• Published 16th Jun 2015
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My Little Naruto: Family Is Magic - madhat886

The Apples were a normal farming family living in Ponyvile. Up till a young boy name Naruto suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now in a world without ninjas or a need for them.

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Chapter 26

The Leaf Village has completely fallen to ruin after the mission that the team sent mess it up. They got Naruto back but in doing so they cause much collateral damage, when they attack the school he went to in that world. A world that has superheroes in it, and having encountered superheroes before the ninjas have a good idea how powerful they can get. Sometimes they're just people in costumes, others have powers like blood limits found in ninjas, some with tech that makes them able to fight against beings that they shouldn't be able to, and others are gods in every word you can think of.

Because of that the Leaf Village has been completely cut off with a barrier that prevents them from leaving thanks to the curse seal on all of them. They also couldn't use any jutsus, as the seal completely cuts off chakra using seals for prisons for ninjas. The village had already been in a poor state since Naruto left to another world, both Minata and Kushina have been abusing them because of it. They only got enough to survive and the Leaf ninjas were used as scouts to explore worlds, which many didn't come back, for more rations for them and their families. But now because of the ninjas going and breaking orders to be the ones to get Naruto back, any hope left for them to survive is gone now. All rations are cut off and the villagers are sealed in their own village. That was 3 weeks ago and any sense of order in the village is long gone. (1)

The Leaf Village has become something that visitors from 2 years ago, would be appalled at the level of squalor, poverty, and degradation that's revealed to them of the Village in it's current state. The starving, desperate, filthy people were worse than rats and often twice as vicious, many of them watching their surroundings with beady, hostile eyes, many of them squatting shamelessly in their own filth.

Bodies of the dead lying sprawled in the street, left where they had fallen, many naked because their clothes had been stolen, some bearing terrible wounds. A young woman being attacked and raped by four men, her screams for mercy going unanswered. Men fighting, children being beaten, a couple rutting openly not caring who saw them.

The ninjas clans have barricaded themselves in their own compounds. They're the only ones who had any food left and clean water. The ninjas clans had to fight off the hordes of starving mass of their fellow villagers, with some of the compounds having already been overrun. But the food and water that was found was never enough and often it had only lasted because the clan had been rationing it. Once that was gone the starving mass would turn on the clan members, for they blame all the ninjas for the state of the village is in now.

The Inuzuka Clan outer walls had fallen to the starving mass, some villagers had chop down a large tree that fall onto part of the wall giving the mob a way in. As the mob surge in overwhelming the Inuzuka clan members who tried to push back the horde, the clan members are skilled ninjas but they're few in numbers and the mob swarm them, some armed with ninja weapons, tools, makeshift weapons and their bare hands. The defenders couldn't push the mob back as there were just too many attacking at once and attacking them from all sides. Only the defenders who had their backs to something, managing to kills a score of people before they were pulled down and the mob fell upon them. (2)

The noise of battle drew villagers to the compound which only grew louder as the main gate was torn down by the mob who have been worked up into a frenzy. Which gave the remaining clans time to strengthen their defenses before the mob came back. For when a clan compound was overrun was the only time the mob around the other clan compound would disappear as they would all run towards the fallen compound in hopes of getting something before it was all gone.

The dogs of the Inuzuka clan thanks to the clan managed to survive but once the clan gate came down and the defenders pulled down into the mass, the once treasured dogs became nothing but a tool to survive. The dogs were freed from their kennels by their owners in hopes that they would escape and to distract the mob from the main house. The dogs stood no chance against the starving mob whose mass block all escape routes. The dogs were some of the only surviving animals left in the village, as all the other big animals have been already eaten, with only the rats who ate the dead bodies the only ones left and even then it was getting harder and harder to find them with each passing day. (3)

As the hungry mob diverted from their attack on the clan main building to the fleeing dogs, the surviving clan members rapidly closed the doors, windows and nailing them shut from the inside. The mob leap onto the dogs in mass, bringing them down. The dogs screamed as the crowd clawed and pummeled and yanked at them, even as the dogs clawed and bite back. The dogs were literally ripped apart by the starving mob hungry for food. People reeling away from the heaving knots of humanity, covered in blood and holding chunks of dripping meat in their hands or with the few pups.

But even the slaughter of the dogs did not satiate the blood lust, it only fed it as the scent of fresh meat is in the air. With the dogs dead and the Inuzuka clan dug into their main building, the mob fell on each other, clawing and screaming and tearing. A young boy broke from the melee, coated in blood from head to toe holding a chunk of meat in his hands. He dipped his head and tore at the meat with his teeth. But then a dozen more people, equally blood spattered, their eyes wild with blood lust, broke from the throng and fell on the boy as they did with the dogs. Tearing at him not just with their hands but with their teeth as well.

