• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,015 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Princess Midnight Part Three

Chapter 13:

Princess Midnight Part Three:

At the Golden Oaks Library, Midnight is pleased with herself as she reads her books. Her plan to have the Elements of Harmony locked away is a success thanks to some dark magic to accelerate the growth of the seeds Discord planted to kick off the most recent crisis Ponyville has faced. With the elements sealed away until all six keys can be found she doesn’t have to worry about them being used to defeat her. No pony is the wiser to the truth about her real involvement in the events that took place since her arrival.

With things going smoothly for her, Midnight is ready to go forth with her new scheme to take over Canterlot and Ponyville this time around with plans to make this one count. And what better time to do it than the much anticipated event every pony has been looking forward to since the Crystal Empire secured the right to host the Equestria Games. The Canterlot Wedding where Shining Armor and Princess Cadance are finally going to get married after hitting a bump in their relationship due to Cadance’s anger at Shining Armor for the way he treated his sister at the wedding rehearsal which lead to the events of her death.

It was a day where all seven ponies still have massive regret over what happened including the girls and Princess Celestia as they walked on Twilight instead of comforting her in a time of need. A day of what was supposed to be a memorable occasion turned into a day of a huge tragedy as Queen Chrysalis and her changelings invaded Canterlot and nearly succeeded in taking of Equestria. She would have won there if it weren’t for Twilight coming across the real Cadance and freeing her so she and Shining Armor and perform their magic spell to banish the changelings from Equestria. Even when she came through for them, she was left hurt and bitter by their actions as she decided to return to Ponyville, only to lose her life to that train explosion.

But since Cadance and Shining Armor have now forgiven each other for what happened thanks to Midnight giving them a little push in the right direction. And they while understand nothing can replace the void that Twilight left, she would still have wanted them to be together. The wedding is going to happen again with tighten security with every pony on high alert to avoid a repeat of the changeling invasion.

The best part of the wedding is that Midnight is only the wedding planner tasked with making sure the girls are doing their parts in preparing for the wedding just like before she is also the Best Mare at the wedding just like Twilight. With this in mind, this is how she going to angle her takeover with one very special surprise for them at the wedding reception.

As Midnight finishes reading her book, Spike comes inside the room she was in to deliver her the letters she was expecting to come following the Summer Sunset Celebration. Letters from Princess Celestia about everything that is going to happen at the wedding. The wedding invitation and the wedding planning list. A list that will let her know of every detail that will be going during the wedding and the schedule leading up to it with an official invite to the wedding.

“Well?” Midnight started as she turns to face him. “Did she finally send them?”

“She did!” Spike answered as he hands Midnight the letters she was expecting.

Once she opens the first letter containing the invitation she reads it out loud.

“Dear Midnight, I am sure you are as excited as I am about the upcoming wedding in Canterlot. I will be presiding over the ceremony, but would very much like you and your friends to help with the preparations for this wonderful occasion. Fluttershy, I would like you and your songbird choir to provide the music. Pinkie Pie, I can think of no one more qualified than you to host the reception. Applejack, you will be in charge of the catering for the reception. Rainbow Dash I would very much appreciate it if you could perform a sonic rainboom as the bride and groom complete their "I do"'s. Rarity, you will be responsible for designing the dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids. And as for you, Midnight, you will be playing the most important role of all: Making sure that everything goes as planned. See you all very soon.

Yours, Princess Celestia.”

“Excellent!” Midnight said to herself after reading the letter out she got before turning her attention to Spike with a pleased smile.

“This is amazing, I can’t believe Princess Cadance and Shining Armor are finally getting married again.” Spike said sounding amazed hearing this after everything that had transpired when they first tried to get married.

“I know” Midnight responded in the same tone while agreeing with him. “It seems only yesterday when I saved the entire Crystal Empire from King Sombra.”

“Don’t forget that I helped to?” Spike responded to remind her of his role.

“How could I forget the young dragon that ensured the crystal heart’s safety while I fought off the unicorn attempting to take over the empire?” Midnight responded with another smile while affectionately placing a hoof on Spike’s head and scales. “Besides, don’t think you’re not going to, because I’ll need my number one assistant to be the ring bearer and host the bachelor party.” Midnight added.

“Oh yeah!” Spike told her sounding very excited. “And I will make sure this one of the best bachelor parties ever!”

“I’m sure whatever you do it to make it happen it will be great.” Midnight reassuringly told him before continuing to add further instructions. “Spike, go ahead and tell the others the good news because we are going to plan a wedding that every pony will never forget!”

