• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,272 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Bonding with Rainbow Dash

The day that Tyrannosaurus and Indominus had been looking forward to all week had finally arrived: their day of bonding with Rainbow Dash. While they had enjoyed their time with the rest of the Mane Six, this was the one day of the week the rexes held above all others. Their entire day would be spent with the ponies that loved them, and had given them a second chance at life. Neither of them could ask for anything more than quality time with their favorite ponies.

As the dinosaurs woke up in the cave, T-Rex and Indominus were the first ones up. Their eagerness to spend time with Rainbow and Scootaloo was more than the raptors had expected. Blue had never seen either of them so anxious before. Before she knew it, Tyrannosaurus and Indominus were already making their way towards Rainbow's home. She had to get her sisters up and running or they would get left behind. The raptors sprinted after the rexes, who were already speeding through the forest with incredible energy.

At Rainbow's cloudominium, she and Scootaloo were enjoying a quiet breakfast. They knew what the day had in store for them, and were awaiting the arrival of the dinosaurs. They had just finished putting the dishes away, when they heard a rumbling in the distance.

"Hear that Scootaloo?"

"That's the sound of our boys heading this way. Judging by how loud the rumble is, they must be really eager to see us."

"Well, we'd better go down and greet them,"

The two sisters flew out of the cloud mansion and waited for the dinosaurs to show up. The rumbling grew louder with each minute, and they knew the carnivores were getting close. Then Rainbow and Scootaloo watched as Tyrannosaurus and Indominus smashed through the treeline. Both dinosaurs were so ecstatic as they sprinted towards both pegasi. They slowed down so they could greet and nuzzle Rainbow and Scootaloo.

"Heh, heh, it's great to see you boys," Rainbow said. Then something occurred to her. "Hey, where are Blue and her sisters?"

The group heard exhausted panting and saw the raptors walk out of the forest, completely out of breath. They had tried to keep up with T-Rex and Indominus, but the rexes had out sped them and left the raptor squad in the dust.

"I think our boys have a little too much energy, if they could exhaust the raptors that much," Scootaloo said while eyeing the exhausted raptors.

Blue and her sisters collapsed underneath the cloud mansion the moment they reached Rainbow and Scootaloo. Neither of them looked like they had enough energy to get up for a while. Rainbow walked over to the beat raptors.

"Blue, why don't you and your sisters take it easy for awhile? I'll see if me and Scootaloo can burn off all that extra energy that our boys seem to have." The beta raptor nodded gratefully, and laid her head down.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash directed her attention back to the rexes.

"Ok boys, I realize you both are eager to spend time with us, but you can't wear out the raptors like this. So while they recover, the four of us are gonna have a little race. I've been eager to see how fast you two are. I know it's not great like what the others had in mind for their bonding but-"

Rainbow was interrupted when Indominus licked her face. Scootaloo was also surprised when Tyrannosaurus nuzzled her out of nowhere. She didn't understand why they were being so affectionate all of a sudden, then a thought dawned on her.

"Rainbow, I think they're trying to tell us that it doesn't matter what you have in mind. Getting to be with us is more important to them, right boys?" Both dinosaurs nodded their heads, it didn't matter what Rainbow Dash had in mind for bonding with them. Spending time with the ponies that had brought them back from the dead was worth more to T-Rex and Indominus than some planned out day of bonding.

With everything settled, Rainbow Dash set up a race track, using clouds as a guideline. The race track would go through the Everfree Forest, out and across the flowery plains, back through the forest and end right back at Rainbow's mansion. The dinosaurs were looking forward to it, especially after all the racing that done with Scootaloo in the past. Now they would have a chance to race alongside Rainbow Dash, and demonstrate their new speed.

The group gathered at the start line, with Tyrannosaurus alongside Scootaloo and Indominus alongside Rainbow.

"Alright boys, time to see how you both match up against me and Scootaloo. Ready?" The dinosaurs growled in anticipation, ready to show what they could do.

The pegasi and dinosaurs took on running positions, eager to get the race underway.

"On your marks. Get set. GO!!!"

The group took off from the start line with incredible speed. Blue and her sisters watched as the siblings and their saviors dove into the forest. If they hadn't been so tired they could've joined in, but the day meant more to Indominus and Tyrannosaurus. They had been through more with Rainbow and Scootaloo than the raptors had. Blue was content to letting them have their fun, she and her sisters would get a chance after the race was over.

