• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,271 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Scootaloo had expected her parents to not even acknowledge her the moment she walked in the door, but nothing could've prepared her for the lecture Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten were about to hand her.

"Where the devil have you been young lady?" Sheer Cold was glaring at Scootaloo the whole time, and the stare kept her from speaking up. Spoiled Rotten was just sitting on a couch acting as if she wasn't hearing the conversation and still not caring. "You didn't even bother to show up last night, what kept you out this time?"

Scootaloo was shaking from the tone Cold was giving her, but remembering what T-Rex, Indominus and Rainbow Dash had done for her gave her the courage to finally speak up.

"I got lost in the Everfree Forest for your information," it was the first time Scootaloo had spoken against her father. The Pegasus's face twisted into a demented angry scowl, he never had anypony speak against him.

"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" Sheer Cold was bellowing at Scootaloo and he sounded more like an enraged demon than a Pegasus. "YOU ARE A CHILD, YOU DON'T SPEAK TO YOUR PARENTS IN THAT TONE!

Ordinarily, Scootaloo would've been crying from the tone her father was using, but the reminders of what her saviors and idol had said and done for her happiness helped her stay strong.

"SOME PARENTS YOU PONIES TURNED OUT TO BE," Scootaloo wasn't about to back down from this fight. She was going to win the argument, before the tension in the room reached a boiling point. "BOTH OF YOU DON'T EVEN ACT LIKE REAL PARENTS!"

Upon hearing the strong resolve in Scootaloo's voice, Sheer Cold lost the powerful temper in his own. It was becoming apparent that he wouldn't be able to break down Scootaloo for once. Whatever happened while she was in the forest, had given her more willpower and determination. But upon seeing that Sheer Cold was losing, Spoiled Rotten did something she'd never done before: join him in the argument.

"Who do you think you are runt, raising your voice at us like that!" Hearing her mom speak against her was something Scootaloo wasn't prepared for. The Pegasus that ignored her on a daily basis was speaking against her with a voice that cut through Scootaloo's heart like icicles.

"We are true pegasi, you are nothing more than a flightless chicken. You think one night in the Everfree Forest makes you better than us? Any pony could go through that forest and come out alive. You have always been inferior to us from day one, you are a child and that means you listen to us until the day you die. If you talk back like that again, we will find a way to take your precious friends away and make your life a true hell."

Spoiled Rotten had almost shattered the resolve Scootaloo had built up, the tension had reached its boiling point. Unfortunately, Scootaloo still found herself on the receiving end of all that tension despite her best efforts to win the argument. It was painful enough when her dad lectured her, but for her mom to side with him and call her truly painful names. It was almost as if Scootaloo was dealing with a grown up version of Diamond Tiara. Only Rainbow Dash's words of encouragement, along with T-Rex and Indominus's heroic actions kept her standing tall and prevented her from breaking down.

Then the atmosphere in the room took a darker turn. Both pegasi looked at each other and their faces had evil smiles spread across them. The evil looks frightened Scootaloo to her core, but she continued to remain firm.

"You see child, we've taken precautions for any situation that gets thrown our way," the calm cool tone in Sheer Cold's voice was making Scootaloo quite scared about what he meant. "Even if one of those situations involves our own child turning against us." Spoiled Rotten went over to a cupboard and pulled out some sort of remote control. Seeing the device in the Pegasus's hoof brought a jolt of fear to Scootaloo's nerves.

"What's that meant for," Scootaloo tried to keep her voice calm and collected while fear continued to gnaw away at her nerves.

"For once I'm glad you asked a worthwhile question, especially that particular question daughter," Sheer Cold answered after feeling the control of the conversation shift back into his hooves. "Do you know why nopony ever steals from us, or tries to break into our home? The two of us invested in a little 'project' that eliminates anypony we want to get rid of. This remote control is meant to summon our 'project,' and have it track down and kill anypony we desire."

Now the fear had taken hold of Scootaloo after hearing that last sentence. If they wanted, both pegasi could have whatever their project was track down and kill her friends or worse, Rainbow Dash.

