• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,047 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 22: It Ain't Easy Being Breezies

Chapter 22:

It Ain’t Easy Being Breezies

One fine day in Ponyville, Midnight is at her library reading her book on the Breezies as they are planning on flying by for their migration which she and Fluttershy have agreed to cooperate with each other to make sure this goes without a hitch which surprises Fluttershy at the fact that Midnight would be willing to work with her on this one despite being enemies right now with all she asks from Fluttershy is for one small thing in return when everything is all over which is a souvenir from the Breezies when the whole thing is over.

While Midnight oversees the preparations, Fluttershy personally ensures every pony is doing everything is perfect to make sure the Breezies fly by without any problems. Such as cheering the right volume by being as quiet as Fluttershy as cheering loudly will frighten the breezies and making sure Rainbow Dash and a couple of peagsus’s are blowing a controlled wind to ensure the Breezies smoothly fly by.

When Midnight thinks about this the breezies share a lot in common with Fluttershy. It makes sense when she thinks about for a moment while interested that when it comes to certain planning Fluttershy can definitely strive for perfection just like her.

Before the day of their visit, Midnight reads another book about spells and finds a one that can transform ponies into another form of living creatures with a counter-spell than allows the user to perform a counter-spell, so he or she can change back whenever they want.

With this new information and the footage she obtained from Fluttershy’s trip to visit the Breezies where the next key for the Elements of Harmony is, she sees another opportunity to twist these upcoming events to her advantage as she thinks of another plan to go on about it.

On the day of the Breezies visit, every pony is making the final touches on their preparations while Midnight prepares her flashcards at the podium when she addresses everypony in Ponyville when the Breezies arrive.

"That's too strong!" Rainbow Dash yelled out to his peagsus friends. "We gotta slow this breeze down or we're gonna blow those Breezies apart!" She instructed them to create a more gentler breeze for the Breezies to comfortably fly through townwith.

"What I don't understand is why they need the Pegasi to make a breeze for them." Mr. Cake questioned Fluttershy the necessity of it.

"Well, you see, it's the breeze that activates the Breezies' magic, and that magic protects the pollen they're carrying from being destroyed." Fluttershy happily explained to her the necessity of it.

"So, no breeze means no magic means the pollen goes bad?" Mr. Cake questioned again as she is now understanding why it is all necessary.

"That's right!" Fluttershy happily answered again. "And they only have two days to get that pollen back before the portal to their home closes. That's why it's ever-so-important that we help them make their way through Ponyville safely."

"We certainly wouldn't want to scare them and divert them from their path!" Mrs. Cake told her husband now feeeling pleased to hear this.

"Now you understand." Fluttershy exclaimed seeing that the Cakes now understand.

"Hm, you certainly know a lot about them." Mr. Cake complimented Fluttershy.

"Oh, thank you. I went to see them gathering their pollen in Western Equestria." Fluttershy bashfully returned.

"Well that's definitely one thing we can agree on." Midnight secretly commented as she watched Fluttershy talk to the Cakes from the podium as a pink shining glare from Rarity's jacket as a result of a huge number of sequins on it which she decided to wear for the Breezies visit shined nearby as Midnight quickly uses her magic to make a pair of sunglasses appear on her eyes so she isn't blinded by the dangerously bright and shiny color. Fluttershy also donned a pair of sunglasses as she approached Rarity so she can get her to take it off.

"Um, Rarity? I, uh, hate to weigh in with you when it comes to fashion, but..." Fluttershy politely told Rarity before being interrupted by the fashionable unicorn.

"Oh, there's too much purple on this, isn't there?" Rarity guessed. "I knew it! But Midnight refused to admit it."

Hearing this, causing Midnight to silently glare at her in response to that comment.

"Oh, no-no-no-no-no." Fluttershy quickly answered. "It's the perfect amount of purple. It's just that there's an awful lot of sequins on your jacket."

"Oh, darling, please! One can never have too many sequins!" Rarity chuckled finding it hard to believe that's true.

"You can if they reflect the sun, and the light catches a group of Breezies right in their eyes, and blinds them long enough to get them off their course so they never get home!" Fluttershy countered while starting to panic at the idea as she explains.

