• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,048 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

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Chapter 6: Wonderbolts Academy

Chapter 6:

Wonderbolts Academy

On a bright sunny day, Midnight is reading her book while on a picnic with the girls under her umbrella. While Rainbow Dash looks at her hoof, Rarity is sipping her tea, Applejack is chewing on an apple, and Fluttershy is observing the sky.

Pinkie Pie hopping around nervously said “Ooooh, I wish the mailpony would just come already! I can't wait another minute to find out if Rainbow Dash got in or not!”

“Listen to yourself Pinkie Pie. You’re more worried than Rainbow Dash and he’s wondering whether or not he will get in or not” Midnight said somewhat amused by her nervousness.

Rainbow Dash immediately scoffed. “I’m not nervous at all. When I get into the Wonderbolt Academy…”

“If you get in! If you get in! Don't jinx it!” Pinkie said as she clenched Rainbow’s coat with her hooves.

“I’m telling you, it’s in the bag.” Rainbow Dash assured Pinkie as she pushed her hooves away.

“Don’t jinx it!” Pinkie warned again.

“She is the best flyer in Ponyville.” Applejack added, chomping on another apple.

Rainbow Dash responds by flying past them in flight and blowing their manes.

“In Ponyville?” She said as she rapidly maneuvered to a nearby cloud and instantly formed it into a slide.

“I’m probably the best flyer in all of Equestria.” She spoke as she easily slid down with her wings outstretched. “I won’t be surprised if they just went ahead and made me a Wonderbolt on the first day.” She flew calmly on her back and landed near them.

“Well then let’s hope we don’t get rain the forecast should the worst happen.” Midnight sarcastically quipped.

At that moment, a mailpony appeared over her as she slides into him as he walked up.

“Got a letter here for Rainbow Dash.” The mail pony said as he held up a letter.

Standing up Rainbow Dash quickly snatch's the envelope, tears it open, and pulls out the letter and then reads it. As she reads it her smile fades to a disappointed look.

“I didn’t get in.” Rainbow Dash sadly said in disappointment.

Every pony except Midnight gasped in shock who only raises her eyebrows not convinced which is proven correct when Rainbow Dash’s frown turns into a smile as she presents her paper to them

“Gotcha!” She laughed, revealing the green check-mark on the letter. “Ha, you guys are so gullible. Like I wasn’t gonna get in.”

“I never doubted you for a second.” Midnight countered not fooled by Rainbow Dash’s attempt of pranking her.

Pinkie immediately runs up and tackles Rainbow Dash squishing her as she gives her a congratulations hugs.

“Uh, thanks?” Rainbow Dash said while uncomfortable with Pinkie’s hug “Uh, Pinkie Pie? I kinda need to get going.” Rainbow Dash politely told her while silently telling her to please let go before she crush's her in a hug.

“Okay” Pinkie cheerfully responded as she lets go of Rainbow Dash and bounces off in the opposite direction.

“The sooner I get there, the sooner I get to show ‘em my stuff.” Rainbow Dash said as she flies by Applejack and Rarity who holds her saddlebag which Rainbow grabs while flying by. “See you guys in a week!”

“Good Luck” Applejack said as Rainbow Dash flies off.

“Won’t need it” Rainbow Dash said confidently as she flies off.

Pinkie Pie then grabbed a large mega-phone and shouted “DON’T FORGET TO WRITE!” So loud that her voice echoed throughout the entire airspace, causing the others girls mane’s to get a little messy.

“Do you think she heard me?” Pinkie asked as she turned to the others.

“Well considering you used a giant megaphone of course she would. Only ponies who are dear wouldn’t be able to.” Midnight again sarcastically commented.

Later that day, Midnight is training by working on new magic spells assigned to her by Princess Celestia herself. During one of her breaks, she pulls up her orb to see for herself of what going on at the Wonderbolt’s Academy. She sees Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust leading the way in five hundred laps of flying. After they completed the task they are complimented for their speed by Spitfire and then the two head to the cafeteria for lunch.

After putting her orb away, Midnight said to herself “Looks like Rainbow Dash has some competition for top flyer and she is a lot like her. How far I wonder will this little competition go?” Midnight continued thinking she might have an idea up her hooves as she smirked to herself.

During the next three days, Midnight would continue her magic studies and training exercises while observing Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust from her orb.

She even secretly added flying exercises by granting herself temporary wings during her exercises learning how to do offensive magic spells, aerial combat, and even using the exercises the Wonderbolt’s used during their training. Admittedly, she initially had trouble the first few times she tried, but eventually picked it up being a fast learner herself and while not up to Rainbow Dash’s level, she secretly is an above average flyer who is on par with the most of the other Wonderbolts.

