• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 6,116 Views, 54 Comments

My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic - madhat886

The Apples were a normal farming family living in Ponyvile. Up till a young boy name Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now in a world without ninjas or a need for them.

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Chapter 29

A massive wave of purple ooze known as the the Smooze, that is a gargantuan slime monster with many different heads appearing all over it's body. The Smooze consumed all the organic matter that it came into contact with adding more to it's body. The ninjas tried using jutsus on the Smooze but nothing worked on it as it just either consumes the attack or when bombs were used caused it to spread faster. The only thing that did any harm to the Smooze were the energy weapons, and lightning jutsus, any chakra energy base attacks only fed the Smooze.

The summons that were summon by their users had to flee from the wave of purple slime. They’re powerful and have their own powers but against the Smooze that they couldn’t touch without it consuming them. All they could do was run from the Smooth that had the many heads spitting or throwing slime balls at them. Making those who were hit lose all motivation and just allowed themselves be consume by it.

A giant slug summon appeared followed by more slugs and they slammed into the Smooze using their acid bodies to eat away at the Smooze's slime as it in turn tried to consume it faster then the acid could eat it. Only for the slugs to be fired upon as the massive ship known as the Maelstrom sailing on top of the living slime came into effected firing range. The 3 sirens Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk commanded their crew of players who gotten on board of their ship to fire all of ship's weapons. Blasting apart anything that could harm the Smooze or slow it down. Which had all the ship's weapons and the players on board firing at the slugs as they also had to fight the Smooze.

The ninjas and samurais seeing how fast the Smooze could travel launch a counterattack to halt the Smooze in it's tracks. The either fired their energy weapons at the Smooze to beat it back or boarded the Maelstrom to stop it from attacking the slug summon that's holding the Smooze back. Several earth jutsu user began creating deep pits and valleys around the Smooze or under it to keep it from spreading.

Elsewhere on the battlefield the massive mobile fortress of Midnight Castle of Tirek Lord was slowly making its way to the Fire Lord's castle. Around the mobile castle are a horde of war vehicles of different types, jeeps with mounted machine guns, tanks, trucks and other types from many different games, movies, and tv shows. All of them are racing towards the walled city that surrounded the Fire Lord’s castle.

The ninjas and samurais broke out the heavy weapons that they had gathered from different worlds. Sending out their own war machines and revealing the defenses that they have built before and after getting Naruto back. Bunkers, gun nests, auto guns, cannon and rocket launches tearing into the attacking forces. And their own war vehicles being sent out to fight the incoming waves of attacking ones and to stop the castle tank thing from just crushing all the defenses.

A giant snake summon was sent to attack Midnight Castle. It bulldozed through all the player’s vehicles thanks to its sheer size and strength, it’s armor scales shielding it from the weapons used on it. The front of Midnight Castle open revealing the main weapon of the castle. A giant energy cannon that draws power from all the main and secondary generators, along with a number of players using lightning spells and powers to give it more juice. In the game the only time you saw Midnight Castle used its main weapon was during cutscenes or during events where players had to race out of the blast range as it’s a one shot kill attack no matter what. (1)

Which prove to still be true as the main weapon fired and while the snake did move its head out of the way. The rest of his body wasn’t so lucky as it was like cutting a hotdog at its side and taking off a long piece of it. The snake fell on the ground unable to move as several of its organs were just gone and the muscles that connected to the rest of its long body was also gone. It couldn’t do anything as the threads of the castle ran over him, crushing him under its massive weight.

High in the sky Ahuizotl war blimp the Prydwen and the flying fleet of the Changeling armada rained down fire upon the ninja and samurai ground forces. The anti-air defenses return fire bringing down the attacking aircrafts. Followed by the new air force of ninjas and samurais who learned how to operate the many aircrafts that they also gathered from other worlds. A massive dog fight took place in the sky as just about every type of aircraft took part of the battle. There are also many flying summons also taking apart of the sky battle, damaging the invading aircraft and sending them falling out of the sky.

Some of the ships powered through the defenses and attacking enemy aircrafts to get to the walled city. A shield appeared over the city causing several aircrafts to hit it as they tried to get into the city before the shield completely covered the city. Several ships did get through the shield and some are gunship transports carrying up to 30 passengers, drop off the ground troops before the ships took off to do some damage from the air. They couldn't get close to the castle that is heavily defended and had it's own shield.

