• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,015 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Princess Midnight Part Two

Chapter 12:

Princess Midnight Part Two:

Once Nightmare Moon is done cackling evilly after being transformed she immediately blasts magic at the ceiling causing parts of it to fall to ground. Midnight was quick to dodge the ceiling pieces as they made their way down to the ground. Once she lifts her head up she finds herself facing Princess Celestia who is facing off her transformed sister with glaring anger in her eyes as Nightmare Moon strolls up to face Celestia herself.

Princess Celestia then flies up as Nightmare Moon blasts magic form her horn at her which Celestia was quick to dodge as the blast struck the ceiling again causing the moonlight from the sky to appear visible from the castle.

“Luna!” Princess Celestia sternly addressed her while folding her wings “I will not fight you! You must lower the moon it is your duty!” She said to assert to her sister that she is not going to fight her.

“Luna” the dark mare questioned as if her name isn't Luna. “I am…Nightmare Moon!”

While watching this Midnight studies the scene carefully of how this can play into her hooves in the present day.

“I have but one royal duty now: to destroy you!” She shot out another powerful laser towards Celestia, causing her to jump and flee away. “And where do you think you’re going?” She called out to her while chasing after her in flight seeing this as an act of cowardice.

Seeing Nightmare Moon fly off, Midnight quickly opened her wings and took off after them to continue observing their fight from behind. Nightmare Moon relentlessly attempted to harm Celestia, but Celestia was able to dodge these beams of magic as if there was nothing else she could do just barely. These harmful magic attacks landed at the sides of the buildings and even destroyed a supporting arch. Even when Midnight had to quickly dodge and evade the falling debris to avoid being hit it didn’t stop her from pursing the two sisters at the same speed she has been maintaining.

However, it wasn’t long before Nightmare Moon finally managed to strike Celestia causing her to scream in pain as she falls down back into the castle through one of holes created from one of Nightmare Moon’s blasts.

Midnight flies down to observe Celestia who is now struck unconscious by Nightmare Moon who cackles evilly again at her moment of triumph.

“So this how it played out? Interesting!” Midnight observantly noted as she looks intrigued by her closely observed studies as if she is getting more and more ideas from watching this fight play out as Princess Celestia gets up on her feet after recovering from the attack who now looks on at Nightmare Moon’s direction with grim determination.

“Oh, dear sister. I am sorry, but you have given me no choice but to use these.” She spoke to herself as she is going to regret what she is about to do as she used her magic open a secret chamber where a statue rises from the floor. It is the statue used to contain the Elements of Harmony with six gems on six separate pedestals.

Midnight continues to observe intently as Princess Celestia flies up as she uses her magic to raise the six gems including the element of magic hidden in one of the stones and circle them around her causing a bright burst of magic to form around her.

Fueled by the elements powers she rises up to face off against Nightmare Moon again. As Nightmare Moon glares her down reading her horn, Celestia does the same with regretful tears in her eyes as she prepares to banish her to the moon.

Nightmare Moon blasts a beam of magic from her horn as Celestia does the same with her horn powered by the Elements of Harmony creating a Beam War between the two. While Nightmare Moon initially holds her own, she finds herself overwhelmed by the elements powers as the beam battle goes in Celestia’s favor. Realizing what is about to happen all Nightmare Moon has to time to do is scream “NOOOOOOO!” as she is utterly consumed by a bright light and banished to the moon she will continue to remain there for the next thousand years.

Once Midnight recovered from seeing the vision she rubs her eyes and then sees she is now back in the present day where she stood as the others look at her in an odd way.

“Why are you all looking at me like that?” Midnight confusingly inquired.

After a moment, Applejack broke the silence to answer “It’s just you were mumbling to yourself…” She began to answer.

“Ooh! Don’t forget all the thinking out loud you were doing.” Pinkie Pie included.

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked in a worried tone.

“Eh…It was okay in my opinion” Discord said as he observed from laying down on one of the spiky branches from the Everfree Forest. “Though I was hoping to see you cry and freak out like Twilight would have done. Would make more of a one-pony theater piece that way.”