“You got it, Midnight!” Spike said as he ran off to do so. As soon as Spike leaves Midnight chuckles to herself as for what she has in mind has a different meaning when she said this wedding will be something no pony will ever forget.

“Especially for what’s to come for every pony attending and specifically for the wedding’s most special guests.” She said as she smirked as her heart produced a neon purple glow again and chuckled evilly.

The next morning, all six ponies and the young dragon make their way to the train station so they can head off to Canterlot in order to make preparation for the wedding once they get to the train station they board their train that will take them to Canterlot.

While every pony is riding the train to Canterlot, they are all talking about the royal wedding that’s about to happen as every pony except Midnight who looks out her nearby window with a calculating look on her expression as she holds up her do-list for the planning of the wedding as she is thinking about executing her plan about how to approach this.

“A sonic rainboom? At a wedding?!” Rainbow Dash excitedly expressed. “Can you say ‘best wedding ever’?!”

Pinkie Pie took a deep breath and shouted “BEST WEDDING EVER!!!!!” which echoed throughout a tunnel the train went through.

“So you all get to help with the big fancy wedding, but I’m the one who gets to host the bachelor party!” Spike proudly announced. “I have just one question. What’s a bachelor party?”

The five mares all giggled at the dragon’s cute and silly question. Then Applejack noticed Midnight’s expression as she is looking out the window.

“Everything ok, sugarcube?” Applejack asked concerned.

“Yeah, everything’s okay!” Midnight reassuringly replied as she is still in deep thought as she turned to face her. “It’s just I’ve been thinking about Shining Armor and Cadance. Ever since I met them I have seen that they truly wanted to marry each other even after the disaster of the last time they tried to get married.” Hearing Applejack completely understands of what she is talking about and where this is going. “It took them a little encouraging so they can forgive each other, yet I can’t help feel that even though Twilight would have wanted it that way, I feel she is missing out on a very memorable occasion and that Shining Armor and Cadance might feel the same way.” Midnight added sounding sad as she speaks on that last part of her sentence.

“I get what you’re saying.” Applejack responded understanding of what Midnight is feeling right now. “Ever since that changeling invasion, none of us had felt the same too, as we walked out her when she needed us the most. Ever since then we’d been wishing we could take it all back and never left her alone like that.”

Hearing their conservation, the others girls had their excitement briefly deflated even Pinkie’s as they approached them.

“We all do.” Rainbow Dash sadly added as she landed on the ground. “We all wish we could take back that moment and taken her concerns seriously. I represent loyalty yet I wasn’t loyal enough to listen to her in favor of pursing my dream of joining the Wonderbolts.”

“I represent generosity, yet I was more focused preparing the perfect dress for the bride or fake bride in this case and wasn’t generous to take her thoughts into consideration.” Rarity added as she hung her head with deep guilt.

“I represent kindness, yet I wasn’t kind to her when she needed comfort and I instead left her like she deserved.” Fluttershy added as small tears formed in her eyes.

“I represent laughter, yet I didn’t give Twilight the cheering up she deserved, as I to walked on her when she needed us.” Pinkie sadly spoke with her mane turning straight and flat for a moment.

Spike on the other hand didn’t say anything but the look on his face makes it clear he still regrets abandoning Twilight yet did so out of fear of being ostracized from the others.

“With that being said.” Midnight spoke up as she returns her focus on the wedding. “We gotta make sure that everything at this wedding goes perfectly. But I know for a fact that we got this since I have the ponies I need in order for everything to work perfectly.” Midnight added with a smile as she turned to face them bringing reassurance to the girls that Twilight would be happy for them either way as at that moment the train reached Canterlot, which was entirely encased in a gigantic pink protective sphere.

“We’re here, we’re here!” Pinkie said excitedly as the train passed two royal guards station outside the sphere on the railway line. Everypony felt a tingling sensation as the train entered the force field.

The train came to a halt at the station which was filled with royal guards.

“Whoa, what’s with all the guards?” Rainbow asked wondering what this is all about.

“I’m sure they’re just taking the necessary precautions.” Rarity correctly theorized. “Royal weddings do bring out the strangest ponies.”

“Especially since Queen Chrysalis nearly took over Equestria last time.” Midnight added as they got off the train. “Now I’m going to go check on the bride and groom, so you all know what to do?” She asked the girls as she passed by two royal guards guarding the entrance.

They all reply “Uh-huh.” In reply to her question as Midnight trotted off ahead to do so.

As soon as Midnight leaves the girls then turned to see Pinkie Pie sneeze confetti. “Now, let’s get going! We’ve got work to do!”

