for the deadline while strengthening their forces. She heard there was some kind of weapon they could had used before chakra is all gone, but Butcher had destroyed it. The Lords are now in talks with the leaders of the other countries to reach an agreement.

Sakura look over the ID card she took from the man's wallet and like the other words she has seen, she has seen she couldn't read it. She also found a radio on him. Which means if he doesn't check in someone would check up on him. She search for a weapon so the others would know what they're going to be dealing with. In the past worlds other Leaf ninjas have been to, they quickly found that some worlds have weapons that can be used by anyone and can easily kill ninjas no matter how strong they are. She found no weapons on him but she did found that more importantly he has some food.

She and the other Leaf ninjas took the missions in searching for Naruto mainly because it's the only source of a steady supply of food. The Leaf village has become cut off from the rest of the world and all trade has stop. So the only food they have is what they can produce on their own, which wasn't much from the few gardens in the village. The farms that use to provide food to the village stop their shipments and their food stuff going to other places now. As some of the farmers had seen what happen to Naruto while he was still living in the village and when they tried to help the ninjas put a stop to it quickly. And those who did try, were lucky if their food cart was taken from them and they left with empty handed. So many farmers around were happy that they no longer had to provide food for the village, instead they provided food to the other ninjas who watched over the village making sure no one leaves. There were only a handful of farms that were allowed to continue their shipments to the village, which are far and few between who wanted to continue to feed the village. With the lack of food and supplies that were needed, things quickly fell apart in the Leaf Village.

Then the portal was made to find Naruto and Leaf ninjas were used to first test if it's safe then used to search for Naruto. Minato and Kushina motivated them using the seal place on all of them, making all of the nerves in their bodies feel pain. Then after the some riots over the limited supply of food, they started motivating them with a steady meal. Even if the rations they're given are spoiled and dividing ration packs into portions. With Minato and Kushina controlling the rations, they trade them to the ninjas, motivating them search harder or they and their family starves. With so little food which are just half rotten rice and whatever they had for that day. The rations are what Naruto had to survive on when he was still around.

With the lack of food to keep up their strength, the Leaf ninjas began wasting away. Their once strong and lean bodies became weak from malnutrition, their muscles shrink as their bodies ate away on them to keep the rest of their bodies going. The only ones who still had some of their old strength are Choji's clan thanks to the large amount of fat they have for their clan jutsus. (1) While everyone else lost alot of weight some of them only weighing half of what they use to weigh.

The food he has with him came in a large flat cardboard box. Inside of which has some kind of bread that's flat and circle shape, with what looks like melted cheese and mushrooms on it. And to drink a large bottle of some brownish liquid. She lifted her mask up enough to reveal her mouth and even as she found herself struggling to breath the air of this world, she stuff her face with the food. Her taste buds exploded as she ate her first real meal for months. And wash it all down with the drink that she found tasty as well.

"Sakura we're here," Sasake said as he and the other rookies step out of the portal all of whom are wearing a gas mask, with the only one missing is Shino, seeing that there is no chakra in this world. Other members of his clan found out what happens once they enter a world without any chakra the hard way. With many of the clan members keeping their children from having bugs enter their bodies in case they fail.

"You got food!" Ino shouted as she and the others rush Sakura, all grabbing at the food she found.

That's the scene the other Leaf ninjas found themselves staring at, as the younger ninjas are fighting over the food Sakura found. Some of the younger ninjas also joined the fray hoping to grab something. The younger ninjas tore the food that could grab and lifted their mask stuffing the food into their mouths before putting their masks back on, they struggle to breath without their masks but were driven by food. The adults just watch as the kids finally stop once there was nothing left to eat or drink. They would had berated the younger ninjas but with how things are back home, more then once they also been fighting over the merger food shipments that they were given.

"Sakura," Anko shouted to the group of kids.

"Here," Sakura said moving to the front.

"Anything to report?" Anko ask.

"Found a guard watching over the fort. Looks like it's being rebuilt for some reason, there are some construction equipment laying around. The guard has no weapons on him and his vehicle doesn't have any weapons in it either. I knock him out with a dart gun and he's tied up in the back of the vehicle he was sitting in," Sakura said.

"Any signs of anyone else?" Anko ask.

"No he's alone but he does have a radio on him. So sooner or later someone will check up on him,. There's also something else, I did hear the guard speak and I could understand him but, I can't read anything written here," Sakura said handing Anko the ID card.

"His name is Jeffrey Beser," Anko said reading the card.

"You can read it?" Sakura ask surprise.

"It's called English, a common language in most of the worlds we visited. To many we speak English but write in what they call Japanese," Anko said.

"So what do we do now?" Tenten ask.

"We search for Naruto," Guy said holding a tracker which pointed to where Naruto could be found.

"We're on the clock so we have to hurry," Kakashi adds.

"Hurry?" Sakura ask.

"The other villages are going to be sending teams soon to search for Naruto. We got to find him first," Kakashi explains. Ever since Naruto left, he became the punching bag of Minato and Kushina, using him to release their stress on. They do the same with the other Leaf villagers but for him it's on a personal level.

"Yes we must find Naruto," Hinata said. She had tried to talk with Kushina wanting to be friends with Naruto when he was still around. But Kushina saw through her seeing that she has a crush on her son. And while she never harm Naruto, she also never help him either. Kushina saw her as a coward, being too scared to help someone in need. Kushina explain it to her father saying that she's glad that her mother wasn't around to see what he made his daughter into. Afterwards her father has been pressing her to get close to Naruto before he left, and now pressing her to do what it takes to find him.

"See if any of the vehicles can be used. We'll be able to cover more ground that way," Asuma said to the ninjas who had driven vehicles like those before.

"There are some trailers, there should be some keys there," Kurenai said pointing to a large office trailer for the construction workers as well as some containers were equipment and tools are kept.

The ninjas went to work breaking into the trailer and cutting the locks on the containers. They found some keys and after testing them on the vehicles found the right ones to start the construction vehicles. They also found some drinks and food that some of the workers kept in some of the containers and help themselves to them stuffing themselves quickly as they're racing the clock. They also found the fuse box and switch the lights on, letting them work faster.

"Alright lets go before the other ninjas show up," Anko said as she tosses the still out cold guard into the office trailer and barred the door.

The ninjas boarded the vehicles with Anko at the wheels of the stolen car of the guard, while the others piled onto the construction vehicles. The fort was being rebuilt with some of the old buildings going to be torn down, forest growth cut back and the roads repaved, giving the ninjas enough vehicles to ride on. 2 dump trucks, a cement truck, a excavator, two bulldozers, a front end loader, a crane vehicles, a stream roller, a flatbed truck, and a forklift, with some pickup trucks all pack with Leaf ninjas or hanging onto the sides. All of them driving down the road heading towards Ponyvile. Leaving behind the ninjas who couldn't get a ride to wait and guard the portal back home.

Far off having stayed hidden since spotting the lights of the construction site turned on, Walter the forest ranger hide himself as the search party drove off. He knew that there is a guard station at the old fort till it's finish being rebuild, so something must had happen to him. From what he could make out with his scope of his hunting rifle the people who took over the fort numbered in the hundreds and are all wearing gas masks, with many of them piling onto the vehicles from the fort. He can't do anything on his own so he called it in to dispatch about a large group of gas mask wearing people who number in the hundreds, have taken over an old fort just outside of Ponyvile and a large group of them are heading there with stolen vehicles. Walter then hid himself and watch over the fort that is being fortified by the people who stayed behind, and waited for a response.

Author's Note:

1 - Big muscular people with little fat on their bodies would waste away quickly if they lack the food needed to keep up their bodies.