• Published 16th Jun 2015
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My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic - madhat886

The Apples were a normal farming family living in Ponyvile. Up till a young boy name Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now in a world without ninjas or a need for them.

  • ...

Chapter 25

Around the old Everfree fort deep within the Everfree forest Megan, Molly and Danny have gathered all of their old friends who are willing to help save Naruto. The Moonchick with the princess ponies are talking with Doctor Whooves, comparing notes to open a portal to the world that Naruto was taken to. Princess Porcina, King Charlatan, Queen Bumble, Rosedust, and Catrina are with them all of whom have some knowledge of portals to other worlds. The others are taking in the sights of the world their friend Megan and her siblings came from. Who Danny and Molly are doing their best to keep an eye on.

In the Ponyvile hospital Rep is helping out by using the healing magic that he learn from Catrina who became a healer. He's healing all those who had been injured during the attack, and Paul who was stab in the back damaging his spine is now back on his feet. Many of the students where injured during the attack were also healed and back on their feet. Sunset asked if there's a way to regrow her arm but the answer is no, as that's more advance then he or his wife are skilled at. Her robot arm was damage during the attack as she was using the spin feature to make a spinning shield using a broom, till the ninjas overwhelm her.

Elsewhere the other ponyland friends are learning all about the human world. Sting and the other members of the hive have learn about the sugar filled drinks and other sugary snacks that humans made. Which the Flutter Ponies are also found tasty, as they're like hummingbirds and need to eat much sugar to stay healthy. The penguins who came with their king are also enjoying ice cream and other frozen snacks. The Bushwoolies and the Furbobs are all running around the town getting into who knows what. Molly is herding them and trying to get them to stay out of trouble. Which the Crabnasties are helping her, with the help of Ice Orcs being lead by Gnash who crossed the rainbow bridge after the others having been held up. King Hugo and the other Grundles have made themselves home at the junkyard. They're going through all of the junk finding what they call treasure. The Stonebacks are also with them and are helping them by digging through the trash to find the good stuff.

Crunch the giant rock dog is with Spike at the local quarry, seeing how big they are it's the only place they can be without stepping on something. Danny is with them with a crowd watching the two giants, with news crews from all over filming. Spike is currently being fed with meat from a slaughter house that are close to spoiling and were going to be thrown away. In fact many stores have gather together giving food that would have been thrown away to be fed to the giant dragon. Being a dragon Spike is able to eat things that others couldn't, even being able to eat the magic crystals found underground around Ponyland. The quarry is owned by the Pie family and while they're there Crush and Spike are helping out. Spike with his sheer size is loading the trucks and Crunch is digging out the stones and using the waste to create more of his rock minions.


At Ponyvile Mall -

Applejack, Big Mac and Applebloom met in the food court having gotten the text message from their friends. With them is Habbit who Megan ask to stay with her kids after Paul came to the fort and been staying at the house. Habbit carried a bag with him that is full of magical items from Moonchick's collection which only Habbit knows where everything is, seeing how forgetful he is. It's been nearly a week since the attack and Naruto was taken. At the food court the Apple kids found their friends waiting for them. With Pinkie juggling colored balls. Which Applejack looking closer are 3 furry balls.

"Pinkie stop juggling those Bushwoolies!" Applejack snap in no mood for this not now with her little brother having been taken.

"But they like it," Pinkie said stopping revealing the three Bushwoolies, Blue, Yellow, and Purple. (1)

"And it's not like we can hang out with the giant rock dog and the dragon," Maud said.

"Our parents didn't want us bothering them," Marble said.

"Which we were doing till our other two sisters were pestering them too much," Limestone said causing all of the kids to stare at Maud.

"What?" Maud ask.

"Pinkie we can understand but you?" Strawberry ask.

"Sis wanted Crush to bring Boulder to life," Marble said.

"Oh," they all said.

"Megan's kids, Megan kids!" the Bushwoolies shouted as they hop around the 3.

"Cute!" Applebloom said picking up Yellow and hugging him.

"So what's the reason you called us?" Big Mac ask.

"I was the one who called all of us here," Lyra said. "I was out taking pictures of all of the friends of your mom who came to help and then, I run into these 3 who are with one of your mom's oldest friends."

"Who?" Applejack ask.

"He's Scorpan!" Lyra shouted out standing on her seat and was quickly pulled down by Bon Bon.

"Me," a old man said who is in his 50's or 60's said who just came out of the restroom. He's dress in fine clothing that a noble in old books would wear.

"Hello," Applebloom said as the man sat down at a table.

"He's Scorpan!" Lyra shouted standing on her seat which Bon Bon pulled her down.

"Scorpan?" the three Apple kids ask.

"Yes, I'm Scorpan which your friend Lyra here has been telling me all about how your mother has been writing books about her past adventures. Of course she would have left some of the darker parts as some of her adventures were just too dark for you kids to read about," Scorpan said.

"Mom's making a new book series for older readers that doesn't whitewash and pretty up her adventures," Applejack said.

"There are things that she faced that left scars on her both body and her mind. Her final encounter with Grogar left her broken," Scorpan said.

"How do you know that?" Rainbow Dash ask.

"She visited me time to time in my kingdom, which I was only in line for the throne. Then after the rainbow bridge disappeared and a few years past Spike came to live with me. Then your mother came seeking help from all of her old friends. Spike went to help as, I did after, I put things to order back home," Scorpan said.

"Wow it looks like all of mom's old friends came," Applebloom said looking around for something. "Where are all the ponies?" Applebloom ask.

"They didn't come," Scorpan said.

"What!" all the kids shouted.

