• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,272 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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A Perfect Way To Die

The dinosaurs spent the two days leading up to judgement day resting from their long fought battle. The ponies would venture into the Everfree Forest to check on them from time to time. They always found Echo and Charlie being up and active while the others caught up on their sleep. The young raptors were too eager to explore their new home, and a few hours rest was all they needed. Indominus and T-Rex were just glad that the hard part was over, now they could relax without worrying for Scootaloo's safety.

On the day before the trial, Applejack wandered towards the cave with two baskets full of fritters. She had heard from Scootaloo how her saviors had grown so fond of the treats, and she had to see for herself. She followed the chirps and growls and found all the dinosaurs around the cave. The raptors were exploring more territory with Indominus keeping an eye on them and Tyrannosaurus napping. As she got closer, Indominus caught sight of her and left the cave to meet her. The raptors followed after Indominus as their curiosity got the better of them.

Applejack stopped as the dinosaurs walked over to greet her.

"Howdy fellas, Indominus I heard from Scootaloo how ya guys loved my fritters so much. So I wanted to bring some for ya guys as a 'thank ya' for saving our home."

Indominus gave a soft rumble and nuzzled Applejack for the kind gesture. The farm pony felt herself blushing from the hybrid's appreciation.

"Aw shucks, yer too kind Indominus. Now go ahead guys, have some."

Indominus called over to get T-Rex's attention. Tyrannosaurus hated being woken from his nap, but the moment his nose picked up the scent of the fritters, he was up and walking. He felt his mouth drooling as he looked at the tasty treats, but then he and Indominus caught sight of how unsure the raptors looked. Blue wasn't willing to get close to the treats, her sisters wanted to investigate but she wouldn't let them get close. Applejack saw how the raptors were behaving and held up a fritter in her hoof.

"They haven't tried these before have they boys?" The carnivores shook their heads in unison. Applejack spoke softly to the raptors. "I know these aren't what ya'll are used to, but their mighty tasty I can promise ya that."

The raptors looked to Indominus for what to do, and he gestured to the fritters as a sign to try them. Charlie was the most anxious, so Blue let her go first while keeping an eye on her young sister. The young raptor got close to Applejack and began to smell the fritter in the pony's hoof. It certainly did smell good, but she needed to know what it tasted like. Applejack saw the eagerness in Charlie's eyes and decided to make it fun.

"Alright girl, here ya go." She tossed the fritter into the air and Charlie leaped after it, catching the treat in her jaws.

Charlie looked back at her siblings as she chomped on the fritter. The raptors watched her eyes light up as the taste of the fritter hit her taste buds. The raptor chirped for joy, she had never eaten something so delicious in her life. Blue was in disbelief and looked at Rexy for confirmation. Tyrannosaurus nodded his head, the apple fritters were indeed that good.

So the other raptors made their way towards Applejack, who tossed fritters into the air for them to try. Echo and Delta loved the sweet taste in their mouths, but Blue didn't want her fritter to be tossed. The carnivores watched as she carefully plucked the fritter off of Applejack's hoof and ate it slowly. When the sweet taste struck her taste buds, Blue was chirping like a crazy turkey. Applejack had a grin that was comparable to one of Pinkie's smiles: the dinosaurs loved her food.

She dumped the baskets and watched in awe as the dinosaurs gorged on her food. They looked so happy and at peace while chomping down on food that was just as good as meat. When they had finished eating, they went over and nuzzled Applejack. The farm pony now knew how Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash felt during that big group hug at the end of the fight.

"Thank ya kindly guys. Now Ah've gotta get back to the barn, gotta whip up a bunch of fritters for ya'll after the trial tomorrow."

Applejack started to make her way back when the raptors started walking alongside her. They wanted to make sure she got back safely, and it would give them a chance to see more of Equestria. With the raptors walking alongside her, Applejack felt completely safe as they walked through the Everfree. When they cleared the trees, the raptors could see the red barn in the distance.

"That's my home girls. Did any of ya have some kind of home back in your old world?" The raptors shook their heads, and it made Applejack a little sad. "Well don't worry, this world is your home now. All of us will be there if you guys ever run into trouble." Her words brought out kind happy chirps from the raptors. Applejack wished them all happy lives as she made her way home and the raptors went back into the forest.

