• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,272 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

  • ...

Struggle With Death

With Rainbow and Scootaloo in hot pursuit after Black Death, the Princesses were left with a predicament. They wouldn't be able to get back to Ponyville in time to warn the citizens of Black Death's approach. The hope of all those ponies rested in the claws of the dinosaurs, but getting them to Ponyville would be a bit of a problem. Twilight was the only one that knew the transportation spell, and her magic had been drained during the attacks against Black Death.

"What are we gonna do y'all? That monster is gettin' close to Ponyville, and Ah'm not sure if Rainbow and Scootaloo can fend him off on their own."

"We have to get the dinosaurs to Ponyville, Twilight do you think you can do it?" Celestia was just as worried for the citizens as everypony else.

"I can't Celestia," Twilight said with regret. "The fight with Black Death drained me of my magic. Besides, I don't think I could move so many of us at once. With the dinosaurs' size, it would take that much more concentration and power to transport them all at the same time. I'm afraid that such a task is even beyond my abilities."

"Maybe not Twilight," Luna spoke up with confidence. "They just might be able to help make the task possible."

"What do you mean Luna?"

"They gave their power to Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash and it made them stronger. If they can lend you some of their power, it might make you strong enough to pull off the spell."

The idea would make it possible, and it would definitely get everypony to Ponyville in time.

"It's worth a try, let's see if they can do it again."

Luna called the transformed dinosaurs over to them. The six carnivores gathered around the ponies, watching them in anticipation. Since Luna was the only other pony they had met, she spoke to them.

"Boys, I have a request for you guys. I need all of you to lend a portion of your power to Twilight. She's the only one that can get you guys to Ponyville before that monster does. It will also allow you guys to help Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. They're going to need your help to stop that dragon."

The dinosaurs looked amongst themselves and were having a debate with their growls. They were communicating their opinions amongst themselves, while the ponies had to wait for them to come to a decision. When the growls ceased, all six dinosaurs looked down at Luna. One by one they nodded their heads in agreement that they would lend Twilight part of their power.

"Splendid! Alright Twilight, let's get started."

The alicorn princess stood in the center of the circle the dinosaurs had formed. The other ponies gave her room for what was going to happen. Twilight was intimidated by the size of the dinosaurs, but remained calm after seeing their warm display towards Rainbow and Scootaloo. The dinosaurs knelt down and brought their heads close to Twilight. Twilight watched in awe as the red energy began to flow out of their mouths.

Each dinosaur put out the same amount of energy and closed their mouths when they felt it was enough. Twilight had a huge cloud of the red ghastly energy circulating above her head. The power seemed a little intimidating from her perspective, she jumped slightly as the power worked its way towards her. However, instead of going inside her body, the power went straight to her horn.

Twilight felt herself being overwhelmed by the amount of power the dinosaurs had given her. A bright red light began glowing around her body, and her mane was flowing like Celestia and Luna's. Her eyes even had the same red glow that was surrounding her. Everypony was stunned by what had happened to Twilight, She hadn't transformed, yet she looked different with all the energy around her body.

"How do you feel Twilight," Celestia asked out of concern for her fellow princess.

"The power...from these guys...is almost overwhelming," Twilight found it hard to move with so much power surging through her. "This is definitely enough to get all of us back to Ponyville."

Everypony got close to her as she prepared the spell. Before they left, Luna noticed something that she had forgotten about until now.

"Guards, grab those pathetic excuses for ponies. They have much to answer for when this fight ends."

Two of the pegasus guards flew over and picked up Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten. Those horrid ponies were not about to get left behind after all the mayhem they had started. With Scootaloo's DNA doners in custody, the ponies were ready to depart.

Twilight began charging up her horn with her newly acquired power. The magic on her horn shined brighter than ever before. The magic began to form around them, ready to teleport them to their destination. The dinosaurs huddled closer as the magic surrounded their bodies. Then in one flash, the dinosaurs, Princesses and the rest of the Mane six were gone.

The edge of Equestria was barren once again, only now it bore all the marks and signs of the battle that had taken place. The only creatures left in the area were the three remaining dragons that had escaped Black Death's clutches. They had been flying so none of the ponies noticed them before they left.

"What do you guys think we should do now?" The white dragon asked his brothers. "Should we leave and return home now that Black Death has no more use for us?"

