• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,054 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 15: Castle Mane-ia

Chapter 15:

Castle Mane-ia

At the Golden Oaks Library, Midnight now in her normal alicorn form before gaining her Nightmare Moon like appearance is now reading through all of the books in the library. She has read every book including every book in Ponyville yet has had no luck finding the information she needs. The information about the strange chest from the Tree of Harmony. Sure, the Elements of Harmony are locked up but she too needs to find and gain control of the keys before the Mane 5 do, because the Elements of Harmony are still the only thing powerful enough to defeat her since Nightmare Moon’s powers also came from a solar eclipse aside from the alicorn amulet she is wearing with dark magic at her disposal.

With her true self revealed after she is no longer Princess Celestia’s student and Spike is now living with her out of fear that she would harm him even though Midnight has nothing against him, Midnight is on her own on this matter. Not that it bothers her as she still has her crystal orb to spy on other ponies when she needs to.

“No, no, no, no…” Midnight said to herself as she looked through her books before deciding to pull out her crystal orb to spy on Princess Celestia and Spike who are in the royal throne room as Spike is getting her scrolls to write on with her magic in order to see what they are up to after deciding that she has read every book the town has to offer. Once Princess Celestia is done writing on one of the scrolls she gives it to Spike as it is a list of instructions on how find something that might be helpful to saving Twilight from her darkness.

“Here Spike, take this and go to the Everfree Forest. Hopefully there will be information at my and Luna’s former castle that has the answers we need to bring Twilight back from her insanity.” Princess Celestia told the young dragon as she places her confidence in him.

“You got it, Princess Celestia!” Spike said as she respectfully bowed to her.

“And keep an eye out for her!” Celestia warned Spike. “Because who knows what tricks she might have up her hooves against us.”

“Don’t worry, Princess!” Spike confidently reassured the sun monarch. “I’ll be careful! I mean I did save Applejack from a group of Timberwolves.”

“I know but remember this is a Nightmare Moon situation not a timberwolf situation.” The sun monarch replied in a understanding tone yet still warning him of the severity of the situation. “Midnight won’t hesitate to take prisoners or place harm onto any of us if we ever cross paths with her. So please be careful out there.”

“Understood!” Spike answered as he nodded to her as he headed out of the throne room to carry out his task.

Midnight put her orb away as she prepared to make her way into the Everfree Forest to find the same information before any of the Mane Five gets ahold of it.

She teleports herself from the library and into the Everfree Forest just in front of the wooden bridge to the castle.

“Well your right about one thing Celestia…” Midnight commented on what she saw to herself. “I would harm you and the others if we did meet again but not Spike.” She said as she flew over the bridge. “Because unlike the rest of you, he didn’t do anything to deserve being put in harm’s way.”

“And unlike you, I intend to prove that.” Midnight said as she walked inside the castle to make her way to the library. “For the young dragon stills needs my guidance more so than you even when you have took it upon yourself to have him taken from under my wing.”

“Now where is it? Midnight asked herself as she looked around the castle before finding the room full of books. Once she finds the library she gasps in amazement at the sight. “Wow! Look at all these ancient books! It's a veritable goldmine of information!” She said in an excited tone as she grinned. “Now where to begin.” She said to herself as her body glowed neon purple.

With said she would then make herself comfortable by using her magic to summon her sitting pillow and a table as she started reading after pulling her first pile of books. While she was reading she also pulled out her crystal orb so she can keep tabs on the Mane Five and Spike and she saw every pony is coming to the castle for different reasons.

Spike of course was here for the same reason as she is yet is finding himself too scared to even explore the castle yet is nervously walking around the halls knowing that he can’t walk away empty hoofed. Applejack and Rainbow Dash are coming over so they can see who the bravest pony between the two of them is which is true to their competitive nature. Rarity and Fluttershy are here to obtain ancient tapestries so Rarity can bring them back to her boutique shop for restoration and potentially use for a new fashion line with Fluttershy who also brought Angel with her reluctantly tagging along to help her.

Angel ran inside ahead of the two with Fluttershy following her to make sure she is okay while Rarity marvels at the sight of the castle inside.

Midnight seeing this thinks of another potential opportunity as she goes outside of the library so she can get candles as she intends on reading well into the night in order to get the answers she needs.