"I stand corrected!" Rarity spoke in realization at the very thought causing Fluttershy to smile as Rarity sees her point. "I suppose there is the rare instance where one can have too many sequins. I'll just take off my jacket." Rarity then took off her jacket to reveal she has another jacket a much brighter white one underneath of it. "This won't do either?" Rarity figuratively asked Fluttershy who shakes her head no.

"Obviously not, Rarity?" Midnight sarcastically told her. "Given how massively shiny it is compared to your first one."

Rarity then quickly got rid of her jackets as she walked of grinning in embarrassment.

When Rainbow Dash flies and sees that the Breezies are headed towards Ponyville she whispers their upcoming arrival to Midnight who is going over her note-cards one more time. Once Midnight gets the message she announces to every pony in a whispered tone.

“Everypony, it's time. Please welcome... the Breezies!” Midnight told everypony as she raised a hoof at the Breezies who are now arriving in Ponyville.

As the Breezies fly by, every pony watches in amazement admiring them from down below, amazingly behaving themselves for once. She then sees Spike who has come to visit trying and struggling to find an open spot to see the Breezies.

“Psst.” Midnight whispered to Spike catching his attention. “You might have better luck if try from higher ground.” She whispered to the young dragon as she pointed to a nearby tree.

Seeing the tree Spike quickly heads on over to the tree on climb on to the branch and from there was able to get a good look at the breezies from there. Spike would jump from one foot to the other as he watches the Breezies fly so much he caused the branch he was on to send a leaf flying into the breeze.

“Oh no!” Spike exclaimed seeing the trouble that was about to happen.

Every pony watches as the leave blows into the wind and into the direction of the Breezies path. The strength of the leaf’s wind shift caused breezies to be accidentally scattered and panic as they lost control of their flight.

Every pony gasps seeing this as Rainbow Dash tries to think of something quick to fix this as she turns to Cloud Chaser and Flitter.

“Slow down the breeze for the other group to catch up!” She instructed the two.

“They're too far back! We can't connect the breeze to both sets of Breezies!” Cloud Chaser apologetically told her that they can’t.

“What if we speed it up?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Then the first group will be going too fast, and they'll get separated from each other!” Flitter pointed out making Rainbow Dash wonder how they are going to figure out a way to fix this as Fluttershy looks in terrified at seeing them in danger except for Midnight who secretly smirks seeing that her plan is now in motion.

The breezies end up splitting up into two groups with a couple of breezies who were trying to hang on to each other but end up losing their grip and end up flying out of control. Fluttershy quickly reacts and flies up and gently caught her in her hooves and after talking with one of the breezies, they all gathering around and held onto Fluttershy.

Everypony cheers for Fluttershy for saving them as she lands down on the ground and safely places them on a tree stump who all chitter in excitement thankful for her saving them as the girls all walk up to Fluttershy to congratulate her for her heroic rescue.

“That was amazing!” Pinkie cheerfully exclaimed.

“I'm sorry we couldn't get a breeze going that would get them back to the others.” Rainbow Dash apologetically told her as she pointed a hoof in her direction.

“Oh, it's not your fault.” Fluttershy reassured Rainbow Dash no harm was done as she turned to face her.

“I feel like I should design you a special hero's gown!” Rarity excitably said before turning her face into a more questioning face as she thinks of what is suitable for her. “Heh... Or a sash. At least a sash.” Rarity concluded as she put up a smile.

“Okay, okay, okay! I know what you're all thinking! Why don't you just say it?!” Spike confessed as he yelled out as he ran up to the others feeling immensely guilty for setting off the chain of events that lead to this happening as he cries out. “I'm sorry! This is all my fault! I'm so, so sorry!

“Oh, Spike, it's okay! It could have happened to any one of us.” Fluttershy reassured Spike not to worry about it.

“Okay... Thank you!” Spike thankfully hugged Fluttershy relieved that he all is forgiven as the breezies shout still angry at him for causing the accident.

“Uh... I'm... just... gonna stay over here.” Spike nervously said as he runs up a large distance back from them.

“So, Fluttershy, you want us to get the breeze going again so these little guys can get a move on?” Rainbow Dash suggested to Fluttershy which is meet with cries of protest from the Breezies as they cling onto her.

“Maybe we should wait just a moment or so. They've been through so much... “ Fluttershy suggested to the others who give confused looks to each other.

“Just gimme the word when you think they're ready.” Rainbow Dash told her having accepted her decision as the Breezies are happy with this. Except for blue one with pink hair who doesn’t seem to like this which Midnight is the only one who takes notice of it.

