• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,047 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Magic Duel

Chapter 5:

Magic Duel

One rainy night, in the woods a hooded mare walks through a dark alley where she meets and comes across another cloaked pony. The pony with a gray cloak reveals herself as a blue female unicorn with a little blue mane with a couple magic stars and a magic wand for her cutie mark, Trixie.

“Hello, May I, the Great and Powerful Trixie ask what you are doing here and what you want.” Trixie asked showing no fear to this mysterious mare.

The other cloaked mare wearing the dark purple cloak simply replied.

“What I’m here for is to give you an opportunity to get revenge on those who have humiliated you in the past.”

Trixie thinking that the ponies in question is Twilight Sparkle and her friends eagerly jumped at the call yet unaware of what happened to Twilight herself.

“If it’s revenge on Twilight Sparkle and her friends then I’m in.” Trixie replied with an eager smirk.

“Excellent!” The mysterious mare said pleased at her response seeing it didn’t take too much to get Trixie’s help in the job she had in mind.

“So what’s the plan?” Trixie asked.

“The plan is you’re going to take over Ponyville and prove yourself as the most powerful unicorn in town.” The masked mare explained to her.

“And how do I do that, for even Trixie knows that Twilight is more powerful than me, more than I wish to admit.” Trixie questioned while begrudgingly admitting when she has met her match when it comes to her magic.

“With the power of an alicorn amulet that is said will greatly enhance your magic abilities.” She answered.

“And where can Trixie find this amazing amulet?” Trixie inquired wondering how she can obtain this great source of power.

“There’s a marketplace right around the corner…” The mare informed her while giving her a bag of gold coins. “With the right price, you will definitely get it.” Trixie nodded as she understood her instructions. “Just remember this; in case the plan doesn’t work I need you to meet me back in the Everfree Forest with the alicorn amulet in hoof because I would like to personally ensure it is under the right hooves. Got it?” She added making sure Trixie understands the plan.

“The great and powerful Trixie gets it crystal clear.” Trixie responded confidently as headed towards the direction of the marketplace. Once out of her sight the masked mare removes her cloak to reveal herself as Midnight who smirks as she secretly follows her to the shop she referred her to.

After Trixie successfully gets the amulet and places it around her neck. Midnight walks in as soon as Trixie is out of sight.

“Hello.” The shopkeeper greeting Midnight who is now wearing her cloak to cover her face. “Can I help you with something?” He asked only to be suddenly grabbed by the throat wrapped around by Midnight’s dark magic.

“The money your most recent customer gave you!” Midnight demanded in a calm and chilling tone.

The shopkeeper fearful for his life quickly complies with her demands by giving her the bag of gold coins she had Trixie give him.

“And remember this, you should never sell dangerous artifacts to those who can’t control it and because of you, Ponyville is under danger.” Midnight continued in the same calm and threatening tone.

“I’m sorry!” The shopkeeper said fearfully, “It will never happen again, I promise! Please, don’t kill me!”

“Oh don’t worry, I won’t kill you… this time that is.” Midnight told the terrified shopkeeper coldly “As long as you never say a word about this to anyone ever again.” Midnight added while threatening him with dark magic formed into a sword aimed just an inch away from his throat. “Got it!” she concluded.

The shopkeeper nodded in agreement and Midnight teleported himself out of the area while casting a memory spell to erase his knowledge of the Alicorn Amulet with her magic.

The next morning, Midnight was reading her book where Spike burps up a letter which he opens Spike reading it sees it is from Princess Celestia who reads it to Midnight.

Dear Midnight,

Your magic and skills have greatly improved ever since I took you under my wing.

As you know I have been chosen to provide the entertainment for the delegates from Saddle Arabia. And I would like you to provide the entertainment.

If they like what they see they will spread word that Equestria they will see how much of a wonderful student I’ve taught with really impressive talent and would convince them to recommend ponies to travel and reside here in Equestria. So can I count on you to put on show they’ll never forget?

