• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,272 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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The Long Awaited Fight: Dragon vs Dinosaurs

Before the carnivores began their battle with Black Death, they took a minute to survey their battlefield. It was a wide barren land with plenty of rocky hills and outcrops in the background. There weren't any other ponies around so the dinosaurs could fight at their full potential. The dinosaurs passed a look between each other as if they were forming a plan, then the fight got underway. They roared and charged straight for Black Death, with the dragon charging towards them as well.

Tyrannosaurus pulled ahead of Indominus and went in for an attack. Black Death lunged his head forward to bite the dinosaur, but T-Rex ducked and dealt him an uppercut with his head. The attack caught the dragon off guard and allowed Tyrannosaurus to clamp his jaws on the dragon's neck. Realizing he had been snared, Black Death tried to free himself from T-Rex's grip but to no avail. Tyrannosaurus had more than enough strength to keep the dragon in his jaws and crunched down on the neck with a bite force of five thousand pounds.

The teeth punctured the scales and went right to the nerves in Black Death's neck. Tyrannosaurus's bite had severed the nerves in the dragon's neck and had paralyzed him. Black Death couldn't get any part of his body to function, not even his wings. For the first time in his life, Black Death was faced with creatures that had the power to face him. With the dragon immobilized, Indominus moved in for his crack at Black Death.

Indominus used his massive claws to slash and tear away at Black Death's face. Each attack cut deep into the scales and made the great dragon bleed all over the battlefield. While Indominus slashed away at the face, Tyrannosaurus attacked the rest of the body. Clamping down on limbs, crushing bones and snapping the wings, Tyrannosaurus was dealing as much damage as possible. Black Death was experiencing true pain for the first time in a fight.

"What are you doing Black Death? Fight back, don't just take all that!" Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten were beyond frustrated that their great dragon was being torn apart. Neither of them were aware he had been paralyzed. On the opposite side of the battlefield, Scootaloo and the others were rejoicing.

"Oh yeah! They're doing even better than I thought." Scootaloo was loving how well Indominus and T-Rex were doing in the fight. Rainbow Dash was squealing in delight from watching Indominus fighting with such brutality. He had definitely won her affection and heart. Even Luna was rejoicing at how badly the dragon was being thrashed about. Celestia was unsure what to make of the fight and it puzzled Luna.

"Well sister, do you think these two can beat Black Death now?"

"I'm not sure what to think Luna,"

"But why?"

"Luna, that monster shrugged off the Elements of Harmony like they were nothing and stood up to the full potential of our magic. While it is true that these creatures are doing remarkably well, I just have the sinking suspicion that dragon is hiding some kind of secret power."

"Well we'll worry about that problem when the dragon reveals his secret. Besides, you have to admit that this is the first time we've seen that dragon harmed right?"

"Yes I will not deny that. Those two have the strength to pierce his hide and draw blood. I just hope they can keep this up."

Indominus wrapped up his slashing by punching the dragon in the face. The attack knocked out a few of Black Death's teeth. His head was spinning from all the attacks and his body was bloodied and torn up from T-Rex's bites. With their enemy disoriented, the dinosaurs rammed their heads under his stomach and began forcing him back.

They starting building up speed and were pushing Black Death in the direction of the rocky outcrops. Using their combined momentum and strength, the dinosaurs threw the dragon towards the rocky structures. The dragon's body plowed through so many structures while others fell on top of him and caused a hug column of dust to rise up. Both dinosaurs slowly backed away from the area, in case of any surprise attacks.

Everypony was speechless, they had never seen Black Death beaten and tossed around before. Even Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten were beginning to have doubts about their project. Scootaloo's saviors were proving to be far more capable if they could harm the legendary dragon in such a brutal way. Then everypony grew silent as Black Death crawled out of the rubble. He looked like a mere shadow of the great dragon he had been a minute ago. His body was covered in bloody scratches and gashes from everything that T-Rex and Indominus had done.

"You cursed animals! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME!?" The dragon was so furious it seemed like he might explode. He had never faced opponents that could harm him and draw blood all at once. Black Death angrily eyed T-Rex and Indominus, then in an instant, his attitude went from angry to completely calm. "This is such a rare treat indeed. You boys have given me something I never thought I'd get: a challenge and an opportunity to use my power."