As she is reading she watches as all four ponies explore the castle. Fluttershy is having a difficult time taking down a large tapestry for Rarity when she ends up triggering a switch that allows the wall she is on to rotate into a different room where Applejack and Rainbow Dash are who are frightened at the sight of Fluttershy struggling to move around behind the tapestry believing they are seeing a ghost causing them to run for their lives out of the room as the door rotates Fluttershy back into the room Rarity is in. Seeing the tapestry is too large for Fluttershy to handle decides to lead Fluttershy to another room to find a smaller one for her to handle.

Midnight observing this is just amused at seeing them run around in terror and this all without even trying to do anything as she just continues reading as Angel who ran off on her own after getting tired of helping Rarity and Fluttershy with the former's errand with Spike keeping up with her knowing that Fluttershy really cares for her. Once he finally gets his claws on the bunny he ends up freezing at the sight of seeing Twilight here as Midnight seeing this takes her eyes off of her books upon seeing them.

“Hello, Spike.” Midnight warmly greeted. “This is a surprise to see you here, yet I hoped you’d be a little braver in the face of danger considering are now following Princess Celestia’s orders. Pretty disappointing considering you saved Applejack from those Timberwolves.” Midnight commented as she referred to her bravery from the timberwolf incident.

“Twilight? What are you doing here?” Spike asked still in a state of shock.

“Doing some late night research, especially after hearing that this library might have the answers I need for my plans for all of Equestria.” Midnight said as she casually used her magic to pick up a new book.

“That doesn’t by any chance contain information regarding the Elements of Harmony does it?” Spike couldn’t help but nervously ask as if she already knows why he is here.

“Oh yes, Spike!” Midnight calmly replied. “Because of course, I can’t have the girls and the princesses obtaining information on how to access the Elements without them interfering with my plans.”

“But Twilight?” Spike pleaded with her. “Without the elements Equestria will be doomed, you will be doomed as long as you pursue the path you are on. Please reconsider what you are doing.”

“Don’t be afraid Spike. I have no reason to hurt you.” Midnight still calmly and gently spoke to the young dragon as she approached him. “The path I am on is the right one as what I am doing is for what is best for every pony. Ever since I’ve obtained these powers I am now capable of handling for whatever threat comes next to the point the Elements of Harmony won’t be needed in order to protect Equestria. While I don’t deny my methods are harsh, winning tends to settle any arguments.” She said as she placed a hoof on Spike who nervously shuddered at seeing the pony he grew up with has now become a chilling and frightening villain bent on overthrowing Princess Celestia.

At that moment Angel knocked the chair up opening a nearby secret passageway behind the nearby bookshelves causing the candle lights to be blown out by the wind it created which Midnight took notice of and walks up to the opening and then gasps upon seeing what was inside.

“Whoa?” Midnight commented as she another room with another bookshelf with a book sitting on a small stand in the middle of the room. “Well thanks Angel. Fluttershy really taught you well.” Midnight said to the bunny with a light smile as she approaches the book as she uses her magic to pop up a bowl of carrots for the bunny to snack on which Angel greatly appreciated.

“The Journal of the Two Sisters.” She read from the book’s front cover before jumping onto a nearby pillow to read it with Angel sitting on her back enjoying the carrots she got her. “I wonder if this is the book I’m looking for. Either way, I’m sure to learn a lot more about the princesses with this information in my hooves.” Midnight positively commented as Spike watches while deciding to stay since he is in the room with those answers as well and with the pony who will care for him even after her descend of darkness.

As she reads the journal she pulls out her crystal orb and then sent some of her magic into so she can set up as a nightlight so she can read in the dark with some light while sending some magic into to mess around with the inside of other parts of the castle where the rest of the Mane Five minus Pinkie with the intent to scare them to death.

She also first observes Applejack and Rainbow Dash going down a circular staircase with Applejack walking down the stairs while Rainbow Dash simply flies down through the mid-air opening between the stairs both of them insisting to each other that they are not afraid and they are braver than the other only to be freaked out by the sight on pony hooves with nails impaling them on plaques.

“Huh? “ Applejack asked in confusion at what she is seeing.

“W-what's the matter? It's just a dark hallway full of... disembodied pony legs.” Rainbow Dash asked while freaked out by the sight by covering her eyes with her wings.

“Yeah. Nothin'... creepy about that.” Applejack replied in the same tone as they walked down the hall while lowering her hat down just above her eye level.

Unbeknownst to the two ponies magic creeped into the room courtesy of Midnight to make the hooves move around to trick them into thinking they are alive as a pair of hooves reach out and touch the two ponies causing them to scream in terror as they run down the hall while trying avoid being touched by them again.