"Oh we're not useless yet," the dark blue dragon said. "He'll just hunt us down for more power after he's finished killing those ponies and defenders. With his power the way it is now, he'll no doubt have the destruction he wanted from the start."

The green dragon slapped the others across the face.

"Get a grip you two! Did it ever occur to either of you why he went and ate one of our own?" Both dragons shook their heads, the green dragon continued once he had an answer."It's because he couldn't beat those guardians on his own! He did it because he was losing the fight and couldn't overpower them."

The other dragons were so stunned it had never occurred to them. Black Death had been losing the fight ever since the dinosaurs had appeared on the scene. The only reason he had killed them first was because he used his tricks to separate them so it was easier to fight them. Together they had overpowered him and had made the great dragon look like a fool.

"We need to follow those ponies, find out where the battle is going to end. Once we get there, then we can decide if we want to back out or maybe give those 'defenders' a helping hand."

The dragons picked up on Black Death's scent and flew off in the same direction he had gone. Unaware of the part they would play in the final confrontation that was to come.

Black Death had covered a lot of ground with his newly acquired powers. He could see Ponyville in the distance as the forests gave way to plains.

"Time to begin the massacre." Black Death stopped above the fields that lead to Ponyville.

He bellowed an enormous roar that got everypony's attention. All the ponies left their homes and were horrified by the sight of aura enveloped dragon shouting at them from above.


The ponies shuddered from the volume of the dragon's demonic voice. Black Death started gathering flame within his mouth. Everypony below thought it was pointless to try and run. From the altitude he was at, Black Death's flame would have enough spread to engulf Ponyville in one blast. He was almost ready to fire when a voice got his attention.

"You are not going to destroy our home, monster!"

Black Death turned his head in time to see Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo heading right for him. They were moving so fast that they dealt a supersonic punch to the dragon's face. The high speed attack broke the dragon's concentration and extinguished his fire. Black Death fell from the sky and the two sisters dove after him, delivering punches the whole way. When they got close enough to the ground Rainbow and Scootaloo unleashed a blast of power at the dragon's gut.

Black Death went screaming towards the ground, and his collision caused a tower of dust to erupt from the impact. Rainbow and Scootaloo put themselves between the dragon and Ponyville as they waited for him to rise. They could hear a slow evil laugh from the rising dust, then the black aura started going out in waves. Then they saw Black Death rise on his feet with his wings flared and the aura sending out shock waves from his body.

Even with their increased size and power, Rainbow and Scootaloo still felt frightened by the immense size of the monster in front of them. Black Death towered over the brave pegasi standing before him.

"You two realize that this is where you will die, right? No matter what you try to do to me, my new power will allow me to overcome anything you ponies can throw at me. Without the support of your precious saviors, neither of you can stop me. You two shall perish along with your little home."

"That's where you're wrong, we've held our own against you before. Now thanks to our saviors we can fight you like never before. We will defend our home to the bitter end." Rainbow spoke with fierce determination, something Scootaloo hadn't seen since Rainbow spoke about joining the Wonderbolts.

The two siblings charged towards the deadly dragon with their auras charging around their bodies. Black Death bounded towards them at a rate faster than before. He started throwing punches like wild, trying to nail the ponies. Rainbow and Scootaloo dodged each blow and struck back with their own. The power T-Rex and Indominus had given them was enabling them to harm Black Death despite his power.

The pegasi were going to make their saviors proud no matter what. Their blows kept Black Death from advancing towards Ponyville. The fierce dragon couldn't get close with how much effort the pegasi were putting into the fight. Then Black Death turned his body to the side to dodge their blows and grabbed Scootaloo in his tail. Next he grabbed Rainbow Dash in his claws and pinned her to the ground.

The pegasi tried to fire their blasts, but Black Death tightened his grip on them. The pain from the constriction prevented either of them from firing at the dragon.

"Now to make you two feel completely helpless and worthless. Say goodbye to your home!!"

Black Death blew a huge torrent of black flame towards Ponyville. The siblings struggled desperately to get free and stop the attack, but their efforts were in vain. Black Death had them in a bind, and all they could do was watch the deadly flame close in on their home. All the ponies looked on in terror at the torrent of death that was aiming for them. They turned away and awaited the pain from the fire.

