• Published 16th Jun 2015
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My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic - madhat886

The Apples were a normal farming family living in Ponyvile. Up till a young boy name Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now in a world without ninjas or a need for them.

  • ...

Chapter 17

The Apple family waited in the waiting room of the hospital while the security guards kept the news reporters out of the building. The three children of the Apple family stared at their granny and father who sat across them. All three are thinking of the same thing, all those books that their mother had written wasn't made up but was based on what happen to her when she was younger. And that their aunt Molly and uncle Danny were also apart of their adventures. They all waited to hear how the newest member of their family, Naruto is doing. He's now on the operating table as the doctors treated his wounds. He wasn't alone as other kids from the school also taken to the hospital to be treated. The worse is Sunset Shimmer who's arm was mauled by the fox.

"Mom was really the hero in her books?" Applebloom ask breaking the silences.

"Yes dears she was," Granny said. "She and your aunt Molly and uncle Danny all traveled over the rainbow bridge to ponyland. Saving the ponies there from the dangers that they couldn't handle themselves."

"And mom never said anything about it?" Applejack ask.

"Well it's not easy to explain or to believe in. It took your mother showing me the rainbow for me to believe," Paul said.

"Then why not share it with us?" Applebloom said.

"Because she didn't want you kids to know. She wanted that part of her life to be behind her," Granny said.

"Why?" Big Mac ask.

"You kids read the stories but those stories are just that. Living through the real thing is completely different. I can't tell you how many times she, Molly, and Danny came back from Ponyland with wounds and broken bones. When she wrote those stories she clean it up and doesn't go into how those battles effected her. Some nights she woke up screaming from the nightmares," Granny said. (1)

"Then why did she kept going back?" Applejack ask.

"Because the ponies just couldn't handle things on their own. They always kept coming back to her to seek her help," Granny said.

"What happen to the rainbow bridge?" Applebloom ask.

"It just disappeared one day. And the kids moved on with their lives, with what they seen and did in that world, leaving its mark on them," Granny said.

"It did made them who they are today. Danny joining the FBI, and Molly becoming a cop. As for your mother it made her into a strong woman," Paul said.

"So mom hasn't seen the ponies in years?" Applebloom said.

"No and, I'm glad. Those ponies just kept on coming back to her for help. They thought that they could just go along in their lives always counting on the kids to save them. Sure they're friends with them but they offered so little in return," Granny said. (2)

"Is that why mom wasn't so surprise that Naruto just showed up... after... a lightning... with no clouds," Applejack said as she thought about what she's saying.

"That explain things," Big Mac said.

"Then Naruto is from another world or from Ponyland?" Applebloom ask.

"I believe so," Paul said. "Me and your mother talk about how Naruto coming from another world is possible. No clouds in the sky when the lightning hit and with the giant talking fox with 9 tails attacking the school. Well there's no denying that he's from another world now. And what world Naruto came from is one that he doesn't want to remember. Your mother used the rainbow on him to see if he's just faking, like those flowers that wanted to suck all life from Ponyland."

"Naruto's bad?" Applebloom ask.

"Your mother has dealt with that before and the rainbow of light can detect evil. It didn't sense anything from him. As for the fox your mother will tell us when she returns," Paul said.

Doctor Horse came out of the operating room getting the attention of the Apple family.

"Well doc how is he?" Paul ask.

"He's in the clear for now. He will need to stay in the hospital for a few days," Doctor Horse said.

"I see," Paul said.

"Can we see him?" Applebloom ask.

"Sure you and your brother and sister can go see him," Doctor Horse said as he wave Nurse Redheart over. "Take the kids to see Naruto."

"Follow me kids," Nurse Redheart said leading the kids to the room Naruto's in.

"Mr. Apple, Mrs. Apple, I need to talk with you two," Doctor Horse said.

"How bad is he?" Paul ask.

"He suffered deep bite wounds and crack ribs, with a number of other scratches and burises from how he was handle during the chase. Most of his body is going to be put into a case till he heals. His body was already weak to begin with and with what he was put through. He's lucky to be alive, he can recover as long as something like this doesn't happen again anytime soon," Doctor Horse said.

"I see," Paul said.

"We'll take good care of him," Granny said.

"Where is Megan?" Doctor Horse ask.

"She's handling things," Paul said.


Elsewhere -

Kurama wimpered as he was held down by a giant red hand. His body bruised and battered as he was slam around into trees and rocks. Megan look down coldly at him as she used the Rainbow of Light on him. She had fished him out of the river and been trying to make him talk.