Midnight smirked to herself while witnessing this as she turns her attention to Fluttershy and Rarity who have fallen through a trapdoor into a room completely covered in darkness causing Rarity to use her horn to light up the room.

“I'm starting to wonder if maybe this castle doesn't want my expertise!” She wondered to herself sounding offended after falling into the trap room as Fluttershy noticed Angel is not with them.

“Oh dear. Angel? Rarity, have you seen him?” Fluttershy asked Rarity as she looked around the small room.

“I'm not sure he made the trip down with us, dear.” Rarity honestly answered while too uncertain of Angel’s whereabouts.

“Oh, goodness! We have to find him. An ancient castle is no place for a bunny. He could get hit by falling debris, or the floor could give out under him! Oh! He could be trapped in a dark place with no way out!” Fluttershy worriedly said with hints of panic on her face.

“I can only imagine how that might feel. Hmm...” Rarity said a sarcastic and flat tone as they are already boxed in a small room before noticing a small hole in the room seeing Applejack and Rainbow Dash are both scared out of their minds as they walk down the hall before putting her hoof on Rainbow Dash’s back.

“Applejack, if you're scared, you can just admit it. You don't need to put your hoof around me.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile thinking its Applejack this time.

“Uh, I'm over here.” Applejack said while waving her hoof standing on the opposite side of the room.

Realizing that another hoof is touching her, both Rainbow Dash and Applejack scream at the sight of another moving hoof, as they both bolt it out of the hallway.

Rarity gasps when she comes to the realization that she touched somebody causing her to pull her hoof back in and shutter with fear.

“Rarity! What is it?” Fluttershy asked.

“I felt something... alive!“ Rarity replied in terror causing Fluttershy to gasp in excitement.

“Angel!” She hoped Angel was there as she placed her hoof around the same opening confusingly patted around the wall for her only to touch one of the hooves on the plaque and activate a secret passageway allowing the two to move into the hallway of the dismembered hooves after circling through the rotating wall.

“Well, tapestries or no, I have had just about enough of secret passages, mysterious presences, and unappreciative castles!” Rarity angrily said as her voice echoed through the hallway as she prepared to make her find the exit only to be stopped by Fluttershy who is standing in front of her.

“But we can't leave now, not with Angel lost somewhere in this dangerous old castle! He could be trapped under a crumbling statue, or stuck high in a tower without food or water or any friends at all!” Fluttershy worryingly said as Rarity walks by while rolling her eyes annoyed as Midnight watches the two from her orb.

"Quite the opposite, Fluttershy." Midnight commented as said bunny is currently relaxing on a pillow enjoying one of the carrots Midnight gave her as she reads the journal while taking some pleasure of seeing the girls running around the castle scared silly before turning her attention to Spike. “Spike, you've got to hear this.” Midnight called the dragon over as she read “I love to duck behind the paintings, and though the Hall of Hooves still gives her a bit of a fright, the trap door slide is Luna's favorite.”

"Hall of Hooves?” Spike asked having no idea what she is talking about.

“Soon the Organ to the Outside will be finished. I can hardly wait.” Midnight continued to speak while flipping the page from the picture of the wall filled with hoof-filled plaques continuing to read from the journal showing a giant organ.

“What's the "Organ to the Outside?” Spike asked again.

“Obviously an organ which is hidden somewhere in the castle.” Midnight answered. “An organ that plays creepy music that would scare any pony like a ghost is playing music in thin air.”

“That does sound pretty creepy.” Spike said a little frightened as he heard the sound of the organ from downstairs. “Uh, Twilight? Did you hear something?” Spike nervously asked as he is holding up a pillow.

“Oh, Spike. Quit being such a scaredy-dragon. This castle is thousands of years old, and half of it was destroyed by Nightmare Moon. Of course it makes strange sounds. It's practically falling apart!” Midnight nonchalantly said as a piece of the ceiling falls off nearby hitting Spike causing him to dodge while Angel laughs at him.

“Okay?” Spike said while confused to why Twilight is being so calm and collected throughout the whole visit as much as the whole Canterlot Wedding fiasco from revealing that she was truly alive this whole time to becoming the new Nightmare Moon that the princesses and her former friends are now trying to stop. To him she has become another cold, calculating and ruthless villain where nothing fazes her at all who doesn’t seem to care about friendship anymore.

Midnight herself secretly knows that some pony is playing the organ and from the look on her face as she reads she definitely planned on a random pony to visit and play the organ in order to scare the daylights out of them as she observes the pony playing the organ from her crystal orb before changing her view to spy on Applejack and Rainbow Dash who are now visiting the hall of scary pony statues in armor.

