• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,266 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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A true challenge

The new world was turning out to be even better than the dinosaurs had expected. Their lives with Scootaloo were going so well. They were even beginning to understand friendship after being introduced to Scootaloo's friends. Everything seemed to be so perfect for the carnivores: they had the freedom they always wanted, Scootaloo loved them so much and they had made friends for the first time. But their lives wouldn't be perfect until they could rid the world of Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten.

Ever since T-Rex and Indominus had eavesdropped on the argument between Scootaloo and her monsters for parents, the dinosaurs had vowed to keep Scootaloo safe until they could destroy the pegasi and their project. The dinosaurs were determined to train and improve until they were beyond their peak and fully confident in their abilities as predators. The Everfree Forest supplied them with quite a few creatures to test their strength and prowess. Scootaloo's races had given them something to push their speed against, and they had gotten faster than they were before. However, despite all the obstacles they had come across, the dinosaurs felt like it had all been too easy.

Even the Crusaders were beginning to take notice of the hunger for a challenge in the dinosaurs' eyes. It had only been four days since Scootaloo had introduced Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom to her saviors, and the trio had been bonding and getting along so well. Yet every time the five of them hung out after school had ended, the dinosaurs seemed to be depressed. So one day when they were chilling with T-Rex and Indominus in the forest, Apple Bloom decided to finally ask the question.

"Hey Scootaloo, not to be rude but have ya noticed that yer dinosaur friends seem downhearted?"

"I have noticed and I think I know why, but it'll mean I'll have to reveal everything." Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom turned to each other with confused looks and back to Scootaloo.

"What do you mean by 'everything?'" Sweetie Belle asked with concern. Scootaloo turned toward her friends with a look of desperation they hadn't seen before.

"Girls, what I'm about to tell you is vitally important to my safety and possibly all of Ponyville." Her friends remained silent, but Scootaloo had their attention. "I need you both to swear that you won't tell anypony about what I say. It could put everypony's life in danger." Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom did the infamous Pinkie Promise to show they wouldn't tell, and with that Scootaloo began to tell them all that her twisted parents had planned.

Scootaloo began with how badly her parents had been treating her, including their harsh lecturing. It was painful to recollect all the harsh moments that they had put her through, but Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom provided support when it got to be too much. When she told them about the dreadful argument and the threat of her parents' project, her friends had gone bug-eyed again.

"I can't believe they talked to you like that Scootaloo," Sweetie Belle was simply stunned. She had never heard of parents that could be so cruel to their child. Apple Bloom was equally surprised, now everything made sense about Scootaloo's behavior. She rushed over, hugged Scootaloo and cried a little.

"I'm so sorry Scootaloo, you deserve so much better than those filthy pegasi." Scootaloo simply smiled after hearing the comment about her parents.

"Yeah about that Apple Bloom. I've kinda wanted to have Rainbow Dash and these great dinosaurs as my family." Hearing that statement caused Apple Bloom to become interested.

"Care to explain why," Apple Bloom then turned to the dinosaurs, worried that she might've upset them. "Not that there's anything wrong with you guys, you both have been awesome." The dinosaurs simply nodded in acknowledgement.

"It's just that all of them have been there for me like a real family should," Scootaloo replied. "They've looked out for me, tried to make me happy, and gave me the kind of love and affection that only a true family could give." Hearing those words touched Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom to their cores.

"Wow Scootaloo, that was beautiful," was all Sweetie Belle could say.

"They definitely have the makings of a real family in my book," said Apple Bloom. "But what does them being your family have to do with what your 'parents' have in mind?"

"Thing is, these guys overheard the entire conversation and wanted to check on me," Scootaloo said while gesturing to the dinosaurs. "After I found out about how concerned they were, I asked them to train in preparation for whatever the 'project' might be. They've been improving ever since, but I get the feeling that it's become too easy for my protectors. They want a real challenge to test their abilities."

"Ah, now it all makes sense," said Apple Bloom.

"You girls have any ideas on any creatures that could test their abilities?"