From the balcony of the highest tower, Princess Celestia kept watch over the castle with the aid of a telescope. Atop one of the castle walls, Shining Armor was wearing his captain uniform while giving the guards out instructions when he heard a familiar voice.

“Shining Armor!” Midnight called out as she trotted through the castle yard.

“Midnight” The stallion said excitedly while removing his helmet and walking down to greet the unicorn. “How was the train ride over?”

“It went smoothly, no problems.” Midnight said as she made her way up to greet the stallion. “I see you got the royal guards on high alert right now. Had any recent problems such as any major security breaches?” She asked as they meet face to face with each other.

“Yes, as requested by Princess Celestia to avoid another repeat of the last time we tried to get married and so far no signs of any trouble.” Shining Armor positively replied as his horn glowed as he shot a beam of magic up at the top of the interior of the barrier to strengthen it. After doing so, the captain made dizzy facial expressions as if he were suffering from a headache.

“Good. And how about you’re soon to be wife Cadance or should I say Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” Midnight also asked while jokingly smiling on that last part.

“Doing pretty well herself.” Shining Armor answered as he led her up the steps to the middle of the bridge connected by two towers overlooking the guards. “Hasn’t shown any signs of any strange behavior like last time and I can assure you she is the real Cadance.”

“Well then let’s hope Cadance doesn’t a spell on you.” Midnight sarcastically quipped and chuckled somewhat evilly. This earned herself an uncomfortable look from him not finding it funny. “Just saying, last thing we need is another attack with lifelong consequences.” She added to defend herself after having made that uncomfortable joke.

“Yes.” Shining Armor understandably responded. “Especially after that last attack cost me my little sister who now won’t be around to witness our wedding.” He added sadly.

“Well, at least Twilight would happy to see you both together even without her blessing.” Midnight reassured the stallion that everything will turn out fine who kindly smiled thankful at her for telling him that as Cadance arrived at the bridge to meet Midnight and Shining Armor.

“Cadance!” Midnight happily greeted.

“Midnight!” Cadance greeted in the same tone as the two embraced for a hug.

“How’ve you been?” The pink alicorn pleasantly asked.

“I’ve been great! Me and the girls have just arrived and are ready to prepare for your and Shining Armor’s wedding.” Midnight happily replied. “And how about you, you excited for your big day.”

“I’ve been great as well and I gotta say we wouldn’t be having this if it weren’t for you encouraging us to try to get married again.” Cadance replied very grateful for what Midnight has done to get their relationship back on track.

“Oh, I just gave your future husband the push he needed in order for you two to re-pursue this.” Midnight humbly returned while subtly saying to think nothing of it as Cadance walks up to Shining Armor who puts his hoof around her shoulder.

“I’ve gotta get back to my station, but Cadance will be checking in with all of you to see how things are going. I think I speak for both of us when I say we couldn’t be more excited to have you here. Right, dear?” Shining Armor said happily as he set forward to get back to his task at hoof.

“Absolutely.” Cadance said in the same tone.

“Oh, I couldn’t agree more.” Midnight said agreeing them while sporting a malevolent grin. “And I can assure both of you that this will be a wedding no pony will ever forget.” She added as she walks off to do her preparations for the royal wedding leaving Shining Armor surprised by Midnight’s sinister tone and smile.

Later, Midnight personally oversees Applejack excitedly preparing the wedding desserts with other ponies help while Midnight observes while holding her checklist and a pencil with her magic.

“Cake, check.” Applejack announced as she finished putting on the frosting on the top of the cake while standing on a ladder causing Midnight check off on that item while retaining a stoic expression.

“Ice sculpture, check.” Applejack announced as she chiseled on the heart sculpture as Midnight checked that off.

“Best darn bite-size apple fritter you ever tasted... “Applejack said while pulling a tray of desserts from the oven while putting one in Midnight’ mouth.

“Mmm. Check.” Midnight replied as she munched on the treat while still retaining her stoic expression.

“I do. Do you? I do!” Spike said as he playing with figures of Shining Armor and Cadance that are supposed to be on the cake.

Midnight catching this, uses her magic to confiscate them and hold on them for safe keeping while glaring at the baby dragon causing him to nervously laugh while Midnight continues to glare at him.

Princess Cadance came into the room causing the bakers to bow down in respect.

“Hiya, Princess!” Applejack greeted.

“Hello, Applejack.” Cadance warmly greeted back.

“I’ve just been finishing up the treats for the wedding. Would you like try one?” Applejack offered holding up the tray of apple desserts.

“I would love to.” Cadance replied as she picked up one with her magic and put it into her mouth. She really enjoyed so she picked up another one with her magic and ate it as well.