“Do you think there's a single room in this castle that isn't filled with terrifying things?” Applejack nervously asked Rainbow Dash as they walk by the statues.

Rainbow Dash looks at the statue then places a hoof on it which causes it to rattle, which spooked her.

“Whoa! “ She exclaimed as she flew by Applejack’s side who nervously laughs when Applejack smirks at her. “It's just old pony armor. What's the big deal?” She said still trying to act unfearful.

“Yeah! It's not like it's gonna come to life or anything.” Applejack said in the same tone before her face turned to a nervous expression. “Right?”

At that moment the mysterious pony is playing on the organ as Applejack triggers another passageway causing herself and the statue she is standing right in front of to flip over causing a another statue to stand in its place which gets Rainbow Dash’s attention who gets spooked and more so when it simply says “Boo.” Courtesy of Midnight’s magic seeping through causing Rainbow Dash to scream terrified.

At the same moment Rarity triggers another passageway behind Luna’s former throne room causing her to be transferred to the opposite side of the wall getting Fluttershy’s attention causing Fluttershy to scream in fright as the mysterious pony continues playing on the organ causing another bowl of carrots to appear in front of Angel which surprises her. While at the same time the passageway Applejack stumbles on leads her right on the ledge outside of one of the castle wall’s right in front of a dragon statue which spooks her out. While Rarity winds up having her mane covered in dirt and twigs which causes her to naturally scream over being dirty.

Midnight is simply reading the journal calmly while silently amused at the pleasure she is getting from scaring her former friend’s to death while Angel sleeps by her side resting comfortably yet unafraid of the dark alicorn while Spike is very nervous hearing all the screaming.

After seeing Rarity make her way back into the castle she focuses her attention to Rainbow Dash is still nervously eying the statues while wondering where Applejack is.

“Uh... Applejack? If you went back to Ponyville, that means I win, right?” Rainbow said as she bumped into another statue causing it to fall over.

“Hey watch it!” The statue spoke through Midnight’s magic.

“Sorry!” Rainbow Dash apologized before realizing who she was talking to causing her to scream in fright and dash out of the room.

Now focusing on all four mares she sees Fluttershy nervously searching for Rarity and Fluttershy only to fly away screaming when she touches Luna’s former throne seat causing the organ to play again. Applejack made her way back into the statue room before walking down another dark passageway thinking Rainbow Dash has left already. Rarity is stumbling into the main throne room completely annoyed by the way the castle has treated her during her visit then finds herself nervously backing away when she sees lightning in the sky produced by Midnight through the crystal orb. At that moment Rainbow Dash has had enough then goes outside putting her hooves up right for a fight.

“Come on, castle! Is that all you got?” Rainbow Dash challenged which is met with more lightning produced by Midnight to flash through the sky causing the bold Pegasus to fly back inside screaming.

“Well you asked for it.” Midnight said to herself as the four ponies now terrified back up in reverse until they all gathered in the main room and end up bumping into to each flank to flank causing them to scream terrified again.

Rainbow Dash flies around bumping into random walls on the ceiling. Fluttershy and Applejack run around screaming. While Rarity has one of tapestries fall on her because Rainbow Dash bumping into causing her to scream as it falls on her.

"I was only trying to restore ancient a-ha-ha-hart!" Rarity cried as the tapestry falls on her and runs around screaming with the tapestry on her covering her eyesight.

Fluttershy cowering in a nearby doorway sees a shadow that resembles Angel which catches her attention.

“Angel?” Fluttershy said hopeful but as she approaches Applejack accidentally knocks over some old pillars causing one of them to crash onto the middle of floor leading to Fluttershy believe she was killed.

“AAANGEEEEEL!!!” Fluttershy screamed with tears in her eyes.

Midnight while amused at the fun of them being so scared at this point has decided she has had enough as their screaming is starting to disrupt her reading so she decides to head to the main room to put an end to this.

“Okay, what is going out there?” Midnight said as she paid attention to all the screaming from upstairs as Angel awakens.

“Oh, you know. Probably just more strange sounds of this old castle falling apart!” Spike responded as he cowers under a chair.

“Or maybe it’s just your imagination talking.” Midnight sarcastically quipped as she made her way outside as Angel just shakes her head disapproving of Spike’s cowardice.

The three all make their way outside where they see all four ponies running around the room screaming.