The Crusaders started pondering and trying to think of any creatures that could be enough for the dinosaurs. Aside from the Timberwolves and Manticores, there weren't any creatures they had come across before that could stand up to the predators. Then Apple Bloom remembered how Applejack had told her about a creature that she and her friends had encountered at Froggy Bottom Bog.

"Scootaloo I think there might be a creature that the dinosaurs can really fight after all," upon hearing that statement T-Rex and Indominus became active. The down look in their eyes replaced with eagerness. Scootaloo was also eager about what Apple Bloom was talking about.

"What did you have in mind Apple Bloom?" The Crusaders went into a huddle as Apple Bloom filled Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in on the encounter Applejack, Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy had at Froggy Bottom Bog. The dinosaurs could only watch since the Crusaders were talking too quietly for them to hear. The excited squeals coming from the huddle could only mean that the little ponies had something planned for the dinosaurs. They heard a few stray whispers from the huddle.

"Ya think they'll be up for it?"

"There's only one of it's kind. They've never encountered it before, its sure to peak their interest," Scootaloo said excitedly.

The Crusaders broke out of their huddle and walked over to the dinosaurs. Sweetie Belle was the first to speak up.

"Boys, we've got a proposition for you," the dinosaurs knelt down to give their full attention. Once they did Sweetie Belle continued, "we've noticed you guys have been hungering for a real fight. Well, we believe that there might be a creature in this forest that could give you both a true test of your potential." The dinosaurs' eyes grew wide with anticipation with every word.

"My big sis told me about a creature that she and her friends encountered at a place called Froggy Bottom Bog. The creature they had encountered was a Hydra." The word 'Hydra' caused excited growls from both dinosaurs. Seeing that their interest was being peaked, Apple Bloom went into an explanation on what she had been told. " A Hydra is a massive creature with a dragon-like body, and four long necks with snake-like heads."

The description filled the dinosaurs with excitement, it sounded like a creature that was definitely worthy of their prowess. With that, the Crusaders guided the eager carnivores down to Froggy Bottom Bog. Apple Bloom had to lead the way since she had the knowledge of where the bog was. T-Rex and Indominus grew more quiet the further the group went into the forest, they were in unfamiliar territory. Neither dinosaur knew what to expect or what creatures resided in the deep part of the forest. When they reached their destination, everypony was silent and nervous.

Froggy Bottom Bog was a swampland with tall mangrove trees, bubbling swamp water and not much dry land to walk on. It was an area the dinosaurs weren't sure how to handle. They had never fought in a swamp before, but it didn't matter because they needed to seek out the mysterious Hydra.

"Alright, now that we're here I have just one question. How are we going to find the Hydra," Sweetie Belle asked. Scootaloo had one idea, but it was an extremely risky idea.

"Girls, we might have to use ourselves as bait to lure the Hydra out." Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom looked at her as if she had an anvil dropped on her head.

"Are you crazy!? That Hydra will eat us before the dinosaurs get to fight it," Sweetie Belle had gone ecstatic. Scootaloo tried calming her nerves with a plan she had come up with.

"Listen Sweetie Belle I've got it all planned out."

"Alright, but it better be good for us to be risking our lives out here."

"We simply have the dinosaurs hide within the trees, draw the Hydra out and then right when he attacks, T-Rex and Indominus burst out and attack him." Both Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle liked the plan, it was simple, yet risky, but it would work.

Indominus and Tyrannosaurus took their hiding spots among the mangrove trees, eyeing the water for any signs of movement. The Crusaders walked out to an open stretch of land that was within reach of the dinosaurs. To draw out the Hydra, they deliberately began making a bunch of wacky loud noises. It seemed a little ridiculous, but soon a thick fog began surrounding the fillies. With the fog around them, the Crusaders failed to notice four long necks snaking their way out of the water. When the fog cleared, the Crusaders and dinosaurs found themselves staring up at the four heads of the Hydra.

The beast rose out of the water to it's full height and the heads bellowed a loud roar, with the third reacting slower than the rest. Tyrannosaurus and Indominus beheld the beast from their hiding spot, and knew they had finally found the challenge they had been waiting for. They prepared for their sneak attack while the Hydra eyed the three terrified fillies from it's great height. The heads licked their lips and lunged straight for the little ponies. That was the moment for the dinosaurs to strike.