Sincerely, Princess Celestia.

Midnight thought about this for a minute and then turned to Spike with her mind already made up.

“Spike, take a letter.” Midnight instructed Spike.

Spike got a blank scroll and quill pen at the ready as he wrote down as Midnight speaks.

“Dear Princess Celestia,

I have thought about what you asked and I have decided, Yes, I’d be honored to put on a show for your special guests from Saddle Arabia and I promise you it will be a show they will never forget.

Look forward to seeing you again and meeting the delegates.

Respectfully and sincerely, Midnight.”

With that Spike blows fire onto the message sending it to the princess to confirm Midnight’s answer to Celestia’s question.

“Well Spike, time to get to work, because we’ve got a show to prepare for.” Midnight said confidently.

“Great, how do we start?” Spike asked.

“By practice performances with Fluttershy’s critter friends.” Midnight answering Spike’s question.

Later that day the two went over to Fluttershy’s cottage where Midnight approaches Fluttershy about the news she received from Princess Celestia and asks for her permission to use magic on her animal friends for the main attraction of the show which she is very reluctant to agree to out of over-concerned fear they could get hurt.

“Don’t be scared, little friends.” Fluttershy told to her critter friends “Midnight is wonderful with magic.” as Flutterhy turns to Midnight to address her she gets into her face threateningly with a threatening tone. “Anything happens to them, so help me…”

Midnight unfazed by her threat uses her magic to move her out of her personal space as she calmly spoke and interrupted her.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy, my magic has gotten a lot better since in moved into Ponyville and before then I was already a wizard of magic.” She confidently told her.

Fluttershy calming down sighs as she speaks.

“Of course you are good with magic. Actually you are great with magic. I guess I just don’t want my little friends to be scared.” Turning her attention to her critters as she sweats nervously. “Oh look how scared they are!”

The critters smile actually unafraid of being part of Midnight’s magic act on the contrary to Fluttershy's claims.

Midnight placing her hoof on Fluttershy’s back reassuringly said.

“I promise you Fluttershy, nothing bad will happen to them.”

“I know.” Fluttershy answered even though she is still very nervous.

Focusing herself she readies her magic with her aura surrounding the critters as Spike looks on in interest.

“Stop! Stop!” Fluttershy nervously exclaimed as she buries her hooves to her face and her knees falling to the ground “They can’t take it!”

Midnight briefly catching her attention at this silently says to herself “Uh, okay?” before proceeding with her practice act. Using her magic to lift the critters up into the air and up and around into circles in the air as Midnight turns her head to the side and Fluttershy nervously bites her nails off.

Midnight then turns her head to the other side sends the critters fly up which causes Fluttershy to still look on nervously, as Midnight now uses her magic to send the critters in through a figure eight loop.

“Midnight, that look’s amazing.” Spike exclaimed as Midnight maintaining her confident expression and not breaking a sweat puts them all down gently as the critters gathering around her jumping up and down wanting her to do it again eagerly.

“That’s all for now little ones.” Midnight politely told the critters. “Maybe we can practice again if Fluttershy says it’s all right.” Midnight added as turned to Fluttershy who is still on the ground covering her eyes in fright.

“Your magic has really improved since you came to Ponyville, Midnight. Princess Celestia is going love it” Spike complimented.

“Thanks Spike." Midnight responded acknowledging the compliment. "I have to be at my best when Princess Celestia arrives with the delegates from Saddle Arabia. I can’t believe she is trusting me with the entertainment.” Midnight added acknowledging of how far she has come under Princess Celestia's teachings.

At that moment Rainbow Dash flew which Midnight was quick to stop her with her magic freezing her just inches away from her magic.

“Geez, what is with you ponies getting in my personal space all the time?” Midnight told Rainbow Dash in an annoyed as she moved him a good few feet away from her with her magic.