“What got into them?” Spike asked as she witnessed them.

“Obviously, a classic case of castle frights.” Midnight dully noted.

“It's okay, Angel! You're okay! You're okay!” Fluttershy said as she tries to push over the pillar while believing she is dead only to be knocked aside by Applejack who now stands on the pillar.

“Yaaaaah! Shadows everywhere!” Applejack screamed mistaking Rainbow Dash’s shadow for a ghost who also screams and flies around in terror as Rarity is now sitting and crying with the tapestry still over here and Fluttershy is crying feeling Angel really is dead.

Having had enough of this screaming panic, Midnight flies down shouting. “Alright, everypony, stop!” as she casts a spell on them causing them to freeze in place yet are allowed to speak and move their eyes around.

“Twilight?” Applejack asked surprised and shocked to see her here as she looks in her direction.

“Must save Angel!” Fluttershy said as she was still trying to move the pillar out of the way ignoring that her former friends is freezing her in place.

“You mean the bunny that’s alive and been by my side the whole visit?” Midnight asked as Angel popped her head up visible for her to see. “Oh.” Fluttershy said when the realization hits her.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, I took good care of her.” Midnight reassured the frightened peagsus.

“Fluttershy? What are you doing here?” Rainbow Dash asked the addressed mare as she is frozen in flight.

“She’s with me!” Rarity replied as Spike walks by Midnight’s side as she still levitates and freezes every pony even when they now have all calmed down.

Midnight pulls the tapestry off of Rarity with her magic as she walks by as Fluttershy reunites with Angel.

Now that every pony has calmed down they all look surprised to come across Twilight again who looks uninterested at them and their constant screaming.

“Well, this is certainly a surprise.” Midnight nonchalantly commented. “I never would have imagined all of you running around screaming and scaring each other all night while I was reading here or coming across you all by coincidence.”

“Well that figures.” Applejack replied.

“On what?” Midnight inquired.

“On whether or not you're the Pony of Shadows. “ Rainbow Dash accused Midnight as she tried and failed to break from Midnight's freezing spell once she reactivated her magic on every pony again.

“What's... the Pony of Shadows?” Spike nervously asked.

“It just an old ponies' tale from over a thousand years ago.” Midnight said while looking at Spike.

At that moment the organ is heard playing again causing the four ponies and Spike to huddle together clinging to Midnight really scared.

“Then who’s playing that?” Spike fearfully asked.

“That is something we are going to find out.” Midnight answered as she walked towards the direction the organ with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike still being held by Midnight’s magic in the air behind her continuing to carry them all during her walk through the hallway.

Midnight thought to herself amazed that of how easy it was to scare without even trying as they all make it to the room where the organ is where they see a mysterious pony is playing on it causing everyone expect Midnight who still retains her calm and bored expression to gasp in shock.

“The Pony of Shadows, huh?” Midnight said as she approaches with no fear as everyone else looks shocked at her bravery as she makes her way up the stairs as she gets a good look at the cloaked pony.

“So, you’re really the Pony of Shadows, huh?” Midnight asked as she pulled the cloak off of the pony with her magic “Pinkie Pie?” she said as removes the cloak revealing the mysterious pony to be Pinkie Pie.

“Hey, you guys! Did you know I can totally play the organ? Because I didn't!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully said.

“Pinkie Pie?” Everyone except Midnight asks in surprise upon the reveal.

“Check it out!” Pinkie excitedly said as she plays a sports "Charge!" theme on the organ.

“You're the Pony of Shadows?” Rainbow Dash asked in disbelief as she flew up to her.

“The pony of what?” Pinkie Pie asked like she didn’t know what she was talking about as she continues playing light melody.

“See? What'd I tell ya?” Midnight told the blue Pegasus in an “I told you so.” tone.

“I thought you went to ring the school bell all week! “ Applejack pointed out while confused why she is here instead of the school.

“Oh, yeah! I only had to ring it for, like, five minutes! They said that was good enough! Eh, can't imagine why...” Pinkie Pie said happily as she didn’t care while Midnight rolls her eyes as she can correctly imagine that the job didn’t last long as she pictures Pinkie repeatably ringing the bell for a solid good five minutes.

“Me neither.” Midnight said sarcastically as she and Rainbow Dash roll their eyes together at the same time having come to the same conclusion as well.