The next day would be one that everypony would remember forever.

Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten were brought to a meadow in Sweet Apple Acres that led to the Everfree Forest. They were bound in chains by a handful of guards and even their wings were bound to prevent them from escaping. Their restraints had even been nailed into the ground for extra precautions. Everypony in Ponyville had come to watch their judgement take place, after hearing how they had treated poor Scootaloo the citizens wanted justice to be served. Celestia, Luna, the Mane Six and CMC were also present, Scootaloo was having difficulty looking them in the eye. They seemed almost sure that they would come back from whatever judgement Celestia passed on them.

The Mane Six were wearing their elements at Celestia's request. They didn't know what she and Luna had planned, but the Princesses promised them it would be a fate everypony would love. Neither of Scootaloo's DNA doners bothered to notice, they had their eyes glued on Scootaloo.

Each of them were furious that she had somehow managed to survive against Black Death, but they weren't showing their anger. However, both pegasi still had plenty of damage left on them from the fight. They still looked rugged from their encounter with Indominus and Rainbow Dash. Their bodies bore plenty of scars and healed gashes left by the warriors. They brought their eyes up when Celestia walked towards them Everypony watched as Celestia stepped forward and spoke to the useless piles of pegasi garbage.

"Sheer Cold, Spoiled Rotten," she said in an authoritative voice. "You two have committed some of the worst crimes possible in all of Equestria. Sicked a dragon death machine on our world in hopes of destroying it. Savagely neglected, abused, attacked and tried to kill your own daughter and one of the Elements of Harmony. Such acts are inexcusable, and are worthy of true punishment."

Neither Sheer Cold nor Spoiled Rotten seemed fazed by Celestia's declaration.

"What are you gonna do about it Celestia," Spoiled Rotten said as she looked at Scootaloo with evil eyes. "Lock us up forever, take away our wings or better yet, turn us into stone? No matter what judgement you pass down we will always come back to torment this worthless chicken."

Rainbow Dash wrapped her wing around Scootaloo and turned her away from the psychotic pegasi. Then everypony turned when Luna spoke up.

"Oh, we have something far more fitting in mind for the likes of you two."

The two Princesses looked at each other, nodded, and then called out to the forest.

"Boys! It's time!"

Six loud roars pierced the sky and shook the area. Then trees could be heard crashing to the ground as the dinosaurs burst from the forest and made their way over to where the crowd was gathered. They stopped when their eyes fell upon Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten. Everypony could hear low vicious rumbling growls coming from the carnivores, and knew whatever judgement the Princesses had planned would be good.

Luna asked the dinosaurs "alright boys, are you guys ready for this?" Each of them nodded their heads and went back to bearing down on Scootaloo's DNA doners.

"I'm going to make an example out of you abusers the likes of which Equestria has never seen before," Celestia declared to the pegasi. "But before I do, is there anything you want to say to them before they receive their punishment Scootaloo?"

The orange filly stepped forward out of Rainbow's hold and spoke very clearly to her soon to be former parents.

"You two have done nothing but ridicule me, treat me like trash, and even tried to kill me and Rainbow Dash. My saviors have wanted to do this ever since they overheard you two yelling at me. Both of you deserve everything that's about to happen."

As Scootaloo walked away, her parents spat out hateful words.

"You'll never be rid of us, we will get you."

"No punishment these wimpy ponies can pass down will ever stop us."

"THAT'S WHERE YOU TWO ARE DEAD WRONG!!" Luna bellowed in the traditional Canterlot voice.

Celestia and Luna took turns announcing the punishment both pegasi were being dealt. "Sheer Cold, Spoiled Rotten, this is the judgement you two are going to receive. The dinosaurs are going to bite you, smash you into the dirt and torment you until we decide that they've done enough."

Luna spoke up and said "when they have dealt their torment, the elements will make you two into a pair of mauled statues for the garden. But there is one catch to this judgement."

"That's right Luna, right before you two become stone, the dinosaurs will deal one painful bite on your skulls. Leaving you both in severe agony and suffering."