“Wow, these are amazing! Great job Applejack!” Cadance complimented.

“Aww thanks Princess!” Applejack said. “I do take good pride in my cooking especially from apples grown from my farm.”

“Just don’t be too prideful Applejack.” Midnight coldly warned her. “Too much pride can lead to you putting yourself before others including the ones you care about.”

As Midnight says the last part she picks up a few apple treats to go with her magic as she leaves to check up on Rarity while glaring at her leaving Applejack surprised at this sudden cold tone she presented.

Midnight then checks up on Rarity in her dress suite who is working tirelessly on the dresses for the wedding.

“How’s the dress coming?” Midnight asked her.

“Fabulously!” Rarity replied as puts on the finishing touches on the bride’s outfit.

“Nice job, Rarity! I’m sure Cadance will love this.” Midnight complimented while getting a good look at the dress.

“I’m ready for my fitting.” Cadance said as she walks in at that moment.

“Here you go your majesty.” Rarity said while handing her the outfit and accessories she designed as Cadance walks into a different room so she could put in on privately.

Once Cadance comes out, Rarity holds up a mirror so Cadance so could look herself in it while Rarity and Midnight watch her reaction. Cadance smiled indicating that she loves it, causing Midnight to check dress preparations off her checklist.

“It’s looks lovely!” Cadance complimented as she admired her wedding dress and appearance.

“Well, it did take a lot of time of energy to ensure this dress is perfectly made just for you!” Rarity explained as she tried not to arrogantly brag about it.

“I can tell you did.” Midnight positively added before turning her attitude into a much colder one just like how she addressed Applejack. “It’s important to ensure every pony is happy especially for a memorable occasion like this. You just you got make sure you know when to draw the line when it comes to being generous and too generous. Because there are others who will take advantage of that if you’re not careful and others who are willing to next a helping hoof in return.”

Hearing this surprised Rarity at Midnight’s tone as Midnight observes the other dresses she has created while Applejack secretly spies on Midnight suspicious of her behavior.

Next Midnight and Cadance check up with Fluttershy who is preparing the music for the wedding. Fluttershy has taught the birds how to sing during the wedding as they do so chirping while landing on Cadance. Cadance herself is impressed with what Fluttershy has done to prepare for this.

“Wow, Fluttershy! You really sure have a way of animals.” Cadance complimented.

“Aww…Thanks!” Fluttershy gratefully responded while blushing at the compliment.

“She sure does!” Midnight said while agreeing with her. “Fluttershy is one of the kindest ponies in Ponyville as long as you don’t spit on her kindness and come even close to harming one of her animal buddies.” She added while somewhat irritated with Fluttershy recalling the time she can be aggressive and threatening causing Fluttershy to look away while grinning to save face of embarrassment in front of Cadance while dealing with Midnight’s condescending remark as she checks off music preparations on her to do list while Applejack continues to spy on her unnoticed.

Later Midnight and Cadance catch up with what Pinkie has in mind in preparation for the party hall.

“Okay, let me see.” Pinkie began excitedly. “We've been over the games...” She rushed towards a nearby game board and rattled the dice in her hooves, smiling brightly as they landed on the board. She hopped near Cadance ”...the dances...” She began doing the chicken dance near the music player and then stuck her tongue out again and bounced happily in front of Cadance.

“I think this reception is gonna be perfect! Don't you?” Pinkie asked.

“Perfect!” Cadance happily replied as she joined in on Pinkie’s dancing.

“Agreed!” Midnight said agreeing initially. “If we were celebrating a party to amuse children of course.” She then added in a condescending tone.

“Thank you!” Pinkie happily thanked both ponies while taking Midnight’s comment the wrong way as Midnight walks off checking the party preparations off of her list leaving the two ponies dancing happily with Applejack still spying on her in secret.

Later that night, Princess Luna flew down from the sky, entered the force field, and landed on the balcony of the tower where her sister, Princess Celestia, was keeping watch. She arrived to take over the night watch so Princess Celestia could rest.

Meanwhile, the girls except Midnight were all sitting at an outdoor restaurant table sipping drinks after a hard day’s work while Applejack is the only pony who couldn’t help but think about Midnight’s behavior during the planning of the wedding and felt something was suspiciously off about her.

“Is it my impression or Midnight has been acting weird since we arrived in Canterlot? ”Applejack asked everypony, addressing her friends and Spike who are also sitting together at the same table.

“What are you talking about, dear?” Rarity asked Applejack confused of what she is talking about.

“When Midnight was overseeing the dessert preparations, she made a remark about me not being too prideful and how it can lead to problems later on.” Applejack noted her cold words to her.

