• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,287 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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With night falling and a successful day behind them, Indominus and Tyrannosaurus were making their way through the forest back to where they had dropped Scootaloo off. They had claimed a wide range of territory near the cave, had a few skirmishes with some Timberwolves, and found plenty of prey and a lake for water. They hadn't ventured into Froggy Bottom Bog, where one of the few creatures lived that could give them a run for their money. The dinosaurs wanted to gain more experience in their new land and get used to the different kinds of terrain, before taking on bigger competitors. Once they had found the trail that led to the schoolhouse, both dinosaurs waited and scanned ahead for any sign of the orange filly.

It didn't take long for them to see the happy filly speeding along the trail on her scooter back to the forest. The light of Luna's moon illuminated the smile spread across her face, and it brought joy to the dinosaurs' hearts. The light also helped them stand out in the dark so Scootaloo could see their shapes. As she made it through the trees, Scootaloo leapt off her scooter and flew up to the dinosaurs' heads. It shocked them both to see her at their eye level as the trio nuzzled each other in a happy reunion. After awhile, Scootaloo landed and looked up to see that the carnivores were still shocked at what they had seen.

"Pretty amazing, isn't it? Rainbow Dash trained me and I'm already making sweet progress," Scootaloo was beaming with pride at her accomplishment. It seemed that all the bad days in her life were finally coming to an end. "My time with her was awesome, and I told her how you guys saved my life." The dinosaurs got a little panicked, but Scootaloo eased their worries after seeing the nervous looks.

"Oh no, I didn't tell her you guys are dinosaurs, she thinks that you guys are ponies." Scootaloo put her hoof on T-Rex's face and slowly ran it back and forth to sooth the dinosaur. "I would never rat out the ones who put their lives on the line for me," Scootaloo said softly while looking in the eyes of both dinosaurs. Indominus and Tyrannosaurus's expressions became relaxed hearing Scootaloo's voice, they knew better than to doubt the pony who wanted them as a family. "How about we go to our favorite spot so I can fill you guys in on my day?"

The trio made their way towards the cave with Scootaloo speeding in between T-Rex and Indominus. Despite Scootaloo using her scooter to keep up, T-Rex and Indominus always managed to stay ahead of her with their long strides. Once they reached the cave, Scootaloo parked her scooter by the entrance while the dinosaurs got comfortable. When her saviors were comfy, Scootaloo settled herself alongside Indominus to give him some of her attention. Both dinosaurs had their heads turned towards so they could listen.

"Oh before I forget, I brought you guys a little something from Ponyville," Scootaloo reached into her school bag and pulled out the bags filled with apple fritters. "One of Rainbow Dash's friends thought that you guys deserved a taste of our food. You don't have to like them, but it would mean a lot to me if you boys tried them."

She carefully placed two fritters each in front of their heads and waited to see what the dinosaurs would do. The dinosaurs sniffed the fritters, they weren't sure what to make of the treats in front of them. But they didn't want to upset Scootaloo, so they rolled out their tongues, scooped up the fritters and chomped them. Scootaloo waited with a wide eager smile and baited breath as the dinosaurs swallowed the fritters.

The taste of the fritters was new to both dinosaurs, they had never tried anything besides meat. It felt odd and unique, but they didn't hate it. They looked at each other and then pointed to the bags that Scootaloo was holding with their claws.

"You both want all the fritters in the bags!?" Scootaloo couldn't believe her eyes: the carnivores had tried something besides meat, and they liked it. She was so overjoyed that she dumped one bag in front of T-Rex's mouth, and the other in front of Indominus's mouth. Both dinosaurs opened their maws, and began devouring their piles of apple fritters. With so many in their mouths, the flavors really hit their taste buds. They happily gulped down their new tasty treats and rubbed their stomachs in content afterwards.

"I'm so glad that you guys have found something else that you can eat besides meat." Part of Scootaloo hoped that the food in Ponyville could convince the predators to give up hunting. But she knew that was a real longshot: hunting was engraved in their minds and a part of the dinosaurs lives. "Now that you boys have tried new food, its time I tell you how my day with Rainbow Dash went." Both dinosaurs eyed Scootaloo with anticipation, eager to hear how her day had gone.

