• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,272 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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The morning sun began to slowly make its way over the horizon. Bringing new light upon Ponyville and the citizens who were rousing from their slumber. The light made its way towards the cloud mansion where the honorary siblings were sleeping peacefully. After last night's little encounter with Scootaloo's scoundrels for parents, they had earned it. The sunlight made its way through the window to where Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were sleeping in each other's embrace.

Rainbow Dash started to stir as the sunlight reached her face. She wanted to stay asleep, but she had important matters to take care of in regards to last night. As she woke up, she felt a smaller body snuggled against her. She looked down and saw Scootaloo sleeping with the most peaceful look on her face. It probably had been the best sleep she had received in years. Rainbow gently stroked her little prodigy's mane and it began to wake Scootaloo from her peaceful sleep.

"Good morning Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo said while trying to shake the sleep from her eyes.

"Morning Scootaloo, did you get enough sleep?"

"Yeah, it's more sleep than I ever got in that dreadful house." Rainbow didn't want to pry, but after what happened last night, she had to ask Scootaloo some tough questions.

"Scootaloo, I know this might be the wrong time to ask, but would it be possible for you to tell me everything that your parents have said or done to you?" The little filly felt uneasy bringing up her past dealings with her 'parents,' but it needed to be done.

"They've always been like that Rainbow Dash, they're a bunch of high class pegasi that were highly respected when they lived in Cloudsdale. They always treated everypony else with respect, but when it came to me, it was like I didn't even exist in their eyes. They neglected me for so many years, and hardly cared for me at all. Honestly, they were more like prison guards than actual parents, but the worst part was they never let me have any friends. Cloudsdale may have been great for other pegasi, but for me it was like living in a nightmare."

Rainbow was flabbergasted, she had been in Cloudsdale for most of her life and it had been great. To hear Scootaloo say that her parents made it miserable, Rainbow was glad that she had received help in pounding them last night.

"They never let me have anypony over, and shut out anypony that I met. It truly was a prison, until I came to Ponyville. I tried to keep my friendship with AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle a secret, but they eventually found out. They tried to keep me from my new friends, but I continued to defy them. They've made my life miserable for so long Rainbow Dash. I'm much better off with you than I ever was with them."

"I knew you parents were bad Scootaloo, but I never imagined that they would treat you so harshly. Do you know anything about their little project?"

"I overheard them mention it once, right before they were banished from Cloudsdale. I didn't know what they were talking about at the time, but it sounded like something that had been in their family long before I was born." Rainbow's eyes went wide, that was almost exactly what Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten had said to her last night.

"Scootaloo, your parents said the exact same thing to me last night, talking about how their project had been passed down among generations. My friends also did some research on the matter, connecting your parents to a disaster that ravaged Equestria years ago. I was even told the name of their project, it's a dragon called Black Death."

Now Scootaloo was in shock as the realization of her parents' threats sank in. This whole time, her parents had a dragon in storage waiting to be used. But something about the whole scenario didn't add up.

"But Rainbow Dash, how is it possible for my parents to be responsible? They weren't alive back when this dragon wrecked havoc on Equestria."

"It's possible that the entire family, not just your parents, have been using this dragon for years Scootaloo. Some of your older family members must've unleashed the dragon as a test run, and then called it back to give Equestria a false sense of security. They might have found a way to pass down the control of this dragon throughout the years, and now your parents have inherited the arsenal. They were found linked to the attack because the article mentioned how evidence had been found in their home. Possibly for another attack that they were intending to carry out."

"That would explain why they had me locked away in a closet when the guards were searching the house. It also explains why everywhere I went with them, ponies seemed to cower and act nervous around them. To think that I was born into a family that was responsible for so much pain and suffering. They've gotten away with so much and now their going to get away with killing you as well."

"No they won't Scootaloo, now with everything you've told me, we can relay this information to Celestia and have them put behind bars. They won't get a chance to release that dragon again."

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo got off the bed and made their way towards the spiral staircase.

Fortunately for Scootaloo, it was the weekend. That meant no school, no homework, and no chance of running into her parents for a while. Rainbow Dash took to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, while Scootaloo went to the couch to watch some TV. It warmed Rainbow's heart to see Scootaloo so happy and carefree after all that she had been through. Rainbow was going to make sure that Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten rotted away in the darkest dungeon for the pain they had caused to such an awesome filly.

Rainbow fired up the stove, started scrambling some eggs and prepared a few slices of toast for breakfast. It took her about twenty minutes to have everything prepared, but when it was finished she could hardly wait to eat. Scootaloo was glued to the TV and didn't notice breakfast was ready until the delicious smell hit her nose. In an instant Scootaloo was at the table with a plate full of eggs and toast with a glass of milk at the side. The two surrogate siblings ate their breakfast in silence, all the while enjoying each other's company.

When the meal was finished and the two siblings were washing the dishes, Rainbow thought it was a good time to tell Scootaloo about the help she received last night.

"By the way Scootaloo, when I confronted your parents last night, I got some unexpected help." Scootaloo's ears perked up, she knew Rainbow Dash was talking about Indominus. Scootaloo had watched him defend Rainbow Dash, but she didn't catch the rest of the beating.

