• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,272 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Time with Pinkie Pie

Spending time with an energetic pony like Pinkie Pie was more than any of the dinosaurs were capable of handling. After they showed up outside SugarCube Corner, Pinkie was all over them, asking rapid questions left and right and hugging their faces. Not even Blue and Indominus were capable of keeping up with the wild earth pony, so Twilight had to be called in for backup. Her assistance helped keep Pinkie from getting too crazy around the dinosaurs. and so they could enter SugarCube Corner in the first place.

Inside the shop, the dinosaurs were a little cramped, even with Twilight's magic shrinking the rexes. Pinkie moved a bunch of tables around to accommodate, and it cleared some room for the carnivores to move around. She then tried to make up for her earlier behavior by appealing to their appetites. Unfortunately none of the dinosaurs were big fans of cakes and that saddened Pinkie a little.

But the moment Twilight reminded her of their love for fritters, Pinkie's spirits lifted and she sped into the kitchen. All they could hear was the clattering of pans, utensils and Pinkie running back and forth. Twilight had no clue what Pinkie was making so she couldn't really answer the dinosaurs' puzzled looks. Pinkie popped out of the kitchen for a minute, covered in dough and sticky batter.

"Prepare yourselves Guardians, you are about to be treated to the ultimate apple fritter treat."

The pink pony disappeared back into the kitchen, when she returned the dinosaurs' jaws all dropped in awe at what they were seeing. Pinkie Pie was carrying an enormous tray that was stacked to the brim with apple fritters. She had managed to stack them into the shape of a pyramid, with at least three hundred fritters making up the whole pile. Even Twilight's jaw had hit the floor in shock.

"Hey Twilight, can you pull a table over here? This tray is starting to get kinda heavy."

Twilight had to slap herself out of her daze so she could focus again. She used her magic to pull four tables together so the massive tray could fit. Then the two ponies stepped back so the dinosaurs could get a better look at the fritter pyramid. They could only stare at it in disbelief, then they turned to Pinkie Pie, wondering if the food pyramid in front of them was real.

Pinkie nodded happily and said "it's my gift to you guys for taking such good care of Scootaloo all this time."

The dinosaurs nuzzled Pinkie and Twilight gave a quiet aw at the group nuzzle. Then the carnivores went back to the pyramid, sniffed the heavenly aroma and plowed into the fritters. Each of them taking huge amounts of fritters in their jaws and chowing down on the delectable delicacy before them. Twilight was glad that there wasn't anypony else in the shop, the sight of the dinosaurs savagely eating fritters would make anypony lose their appetite. When they were done, there was nothing left of the pyramid but a pile of chomped dough that the dinosaurs hadn't eaten.

Each dinosaur had a content look in their eyes, like they had eaten enough food to last them a few months. They gave off soft rumbles and chirps at Pinkie for the amazing treat and the pink pony started blushing a darker shade of pink for the compliments.

"Aw, you guys are so kind you're making me blush. Twilight, were they this kind during their time with you yesterday?"

"Yes they were Pinkie, it's just like Scootaloo said. They may be predators, but each of them has a caring heart."

Pinkie spent her time looking over the dinosaurs, asking them questions they could answer, and saying how cute it was when Indominus kissed Rainbow Dash. After two days of hearing it, Indominus was beyond used to the compliments. However, what Pinkie said next made him curious.

"I've never seen Rainbow Dash so happy before, not since she joined the Wonderbolts Reserves. No pony's ever shown her such affection and feelings before."

Upon hearing this, Indominus walked over to the dough on the table and carved out a question. Twilight and Pinkie went to the table to see what he had wrote.

"Nopony likes her?"

Both ponies looked uncomfortable as they wondered how to answer the hybrid's question.

"Well not really," Pinkie said. "She's done so much for Equestria, is an amazing flyer and a loyal friend. Unfortunately, all of that can only get so much attention. Yet, even when some stallions tried to court her, she turned them down. It's so confusing that she turns away so many ponies, yet is showing you with so much love and affection. Just what did you do to make her care about you so much, Indominus?"

The carnivore wiped away his first question and carved out his answer, Blue and her sisters got curious and wandered over to see the answer, Tyrannosaurus didn't need to see what Indominus had written, he had witnessed the hybrid's act of bravery that won Rainbow's heart.

"I save her and Scootaloo from terrible parents."

Twilight and Pinkie realized immediately who Indominus was talking about.

"You mean Scootaloo's parents tried to attack them?" Pinkie looked at Indominus, who nodded to show her that she was correct. Twilight was astounded at those pegasi, they were more evil than she thought.

"How did you save them?" Pinkie wanted to know more now that Indominus had given her more info. The raptors continued to look at Indominus like a proud and grand dinosaur as he wrote another response.

"I alert Rainbow Dash, she attack them, I save her, then we fight together."

"Aww, that's just so kind and noble Indominus," said Twilight.

"You're such a gentlecolt. Rainbow's gonna love being around you at the Gala," Pinkie Pie teased. "Maybe one day you can marry her?"

Indominus had a confused look on his face, he had never heard of the word before. Neither had any of the other dinosaurs. Upon seeing the confusion, Twilight went on to explain what the word meant.

"To marry somepony means that two ponies pledge their love for each other and become husband and wife. They live together and spend the rest of their lives in great harmony."

The concept sounded delightful to Indominus, he and the dinosaurs could be with Rainbow and Scootaloo for the rest of their lives. They would never be apart again. Indominus wrote one last question that touched Pinkie and Twilight.

"Would you girls help make it happen?"

Both ponies had their hooves covering their mouths. Indominus wanted their help in making Rainbow Dash his wife. Twilight had to ask one important question to know for sure.

"Are you sure that you want to marry Rainbow, Indominus? Marriage is a huge commitment."

Indominus carved one word in the dough and stepped back so Twilight and Pinkie could read it.


"Oh Indominus, this is big news. We have to let the others know about this, except for Rainbow Dash. By the way, when do you plan on proposing to her? Next month?"

Indominus thought for a while about when a good time would be to ask Rainbow Dash. Then he got it and started carving his answer once again. Twilight and Pinkie were so anxious to see what he had written, but the answer blew their minds.

"At the Gala." Both ponies were at a loss for words, until Pinkie finally found her voice again.

"This is gonna be the best Grand Galloping Gala ever!! We've gotta help Indominus make it a night Rainbow and Scootaloo will remember forever."

"Alright Indominus, starting next week we'll use our time together to help you prepare for when you sweep Rainbow off her hooves and ask the big question."

Indominus was delighted at how things were turning out. Tyrannosaurus and the Raptor Squad congratulated him for his commitment in wanting to make Rainbow Dash his mate. The Grand Galloping Gala was going to be eventful alright, and it would be a night that nopony would ever forget.