When walking down in Ponyville she sees Pinkie Pie still sitting in front of her mailbox with her mane now disheveled and unkempt she sees Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack watching from a distance. Seeing this she approaches them.

“Has she spent the last three days sitting in front of that mailbox?” Midnight inquired.

“Yep, and she still is it.” Rarity solemnly answered.

“I wish there was something we can do to help.” Fluttershy added just as worried as everypony else.

"Typical Pinkie Pie." Midnight muttered in her breath as she approaches Pinkie Pie.

At that moment, Pinkie appeared behind them having heard that replied “Help me? The only thing that could possibly help me right now is a letter from Rainbow Dash! It's been three days already.” As she tries to grab Midnight’s face, Midnight quickly reacts by using her magic to freeze her and place her good distance in front of her while still retaining the stoic and uninterested look on her face. “By now, she probably doesn't even know our names anymore! She probably can't remember our faces! "Pinkie Pie? I never heard of a Pinkie Pie! Who is Pinkie Pie?” Pinkie added still freaking out over one the one little thing as she then continues opening and closing the mailbox still futilely waiting for a letter.

Midnight approaching Pinkie Pie while closing the mailbox with her magic responds.

“Well, if you're so worried, then why don't you send her a letter first?” She suggested.

Pinkie Pie taking the idea to heart cheerfully exclaims “Of course! That's a great idea!”

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack all sigh in relief hearing this only for Pinkie Pie to come up with something else.

“Oh wait! I got an even better idea! How about we send Rainbow Dash a care package?” She proposed as her head popped out of her mailbox in front of Midnight. “You know, before she forgets all about us?” She continued before frowning again. “Although, come on, let's face it. It's probably too late for that. But, uh, maybe it'll jog her memory somehow.”

“Pinkie Pie” Midnight said as she walks around Pinkie placing a hoof on her shoulder. “I'm sure Rainbow Dash still remembers our faces and who we are. But I think sending her a care package is a great idea.”

“A care package it is!” Pinkie Pie said now cheerful again now bouncing towards the door of Sugarcube Corner. “We'll send it through the mail!” But then suddenly she screams. “WAIT! Ah! That won't work at all!”

“Why not?” Applejack asked in agreement with the suggestion.

“Because what if the package gets lost in the mail?” She answered as she walks up to Applejack. “What if some pony else gets the package by accident and then she remembers us instead of Rainbow Dash and then she becomes our new friend? And then the real Rainbow Dash won't ever know that she used to have friends and she forgot them!” She exclaimed as she stands on her two back hooves and falls on her back earning her an eye roll from Applejack.

“Is any pony else following this?” Applejack asked as she turned to the others.

Fluttershy and Rarity replied “Mmm-mm” as they don’t follow what she is saying.

Midnight seemingly understanding says. “Other than extremely wanting to ensure Rainbow Dash gets her gift from Pinkie herself, I’ve got nothing.”

“I’ve got it!” Pinkie exclaimed coming up with another idea as she places a hoof on Rarity’s back. “We'll deliver the care package to Rainbow Dash in person!”

Hearing this sparks another idea for Midnight as she secretly smirks to herself again as she formulates another plan in her head.

”I wouldn't mind a little trip. “ Rarity responded sounding open to the idea.

“Count me in!” Applejack said as she walks up to the others.

“Me too.” Fluttershy said as she raises her hoof.

“Me four!” Pinkie Pie eagerly said before turning to an overly-worried tone “But don't be upset if she doesn't recognize you at first. It may take a while for her to get her memory back.”

Midnight face-hoofs herself at Pinkie Pie’s being over-concerned again as Pinkie turns her attention to her.

“How about you Midnight, are you in for giving Rainbow Dash a visit?” Pinkie asked the unicorn.

“I would but there is a new magical spell Princess Celestia wants me to try out first.” Midnight sounding somewhat disappointed that she can’t come with them.

“Aww, come on Midnight.” Pinkie responded in the same tone as Midnight. “Don’t you want to see Rainbow Dash again?” Pinkie Pie said pleading Midnight to come with them with her hooves clasped with a pleading smile.

“Don’t worry Pinkie Pie” Midnight reassuringly said. “You all can go on ahead. I just need to practice this one quick spell then I’ll be right on over.”

“But how will you catch up with us if we take the hot air balloon?” Pinkie questioned noting that she can’t fly because she is unicorn and not a Pegasus.

“No, but I am a unicorn who knows how to cast herself a spell to grant herself temporary wings if you don’t remember my fight with King Sombra.” Midnight replied while pointing out her abilities from the first time they have met.

“Oooh, that’s right.” Pinkie Pie said now remembering what happened back then. “You really showed that evil unicorn whose boss with those wings!”