“Midnight come quick it’s an emergency!” Rainbow Dash spoke while still frozen by her magic.

Hearing this means than her plan is in motion and that Trixie has arrived as Midnight narrows her eyes forming a calculating expression.

After unfreezing Rainbow Dash who continues flying in place the three rush down to town to witness the commotion and to see Trixie using her new magic on Rarity making her appear with a dress on her body subjecting her to the pain of fashion emphasizing her pain with a gasp.

Once they approached the crowd gathering around Midnight ducks out of sight to hide behind the crowd.

“You beast! This shade of brown should only be used for accents!” Rarity exclaimed as she fainted while being caught by Applejack before falling and hitting to the ground.

“Come on, Applejack. We’ve got to get her into a nice, soothing pink. Stat!” Pinkie Pie said as she walked by Applejack’s side.

Seeing this Midnight rolled her eye saying to herself. “Oh no, not the drama and fashion queen. Help. Somepony help us.” in a sarcastic tone before stepping forward.

“As I the great and powerful in Ponyville enjoy this, where is the mare I truly seek? Where is Twilight Sparkle?” Trixie asked.

“Oh you haven't heard?" Midnight asked stepping forward.

“I'm sorry who are you?” Trixie asked in confusion at the sight of Midnight before getting a close look at her before smirking. “Ah, just the pony I wanted to see.” She said as her eyes glowed scarlet during the second she finished her last sentence.

“You and I have some unfinished business. My magic’s gotten better since I was here last.” Trixie continued while walking towards Midnight to meet face-to-face. “And I’m going to prove it! Me and you, Winner stays, loser leaves Ponyville forever!’ She said as her eyes flashed red once again.

“You’re on” Midnight replied causing the others to gasp in shock to Midnight’s response at her for making a deal like that with her right on the spot.

“Excellent.” Trixie responded “If I lose, I won’t set hoof in Ponyville again. But if you lose, you’re the one banished from this one-horse town!”

The girls responded with gasps again.

“Fine by me.” Midnight casually replied unfazed by the threat. “And besides why would I back out and run when you’re exactly where I want you.”

The girls gasp again for the third time in response to Midnight’s responses finding unlike her to make risky deals like that.

Midnight ignoring the girls begins narrowing her eyes at Trixie who in turn narrows her eyes at Midnight.

Trixie contained a defiant expression knowing that she was going to win, while Midnight continues to remain unfazed about the whole ordeal.

“Draw!” Trixie shouted, shooting her magic towards a nearby cart that was full of crates and barrels.

The cart was headed towards a group of ponies, initiating them to run. However, one of them tripped and could only stare at the cart headed straight towards her. Fortunately, Midnight managed to grab a hold of the cart and place it down from her while keeping her calm and bored expression.

Trixie then used her magic to lift up several pies so she can pelt them with Midnight. Still keeping the same expression she casually made a parasprite appear with her magic, who quickly widened his mouth and consumed all of the pies, burping up another parasprite. Midnight quickly sent them away before they could continue.

At that moment, a large cloud hovered over every pony and bombarded them with snow. Midnight managed to simply melt it all off, shaking her mane completely dry.

Midnight would then counter-attack by forming a mustache on Trixie’s snout causing the other girls to release laughter.

Trixie responds by causally bringing out scissors and snipping it cleanly off her.

“That at you got?” Midnight asked unimpressed and still bored by Trixie’s magic.

“Snips, Snails, step forward! Trixie ordered.

“Wh- what is it, oh Great and P-P-Powerful Trixie?” They inquired as they knelt before her, now in fear as Snips laughed nervously.

Trixie affected them with magic, causing them to levitate from the ground for a short moment until they fell back, revealing that both of their ages were affected. Snips was a baby and Snails was an elder one. Snips cried fiercely as Snail’s hooves shook.

“An age spell?” Midnight inquired, now pretending to be highly surprised. “But- how could you do an age spell? That’s only for the highest level unicorns!”

