• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 6,116 Views, 54 Comments

My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic - madhat886

The Apples were a normal farming family living in Ponyvile. Up till a young boy name Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now in a world without ninjas or a need for them.

  • ...

Chapter 12

Naruto stood in the school garden as Strawberry Shortcake showed him around. In the garden with them are the some of the other members of the club. Apple Dumplin, Strawberry's younger sister is helping Orange Blossom in releasing some snails with cone shape shells onto the garden. Cafe Ole is pulling out some jars from a shipping box and placing them on a folding table.

"Now Naruto in this garden we are using only organic things to take care of it. Today we're releasing some more insects to help keep the pesky pests from eating the plants. My sister and Orange are releasing some snail eating snails. They came with the other insects we ordered to take care of the pests that have been eating the garden," Strawberry explains as she takes Naruto over to the table.

In a large plastic jar are some black beetles and another jar has some more beetles this time red with black spots. There is also another jar with some small green bugs in it.

"These are Ground Beetles who only come out at night. They eat slugs, snails and other pests that live in the soil. The Ladybugs go and eat the aphids that suck the plants dry. The last jar with the green bugs are the Praying Mantis. They eat all the other bugs," Strawberry said.

"What about spiders?" Naruto ask.

"We tried that," Cafe Ole said.

"And it work too well," Orange Blossom said.

"The school was overrun by spiders," Apple Dumplin said.

"So no more releasing spiders," Strawberry said.

"You girls made more people scared of spiders because of that," Flash Sentry said walking to the garden.

"Is it because we found out that you scream more like a girl then us girls?" Orange Blossom smirks as the others let out a giggle.

"No," Flash said blushing.

"What do you need help with?" Strawberry ask.

"Just wanted to see the new kid," Flash Sentry said as he looks to Naruto. "Hey kid."

"Hi," Naruto said.

"CRAB!" Cafe Ole shouted as a Halloween Crab caught her surprise as it was crawling over her foot.

"Quick put it in the bucket," Apple Dumplin shouted running over grabbing a bucket before Cafe Ole steps on the crab.

"There are crabs here?" Naruto ask as he remembers Fluttershy telling him about them.

"They appear every now and then," Strawberry said watching as Apple Dumplin is trying to get the crab into the bucket while, Cafe Ole was balancing on one leg while shaking the other. With the crabs having become a common sight in the town, the crabs have become a pest. More so as they will pinch you if you try to pick them up, they're not easy to handle.

"Do they eat the plants?" Naruto ask.

"Yes they do," Strawberry said.

"Got it," Apple Dumplin said as she got the crab in the bucket.

"Dump it into the compost," Strawberry said pointing to a large pile of organic matter.

"Compost?" Naruto ask.

"Yeah the crabs are usually found there. Which we don't mind as they help break down the waste," Strawberry said.

"Naruto there you are," Applejack said walking up to him.

"Hi Applejack," Naruto greeted her.

"Been looking for you," Applejack said. "You have your inhaler?"

"Yes," Naruto said showing her his inhaler.

"Good," Applejack said as she takes his hand and leads him to his next class.

"She's acting like when Applebloom first started," Flash said.

"Well with how he is. He needs the help," Orange Blossom said.

"We just need to make friends with him," Strawberry said.


At Gym class -

"Go get him!" Patty O'Green shouted to her boyfriend as he tries to take down Big Mac in wrestling. Which ended badly as Big Mac simply grab hold of the smaller teen lifted him up in a bear hug and fell on top of Blue Buddy.

"Well we all know how it would end," Moonglow said. She and the other girls watched as the boys wrestle while they waited for their turn once the boys are done. As the boys would only wrestle with each other while they only did so with other girls.

"His dad is an ex-wrestler after all," Lemon Meringue said.

"Why doesn't he try football?" Tickled Pink ask.

"His dad doesn't want him because of the head injuries," Peach Blush answers. (1)

"Where is Naruto?" Cherry Jam ask as she hasn't greeted him yet.

"He's in the computer lab. He's taking that instead of gym," Apricot answered.


Computer Lab -

"Alright Naruto welcome to the game, World of Chaos," Cheerilee said as she walks Naruto through the intro of the game. The computer lab has students who don't take gym for one reason or another, learn about computers. Some did projects like Watermelon Kiss who is updating the webpage for the school news. Others are playing a mini game on World of Chaos, which is a pop quiz base on school work. The players have to answer questions ranging from all subjects to grade level and getting a good score gives you points that you can use for the in game store. College level is the hardest but gives the most points. (2)

"We can play games here?" Naruto ask.

"Just the mini game," Cheerilee said. Since the World of Chaos added the mini game the students who played the game, grades have gotten better. Seeing the questions are taken from school test sheets.

"Okay," Naruto said as he began playing at the lowest level.

Cheerilee saw this as the school been informed of his special needs. He barely able to read and his math skills are lacking, as well as other fields of study. He would need time to catch up with the other students.

"So what type of player will you be?" Cheerilee ask. She herself is a magic user in the game. She is part of Celestia's group which are all white magic users the Daystars, which is countered by her sister Luna's group the Nightstars which are magic users as well. The old sister rivalry is strong when they fight each other online.

"I don't know," Naruto said looking through the types he can be.

"I can help him," Sunset said.

"Oh thank you," Cheerilee said as she went off to see if other students needed her help.

"There are many types to choose from," Sunset said sitting next to him.

"There are so many," Naruto said seeing that there are even types where he could be a robot, an alien and so on.

"Well you can change your type if you want, I did but of course, I'm starting back to level 1 again but got to keep all the items and other goodies, I earned," Sunset said.

"What did you become?" Naruto ask her.

"I choose to be a phoenix beastmage. Now, I can fly around the battlefield by surrounding myself in fire in the shape of a bird. All you need to do is pick a beastmage then choose from a selection of animals," Sunset said.

"Really?" Naruto said as he with the help from Sunset found the beastmage selection screen. Looking through the animals he can be he stop when he saw something that caught his eye.

"Armadillo," Sunset said as it's a rare pick.

"I think it's neat," Naruto said.

"Well you'll be able to roll yourself into an armored ball and use yourself as a wrecking ball. But of course after you hit something you can't move unless you unroll yourself which opens you to attack. And it will fit with the western country theme the Apples have going for them," Sunset said.

"Yeah," Naruto said remembering the characters that Applejack, Big Mac, and Applebloom played as. They work together when they played.

Applejack played as a cowgirl, who dress in western clothes. She uses a pair of six-shooters and a lasso, she is the fighter of the group. Big Mac is the heavy, using a gatling cannon and a shotgun. Both of them take after their parents in how the play. Applebloom on the other hand is a speeder, small and very hard to hit when she's running. She uses bombs to fight with and often leaves a trail of bombs behind her as she is running.

"Playing with them will level you up fast. Or you can just ask their parents to let you win fighting them. They done it before," Sunset said as sometimes the Apples would let weak players win when they're playing.

"Yeah," Naruto said before stopping as something began to nag at him. Like there were people who were just going to give him...

"Naruto!" Sunset shouted seeing him having a panic attack.

The world around Naruto faded as he fell into darkness.


Author's Note:

1 - About 200 people do die from football related injuries a year.

2 - That would have student gamers do better in school as they would have to study and do research to answer the questions for grade for points.