In the Everfree Forest, the pegasi were trying their best to pull ahead of the dinosaurs. Rainbow was amazed that Scootaloo was keeping pace with her now, but what truly amazed her was that the dinosaurs were able to match them. Tyrannosaurus and Indominus were going at speeds that allowed them to remain parallel to the surrogate siblings.

"You boys are pretty fast huh? What do you say we try to kick things up a notch?"

Rainbow and Scootaloo put on more speed, pulling ahead of the dinosaurs. In response, they put more power into their legs, trying to gain more ground and close the gap. With all the trees around them though, it was hard to gain ground without running into an obstacle and slowing them down. The dinosaurs couldn't close the gap until they breached the forest, and the flower plains were ahead of them. Both dinosaurs put their maximum effort into their sprints and reached their new speeds of forty-five miles per hour.

Rainbow was sure she and Scootaloo were going to win the race, until she saw T-Rex and Indominus pull ahead and gain ground on them. The cyan mare was stunned as she watched the massive bodies sprint past her and gain the lead. She turned her head to Scootaloo, who shrugged her shoulders like she had no idea. Rainbow Dash was giving her a look that screamed "you had a hoof in this, didn't you?" Both pegasi pushed themselves harder, trying to catch up to their speedy saviors.

The carnivores left the flower fields and dove back into the forest. Their bodies were pumping with adrenaline from the excitement of the race. It was such a thrill to be racing alongside the ponies they loved. When Rainbow and Scootaloo caught up again, it did feel like the family that Scootaloo had envisioned. The four of them racing together, pushing each other to new degrees, and enjoying the experience like a true family.

The finish line was within sight as they exited the forest. The pegasi and dinosaurs noticed that the raptors were cheering them on, having recovered from the exhausting run from before. The four of them put all the energy they had left into one final sprint. Scootaloo and Tyrannosaurus started to slightly fall behind, neither of them were quite used to such a long run. Indominus was still able to keep pace with Rainbow Dash, and was actually pulling ahead of her. With the finish line right in front of them, the group dove for it and crashed into the ground.

All of them were panting hard and couldn't catch their breath. The ecstatic energy had all but vanished from T-Rex and Indominus, who were just lying on the ground and breathing heavily. Scootaloo looked over to the raptors and tried to speak.


The raptors all pointed to Rainbow Dash AND Indominus. Somehow, Indominus had gained enough ground to allow him to tie with Rainbow Dash. The rainbow mare was stunned, she couldn't believe that Indominus had tied with her. She was sure that she and Scootaloo had the race in the bag, yet the dinosaurs were continuing to surprise her. She slowly walked over to Scootaloo and scooped her into a hug.

"You've become quite the trooper Scootaloo. At this rate, you won't need to be around me anymore."

Scootaloo looked her surrogate sister dead in the eyes.

"Rainbow Dash, no matter how much of a flyer I become, I'll never be as great as you. I may be fast, but I owe it to you. You were the one that got me flying from the beginning, I've gotten this far because of you. I'll never discard you, you're my big sister I can't leave behind family."

"Aww Scootaloo, you're gonna get me all sappy again." Rainbow put Scootaloo on her back and walked over to Indominus. She put her hoof to his face and began to rub it across his scales. Indominus just looked at the siblings while he continued to breathe slowly.

"Even without wings, you and Tyrannosaurus overtook us on that race a few times. Indominus, you boys continue to surprise and amaze me. I just know we're going to be a great family." The hybrid turned towards Rainbow and nuzzled her softly. Tyrannosaurus and the raptors joined them, and the family group nuzzle was back again. Rainbow didn't mind all the attention, it just proved that the dinosaurs truly loved her and Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash didn't have too many ideas for bonding with the dinosaurs, but they didn't mind. It was all about being with their favorite ponies, regardless of what the idea was. They were perfectly fine with doing training or demonstrating their strengths to the siblings. To see Rainbow and Scootaloo's wowed looks brought such joy into their hearts. There didn't need to be anything special involved, just quality time with the ponies that would be their family in six months.

As the day drew to a close, Rainbow did have one special idea. She just wasn't sure if the dinosaurs would be up for it.

"Dinosaurs, before this day ends there is something I'd like to ask all of you." The dinosaurs leaned in to hear what Rainbow was going to say. Even Scootaloo was curious about what Rainbow had in mind. "I was wondering, if all of you would be up for a dinner with me and Scootaloo in Canterlot?"