“Okay, maybe she was just reminding you not to repeat the same mistake you made last time.” Rarity told her trying to defend her reasons behind her attitude.

“That may be true. But I’ve never seen Midnight acting like this. Something is strange. And I feel like Midnight is hiding something from us” Applejack added sounding suspicious feeling like Midnight is not all what she seems.

The friends and Spike looked at each other before looking at Applejack, “But why do you think Midnight is hiding something from us, dear?” Rarity again asked.

“Think about it” Applejack continued to explain. “Didn’t any of you notice her behavior when she came to check up on the wedding preparations?”

“Well, come to think of it she did say I need to draw the line between being generous and too generous in a rather cold tone.” Rarity spoke after recalling her thoughts of Midnight's visit during the dress preparations.

“She did recall the times I was aggressive and overly assertive in a condescending manner.” Fluttershy admitted as she recalled Midnight's visit.

“Don’t you think you’re paranoid with Midnight?” Rainbow Dash asked Applejack still having a tough time buying that Midnight is up to something. “I mean maybe she just really wants this wedding to perfect.”

“I’m not paranoid, Rainbow. I’m just worried about her. Midnight didn’t act like the pony we met from day one.” Applejack defensively responded. "And I got the funny feeling that she might have been hiding something from us since we first met her." She added as she looked around the area. “She’s not even with us here. Don’t you think it’s weird?” Applejack further added on her explanation as unbeknownst to them, Midnight was secretly spying on their conversation.

“Come to think of it, Midnight’s behavior has been off but at the same time what if she really is just stressing over ensuring this wedding is perfect.” Rarity responded to say while she agrees that Midnight is acting off she also doesn't want to jump to conclusions with false accusations and make the same mistake again.

“But what if she’s not and really is up to something” Applejack again asked. “What if this is all set up by her so she can take over Equestria? What if this wedding stress is really all an act?”

As Applejack continues talking about her suspicions, Midnight walks up behind her with a drink in her hoof with a stoic and unamused expression on her face as she hears Applejack further bad-mouth her behind her back. “What if she doesn’t really value us as friends and was really was just using us from the beginning?”

The girls and Spike seeing Midnight approach them drop their jaws while signaling to Applejack to stop talking with shocked expression and motioning hoofs as they wave them around desperately to get her to stop ranting.

“Uh, Applejack?” Spike nervously warned Applejack but no avail as she continues talking.

“What if she’s been secretly plotting against us ever since we met her? I’m telling you ya’ll there is something about her I don’t trust!” Applejack further went on.

“Really? Is that what you think of me?” Midnight calmly asked breaking her silence while sounding unamused with what Applejack is truly thinking about her.

Hearing this made Applejack realize Midnight is standing right behind her and she is in huge trouble as she nervously gulps before turning around to face Midnight who angrily glares at her she nervously grins trying to lighten the mood to no avail as she clearly having none of it.

“You want to know why I’ve been acting this way during the preparations? Because Princess Celestia has tasked me with this very important responsibility which is something that no other pony can handle on their own. She completely trusts me in making all of the decisions of Princess Cadance’s behalf!” Midnight angrily told her as she walks around the table while the girls and Spike could only look on terrified at seeing reach a new level of anger as she raises her voice. “This is why I constantly stress about making this wedding perfect so I don’t disappoint her!” She furiously added as she slammed her drink onto the table shattering the glass cup in the process. “And if you had actually taken my feelings into consideration you would have realized that those comments I said earlier were just bad attempts of humor instead of spying on me!”

“But, Midnight I was just trying to-“Applejack tried to defend herself only to be cut off as Midnight continues to tell her off.

“I also have to make sure everything goes perfect because this is something Twilight Sparkle herself would have wanted if she was here especially since the changeling invasion is the reason she isn’t around for and another reason to ensure everything is perfect. A pony I really value upon hearing about her. Somepony who obviously isn’t as important to you!” She angrily continued as she slammed her hoof onto the table again causing the other ponies’ drinks to spill as their glasses fell over even shattering the glass as she speaks directly in Applejack’s face.

Hearing Twilight’s name made Applejack have instant regret with her suspicions as she feels the similar words Shining Armor told Twilight back then ring through her head.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and check up on the bride and groom!” Midnight angrily added as she walked off. “And I hope that attitude of yours changes by time the wedding comes because if I were you I wouldn’t show up to the wedding at all!”

With that said she storms off leaving Applejack feeling very ashamed of herself as the girls and Spike are left shocked and stunned at seeing Midnight so angry like that for the first time that couldn’t even speak their thoughts about what just happened.

