• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,272 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Free For All

Four smaller dinosaurs came running out of the gap between Equestria and their world. They stood at six feet tall and were far different from Indominus and T-Rex. Their bodies were sleek and slender, with a sickle claw on each foot, Each one of them had different color designs to tell each other apart. Their names were Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo, the Raptor Squad.

The four raptors came in hot and split up into two groups, Blue and Charlie went towards T-Rex while Delta and Echo went towards Indominus. The smaller predators leaped onto the great carnivores then onto Black Death's body. Each dinosaur began biting and slashing away at the massive dragon. Their attacks weren't as strong, but they did distract Black Death from T-Rex and Indominus.

Black Death tried to grab and bite at each raptor, but the smaller dinosaurs could maneuver all over his body with ease. The dragon's size was working against him when dealing with smaller opponents. He was so focused on the raptors that he failed to notice T-Rex and Indominus charging towards his neck. The carnivores clamped down on the dragon's neck and started dragging him towards the outcrops.

"Sister, how about we lend them a helping hoof?"

"You got it Luna."

The two princesses used their magic to conjure a wall of spikes. T-Rex and Indominus spotted the wall and changed direction. The raptors saw the wall too, and leaped off Black Death and onto the dinosaurs. Blue and Charlie got on T-Rex's back, and Delta and Echo hoped on Indominus. They got off right before Black Death was impaled through the neck and back.

The collision caused the rest of the wall to crumble, T-Rex and Indominus stepped back as the spikes pierced Black Death. The dragon stood up with massive spikes sticking out at odd angles on his neck, back and stomach. Before he could react, Tyrannosaurus clamped down behind Black Death's head and dragged him away. The raptors used the opportunity to leap back onto the dragon and continue slashing him.

Black Death found himself being overwhelmed from the multiple attacks. The constant slash and bite attacks were becoming annoying and wearing on his patience. He managed to throw the raptors off his back, but couldn't stop T-Rex and Indominus from ramming him. They carried him away and chucked his body into the dirt. All six dinosaurs came together as they stood against the deadly dragon who's body was glowing from the healing magic.

As he began pulling the spikes out of his body, he looked over at Luna and Celestia.

"You filthy princesses, that was a dirty move!" Luna and Celestia looked at Black Death with smug smiles on their faces.

"Nopony said we couldn't help them." Across the battlefield, Scootaloo's DNA doners could see how Black Death wasn't winning the fight.

They were becoming annoyed that Black Death hadn't even managed to kill a single pony. So they decided it was time to change the fight. Spoiled Rotten whipped out the remote control again and turned the button like a dial. Instantly a painful shock was dealt to Black Death's head. He turned angrily towards Scootaloo's DNA doners.

"What do you two want? I'm in the middle of a tough fight here."

"Your task was to kill ponies, not engaging in a brawl with a bunch of mindless animals. It's time you got back to what you were born and summoned to do."

"That's easy for you to say, you're not the ones fighting creatures that can actually fight back."

"Oh don't worry, we'll be helping you out. But before that happens, you need to bring your reinforcements into the fight. Get them to hold off those animals so you can make the chicken suffer."

"As you say, masters. Though you two will never take the place of your ancestors who made me enjoy wreaking havoc on Equestria all those years ago." Black Death turned towards the other dragons.

"Alright lizards, time for you guys to serve a purpose. Get over here and start fighting these creatures." The other dragons didn't budge, after what they had seen Black Death doing, they weren't sure if they should listen to him. Unfortunately Black Death wasn't about to let them decide for themselves. He yelled at them in a deep demonic voice.

"I said ATTACK!!" His eyes glowed an even brighter shade of red than before. The other dragons found themselves immobilized. Their eyes began to glow the same color as Black Death's, and then they spoke in unison.

"Yes master. We will do as you say."

"Now that's new, since when could you use mind control?" Sheer Cold asked.

"I learned a lot of tricks since my attack on Equestria. Your ancestors decided to modify my body after they learned that I could absorb magic. My natural power was enhanced to a degree where no creature, not even dragons, could overpower me. Granted I had an implant drilled into my brain, but the power and skills I had achieved were worth the price. Even if I have to deal with the shocks that you two chose to put in as a way of getting me on track. Mind control is only one of my many tricks, here's another."

Black Death shot a blast of fire towards the Princesses. Twilight managed to dodge the attack, but Celestia, Luna and Cadence found themselves trapped in a cage of fire.

"I can even manipulate my flame into whatever I desire. Now with those pesky ponies out of the way, killing the chicken's friends will be a cinch."

"But why get just three of them and not Princess Twilight?"