He revealed a scroll that held a moving picture of Midnight calmly observing her sightings which earned him a glare from the alicorn to silently tell him that trying to see her cry isn’t funny.

“Did you find out whose rump we need to kick and where we can find them?” Rainbow Dash asked, aggressively ready for the name so she can charge at the very threat.

“I saw something a long time ago.” Midnight answered but not revealing what she saw. “But it didn’t explain what’s happening now.” She ended as she turned her head back towards the others as if she was ready to continue speaking. All the other girls turned to her attention to further listen on what she is about to say next.

“Perhaps farther back still are the answers you seek.” Zecora offered as she approached her, pulling the vial once more. “Another sip of the potion will give you a peek.”

Midnight held the vial with her magic as she is ready to look back further for answers as Spike walked up to her.

“You sure about this?” Spike asked in a worried tone as the other girls give concerned looks as well.

Midnight simply drank the potion to non-verbally reply “Yes” in response to Spike’s question.

As Midnight drinks the potion, Discord appears in front of them with an old-fashioned filmmaker rolling and dressed like a film-maker.

“Oh, I do hope she breaks into a song this time!” Discord eagerly speaks as he is ready to start filming Midnight's reaction to her visions.

As soon as Midnight finishes drinking the potion her eyes her eyes glowed white again. When her eyes return to normal color she finds herself seeing fish floating in the air even though there is no water. Upon seeing this she looks around the area like she has since this before as she turns to attention to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna approaching somebody sitting on a chair in the distance carrying saddlebags on their backs and then quickly approaches them from behind so she can observe what is about to happen.

The figure in question turns out to be Discord who turns his chair around to face the Princesses who both look on clearly fed up with his antics. Once Midnight sees him the pieces from the puzzle are all put together for her.

“Oh, this is so much fun. How about a game of 'Pin the Tail on the Pony'?” Discord jokingly said as he holds Celestia’s sparkling tail to which in reaction, she gasped as she looked back to see her tail no longer there. Being further angered by Discord’s childish antics, she led Luna closer to him.

“Playtime is over for you, Discord!” she firmly said to him as she and Luna glared at him with disdain.

“Oh, I doubt that.” He swung around a bag that was filled with what that looked like black popcorn kernels. He munched loudly as he offered them some from the bag. “Hungry?”

The two alicorns only gave him a cold glare in response, even when the apparent food tapped them right on the face.

“Suit yourselves.” Discord casually said as he threw in another clawful into his mouth and munched. As Discord continues to munch on his food, Celestia and Luna pulled out the Elements from their bags but they looked different by the they looked as if they had different appearance before Twilight and the others harnessed them.

“Oh! What have you got there?” Discord questioned, showing no signs of fear.

“The Elements of Harmony.” Celestia briefly and firmly answered.

“With them, we shall defeat you!” Luna added in the same tone.

Observing this scene, Midnight correctly deduces that this is the day the princesses turned Discord to stone. She examines the black popcorn kernels as they sink below down into the round, and figures to herself that the seeds that look the same color as the overgrowing vines that are invading Ponyville might be the connection and that Discord’s past antics have indeed played a role in this.

Discord laughed, causing Midnight to place her focus back on the scene.

“You should see yourselves right now. “The expressions on your face. So intense. So sure of yourselves!” He continued laughing while the two princesses connected each other’s horn as ready their magic to activate the Elements of Harmony. “Hilarious!” He chortled and laughed out, holding a claw out and his paw to his stomach just as the Elements magic landed onto him. He was immediately encased in stone in the same exact way Twilight and the others first found him.

Suddenly, her eyes were blinded again, and found herself taken someplace else. Midnight looked in amazement at the sight shining in front of her.

The princesses appearing there as well approached the highly mystical tree. “The Tree of Harmony!” Luna said as they reach the tree that is now right in front of them.

Midnight remains silent as she looks on at the tree analyzing it and recognizing Twilight’s cutie mark branded on the tree similar to Midnight’s cutie mark above Celestia and Luna’s cutie marks.

Nonetheless, Celestia flew up towards Twilight’s cutie mark on the tree and sent out a beam of her magic at it.