As Midnight makes her way back to her room, she secretly pulls out her crystal orb to observe what had happened just after she left which showed the four ponies talking to Applejack about her suspicions after recovering from their shock.

“You shouldn’t have said that, darling.” Rarity started in a lightly scolding tone.

“Well, how was I supposed to know she was right behind me and heard everything I’ve said?” Applejack retorted as she defended herself.

“But that didn’t excuse the fact that it showed you didn’t trust her again like you did when we went to the Tree of Harmony.” Spike added bringing up it was also her idea to send her away which really hurt Midnight which shows that ponies still struggle with learning to trust her and follow her lead.

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash angrily added. “Let’s not forget this is why we lost Twilight in the first place, because you’re the one who urged us to abandon her when she needed us the most. And because of that Twilight now hates us to her grave.” She yelled while struggling not to cry.

“But I was being honest when I was telling you of what I saw.” Applejack said in a defeated tone. “She really gave the impression that she really is up to something. I never meant to hurt her like that.”

“Maybe you should go tell Midnight that yourself.” Fluttershy kindly yet firmly told her. “She might forgive you if tell her how sorry you are.”

“And maybe afterwards I’ll throw you two a wonderful make-up party!” She excitedly encouraged while blasting her party cannon.

“You’re right, Fluttershy.” Applejack agreed with her now smiling. “I better go apologize to her. Hopefully, she isn’t mad enough to not want to talk to me.” She added while walking off to do so.

Seeing this Midnight puts her crystal orb aside while chuckling to herself seeing that her plan is going accordingly, as even while showing some of her true colors during the preparations, no pony still suspects her. And even when Applejack is correct with her suspicions about her, while impressed that she was able to figure everything about her out on her own, no one believes her. She laughs to herself as she sports another evil grin as her heart glows neon purple again just as Applejack reaches her room from outside who having witnessed her evil laugh and glowing body gasps as she runs away seeing that she had every right to be suspicious of her.

Unbeknownst to her, Midnight had known Applejack witnessed her as she smirked at her crystal orb replaying Applejack spying on her just like she did during the preparations. Even knowing that Applejack is on to her, it doesn’t matter because no pony will ever believe her until she reveals the truth and her special surprise herself.

The day of the wedding comes as every pony is getting dressed up for the memorable occasion. Shining Armor was getting ready in his home with two guard posted outside the front door. He was putting on his red uniform when he heard a knock at his front door. He answered and it was Applejack with a concerned look on her face wearing her green wedding dress.

“Hey, Applejack. Everything all right?” Shining Armor asked confused.

“We need to talk.” Applejack began with concern on her face. “I think you’re making a big mistake trusting Midnight.”

“Applejack? Why do you say that?” Shining Armor asked in surprise hearing that from her.

“Because I’ve seen her acting not like herself during the wedding preparations as she was making cold remarks and devious grins and just between you and me I saw her evilly laughing while her heart was glowing a neon purple light.” Applejack honestly replied.

“But Applejack.” Shining Armor calmly began to explain his assertion. “I’m sure she is just making sure the wedding goes perfectly, just as my sister Twilight would have wanted it. Although she has been making some insensitive remarks throughout the day, I’m sure she didn’t mean to make you and friends feel bad.”

“But what if she is up to something?” Applejack asked with hints of worry in her voice. “What if this is another repeat of the last time you two tried to get wedding?”

“Look, Applejack, I understand what you are saying but I am not going to take any chances of upsetting Midnight who has worked really hard to make sure this wedding goes perfectly and not to disappoint the Princesses and me. Even if she had been making cold remarks about us.” Shining Armor said firmly yet understanding of what Applejack is saying.

While this is going on Midnight spies on their conversation with her crystal orb as she walks to his house. Midnight herself was wearing a pink Best Mare dress similar to the one Twilight would have worn to the wedding and she is ready for the day to carry out her plan as she has prepared for this since the wedding was back on.

She approached the front door witnessing Shining Armor and Applejack talking about her causing her to knock on the front door to get their attention. The two turn around to see Midnight crossing her arms having heard every word of their conversation.

“Hello, Shining Armor.” Midnight calmly and politely addressed him with a smile. “You ready for your big day?”

“I sure am!” Shining Armor positively yet somewhat nervously replied worried of how she would really react to witnessing his conversation with Applejack.

“Well, everyone’s all getting ready in the main room.” Midnight continued speaking to him with her calm and collected tone. “We should head over there as soon as possible. I’ll walk you over there.”

“Okay, I just need to do a few touch-ups on my uniform then I’m all set.” Shining Armor replied and quickly rushed away to do so.