“I sure did.” Midnight said somewhat proudly as she chuckles a little. “So go on ahead with the others and get your care package to Rainbow Dash, I’ll catch up with you shortly afterwards. Okay?”

“Okay!” Pinkie Pie excitedly agreed, before turning her attention to the others “Come on girls, we got a road trip and care package to deliver.” Pinkie said as she leads the others to get the hot-air balloon ready so they can ride over to Cloudsdale.

“Oh, I’m right behind you, Pinkie Pie.” Midnight said while deviously smiling when her back was turned as she had once again planted the seeds in Pinkie’s mind for another opportunity to get rid of her and got the whole group minus herself and Rainbow Dash to tag along with the others.

She heads back to the library then casts her spell and grant herself temporary wings again and then flies on over to Cloudsdale secretly following the others.

She sees the hot air balloon in sight yet far enough the others don’t see her and then sees an out of control tornado heading their way.

“That should do the job!” Midnight said to herself as the tornado heads towards them.

The girls predictably wind up getting sucked up into the tornado and wind up falling out of their balloon and falling towards the ground to their impending doom.

At that moment Rainbow Dash having witnessed this as well quickly reacts by forming a cloud to stop the screaming girls from falling and causing them to bounce back up to the air where they continue screaming now flying back up in the air. The girls were then quickly caught by the other Wonderbolts with the package caught by the muscular flyer with small wings. Rarity hugs her savior in thanks for being saved, Fluttershy flies out of her savior arms putting her hooves behind her back embarrassed for forgetting that she is a Pegasus and can fly to much to that Wonderbolt’s annoyance. The Wonderbolts then safely put them all to the ground.

Midnight having witnessed all of this from afar while disappointed that her plan didn’t work is content having learned more valuable information on Rainbow Dash just from the observation of her training and her rescue alone as she then quickly flies down to catch up with the others just as Rainbow Dash flew in to make sure they are all right as well.

“Are you girls, all right?” Midnight asked with faux concern at the same time Rainbow asks the same question.

Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy replied "uh-huh" to confirm it as Rainbow Dash approaches Pinkie Pie who lifts her head up after recovering from the impact who then sees Rainbow Dash, smiles with tears in her eyes, and then hugs her.

“You remember me” Pinkie Pie happily cried as she hugs around Rainbow’s neck.

“Well, yeah of course I remember you.” Rainbow Dash responded by her over-affection gesture while holding on to Pinkie with one hoof before turning her attention to the others in confusion. “But what are you all doing here?”

“We wanted to bring you a care package. Didn't realize you'd be in the middle of some crazy tornado drill.” Applejack answered she and the others approached Rainbow as Pinkie gets down on her hooves and let’s go from her embrace.

“And I was just catching up when that tornado sucked them in.” Midnight added. “And a good thing the Wonderbolts were able to save them in time because it would have been too late by the time I got here.” Midnight finished the explanation acting relieved that they are safe even though she really doesn’t.

“That was awesome!” Lightning Dust said appearing in the crowd and interrupting their conservation.

“Awesome? My friends could have been smashed to pieces!” Rainbow Dash responded disgusted at her actions in a scolding tone.

“Yeah, but they weren't, right? Can't say the same for the clouds. We totally wiped them out with that tornado. The other cadets will have to be up there for days to bust as many as we did.” Lightning Dust responded while completely ignoring what Rainbow Dash said and the irritated looks of the cadets for her reckless attitude as she held out her hoof towards Rainbow Dash wanting to hoof bump her in return.

“A hoof bump? Seriously?” Rainbow Dash placed her hoof on top of hers and pushed it away disgusted by her callous attitude. “You made me clip my wing. You sent half of our class into serious tailspins on the obstacle course. You unleashed a tornado that nearly demolished my friends!”

“Yeah, and?” Lightning Dust asked wanting to understand her point.

“And I get that you want to be the best. So do I! But you're going about it in the wrong way.” Rainbow Dash responded by answering her question still cross with her.

“The Wonderbolts don't seem to think so. After all, Spitfire did make me the leader and you the wingpony.” Lightning Dust retorted waving off Rainbow Dash's criticism while still missing the point Rainbow Dash is trying to make to clear to her.

After a moment of silence, Rainbow Dash could only sigh.

“You're right. She did.” She replied as she accepted it as she then turned and began walking away towards Spitfire's office.

Midnight speaking up said to Lightning Dust. “You know she’s right.”

“Excuse me?” Lightning Dust responded sounding completely incredulous to Midnight’s statement.

“You know, your reckless attitude that Rainbow was just talking about that nearly killed innocent ponies.” Midnight answered back still not backing down.