Dinner, in Canterlot? The dinosaurs hadn't imagined that Rainbow Dash would ask them such an important question. Having a dinner with her and Scootaloo would be a good practice, for the day when they would be under the same roof as the pegasi. Scootaloo was taken aback just as much as the dinosaurs, she never expected the bold and confident mare she idolized to pop a question like dinner.

"Rainbow, are you sure about this? You've never talked about dinner before, so why now all of a sudden?"

"Well Scootaloo, if we're going to be a family, I think we need to know what it feels like to have dinner like a real family. Besides, when was the last time you're wretched excuses for parents ever took you out to dinner?"

That answer was immediately obvious.


"So, don't you think you had a nice dinner with a proper family?"

"Absolutely," Scootaloo said while flinging her hooves around Rainbow in a thrilled hug.

"Alright everypony, let's make our way to the train station."

Being on a train was absolutely nerve-wracking for the dinosaurs. They felt so confined with barely any room to move about, and almost got thrown into a different seat. Scootaloo had to use every trick in the book to keep T-Rex from losing his mind. Rainbow had to keep on switching between both sides of the train to keep the raptors from crashing into the other passengers. Indominus had dug his claws into the seat in front of him and held his ground to keep still.

The nightmare ride seemed to go on forever, when the train finally came to a stop, the dinosaurs tumbled out of the train. They hoped that there would be some way to avoid any train trips in the future.

"Sorry about the rough ride guys, but it's the only way to get to Canterlot from Ponyville," Rainbow apologized.

The dinosaurs were just glad to finally have fresh air again, now they could move forward with their dinner.

Strolling through Canterlot was a little unnerving because ponies were giving the dinosaurs mixed reactions. The news of how they had defeated Black Death had reached Canterlot, and not every pony was ok with dinosaurs roaming around. While most of the ponies gave them warm greetings, others gave them cold stares and quiet, harsh words. Rainbow and Scootaloo were unsure of how the dinosaurs were handling all the mixed reactions. When they reached the restaurant Rainbow had in mind, every pony there was staring at them.

Rainbow and Scootaloo could feel the mix of kind and harsh looks that the ponies around them were giving their saviors. It made them both nervous, because if just one pony did something to anger the dinosaurs, Canterlot would have a bloodbath on its hooves. Thankfully, the dinosaurs' own stares were able to deter all the hateful gazes. Nopony would cross them after hearing how they had turned Black Death to powder, it would be like asking for a death wish.

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus had used the shrinking spell so their tails wouldn't smack into anything. They tried to avoid most of the stares and just focus on Rainbow and Scootaloo. Thankfully, the waitress was one of the many ponies that held great respect for the dinosaurs. She felt astounded when she found them waiting at a table. Rainbow Dash spoke up so that the waitress wouldn't just stand there all night.

"Didn't expect to see the Guardians here, did ya?"

"Um, uh, no I honestly never imagined they would be here. Are they here just to visit?"

"Not really, me and Scootaloo brought them along so we could have dinner together."

"Dinner!? You don't mean they're going to eat ponies, are they?"

The dinosaurs shook their heads to answer her question. Scootaloo followed up with her own response.

"They've been trying food besides meat lately. They've all grown quite fond of apple treats lately."

"Oh, well in that case, would they be up for having some of our apple pies?" The dinosaurs nodded their heads eagerly.

"Well I guess that settles that. I'll take a hay burger with the works, what'll you have Scootaloo?"

"I'll take a regular hay sandwich please."

"Coming right up, I'll be back with your orders in a few minutes."

While the group waited for their meals, Scootaloo decided it was a good time to ask Rainbow a question that had been nagging at her.

"Rainbow Dash, what do you think Celestia has in mind for our saviors at the Gala?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure what to expect Scootaloo. She didn't give any indication as to what the surprise could be. All we know is that it'll be something all of us will like. What I'm looking forward to is when we can officially become your new family Scoot. I'm eager to see your biggest wish come true."

"So am I Rainbow Dash, it'll be great for all of us to be living together under one roof, don't you think so guys?"

The dinosaurs nodded in agreement, they had been secretly hoping that whatever happened at the Gala could make that happen. They missed being away from Rainbow and Scootaloo, being in the cave had gotten lonesome. It would've made their lives much more grand to be living in the cloudominium with their favorite ponies. Indominus was looking forward to it most, because he had the privilege of seeing the inside of Rainbow's home. Their attention was brought back when the waitress levitated their meals to them.