“Are you sure?” Luna worriedly asked her as she flew up to join her sounding and acting unsure if what they are about to do is a good idea.

“We have managed to discover the only means by which we can defeat Discord and free the citizens of Equestria.” Celestia explained, and then began manually taking out each element inside, including Twilight’s which is now in Midnight’s possession. “Even without these elements, the Tree of Harmony will possess a powerful magic. As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here.”

“…magic?” Luna repeated in the form of curiosity yet understanding of her sister's explanation. She slowly approached the tree and placed a hoof on it. Suddenly, the tree flashed brighter for a second and Luna returned a small and quick yelp.

“Luna, are you alright?!” Celestia quickly met with her after that reaction worried for her well-being.

Luna stared at her hoof for a moment and then looked downwards at her chest. She gave a few sharp breaths before responding. “Yes…I’m fine.”

Before Midnight could see anymore, she was blinded again as she was now back to the present, now out of her vision.

“So what did you find out?” Spike instantly asked Midnight as she shook her head recovering from the experience.

“I still don't know what's happened to Princess Luna and Princess Celestia” Midnight answered while lying at the same time. “But I think I know why the Everfree Forest is acting this way. Something's happened to the Tree of Harmony.”

Each of the girls, including Zecora, looked at one another in a very questionable manner.

“The tree of what now?” Rainbow Dash asked just as confused as everypony else.

“The Tree of Harmony.” Midnight said to Rainbow Dash to answer her question. “It's where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna found the Elements. I think it's in danger.”

“Well, all right then!” Applejack responded as she walked towards her confidently. “Let's go save a... tree.” She hesitated on the subject of the matter. “Uh... where is it exactly?” She felt the need to ask again.

“It is in the Everfree Forest.” Midnight answered as she pointed towards the area where the invading plants growing from there.

“Ooh-hoo! I’m going to need more popcorn!” Discord reacted joyfully with his recliner chair, empty bag of popcorn, and drink, as if he was really watching a movie.

Midnight, the girls, and Spike all walk up to the entrance of the forest, leaving a highly familiar sight implemented in the girls minds.

“Seems like only yesterday we were heading into these woods to find the Elements of Harmony.” Rarity said recalling the night the group minus Midnight grouped together to defeat Nightmare Moon.

“Seems only yesterday that I meet all of you minus actually being around when Nightmare Moon returned.” Midnight added while feeling the need to point out again she wasn’t there when that day happened but Twilight was as she stepped inside the forest with them that day. “I don't know what we're going to face in there. But whatever it is, I know we need to face it together.” She firmly old the others, earning herself agreeing nods from the girls as she lead them in silent confidence until they came across this foggy swamp with water that looked acidic giving no pony any reason to touch it or even think about swimming across it at all.

Midnight stepping forward examines the rock stones above the water and then used her magic to throw a nearby rock at it as she does not trust it to be used to hop on across the river. And true to her suspicions the rocks turned out to be scales from a huge creature who emerged from the water glaring at her angrily. The creature growled furiously as it headed straight towards her.

“A cragadile! Run for your lives!” Rarity shouted out, leading to the others to all spread out.

Midnight and Spike trying to flee ended up blocked off by a tree as the cragadile targets her as he approaches.

Midnight seeing she has no other options readies her wings and flies herself up at sends a blast of magic at the cragadile stunning his vision as he stumbled backwards. When the cragadile tries to recover Applejack lassos the cragadile’s tail using one of the vines from the forest where she and the other girls are trying and struggling to pull it away from Midnight and Spike.

Applejack then uses another vine to lasso the cragadile’s mouth shut, and then used more vines to further restrain the cragadile to multiple trees nearby with help from the other girls. Midnight joined in helping tie the cragadile’s tail to a tree.

“And for good measure!” Midnight said as she readies another blast of magic from her horn to right at the cragadile to knock him out cold so they could escape.

“That was close. “ Midnight said sounding a little relieved yet unfazed from his attempted attack.

Applejack released a quick breath before responding. “A little too close, if you ask me. You sure you're all right?”

