• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,015 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 18: Rarity Takes Manehattan

Chapter 18:

Rarity Takes Manehattan

Ever since her recent attacks on the Mane Five, Midnight has been doing research on the keys so she can figure what they are and be able to get ahold of them before they can use them to access the Elements of Harmony to defeat her. What she definitely knows about them is that the mysterious keys have a rainbow sparkle in them in mysterious objects and that the element bearers eyes give the rainbow shimmer whenever they learn a lesson regarding living up to the element. She has just put magic into her crystal orb so she can use it as a scanner to let her know when one of the objects is nearby.

She also learns that the Mane Five through her secret spying are going to Manehattan for Rarity’s fashion week competition with Spike accompanying them so she can please her crush even if it means putting up with Rarity’s huge load of luggage from her home to the hotel they are staying at during their stay in Manehattan much to her annoyance of Rarity’s treatment of Spike as a servant rather than a boyfriend who really cares for her.

Unbeknownst to them Midnight is secretly following them deciding to go onto to the trip to Manehattan as her orb senses the hidden key for the element of generosity is there secretly spying on their conversation from inside the train and has set up a plan for Rarity there.

“There you are, Rarity! That's the last of your bags.” Spike said he finishes towing up the load of luggage Rarity asked him to carry

“Actually, Spike, I've got one last pile of bags, over there. Won't you be a dear?” Rarity asked him while pointing her hoof towards another pile of luggage much to Spike’s surprise.

“Sure... I'll be a dear.” Spike reluctantly agreed with hints of annoyance in his voice as he strains to carry the bags to the train.

“An entire week in the fabulous city of Manehattan! Plus, all of my very best friends there with me!” Rarity said in excitement.

“Of course we'd all come along to support you during Fashion Week, Rarity!” Applejack said in a joyful tone.

“Not that you'll need it. We're sure you'll win. “Fluttershy added delightfully causing Rarity to squeal in further excitement.

“I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that you'll all be there with me! However...” She said as she pulled tickets out of her main suitcase Perhaps I can show you... “

“What's that?” Applejack asked as every pony looks at them having no idea what they are.

“Ooh, ooh, ooh, I know! A paper fan!” Pinkie guessed waving her hoof up.

“No, it's—“ Rarity started to correct Pinkie before being interrupted.

“A magic trick! You know, where I pick a card and remember what it is and then you put it back in the deck so you can't look at it and—“ Pinkie again guessed before Rarity decided to walk past her to show them what they really are.

“These are tickets to the hottest musical on Bridleway!” Rarity explained.

“You couldn't mean Hinny of the Hills... “Applejack said in a hopeful tone. “Because that show's been sold out for months! Or could you?!” Applejack asked with a grin.

“I could. I do.” Rarity said the same grin Applejack sported causing her to gasp in excitement.

“Oh, Rarity, you didn't have to do that, but... since you did...” Applejack cheered in a loud hop as the other girls joined in expressing their appreciation and excitement of Rarity’s gift to them

“This trip is fun already! I love jumping up and down! Whee-hee!” Pinkie Pie expressed enthusiastically.

Midnight observing this sees that while Rarity is busy preparing for Fashion Week the other girls are also going to be busy having fun in Manehattan giving Midnight more self-assurance that getting ahold of that key will be a snap.

“Oh, believe me I am already looking forward to this trip especially if it means getting that key no problem with all of you out of the way.” Midnight said to herself as secretly watches them hop up and down in excitement.

After getting over their excitement they all boarded the train as Midnight makes sure they don’t see her by staying out of their sight as the train makes its way to Manehattan.

Once they arrived at Manehattan, the girls left the train first while Midnight was one of the last ponies to leave to train as she decides to secretly follow them to the hotel they will be staying at undetected as she managed to a room next door to them by pulling some manipulative strings with the hotel manager while showing that Rarity isn’t the only pony who can manipulate other ponies for her own gain.

On the way to the hotel, she pulls out her crystal orb so she scan for the mysterious key while ensuring the Mane Five don’t catch her spying on them watching their conversation from the distance.

“Come along, ponies! I found us a place to stay only a block from the train station in the very heart of this glorious metropolis!” Rarity said as she directed the ponies to follow her to the hotel enthusiastically.

“Hey, look! That's the theatre where Hinny of the Hills is playin'!” Applejack said as she pointed out to the theater with many ponies in line causing the ponies to awe in amazement.

“Wow, Rarity! How'd you manage to get us seats for tomorrow night?” Pinkie asked.

“Oh, I gave some designs to the costume designer, so he pulled a few strings.” Rarity casually explained like it is no big feat.

“Cool!” Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash said in amazement.

Midnight simply rolls her eyes sarcastically saying to herself. “You’re not the only pony who knows how to pull a few strings around here.” As she is personally thinks of herself as a much better manipulator than the unicorn herself.

“That is what makes Manehattan so splendid and amazing. You do something nice for somepony, and then you never know when they'll do something nice for you!” Rarity said as they continued walking down through town.

“So then you can do something nice for us!” Applejack added as she gets the idea of how things work in Manehattan.