"Because those three are stronger than her, plus she's never fought me before and without the combined strength, she'll be put down easily. Now I've done my part, how about you two start lending me a hoof in this battle."

"Oh we will, just get that chicken separated from her friends and we'll take it from there."

Black Death turned back towards the mind controlled dragons and pointed towards the dinosaurs. The four dragons took off like dogs heeding their master's command. Black Death, Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten took off towards Twilight, her friends and the CMC. Before they reached them Celestia called out to her soldiers.

"Guards! Help out the dinosaurs and keep Twilight and her friends safe! Don't let those dragons win!" The Canterlot army split up, with half pegasus and half unicorn each going off to help the dinosaurs and Twilight.

It had become a free for all battle royale. T-Rex, Indominus and the raptors found their efforts divided with having to fight two dragons per team. The guards were throwing in attacks and blasts to assist the dinosaurs and it did help weaken the slave dragons. Black Death used one punch to separate Scootaloo from her friends, leaving her to defend herself against Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten. The dragon himself was busy trying to smash Twilight and her friends. The guards attacks barely had any effect on him compared to the other dragons.

Celestia, Luna and Cadence could only look on in horror at the brawl taking place. If Black Death managed to kill the Mane six, then Scootaloo would be beyond devastated. Plus the Elements of Harmony would no longer be of use. They tried to free themselves from the flame cage, but the cage held strong against their magic.

"Sister I'm sorry. I didn't think that things would end up this way."

"It's not your fault Luna. You were just trying to help out a filly that truly does deserve a better family."

In the midst of all the fighting, Indominus could see Scootaloo being beaten by her DNA doners and Rainbow Dash trying to dodge Black Death's attacks. He knew that he and Tyrannosaurus had to get over there and help them. Thinking quickly, he grabbed the dragons he, Delta and Echo were facing by the necks and began punching them wildly. The guards that were helping him looked on in shock at the incredible display of strength. Indominus roared to Delta and Echo and they took off towards Scootaloo.

Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten were using the royale to beat up Scootaloo. With the dinosaurs and everypony preoccupied, they had nothing standing in their way. The poor filly could only try to dodge, she didn't have the willpower to fight against them. They were preparing for another attack when they were ambushed from behind. Delta and Echo landed on them from behind, grabbed them in their mouths by the neck and tossed them aside. The two raptors took on defensive stances in front of Scootaloo.

"Thanks you guys," Scootaloo said to her new defenders. The raptors chirped in response as acknowledgement.

While the raptors had Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten distracted, the guards that were with Indominus saw what happened. They finally understood what Indominus was trying to do. So they rushed in, blasting and ramming the controlled dragons. Indominus was taken aback by the sudden determination from the guards when one of them called out to him.

"Go on, get your partner and help Scootaloo. We'll take it from here, proud warrior." Indominus bowed his head to the guards and rushed off to get Tyrannosaurus and the other raptors. The guards continued to ruthlessly assault the dragons until they were knocked out cold from the attacks.

Tyrannosaurus, Blue and Charlie were dealing with the other two dragons. T-Rex had just tossed one dragon aside when Indominus came rushing in and punched the dragon out cold. Indominus gestured over to where Echo and Delta were holding off Scootaloo's DNA doners. Then over to Black Death where the Mane Six were dodging for their lives. Tyrannosaurus understood what Indominus was trying to say, but he was going to need some backup.

Blue and Charlie were still slashing away at their dragon, but unlike T-Rex and Indominus they couldn't do serious harm against the larger beast. The other half of the Canterlot army was helping them, but stopped when they saw T-Rex seize the dragon by the neck and didn't let go. They were perplexed until the other half of their troops called out.


Every unicorn soldier began charging their horns for a combined blast. The controlled dragon tried in vain to free himself, but T-Rex had him in a vice grip and wouldn't let go. Indominus called out to Blue and Charlie just as the soldiers released their blasts. The raptors leaped off the dragon and T-Rex tossed him face first into the energy beams. The force from the blasts knocked the dragon out cold, just like the others. Tyrannosaurus and Indominus tossed their bodies to where the other dragons were and turned to face the guards.

The four dinosaurs bowed to the guards before they ran off to help Scootaloo and the Mane six.

Twilight and her friends were in dire need of help. Black Death was keeping them all on the run, with his attacks getting dangerously close to hitting their mark. Applejack and Rarity had to focus on keeping their sisters safe while dodging the dragon's claws. Furious at being unable to hit any of them, Black Death lashed out with a torrent of flame that trapped them in a circle. Everypony was terrified of what was going to happen to them.

"There, now none of you can run from me anymore. Unless a miracle happens, you will die Elements of Harmony. Your precious title will mean nothing to Equestria after this."