“So then, I decided to throw a "finish ringing the school bell" party! But I didn't have any bluebells, and you can't throw a "finish ringing the school bell" party without bluebells, so I went to Everfree Forest to pick some, but it started to get so chilly.” Pinkie further explained as she then shivered as she plays happy organ music on the organ before continuing. “I had to wrap myself up in the tarp I was gonna use to gather flowers, and then I saw Fluttershy and Rarity. But they went into the castle before I could invite them to my party. Luckily, I followed them inside so I could help you all with your party!”

“What party is that?” Rarity asked.

“Uh, the "everypony come to the scary old castle and hide from each other while I play the organ" party?” She responded as she played more notes which triggered a spring that sent Spike into flying off and landing on the floor behind the girls.

“Duh!” Pinkie said as she bounced off to leave the room.

“Now that you have the answer to who’s this mysterious Pony of Shadows.” Midnight began as she made her way out after unfreezing everypony from her magical grasp again. “I have plans to make for Equestria’s future since I have already done my research here and have kept you all busy just long enough to get what I need from here.” She said as she turned to face them all who are confused and slow to pick up that she has been secretly scaring them through her visit as she holds up a book with her magic. “But feel free to visit if want to be scared next time. If not don’t worry, because I can find time in my schedule to make that happen.”

With that said she claps her hooves causing the room to become pitch black dark inside as her body glows neon purple while every pony gasps at the sudden darkness. When the lights came back on Midnight was gone with a note left behind on the floor which Spike picks up and reads “Until next time, Midnight Sparkle.” Leaving every pony confused of what she means by that and how she plans to take over Equestria as Pinkie comes back into the room after realizing who she was just talking to.

“Wait that was Twilight?” Pinkie asked them as she rushed back into the room looking very shocked and surprised that she had just casually talked to her former friend without realizing it.

“Yes it was.” Spike answered. “Well actually, Twilight now goes by the name of Midnight Sparkle now.” Spike added as she corrected her. “It would seem Twilight now is preferring to be called Midnight since she is now against us.”

“So that was Twilight or Midnight?” Pinkie asked very confused.

“That was Twilight, who now prefers to be called Midnight.” Applejack answered trying to get Pinkie to understand what Spike meant.

“So Twilight and Midnight are both the same pony?” Pinkie asked still confused.

“Yes Pinkie! For horses sake they are the same pony!” Rainbow Dash said exasperated at Pinkie Pie still being unable to understand that. “The same pony that was our friend since she came to Ponyville, the one that brought us together, the one who faked her death to become Midnight, the one who’s only been using us to further her agenda to take over Equestria, and the one who became Nightmare Moon all over again all because of our decision to walk out on her when she needed us the most!” Rainbow Dash yelled at Pinkie directly at her face. “What part of any of that don’t you understand?!”

Pinkie completely shocked that Rainbow Dash yelled at her like that while understanding that both Twilight and Midnight are both the same can only look down with tears in her eyes.

“None. There was nothing I didn’t understand.” Pinkie said sadly as she had the realization hit her like an incoming train which is how Twilight tricked them into thinking she was dead in the first place as her mane and tail flattens and turns straight.

Rainbow Dash calming herself down immediately regrets her outburst as Applejack and Rarity look shocked and Fluttershy could only silently weep at the thought at what their actions towards Twilight have created.

“Pinkie, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…” Rainbow Dash tried to apologize as Pinkie turns away from her.

“No, it’s all right.” Pinkie Pie sadly responded. “I do know what you are talking about and it is a fact that we all have to face as Twilight is now gone and has become Midnight and it is all our fault.” She said before she bawled her eyes out with tears.

“Oh…” Rainbow Dash groaned as she turned away she is having trouble fighting back tears.

“Now it’s all right Rainbow Dash…” Applejack tried to reassure her before being cut off by the angry Pegasus.

“No it’s not!” Rainbow Dash angrily exclaimed at the farm pony with tears in her eyes. “If it weren’t for you she would be here right now. None of this would have ever happened. And because of you Twilight will never forgive us for what we did to her.”

“My fault?!” Applejack retorted as she took offense to that remark. “You left her too!”

“Because of you! You told us to forget about Twilight instead of comforting her when her brother kicked her out of the wedding!” Rainbow Dash fired back.

“Well, none of you had to listen to me because you all willingly left her like she deserved it.” Applejack stubbornly defended herself.

“Oh, give it rest Applejack because you’re too proud and stubborn to admit you are as just as guilty as we are.” Rainbow Dash said pointing her hoof at Applejack seeing through her attempts to refuse to admit her wrongdoings.

“Why you…” Applejack said while gritting her teeth with her face turning red in anger.