“Like get us in to see Hinny of the Hills!” Fluttershy added in acknowledgement.

“Which is only the best musical in all of Equestria!” Rainbow Dash excitedly commented.

“It must be good if Rainbow Dash is impressed. Normally she doesn't even like musicals.“ Applejack commented.

“I know. Ponies just bursting into song in random places at the drop of a hat? Who does that?” Rainbow questioned in hypocritical disbelief.

“Uh, all of you ponies many times.” Midnight said to herself as Rarity breaks out into a song about generosity and showing her generous nature many times throughout her song starting by getting Spike who has been struggling to carry her heavy luggage a carrot on a hot dog bun with condiments from a nearby vendor for him only for it to be snatched by a bird much to his annoyance.

“Oh, Manehattan, what you do to me

Such a huge bustling community

And there's always opportunity

To do the friendly thing

If some are grouchy, pay no mind

Surprise instead with something kind

Lo and behold, you may just find

A smile is what you bring.”

Rarity sang as they all make their way through town while Midnight not about to let that bird take something away from him uses her magic to freeze the bird in place as she took off and take the carrot dog back from the bird and give it back to Spike much to his surprise as he looked around wondering how it happened as if another nearby unicorn was watching behind her before seeing Midnight who gives him a serious expression to keep quiet about her appearance here while winking at him to let him know she’s got his back.

Next they all arrive at the hotel where Rarity gives a diamond to the luggage carrier as a generous act of gratitude for his services. The group decides to go on a cruise on the yacht as he takes their stuff to the hotel while Midnight secretly follows figuring she let them lead her to the key she is looking for while keeping a close eye on them.

“Generosity, I'm here to show all that I can give

Generosity, I'm here to set the bar

Just sit back and watch how I live.”

She sang along the way.

During the cruise to the statue of liberty island she watches Rarity continues to sing about her passion for generosity as she allows a random tourist to sight see through the binoculars he had planned to see as they came up to it at the same time and gives another tourist who is suffering from the cold breeze her pink scarf.

After the cruise the ponies all made it back to the streets of Manehattan as Rarity continues her song of generosity.

Some may say,


Don't be so big-hearted and bold

Treating strangers like they're friends

This town's too big and cold"

But this is how I play my cards

I'm not about to fold

Where I see a frown, I go to town

Call me the smile patrol.”

“Well it is advice you probably should take to heart.” Midnight said to herself as she watched while hiding behind nearby buildings. “After all, there are those you can advantage of you if you’re not careful.” She said thinking Rarity should exercise caution of who she should and shouldn’t be generous to as she sees Rarity accidentally bump into a pony causing him to drop his paper. But Rarity made up for her mistake by buying him a flower for his hat.

“Oh, Manehattan, what you do to us.”

Rainbow Dash sang joining in on the song.

“What if you find a Gloomy Gus?”

Fluttershy sang as she pointed to a frustrated and complaining pony pointing to a broken wheel on a taxi cart.

“It's no intimidatin' thing.”

Applejack sang as went under the cart and lifted it from her back.

“Just be kind without a fuss.”

Pinkie Pie sang as she placed a hoof on the taxi cart carrier causing him to smile as Rarity continues to sing while using her magic to repair the broken wheel.

“Generosity, I'm here to show all that I can do

Generosity, you are the key

Manehattan, I'm here just for you

Just for you.”

Rarity finished singing as she jumped onto a lamppost before looking up in the sky with her friends before looking at a nearby dress shop while Midnight spies on them from right around the corner of the store.

“To think my dresses could soon be displayed on the most glamorous shopping thoroughfare of the most glamorous city in Equestria! Oh, it would be my dream come true!” Rarity sighed happily while dreaming of soon having her work displayed like the dresses in the store.

“Is there anything left to do we can help you with?” Applejack asked with a helping hoof.

“Hm, nothing I can think of.” Rarity thought before responding. “The dresses are all completely finished, all made from a fabulous new fabric I've been developing for months. Stretchy, but not clingy. Shimmery, but not showy.”

“Sounds amazing.” Fluttershy complimented.

“There's nothing left for me to do but check in at the runway with my dresses by two this afternoon.” Rarity calmly told her friends.

“Oh, that's funny. Because that clock over there makes it seem like that's only ten minutes from now!” Pinkie said while pointing to a clock on one of the city’s tallest buildings that tells them that it is 1:50 right now.

At that moment, heavy rain clouds formed, thunder boomed, with rain falling down from the sky. Midnight always prepared had an umbrella on hoof to shield herself from the rain.

“Oh, my ribbons and threads. And the runway ballroom is all the way across town! If I don't get there, I'm disqualified!” Rarity said with instant panic as she screamed for a taxi. “Taaaaxiii!”

As Rarity runs off, Midnight laughs to herself seeing Rarity freak out seeing it as payback for blowing her concerns to the sky in return when she worried about her late friendship report to Princess Celestia.

“Oh, no! We've gotta help her find a cab, now!” Fluttershy said worriedly.

“I’m on it!” Rainbow Dash said with determination to help her out as she flew to a nearby taxi cab. “Hey, buddy! Is this cab taken?”