Black Death stood up, closed his eyes and began to concentrate. Then a strange yellow glowing light started to surround his body. Celestia thought that she might have been seeing things, but then the light began to sparkle and her suspicions were confirmed. The light surrounding Black Death was identical to the light that unicorns had when they used their magic. Everypony watched in horror as Black Death's body began to heal itself.

Every injury he had taken against T-Rex and Indominus was being healed at an incredible rate. Even the severed nerves in his neck were healed too. The glow began patching up all the gashes and scratches, replacing them with fresh scales. The marks on his face became smaller until they had vanished. In no time at all, Black Death was completely restored. He looked like a clean slate once more, as if the dinosaurs hadn't laid a claw on him.

All the princesses were in shock, Luna's confidence had dropped away and Celestia was on the verge of collapsing. Cadence and Twilight were rooted to the spot, they were bewildered beyond belief.

"How...how is that possible?" They were the only words Twilight could find. Black Death looked over at the ponies and then flew up so everypony could hear him.

"Yes I guess it is a secret worth sharing, if you don't mind my bragging. When I first ravaged Equestria all those years ago I didn't just kill ponies, I ate them. Whenever I devoured them, their magic was absorbed into my body and became part of me. I gained all the magical powers those unicorns had, in addition to the knowledge of every spell they knew at the time, which includes healing spells. Once I realized what my body could do, I went about eating every pony in sight. By the time I was ready to face Canterlot, I had the strength and magic of an army coursing through my veins."

"But that doesn't explain how you were able to withstand the Elements of Harmony."

"That one is rather easy to answer. Before your little rainbow made contact with my body, I coated it in a special magic. The magic formed a shield around my body and it was the shield that turned to stone. My body remained unharmed, while the shield made it look like I was being turned into a statue. Apparently not only can I use the magic, but my own power enhanced it to such a degree that no magic in this world can harm me." He then touched down in front of T-Rex and Indominus.

"That's right, you two have effectively stepped into a death battle. Unless you can overcome my powers, there is no way you animals can stop me."

Indominus took Black Death's words as a challenge and smacked him across the face. The hit drove the dragon's head into the dirt and it took him awhile to get back up. The magic could heal him, but it didn't make him invincible. Brute strength could still harm him while the magic only healed visible injuries.

"I have to commend your fighting spirits. You both are the first creatures in this world to harm me and make me use my power in the first place. It's a shame there aren't more animals with the kind of determination you boys have. I'm going to enjoy draining the fight out of your bodies."

With one swing of his huge tail, Black Death sent T-Rex and Indominus flying backwards. The dinosaurs skidded to a stop in the dirt and quickly got back on their feet. In order to best this dragon they were going to have to outsmart and overpower him. Indominus had one idea after watching Black Death heal himself, but for it to work they had to pin the dragon. They charged towards Black Death again with a plan to test the limits of the dragon's healing power.

Tyrannosaurus once again pulled ahead of Indominus, but Black Death didn't lung forward this time. He stood his ground and grabbed the great carnivore by the throat. It made Scootaloo's heart jump to see T-Rex in the dragon's grip this time. Black Death was so focused on T-Rex that he failed to notice that Indominus had camouflaged himself. Indominus rammed Black Death from the side right before the dragon could attack Tyrannosaurus. The move also freed T-Rex from the dragon's grip and he joined Indominus.

The hybrid pinned Black Death on his back and began slashing wildly at the dragon's stomach. Black Death tried to free himself, but Indominus had him trapped. So he started applying his healing magic to the marks Indominus was leaving. Tyrannosaurus was looking for an opening when he noticed something: one of Black Death's arms was free. Now T-Rex knew what Indominus was planning, and clamped down on the free arm.

"Oh come on, didn't you try this already? You know I can just heal whatever wound you leave behind, even severed bone."

Tyrannosaurus didn't listen to Black Death as he placed a foot on the dragon to get a firm holding. With a great amount of strength and a swift twerk of his neck, Tyrannosaurus ripped the arm away from its socket. The dragon screeched in pain as he watched blood spill out of the hole where his arm had been. The shock of the injury interfered with his power and stopped the healing process.

Everypony stared with wide eyes and mouths hanging open at the unbelievable sight.