"When you two become statues, the pain from their attacks will be preserved with you. You both will be trapped with traumatizing pain eating away at your brains until your minds die from the mental torment. You filthy animals will be dead long before you ever get set free from this punishment!"

The confident looks had all but dropped from Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten's faces. They had never thought the Princesses would have the nerve to pass down such a harsh and sever punishment. It was cruel and satisfying, a perfect way to die.

"Alright everypony, give our guardians room so they can unleash their rage." The ponies heeded Luna's words and moved aside so the dinosaurs had a straight shot at the worthless pegasi. She and Celestia took flight, but she had some last words for the DNA doners. "I told you fools that this would happen, now you're about to feel the rage of the guardians."

Before the torment began, Rainbow Dash suddenly thought of a way to make this punishment more gratifying for everypony.

"Hey Vinyl," Rainbow Dash called out to the DJ pony in the crowd.

"What is it Rainbow Dash?"

"Can you dish out a wicked beat that the girls and I can sing to those scum while our saviors unleash their justice?

"Absolutely." The DJ pony disappeared into the crowd for a minute and returned with her sound system.

She started playing a rather creepy tune as everypony awaited the show that was about to commence. The tune coming from the sound system was rather eerie, not what everypony had expected from the pop pony. It sounded so different from her usual style, but then it picked up in intensity.

Celestia called out to the dinosaurs as the music began to get good. "Guardians of Equestria, unleash your rage and vengeance on these useless rats!"

The dinosaurs roared and began running towards Scootaloo's DNA doners. Pure rage and ferocity boiling in their eyes. They had wanted this for months, and now the moment was finally theirs. They could hear the Mane Six singing a truly appropriate song for the DNA doners. Both pegasi were truly scared for once, not a shred of confidence could be seen on their faces.

"Now you idiots will pay for all the pain you've caused!!" Luna called out as the dinosaurs closed in on their victims.

T-Rex and Indominus clamped their teeth down on Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten's stomachs. They yanked the pegasi away from the ground and started shaking them in their jaws like chew toys. Blood was flying everywhere, then the dinosaurs threw both pegasi towards the ground. Their bodies bounced along the ground as they skidded to a stop. They tried to fly away, but where stopped when sets of sharp teeth began digging into their skin.

The raptors had lunged at the pegasi and were slashing, biting and going crazy. Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten struggled to hold them off, but it was all a diversion. Immense pain went through their bodies as they felt huge teeth on their wings. The Mane Six sang the chorus together as T-Rex and Indominus slowly tore the wings away from Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten.

Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten screamed out as they looked at the bloody stubs that used to be their wings. Blue and Delta clamped down on their necks and tossed them towards the rexes. T-Rex clamped down on Sheer Cold's back legs and began to slam him into the ground. Indominus seized Spoiled Rotten in his claws and smashed her body into the ground. Everypony cheered in delight as the rexes hammered the cruel pegasi into the ground with fierce intensity.

It was so gratifying to see Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten get what they deserved after years of neglecting Scootaloo. Their pitiful screams could be heard by everypony in the area. The CMC joined in on the chorus as T-Rex and Indominus crunched down on the pegasi in their jaws. Sending their blood all over the place like an out of control sprinkler. The sight of her former parents being chomped into bleeding shells of their former selves brought a great deal of justified satisfaction to Scootaloo. She had been at their mercy for too long, and now her saviors were dishing out the vengeance that had been looming over Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten's heads.

T-Rex and Indominus threw the bleeding bodies in the direction of the Mane Six. They came to a bloody stop in front of the six ponies who were looking at them with scorn. Their bodies and bones too thrashed and broken to move them an inch.

"Who's the chicken now?" Rainbow said after looking at the bleeding bony stubs.

For once neither pegasi had a witty comeback. There were so many puncture wounds and marks leaking blood it was a wonder that neither pony had died yet. They could hear the dinosaurs running over, ready to end it. Then the Mane Six heard something that shocked them all.

"Please...help us Scootaloo," everypony was shocked at what they had heard, especially Scootaloo. Not only were they begging for help, but they had called her by her actual name. For a moment, Scootaloo was taken aback. "Please daughter, don't let them kill us."