Fortunately helped arrived just in time, the ponies saw a glowing magic appear right in front of Ponyville. They all heard thunderous roars from within the magic, followed by six blasts that cut through the dragon's flame. Black Death didn't notice the blasts until it was too late. They overwhelmed his fire and blasted him with enough force to free his grip on Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. The monster was sent careening away until he was caught in the explosion from the blasts.

Rainbow and Scootaloo looked over at the magic to see where the blasts had come from. They were delighted when they saw familiar giant forms inside the magic as it began to fade. Both ponies ran over when they saw T-Rex, Indominus, the raptors and their friends emerge when the magic faded. Scootaloo went and hugged Tyrannosaurus, while Rainbow hugged Indominus. Both dinosaurs were glad that they had arrived in time.

"You boys are something else, always showing up right when we need you," Rainbow said after she had hugged Indominus.

"How did you all manage to get here in time?" Scootaloo asked.

"Actually Scootaloo, it was a team effort," Luna said. Both Rainbow and Scootaloo looked down at the Princesses. "Twilight used the spell that got us here, but the dinosaurs lent her the power needed to make it happen. These boys are definitely more loyal than I thought."

Suddenly all of them heard a nasty roar in the distance. Black Death had recovered from the explosion and was on his way back. They could hear the rumbling of his clawed feet running on the ground.

"Everypony, it's time you guys got to a safe distance. This fight is going to be a rough one, and one to remember. And don't worry, we have no intention of losing this battle. We're going to wipe that dragon from existence so that everypony will never have to fear him again." The determination in Rainbow's voice was enough for the Princesses to give them their vote of confidence.

"You got it Rainbow Dash. Guards, take those two scoundrels back to the Canterlot dungeon, and make sure they have twenty four hour surveillance. I don't want to find out that they've escaped again!"

"Yes Princess Celestia," said the guards that were carrying Scootaloo's DNA doners. Those two guards took off towards Canterlot with Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten in tow.

Everypony else took off towards a cliff that overlooked the whole battlefield. Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and the CMC got a lift from the pegasus guards to the cliff. With their friends out of the battle zone, the warriors and honorary siblings could finally finish their bout with the psychotic dragon.

The ponies had just touched down on the cliff when they received some unexpected company. The other dragons had arrived just before the battle had started. Twilight and the Princesses were fuming that the dragons had come back, after all that they had done alongside Black Death.

Twilight yelled at the three dragons. "What are you animals doing here?" The green dragon spoke slowly to her.

"We came because we wanted to see how these guardians of yours will fare against that monster." The calm response caught Twilight by surprise.

"You mean you didn't come here to help Black Death?"

"That monster made us fight your guardians against our will. We could never stay loyal to a monster that can control our minds and make us into puppets. After seeing how your guardians drove him to desperate measures, we think they have the power to kill him."

"Well, we're about to find out," Cadence said.

"Please come out of this alive Rainbow Dash," Twilight thought to herself.

Back on the battlefield, the warriors could see Black Death in the distance. The dragon's glowing eyes bore a deranged look that screamed "I'll kill you."

"Alright everyone, this is where we make our stand. We will fight this monster as a family, and we'll kill him as a family. Let's give Ponyville a fight they'll remember for decades."

The eight warriors stood alongside each other and began to build up their power. When Black Death got close enough, all eight of them roared in unison. The red auras covered their bodies and the blue lightning surged everywhere from the combined powers. They charged ahead, ready to meet Black Death head-on and to make him pay for all that he had done. The final battle was at last underway.

Black Death saw the glowing red warriors heading his way and continued to charge forward. Tyrannosaurus went ahead of the others and met the beast with a head-on collision. The force of the impact drove him and Black Death back in opposite directions. T-Rex's tough skull allowed him to absorb the blow, but Black Death was a little rattled by the collision. Tyrannosaurus charged again alongside the others and they began slashing and pounding the dragon.

Rainbow and Scootaloo smashed and punched away at Black Death's face. The raptors tore away at his massive wings, being bigger allowed them to do much more damage to him. Tyrannosaurus clamped down on the neck and tore away flesh to bleed the dragon dry. Indominus focused on punching and slashing at the dragon's hide. Carving up Black Death's body and trying to break his limbs so he would become crippled. Black Death lashed out in anger at the warriors, but they had learned from fighting him so many times.

With every blow the warriors landed, long streaks of blue lightning arched across the landscape in all directions. The citizens of Ponyville were frozen in shock at the incredible amounts of power being shown. They could see torrents of fire being shot in vain from Black Death in frustration. They all pinned their hopes on Rainbow, Scootaloo and the dinosaurs, wanting them to be the ones that came out on top.

