• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,272 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

  • ...

Time With Twilight

Spending time with Twilight was a little more than what the dinosaurs had expected. When they arrived at the library, Twilight had the biggest grin on her face like she had been expecting them. The young alicorn went and started taking notes and measuring every inch of their bodies. The dinosaurs found it incredibly hard to stay put while Twilight was recording every detail she found on them. Indominus was sure that Rainbow and Scootaloo would flip their manes if they saw such a horrible sight.

Blue's patience was being tested to its absolute limits. She never had anypony touching her body so much, measuring and documenting every detail on her scales. It took T-Rex and Indominus towering over her and baring their teeth for Blue to cooperate out of worry about getting set straight again. Her sisters were more cooperative and didn't need to worry about getting warnings from the rexes. Their time with Twilight would play an extremely important part in their lives with Rainbow and Scootaloo.

Twilight dove back into the library after she got the measurements, leaving the dinosaurs to wonder what she had in mind. After a few minutes Twilight returned with the measurements and a scroll.

"I know this might be a bit much, but let me explain it to you guys. Rainbow Dash has really been hoping that there is a shrinking spell that could help with spending time with all of you, especially you Indominus."

The hybrid didn't even bother trying to look away this time. After all of Fluttershy's animals had eyed him before, he was used to it.

"See I found a spell that can shrink things and ponies, but I need specific measurements for how much I'll be shrinking you boys. I needed measurements on all of you for this to work, but the raptors' measurements will be a point of reference for this experiment."

Seeing that the dinosaurs still had some puzzled looks, Twilight tried to simplify what she had already said.

"Basically, Indominus and Tyrannosaurus, I'm going to attempt to shrink you boys down to the size of the raptors so it'll be easier for you to spend time with Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo."

The dinosaurs' eyes widened and they nodded their heads in agreement, now that they understood what Twilight was trying to do. She went over and compared the measurements between the rexes and raptors, trying to determine how much magic she would need to reduce their size. After doing some calculations Twilight asked one of the rexes to step forward for the experiment. Indominus stepped forward, Twilight began lighting her horn and the experiment was underway.

Having magic flowing around his body felt so strange to Indominus. Then he felt his body shrinking and getting lower to the ground. The hybrid's body continued to shrink until he was barely taller than Blue and her sisters. It was strange for Indominus to go from being so big to so small, Tyrannosaurus was staring at him with bug eyes. He felt uneasy about being shrunk, but Twilight assured him that nothing bad would happen as she performed the spell again.

With the rexes now near the size of the raptors, Twilight led them into the library. The carnivores made themselves comfortable as Twilight flew upstairs to wake her number one assistant.

"Spike, wake up. We have company over, and I think you'll be surprised."

"Aw Twilight, isn't there a time when we don't have company over," Spike said as he dragged himself out of bed. "Besides, what makes these ponies different than-"

Spike was rendered speechless as he caught sight of the creatures sitting in the middle of the library. The dinosaurs took one look at Spike and he went scrambling back up the steps, only to be stopped by Twilight's magic.

"Now Spike don't be rude."

"T-T-Twilight, you've gone and let a bunch of wingless dragons into our home. We need to get out before they destroy everything!"

The dinosaurs let out one growl at Spike's statement. He had the nerve to call them dragons, he obviously had never seen dinosaurs before. Twilight spoke up for the dinosaurs since they couldn't talk to him.

"Spike! That's no way to talk to the Guardians of Equestria. Not after they defended Ponyville from one of the most evil dragons ever born. That awful monster we found out about in the Canterlot archives."

Spike tried remembering all the details Twilight had told him after they had found out about Black Death. The alicorn levitated the little dragon down onto the floor, but away from the dinosaurs until he knew everything.

"Oh yeah, I remember from the info you sent while you were in Canterlot."

"Yes and I also mentioned how one scroll talked about the Guardians of Equestria. Do you remember that too?"

"Uh huh."

"Well, you're looking at them Spike. These are Equestria's Guardians, they put an end to Black Death and helped save Scootaloo from her parents."

Twilight released her magic hold on Spike as he stared in shock at the dinosaurs.

"You mean they killed that monster and Scootaloo's awful parents?"

"They did kill Black Death, but Scootaloo's parents are suffering in the Canterlot garden. These dinosaurs helped us put them in a state of eternal torment."

"Whoa, that's pretty deep," Spike said as he walked over to the dinosaurs. "So you guys call yourselves dinosaurs?"

Each of the carnivores nodded their heads in acknowledgement. Twilight joined the group after seeing Spike's stunned look.

"I know, it was hard to believe the first time any of us saw it. They can understand what anypony says to them, but they can't talk back."

"Really?" Spike looked into the eyes of the dinosaurs before he spoke again. "That's a shame, it would be great if you guys could talk with us. Anyway, no hard feelings about my earlier comment?"

Indominus leaned over and held out one of his hands. Spike and the hybrid shook claws, showing there was no ill will between them. After introductions were over, Twilight began asking the dinosaurs all the questions she had for them. She only asked questions that the dinosaurs were capable of answering, ranging from how long they had cared for Scootaloo to how they felt living in Equestria. Indominus had to answer them all and Twilight decided to make it easier for him.