“The line ends back there, "buddy”!” A pony irritably with a cherry cutie mark tells Rainbow Dash showing him a long line of ponies who are also waiting for a cab.

“Huh? What? Does everypony in this town want a cab?” Rainbow Dash asked with confusion seeing the many ponies waiting for a cab.

“I'm afraid getting a taxi at this time could prove almost impossible!” Rarity said seeing that getting a cab on short notice is going to be very difficult while holding a newspaper over head as an umbrella.

“Please won't you let her have this taxi? She has somewhere very important to be right away!” Fluttershy politely pleaded with the first pony in line for a taxi.

“Not likely! She can get in line like the rest of us!” The business pony gruffly refused as many other ponies in line angrily complain.

“Oh, it's no use! The cab drivers just drive right past to get to the next pony in line!” Fluttershy said to herself as she sat on the curb seeing these ponies won’t listen to reason as Applejack and Rainbow Dash sit by her on the curb.

At that moment just luck would have it the taxi pony that Rarity helped mended his broken wheel came around in front of the group ready to help her.

“New wheel works like a charm! So now which of you nice folks are hoppin' in?” The pony asked as Rarity quickly hops in.

“Fashion runway plaza in seven minutes. Can you make it?” Rarity asked.

"Hang on!” The pony said as he ran off as fast as his legs could carry him.

“Ta-ta!” Rarity said to the others as her ride took off.

“Whew, that was close.” Spike said to the girls as he got himself another carrot dog causing the others to nod in agreement.

“Anypony else got a sneaking suspicion we're forgetting something?” Spike asked feeling they are missing something but everyone realizes what it is.

“The dresses!” They all screamed in realization as they ran off back to the hotel to get them.

“Wow, talk about poor timing and planning.” Midnight said to herself amused at Rarity’s sightseeing the big city caused her to nearly forget about the main reason why she was really here only to be reminded at the last minute and forgot the dresses she made for Fashion Week.

Midnight would then make her way to the Fashion runaway plaza on her own with a simple teleportation spell with a light up to her horn. When she gets to Fashion runaway plaza she casts the invisibility spell on herself so no pony will see her sneaking around as she secretly teleports to where all of the fashion designers are meeting and sees Rarity arriving with seconds to spare with the dresses she has made for Fashion Week thanks to her friends quickly getting them to her on time.

"I made it! And with seconds to spare!" Rarity sighed in relief. "Hello, everypony. Pleased to meet you all." She greeted the other designers.

"Rarity, I presume." A pony with gray fur and a pink mane and tail wearing a pink jacket and gold earrings addressed her.

"You must be Prim Hemline, the host of this grand event. How do you—?" Rarity started to greet her until being interrupted by her.

"Miss Rarity, how is it that all your competitors are here half an hour early, and yet you arrive seconds before we begin?" Prim sternly asked her as she approached her.

"Uhhhh... Just... lucky, I guess." Rarity nervously answered as she chuckled in embarrassment.

"Once we're done here, you're to finish setting up backstage, so you'll be ready for your run-through appointment." Prim announced to all of the ponies in attendance before turning her attention back at Rarity. "You show your designs last. We keep to a precise schedule, so let's try to be more than a few seconds early, hmm?" Prim added as she continued to sternly reprimand Rarity for her late arrival as she turned back around again to walk by the ponies from behind. "Tomorrow is the contest to see which one of you gets to stay to meet top designers all across the city. The rest of you must go home early. So sad. Dismissed!"

As soon as Prim turns to leave all of the ponies immediately make their leave as Rarity looks at her enclosed dresses as one of the fashion ponies with a pink coat of fur, a purple mane and matching tail, with a bright blue ascot, and three buttons for her cutie mark sticks behind to greet Rarity.

"I'm so glad you made it, Rarity!" Suri greeted her as she approaches her.

"Me too, but everything just seems to keep working out!" Rarity replied relieved that she was able to get in here in time.

"Don't you remember me? Suri Polomare from the Ponyville Knitters League?" The pony asked her as if they already know each other.

"Oh, yes, of course, of course!" Rarity happily remembers what she is talking about. "I– I thought you looked familiar, but I couldn't place it." She added as she stretches her right back hoof up for a moment. "You haven't been back in years!"

"Because I moved here to make it in the big city." Suri laughed for a bit before continuing. "Okay?"

"Oh, good for you, Sur— " Rarity complimented before being cut off as Suri hugs her.

"Ooh, it's so good to see you! And now here we are, competing!" She laughed as she looks at dresses as they break up from the hug. "Okay?"

"Yes, yes. Well, good luck!" Rarity kindly returned as she turns around.

"Oh, I don't need luck. Would you like a hoof with your things?" Suri offered.

"Why, thank you so much!" Rarity gratefully accepted as the two made their way to the studio.

As the two ponies head off, Midnight secretly follows them as she sees as whole Fashion Week as an opportunity for her.

"My, your collection is gorgeous!" Suri complimented on her purple dresses as she observes them.