Suddenly Black Death was blindsided from Blue and Charlie leaping onto his face. The raptors slashed away at the dragon from point blank range and it caused him to stumble back. While Black Death was distracted, T-Rex kicked up a wave of dust with his tail. The dust flowed over the flame circle and cage, freeing the Mane six and the Princesses.

"Alright, time for us to fight back against that behemoth." Rainbow was set to go until Applejack called out to her.


One look across the battlefield sent Rainbow Dash into overdrive. Seeing Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten trying to harm Scootaloo with the raptors defending her sent Rainbow speeding across the war zone. The rest of the Mane six, the Princesses and the entire army gathered alongside Tyrannosaurus. Even the CMC joined in, considering that no place was safe now, Applejack and Rarity didn't object. They did however stick by their sisters' sides, wanting to stay by them until the battle was over.

"We will help you after all that you guys have done for us," Celestia said to Tyrannosaurus. The great carnivore nodded his head in thanks and they all charged towards Black Death.

Delta and Echo were doing a valiant job of holding off Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten. Neither pegasus could get close enough without getting snapped at by the mouths of sharp teeth. Indominus had camouflaged himself and was waiting for the right opportunity to make his move. Spoiled Rotten got bold and charged towards the raptors. She dealt a punch to each of their faces, stunning them long enough to create an opening.

"You're mine you worthless brat."


Rainbow came zooming in and dealt a mach punch to Spoiled Rotten's face. The cruel pegasus was sent careening away from Scootaloo and went rolling in the dirt. She barely got her bearings back before Rainbow nailed her in the gut and bellowed in fury.


The rainbow mare began pounding the absolute heck out of Spoiled Rotten's face, beating it over and over again with her hooves like it was a punching bag. Spoiled Rotten could do nothing to defend herself, Rainbow Dash was attacking without mercy. Rainbow could hear cheering coming from her honorary sister that encouraged her pounding.

"OH YEAH!! Ok give it to her Rainbow. Oh boy! Uh huh, make her feel the pain! Yeah. Yeah, YEAH!!"

Sheer Cold saw the beating and tried to fly off to stop Rainbow, but he found himself restrained mid-flight. He slowly turned his head and found Indominus holding him by his back legs. The hybrid had a really evil smile written on his face. Before Sheer Cold could even attempt to escape, Indominus began his beating.

The hybrid took the stallion and started slamming his body into the ground over and over again. This time there was no restraint, Indominus was dealing out true justice. Each time Sheer Cold's body impacted the ground, Indominus slammed him down even harder. Delta and Echo were cheering him on the same way Scootaloo cheered on Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo's DNA doners were getting the punishment that they had coming to them from the moment they started treating her badly.

The DNA doners were barely conscious from all the ruthless pounding attacks. Indominus and Rainbow Dash ended their beatings by punching the evil pegasi across the battlefield. Their bodies bounced along the ground seven times before they stopped right where Twilight and the others had been. Painful whimpers could barely be heard coming from their mashed bodies.

Rainbow went to check on Scootaloo, now that the current threat to her life was whimpering in the dirt.

"Are you okay Scootaloo?"

"i am now, thanks to you and my saviors." Scootaloo had a few bruises and marks from Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten's earlier attack. It wasn't much though, she was every bit as tough as her idol.

Rainbow then looked over at Delta, Echo and Indominus.

"Thank you all for keeping Scootaloo safe until I could join in the fray, especially you Indominus." Rainbow flew up the hybrid's face, finding the same warming look in his eyes from the night when he helped save her. "You truly are a unique creature, and one that I'm glad I got to meet. When this is all over, I would be more than happy to have you and the others as our family."

Indominus's eyes lit up in delight, he leaned over and nuzzled Rainbow Dash. The cyan mare found herself blushing again from the affection the hybrid was showing her. Scootaloo and the raptors just watched the touching display before a roar in the distance got their attention.

T-Rex, Blue, Charlie and everypony were engaged in a grueling battle with Black Death. Seeing her friends fighting alongside Scootaloo's other savior brought Rainbow's attention back to the task at hand.

"Alright guys, let's get over there and help out the others. We'll show that monster the power of true cooperation!"

Rainbow, Scootaloo, Indominus, Delta and Echo took off towards the battlefield. Ready to fight the monster dragon to the bitter end.

Author's Note:

Scootaloo's DNA doners aren't going to be taking part in the action anymore. Now it's Black Death vs the dinosaurs, Princesses, Mane Six and the entire Canterlot army. Feel free to give your speculations on what direction the battle will take from here. And yes, those of you that guessed on the dinosaurs were right. The Raptor Squad has come to Equestria and joined the fight.