They might have been trying to fool everypony, but Rainbow could see behind those false pleas. She could hear the silent evil laughs behind the begs for forgiveness. The dinosaurs had even stopped after hearing the pegasi grovel and plead. Everypony watched as they wondered what Scootaloo would do. Rainbow trusted that her better judgement would win this time.

Scootaloo seemed to be having a great inner struggle, it seemed part of her wanted to believe that her parents could change. But after all they had done, she didn't truly believe they could change so easily. She felt a hoof on her shoulder and looked to see Rainbow Dash standing beside her. That's when Scootaloo knew what to do after seeing her surrogate sister by her side. Then everypony watched as Rainbow and Scootaloo walked up to the crippled shells that used to be ponies and sang together.

"You two have done nothing but harass and neglect me all this time. You've tried to kill my sister, you've had a monster try to kill my saviors. After all the pain you've brought on me, you expect me to come to your rescue and bail you out of your punishment? Oh you ponies have had this coming for a long time, and now you'll get what you deserve."

"She's no longer part of YOUR family. Scootaloo is my little sister now, and I will take better care of her than you two ever could. In short, neither of you have a purpose for being here anymore. So enjoy your everlasting torment!" Rainbow bellowed at the defeated DNA doners.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo punched Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten in the face and sent them back towards the dinosaurs. The Mane Six lit up their elements and their eyes turned white as the pegasi aimed for the carnivores. As the rainbow came forth, Tyrannosaurus and Indominus crunched down on the DNA doners' heads. The pegasi screamed in agony as blood flowed out of holes in their heads. The carnivores tossed them towards the rainbow as it headed in their direction.

Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten's screams continued as the rainbow enveloped their bodies. The stone worked it's way up their bodies and started to freeze the looks of pain and horror on their faces. Their cries went dead silent as the stone covered their mouths, then they fell to the ground. The once cocky pegasi had become scared and broken statues that would never be free again. The marks had all been preserved perfectly, even the puncture holes in the head caused by Tyrannosaurus and Indominus.

"It's over Scootaloo, they're gone for good," Rainbow said as she went alongside Scootaloo.

"I'm glad Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo replied as she snuggled against her sister's fur.

The Crusaders walked over with the rest of the Mane Six and hugged Scootaloo. The filly found herself getting swarmed with so much love and affection. Even the dinosaurs came over and nuzzled the little filly.

"Your nightmare is finally over Scootaloo. May you, your friends and saviors have a wonderful time together. We look forward to hearing about all your adventures at the Grand Galloping Gala. Now let's get these statues to the garden, so that other parents can reconsider how to raise their foals."

The Princesses had the guards load the trapped DNA doners into their carriage. The statues were taken away and headed for the Canterlot Garden. Everypony rejoiced as the threat of Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten had been silenced forever.

"Now darlings, how about we get that awful taste out of your mouths? Biting those rancid ponies must've been horrible."

"Yeah, let's head on over to mah farm for some more fritters."

Rarity and Applejack guided the dinosaurs to the barn to clean the horrid taste of Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten's blood.

Over in the Canterlot Gardens, the bloodied statues were sitting in a spot for only ponies that had the stomach for the sight. Luna and Celestia had put together a silver plaque underneath the statues, and one crystal clear sentence.

"Any That Dare To Harm Or Neglect Their Foals Shall Feel The Wrath Of The Guardians."

Within the statues, Scootaloo's DNA doners continued to scream in agony. The sheer pain from the dinosaurs' bites had indeed been preserved with them. The pain was constantly gnawing away at their brains, driving the ponies to the brink of madness. Luna had put a special nightmare on the pegasi, where the dinosaurs were killing them, and they could feel every ounce of pain. The dinosaurs would finish the tormenting agony by crushing Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten's heads in their jaws.

The pegasi felt all the pain and agony, and every time it ended it just started again. Scootaloo's DNA doners would continue to suffer through all the torment until the day when the pain would kill their minds and leave their bodies as lifeless shells. Never again would they walk Equestria or cause Scootaloo any harm.

Author's Note:

At last, Scootaloo's DNA doners are gone. I think this fate is far worse than being killed on the spot. They will suffer from eternal torment until their brains die from the shock and agony. DO you guys like their fate, or do you think it should've been more gruesome? Give your thoughts as the story continues, without the pain and suffering.