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus burst from the trees and dealt all four heads uppercuts with their own heads. The force of the attacks left the Hydra dazed, and the dinosaurs charged into the swamp using their heads as battering rams. They drove the Hydra deep into the swamp and then used their heads to chuck him into the water. The Hydra was sent into the swamp with his body tumbling over his heads, still dazed from the uppercuts. He managed to get back on his feet and regained his awareness after spotting the dinosaurs. The heads issued a roar to the dinosaurs, who bellowed back with their own and the fight was on.

Being taller than the dinosaurs, the Hydra could keep them in it's sights when they decided to attack. T-Rex and Indominus dove for the chest, which had no arms and little protection. The heads dove towards them, but the dinosaurs just smacked them aside with their heads. This time however, the Hydra turned it's heads toward the dinosaurs after the attack and rammed them with two heads each. The attacks stunned the dinosaurs and caught them off guard. It was also the first time that a creature in their new world had managed to harm them in a fight. T-Rex and Indominus were growing satisfied, knowing that the Hydra was proving to be the challenge they had been promised.

When the heads attacked again, the dinosaurs dodged and clamped down on the necks. One of the free heads used the chance to bite down on T-Rex from behind the neck. The attack caused T-Rex to release his grip and worse, the head was at an angle that the tyrant king couldn't reach. The freed head seized the moment and bit T-Rex on the underside of the neck. The Hydra effectively had Tyrannosaurus trapped and was trying to strangle him.

Scootaloo watched in horror as Tyrannosaurus roared in pain from the biting heads. It was even more terrifying when the Hydra used it's tail to trip the dinosaur and pinned him with a foot. She was about to fly off and help when Apple Bloom stopped her.

"Don't do it Scootaloo, you'll only give them more to worry about."

"But T-Rex is in trouble, he'll die if I don't do something," Scootaloo said while desperately trying to get past her friends.

"Well, it's a good thing you aren't the only one who's noticed." The statement left Scootaloo a little confused.

"What do you mean Sweetie Belle, who else has noticed?"

"Just look and see for yourself."

Scootaloo looked back at the battlefield and witnessed something incredible. Indominus Rex had spotted the situation himself, and had abandoned his fight with the other heads. He was running behind the Hydra's body and launched a surprise bite attack on the head that had the back of T-Rex's neck. The head shrieked in pain as Indominus held it in a vice grip, the body moved back, removing the foot's hold on T-Rex. The head that had him by the underside of the neck tried to retreat, but Tyrannosaurus got up too quickly and clamped down with his own vice grip.

Scootaloo couldn't believe what had just happened: Indominus had saved Tyrannosaurus from being killed. She had never seen such dedication and determination between the predators before. The amazement continued as T-Rex and Indominus used their combined strength to throw the necks they had trapped and tossed the Hydra's whole body in the process. The dinosaurs turned their heads towards each other and gave a silent acknowledgement of gratitude, then resumed their fight with the Hydra.

The Crusaders watched from their little piece of land in awe as T-Rex and Indominus savagely assaulted the Hydra, who couldn't keep up with the relentless attacks. Scootaloo felt she had to ask an obvious question after seeing the incredible display.

"So girls, think they'll scare my parents?" After a fierce roar came from the dinosaurs, Sweetie Belle was the one who answered.

"Forget you parents Scootaloo, they would give Chrysalis, Sombra and Discord nightmares."

"Excellent. You know, they may be dinosaurs, but they've got hearts as strong as dragons." The statement caught Apple Bloom's attention away from the fight.

"Now where have I heard that phrase before? It sounds so familiar." Then the realization struck Apple Bloom like a bucket of apples. Both she and Sweetie Belle could feel an all too familiar tune coming along as Scootaloo began to sing to her saviors.