"The last time a pony was foolish enough to stand against us or tried to have us put away, our project tracked him down and made it look like a Timberwolf onslaught. His remains could've been washed away with a garden hose, that's how bad it was. Let that be a reminder the next time you decide to open your trap and speak out against us." Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten had finished their lecture with pure evil intent in their voices. Almost like they wanted Scootaloo to speak out again so they could sick their project on her.

"Oh, and just so you know, not even Celestia could stop us if she tried. She's not even aware of our project, so there is nopony that could stop us even if you told them. Now go to your room while you still have it, daughter." Scootaloo felt completely defeated, she had no willpower left to speak up after everything she had heard. As she walked upstairs, she could hear the evil laughter coming from the ponies that were anything but her parents. She went into her room, locked the door, and buried her face in her pillow while finally letting her tears flow out.

Unbeknownst to Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten, their entire conversation had been heard. Tyrannosaurus and Indominus had eavesdropped and heard every last word that both pegasi had said to Scootaloo. Those ponies had made two bad enemies, both dinosaurs now saw the pegasi as nothing but marked corpses just waiting to be killed. It didn't matter to them what the 'project' was, they would crush it in their jaws if it got anywhere near Scootaloo. But revenge would have to wait, as the carnivores had to find a way to cheer up Scootaloo after that traumatic turmoil. Luckily, they were right by Scootaloo's bedroom and moved in front of the window to try and get her attention.

"Why....why did I h-have to be stuck with p-ponies like them," Scootaloo sobbed out from her pillow. She felt as if there was no way out of the tormented life she was living. If she told anypony about what her parents were capable of, they would be killed. Not even Rainbow Dash would be safe from Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten's wrath. She was so upset that it took her awhile to notice that her room was becoming darker, like the moon was being blocked out.

She finally looked up from her pillow, and was shocked to see two huge silhouettes right at her window. At first she was startled, but then Scootaloo recognized the familiar shapes of the creatures outside. She ran over and opened the window, she didn't think that they would ever venture outside of the forest.

"What are you guys doing out of the forest, and at my house nonetheless?" Scootaloo was astonished that Indominus and T-Rex had gone out of their way just to see her. Then she noticed that their eyes were glistening in the moonlight, as if they had their hearts torn out. That's when the impossible had dawned on Scootaloo: the dinosaurs had overheard the argument.

"Did you both listen in on the argument I had with my so called parents?"

A single nod from the carnivores was confirmation that they had heard everything. Scootaloo became so touched that she stood in the open window and nuzzled T-Rex and Indominus's faces. The dinosaurs were continuing to surprise Scootaloo with their devotion and loyalty. Then a brilliant idea clicked in Scootaloo's mind.

"My parents don't know you guys exist, there might be a way to stop them after all," Scootaloo said while looking into the eyes of her saviors. "I'm sorry to ask of this, but I'll need you both to train and fight against every creature in the Everfree Forest to prepare yourselves. There's no telling what this project is, and you guys will need experience fighting in Equestria."

Both carnivores nodded in agreement, they needed to gain new experience in brawling and fight bigger animals than just Timberwolves. They would make sure that their skills would be at their absolute peak when the time came. Scootaloo couldn't understand it, how did those dinosaurs always manage to turn her day around for the better? Regardless, she was grateful that they were going through so much just to see her smile.

"Thank you Indominus Rex, and you too Tyrannosaurus Rex. You both have turned out to be as loyal as Rainbow Dash. I'm so glad that you guys have stuck with me through so much." Hearing Scootaloo's kind words melted the carnivores' hearts, and was giving them a new reason for living. But the bonding moment had to unfortunately be cut short.

"Now you guys need to get back to the cave before somepony sees you can causes a panic."

Neither of the dinosaurs wanted to leave Scootaloo, but they couldn't stand outside her house all night. The trio came together for one more loving nuzzle before the predators made their way back into the forest. Scootaloo watched her saviors until they disappeared into the darkness of the forest, then she shut the window and climbed into bed. The way those dinosaurs were so concerned about her made them seem like true parents in Scootaloo's eyes.

Scootaloo fell into peaceful slumber while letting the memories of her time with Rainbow Dash and the dinosaurs sooth her troubled mind and heart.

Author's Note:

This chapter includes quite a bit of foreshadowing of things to come later in the story.
Hopefully all of you want Scootaloo's parents dead badly. I found myself hating them while writing this chapter.