"They didn't want to fight and put themselves in danger," Scorpan said.

"WHAT!" the kids shouted louder this time.

"But mom is their friend," Appleboom said.

"Things change young one. Megan, Molly, and Danny were always the ones who were called to save the ponies and to solve their problems for them which went on for years. The last time she visited me she told me how no matter what she tries the ponies never learn, having to relearn things and her having to solve the same problems for them over and over again. She grew to resent them for what she calls a take all and no give relationship and them seeming to have amnesia of all that they have learned. She and her siblings had to give up so much of their childhood so that the ponies could enjoy a carefree life and pretend they never have to grow up. Once the rainbow bridge was gone the ponies had to learn how to take care of themselves and solve their own problems. Spike left the ponies because they turn to him to take care of things for them till he had enough and left. Before, I came to this world, I saw what became of the ponies. They're doing ok but have closed themselves off to the world by creating a magical barrier around their home to keep anyone from entering without being invited in. They survived without help from Megan and her siblings but the shock of suddenly having to be responsible for their actions without anyone to clean up their mess for them or fight their fights. They survived but over the years slips away from the world and never leave their home," Scorpan explains.

"So everything that mom, uncle and aunt has done for them, they refuse?" Applebloom ask.

"People you called friends years ago sometimes aren't later," Scorpan said.

"But you came," Applejack said.

"I did and while, I'm not much as, I am," Scorpan said as he shows the kids a red orb. "With this and someone powering it with their magic, I can return back to the demon, I was transform into by Tirek."

"Cool!" Carney Yellow said staring at the orb. "Too bad it can't turn us into cool monster forms too."

"No what would be cool is a magic thing that can make avatars of our game characters, so we're not in real harms way," Lyra said.

"Creating an avatar? I don't know what you're talking about but I never heard of that before," Scorpan said not seeing Habbit trying to get his attention.

"Habbit what's the matter?" Big Mac ask seeing the magical rabbit wanting something.

"Maybe he has something that can do that so we can help!" Pinkie shouted out.

"Pinkie that's just silly," Twilight said.

"Something like that is only found in cartoons," Midnight adds.

"Habbit is saying no it isn't," Applebloom said who understands what he's trying to say.

"WHAT?" both twins shouted out.


At the fort -

Megan and Paul watch as Doctor Whooves and the Moonchick had to find the right energy frequency that matches the one from the ninja world so that a portal could be open. Doctor Whooves is doing some calculations while Moonchick is holding two metal rods and is waving them around, reminding many older people watching of the old tv antennas. Using the vibration frequency of Ponyland as a base the magic and technology a portal machine was built. That's being powered by both the city's power gird and the magic users Megan has gathered together.

"Mom!" Applebloom shouted as she runs over to Megan with Habbit following behind her. Applebloom and Habbit were carried by some bees to reach the fort.

"Applebloom what are you doing here?" Megan said before looking down at Habbit. "I thought you were going to keep an eye on them."

Habbit pulled out a notebook and began writing before giving Megan the finish page.

"Using a combination of magical items the avatars from the game World of Chaos can be use by players to help," Megan said reading the page.

"You mean, I'll be able to help in fighting to get Naruto back?" Paul ask. From what Naruto told of the world he came from the only one who had a chance in fighting the ninjas is Megan.

"The avatar will be controlled by the user who will be place in a magic circle while they're controlling their avatar. But the more people the more power the magic needs to maintain the spell," Megan said reading another paper Habbit gave her.

"Bringing player avatars to life?" Doctor Whooves ask who has been listening in.

"Yes," Megan said reading another page.

"Well if all the magic users pour their magic into the spell and the magical items can use any kind of power, like hooking the magical items to the city's power grid that should do it," Doctor Whooves said.

"Yes that would do it," Megan said reading another page.

"It be some time before we find the right wavelength so it be best to use that time to get ready," Doctor Whooves said.

"Danny said that the government wants to send in a team in for peace talks," Megan said.

"If they can do it," Paul said.

"Mom look!" Applebloom shouted pointing up to the sky.

Megan looks up and saw a familiar figure flying towards her. One that she hasn't seen for a very long time before she reopen the rainbow bridge. Firefly the pink Pegasus with a blue mane who took her to Ponyland in the first place and is the one who choose her to save her world. She landed in front of Megan looking scared as she looks up at her old friend.

"Firefly, I thought you were too much of a coward to come and show your face to me," Megan said to her.

"I was. But, I been thinking about what you said, of how I choose you to save me and the others. Of how, I took you from your world and brought you to my world and expected you to save us. You, Molly, and Danny gave up so much for me and the others and when it came down to it. We just took from you 3 and gave so little back and when you came to us we turn you down," Firefly said looking at the ground.

"Then why did you came?" Megan ask.

"The others won't come but, I... I'm the one who took away your childhood. I won't be able to live with myself if, I didn't help you to save your son," Firefly said looking up to meet Megan's face. Who responded with a punch to the top of her head.

"That's for showing me that you ponies only care for yourselves, taking while giving nothing back in our friendship," Megan said glaring at Firefly who coward in fear of her. Then stop as Megan embrace her in a hug as she keeled down to welcome back an old friend. "And this is for proving me wrong in that you are worth it by coming to help."

"You're welcome... Megan," Firefly said nuzzling her head against Megan's feeling her guilt fading as she's being welcome back as a friend to someone who gave so much to her and the other ponies. Even if she's the only one who would brave the hardship that's stand before her in saving Naruto, she'll show Megan that the friendship she shared with her wasn't in vain.

Author's Note:

1 - I don't remember if they were ever given names. So, I'm just calling them by their colors.