While Scootaloo was singing to the dinosaurs, they seemed to be attacking the Hydra while following the rhythm of the song. T-Rex would dodge one head and bite viciously at another, drawing more blood with each attack. Occasionally head butting the attacking head away with tremendous strength. Indominus was savagely slashing away at the other two heads, making them more bloody and beaten with each attack.

As the fight progressed on, T-Rex and Indominus crushed the bones in the Hydra's trapped necks. The heads went limp from the attack, and the remaining heads went in to attack. But the dinosaurs released their grip and smacked the heads away, leaving the Hydra stunned. The dinosaurs rammed the beast and threw him into the swamp again, bellowing their roars savagely. The remaining heads were terrified for the first time ever. They had never come across creatures that they couldn't beat. The Hydra tried to run away, but T-Rex and Indominus rushed over and grabbed him by the tail and one foot.

The dinosaurs used the combined strength in their jaws to lift the Hydra out of the swamp water and threw him into the air like an airborne soccer ball. The Hydra was tumbling in the air, his remaining heads shrieking in terror as the beast crashed down near the Crusaders. The once feared Hydra was now a scared and bloody mess of his former self. Two of his heads were lifeless and the others were torn up and scarred along with the body. When the two heads spotted the Crusaders, they tried to lung for them as a last ditch effort. But they froze halfway to the little ponies, completely paralyzed with agonizing pain.

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus had bitten down on the spine and crushed the spinal cord in several places. The dinosaurs dragged the miserable beast away and threw him onto his back. As the dinosaurs approached the body, the Hydra lashed out with the last of it's strength. But the dinosaurs grabbed the heads that time, and held them firmly in their jaws.

The last thing the Hydra saw was the mouths of teeth closing on his remaining heads. T-Rex and Indominus each exerted a bite force of four thousand pounds on the heads. The bite force crushed the skulls, shattering them to pieces and pierced the brains, causing the heads to burst into bloody explosions. The severed necks fell into the water with no movement afterwards, the dinosaurs had successfully killed the Hydra.

Just as the Crusaders finished their song, Tyrannosaurus and Indominus placed one foot each on the stomach of the Hydra and bellowed a united victory roar throughout the whole bog. Roaring up at the sky like ancient warriors to symbolize their victory over their opponent. They had found an opponent that had pushed them to be their best, now the dinosaurs were confident in their abilities and cooperation. With the battle over, the dinosaurs decided it was time to feast on their well earned reward.

"Uh oh, girls you might want to look away for this," Scootaloo said in a nervous tone.

"Why what's the problem?"

"I'm not sure how you guys feel about seeing them eat," that was all Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom needed to know.

"Oh, well it shouldn't be too bad. After all, they're gonna devour those wretched excuses for parents one day right?" Apple Bloom did have a point, that would happen one day and Scootaloo was going to have to get used to their eating habits if they were gonna be her family.

"Ok, time to witness their feeding frenzy."

The dinosaurs tore open the chest and pushed their heads into the body of the dead beast. Their jaws clamped down on the massive internal organs of the Hydra, when they pulled their heads out, the Crusaders cringed at the sight. Both dinosaurs had internal organs dangling from their mouths and blood oozing out from between their teeth. They quickly gulped down the organs in a few crunches and went back to eating. The Crusaders watched in silence as the dinosaurs tore away massive chunks of flesh and gorged on the body of the Hydra. The whole time Scootaloo kept imagining that kind of fate to be what awaited Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten if they ever crossed Indominus and Tyrannosaurus.

Once the dinosaurs had their fill, only the enormous skeleton of the Hydra was left. With a few chunks of flesh left in between some of the bones. They left Froggy Bottom Bog with the Crusaders on their backs and began to make their way back towards Ponyville. Scootaloo could see the confidence and satisfaction in their eyes and knew they were ready. Now they just had to wait for Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten to reveal their project. Once it was over, Scootaloo could finally have the family and happiness she had been denied for so many years.

Author's Note:

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus vs. Hydra. Quite a showdown, and a preview of the ultimate fight to come between the dinosaurs and the mysterious 'project.' I felt "Hearts as Strong as Horses Rock Version" fit the fight quite well. Let me know what you think of the dinosaurs' first true challenge.