• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 6,116 Views, 54 Comments

My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic - madhat886

The Apples were a normal farming family living in Ponyvile. Up till a young boy name Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now in a world without ninjas or a need for them.

  • ...

Chapter 14

Tracking the boy is far harder then he thought it would be. The metal carts that the people use to makes it hard to track scents, not to mention the fumes that come from the carts. He can't stand the smell and wouldn't have even gotten near the human settlement if it wasn't for the boy. He did his best to keep hidden he track the boy's scent to a farm but it ended at the black road the carts rode on.

He had to wonder around keeping out of sight of the humans who in his current form could harm and even kill him. He doesn't want to find out the hard way if he's killed that he would not just reform later. He's mortal now and he has to be careful not to make himself known. The boy is still a child and from what he remembers he would be with other children in school. All he would need to do is to find a school and see if there's any scent of the boy.

He came across one of the schools and he saw children around the age of the boy running around playing a game. He hide in the undergrowth near the forest near where the children are playing. He caught the boy's scent on one of the children, a redhead girl which meant he's close. He would had grab her if it wasn't for the fact there was an adult with the kids, a big man. The man wouldn't have been a problem before but now as he is now, he can't take any risk. The boy is here at this school and once he gets the boy he would be able to get back home.

"A WOLF!" a cross eyed girl with blonde hair shouted who had somehow walk up close enough to spot him without him knowing.

Not wanting to lose his chance he leap out of the undergrowth and began running towards the school. He run up to the redhead girl ramming his muzzle into her knocking her off her feet. He got the boys scent and it's strong on her. He left her frozen in fear as he run into the school.


Inside the school -

Principal Celestia just got off the phone with the Apples, about Naruto's panic attack. Cheerilee had all the students leave the computer room with the exception of Sunset who is still with him. The panic attacks just happen when something triggers a memory. Megan told her that it happens to Naruto at random with nothing clear what causes it. She and her husband would be coming to take him home.

"Celestia!" Luna shouted as she burst into the office. "There's a wolf inside the school!"

"WHAT?" Celestia shouted out as she got onto her feet and ran past her sister. Looking into the hallways from the doorway she saw a large golden wolf like creature the size of a horse. It run past her letting her and the panicking students letting her see that it has nine fox like tails.

"Luna call animal control!" Celestia shouted.

"I'm already did!" Luna said.

"Don't worry, I got this!" Iron Will the gym teacher shouted as he run past them. He had grab a school baseball bat after the wolf or giant fox thing broke up the game.

"No stop!" Celestia shouted giving chase followed by Luna.

"Got to stop it before it hurts any of the kids. It already attack Applebloom," Iron Will shouted.

"What?" both sister's shouted.

"It only knock her down before running off," Iron Will said running up the stairs.

Reaching the second floor they saw it running into the computer lab, they ran faster hearing screams coming from within. Entering the room they found Sunset being mauled by the fox who had her on the floor. Cheerilee was hitting the fox with a chair trying to get it to stop. The fox did but not before lifting Sunset up in it's jaw and throw her across the room. She hit a desk top computer stopping her flight and she fell to the floor. Her arm bloody from the fox mauling it.

The adults were brought back to reality as they heard a second scream. Sunset had tried to protect Naruto from the fox that had burst into the room. The fox paid no attention to Cheerilee who is still hitting it with a chair as it chase after Naruto who is crawling under the tables trying to escape. Celestia and Luna both grab a tail, pulling with all their strength trying to stop it. Iron Will gave out a war cry as he struck the fox with the wooden bat breaking it over it's head. (1)

The fox seeing the four adults will over power him and the lone male is about to stab him with the jagged end of the broken bat, darted underneath a table. Causing the sisters holding him by his tails to hit it making them let go. His eyes are lock onto Naruto who is press against a wall to scared to move. The fox leap at Naruto who jump from where he was causing the fox to hit the wall and ran out of the room. Shaking it off the fox ran after Naruto, Iron Will made a jump to grab the fox but miss but he did manage to stab the fox's hind leg and followed by Cheerilee throwing the chair she held which missed as well.

"Get back here!" Iron Will shouted giving chase following Naruto's screams, followed by Luna.

"Cheerilee get something to stop the bleeding," Celestia said having run over to see how bad Sunset is.

"The fox is after Naruto. Sunset tried to stop it," Cheerilee said as she grabs a roll of paper towels to stop the bleeding.

"The fox is after Naruto?" Celestia ask taking the roll and began wrapping it around Sunset's bleeding arm.