Trixie rubbed her necklace and looked at Midnight with confidence smeared all over her face. “Well, Midnight? Give up?”

Midnight sighed but decided to give it a try, grunting and focusing her magic on the two.

She tried her best, but it was no use, as the magic on her horn was fading away until it finally halted. She released a breath and fell to the floor.

“Trixie is the highest level unicorn!” She stated and laughed at Midnight’s defeat. “And now it’s time for you to leave Ponyville! Forever!”

At that moment the other girls stood in front of her to protect her after refusing to let Midnight to be kicked out of town.

“That’s enough, Trixie!” Applejack exclaimed in defense.

“You proved your point, but you can possibly expect Midnight to leave Ponyville!” Rarity added

“Girls.” Midnight calmly interrupted “It’s all right. A deal is a deal. I knew what I was getting myself into when I agreed to the terms.” The girls are again left surprised by this response as Midnight faces Trixie.

“Well done, Trixie. Enjoy it while it lasts because your rule won’t last long.” She calmly responded having accepted defeat as Trixie using her magic to hold Midnight up who is now crossing her arms defiantly then throws her towards the outskirts of town, causing Midnight to run after. When far enough from town, Trixie’s magic released her and bounced on the ground a few times.

Once Midnight stood up she saw a magic dome forming around Ponyville that is impenetrable so nopony could walk in or out of Ponyville without Trixie raising the barrier or canceling the dome.

“Perfect!” Midnight said to herself with a smirk as she heads into the Everfree Forest “Everything is going according to plan.”

She would make her way to Zecora’s hut where she greets the zebra who is sipping on her tea before explaining her the situation on hoof.

"Your tale of woe upsets me so.” She said as she sips her tea. “No wonder you're dour. It's an abuse of power!

"I don't know what to do, Zecora.” Midnight said pretending to be unsure of how to handle this. “I feel like I've abandoned every pony in Ponyville. But I can't take her on horn-to-horn.”

"If you train with me, so good you'll be.” Zecora told her after she took after sip from her tea and put he cup down. “I’ll show you the way to make sure she won't stay.

"You'll train me in magic? Midnight asked sounding a little surprised at this offer despite what has happened and just after what she told her. “But she was doing age spells, weather spells, you name it!" Midnight added as she continued to remind her of what they are dealing with.

"When it comes to magic, it would be tragic if some pony licked me, especially Trixie.” Zecora told her reassuringly.

"You really think I can beat her?” Midnight asked with pretend uncertainty

"Mm-hmm.” Zecora replied confidently.

"Okay, how do we start?” Midnight asked willing to her what Zecora has to offer.

“Follow me and you will see” Zecora replied leading her outside to a pond nearby.

While Zecora was leading the way, Midnight took the time to secretly produce a magical orb with her magic that allows her to witness what Trixie is doing at town hall.

She is having Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash put up a banner of her masked insignia on it. She has the mayor caged. She has the Cakes pull in a chair made out of baked goods. She has Applejack making her applesauce and even going as far as using her magic to tickle torture her into submission. And last but not least, she has Rarity sew up the banners that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are putting up with the help of another Pegasus while Trixie watches the progress looking very smug and pleased with herself.

Midnight then puts the orb away using her magic to make it disappear pleased to see that her plan is still working as no pony can do anything about.

When they get to the pond Midnight gets stands in the middle of the water and then after taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, she focuses her magic to lift three orbs of water while Zecora observes while meditating and standing on one leg with her other lifted up.

“Ah, no noise, no sound, no din, no fuss must interfere with your focus. Unlearn what you have learned. Only then can victory be earned.” Zecora told her as she observes the progress.

As Midnight focuses her magic she manages to do so without breaking a sweat with complete concentration.

Just when she was perfectly relaxed, she ended up losing her focus upon hearing Fluttershy’ s voice causing her to drop the water and fall into the water.