As soon as Shining Armor leaves Midnight turns to Applejack with a glare.

“If I were you I better go on ahead and get ready.” Midnight continued talking to in her calm and cold tone. “Because I want this day to go perfectly and I don’t need some false accusations flying around the room. Understand?”

“Yes…I’m sorry!” Applejack responded terrified as she complied with her demand as she ran off to do so.

“You will be!” Midnight replied back as she runs off leaving Applejack in more of a panic as he doesn’t know what to do about her seeing that she knows what she is planning at every turn causing Midnight to chuckle evilly seeing that she has her under control.

Later, as every pony gathers at the wedding hall which was full of guests all eager to witness the real marriage, and hopefully without any more problems.

Princess Celestia stood up on the alter ready to marry the bride and groom with her wings spread out while Princess Luna sat happily in the front row of the audience. Shining Armor stood up on the alter with Midnight, by his side.

Midnight noticed that the family crest on his uniform was crooked and used her magic to straighten it. After all, he had to look perfect for the perfect bride in her eyes. His parents were in the audience watching him proudly. Twilight Velvet began to shed tears of joy for her son was finally going to be married and had to wipe them away with a handkerchief.

Applejack while happy for the soon to be married couple is silently nervous of what Midnight is planning yet there is nothing she can do about it.

When she realized it was time for the music to start, Fluttershy orchestrated her bird choir to start singing the wedding music. Then the hall doors swung open and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who were serving as flower fillies, came prancing in tossing flower peddles along the way. Following right behind them was the beautiful bride Princess Cadance herself in her wedding gown as she marched toward the alter. Everypony watched her with admiration including Midnight who rarely shows this to any other pony.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders stepped aside and allowed Cadance to march up onto the alter. Rarity started to get teary-eyed and wiped her eyes with a handkerchief while Applejack decided to put her trademark hat on yet is suspicious of what Midnight is planning. When Cadance finally made it to the top of the alter, she and her soon-to-be husband exchanged affectionate glances.

“Mares and gentlecolts,” Princess Celestia announced. “We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of the real Princess Mi Amore Cadenza-”

“Princess Cadance is fine,” Cadance politely interrupted her aunt.

“Hmm,” Celestia respected her niece’s wish and continued. “The union of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. The strength of their commitment is clear. The power of their love, undeniable. May we have the rings please?” Spike presented the wedding rings, which were placed on the bride and groom’s horns by Midnight herself. “I now pronounce you mare and colt!”

With that, the two were officially wed and the entire crowd, including the guests in the castle yard, erupted in happy cheering. Both Shining and Cadance stood on the tower balcony and waved to the crowd below while the Midnight and the girls watched them with admiration.

As the girls watched Celestia then whispered something into Rainbow Dash’s ear.

“Rainbow Dash, that’s your cue.”

Rainbow literally flew right out of her bridesmaid gown hearing this, flew high in the air above the castle, and set off her long-awaited Sonic Rainboom which spread across the entire sky above Canterlot.

“Best… Wedding… EVER!” Dash cheered as she flew through the air.

At that moment a familiar voice is heard laughing from afar gaining every pony’s attention, it was Queen Chrysalis herself.

“Greetings, fellow ponies.” Chrysalis sinisterly greeted. “Hope I’m not interrupting things and judging from the looks of things it seems I dropped by just in time.”

Seeing her caused every pony to panic immediately fleeing the scene and hiding inside nearby building for cover as Chrysalis laughs at the sight of pony cowering before her.

Rainbow Dash seeing her quickly charged at her to attack her and tackled her to the ground and onto the balcony.

“Just what to do you think you’re doing here, Chrysalis!” Rainbow Dash angrily demanded.

“Oh, just providing the entertainment for the wedding of course” Queen Chrysalis nonchalantly replied with a smirk. “And what better way to do that other than a good old fashioned invasion!” She added as she used her horn to blast Rainbow Dash off of her and sending her flying away at the magic dome causing her to be knocked out as she fell and crashed into a pie cart.

“No wonder her name is called Rainbow Crash!” Chrysalis evilly chuckled.

“That is enough, Chrysalis!” Princess Celestia shouted to catch her attention as she glares down at the evil changeling. “I don’t know how you managed to sneak back in here, but now that you have so foolishly revealed your true self again, I can protect my subjects from you!”

The princess clashed horns with the queen. Then Celestia took flight and the two blasted magical beams at one another which collided. For a moment, the two looked evenly matched until Chrysalis’s beam overpowered Celestia’s. After a blinding blast of light, the princess skidded across on the floor, defeated. Everyone gasped in horror except Midnight who smirked at the sight of this as she disappears while nopony was looking.