Scootaloo told the dinosaurs everything that had happened to her, from finding her scooter with the note Rainbow left, to experiencing near flight for the first time. Tyrannosaurus and Indominus hung onto every word, growing more fascinated and yearning to meet this great Pegasus. That's when Scootaloo told them the most exciting news they never would've expected.

"Rainbow Dash and my friends were so fascinated with how you guys saved me, that they want to meet both of you!" Both dinosaurs had become as eager as Scootaloo, they were actually going to meet the one pony that Scootaloo idolized so much. Now that everything had been told, it was time for the planning and preparation to begin. Scootaloo spoke seriously once she had the dinosaurs' attention again.

"Now here's the deal guys, my fellow crusaders are meeting you first, then you'll get to meet Rainbow Dash. We only have two weeks until they get to meet you, so I need to be sure that you boys will be on your best behavior. They'll probably be scared stiff the moment they see you guys as yourselves, so try to avoid hunting beforehand. Last thing we need is for my friends to think you guys are monsters and not my saviors."

Both dinosaurs nodded in agreement, neither of them wanted a bounty on their heads because of a misunderstanding. Things were going pretty smoothly, and Scootaloo's hopes were being lifted. However, there was one question she had to ask the dinosaurs, and she hoped they could answer her.

"There's one last thing guys, in order for the introductions to go smoothly I have to ask something of you both. Would it be possible for you guys to tell me your names?"

Both dinosaurs were faced with a dilemma: how could they tell Scootaloo their names if they couldn't talk? Fortunately, Indominus was smart enough to come up with a solution that was simple, but would work. He walked out of the cave, and began using his giant sickle claw to carve letters into the dirt. When he had finished, he motioned for Scootaloo to come out and look. The moonlight illuminated the spot so well that Scootaloo could make out the full name of the dinosaur.

"I-n-d-o-m-i-n-u-s R-e-x, Indominus Rex, that's your name?" Scootaloo asked after pronouncing the carnivore's name. Indominus nodded his head while wearing a small toothy grin on his face. Now all she needed was T-Rex's name, and after a few communicated growls between both carnivores, Indominus was able to spell out Rexy's name.

"Tyrannosaurus Rex, man you guys have awesome names for dinosaurs. Those are names that could frighten just about anypony." Scootaloo thought of a certain tiara wearing pony who would lose her color and attitude at the sight of her saviors. But there wasn't enough time left in the night to wonder, Scootaloo had to do something she dreaded: going back home to her parents.

"T-Rex, Indominus, as much as I hate to do this, I have to go back to my so called parents." It broke her heart to leave her saviors, but she had a good reason. If she was gone for too long, her parents might send officials to find her. The last thing Scootaloo wanted was for some pony officials to stumble across her boys, and cause a panic once ponies began 'disappearing.' She wanted to have the family of her dreams, but not if it meant having her boys imprisoned for a misunderstanding.

Both dinosaurs looked so down, but they knew it had to be done so the future all of them were hoping for could become a reality. Begrudgingly, they guided Scootaloo out of the forest and brought her to the edge, just a few minutes from where her house was. But before she went in, Scootaloo remembered one last detail she forgot to include.

"I almost forgot boys, we'll be meeting up after school over the next few weeks so we can set up a greeting procedure for when you meet my friends." This lifted the spirits of both carnivores, and the group shared one last comforting nuzzle before Scootaloo made her way towards the dreadful excuse of a home. She parked her scooter along the side of the house, and slowly made her way inside. Tyrannosaurus and Indominus kept an eye on Scootaloo until she entered the house and were beginning to make their way back towards the cave. But both dinosaurs heard something that stopped them dead in their tracks: shouting coming from the house that Scootaloo had just entered.

Both predators silently approached the house, using the darkness to conceal their bodies. They crept to a lit window near the ground, peered inside and witnessed an argument that would forever be engraved in their minds: one between Scootaloo and two filthy Pegasi that the dinosaurs could only assume were her parents.

Author's Note:

Things are going to reach a boiling point. Tension shall stir, lines will be crossed, and fights are going to erupt. Intense chapters will follow after this one.