“I’m fine.” Midnight reassuringly returned. “We better keep moving.” She continued as she continued forward into the forest. “Let’s go!” After a good few seconds of trotting to head. She found to her surprise the girls are very hesitant to follow her catching Midnight’s attention when they refuse to take another step forward with her. “Well? What you are waiting for? Let’s go!” Midnight said again confused why the girls aren’t following after her.

“Well, we were just thinking, and we’re thinking that maybe it be best if you went back to Ponyville and let us look for the Tree of Harmony without you.” Applejack spoke up her thoughts.

“What? Why?” Midnight inquired a little angrily at what the farm pony is suggesting.

“For starters, you just about got eaten by a cragadilly.” Applejack further continued her reasons why.

“We all did. He wasn’t after just me. And I was able to handle my own against him just fine even without your help!” Midnight shot back, turning her head away. "Also it's pronounced cragadile." Midnight added feeling the need to correct Applejack.

“Sure but the point is…” Applejack continued as she approached Midnight. “…well, the rest of us aren’t princesses.”

“What’s that got to do with anything?” Midnight asked in a defensive stance. “Do I need to remind you that I took down King Sombra on my own when we first met. If it weren’t for me the Crystal Empire wouldn’t be safe right now!” Midnight angrily pointed out of what she is capable of and again pointed she is capable of holding her own.

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are gone. If something happened to you, I-I just don't think Equestria can risk losing another princess.” Applejack said, leading to the new alicorn princess becoming more defensive and angry at what she was hearing.

“Applejack does make a valid point.” Rarity said in agreement siding with Applejack. “Even if we manage to save the Tree of Harmony, it won't necessarily mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will return. Equestria will need somepony to lead in their absence.”

“But the Tree of Harmony!” Midnight countered to further make her valid points perfectly clear to the girls of why they need her in order to complete this mission. “I'm the only one who has seen it and knows what it looks like. You need to follow my lead on this.”

“Huge tree, cutie marks on the trunk, probably being attacked by something hideously awful? Yeah, I'm pretty sure we'll know it when we see it.” Rainbow Dash responded as she flew down to Midnight’s eye level unconcerned.

“All of you feel this way? Feel like I shouldn't be here? Even after everything we have been through together?” Midnight asked sounding hurt that the girls think they are better off without her even after what she has accomplished.

The girls didn’t answer, instead either looked away or at the ground. Seeing that the message is clear as Fluttershy hesitantly and sadly answers.

“It is for the best.” Fluttershy told her as Midnight glares at them angrily looking very hurt by her response.

“Fine! Have it your way! See if any of you make out alive after all of this!” Midnight bitterly responded before flying off back to Ponyville on her own.

Seeing and hearing this, causes Spike to run after her shouting in her direction “Midnight, wait!” as the other girls shocked at what Midnight had just said before continuing forward in the Everfree Forest now looking very regretful yet felt was necessary for the good of all of Equestria.

When Midnight made it back out of the Everfree Forest, she saw Discord sitting on one of the vines as lounge chair while filing his nails with Gummy’s scaly back and holding a couple of ponies hostage with the Everfree roots. While Gummy didn’t mind, the other ponies were screaming for help as Discord takes pleasure from their fear.

“Discord!” Midnight quickly scolded him when she catches him in the act causing him to get rid of Gummy and snap and remove the danger from the two ponies.

“You’re welcome!” Discord shouted out as they quickly dashed away, sounding like they were supposed to thank him for freeing them as soon as Midnight showed up. “Hmph. No luck finding your tree?” He asked Midnight as he turned around asking the question to change the subject.

“We ran into some trouble.” Midnight bitterly answered as Spike managed to catch up to them. “The girls decided it would be best if I returned to Ponyville while they continued the search.”

“Wow, I'm just surprised that you agreed to their plan.” Discord spoke sounding surprised hearing this. “I never thought you'd be the kind of pony who would think she was better than everypony else.”

“I don’t think I’m better than anypony!” Midnight immediately and defensively shot back “I left them because they showed that they didn’t trust me even after everything we have been through and knowing of what I am capable of.”

