• Published 16th Jun 2015
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My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic - madhat886

The Apples were a normal farming family living in Ponyvile. Up till a young boy name Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now in a world without ninjas or a need for them.

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Chapter 4

Driving the old beat up truck, Megan drove the boy Naruto back to the farm. She and her family had agreed to take him in till the police find his family. Megan talk to her mother and Paul about taking him in and setting up the guest room for him to use. The family farm home is a large farm house as the Apple's are a big family. Her mother had lots of brothers and sisters while growing up and the house reflected that. The house was now much emptier as the Apple family spread out with her mother staying, with her staying to take over the farm after Danny and Molly left to start their own lives elsewhere. So they have plenty of room.

"So Naruto do you remember anything?" Megan ask him. She was told by the doctors about what they have found and the likelihood that he's a victim of child abuse. He seem to have block out that memory from his mind. It might be better for him not to remember till they find out what happen to him. She saw how small he is and according to him he is 13 years old. He's the same size as Applebloom is and she's only 10. He shouldn't be that small for his age and Doctor Horse showed her the pictures of his body. She saw how skinny he is which Doctor Horse told her that are the left over marks of him being starved for most of his life. From what he has seen it seems that someone was fixing the damage done to him. Even now he needs an inhaler to breathe as his lungs are struggling just to take in air.

"No," Naruto said watching the land scrap flying by the car window.

"Well don't push yourself to remember it will comeback to you," Megan said. From how Naruto has been acting he has never seen a car before, in fact somethings he's been seeing since getting out he's acting like he has never seen before. With him losing his memory he might not remember what somethings are, but having to be shown how to use something that was just basic knowledge. (1)

"Mrs. Apple thank you for taking me in. I'll make myself useful to repay you," Naruto said.

"Now, now young man. You just gotten out of the hospital and need to recover," Megan said.

"Why are you taking me in," Naruto ask her.

"Let's just say that this isn't the first time someone just appeared on the farm looking for someone to help them," Megan said remembering that day that changed everything for her. Only it wasn't a lightning strike that came out of a cloudless sky the last time.

The truck drove up the driveway of the farm stopping in front of the house. Megan turn off the engine and got out of the truck. She walk over to Naruto's side and open the door and unbuckle his seat belt. She saw that he has a hard time with it and how to open the car door, or how to use the seat belt. She lends him a hand helping him out of the car and closed the door behind him. She led him inside the house never letting go of his hand in hers.

Once inside they were greeted by Paul who is sitting in front of the TV. Granny was at the school along with the kids. Naruto was taken aback by the sheer size of Paul who towers over just about everyone. Megan saw this and smiles as she saw Naruto trying to hid behind her. She remembers how she felt when she first laid eyes on Paul who at the time went by the stage name Lumberjack. With her standing at 6'3" she towers over many people till she met Paul who stands at 6'11" nearly 7 feet and built like a bear. Both their oldest are already growing up big for their ages. Applejack is almost up to her height and Big Mac is just an inch shy of Paul. Applebloom wasn't showing any growth yet but she'll spring up sooner or later.

"Hello there," Paul said as he kneels down to Naruto.

"Hello," Naruto said still hiding behind Megan.

"Dear is the guest room ready?" Megan ask him.

"I set it all up for him," Paul said.

"I'll settle him in his room. Paul go to the truck and get his meds," Megan said. Doctor Horse has given some meds to help Naruto to recover his strength.

"Alright dear," Paul said walking pass them and out the door.

"Come, I'll show you to your room," Megan said.

"Okay," Naruto said being led by hand by Megan.


At Sugar Cube Corner's-

Rainbow Dash enters the local teen hangout run by Mr and Mrs Cake. A bakery that also a coffee shop that has become a hangout for teens. She saw several of her friends in the cafe as many kids stop by before going home. Rainbow Dash spotted her friends at a table and joined them.

"Well?" Twilight ask her as she and the others look at her.

"I talk with Pinkie and stop her before she started dressing up as a ninja," Rainbow Dash answers to the sighs of relief of everyone in the cafe hearing the news.

"Good," Apple Jack said. "Unlike what happen the last time."

"I already said, I was sorry about that," Rainbow said.

"You were just about the only person that wasn't hit in the fallout," Fluttershy said.

"How was, I suppose to know that Pinkie would go and make a party cannon?" Rainbow said.

"You know very well that Pinkie can't help herself when she gets an idea in her head," Rarity said. "And we all known each other for years. I mean just look at Pinkie. Wasn't it clear as day what would happen if you give her an idea like a party cannon?"

"I don't get why Pinkie just doesn't go on meds," Rainbow said sitting down at the table.

"Her parents tried that remember," Twilight pointed out.

"Oh yeah they did...," Rainbow said remembering what happen during that time Pinkie was on meds. Which she had block it out of her memory for a reason. "She was scary."

"She creeped out everyone," Apple Jack said remembering the flat haired Pinkie Pie who had a dark out look on life.

"I rather deal with the wild and crazy Pinkie than her," Rarity stated as during that month that Pinkie was on meds she just plain scary. Even Sunset Shimmer when she was still the mean girl was scared of her. (2)

"Hey Apple Jack your family really taking in that boy?" Rainbow ask as she wanted to get the topic off of Pinkie and how she cause the big mess last year.