"Oh now, I'm sure your collection is equally lovely, if not more so!" Rarity kindly returned as she thought nothing of it as she levitates a bundle of blue fabric with her magic.

"It's alright, but nothing like this." Suri noted as she circled around Rarity's dresses. "Take my culottes, for example – they are simply crying out for just the right accent, but I haven't the slightest notion where I—" Suri stops herself when she gets an idea. "Actually... just a touch of this fabric could be perfect with it. W– Oh, hey, would you mind terribly if I took a swatch?" Suri asked with a light grin as she holds up one of the corners of the dresses.

"Oh, not at all! Here, I have loads extra." Rarity assured Suri what she is asking is no big deal as she levitates some fabric in front of her.

"You're sure?" Suri felt the need to ask again to make sure it's okay with her.

"Positive!" Rarity once again reassured her as she hands her the fabric as she turns away to get ready for Fashion Week. "Oh, well, it's been wonderful getting caught up, and I don't wish to be rude, but I must finish my preparations and I am a bit late as it... is?" Rarity politely tried to finish up her conversation with Suri only to find that she quickly left immediately after being given the fabric.

Midnight watching this sees that her plan is going accordingly as she knows what Suri is going to do now that she has what she needs to prepare for Fashion Week.

One week earlier...

A knock is heard at the apartment door as Suri approaches from the other side and opens it only to find nopony around only a letter left behind with her name on it. Curious, she opens and reads which says.


If you're looking for any award-winning fashion ideas and fabric you should definitely try getting ahold of Rarity's. After all she is going to be competing against for Fashion Week. And if Rarity questions you, you can definitely and honestly say that this was all your design. After all, it was one of the Manehattan ways around here.

As Suri finishes reading the letter she now has the idea to copy Rarity's designs and pass it off as her own planted in her mind as she smirks now knowing that she has a opportunity at the shot of winning first place at Fashion Week with this anonymous tip as she walks back inside and closes the door after her.

From around the corner, Midnight peeping her head out to secretly spy on her the entire time smirks seeing that she is taking her advice to heart as she turns away ready to see Fashion Week unfold.

Later she makes her way back to the stage where all the designers are showing their work to Prim who observes from the stands as Midnight still invisible sits herself on one of the very back seats as Suri walks up to present her literally copied and fabricated work to her as a pony with a bright blue mane and matching eyes and tail, a hat with a feather cutie mark, a light gray fur coat, wearing a purple collar with a red tie and matching flower in her mane walked up to roll up the dresses so Suri can present them to the audience.

“It's stretchy, but not clingy. Shimmery, but not showy. And the entire line is in the same adorable pattern. It works on everything from skirts to tops to shoes.” Suri explained to Prim Hemline who applauded her work.

“Oh, bravo! I've never seen anything like it!” Prim Hemline commended Suri as she began to walk offstage proud of herself.

“Yeah, neither have I, only you didn’t come with that design.” Midnight said to herself and correctly analyzed what was happening when Rarity confronts her by saying.

“You stole my fabric!” Rarity angrily accused Suri who simply laughs it off.

“I didn't steal it, okay? You gave it to me, 'member?” She said as she simply walked by.

“I gave you the fabric for accents! Not for your whole line! And how could you possibly make all of those outfits out of it so fast?!” Rarity corrected her of what she meant the fabric was for while questioning her ability to get them all done so fast.

“Fast? Hah!” She laughed as she pointed at the pony pushing the cart out of the room. “Coco Pommel here took practically forever.” She pointed at the pony who hung her head hurt by that remark. “Nearly got me completely disqualified.”

Seeing this causes Midnight to narrow her eyebrows while glaring at Suri.

“Well, I wanted to make sure you'd win, so I took the extra time to—“ Coco tried to explain before being cut off by Suri.

“Quiet! I pay an assistant to sew and get coffee, not talk. 'Kay?” She said to Coco harshly.

“How could this happen?” Rarity gasped in disbelief at being taken advantage of as she turned away.

“Aw, sweetie, don't blame yourself.” Suri said as she places a hoof around her shoulder. “It takes some small-town fillies a while to learn it's everypony for herself in the big city, m'kay?”

Rarity hurt by this runs off crying.

“Hope you realize how fortunate you are to have me as a mentor.” Suri said to Coco as she walked up to her before speaking to her harshly again. “Now get me some coffee.”

This caused Coco to run off scared while Suri walks up to her cart of dresses to push them out of the room.

Midnight watching this can only shoot an angry glare at Suri’s direction for being a bad boss to her assistant as she decides to personally take action as much she dislikes Rarity she hates Suri even more for what she has done for being a cheater and an arrogant blowhard even though she planted the idea in her in the first place.

She starts by using her magic to trip Suri as she walked away just so she can wipe that smug grin off her face.

Once she was out of the room she teleported herself to the bathroom where she dropped her invisibility cloak for the moment to catch up on what the others were doing.

She saw the other ponies and Spike getting back from a fun day in Manehattan where they come across an upset Rarity from having her designs stolen and manage to help her by working tirelessly on her new line of fabric.

“Good to see these ponies are keeping busy by having fun!” Midnight commented. “So do I while I focus on more important things.”