"Oh really, what kind of help was it?" Scootaloo was trying to sound surprised while containing her excitement.

"I couldn't really see him because he was somehow able to camouflage his skin, but it was an animal I had never seen before. He must've been about twenty feet tall, but he was able to get the drop on Sheer Cold. He had a mouth of deadly teeth clamped down on Sheer Cold's leg and just threw him aside like a chew toy. When I managed to look him in the eye, it was as if he cared about saving my life. I had never seen a creature so bold and strong."

Scootaloo noticed that Rainbow Dash was getting a dreamy look in her eyes from talking about Indominus's act of bravery. It was the same look Scootaloo had the first time she started talking about how the dinosaurs had saved her life. Rainbow was already becoming attached to one of them, and she didn't even know it. Scootaloo remained silent with a gleeful smile while listening to Rainbow Dash continuing to praise Indominus.

"He seemed so gentle despite how savage he had been when he attacked Sheer Cold. Oh, you know what was truly surprising: he could understand me when I spoke to him."

"Really!?" Scootaloo was acting surprised, but she knew the feeling all too well.

"Now I kind of understand how Fluttershy felt whenever she spoke to her animal friends. He even had some impressive fighting skills. He didn't just attack mindlessly, his moves and blows were so precise like he was a battle hardened warrior. I've never seen any creature that knew how to fight and could move in perfect sync with me in a fight. The two of us were like one soul when we fought off Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten."

Scootaloo noticed that Rainbow's cheeks were turning a shade of red.

"Rainbow Dash, are you blushing over what this creature did?" Scootaloo asked in a teasing tone. Rainbow Dash snapped out of her daydream gaze when Scootaloo brought up the teasing question.

"What!? No I-" Rainbow took a look in the kitchen window and saw the blush in her cheeks. "Well, I guess it was from him nuzzling me after the fight was over. I truly didn't expect such a creature to be so strong, fierce and admirable all at once. He truly was a rare creature indeed, and I hope he can help again if Black Death does resurface."

Scootaloo thought to herself "Oh Rainbow Dash, if you only knew. My saviors have been preparing themselves for the arrival of that dragon. Now that Indominus has saved you, I believe that they are ready.

After the dishes had finally been cleaned because of Rainbow's daydreaming, the two siblings flew off to the Golden Oaks Library to take care of some business.

Scootaloo had her wish list tucked under her leg in hopes that she would be able to send it to Celestia. But something caught Rainbow's eye before she and Scootaloo made it five feet from the mansion. In the daylight, Rainbow Dash could see the results of last night's scuffle. All the collision spots and craters where Scootaloo's parents had been knocked around, including the massive footprints that were scattered everywhere. Rainbow Dash recognized the footprints from the ones she had seen in the newspaper.

"Scootaloo, I think the same creature that was in the school yard was the one who helped me last night. That creature was so close to me and he could've killed me, but he didn't." Rainbow was becoming more perplexed with each event.

Why would an animal that the paper had called a monster go to such lengths to help her and Scootaloo? It was confusing to the rainbow mare, but Scootaloo had other worries. If Indominus and Tyrannosaurus got into any more of these scuffles, they might get found out before the time was right. The last thing Scootaloo wanted was for her saviors to be caged and locked away when Black Death got unleashed.

"Rainbow Dash we can worry about that later. Right now we need to tell Twilight what's happened." Rainbow put the topic aside for later and resumed heading towards the library/

Spike had been notified by Twilight to send any information Rainbow Dash might have received from Scootaloo. So when Rainbow knocked at the door, he was ready for any info she and Scootaloo had.

"Come on in girls, did you find out anything new Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow relayed everything to Spike that Scootaloo had told her. When Spike heard how Scootaloo's parents had spied on them and were planning to use their project to kill Rainbow Dash, he went right to work on a letter.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Yesterday I found Scootaloo in the clubhouse, apparently her parents had threatened to use Black Death to kill me if she didn't listen to them. I also learned that her parents have been neglecting her for several years now. They even spied on us last night and were scheming against Scootaloo because she disobeyed them. I ended up getting into a scuffle with them, they confirmed that they have the legendary dragon and aren't afraid to release it. Those two are becoming more of a threat to Equestria with each day, They need to be locked up or all of Equestria will be doomed. I will be looking after Scootaloo in the meantime, because I don't trust Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten. They have become too unpredictable.

Your Faithful Student,

Rainbow Dash

Spike blew the letter off in a puff of green fire, and in a few minutes he burped up a letter from Celestia.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Thank you for notifying me of what those pegasi have planned. This has confirmed my suspicions that they indeed have Black Death waiting. Twilight and I are on our way to Ponyville to inform our guards that are patrolling the area. We will search that home and gather all the evidence we can to make sure those two never harm Scootaloo. I'm perfectly fine with you looking after Scootaloo, this is quite admirable of you.


Princess Celestia of Equestria

In a matter of an hour, Twilight and Celestia had arrived at Ponyville. Twilight chose to stay at the library while Celestia gathered her soldiers and took off toward Scootaloo's former home. While Rainbow Dash told Twilight of everything that happened last night, Scootaloo took the time to ask Spike for a special letter. They had to whisper so Rainbow wouldn't overhear what Scootaloo was saying.