After seeing the hybrid's intelligence when he communicated with the raptors, Twilight was curious if Indominus could write. She guided him over to her chalkboard and showed him how to write. Then Twilight asked Indominus if he could write out an answer to one of her questions. Indominus agreed and Twilight asked a question that he hadn't quite been prepared for.

"What kind of dinosaur are you?"

The question caught Indominus off-guard, he hadn't expected to be asked something like that. He took the chalk from Twilight and thought hard about his answer. He knew that he wasn't like T-Rex or the raptors, and remembered all the conversations the two-legged creatures had about him in his old world. Indominus remembered one particular word that they used to describe him, and decided that would be his answer.

Twilight watched as Indominus began to write out his answer on the chalkboard. His penmanship wasn't exactly perfect, but Twilight could still make out what Indominus was writing. When he walked away, Twilight walked over to get a better look at what the dinosaur had written. What she saw left her bewildered, Indominus had written a single word: hybrid.

"Spike, get out the dictionary. We need to know what this word means."

"Right away Twilight."

Spike went over to the shelves and began scouring for the dictionary. Rexy, Blue and her sisters were wondering why Twilight had gotten so anxious after seeing the word Indominus wrote. After Spike found the dictionary, Twilight levitated it onto a table and began flipping through the pages. She stopped when she found the word Indominus had written.

"Hybrid- The offspring of two different animals. So you are a cross between two different types of dinosaurs?"

Indominus nodded his head and Twilight immediately asked them to follow her to her lab. After hooking Indominus up to a bunch of machines, Twilight began running all sorts of tests on him. The other carnivores could only watch perplexed as Twilight worked vigorously on the tests. When the machine gave her results, Twilight looked them over, only to drop the paper in disbelief. She looked at Indominus with a mixture of confusion and bewilderment.

"Indominus, unless my machine is broken, it says that you are made of at least ten different types of animals. Please tell me that it's not true, because this would mean that you were not born but made."

Indominus shook his head, it was all too true. Twilight felt her heart break from the response, she could only imagine the kind of pain and experimenting Indominus must've gone through in his life. She tore the reading contraptions off the dinosaur, flew up to his face and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry Indominus, you've gone through so much pain in your life. Luna did you a lot more good by bringing you guys here than I thought." She gestured for Rexy, Spike and the raptors to join them. Rexy could see that Indominus looked upset and nuzzled him in a brotherly way. The raptors rested their heads on Indominus and softly purred to him to comfort the hybrid.

"T-Rex, just out of curiosity, were you and the raptors created just like Indominus?" Twilight asked after she had landed from hugging Indominus.

The dinosaurs looked Twilight in the eyes and gave one nod, Twilight felt herself shaking. She couldn't believe that the dinosaurs had been created into existence rather than born naturally. Spike had never seen Twilight so broken up, he rushed over to comfort her.

"What's wrong Twilight?"

"Oh Spike. To think that somepony actually made these dinosaurs and intended to use them. It's just so heartbreaking."

The dinosaurs walked over to Twilight and began nuzzling her in delight. It was their way of showing they were glad she was so concerned about them. Charlie bent down and starting licking Spike's face to show her affection. It was yet another heart warming moment for the dinosaurs, they were already on good terms with Fluttershy, and now Twilight had given her support. They couldn't wait for the Gala to come around.

"Aw, you guys are so kind. I can see why Scootaloo likes you all so much, and why Rainbow seems so smitten with you, Indominus. Don't worry, the rest of us will help make the big night special for all of you, and make sure you all feel welcome in Ponyville."

The rest of the afternoon was spent getting to know more about the dinosaurs. Twilight now knew that Indominus had DNA from the raptors and Tyrannosaurus, it explained how he had been able to communicate with them. She discovered that T-Rex's tiny arms were natural, and didn't serve much purpose other than balance. The hybrid demonstrated his ability to camouflage, it amazed Twilight and it spooked Spike big time. The little dragon was sure Indominus could scare plenty of fillies on Nightmare Night with that trick.

Before the dinosaurs left to pick up Scootaloo, Spike wanted to see how big the rexes really were. When Twilight undid the spell and the dinosaur kings returned to their full size, Spike was marveled at how grand they truly were. Tyrannosaurus and Indominus nuzzled Spike while the raptors nuzzled Twilight, thanking them for such a kind day. As they watched the dinosaurs walk towards the school house, Spike had one last thing to ask.

"We're going to do our best to make Equestria their new home, aren't we Twilight?"

"Of course Spike. After everything they've been through, they deserve a better chance in a kinder world. They'll be great Guardians to our world, and caring protectors for Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. I can't wait to see the family portrait after the Gala."

Author's Note:

At last, this chapter is done. Sorry for the long wait, I've been at Everfree Northwest, and now I've been having moving issues for the past few weeks. Now I'm in the process of finding a new place to live. I'll still be able to post the chapters, but the wait might be longer than usual. Once the situation is sorted out, I'll be able to focus on the story completely.