"Yes, I don't believe it but the moment it burst in and saw Naruto... it spoke," Cheerilee said.

"It spoke?" Celestia ask again eyes widening.

"Yes it did," Cheerilee said. "It said it's been looking for Naruto before it attack."

"Oh no," Celestia said as a horse size talking nine tail fox meant nothing but trouble.

"What?" Cheerilee ask.

"Get Sunset to the nurse," Celestia said as she pulled out her cell.

"Are you calling the police?" Cheerilee ask.

"No someone who has dealt with this before," Celestia said.

"Who?" Cheerilee ask.

"No time she's going to bleed to death," Celestia said waving to Sunset.

"You're right," Cheerilee said lifting Sunset up and carried her to the nurses office.

Once she was gone, Celestia called up Megan. Before the rainbow disappeared she had stumbled across one of the talking ponies from Megan's books. She never told anyone what she saw with Megan talking to the pony as no one would ever believe her. But she always kept an eye out for anything strange for years. She kept watch once Megan's children started to attend the school as they might go off on adventures as their mother did when she was younger.

"Megan are you there?" Celestia ask once she got a connection.

"Celestia?" Megan ask over the phone.

"A horse size nine tailed fox that talks is attacking the school. It's after Naruto," Celestia said. "I always knew that your books are base on what you went through. So if you have anything that can help come quick."

Celestia disconnect the line and dialed the speed dial for 911 calling the cops. She run out the door as she told the operator about the animal attack. She could only hope help would come in time.


Elsewhere in the school -

"What's going on?" Applejack shouted as she saw students running down the hallway through the glass window on the door.

"Kids what's happening?" Zecora ask opening the door.

"A giant fox is inside the school!" one of the students shouted.

"A fox?" Applejack ask as she turn to look at Rainbow Dash along with the other students in the room.

"One time with a bull and, I'm labeled for life," Rainbow Dash huffed.

"It's outside!" Watermelon Kiss shouted as she looks out the window in the classroom.

The students all look out the window as a fox with nine tails with golden fur is running across the field. It's being chased by Luna and Iron Will who are desperately trying to catch up. Applejack eyes widen seeing why they're so desperate to catch the fox. In the fox's massive jaws it's carrying Naruto by his torso.

"NARUTO!" Applejack scream as she opens the window and jump out as it's on the first floor. She took off running after the fox.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Rainbow Dash shouted to the other students and following Applejack's lead. Other students followed Rainbow Dash chasing after the fox as it ran into the woods.

"Girls they need back up!" Twilight shouted to Strawberry Shortcake and Rainbow Brite.

"I get the gang together," Strawberry said as she began emailing everyone.

"We need to catch the fox before it eats Naruto," Rainbow Brite adds.


Awhile later -

The news quickly spread about the fox taking Naruto and that it mauled Sunset who had tried to protect him. Friends and some fellow students ran out of the school all giving chase after the fox. They grabbed anything they could use as a weapon as they ran after the fox. Soon the news spread as parents and police showed up at the school.

Megan and her husband Paul having raced to the school entered the school to find it in a state of chaos. Seeing Celestia nowhere in sight or anyone else who could help they went to the one person in school they could ask. They enter the lunch room to find Granny with Applebloom.

"Mom! Dad!" Applebloom shouted as she run to them.

"Applebloom where's Naruto?" Megan ask lifting her into her arms.

"He's was taken by the fox," Applebloom said as she buries her face into her mother's chest.

"Applejack and Big Mac along with a bunch of their friends ran after the fox. I saw it myself it's the size of a horse," Granny said.

"And it attack me," Applebloom said remembering it knocking her to the ground.

"Mom look after Applebloom," Megan said setting her youngest down.

"Where you think you're going?" Granny ask.

"We're going after the fox," Paul answers seeing that his wife's mind is made up.

"Mom?" Applebloom ask looking up to her mother and father.

"We're going to get him back," Megan said as she and Paul run out the lunchroom.

"Mom, dad!" Applebloom shouted about to run but was stop by Granny.

"No you will just get in the way. They will find the fox and bring Naruto back," she told her granddaughter.

"How do you know that?" Applebloom ask.

"My daughter. Your mother has done things like this before and she has never failed before," Granny said earning her a confused look from Applebloom. "All we can do is just wait for her to do what she has always done before. Save the day when no one else could."


Author's Note:

1 - In some American schools the baseball bats are made out of weak wood so that it won't send a ball flying to hard. As a metal bat can send a ball flying at a pitcher's head at a speed that is too high to get away from. So hitting a body with that kind of bat will do damage but will likely break from the force.