"Mom talk with the rest of the family and we do have plenty of room," Apple Jack said.

"Your home is a three story big farm house," Twilight said as she and the others use to explore all the rooms of the house when they were younger.

"Also girls you should know he has health problems and needs an inhaler so be on the look out if you see him in trouble. After he settles down he's going to be starting school with us next week," Apple Jack said.

"I'll throw him a big welcome party!" Pinkie Pie shouted out appearing next to the table to the surprise of her firends.

"No!" her friends all said at the same time.

"Ah why not?" Pinkie Pie ask.

"He's in poor health and he shouldn't be overexcited," Twilight said.

"And the poor dear has been through a lot," Rarity adds.

"Not to mention what happen the last time you through someone a surprise party," Apple Jack said.

"Oh yeah," Pinkie said blushing.

A pair of powerful arms grab Pinkie and lifted her off the ground. Maud Pie the oldest of the Pie children is also the strongest kid in town. She can push a bus with the brakes off, which she did when her pet rock bolder was underneath said bus. Maud carried her sister under her arm like a purse.

"Come along Pinkie," Maud said as she carried her sister out of the store.

"Well that takes care of that problem," Apple Jack said.

"At least Maud will keep her in line," Rainbow Dash said.

"As long as you don't give her anymore ideas," Fluttershy adds.

"Oh come on. Besides what happen the last time when have, I ever given her a bad idea?" Rainbow Dash ask.

"Here's a list," T.N. Honey said as she shoves a piece of paper in front of Rainbow's face.

"I see you guys kept track," Rainbow Dask said giving out a giggle as she shrinks in her table under the glares of her schoolmates.

"After you gave her the great idea to help out in my family's bee farm. I have been keeping track of the bad ideas you been giving her," T.N. Honey said firmly.

"Don't you ever get tried of causing a mess with the bad ideas you keep giving to Pinkie all the time?" Twilight ask.

"Alright fine, I'll stop giving Pinkie ideas," Rainbow Dash said.

"Let's just dog pile on her when we see her giving Pinkie a bad idea," Sunset Shimmer said sitting at a nearby table with her group of friends.

"Like anyone is going to do...," Rainbow Dash stop herself seeing the looks from her friends.

"If that's the only way you'll learn, I'm all for it," Strawberry Shortcake spoke up.

"What Strawberry? You too?" Rainbow Dash ask shock as besides Fluttershy, Strawberry is the nicest girl in school with just about everyone her friend.

"Remember what thanks to you Pinkie ended up causing that mess with the jam factory," Strawberry said as her family owns the jam factory which several of her friends families supply for jam making.

"Well she did cause your family to start making that mess she made after it caught on," Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah lucky for us that half the time Pinkie causes a mess it ends up being a good thing," T.N. Honey said having kept track of also the long term effects of what Pinkie's messes cause.

"Alright, I'll stop and won't talk with her about any of my ideas. In fact, I'll stop her every time she does act on my ideas," Rainbow Dash said.

"Good. Me and my family are going to have our hands full already," Apple Jack said wondering what the boy is like.


Outside the limits of Ponyvile -

The vast and protected land of Everfree forest that rest outside the limits of Ponyvile. Wild and untamed the forest is protected by state law where the wildlife can roam free. Everfree is also not prime land to build on as the forest is also a wetland with swamps and bogs. The only signs of human life is the civil war era fort that was abandon after the railroad was built cutting through the mountains, allowing people to bypass the forest. The old forest road is still there being used till the 60's where the new highway was built. Now the road and the fort both falling to pieces are the only signs that people ever were in the forest.

Taking the old road on her way to Ponyvile, Gilda was heading to the town she thought she would never go back to. But with the new jobs springing up in the town she couldn't say no to the first job offer she has gotten. She has finished highschool and went to a community college as she couldn't afford a state one and got a degree in engineering. The job she has gotten is at Ponyvile's dam that supplies power to the town. Her job is to clean the intake pipes to prevent clogs from forming. Not something she thought she would be doing but a job's a job and there are bills to pay.

The old car she gotten from her parents held up since she gotten it. She learned to maintain the car on her own only paying to have it fix when she couldn't do it herself. She would like to get a better car but with things are even with the new job ahead of her she wouldn't be able to afford anything new yet. She had to make her money last as she is on her own now. Her only thoughts are now on keeping her job and keeping up the rent for her new apartment.

As she drove down the old road only maintained for people who take the back woods. She spotted something strange out of the corner of her eye. She saw a large wolf running through the trees. The woods are full of wolves, mountain lions and bears. But what was strange was that it look like the wolf had more than one tail. Shaking it off as something that has nothing to do with her she continue to drive on. Wondering if she'll run into that little kid with the rainbow hair again.


Author's Note:

1 - Naruto only half remember somethings in the ninja world. Which is less advance than the world he found himself in now.

2 - Think of how Pinkie was when she was grey and how she was in 'Party of One'. Now combine the two together and you'll get an idea what Pinkie was like when she was on meds.