“Well, how about that?” Queen Chrysalis said impressed with herself. “Even without the power of love my magic is stronger than yours.” She continued as she taunted the unconscious Princess.

“Would any pony else care to try to stop me?” The queen challenged the nearby ponies.

“But how did you get around by protection spell again?” Shining Armor angrily asked her while standing in front of Cadance defensively.

“Does it matter?” Chrysalis smugly asked. “I’m already here aren’t I?”

She immediately fires a beam of magic at the colt sending him flying into the balcony railing rendering him injured leaving Cadance to tend to him to make sure he is okay while his protection spell immediately ends causing his magic shield to disappear with a horde of changelings appearing to invade Canterlot causing many ponies to run off and scatter running into nearby buildings to avoid being attacked by Chrysalis's changeling army.

"It doesn't matter because even though you're here our love spell will protect us from you." Cadance defiantly spoke to the evil queen as her husband struggles to get back on his hooves.

"Really? Go ahead and try that on me and we'll see about that." Chrysalis goaded her to try to use the spell on her.

"All right you asked for it!" Shining Armor told her with fierce determination to blast Chrysalis back to where she came from with Cadance by his side as they ready their horns to perform their love spell again.

The magic around their aura glows as Cadance's horn touched Shining Armor's crossing each others as they lock horns. The touch of their horns began to create a spark that glows purple and white as it grows in size and power, with bright energy forming around them. The wind blows around them, as Cadance's mane begins to billow and sparkle as everypony looks on in awe including Princess Celestia and Rainbow Dash who have regained consciousness and regrouped with the others as the married couple perform their spell.

After trading each other a smile to each other, the magic of their love lifted them off the floor as their magic grows stronger. The hall begins to shake from the sheer amount of magical energy coursing through although to their surprise they see Chrysalis is not panicking from the sight of the upcoming magic aimed to blast her back to where she came from.

But nonetheless they still proceeded to cast out their combined attack on her as their magic begins to burst creating a heart-shaped shockwave, blasting a pure white blinding light that shines throughout all of Canterlot. Once the light clears up Queen Chrysalis and her changelings are still around as Queen Chrysalis still flying in the air still laughing off their attempt leaving the main group shocked and surprised seeing this.

"What!" Shining Armor exclaimed in shock seeing that the spell didn't work even with Cadance backing her up. "How is this possible?!"

“Because she is not Queen Chrysalis!” Applejack defiantly pointed a hoof at the smirking changeling leaving the other ponies surprised by this display of bravery as she steps forward.

“Oh, really?” Chrysalis said amused at Applejack's courageous stand. “And what proof do you have to back that up with?”

“Well for starters, Shining Armor’s barrier is impenetrable to changeling magic and has improved since the last time you were here!” Applejack started to explain. “Secondly, you were able to overpower the princess without feeding off any pony’s love which is something that you would have done had you impersonated Cadance again.” She added. "And third and most importantly your horn isn’t green but glowing dark purple just like your heart!" She added as she pointed towards her glowing horn which is going dark purple the same color that was used whenever she activated her magic. "Not to mention that love spell should have blasted you and your changelings back to her hive back now!"

“Oh, so it is.” Chrysalis nonchalantly noticed as her horn and heart glow in the same color. “Clever farmpony!” She said as she smirked confirming that she is telling the truth. “Then I guess you have also figured out why I’m doing this.” Chrysalis added and asked Applejack in the same calm tone while not even denying the truth.

“Yes, I do!” Applejack declared. “To take over Equestria with your changeling charade, Midnight!” She said as she pointed a hoof at the disguised alicorn.

Chrysalis chuckled evilly as her voice changed into Midnight's. “Oh Applejack, how I cannot even deny how true your accusations are and how spot on you are on putting the pieces together.” She started before continuing. “However, you got one very important piece of that puzzle wrong.”

Hearing this sparks confusion in every pony on the balcony of what she is talking about.

"And what would that be." Applejack demanded to know why as Princess Luna flies on over to join them as she watches and hears what she has to say after having help safely evacuate everypony from the building during the distraction.

“The pony you saw from day one…” She said as magic forming around her enveloping herself in bright neon purple light “…has always been around all this time.” She said with another change of voice. A voice that hasn’t been heard since the previous Canterlot Wedding. As the magic clears up all nine ponies and the young dragon all gasp in shock at the sight of the pony they are seeing in the air flying in place as she evilly laughs…it is none other than Twilight Sparkle herself who was thought to be dead was really alive all this time.

Author's Note:

For this who have read up to this point.