Black Death tried his hand at landing blows, but the dinosaurs and pegasi were able to block all his moves. They had seen how he fought after battling the dragon for so long, now they had an edge of their own. The dragon might have been powerful, but all that power wouldn't get him anywhere if he couldn't touch his opponents. The warriors were getting the better of the great dragon death machine and he was once again, losing his temper.

The monster lashed out with his claws and tail, but the attacks left him vulnerable to a double uppercut from Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. The attack exposed his chest and Indominus got in a clean blow right in the dead center. Black Death felt the air being forced out of his lungs as he was pushed back from the punch. His frustration overcame the pain and he went running back at Indominus. The two creatures locked claws and were in another power struggle.

Their auras collided with each other and sent shock waves in all directions while breaking apart the ground beneath them. All the power ups they had gained made them an even match this time. Unfortunately for Black Death, the others weren't sitting out this time. The raptors got on both sides and were tearing away at his unguarded hide. Black Death tried to swat them away with his tail, but felt something heavy hold it in place.

Tyrannosaurus had one foot on the tail to keep it from attacking the raptors. Now Black Death was in a struggle where he was unable to defend himself. He applied his healing magic to the areas where the raptors were attacking, but those dinosaurs were more swift with their attacks. Their speed was able to match the healing rate of the dragon's body. This time Black Death was trapped, and had no way of freeing himself.

Rainbow and Scootaloo came running in towards the power struggle. Black Death noticed that Indominus had a sly grin on his face, and realized he had been tricked.


Tyrannosaurus and the raptors scattered as Rainbow and Scootaloo got alongside Indominus. All three of them opened their maws and blasted the dragon right in the face. The dragon's body was enveloped as the red energy carried him away. He got blasted in the direction of the mountains. Within the blasts, Black Death was struggling to gather his power. He roared in fierce anger and his destructive aura blew away the blasts. He was in the same spot where he had faced off against Celestia and Luna all those years ago.

Black Death was angrier than he had ever been before, his aura was arching in jagged directions and surging out of control. He glared at the eight warriors and had one final idea, an idea that would force them to take his power head on.

"I've had enough of this childish game, I'm going to put an end to all of this! This will leave you fools with no choice but to face the full wrath of power!" The monster stood on his hind legs, flared his wings and put his front hands together.

Everypony could feel a tremendous amount of power forming in the center of Black Death's hands. Even the other dragons feared the deadly power that Black Death was bringing forth. Celestia's eyes shrunk to the size of push pins as she realized what Black Death had in mind.

"Oh no, he's going for broke!"

"What's that mean Celestia?"

"It means that monster is going to put his power into a blast that they'll have no choice but to face. If they dodge it, the attack will destroy Ponyville and everything beyond it!"

Luna called out to the warrior using the Royal Canterlot voice.


"That's right warriors, everything will be decided on this last attack! This grand battle will be over with one final struggle." As Black Death began to focus his energy, the aura around him surged with it's own lightning. "Ponies and dinosaurs, this is it, the fight will end here! First I'll destroy all of you, then your worthless friends and then this pitiful world, but before I do I want you all to remember something. I WILL LIVE FOREVER!!!"

The sky darkened from the magnitude of power that was forming in Black Death's claws. Gale force winds were shooting from every direction, threatening to tear apart the homes in Ponyville. Waves of dust were being sent everywhere from the dragon's evil energy. In the center of his claws was a glowing sphere of pure dark energy. Dark flames were surrounding the sphere and making it grow more intense.

"Just so all of you are aware, this blast is from the depths of my power. It is unlike any attack you eight have faced during this fight. It is guaranteed to kill all of you on the spot!"

Scootaloo was getting frightened from seeing the sphere of dark power in Black Death's claws. Despite the power her saviors had given her, the evil coming from the sphere made her doubt her own strength. To top it off, doubt was beginning to plague her mind and make her feel weak against Black Death's power.

"That's too much power, we can't stop something that intense. We'll be goners for sure if we try and stop a blast of that caliber."

"You've got to be kidding, giving up already!? That's nothing like the Scootaloo I've come to know and love." Scootaloo turned towards Rainbow Dash after hearing her sister speak not in fear, but confidence.