When getting up and shaking her fur off dry, Midnight replied irritably and sarcastically “Oh hey Fluttershy. I see you managed to escape and find time to drop by. Perfect timing.”

“Sorry” Fluttershy apologized. “My bird friends dragged me out here after being volunteered by the others to come look for you.”

“So what's so important that you decide to show up and make lose concentration on my magic?” Midnight replied in a still sarcastic tone.

“If I may, shall we keep this at bay.” Zecora interceded noticing hints of irritation in Midnight’s voice “Let’s talk this down, about what is happening in town. Back to my hut is a must, in order to readjust.”

Zecora motioned Midnight and Fluttershy to follow her back to her hut where they continued their conversation over tea.

“Okay, Fluttershy.” Midnight said now completely calm as she sips on her tea. “What do you have on Trixie that I should know about?” Midnight questioned.

“Well, while were suffering from Trixie’s rule, we looked around the library and found out that necklace Trixie was wearing is an Alicorn Amulet.” Fluttershy answered after taking a sip from her tea.

“Really?” Midnight asked pretending to sound surprised. “That would make explain of how Trixie was able to perform those spells and how no pony else could.”

“The more she uses it, the more it will corrupt her.” Fluttershy added.

"Now that we know what we’re really up against, now we just need to figure out how to beat that amulet? Because I’m not sure about putting my magic against her with that amulet around her neck.” Midnight spoke as analyzes on what they are up against.

"Midnight, much work have you done.” Zecora responded. “You learned all of my lessons; all but one. If Trixie's tricks have you in a fix, you must nix your magic and use the six.”

"Nix your magic, use the six... Nix your magic, use the six! Use the six!” Midnight said then thinking of an idea. “That's it! And know I have just figured out how to do it. Thank you, Zecora. Now we'll need to get you back inside Ponyville, Fluttershy.” Midnight added as she addressed Fluttershy

Zecora nodded in response to Midnight’s reply as she grabs a quill and paper to write on. Once she finishes writing she gave it to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy take this back to the others, okay?” Midnight said “You all know what to do know from there.”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement and made her way back to Ponyville while Midnight prepares to trick Trixie as she creates a replica amulet by using a green doorstopper from Zecora's door and glued it together to a necklace. Once the glue was dry and settled she placed it around her neck.

“Good. Very good.” Midnight said with a smirk on her face. “This will do nicely. Shall we return back to Ponyville?” Midnight turning to Zecora who nodded and followed her as they began walking out of the hut and to the outskirts of town, where they approached the magic dome Trixie had created where she tapped onto it knowing this will get Trixie’s attention which proved true moments later as Trixie showed up with Snips and Snails pulling her bed towards them.

“This better not be another false alarm, or the Great and Powerful Trixie will-“Trixie started until she then gasps when she sees Midnight causing her to jump from her bed and walk towards her. "What are you doing here?” Trixie angrily asked her.

“I know about the Alicorn Amulet. I know you cheated in your duel.” Midnight simply answered.

“Cheated? Moi?” Trixie said faking innocence by placing her hoof to her chest.

“Yeah. And I thought you might wanna see what a real magical amulet looks like.” Midnight continued as she pointed towards the amulet around her neck. “Zecora gave it to me. It's from beyond the Everfree Forest, and it's way more powerful than your measly little Alicorn Amulet!”

"Ha!” Trixie scoffed at her words and proposal. “Nothing's more powerful than the Alicorn Amulet! And nopony's more powerful than the Great and Powerful Trixie!” She arrogantly added.

"Care to put your amulet where your mouth is?” Midnight challenged. “How about a magic duel you and me?

"You’re wasting my time? I already beat Twilight and she is a powerful unicorn herself.” Hearing this surprises Zecora hearing that Trixie is unaware of Twilight’s death.