At that moment she heard hoof steps approaching the bathroom causing her to recast her invisibility spell so no pony will see her.

It was Suri again as she went inside to freshen up. As she walked in she said to herself. “I am a genius. By tricking that overly generous pony into handing me her fabric, I have essentially won the judges over and ensured that she will be the one copying me when she presents those dresses at the competition tomorrow.” Suri said while powdering her nose. “Ponies like her are so gullible. I could probably trick her into getting banned from Fashion Week for good if I can get her create a scene during my presentation.

At that moment, Midnight grabbed ahold of the powder and dumped it all over her causing her to cough as a result and wonder how that happened as she heard Midnight’s voice speak “Then I guess I could probably tell you how much a fraud you really are.”

Hearing this causing Suri to scream as she ran out of the bathroom in fright at what she heard.

“Ghosts!” She screamed as the room is now covered in powder.

Midnight smirked enjoying pulling pranks on this arrogant pony as she fully deserves it. She then quickly teleports out of the room and back to the hotel now fully visible as she made her way to her room so she can go to bed and get some rest.

Before she goes to bed she hears Rarity yelling at her friends to keep working. Apparently they have been working non-stop since Rarity came back and haven’t had one single break to eat or even relax as Rarity yells at them for being ungrateful for everything’s she done even though they are getting exhausted from constantly working without a break. Interested to see what was going on she pulls out her crystal orb to observe what is going on in the opposite room.

“Applejack! Sew these pieces together according to that pattern there!” Rarity instructed Applejack while pointing to the designs on the table next to her.

“You said if we skipped dinner at the Far-Afield Tavern, you'd order a meal for us while we keep working.” Applejack brought up.

“Don't fret. It'll be here in an hour. That's not going to be a problem, is it?” Rarity irritably asked every pony.

“Well, we're supposed to be watching Hinny of the Hills by then...” Rainbow Dash also brought up with hesitation in her voice.

“Oh! I see! I go out of my way to get you tickets for a show, and this is how you repay me?” Rarity said as she picked up a cloth from the floor and tied it up around a dress form as a bow. “By abandoning me in my hour of need?” The ponies hesitantly lower their heads as if they are silently saying no but we have been working non-stop causing Rarity to take offense to this as if they are being ungrateful. “Oh, oh, oh! Fine! Go and see Hinny of the Hills tonight!” She yelled while slamming her hoof onto the ground. “And then tomorrow morning when you come to see my fashion show without any fashion to show, you can have more entertainment! “Oh, why look, there's our friend Rarity going down in flames! Isn't friendship magic?!" She said as she placed her hooves around Pinkie and Rainbow necks as she yells in their faces.

“Rarity, calm down. What's gotten into you?” Applejack carefully asked her.

“What’s gotten into you?!” She accusingly yelled at Applejack while pointing a hoof at her. “Oh, go ahead! See your little show! Congratu-pony-lations, fillies! Sounds like you've all figured out already it's everypony for herself in this town!” She yelled and slammed her hooves into the ground again before storming out of the room as every pony still continues to work on sewing up her dresses without further question.

“Harsh!” Midnight commented stoically. “I always wonder how they manage to stay friends after all that. That’s how you lost my friendship with all of you.”

She puts her crystal orb on her night stand and then tucks herself in bed as she puts on earmuffs so she doesn’t have to hear sewing machines disturbing her peaceful sleep as she prepares herself for tomorrow's events at Fashion Week.

The next morning, Midnight woke up well rested and as she took off her earmuffs she heard Applejack saying in relief.

“There. That's the last of them.”

Hearing this causes Midnight to correctly deduce that they have been working all night to get them done when she hears Rarity burst out the room.

“Finally!” She exclaimed as she rushed out of the room with the cart of recently made dresses in tow.

“You're welcome!” Applejack angrily called out.

“Wow, some friend.” Midnight said to herself sarcastically “And yet you still go out of your way to help her out even after the way she just treated you.”

After waking up and combed her mane up herself she went down to get breakfast before heading off back to Fashion Week.

Once she got to back to the plaza where Fashion Week is being held again she cast her invisibility spell again so she can explore freely without being caught and thrown out for being in the building without permission.

She secretly made her way to where the runway is just in time for Suri’s presentation.

“Let's have another round of applause for Suri Polomare's amazing collection.” Prim Hemline spoke to the crowd with Suri by her side as every pony cheers for her while Rarity sighs in disgust.

“That fabric! So original!” She said while Midnight rolls her eyes while saying to herself “Well just you wait until you see what Rarity has just come up with.”

“And now, Rarity from Ponyville with her brand new line – and I mean "brand new" – Hotel Chic.” Prim presented Rarity’s model wearing a bright blue dress with keys around the sash around the waist, a light green bow around her neck with a purple lamp cover like hat.

Ponies watching this were liking what they are seeing as they are excitedly impressed as they took multiple pictures as more models came onto to the walkway including a model wearing a purple and yellow dress, a model with a bright blue dress with purple ribbons and one more model with a yellow dress presenting themselves to the crowd.