"But Rainbow Dash, that dragon's putting his true power into that attack. How are we supposed to stop something like that?"

"We've faced impossible odds before Scootaloo, and now we have the power to beat this monster. We just have to give him the biggest combined blast we've got. I'm sure it'll work."

"Rainbow, he shrugged off a combined blast from you, me and Indominus. What makes you think that all of us can do the job?"

Black Death was watching the siblings have their discussion. He decided to let them talk, since it was going to be the last time they spoke to each other alive.

"You have to trust yourself and not let fear enter your mind Scootaloo. It may seem like his power might be more than we can handle, but that's your own doubt making you think your abilities aren't enough. Just don't listen to it, alright?" Hearing Rainbow's calm voice helped Scootaloo clear her mind.

"Thanks Rainbow Dash. I know we can do this."

"Hey, don't forget that it's because of your saviors that we can fight back in the first place. It's their gift for us bringing them back to life." Scootaloo turned and saw the dinosaurs gathering alongside her. Tyrannosaurus, Blue and Charlie stood alongside her, while Indominus, Echo and Delta stood alongside Rainbow Dash. "Make everypony proud Scootaloo, and wipe that beast off the face of Equestria."

"I will."

The eight warriors brought forth their red auras and it caused a surprised reaction from everypony, including Black Death. The family of a lifetime was ready to end Black Death's life. They bared their teeth and began gathering energy within their mouths. The dragon grinned an evil smile.

"Yes that's the way. Make this final struggle that much more exciting!"

Both sides continued to gather power for the final attack. The future of Equestria rested on this last struggle, if the dinosaurs lost, Equestria would burn and all life would cease to exist. If they won, they would be the guardians that Equestria had needed for so long. Everypony in Ponyville gathered to watch the final struggle that would decide everything. Black Death felt the sphere in his hands expand and glow. that's when he knew it was finished.

"NOW. YOU. DIE!!!!"

The dragon unleashed the power held in his hands in the form of an enormous black blast. The warriors responded by unleashing all of their blasts. The eight red blasts combined together as they headed towards the dragon's blast. Both blasts charged forward, each one packed with power and determination. The two enormous blasts collided with each other, and the struggle was underway.

The dinosaurs and pegasi were trying their best to maintain the energy they were putting out. None of them had ever been in a struggle so intense. Each one of them was struggling to keep up the fight against Black Death. The dragon wasn't having as much trouble, his body was meant to handle such a fight. He could easily keep up the amount of energy he was putting out.

Both beams expanded to massive proportions, sending up mountains of dust and shredding the ground around them. Thousands of shock waves were erupting from the center of the conflict, shaking Equestria to its core. The blasts dwarfed most of the mountains that surrounded the great struggle. From their cliff side perch, the Princesses and ponies watched with dread as the blasts continued to destroy everything around them.

"They're gonna change the shape of the whole world," Celestia said in shock while watching the intense battle unfold.

"This must be hard for all of you, a fight of this degree is something none of you have encountered before! I'm sure this makes your bodies BURN!!" Black Death put more of his power into the blast, and his dark power began to overtake the red blast.

"Oh no," Twilight cried out. "They're losing the fight, they're being overtaken."

Scootaloo could feel her body shaking in agony from the strain of trying to maintain the fight. The energy Black Death had put into the blast was causing her body to falter. While Rainbow and the dinosaurs tried to hold back the blast, Scootaloo found herself being overwhelmed. She was too young and unskilled to handle such a fierce fight. Rainbow saw what was happening, and found she could set up a mind link with Scootaloo, courtesy of the dinosaurs.

"What's the matter Scootaloo? You have the power to stop this dragon, just bring it out." Inside Rainbow's mind she heard Scootaloo's weak response.

"I can't do this Rainbow Dash, it's too much for me to handle. I'm just a weak pegasus. I shouldn't even be here, I should've let those scoundrels beat me." Rainbow had heard this talk before and immediately knew what to say.

"Will you stop attacking yourself? I know those rats have fed you so many lies over the years, and you might believe that you're not worth it. But I'm telling you that you are worth it. You've made me more proud than I can even begin to imagine. Plus you helped bring you saviors back from the dead, that alone proves your worth in this world. You've proven them wrong before Scootaloo, and you're going to do it again, RIGHT NOW!"

Black Death's blast had overtaken all put a small portion of the red blast. The dinosaurs didn't know how to put more power into their attack, but what happened next gave them the motivation to do so.