"What about this letter is so special Scootaloo? The Princess is busy dealing with your parents, I'm not sure she'll have the time to read this."

"Because it's not just for Celestia, it's for all of the Princesses." Spike's eyes shrunk rapidly with sheer chock. He had sent letters to Celestia countless times, but to send one letter to all of them at once was unheard of.

"Care to give me some details as to why this letter is so important to you?"

Scootaloo showed Spike the wish list she had put together and began to explain her reasons.

"You see, I made some new friends over a month ago and they've been looking after me like a true family. With the way things are going, they're gonna get dragged into a battle with that dragon real soon. If they make it through this ordeal, I'd like them and Rainbow Dash to be my new family."

Spike felt his eyes watering up when Scootaloo was finished.

"Wow Scootaloo, that was beautiful. Alright Scootaloo I'll make the letter and send it, just one more question. How can you know for sure that your new friends are going to fight Black Death?"

Scootaloo bent down and started whispering into Spike's ear. "Because they love me so much. They've taken down every threat that's tried to harm me, even a Hydra."

Spike couldn't utter a word, his eyes were bulging and his mouth had dropped to the floor. Without a second thought, he pulled himself together and had a quill and note ready. Scootaloo still had to whisper so her idol didn't eavesdrop on the important part.

Dear Princesses,

My name is Scootaloo, and I'm sending this letter to all of you in hopes that my one wish can be fulfilled. Attached is a list of the things I'd like for my future, but the only one that matters is the last request. I met some new friends a while ago and they've cared for me just like Rainbow Dash has. I know that they would be a great family and I would be eternally grateful to all of you if this wish could be granted. None of you have met my friends yet, but if we do have to face Black Death, you'll get the chance to see them for yourselves. One last thing, don't let their appearances fool you, they are very kind and loving when you get to know them.

Your faithful student,


Spike rolled up the letter and list and sent them off in a flash of green fire, and not a moment too soon because Celestia showed up at the door a minute later. She reported that Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten had been arrested and were on their way to the Canterlot Dungeon. There was no need for a trial, because the guards had found their plans for destroying Ponyville and how to get away with the crime. That kind of evidence would've given them the death penalty, but they would receive life in the dungeons. Unfortunately, there was one piece of evidence the guards weren't able to find: the remote control to summon Black Death.

"You mean that they couldn't find the device for that monster?" Scootaloo was about ready to panic again.

"I'm sorry Scootaloo, the guards covered every inch of that house and it was nowhere to be found. Your parents must have stashed it somewhere safe, somewhere that only they know about. But don't worry, they're not getting out of jail anytime soon." That brought Scootaloo a great deal of relief, knowing that she wouldn't have to worry about those rats for a long time.

"But Celestia, if Scootaloo's parents are in jail, where is she going to live?" Twilight was curious because she didn't know what Celestia would say on the matter.

"I've already got that taken care of Twilight. I've decided that Scootaloo will remain in Rainbow Dash's custody until we can make it official."

Scootaloo was practically beaming with excitement, she turned towards Rainbow Dash and waited for a response.

"That's right squirt, you're gonna be living with me and we'll face everything together."

Scootaloo ran to Rainbow Dash and hugged her tightly. She was so glad that she could live with Rainbow Dash and didn't have to go back to her awful parents. Rainbow was pretty happy herself when she returned the hug. She could keep an eye on Scootaloo and not have to worry about the filly being neglected at home anymore. Rainbow only had one thing to say while holding Scootaloo in her hoofs.

"Thank you Celestia, this means so much to the both of us."

"You're very welcome Rainbow Dash. I'm glad that we were able to help out Scootaloo and have somepony that truly cares for her."

With everything settled, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo gave their thanks and made their way out to enjoy their day of relaxation and bonding. Rainbow was still unaware of the letter Scootaloo had sent off. Scootaloo was sure that Celestia and Twilight were gonna be in for a surprise when they returned to Canterlot.

Deep in the Canterlot Dungeons, Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten were stirring in their cell. Their daughter had sold them out and put them away for their neglect and ignorance. Both pegasi now knew that it was time for Ponyville to suffer. While Sheer Cold was so angry over being put in jail by his daughter, Spoiled Rotten was rather calm.

"She put us in here, now we have to make her suffer." Spoiled Rotten spoke next in a cold and calculating tone.

"I know, she is going to suffer because none of them have figured out where we hid the remote control. Once we bust out of here, we'll kidnap Scootaloo and have Rainbow follow us as planned. Only this time, we'll lure all the Princesses to the showdown. I want them all to be present when Black Death slaughters their precious subjects. It'll corrupt them with such sorrow they'll be begging to be killed."

Spoiled Rotten looked out through the bars of her cell.

"You've brought this upon yourself you worthless chicken. Once we escape this wretched place, you'll see what a real monster can do. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

Author's Note:

So is everyone glad that Scootaloo's parents are locked away and can't do any harm? Also, what do you think of the possible ship going on with how Rainbow seems to be thinking about Indominus?