“Oh, well, how silly of me to assume that you would think that. All you did was choose to keep your precious princess self out of harm's way while your friends thrust themselves right into it.” He pointed towards the Everfree Forest after creating an old monarch robe and scepter for Midnight. However, Midnight silently threw both the robe and scepter to the side, clearly not putting up with this. “I'm sure you'll all be the best of pals again when they return from their terrifying yet deeply bonding experience that they're having without you.” Discord appeared from within Midnight’s ears, chuckling about the matter.

“You know what? You’re right Discord!” Midnight answered with determination. “I should have never agreed to come back here. They are going to follow my lead whether they like it or not!” She further added as she turned back into the Everfree Forest.

“Come on, Midnight. Discord may be reformed but he's not that reformed. He’s just trying to get under your skin.” Spike tried to reassure her not to let Discord's words get to her as he tries to keep up with her.

“Well, it’s working!” Midnight returned angrily before using her magic to place Spike on her back as she flew into the air to catch back up to the others.

As Midnight flew over the forest looking for the girls, Spike got onto a nearby tree so he can see where they are and to his luck they are not far behind from the girls as they managed to find the tree. But when Spike turned to tell Midnight the good news she was suddenly attacked by gas-spewing plants. Acting quick she used a magic shield to protect herself as the plants closed in on her.

Spike seeing the danger Midnight was in went to the other girls for help.

After a good few minutes of holding up her magic, Midnight then bursts up in the air and uses her magic to wrap the five plants that were attacking her together and then broke their steams after pulling them up in the air. She then twirls them around sends them flying up in the air and then disintegrates them into ashes with her magic with one powerful blast.

Once she lands herself back on the ground she sees that the girls and Spike have just arrived looking in awe having witnessed the whole scene with open jaws and widen eyes.

“Dude…” Rainbow Dash began.

“That…” Applejack added.

“Was…” Rarity included.

“AMAZING!” Spike hopped and cheered as he hugged her. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“I sure am glad you came looking for us.” Applejack added in relief.

“Not as glad as I am seeing that you all found and came back to me.” Midnight told them sounding very pleased with their kind words.

“The truth of it is…” Rarity included in an apologetic tone. “…we’re simply lost without you and we shouldn’t have sent you away like that.”

“Yeah. Equestria may need its princess... “ Rainbow began in the same tone.

“ ... But we need our friend.” Fluttershy finished.

With all said and done, the girls all went to the Tree of Harmony, where Midnight shows an uninterested look at it as she is not surprised by what she is seeing as she spread her wings and flew towards the tree up to where Twilight’s cutie mark was marked on. When she tried to stretch out a hoof to touch it, one of the roots immediately wrapped itself around Midnight’s hoof, causing her to quickly react by using her magic to shoot a beam at it, splitting it in half. As the vines wrapped around the cutie mark Midnight began thinking back to Celestia’s words from the flashback played back in her mind.

“Even without these elements, the Tree of Harmony will possess a powerful magic. As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here.”

With that Midnight flies back to the others to tell them what they need to do to save the tree.

“I know how we can save the tree.” Midnight announced. “We have to give it the Elements of Harmony.”

All the other girls immediately reacted with stunned and concerned faces at this announcement.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, heh. How are we supposed to protect Equestria?” Rainbow Dash correctly brought up, landing in front of Midnight.

“How are we meant to rein Discord in if we can't use the Elements to turn him back to stone?” Rarity added also stepping forward.

“Midnight... The Elements of Harmony...” Applejack further mentioned to back Rainbow Dash and Rarity up as she approached Midnight. “They're what keep us connected no matter what.”

“You're right about one thing, Applejack. The Elements of Harmony did bring us together. But it isn't the Elements that will keep us connected. It's our friendship. And it's more important and more powerful than any magic.” Midnight returned, beginning to relive those who were initially upset with her proposal. “My new role in Equestria may mean I have to take on new responsibilities, and our friendships may be tested, but it will never, ever be broken. But if any of you have any objections to this, that’s fine too.” She added in the tone while sounding like "if you don't trust me like you did before then fine shame on all of you." while reminding them of their decision to send her away which causes the others to look away ashamed as she spoke the last part of sentence.