“Oh don’t worry, you all will be back home soon enough.” Midnight silently commented and assured the head breezie as she watched the scene from afar.

The Breezies would then make themselves comfortable in Fluttershy’s cottage even going as far as resting in Angel’s basket and the bird’s birdhouse which they all didn’t take kindly too but had no choice but to accept it.

As Fluttershy makes sure every Breezie has their needs accommodated, Midnight and Applejack come inside to check up on them.

“Hey there can we come in.” Applejack asked with a smile.

“Oh of course.” Fluttershy told them before stopping Applejack in her place as she was walking in. “But watch your step.” She warned her causing the farm pony to look down and saw that she was just about to accidentally squish a Breezie who was right above her hoof.

“Oops. Sorry about that little one.” Applejack quickly apologized to the Breezie on the floor.

“We just wanted to see if you thought that the Breezies are ready to give it another try.” Midnight politely asked her.

“Has it been an hour already? Oh, my goodness!” Fluttershy exclaimed in surprise hearing how much time flew past already. “Time flies when you're making sure little creatures don't feel that you're abandoning them to the cruel world.” She added as she looked out the window.

“But they're not going to a cruel world. They're going home.” Midnight pointed out.

“Oh, yes, that's right!” Fluttershy smiled realized the reminder as the Breezies look at her confused.

At that moment the Breezies cling onto Fluttershy with cries on protest trying to tell her that they are not ready to leave.

“On second thought, I don't think they're quite ready.” Fluttershy politely told Midnight and Applejack.

The blue Breezie with pink hair however didn’t like that decision as he shouted. “Supa laipas data kurpa! Mise neku ersken laika maur! Siripat sulat!” in frustration leaving Fluttershy stunned and shocked at what he just said.

“Uh... what did he say?” Applejack asked confused not understanding Breezie language.

“I'd... rather not say.” Fluttershy kindly refused to answer while looking away blushing in embarrassment as Midnight smirked and resisted the urge to laugh as she figured that breezie was speaking curse words during his angry rant.

“Okay, well, I'm sure you know what you're doin'. No one knows rare magical creatures like you do.” Applejack said in response having decided to accept Fluttershy’s answer for the time being as she and Midnight walked out the door.

“We'll just wait for your word.” Midnight responded still calm and accepting of the decision.

“Thank you. I'll be in touch very soon.” Fluttershy thanked the two as she closed the door after her.

As soon as Midnight and Applejack left, Midnight checks her crystal orb so she could spy on her and the Breezies while hiding behind a nearby tree out of Fluttershy’s sight.

"We need to go now, or we will never get home!" He spoke in protest. "I wish we did not need that stupid breeze to activate our magic, or I would just force you all to fly home right now! Why do we have to need magic to keep our pollen safe?"

"Um, now, Seabreeze-" Fluttershy tried to explain to him only to be rudely cut off by him as he continued to rant.

"Why are you giving in to these wimps?! If they had not been so scared in the first place, this never would have happened!
Seabreeze angrily ranted.

"But that is just not true, Seabreeze. It was because of a leaf, and you know that!" Fluttersh politely and firmly pointed out.

"Oh, please! They have no idea what they're doing out there!" He still continued his rant. "Like you said, we need as much time as we can get because they are so incompetent!"

"Well, I didn't say that exactly now, did I?" Fluttershy corrected.

"Hmph!" Seabreeze responded by crossing his arms still not happy about it.

"Oh, well, maybe a snack will lighten the mood." Fluttershy kindly offered the breezies who cooed in interest at the offer.

The Breezies would then snack on cookies and grapes all provided by the kind animal-loving peagsus. One of the breezies that was resting on her back burped at quickly told Fluttershy "Mi Fargen." saying excuse me in breezie language to show she remembered her manners.

"You're excused." Fluttershy told her in an enlightened manner as she used her tail to place them onto the couch and off of her back.

"Well, my Breezies, I think we can all agree that now that you've eaten and you have a little energy going in your breezy bodies, you're strong enough to face the breeze! I've loved having you here, and I hope I've made you all feel loved and special. But you have to go. Nopony here will deny that-"

"There is nothing special about these losers!" Seabreeze interrupted again as he flew up to Fluttershy. "They cannot handle a simple breeze home! If they could just stick with the program and listen to me, we would be safe! At home!" He continued to speak as his tone changed to a more sad one. "Home, where every Breezie is like us!" He cried as he lowered his head.