"Scootaloo, what just happened?" Rainbow was in as much shock as excitement after seeing the dinosaurs wound the dragon like never before,

"I think they were testing the limits of the dragon's power Rainbow Dash. They saw the way he healed himself, and wanted to see if he can recover from a missing limb."

"Wow, they're pretty smart to come up with an idea like that. Now let's see if their idea payed off."

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus seized the screeching dragon by the stomach and tossed him towards another outcrop pile. The dragon was sent tumbling over his head and crashed into the rocky pile. Black Death had real trouble getting back up this time, his body had been dealt serious damage. The dinosaurs had not only damaged him but they had screwed up the healing process. The marks on his stomach hadn't been healed completely, and the missing arm socket was still dripping blood.

"Something is unique about these warriors, how can creatures like them have strength and intelligence? I never imagined that they would set a trap for me, that attack actually tampered with my power. I wasn't able to fully heal my body, and I don't know if I can even repair a missing limb. Looks like I'll get to use more of my power while my body tries to recover from this damage."

Black Death spread his wings and took flight. The magic was glowing around where his arm had been, and was slowly trying to heal the injury. He dove back towards the dinosaurs and unleashed a torrent of fire in their direction. T-Rex and Indominus scattered to avoid the incoming flames, but the fire was merely a diversion. Black Death swooped in and seized Tyrannosaurus by the neck with his spare arm.

The dragon then began to drag T-Rex along the battlefield. Without any long arms, Tyrannosaurus couldn't free himself as he felt his body being pushed through the ground. Black Death then released his grip and T-Rex was sent tumbling along the land. When he came to a stop, he barely got up before Black Death was right up in his face.

"Not so tough without your partner are you?" Black Death was about to wish he hadn't spoken so lightly of T-Rex.

The carnivore angrily grabbed the dragon on the underside of the neck, just underneath the jaw. Black Death was caught off guard as Tyrannosaurus shook him wildly about and then threw him face first into the dirt. Before the dragon could even get up, he felt teeth clamp down on his side. T-Rex crunched down on the midsection, breaking ribs and then ripped back with a chunk of flesh in his mouth. Black Death howled in agony, he should've known better than to mock a dinosaur, especially a feared king.

Seething with anger the dragon charged towards T-Rex, only to be smacked aside by his head. With his head turning from the attack, Black Death glimpsed Indominus running at him before the hybrid nailed a punch across the face. With the dragon stunned, both carnivores grabbed him by the neck and tossed him away. Black Death was sent tumbling before he came to a stop in the dirt.

Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten were horrified at how the battle was turning out. Their proud dragon was being torn apart and thrashed about like a rag doll. It seemed that Scootaloo and Luna were right when they said that Black Death would get killed. They watched as Black Death struggled to get back up with the loss of one leg.

With all the injuries he had sustained, the dragon found that his body was having difficulty tending to all of them. His arm hadn't even begun to heal yet, and all the fresh wounds were dividing the efforts of his healing power. He looked at the dinosaurs and decided it was time to get serious.

"That's it. Now I have no more reason to hold back. You two are about to see what I'm capable when I fight at full strength." The declaration brought an evil smile to Scootaloo's DNA doners.

"What? Ya mean to tell us that he wasn't puttin a scrap of effort into the fight until now?"

"But its not possible, he's so beaten up that he can't possibly have any hidden strength."

"Looks like we're about to find out Twilight."

Black Death assumed the same powering up position when he used his magic and began to roar. The magic surrounding his arm intensified and began forming new bones, muscle and skin. The marks and wounds healed themselves at a rate much faster than before and the dragon was good as new. But it didn't stop there, the dragon's body starting gaining more muscle and spikes protruded from his tail. To top it off, a ghastly black spiky aura began emitting from Black Death's body, and his very power caused all of Equestria to rumble.

"Now we'll see what this dragon can really do."

A wave of cold fear was sent through everypony as Black Death bellowed one last roar that caused his power to erupt with ferocious intensity. Even the other dragons were frightened of the monster that was supposed to be their leader.

"We're supposed to follow a monster like that? What have we gotten ourselves into?"

Black Death finished his roar and when he looked back at the dinosaurs, something about him was very different. His body was pulsing with so much muscle that the veins were showing, there were long spikes at the end of his tail, and his eyes were glowing red constantly. The black aura surrounding his body even made T-Rex and Indominus nervous.