“No, you’re right, Midnight, Equestria does need the elements more than we need them." Applejack responded agreeing with Midnight after realizing the truth in her words. “We should have realized that we needed to follow your lead no matter what, and yet when we didn’t we came to the tree without having some pony to know what do to about. We’re not going to make that mistake again.”

“Then there's no time to lose." Midnight firmly told them as she asked them as she flies up in the air. "Everypony ready?”

“Ready!” The girls replied on board with her lead.

Midnight then focused her magic to take the gems off of the girl’s necklaces and then circles them around her similar to how Princess Celestia did in the flashback before having the gem from her tiara join in.

At that moment, the vines reacted by grabbing her which causes the girls and Spike to gasp in shock as Midnight after a little struggle before she calmly continues using her magic to send the gems back into their respective stone cases on their respective cutie marks as the vines continue to consume her as she puts her gem onto wear Twilight’s cutie mark is.

With all six elements connected onto the tree again they all produced a bright light that magically shines the tree causing all of the vines to disintegrate by the Tree of Harmony’s magic.

The tree is then restored to its former glory as the brightness dies down as Midnight flies down to land in front of the girls as a pair of the last leftover vines disintegrate too.

When they disintegrate they reveal that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were trapped by those vines as they awaken now free from their control causing the girls to smile to see that they have found them and that they are both okay.

Midnight acting relived to see they are all right is the first to approach them.

“We know how difficult it must have been for you to give up the Elements. It took great courage to relinquish them.” Princess Celestia told her while commending her for her actions as the girls look on in pride.

As Midnight embraces the princesses she is drawn to the tree as it shines another light causing her to step forward towards the tree. Magic produced from the elements stream up to the element of magic causing a small rainbow stream on the tree to stream down through Celestia and Luna’s cutie marks through to the bottom of the tree’s roots as a flower is produced from the tree. Midnight touches it causing it’s petals to open up revealing a bright chest with six keyholes.

“What's inside it? How am I supposed to open it?” Midnight asked as the Princesses looked at the closed chest with her.

“Six locks, six keys.” Luna said while examining the chest. The two turn their attention to Princess Celestia for answers.

“I do not know where they are. But I do know that it is a mystery you will not be solving.” Celestia explained as the others smile in her direction as Midnight turns away to look at the chest seeing that the elements are locked up secretly smirking that her plan went perfectly.

As everyone made their way out of the forest, Discord appeared with a party horn being heard in the background with a number one foam finger in his right hand while holding a colorful flag in his left with two number one wooden signs posted a small distance from them in the nearby field and banners with the six ponies faces on them with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie’s faces on one and Midnight, Applejack, and Fluttershy’s on the other.

“Bravo, ladies, bravo!” Discord cheered out loud as he wiggled his fingers right in front of Rainbow Dash “How ever did you save the day this time? Blast the beastie with your magic necklaces, I presume? Where are those little trinkets of yours? You know the ones you use to send me back to my extremely uncomfortable stone prison?” He added as he noticed that the elements were gone as he appeared in a miniscule size while wearing a cowboy outfit on Applejack’s back to which the farm pony sighed in response, knowing what ideas he most likely would get if he found out what happened.

“Gone.” She honestly answered.

“Gone? Gone?” He repeated in an intrigued tone, tapping his paw and claw together while looking up with bad intentions.

“But our friendship remains!” Fluttershy immediately responded to him and having him remove that smug grin on his face. “And if you want to remain friends, you'll stop thinking whatever it is you're thinking and help us clean up.” She told of the Lord of Chaos as her scolding of him caused him slowly shrink to a miniscule size before he disappeared and reappeared in a maid’s outfit.

“Fine. But I don’t do windows.” Discord returned in defeat, holding up a feather duster.

“One thing I don't get. Why did all this happen now?” Applejack inquired Midnight as they continued walking forward.

“I have no idea.” Discord surprisingly answered. “Those seeds I planted should have sprouted up ages ago.”