"Show him your strength Scootaloo. SHOW HIM NOW!!" Upon hearing Rainbow's encouragement, Scootaloo poured more of her energy into the blast.

The dinosaurs saw Scootaloo fighting back, and their determination kicked in. All of them and Rainbow Dash followed suite and began piling more of their power into the blast. Their united effort overtook Black Death's blast and starting getting their blast closer to the dragon himself. Black Death however, wasn't fazed much by the increased power.

"You fools! Don't you all realize that you're fighting the ultimate weapon?"

Black Death countered by pouring more of his power back into the blast. He wasn't about to let them win this time. He was going to obliterate the warriors so that they would become nothing more than a memory. His blast began overcoming the warriors' power once more, but they refused to give up. In the face of overwhelming odds, they continued to hold their ground and tried to stave off the blast.

From the cliff side, the ponies found it hard to just watch their friends and the dinosaurs struggling. Twilight had her eyes glued on the battlefield, then everypony heard her speak up and do something crazy.

"Hold on Rainbow Dash, I'm coming to help you guys!" Twilight flared her wings and took off towards the battlefield. Her friends tried to stop her, but she was too far gone.

"Ah can't believe she's gonna go through with this," Applejack said astonished.

The Princesses and dragons watched Twilight fly towards Black Death, they knew what she was thinking and it was outright suicide.

Twilight went speeding around the conflicting blasts and went towards Black Death. She began lighting up her horn as she got closer. When she got behind him, she bellowed out at the dragon death machine.

"TAKE THIS YOU ANIMAL!!" Twilight fired a blast from her horn at Black Death.

The blast blew up on contact with the dragon's face, but it didn't scratch him. He angrily looked over at Twilight and then angled his wings. The black aura from his body arched off the wings and enveloped Twilight. The alicorn was sent out of the sky and crashed into the ground in a crippled heap.

Rainbow saw what happened and angrily forced more power into the blast. The dinosaurs could feel Rainbow's anger and brought out more of their power. The strength from them was enough to make the blasts equal again. Scootaloo hadn't given more power, because she still couldn't find the drive. She needed to be more determined to bring out more of her strength. From the cliff, the ponies watched hopelessly as Twilight struggled back onto her hooves and prepared another blast.

"Where the hay did Twilight's brain go? Ta think she could save Rainbow and the others by herself?"

""She didn't think she could, but she tried to anyway." Everypony turned towards Cadence after hearing her speak up. She was lighting up her horn and had her wings flared.

"Princess Cadence, don't tell me you're thinking of going out there and fighting that monster too?" asked Rarity after realizing what the Princess had in mind.

"Sorry Rarity, but I can't just sit by while my sister-in law goes up against an age old monster by herself."

"I agree," Celestia said as she stood by Cadence. "I can't let my student face such a threat alone. It's time for us to play our part and help out the guardians with our power. Anypony that wants to help out, the guards will fly you over to the battlefield."

Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack and their sisters all volunteered to join in the fight. Five of the guards gave them a lift alongside Cadence and Celestia as they made their way towards the fight. The unicorn guards all got a lift over from the pegasus guards. Luna stayed behind, she had a special task to carry out. She walked over to Fluttershy who was petrified from watching the battle.

"Fluttershy, I have a special request that I need your help with."

"What do you need my help with Princess Luna? I can't possibly help them out there."

"You're wrong Fluttershy, there is one way you can help." Luna gestured over to the three dragons that were also watching the fight. The pegasus shrunk in fear as she worried what Luna had in mind.

"What do you want me to do that involves those dragons?"

"I want you to convince them to help out the dinosaurs and turn against Black Death."

"But I can't-"

"Yes you can! I know you have the courage to face those dragons Fluttershy. You've stood up to one before and you made him cry and cower. I'll be right beside you to give my own voice and support, but it'll help turn the tide of this struggle if we have the dragons put their faith in the dinosaurs."

Fluttershy was still worried, but if it meant she could help out Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, then she would do it.

"Alright Princess Luna, I'll do it."

Both ponies made their way over to the dragons to try their hoof at persuading them.

Meanwhile, the struggle continued to wage back and forth with neither side giving in. Black Death was putting out even more power. He was gaining the advantage over the warriors, who were trying hard to not be overcome by the beast. Rainbow's efforts were divided between urging Scootaloo on and maintaining her energy.