“It’s not my fault they just happened to be around when the tornado was around. They should have known better than to fly around during training sessions.” Lightning Dust dismissed their concerns while still attempting to justify her actions.

“Your right, they should have.” Midnight said coming to agree with her there on that point before continuing to make hers perfectly spit out and clear to her. “But it doesn’t excuse the fact that your actions have endangered them, your wingpony, and your Wonderbolt teammates." She added as she scolded her before continuing with a stern look. "I understand that you want to be the best, but there is a fine line between pushing yourself and just being reckless. And regardless whether Spitfire is rewarding you for it, an attitude and mindset like that is not going to benefit you in the long run. So if I were you I suggest you take this advice to heart, straighten up, and fly right.” Midnight concluded as Lightning Dust rolls her eyes still unconcerned about her own reckless while still believing she is in the right.

“Whatever.” Lightning Dust said brushing what she just said aside as it is a waste of time. “As far as I’m concerned my way is right.” Lightning added as she walked off.

Midnight calling out to her in her direction shouted. “Don’t count on it.”

Shortly after Lightning left, Rainbow Dash came back meeting up with us at the end of the runway where Rainbow Dash has decided to quit the Wonderbolts.

“You did what?” Applejack said in disbelief.

“Being a Wonderbolt was your dream!” Rarity added as Rainbow Dash pulled the strap on her saddlebag.

“Not anymore.” Rainbow solemnly told them as she shook her head.

“I’m sorry Rainbow Dash.” Midnight sympathetically said as she placed a hoof on her. “I know how much this meant to you.”

Afterwards, Applejack placed a hoof around Rainbow Dash, which led the rest of the girls to join for a sad group hug except for Midnight who still placed her hoof on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder.

“Rainbow Dash!” Spitfire called out to her as she approaches getting her attention.

“How dare you storm out of my office without giving me a chance to respond!" Spitfire scolded before continuing. "The Wonderbolts are looking for the best flyers in Equestria, but you were right.” She continued as she removed her shades and stared at the ground, surprising her.

"Being the best should never come at the expense of our fellow ponies. It's not just about pushing ourselves. It's about pushing ourselves in the right direction. You've shown that you're capable of doing just that.”

She looked back, facing the two assistants that were holding Lightning Dust. Spitfire glared at Lightning Dust angrily and ripped the badge off her uniform. She then pointed her other hoof towards the other direction, signaling her to leave as the assistants escorted her out. She only walked away gloomily as she lowered her head in shame.

Midnight seeing Lightning Dust walk away could only give her a look behind her back that says “I told you so!”

“You're no wingpony, Rainbow Dash. You're a leader.” Spitfire added as she placed the golden badge on Rainbow Dash’s uniform.

“OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in excitement as she flapped her wings with her friends smiling at this new turn of events while Midnight gives her a proud nod as Spitfire puts her shades back on.

“Now get out there and give me twenty!” Spitfire ordered in her commanding voice.

“Yes, ma'am!” Rainbow Dash happily responded complying with the order flying up into the sky leaving behind her saddlebag.

She flies up to meet up with the other Wonderbolts who salute to her ready to follow her lead with Rainbow Dash saluting back and leading them their training.

As the girls look on at Rainbow Dash leading the Wonderbolts proudly, Pinkie Pie screams while holding the dented package “Wait! You didn't even get to open your care package!”

“Oh, she will. Once she is done her training for the day. It’s not like it’s going anywhere.” Midnight reassuring Pinkie Rainbow will get it before secretly thinking “And neither for what’s to come for Equestria.” While releasing a devious smirk to herself as what she has planned for them when she does will be very soon.

Author's Note:

In this chapter we just see Midnight taking the outside circumstances around her in another attempt on Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie's lives by manipulating Pinkie Pie into coming up with the idea to drop by the academy under dangerous circumstances which would have resulted in their deaths if it weren't for Rainbow Dash's timely rescue.
We also see in this chapter an added scene where Midnight does her own training exercises as well as the assignments Princess Celestia is giving her under her tutelage in order to prepare herself so that by the time she is ready to enact her takeover she will be ready by then which will come into play when this story nears the end of the Season 3 arc.
Also, for those who have read up to Chapter 5, I would like to let you all know and apologize for the many typos I have written in the original publishing. So I had to revise some parts of it a bit to fix it, so now the chapter's all good to read now.
And just a heads up in order to stay focused on Midnight's arc of the story I will not be doing the episodes Sleepless in Ponyville, Apple Family Reunion, or Just for Sidekicks as I can't manage Midnight's involvement in those episodes.
So enjoy this chapter and expect more chapters later on this month and I hope you are all enjoying my story so far.