Midnight observes Rarity’s reaction as she flies over to her.

“Oh! They're liking it!” Rarity said impressed with herself that she was still able to pull this off with a short time frame. “I think I may have just won this thing! Oh, I can't wait to celebrate with...” She started to excitedly say until she sees that her friends aren’t in the crows watching. “My friends. They didn't come. What have I done?” Rarity said with a horrified realization as her eyes give the rainbow shimmer.

“Well, you just did what you thought was important by ensuring you are doing whatever it takes to get the victory you deserve.” Midnight said to herself taking notice of Rarity's eyes at that moment as Prim Hemline walks by her side to congratulate her.

“Rarity, they all adore you! Aren't you going to tell them about your fabulous pieces?” Prim Hemline commended Rarity

“I have to go.” Rarity said with instant panic on her face.

Seeing her leave so soon causes her and the crowd to gasp in surprise.

“This is unheard of!” Prim called out in her direction as she ran out of the room.

“I don’t understand this.” She said to herself. “What’s gotten in her and just before we could tell she won.”

At this moment Midnight dropped her invisibility cloak as she appeared right behind Prim.

“She won?” Midnight questioned catching Prim by surprise.

“Oh my Celestia!” Prim said in surprise as everypony gasps in surprise by her sudden appearance.

“Princess Midnight!” One of fashion judges gasped in awe as every pony bows down to her then took many pictures of her with their flashing cameras.

“Oh, please. That wouldn’t be necessary.” She humbly said while a waving hoof up not finding it necessary. “And forgive me for interrupting. When I heard about Fashion Week I thought I’d drop by to see the amazing fashion designers for the competition and didn’t want to raise too much attention over it.”

“And I can tell you this has been quite a show with many ponies show impressive designs especially Rarity and Suri.” Prim said impressed with what she has seen.

“Really?” Midnight said sounding impressed by of their designs. “You know there is something about Suri’s fabric that I find very interesting.” She said as she approached Suri’s work.

“And what’s that.” Suri asked intrigued to hear praise from the Princess.

“About how stretchy, but not clingy. About how shimmery, but not showy it is.” Midnight commented while placing a hoof on one of the dresses.

“Oh yeah, pretty impressive huh?” Suri said with smug smirk.

“It is.” Midnight complimented. “So tell me, just how did you come with this design.”

“Oh well, a good designer never reveals her secrets, but it was mostly a last minute idea.” Suri responded while dodging around the truth.

“I see.” Midnight said while seemingly buying that response. “As well as the fabric too.” She inquired.

“Yes.” Suri simply responded.

“So tell me how exactly did you get this fabric on such short notice.” She further pressed Suri for the truth. “I mean there is no way you could have had this fabric suddenly appear on your table instantly. Some pony had to have given it for a good cause.” Suri suddenly grows nervous realizing where this conversation is going while Prim is confused of what she is talking about as she finds herself slowly losing her cool under the princess's presence and glare. “Come on, you can be honest with me. It is very much encouraged as it is one of the Elements of Harmony as well as generosity like the pony who most likely was generous enough to give you that fabric in the first place for help for your accents.” Midnight added as Suri grows more and more uncomfortable realizing she knows the truth. “Because truthfully, I can’t think of another pony as generous as Rarity would be nice enough to give you that fabric.”

“I-I don’t what you’re talking about.” Suri said backing away under instant panic only to be stopped by Midnight who uses her magic to freeze her in place causing murmurs from the crowds wondering where this is leading.

“What up with the instant panic.” Midnight calmly asked. “Is there something you’re trying to hide about it?”

“No there is isn’t!” Suri quickly and defensively shouted. “Rarity did give me that fabric, but the designs were all mine!”

“Okay, then you also wouldn’t mind showing me how you came up with that design all on your own and that quick.” Midnight pressingly asked again. “Unless of course you really didn’t come up with this and just happened to copy her designs and claim them as yours.”

“Yes it is true!” Coco stepped forward and answered causing many ponies to gasp in shock at this revelation. “She did copy Rarity’s designs.” Both Suri and Prim are shocked and surprised by this as Suri is left betrayed while Prim is just in complete disbelief that Suri would stoop to stealing Rarity’s ideas.

“Coco, how dare you lie in front of the Princess!” Suri angrily scolded her.

“So you are telling me that being honest to the princess while lying to cover your flank is wrong?!” Coco angrily asked and fired back leaving Suri surprised seeing her stand up to her. “The fact that I had to put up with you making me make those dresses off of Rarity’s designs on top of treating me like a doormat is something is just something I’m supposed to take.” Coco further added.

“So these dresses aren’t Suri’s designs and she didn’t come up with that fabric on her own.” Midnight asked Coco before directing her attention to Suri. “Well this is surprising because I thought a designer like you would come with their own designs.” She said sounding disappointed yet unsurprised. “Well I suppose I can’t blame you since Rarity is much more amazingly talented at fashion.” She added before turning to Coco “Thank you very much for your honesty, Coco.”