It wasn't the only act of horror as people so hungry turn to eat others. A woman with her hair matted with red crouching on the ground, gnawing on a human hand. Then a man smashed her in the back of her head with his fist and snatched the hand from her. Soon several people were fighting over the hand, and over other lumps of flesh too. That all look too human. (4)

Kushina watched from the old viewing orb that her husband once used when he was Hokage. She watched as the Leaf Villagers became nothing more then a horror show. People some of which she still recognized chewing with their mouths full and drooling with blood, their eyes darting that are full of shame, paranoia, and gluttony. Then she saw the mob surged towards the main building, still mad with hunger and blood lust. A section of a wall was smash in by some people with hammers and pickaxes, letting the mob surged into the building. Inside the building quickly became a slaughterhouse, as the Inuzuka clan fought tooth and nail.

"The Inuzuka clan is done for," Minato said joining his wife in watching one of their old friends clan die.

"If she was my friend. She would had taken in Naruto," Kushina said as she switches inside the building to see her old friend one last time. The head of the Inuzuka fought with her daughter as the mob surged into the room they were in. Kushina lost sight of them as the mob fell on top of them.

"If they're lucky she and her daughter be killed quickly," Minato said.

"I hope not," Kushina said having taken dark pleasure in the suffering of her old friends in the Leaf Village.

"I think we should start supplying them with rations again. There are only 8 clans left now," Minato said.

"And why should we? With everything that has happen and what they did to destroy any hope of us having Naruto thinking of us as his parents?" Kushina growled.

"Because they don't have the right to just die. Everyone wants them to suffer," Minato said. "There is also the matter of Naruto's adopted mother coming here with that worlds fellow heroes. The Leaf Village will draw their attention away from us when they attack."

"How is your former student?" Kushina ask.

"Tsuande is keeping him alive. The other villages torturers are seeing which of them can inflict the most pain without him passing out," Minato said.

"Good," Kushina said.

"And as you wanted. The cut off his manhood and made him eat it," Minato said.

"I want him completely broken," Kushina said.

"He will be," Minato said.

"How is Naruto?" Kushina ask.

"He's the same as always. He only talks when he needs to and does little else but sit and read all day," Minato said.

"Minato how powerful are the superheroes you have encountered before?" Kushina ask.

"It depends. Some worlds have just people in costumes and others have ones who are beyond anything either of us had ever face," Minato said. "One world had one hero with powers but that Doctor Manhattan is beyond anything we can hope to face and win."

"That blue god, that I heard about?" Kushina ask.

"Yes him. He has the power to see the future, all the futures. We tried to ask him for help but he simple wasn't interested and just teleport the team back to our world and sealed us off from his world. Like that Golden Superman," Minato said.

"At least we have backup plans if we fail. We should had a backup plan for Naruto," Kushina said.

"Sarutobi and all the other council members have already been dealt with. They were all thrown into the Leaf Village septic tank, after they had their hands and feet cut off, with seals place on them preventing them from using chakra. And none of their clans have survive since the village was cut off, they were the first ones to fall to the mob. The only ones who are still in good shape are the Akimichi's and only because how fat they were," Minato said. (5)

"Yes they're much thinner now," Kushina said.

"Better start shipping food to them before there's no one left to torment," Minato said.

"Yes," Kushina said not wanting the Leaf Village from all dying. No they won't get off that easy.

The door of the room Minato and Kushina are in open as Shizune steps inside with a worried look on her face.

"What's the matter?" Kushina ask worried that it has something to do with Naruto.

"They're here. And they want Naruto back," Shizune said to the two shock parents.

Author's Note:

1 - The Leaf Village has been starved for more then a year with only enough supplies to keep them alive. With only the ninjas who were used as scouts to see if the other worlds are survivable got more just so they wouldn't be too weak to go on missions. Which is why the Leaf ninjas when they attack the school, weren't in good fighting shape even before the whole that world's air they couldn't breath well in was added.

Guy while normally would had done better in a fight without chakra. He like the other ninjas had their normal diet cut in half or more then a year. And since he works out alot he would had big meals to keep up his strength like all the other ninjas. The food is usually half rotten and past the due date, which doesn't help at all in keeping a body with the nutrition it needs to stay strong. And more then a year with nothing but bad food with poor nutrition that is only enough to keep a person alive. Doesn't equal into a ninja being in any real fighting shape. And all the torture that Kushina and Minato put them through using the curse runes on them that cause them horrible pain every single day, doesn't help at all.

2 - Doesn't matter how good someone is at fighting. A mob of people will win in the end.

3 - When it's hard to find rats in a city that is short on food, that means it's that bad as there isn't enough food for rats.

4 - In the old days when a city was being starved and all other food became rare or impossible to get anymore. People turn to eating each other.

5 - Seeing how all the ninjas are slender in body shape with little body fat on them, which is good for being ninjas but bad for surviving with very little food for a long period of time. The Akimichi clan are the only ones who be strong and healthy compared to all the other ninjas. Thanks to the large amount of body fat all of them have, which they will lose as their bodies feed on the fat but their muscles won't be as effected compared to the other ninjas with very little body fat. As I read the Zombie Survival Guide and people with large amount of body fat would survive better then the others, during a period of time where there is little food around to eat.