“I hear you.” Midnight commented on the scene as she watches. “I hear you.”

"Okay, well, a confusing pep-talk, but nonetheless." Fluttershy responded confused by Seabreeze's tone before turning her attention back to the other breezies with a smile. "I do know that if you don't leave soon, you may never make it back, and that would be terrible!" She added as her smile faded to a face of concern for them.

Instead of complying with Flutttershy's wishes the breezies then decided to sneeze and cough multiple times on the spot.

"Merte marshken farde." One breezie spoke as she sneezed and coughed.

"Merki marshken plumatu." Another breezie spoke through coughs.

"I had no idea you all have colds! Really? All of you?" Fluttershy surprisingly questioned the Breezies who all respond yes through coughs.

"Oh, dear. I can't let you go out there sick! What kind of a friend would I be if I made you go now?" Fluttershy spoke in concern for them who all chattered in excitement hearing they get to stay longer under her care.

"D'oh! Irde turten manes pudenhel! Nievo ut! Parde tarmen!" Seabreeze frustratingly spoke as she retreated to a nearby bird house.

"Language." Midnight stoically commented on Seabreeze's cursing even though like him she clearly saw through this seeing that the Breezies are clearly faking being sick because that they don’t want to leave and are taking advantage of Fluttershy’s kindness which concerns Rainbow Dash when Fluttershy tells her, Cloud Chaser, and Flitter that the breezies are still not ready to leave just yet.

“We wait too much longer, we'll have to create such a strong breeze, it may be more than they can handle.” Flitter warned Rainbow Dash as they left warning her of what’s at stake here.

“We just have to trust Fluttershy. She must know what she's doing.” Rainbow Dash reasoned with them as she acknowledges that as they fly away.

Now the breezies are having fun by having a pool party, playing on a water slide, playing music, and having drinks.

At this point, Midnight has decided it is time to accelerate her plan seeing that is pretty clear that the Breezies are not planning on going home anytime soon.

She sneaks up the nearby window, opens it with her magic and utters a whisper to him offering him a way out while Fluttershy speaks with the other Breezies. Seeing this opportunity, the breezie smiles and quickly flies out of the window.

“Thank you!” Seabreeze sincerely told Midnight.

"Your welcome.” Midnight responded with a nod before turning back to hide behind the tree after quickly closing the window before Fluttershy could suspect anything.

By the time Fluttershy notices he is missing he has already just leaving Fluttershy’s cottage heading towards the nearby forest causing Fluttershy to follow after her with Midnight secretly following behind them.

The breezie trying to make it back home on his own was clearly having difficultly as he had barely dodged a couple of ponies passing by and a bunch of acorns to fell down on the ground nearly hitting him in the process. The last acorn caused the breezie to lose control of his flight and wind up flying into a bee hive where he ends up being confronted by angry bees who all corner him at the end of the branch she was standing down as they ready their stingers to sting this breezie before Fluttershy fly up to his rescue.

“Excuse me, bees? Can you please back off my Breezie friend? He didn't mean any harm. It was just an accident.” Fluttershy kindly apologized in the Breezie’s place. The bees not wanting to back off still ready their stingers so they can sting the breezie but are interrupted by Fluttershy again who is now wearing a bee costume. “I'm working on a bee-type dance and was hoping you could help me? Does this bring to mind any images for you? Perhaps a bee?” Fluttershy told them while shaking her stinger that is covering her flank while throwing in a pun.

“Ugh, trying to honey them with a sweet joke.” Midnight sarcastically quipped while making a pun of her own while doing so as the bees still are not backing off on preparing to sting the breezie again until Fluttershy got assertive with them on the third time she makes the message clear to them as she speaks to them.

“Excuse me! I have done nothing but be kind, but I guess that is not working!” She angrily told them while placing her hoof in front of them. “You bees know better than to hurt a helpless Breezie! I demand that you go away now, or you'll have to answer to me!” She angrily added as she got in their faces threateningly to which frightened the bees into backing off by this sudden and firm stance of her's as they all quickly fly off back inside their hive and immediately closed the hole inside like quickly closing the door after them.