"These are your last minutes warriors, so try to make them count!"

Twilight fired another energy beam at Black Death's back, trying her best to distract the dragon. Black Death was only annoyed by the blast, he thought it was nothing more than a pathetic attempt. Then he noticed the other ponies gathering around Twilight, the Princess had gotten her reinforcements.


Celestia, Cadence and the unicorns fired hundreds of energy beams at Black Death. Rarity and Sweetie Belle joined them with their own energy beams. Applejack and AppleBloom kicked rocks and boulders at the dragon. Pinkie Pie pulled out two party cannons and began firing round after round of pound cakes. The warriors could see the ponies attacking Black Death from where they were and Scootaloo got concerned. Rainbow sent a reminder to her mind to stay focused on the battle and to not worry about their friends.

Black Death could feel every attack being thrown at him. All the energy blasts, rocks and pound cakes were forcing him to look back.

The dragon yelled out at his attackers "would you meddlesome ponies stop interfering?"

Back on the cliff, the dragons were watching the ponies efforts while Luna and Fluttershy tried to convince them to help.

"Could...this actually work?" The green dragon was starting to hope that maybe the dinosaurs were worth helping out.

"See, that's what combined effort can do. Our efforts aren't in vain if we combine our strengths to distract that dragon." Luna was trying her best to convince all the dragons.

"Oh really? Well, it looks like your efforts are about to be pushed back," the white dragon said so pathetically.

Luna and Fluttershy looked out as Black Death retaliated against all the attacks.

"You're all so anxious to die aren't you? Well all you had to do was ASK!!"

Black Death's power erupted from his body and the shock waves sent all the ponies in different directions.

Scootaloo saw her friends go flying and it brought fire into her heart. "He hurt them, HE HURT THEM!" Furious Scootaloo roared out at Black Death and put a great deal of energy into the blast. Her energy alone pushed back the dragon's fire, and caused Rainbow and the dinosaurs to follow up.

The dragon felt himself being pushed back and immediately countered with more power. All the ponies struggled back to their hooves as the fight started to reach its climax.

"No Scootaloo we're not gonna let you die out there. Cause girl you were one of the main reasons why we became friends," Sweetie Belle said as she and Rarity got back up.

"Yes, we're not going to give up on you either Rainbow Dash. You guys can best this monster, and we'll continue fighting until our last breath," Twilight called out as she struggled to get back up.

"You see, no matter how hard you ponies try, none of you will be able to get the upper hoof on Black Death."

"Then how about you dragons lend us a hoof and help stop that monster."

"What's the point?" The white dragon said feebly. "None of us could stop him, he's beyond any dragon. Besides, our attacks won't best a monster with that kind of power."

Fluttershy had become frustrated with how the dragons were talking. They had let the experience of being controlled make them feel like they weren't of any use. None of Luna's persuasive talk was getting through to them. They were talking like any effort to try and stop Black Death would be pointless. She flew in front of the dragons' faces with blistering anger in her eyes.

"Are you kidding me? You boys are supposed to be the most feared creatures in the world, and you're talking like a bunch of weaklings! You never know what you can do until you try."

The dragons had been shaken by Fluttershy's fierce words. She had definitely gotten through to the beasts, and they were contemplating whether they should help. Fluttershy said one last piece that sunk into their heads.

"If you're not going to put your faith in us, put your faith in those dinosaurs. They have fared so well against Black Death and have pushed him to such desperate measures like you said. Help them out and they will destroy that monster for good."

All three dragons thought back to the dinosaurs' previous fights with Black Death. They had gotten the upper claw on the dragon many times and had nearly killed him. The dragons finally came to a firm decision.

"Alright, we'll put our faith in those dinosaurs and help them win this fight," all three of them said together.

"Thank you," Fluttershy said softly to the dragons.

"Alright dragons, follow us."

The dragons roared and took off after Luna and Fluttershy.

Black Death looked back and found the Princesses were firing on him again. The other ponies were having difficulty getting back up from the last attack.

"Why can't you bothersome ponies just stay down!?" The dragon sent his aura back again and it sent the Princesses tumbling backwards.

However, as soon as the Princesses were down, the guards stood up along with Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and AppleBloom and resumed their attacks. Black Death continued to put more energy into his blast while trying to ignore the attacks.