The giant black crystal that forms the floating Crystal Castle of Sombra King. Easily made it's way it's way to the Fire Lord's castle. Firing beams of energy from the many floating crystals that surrounded the main crystal, sending the ninja and samurai aircrafts to falling to the ground in pieces and killing the flying summons. Once it was above the shield covering the city and fired a beam of energy down at the shield like a drill trying to bring it down.

A giant red toad summon lead the charge as it and other giants backed by several tail demons attack the invading giant monsters and robots. The giant rock dog slammed into the red toad it’s paws transforming the toad into rock. The one tailed demon seeing this turn his body to sand and engulfed the rock dog, picking it up and throwing the dog into a giant robot sending both of them falling.

The giant purple dragon let out a stream of fire from his mouth that transformed the one tail demon's sand body into glass. A giant rainbow hand suddenly appeared and lifts the now glass body of the tail demon into the air, where it crushes the body into several pieces. The hand then transforms into a cannon and fires all the pieces out of it, sending the glass pieces flying and falling into the ocean. Where even when the demon turns it's body back to sand, with his body all spread out all over the ocean for miles. It will take him months to pull itself back together again. (2)

Megan turns to Minato and Kushina who just watch the display of power. Megan walks up to her husband Paul facing off with the two birth parents of their son Naruto. Megan waves for the rest of the family to join the fight and let them fight the parents by themselves.

"Take care," Firefly said as she flies off to support Megan's kids.

"Quite the army you brought," Minato said.

"Plenty of people hearing what happen wanted to help," Megan said.

"I'm surprise that you didn't come by yourself," Kushina said.

"Not foolish enough to think it be that easy," Megan said.

"So we came prepared," Paul adds.

"And came up with this," Discord said who hadn't left with the others.

"Discord would you mind?" Megan ask.

"We like to take those two by ourselves," Paul said.

"And miss the show?" Discord ask.

"Go and handle the tail demons they're giving the others trouble," Megan said waving to the giant monster battle where the remaining tail demons have already taken down several players.

"Fine," Discord said flying off.

"Now it's just you two failures for parents against real parents," Paul said.

"We are his parents," Kushina said.

"As if Naruto had ever called you mom," Megan said as she created a giant rainbow fist to punch Kushina backwards, and then flew after her.

"Kushina!" Minato shouted seeing her fly into the treeline and Megan flying after her.

He was about to help his wife when his danger sense went off and he jump out of the way as a rocket flew in front of his face where his head use to be. He then used his super speed to run as Paul fired his gauntlet triple-barreled machine gun at him. Minato threw several ninja stars at Paul who spun his axe blocking all the stars thrown at him. Minato used the move that made him known as the 'Yellow Flash; during the war, aiming to hit Paul from behind. Only for Paul to put his axe behind him to block Minato's strike followed by him spinning around with his gauntlet arm trying to hit Minato who jump back and run behind a tree for cover.

Only for him to run hearing the screaming rocket fired at him blowing up the tree he was hiding behind. Minato had to run and duck as Paul kept firing his rockets and machine gun at him, never letting him get a breather. Minato heard a scream above him and he looked up in time to catch Kushina as she fell to the ground.

"Are you ok?" Minato ask her.

"I never face anyone as strong and skilled as her before," Kushina said.

"You should had given back our son," Megan said landing next to Paul.

She joins him in firing long range attacks at the couple who claimed to be their son's parents when they never acted like parents to him, when it would had mattered. Both Kushina and Minato had to flee as they couldn't stop and fight without being torn to pieces by the onslaught. All they could do was run and hope for a chance to strike back.

Author's Note:

1 - The main weapon of Midnight Castle is just like how the big laser cannon drawing upon the the entire power grid of Japan was able to just power through the angel's shield in Neon Genesis Evangelion. The summons of Naruto are strong but only up to a point.

2 - If someone or something can pull themselves back together. Then the best way to handle them is by spreading the pieces around where it would take days or even years for them to pull themselves back together. Not to mention that even if you can't kill them or destroy them unless they can just regrow the lost body parts they would need all the parts. So you can also put them into something like the foundation of a building and cover them with cement where they parts will never be able to rejoin the main body.