“Menkyulen. Thank you! Thank you so much! Thank you for coming after me!” The breeze gratefully thanked Fluttershy for saving her.

“Of course.” Fluttershy kindly responded. “You could've gotten seriously hurt out there. Ponyville is much too dangerous for you. One tiny acorn is a threat!”

“Yeah, I know! That is one reason why I have been trying to get us to go from the beginning!” The breezie explained as he raised his arms up.

“Oh, my goodness.” Fluttershy said hearing this. “I was just trying not to hurt any creature's feelings, but my displays of kindness may have cost you everything...“ Fluttershy then gasps in realization remembering what time it is. “Time is running out, and you may never make it home!”

“That is exactly what I have been telling all of them! But they do not listen to me! Nobreezie ever listens to me!” The breezie responded by turning around feeling upset by the others not listening to reason.

“Seabreeze, I understand your feelings are hurt, but it's hard for them to hear you when you're shouting and being mean. The message doesn't get across.” Fluttershy sympathetically told him while gently explaining to him the reason why they didn’t listen to him through to him.

“But what about those bees?” Seabreeze questioned as he turned back around. “You were not nice to them, and that was the only way they listened!”

“Yes, but they had to go, and they wouldn't listen to me any other way.” Fluttershy explained firmly to him.

At that moment she saw a rainbow reflect from Seabreeze’s wings which reflects over her eyes as she realizing what must be done.

“We need to go, now!” Fluttershy told him as Seabreeze hopped onto her hoof as they head back to tell the others it is time to go as Midnight watches on while smirking because she now knows to prepare herself for the next part of her plan when they all group together back outside.

By the time they have all gathered the breezies have gathered with Fluttershy as they meet up with the rest of the Mane 5 they learn from Rainbow Dash that they can’t get the breezies home because they can’t create the right breeze that is not too light nor too strong for them to ride home on.

“Oh, my.” Fluttershy seeing that this situation is now more difficult than before. “Maybe it's because there are too few of them. When they started their journey, there was more of them to face the breeze together.” Fluttershy explained before sadly lowering her head seeing that she has failed them. “It looks like you all won’t be able to get home in time. I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t think so.” Midnight trotted towards them confidently with a plan in mind for them as she continued catching every pony’s attention. “For I've been studying an old spell book from the Castle of the Two Sisters. There's a spell that I think could help you all!” She explained as she examined the breezies. “This is probably gonna feel a little funny at first, but you're gonna have to trust me.” Midnight added as she lights up her horn.

All of the ponies gather together ready to be a part of what Midnight has in mind for them even though they don’t trust her but have no choice since time is at the essence here.

Using her magic she lifted every pony in a pink aura then blasted magic at them as she focuses her magic onto them. She briefly looks at the breezies affecting them with magic as part of her spell on the others and with a flash of magic everypony was transformed into breezies themselves.

Applejack looked in awe as antennas grow over her head causing her hat to fall off. Rarity also growing antennas marvels at the sight of her wings before gasping at the sudden change to her body. Pinkie Pie laughs as her body is suddenly changed by the spell.

Once the spell was complete, all six ponies were all turned to breezies including Midnight all tall and skinny in Breezie size with very long hair. The breezies watching this all marvel at the sight of this.

“Maifo flai batendud!” Fluttershy instructed the others in a high-pitched voice like the breezies causing the others except Midnight to register confused looks.

“Um, I mean, let's go!” Fluttershy spoke in clear English realizing that they don’t speak nor understand Breezie language like her as she flew ahead to lead the way.

With Cloud Chaser and Flitter flapping their wings to create the right breeze and with Fluttershy and Midnight’s guidance they flew through Ponyville, the snowy mountains, and through the desert no problem. Well, almost no problem in the desert as one of the green breezies with blue hair was feeling fatigued from the heat and had to be caught by another breezie with a mushroom on her head flying right by her which both Fluttershy and Seabreeze took notice as Seabreeze quickly flew back to them to help them.

“Marskin farskin.” The breezie said tried to reassure her that everything is fine.

“Metar.” The other breezie said looking away still feeling like giving up trying to make by back still not feeling the energy and drive to do it.

“You can do this!” Seabreeze encouragingly told her. “I am sorry for how I treated you before! It was not right that I called you names! I did not even really believe those things I said! I was worried we would never get back to our home, and I lashed out...” Seabreeze apologized as he looked back at Fluttershy who grins at her for taking a level in kindness. “I know you can do this! I believe in you! Hold on to me, let us join the group!” He concluded his apology as he placed both of his arms around both breezies arm as he led them to rejoin the group.