“You mean those black seeds you snacked on and tossed around before Princess Celestia and Princess Luna turned you into stone?” Midnight asked while raising an eyebrow unsurprised earning some surprise from the Mane Five of her knowledge of what Discord is talking about.

“Yes. And since you observed the flashback scene, why should I try to explain it when you can see for yourself?” Discord said while impressed with Midnight’s intellect and analysis and summoning the same vial with the white liquid allowing her to retrieve it with her magic.

She drank it down as her eyes glowed white again so she can revisit the flashback of Discord being turned to stone by the Princesses again.

“Play time is over for you, Discord!” She heard Celestia speak again while confronting Discord.

“Oh, I doubt that.” He returned and offered his bag of snacks. “Hungry?”

Midnight then focuses more on the seeds that fell to the ground while hearing Discord’s present voice.

“Well, obviously things didn't go according to my original plan. My plunder seeds should have stolen the magic from the Tree of Harmony and captured Princess Celestia and Princess Luna thousands of moons ago.” He explained as she witnessed the roots spread throughout the ground until they were directly under the Tree of Harmony. However there was some sort of magic protecting it, preventing the roots from reaching the top . “Alas, it seems the tree had enough magic to keep the seeds from growing up big and strong. Until now, that is.”

Just after Discord explained, Midnight immediately was back to the present after shaking her head when her eyes stopped glowing.

“But the one thing that really gets me is that the seeds have also been fueled by some kind of magic that allowed them to grow big and strong which is something that I honestly can’t say was my doing this time.” Discord added curiously and honestly wondering how certain magic that allowed the seeds to grow big and strong could have managed to now have the power to act up the way they did.

“So what are you saying?” Midnight asked. “That some pony with malicious intentions had something to do with this?”

“A pony who knows dark magic.” Discord corrected. “You wouldn’t happen to know any pony who knows that kind of magic do you?”

“Other than King Sombra, no I don’t.” Midnight replied as she continued walk back to Ponyville.

“Well at least this experience taught you a valuable lesson about being princess?” Discord replied as he walked side-by-side with her.

“Oh, believe me, this experience sure taught me everything I needed in order to move on.” She said while continuing to walk as she smiled confidently of what’s to come next while Applejack looks on at her suspiciously feeling something is up with her as they walk back into town.

On the night of the Summer Sunset Celebration, the royal guards do their trumpet fanfare as every pony in attendance including the Mane Five watch eager for what they are about to see as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna with open wings both step forward to the stage passing by Midnight who is wearing her new crown waiting to do her performance.

“Citizens of Equestria” Celestia began announcing proudly. “It is no longer with a heavy heart but with great joy that I raise the summer sun. For this celebration now represents not the defeat of Nightmare Moon, but the return of my sister, Princess Luna."

The crowd cheers at the announcement as Luna flies up above a moon statue and uses her magic to lower the moon while Celestia flies up to above the sun statue using her magic to raise the sun.

Seeing the sunrise signals Midnight her cue to begin her performance as she flies up to begin. She flies up and dashed towards the middle as fast as she could creating a huge dark purple star similar to Twilight’s brighter purple star. Everyone gazes in awe at Midnight’s dazzling performance. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna landed back on the stage to watch Midnight pull off her landing perfectly as Midnight turned back to them who look on smiling at her very proud of her and her accomplishments so far.

Midnight after sharing this silent moment with them, her smile turns into another devious smirk as she looks away as she mentally prepares herself for the next part of her plan after seeing everything went exactly how she planned from the start.

Author's Note:

So at this point, Midnight has performed another Xanotos Gambit as she completes the first half of her plan to takeover Canterlot and Ponyville that either results her taking out Princess Celestia and Princess Luna and Ponyville being overrun by vines or what really happens is the Elements of Harmony being locked away to keep them out of the picture as she acknowledges that they have the power to defeat her if used against her and that is when another pony like her can be capable of harnessing it's power.

Even though the two princesses managed to emerge alive, she doesn't mind since she already has another plan in place.

For those who have read up to this point, get ready as these next two chapters reveal major spoilers that puts Midnight's character and motivations into an entirely new light.