“Suri Polomare!” Prim said outraged at this development coming out into the open. “I can’t believe that you actually did that! This is so unheard of even by a pony like you.” Suri nervously gulped seeing that the jig is up. "Not only are you disqualified, but you are also banned from Fashion Week for the rest of your life.” She continued while raising her voice in her anger before calling to a couple of huge and muscular ponies at the doors. “Security!” The security guards quickly ran up to her right behind Suri. “Please escort Suri Polomare out of the building as she is no longer allowed on Fashion Week premises ever again.” She calmly and firmly told them. The security guards nodded at the request and instructed Suri to gather her belongings before leaving.

“And just so you know, I quit!” Coco called out to Suri as she is lead out of the room.

As soon as Suri is gone, Midnight turns to Coco with an impressed smile on her face. “That was very brave of you. It takes a lot of courage to stand up for yourself and tell the truth like that.” She commended as she approached her.

“Thanks, princess.” Coco said with a blushed smile. “I just couldn’t put up with her putting me through all this and making me and Rarity miserable like that.

“And by doing so you exposed Suri as the fraud she was in this competition and ensured that she didn’t get away it.” She reassuringly added of how much doing the right thing is great as she places a comforting wing on her shoulder. “It’s tough, but ultimately doing the right thing is the right way to go about it.”

“The princess is right.” Prim complimented Coco on her bravery while looking a little flabbergasted on being completely fooled like that. “When I first saw that fabric I was really impressed yet I didn’t realize until now that I should have looked more closely at the fact that the true designer’s work would have been able to come up with a design on their own, something that only they could have come with. Yet I didn’t quite see that with Suri’s work to see that she copied that off of Rarity.”

“It’s okay.” Midnight reassured her. “Looks can be quite deceiving at times. And it does take a close inspection to truly highlight and undercover the truth behind it.”

“I know and believe me starting next year there are going to be a lot of changes to ensure this doesn’t happen again.” Prim said with stern determination in her eyes as one of the judges handed her a trophy with Rarity’s name on it. “But since you’re here do you think you get her this trophy to her personally?” She kindly asked the princess.

“Of course.” Midnight agreed to the request.

“Also could you give this present to Rarity as well?” Coco added as she handed her a gift-wrapped box.

“Of course.” Midnight repeated without hesitation. “Also If I could be of help, I think if you talk to Rarity she might consider offering you a new job now that you are no longer Suri’s assistant.” She advised the young mare.

“Thanks. I’ll think I will and tell her how generous she is and how amazing you are.” Coco complimented the princess and thanked her for the advice.

“Think nothing of it.” Midnight humbly said as she turned to leave. “Just consider me looking out for every pony’s need without asking much in return. Nice meeting every one of you.” She said waving to the audience as she leaves the room who wave excited cheers as other security guards restraint them from invading her personal space as she walks out of the room.

During the walk down she secretly opens the book to see a rainbow colored spool of thread which gave a reflective shine. It’s the key of generosity and she now has it.

In order to make good on her word that she will give them to Rarity she uses her magic to summon another spool of thread and paint to the exact same color as the one she plans on keeping by pulling the old switcheroo tactic. Once she has painted the spool exactly like the key and made sure the paint quickly dries she puts it into the box and made sure it sealed and wrapped up neatly to ensure she doesn’t suspect that it has been tampered with.

After making her way down to the lobby she sees Rarity at the front desk ringing the bell to get the receptionist’s attention.

“I need a moment with Prim Hemline. I have to rush back to Ponyville, but I just wanted to thank her first for the opportunity to present my work at Fashion Week and to apologize for running out on every pony like that in the middle of the show.” Rarity explained and asked.

“I’ll see what I can do.” The receptionist answered to her question. “I might be able to since she was impressed with your designs.”

“Oh I think she will hear you out loud and clear considering you won.” Midnight said while approaching the front desk surprising both mares.

“Princess Midnight!” The receptionist bowed with respect while Rarity is completely caught off guard. “What a surprise to see you here.”

“So was every pony at the competition.” Midnight casually responded before focusing her attention on Rarity who is left speechless at her sudden appearance.

“B-but but…What are you doing here?!” Rarity asked still in shock.

“Just dropping by to see the main event of Fashion Week. I even managed to see your work too and it was a fascinating presentation especially given how you were able to come with your work at the last second.” Midnight answered before presenting her trophy and gift box. “So amazing that hear that you have been awarded first place.”

“What?!” Rarity asked still in shock. “I won?!”

“Yes you did.” Midnight again answered with a calm yet dark smile as she made her way to the exit. “You can thank me later.”

As she walked out of the building she simply walks by Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike who are surprised and shocked to see her here as well as she teleported away after she made her way outside.

She teleported to the theater where Hinny of the Hills were playing and seeing that they are still in town decides to watch their show since she still has time before she leaves and the show itself was wonderful to her as well as the staff being very willing to accommodate her for her princess status which Midnight politely tells them their over-the-top gestures won’t be necessary.

After the show she headed back to the hotel as she began packing her things and then looked at her crystal orb to see what the Mane Five were up and they were watching an exclusive showing of the Hinny of the Hills as Rarity managed to get them to do so just for them in exchange for designing their costumes for their next show. Rarity has also made up with her friends seeing that she came to realize how badly she treated them and that they only missed the show because they overslept.