Aside from that little brief bump in the road, they all were able to fly their way to the cave that leads to their home which is located right beside a waterfall.

Once inside they reach an entrance that is slowly and surely closing up signaling that it is the cutoff time for all Breezies to make it home is nearing the end.

Once inside, the Mane Six all marvel at the Breezie’s home which shows a nice village with a small waterfall with many breezies fluttering around happily under the sunset nearby the mountains.

“Holy mini-sized paradise!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in amazement in her high-pitched Breezie voice.

“This is simply beautiful! So much inspiration.” She added as she looks to her side as if she is looking for something. “Where's my sketchpad when I need it?”

“So...stinkin'...cute!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in excitement.

Midnight herself looked around her surroundings with interest while looking at the entrance to make sure they don’t run their time to leave very thin.

The Breezies who are already home all chitter in excitement to see that the rest of their friends and family have all finally made home as many Breezies embrace each other including Seabreeze who hugs his daughter and his wife after finally reuniting with them.

While watching this Applejack notices Fluttershy who is shedding tears of joy at the sight of their reunion.

“You okay, Fluttershy?” Applejack asked in her high-pitched voice making sure she is okay.

“I'm just so very happy they got to be reunited with their family!” Fluttershy responded to reassure Applejack that she is fine as she tries wiping away the tears streaming down her face who continues to watch seeing the ongoing reunion who all chatter happily.

Rarity takes notice of the closing exit as she turns to address the others.

“We'd better get going before the entrance- well, exit for us, closes.” Rarity told the others as she leads the others towards the exit.

Fluttershy takes a moment to wave a hoof to assure her friends and Midnight that she is coming after one moment to say goodbye to the Breezies as Midnight sticks around to keep an eye on Fluttershy.

“Goodbye, Breezies. I must go now.” Fluttershy addressed the Breezies as she flies up to them.

She is about to turn away before catching her attention to the flower Seabreeze is handing her which Midnight is laying close eyes on as she sees this as the next key she needs to obtain.

“To remember us by.” Seabreeze offered her as he places it on her hair.

“Thank you! I'll miss you. I'll miss all of you!” Fluttershy happily told them and she teared up and embraced Seabreeze one last time before making her way to the exit as Midnight makes her way to the exit.

As everyone makes their way out, Fluttershy gives Seabreeze who gives her a wink that everything will be okay as Fluttershy makes her way out just as the exit closes.

“Whoa! That was a close one!” Rainbow Dash remarked as Fluttershy and Midnight catch up with her.

“It sure was.” Midnight agreed with Rainbow Dash as she and the others nod in agreement before continuing. “Okay, everyone, gather around.” She instructed as everypony gathered around as Midnight lit up her horn to perform her counter-spell to transform them all including herself back into ponies.

“Now that everything has been taken together as planned.” Midnight started as she turns to address Fluttershy “The terms of payment I ask in return.”

“And what’s that?” Fluttershy inquired.

“Nothing to worry about, as it’s just one small thing.” Midnight reassured her as she also reminded her of their agreement from earlier that what she is asking of her is nothing major as she points the flower in her hair. “Just your little gift from the Breezies.”

After sighing for a moment very reluctant on having to give it up she takes off the flower and hands it to Midnight.

“Thank you.” Midnight politely told her as she walks off ahead. “Until next time.” She addressed every pony as she teleported away and back to her home much to their confusion.

Now back at the library she opens up her safe where she places the flower inside along with the spool of thread, the badge, and the rubber chicken.

“Just two more keys to go.” Midnight said as she closed and locked her safe with a content smile as she nearly has all of the keys she needs to obtain in order to keep the Mane Five from accessing the only power that can defeat her.

Author's Note:

With this chapter down, Midnight has again obtained another key through manipulating the events of the Breezie's visit in her favor again leaving just two keys out there floating around Equestria.

As the Season 4 arc continues, this story starts to near as Midnight prepares her endgame as Season 4 nears it's conclusion where she will carry out her endgame plan to takeover Equestria which won't be long now as there are still 2 chapters left to cover before that happens.

So until then, read and enjoy as we await for whatever Midnight has in store for all of Equestria.