"There, now you warriors have awakened my true power. Let's see if you both have what it takes to fight me this time."

Black Death flew towards the dinosaurs at blinding speeds and dealt a punch across the face to both of them. Then he turned around, seized them by the necks and drove their bodies into the ground. This time both dinosaurs were in trouble, the dragon had gained more power and had them in his grasp. Black Death then lifted them up and threw their bodies across the length of the battlefield. As Scootaloo watched the dinosaurs skid along the ground, she realized that they had lost their advantage.

The dragon had gained control of the fight and was using his full power. There was no telling what he could do. Scootaloo watched in horror as Black Death pinned Indominus with one foot and focused his attention on Tyrannosaurus.

"You had a great advantage over me before, but now I have the upper claw and you will suffer."

Black Death punched T-Rex across the face as soon as the dinosaur stood up. The predator staggered from the force of the punch and soon found himself at the mercy of several slash attacks. The ponies gasped at seeing Tyrannosaurus getting scratched up and beaten. Indominus tried to help by digging his sickle claws into the dragon's underbelly. The attack got Black Death's attention and Indominus used a tremendous amount of strength to throw the dragon off of him.

Indominus quickly got back on his feet as Black Death came zooming back towards him. The two carnivores met each other head on, ramming their heads together and locking claws. Indominus felt himself being pushed back as he tried to hold off the menacing dragon. He held his ground just a foot in front of his wounded partner. If Indominus gave out, Tyrannosaurus would be killed by Black Death.

Rainbow could see the strain in Indominus's eyes and had a crazy idea.

"Scootaloo, I know this isn't the proper time to ask, but what is that one's name?"

"You mean the one holding off Black Death, his name's Indominus, why do you ask?"

"Because I want to try something."

Rainbow Dash flew closer to the battlefield and shouted out to Indominus.


Upon hearing Rainbow's words of encouragement, Indominus felt himself fill with energy. In one fluid motion, he ducked under the dragon's head and nailed a hard punch right in the chest. The punch packed so much strength that Black Death was sent backwards with blood flowing from his mouth. The dragon didn't charge back for once, the attack had truly knocked the breath out of him. Black Death could see the fierce intensity burning in Tyrannosaurus and Indominus's eyes after the attack.

"Remarkable, I've never seen such willpower before. You two truly do have the heart of a dragon. Unfortunately, I can't allow either of you to walk away from this fight alive. No one ever lives when I get involved."

Black Death rammed both dinosaurs head on, smacked T-Rex aside with his tail and carried Indominus into the sky by his neck. The dragon grabbed onto the hybrid's neck with his teeth and began slashing and punching away at the poor dinosaur. Indominus tried in vain to hold off the attacks, but being held in the air meant if the dragon dropped him, he would fall to his death. Then Black Death released his grip, only to grab Indominus with his claws. The dragon went earthward, speeding right for the ground and threw Indominus right at Tyrannosaurus.

The dinosaurs' bodies collided and then went into tailspins. When they stopped, neither of them could get up because they were in so much pain. It only got worse when Black Death landed on top of them. The once proud carnivores screamed in agony as the dragon sank his claws into their scales.

"How does it feel to have the tables turned against you? Now you both know the pain that I've felt during this battle. I have enjoyed myself, this is the best battle I've ever had, but its time to end this fight."

He turned towards Tyrannosaurus who squeaked out in desperation.

"Since you have fought so brave and fiercely, you'll be the one to die first. I wonder how Scootaloo will react to watching you die on the battlefield."

Black Death inched his way closer to Tyrannosaurus's neck. The great carnivore was unable to defend himself and could only wait for the inevitable to happen.


Luna ignited her horn and began summoning a massive amount of magic. She was performing some kind of new spell that nopony had seen before. A bright flash of light illuminated the area and it got Black Death's attention.

"Well now, what do we have here?"

"Did I mention that I had prepared reinforcements just in case something like this happened?"

A white gap had appeared on the battlefield. Scootaloo recognized it as the same one that Luna had used to bring T-Rex and Indominus into Equestria. Everypony could hear growls coming from the other side.


Author's Note:

Yeah I know, leave the chapter on a cliffhanger. It's the best way to set up for the next chapter. So what do you guys think is going to come through the portal and help T-Rex and Indominus in their fight? Leave your speculations bellow and we'll see which one of you guessed right.