Just before Applejack and Rainbow Dash could start to fight as they both got into each other’s muzzle they heard Spike shouting to get their attention.

“ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!” Spike shouted having enough of this argument causing every pony to turn to his attention completely shocked and surprised by Spike’s outburst.

“We all are guilty for making Twilight the way she is, including me and the Princess and right down to her brother.” Spike said as he calmed down and glumly looked away at the thought of his best friend who raised and cared for him now consumed by her bitterness and hatred towards them. “We all are to blame for abandoning her because we all left on our own accord and had full control of our actions.” Spike continued. “But if there is one thing I learned from Twilight is that fighting about it and blaming each other about this won’t solve anything. So the best we can do now is carry on with our lives and hope we will find the keys needed to re-access the Elements of Harmony so we can use them to defeat her and tell her how sorry we are once she is free from the darkness that is plaguing her heart.” Spike added with great confidence. “Hopefully by then it won’t be too late.”

“Spike’s right.” Fluttershy said with encouragement in her voice as she agrees with him. “If we want Twilight to forgive us, we have to show her that we do care for only from that point forward we make good on it all the time.”

Putting the feud aside, Applejack focused his attention on Spike.

“So, I take your time here didn’t give us anything useful about that chest?” Applejack asked.

“Not if you don’t count Twilight flying off with the only book that had the answers we needed.” Spike honestly answered.

‘Dang nab it.” Applejack groaned in frustration as everything that had happened at the castle Twilight had set up in order to distract them in order to make off with valuable information as she doesn’t want them to access the only thing that can defeat her. “Well, it looks like we’ll have to find out the answers ourselves.”

“But how” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know Rarity.” Applejack answered before continuing while walking up to the window to look out at the moon. “But someway somehow we will find them whether we learn a friendship lesson or fight off Midnight herself along the way.”

“I suppose that’s true, darling.” Rarity said while reluctantly agreeing with Applejack as she and the others join Applejack looking up the window. “It seem time will tell when and where we will find the answers we need in order to stop Midnight and save Twilight.”

“It better be or we will be living under Midnight’s reign of darkness fueled by her wrath towards us who will never forgive us.” Rainbow Dash begrudgingly complied even though she impatiently wants to find the answers and keys they need to save her and defeat her inner darkness.

“I know it’s hard, but please trust me when I tell you that in the end things will work out and we will succeed at bringing Twilight back to her senses because the Twilight we all know will never hold a grudge against forever.” Applejack reassuringly said to Rainbow Dash. “She will forgive us and we will forgive her no matter what happens.”

“That’s the spirit, girls!” Pinkie Pie said pleased that they are now focusing on what’s important now with her mane and tail now back to being poofy now that she is cheerful again.

“In fact I have an idea of what we can do for the time being.” Spike added.

“What is that, Spike?” Applejack asked

“Why don't we keep a journal, just like the royal pony sisters?” Spike answered.

“All of us?” Fluttershy surprisingly asked.

“Of course! That way we can learn from each other! And maybe some day, other ponies will read it and learn something, too!” Spike added.

“What a splendid idea!” Rarity said smiling agreeing with the idea.

“I know what my first entry will be! "Dear Diary, I'm glad Granny Smith's legend wasn't true."" Applejack said having an idea already to put in the journal.

“Me too! “ Rainbow Dash said agreeing with her.

“Me three! Because that means you two are still tied for Most Daring Pony!” Pinkie happily said as she bounced up to them.

“Heh, Shadow Ponies... How ridiculous is that?” Spike said dismissing the possibility that the legend is true.

Back at the library Midnight observes the scene through her crystal ball as she holds the journal she got from the castle which has the answers to what and where the keys to the Elements of Harmony are. Even though she disagrees with their notion that they will stop her in the end and will forgive them, she does admire how much confidence and motivation they have in wanting to try in their efforts to make things right with her as they all walk out of the castle with newfound determination and motivation the girls all set out in their separate ways back to Ponyville.

Rarity decides the simply repair the tapestry that feel on her having decided not to make her new fashion line of them. Applejack and Rainbow Dash both set out to find and come up with a new dare to break the tie between them of who’s the bravest pony of the two. Pinkie happily bounces back home to Ponyville to prepare an apology party for Twilight when they do succeed in bringing her back. Fluttershy decides to accompany Spike back to Canterlot by flying him there to ensure his safety.

Once Spike is back at the castle safely, Fluttershy flew back to Ponyville so she can tend to her animal companions feeling she has kept them waiting long enough.