“True friends through and through.” Midnight said unsurprised that they would forgive her just like that. “So predictable with them as if nothing will break apart their friendship.”

She then she’s Coco walk into the theater room to speak with Rarity.

“Mind if I join you?” Coco asked as she stood just inside of the room.

“Sure. Come on down.” Rarity started at first surprised yet was willing to hear her out as she approached the group.

“You’re probably wondering why you got first place.” Coco started to explain. “Well for starters even with Suri’s cheating you still won the competition.”

“Oh, then what’s more to this story?” Rarity inquired.

“Well, shortly after you ran off, Princess Midnight showed up to personally see the show.” Coco started to explain as the Mane Five register confused looks. “She somehow correctly analyzed that Suri copied your designs and confronted her over it. I ended up exposing her when I realized she knew the truth and the jig was up.”

“But why?” Rarity asked in surprise. “I thought you liked worked for her.”

“Not really after the way she treated me throughout the years I’ve worked for her.” Coco sighed as she looked away. “I've worked for Suri for so long, I started to believe that it really is everypony for herself in this town. Until I saw how generous you were with your friends and how generous they were with you. It made me start believing there was something better for me out there and it took the Princess’s encouragement for me to finally realize it and stand up for myself.” She said before facing Rarity. “And now thanks to my honesty, Suri is now not only disqualified but banned from Fashion Week for life.”

“Wow! That was pretty brave of you to do that.” Rarity said amazed with what she has just heard.

“I know that’s what the Princess said to.” Suri said with a smile.

“Yeah, if there’s one main thing I can share about honesty is that while it is not easy but it is ultimately the right thing to do in the end.” Applejack added encouragingly as Rarity thought for a moment and then smiled.

“Hm. I suppose you'll need a job now that you're no longer with Suri.” She said as Coco’s head nodded yes. “How would you like to work for my friend making all the costumes for his next show?” She offered causing Coco to grin and nod yes in response.

“Thanks!” Coco said gratefully. “I really have to thank Princess Midnight since she also encouraged me to talk to you about offering me a job.”

“Midnight recommended me to you?” Rarity asked in surprise again hearing this as only she and her friends know the truth about Midnight yet every other pony sees her as a hero looking out for everypony’s interests that secretly has a hidden villainous agenda up her hooves.

“Yeah, because she told me how generous and talented you are.” Coco complimented.

Hearing this causes the Mane Five to register completely confused looks at hearing their former friend give one of the ponies she hates praise on top of exposing Rarity’s fashion rival but where able to hide it from Coco after a quick second of shock.

Shortly afterwards, the Mane Five would make their way to the train station while Midnight decides to teleport back home to the Golden Oaks Library.

During the train ride home the Mane Five would voice their concerns over Midnight’s most recent appearance.

“I don’t know about the rest of you but something is off with this.” Rainbow Dash started the conversation. “I mean with Twilight's appearance at Fashion Week.”

“Yeah and how she exposed Suri and praised me.” Rarity added while agreeing with Rainbow Dash. “I mean she must have had a reason for coming here. It’s not like her to just randomly show up like that.”

“Not to mention how creepy it is that Midnight somehow knows where we are all the time.” Pinkie added. “I swear that pony is up to something and it can’t be good.”

“But what?” Fluttershy asked.

“That’s something we’ll have to find out in time.” Rarity could only respond as she too doesn’t know the answer to that question as well.

“Well, I wanted to get a head start on obtaining when I really came for.” Midnight said to herself while watching their conversation as she held up the reflective rainbow-colored spool of thread. “And thank you Coco for handing me the key to their victory.” She said sincerely yet sinisterly to illustrate that while she does have ulterior motives for coming to Fashion Week she meant every word she said to Coco and does care about her well-being.

Midnight would then turn to her portrait of her just recently crowned removed it from the wall to reveal a safe behind it that can only be accessed from her magic alone as she opens it to place the spool in there for safe keeping. Once it is safe and secure she locks the vault and puts the portrait back into place as she turns back to her crystal orb smiling that she now has one key under her control with five more to obtain and she plans on being there to get them before they do as her heart glows.

Author's Note:

The search for the keys begins as like in canon the girls have no idea where and what they are except for Midnight herself who really knows how to find them. And as I stated in the previous chapter this is the reason why Midnight didn't have the girls killed when she had the chance as they have to learn lessons about living up to their elements in order for her plan to obtain the keys to work.

Also I have also added in the part where Suri gets her comeuppance for those who didn't like her getting off scot-free for her actions in the canon episode.

So with that said you can expect Midnight to have the events where Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy learn their lesson about living up to their elements manipulated into her favor as she stays a step ahead of them like she did with Rarity in this episode in order to succuessfully get ahold of the keys before them without them realizing it.

And yes, you'll find the girls quest is going to be very tough considering Midnight always knows what everypony else is planning.

So for now enjoy this chapter as I try to get the next one up during the weekend as the key hunt arc for Season 4 continues.