"They just won't give it up. They'll just keep getting up so they can die," Black Death said to himself while focusing on the struggle.

The dragon sent his black aura back at the ponies as his blast gained the upper hand once more. The ponies refused to fall this time and continued to attack despite the backlash from Black Death's power. Twilight and the other princesses got back up and launched another volley of energy beams at the dragon. Black Death roared at the attack in a tone of sheer rage.


His aura increased in size and flowed back over all the ponies. They strained to keep up their monumental effort, but it was too much. Black Death's power overtook them and sent them all flying away, now there were no more distractions to preoccupy his attention. The evil dragon pressed more and more energy into his blast and the warriors felt themselves being shoved back. Their feet were skidding along the ground, but they stopped right at the front of Ponyville. If they fell back anymore, the blast would wipe out Ponyville and destroy so many lives.

The Princesses looked on helplessly, their magic too spent to use.

"No Rainbow Dash."

"We tried our best darling," Rarity said.

Sweetie Belle weakly said "we're all so sorry Scootaloo. We did our best to be heroes like you and Rainbow Dash but it just-"

"Just wasn't enough," AppleBloom finished.

Rainbow Dash desperately spread her mind link to the dinosaurs and voiced one final message.

"Release your power boys, release everything until we're dying on the ground. Remember all the pain he's caused, the ponies he's hurt, now make that your strength."

Black Death bellowed out to the warriors the last words they would hear, since he was about to end the struggle. "SAY GOODBYE!!!" The dragon sent more energy at the warriors, their blast on the verge of being destroyed. The dinosaurs had tried so hard, but the end seemed to be coming for them. This time they weren't going to come back, but at least they would be with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo when it happened.

Black Death was so focused on killing the warriors that he failed to notice two enormous blasts heading for him. He turned his head in time to see a giant fireball and a huge dark blast of energy collide with his body. The attacks packed enough force to throw him off balance and break his concentration. He looked into the sky and was furious at what he saw.

The other dragons, Luna and Fluttershy were in the sky. Luna and the dragons were panting deeply from the attacks they had unleashed on the monster.


With Black Death distracted, Luna and Fluttershy bellowed out across the battlefield.


Realizing this was their only chance to end the battle, Rainbow, Scootaloo and the dinosaurs roared at the top of their lungs. Enormous waves of power came surging forth from their bodies and went into their blast. The power became so overwhelming and massive that it swallowed up Black Death's blast and covered the dragon's body. The dragon looked on in shock as the warriors started walking towards him with the power flowing from their bodies.

The red energy glowing on their bodies made them look like walking demons ready to take the dragon's soul. Black Death screamed in agony as he felt his body disintegrating. He tried in vain to use his magic, but it started disintegrating with his body. As the blast enveloped him completely, Black Death screamed out his final words.

"I CAN'T DDDDDDDDDDDIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" The screaming eventually silenced as the evil dragon's body disintegrated and turned into powder.

The massive red blast arched upwards and went careening into space where it detonated in the atmosphere. The red energy spread out all over Equestria so that everypony would know that the guardians had won. The warriors roared to the heavens, signalling their triumph over Black Death. The sky went blood red for the duration of the spectacle, and then everything returned to normal.

The Princesses were airborne with the unicorn soldiers and the rest of the mane six were on the backs of the pegasus soldiers. They had managed to avoid the blast in the nick of time and couldn't believe what had happened.

"They...they did it," Celestia said in an astonished tone. "They actually killed Black Death."

"Does that mean they really are the Guardians of Equestria, Princess Celestia?"

"Yes Twilight, there's no doubt in my mind now. They have proven that they are indeed guardians."

Across the worn battlefield, the dinosaurs and siblings were exhausted but they were happy. Rainbow and Scootaloo were hugging each other in delight while T-Rex and Indominus nuzzled them. The raptors chose to watch and gave the siblings and saviors their much needed time together.. The war was over, Black Death had been killed and the dinosaurs were victorious. They had all defied the impossible and had won the battle against the most evil dragon ever born.

"Scootaloo, I'm so proud of you. I'm so glad that I'm your sister."

Author's Note:

At long last, the battle is over. Black Death is dead, Equestria is safe, the dinosaurs are still alive and with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. I tried to make the climax to this fight as epic as I could. I have wanted Black Death dead just as badly as a lot of you, now he won't be coming back. That just leaves one more problem to deal with: Scootaloo's DNA doners.