The dinosaurs had never seen such beautifully made pies. They looked so fine and well made that Applejack would've been jealous. Rainbow Dash was given a very tasty hay burger with everything, and Scootaloo got two hay sandwiches. Each of them got a glass of fancy cider to go with their meals.

"Enjoy your meals everypony."

"We will, and thanks."

The waitress left the family to be so they could enjoy their food. The raptors were savoring the taste of every bite, while Tyrannosaurus and Indominus tried to not eat all of their pies at once. The rexes were grateful that Rainbow and Scootaloo didn't give them grief on their eating habits. Neither pony judged them for it, and that made the dinosaurs feel more accepted with the surrogate siblings. The group ate in peace and just enjoyed each other's company under the starry Canterlot sky.

After dinner was finished and the meals had been payed for, Rainbow decided to take Scootaloo and the dinosaurs on a tour through Canterlot. Walking through the streets at night was a wonderful sight because all the lights in the shops were on. The dinosaurs marveled at the sight of the colorful shops, while one in particular caught Indominus's eyes. In the windows were necklaces and tons of shimmering jewelry. Something about the shining jewelry drew Indominus towards the shop and away from the rest of the group.

Scootaloo was the first one to notice the hybrid looking into the window.

"Uh, Rainbow Dash, I think we've got one that's lagging behind." Rainbow turned around and saw Indominus looking into the jewelry shop.

Indominus was so preoccupied with looking at the jewelry that he didn't even notice Rainbow Dash walk alongside him.

"I see that the gems have caught your eye Indominus." The hybrid looked at Rainbow and nodded his head calmly. He was imagining how beautiful Rainbow Dash would look with one of those necklaces on. "I bet Rarity would love to show and tell you about all of the amazing jewels in this shop."

Rainbow Dash didn't know it, but she had given Indominus an incredible idea. He would ask Rarity not about the jewels or necklaces, but about rings. Indominus wanted to find the right one to give to Rainbow Dash when he would ask his big question. If anypony knew a thing or two about jewelry, it would be Rarity. As he turned away from the window, Indominus decided he would ask Rarity to help him on their next day of bonding with her.

After a smoother trip back to Ponyville on the train, the dinosaurs decided it was finally time to get some rest. They escorted Rainbow and Scootaloo back home and were ready to call it a night. Tyrannosaurus and Indominus stayed behind while the raptors went back to the cave so they could give their thanks to the pegasi. Rainbow and Scootaloo were wondering why the rexes hadn't gone back yet until the carnivores nuzzled them affectionately.

"Aw boys, you don't have to do this. We already know that you both love us," Scootaloo said while T-Rex nuzzled her.

"Yeah, ponies will start to think you two are mushy giants rather than tough carnivores," Rainbow said as Indominus nuzzled her.

Indominus broke away and carved out a message in the dirt. Rainbow was so curious that she tried to peak at what Indominus was writing, but T-Rex blocked her and shook his head. When Indominus was finished, Tyrannosaurus moved so the siblings could see what the hybrid had written. Their eyes grew wide and their mouths hung open as the moonlight shined down on Indominus's writing.

"It's our way of showing how much we love you. You girls brought us back, we owe you our lives. We want to be the family you both deserve."

The pegasi had a hoof to their mouths, they were too touched to find words. They could only look back at the rexes, who simply nodded their heads to confirm the truth behind the message. Tyrannosaurus and Indominus lowered their heads as Rainbow and Scootaloo ran up and hugged their scaly faces.

"You two are the greatest and kindest guardians I could ever ask for," Scootaloo said while nuzzling T-Rex.

"No matter what anypony says, you'll always be awesome to us," Rainbow added as she ran her hoof across Indominus's face.

The rexes licked their loved ones' faces one last time before they finally bid their farewells and went back into the forest. Indominus kept an eye on the pair until he saw them enter the house. On the way back to the cave, indominus couldn't help but imagine the look on Rainbow's face when she would see him at the spa waiting for her. His free day would be spent with some alone time with the pegasus he loved so much. Indominus couldn't wait for morning to come as he laid down with his surrogate brother and sisters.

Rainbow Dash was going to be in for one heck of a surprise.

Author's Note:

The next chapter is one that I'm sure a few readers have been anxious for: Rainbow's surprise first date with Indominus Rex. This will help set things up for when the big day comes around. The Gala is getting close, and the story is almost done. I have roughly six to seven chapters left and then the story will be finished. Rest assured, this story is going to go out with a grand bang.