"Ready to talk yet?" Megan ask coldly as she stared down at him.

"You think thi... AGGE!" Kurama screams as the hand holding him down used it's index and middle finger to snap his front right leg followed by his left one, she was about to snap the two remaining legs when he shouted out. "Alright. Alright, I talk!"

"Good," Megan said as she made a cage appear around Kurama and wrap his body in chains. "First question. What is your name?"

"Kurama," he answered.

"You and Naruto came from another world did you not. I want to know why you went after him," Megan said.

"I wanted to return back to our world. In this world, I'm nothing but a talking animal. I want to have my powers return to me," Kurama said.

"I see. So if that's the case why did you attack him then?" Megan ask.

"I know you humans. And you humans wouldn't had help me," Kurama said.

"Well helping you at this point won't happen. You injured many kids during your attack. What you think would had happen if you did get away with Naruto. He would start glowing and a portal will appear and be one that takes you home?"

Kurama simply growled.

"You didn't think it through did you. You simply hoped that somehow taking Naruto would send you home," Megan said.

"Why is he so important to you human?" Kurama shouted.

"Because, I care about him. Which brings me to my next question. Who is Naruto?" Megan ask.

"You're not going to like it," Kurama said.

"Just tell me," Megan said.

So Kurama told Megan everything he saw and heard while trap inside Naruto. About the life he had lived and how he feared the ninjas who tormented him. Then how it changed when it was discovered that he's the one who would either save the ninja world or doom it. Chakra that gave all powers in that world would be erased away thanks to a seal. The only safe way to stop it was if Naruto became a powerful ninja. But thanks to the abuse that he suffered for all of his life he was in no shape. Naruto was worse before he was healed with the help of his godmother who only cared about him when she needed to as well as his godfather. Both of whom seeing how he is hoped that by raising both his parents back to life would help him. But instead made things worse. Then came Butcher who open a portal to this world so that Naruto would be able to live a life free from ninjas.

"And you came along for the ride," Megan said.

"Yes and was free from the seal but trap in this mortal form. I can't stand being this weak," Kurama said.

"Well get use to it," Megan said as she saw a police copter overhead.

"What's going to happen?" Kurama ask as he saw people in uniforms rushing towards them.

"Normally an animal attacking humans would be put down. But since you can talk... I don't know," Megan said as she walks up to Spitfire who had lead the search team to find her.

"Megan?" Spitfire ask seeing she's ok and using the Rainbow of Light as she did in the books.

"Yes all my books are base on my adventures in Ponyland," Megan said.

"It's all real?" Spitfire ask.

"Yes it's all real," Megan said.

"Time to put the fox down," Walter said who had taken apart of the search team said walking up to the cage and fired another dart at the fox this time at his neck.

"You filthy human!" Kurama growls as he drops down cold.

"That's one problem solved," Megan said as she releases Kurama from the cage and chains. The animal control workers quickly got to work tying up Kurama for transport.

"One problem?" Spitfire ask.

"The world now knows that my books are base on my life and that, I have this," Megan said holding her heart locket.

"Does it work for anyone?" Spitfire ask.

"No, it only works for me. My brother and sister tried and couldn't used it. My mother and husband couldn't either. Looks like it's chose me to use it alone," Megan said as she forms a rainbow and steps on it. It flew up in the air with Megan riding on it like a surfboard.

"Wow," Fleetfoot said watching her fly away.

"This is big," Soarin said.

"This is nothing. Wait till the news networks get here," Spitfire said.

"Wait does this mean she's a magical girl?" Soarin ask making his two female teammates to look at him.

"Magical girl?" Fleetfoot ask.

"Please she isn't one of those fan service anime girls. She's a magical woman not a girl. She's a mother of 3 kids," Spitfire said. (3)

"Right," Soarin said.

Author's Note:

1 - Seeing how the villains in the first generation of MLP were often killed, Megan would have nightmares about it. And that she being a young girl at the time facing against 80's villains who were merely villains for villain shakes and usually nothing else. Would give her nightmares.

2 - Come to think about it. In G1 the ponies ask Megan for help all the time but never shown Megan going to the ponies for their help.

3 - Once a woman is past her 20's or becomes a mother. Calling her a girl just doesn't sound right unless they're lying about their age. That always bugs me as a 20 to 30 woman calling herself girl when she is now a adult. Just makes me think they're lying about their ages. As many female heroes have girl in their name.