“Hello, Princess!” Spike greeted the sun monarch.

“Hello, Spike!” Princess Celestia warmly greeted in return. “Was your little trip a success?”

“Not exactly.” Spike started with hesitance while hating having to break the news to hear. “I did make it to the castle but found nothing useful that could answer our questions because Twilight happened to be there as well and flew off with the only book that did have what we needed. Well actually she goes by the name Midnight since she is evil now.” Spike added feeling the need to clarify that Twilight and Midnight have different personalities even though they are the same pony.

“What?” Celestia reacted in shock hearing this. “Twilight was there? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Spike answered calmly. “She only terrified me and the girls as a ploy to buy her the time to do the research she needed. As if it’s like she knows what we’re planning and doesn’t want use to use the Elements against her.”

Hearing this causes Princess Celestia to take a moment to take a deep breath to avoid flipping out and keep her emotions together as she approached Spike.

“Looks like we going to have to figure this out the hard way so we can still stop Twilight before it is too late. It is only a matter of time before all of that dark magic consumes her.” Celestia solemnly said seeing that she is dealing with an adversary that is dangerously smart as she is powerful.

“Don’t worry, I already told the girls to just bid their time and hopefully they will find the keys we need to access to the Elements of Harmony as much as we want to bring her back now.” Spike told the princess even though he didn’t like it as well but it was the only thing they can do with the only book that could have helped them is now in Midnight’s possession.

“I know, Spike.” Princess Celestia acknowledged. “If only I hadn’t told she had a lot to think none of this would have happened.” She added as she looked down at the ground remorsefully. “I really don’t want to have send her to the moon and lose another pony to darkness for another thousand years.” She said as tears start to form around her eyes as Spike comforts her in an embrace.

“It’s okay.” Spike reassured her. “You’ll think of something like you did with Nightmare Moon, Discord, and Sombra. You have always stayed a step ahead of them no matter what they were planning. Surely, you can do the same with Twilight. After all you taught her.”

“Yes, but I’m afraid she might be like with Chrysalis except much more smarter and powerful.” Celestia replied still downcast. “I couldn’t even go toe to toe with her in a fight. And that was going up against a duplicate of her.”

“Yeah, but when you think about it, none of us were prepared for what she had planned that time. Now that we know who we are up against, we’ll be a step ahead of her this time around.” Spike pointed out.

“Well, that’s true. When you put it that way.” Princess Celestia responded seeing Spike is onto something.

“Exactly! Plus once we do activate the Elements again Twilight we’ll back to being the same forgiving pony we all knew and loved all over again once we tell her how sorry we are.” Spike added to emphasize how they can and will defeat her. "No matter what happens, in the end we will defeat Midnight and bring Twilight back.” Spike said with determination causing Princess Celestia to agree with him with newfound confidence.

Midnight while watching Spike report her findings to Princess is satisfied with how the visit turned out as her ploy to scare the daylights out of them while making off with the book she needs to slow down their search for the keys to the Elements of Harmony with a little magic and some ghostly words to convince Pinkie to help her out without realizing it.

And while she admires Spike confidence in arousing every pony’s confidence that they will succeed in defeating her still remains unconvinced that they will be able to outsmart no matter what they have planned against her.

Even when they know who they are up against after she revealed to them who she really is, as evidenced by her castle ploy she's always remained a step ahead of them every turn. She also has the only book with the information needed in order to defeat her in her possession as she holds it up with her magic and opens it again to read all about the Elements of Harmony.

As she looks inside the book she deviously smirks pondering where to begin as she begins reading about the very valuable information she is now learning.

“Now where to begin…” Midnight said as she starts reading.

Author's Note:

After dealing with a major turn of events from the last 7 chapters we are now down to a breather episode where it focuses on the events at the Castle of the Two Sisters as Midnight still staying a step ahead manages to obtain the information Spike was looking for while staging a scare ploy to distract the Mane Five while she reads.

As you read you'll notice that Midnight has been showing a good side deep down as she only wants to make Equestria a better place and the fact that Midnight treated Spike and Angel very well when they stumbled across her. Goes to show that deep down her darken heart there is still good in her as she only has good intentions for all of Equestria even if she is willing to resort to extreme measures in order to achieve her goals.

Deep down even after the reveal, Midnight still has plans for Spike as the next chapter will be focusing on Midnight secretly testing Spike's abilities from the shadows in another attempt of dealing with the Mane 5 as she bids her time.