"Ok, fine.” Midnight accepted her refusal as she turned away to leave. “But I guess you'll never see the totally awesome magic from beyond the Everfree Forest as well as seeing who really the most powerful unicorn in town is. Come on, Zecora.”

Hearing this got into Trixie’s head with the drive to accept Midnight’s challenge.

"Wait!” Trixie cried out getting Midnight’s attention as she used her magic to take down the force field and teleport to us. "Okay, okay, you're on!” She accepted.

Hearing this Midnight sends a look over to Zecora, both seeing that the plan is working.

"Spendid." Midnight replied with a satisfied smile as the three all head on over to town to have their duel.

Outside of Town Hall, Midnight and Trixie stood and faced off each other from a distance. Trixie glared intensely towards Midnight as thunder rumbled and lightning cracked in the sky. Midnight placed her hooves firmly on the ground. The rest of the girls were behind her.

“Let’s start with a simple age spell, shall we?” Trixie announced.

“Let’s.” Midnight confidently agreed.

“Snips, Snails.” Trixie called to them who both comply with her order even though they are terrified of her. When they were soon in range, Trixie used her magic to turn them into babies. They immediately began crying. “An oldie, but a goodie, ha” Trixie smugly commented. “Now let’s see what your charm can do.”

“No problem." Midnight calmly responded as she turns to Applejack and Rarity. "Applejack, Rarity? Could you help me, please? She called out to them.

“Huh?” They both questioned in surprise before complying with her request by walking towards the spot near the statue of Trixie while returning narrowing grins.

Midnight focused her horn as Trixie filed her hoof expecting Midnight to lose easily. Midnight then shot the beam of magic, creating a cloud of magic dust. When the dust was out of the way, Rarity and Applejack were immediately brought down to size, appearing their filly selves.

Trixie dropped her filer and her jaw when she saw what had just happened before quickly regaining her composure.

“…oh, ho hum. So you can do an age spell, big deal.”

Midnight released another beam and turned them back to normal. Midnight shot out another ray and turned Rarity into a filly again, having her stand gracefully on Applejack. Midnight shot out one more and turned Rarity back, but Applejack into an old pony. Finally, Midnight turned them back to normal.

“That’s…that’s impossible!” Trixie exclaimed completely shocked and astonished as if Midnight was able to do the impossible.

“That’s nothing!” Midnight replied as she could do better than that as she looked over to Rainbow Dash, nodding her head. Midnight fired her magic at a flinching Rainbow Dash. After the dust disappeared, another pair of same wings appeared behind her. It turns out there was another Rainbow Dash that appeared above her, surprising her greatly.

“Yow!” Rainbow Dash cried out, but they soon looked at each other, grinning both perfectly matching each others movements.

“How did you—“ Trixie asked in complete shock.

“Duplication spell.” Midnight answered before Trixie could finish her sentence. “Ever see one pony play ten instruments?” Midnight faced Pinkie Pie, who was standing near several ponies. Midnight shot another beam of magic at Pinkie Pie, causing the other ponies around her to fall to the floor. Pinkie Pie immediately began playing the ten instruments who then played the instruments all around Trixie further shocking her.

“This- just can’t be!” Trixie exclaimed unwilling to believe what she is seeing.

“Also, I can turn a mare into a stallion.” Midnight added as she stared at Applejack, frightening her into attempting to run away, only little too late as Midnight’s beam reached her before she could with the mare turned stallion after the smoke cleared before turning Applejack back with another poof of magic.

“Well, Trixie, looks like my amulet is more powerful than yours-“ Midnight stated as Trixie’s aura surrounded Midnight’s amulet, tearing it off. “Hey! Give it back!” She demanded as Trixie evilly laughs having now obtained Midnight's seemingly more powerful amulet.

"With this amulet, I shall now rule all of Equestria!" Trixie evilly gloated as she removed the alicorn amulet. Once she takes the alicorn amulet off her eyes stop glowing red as she puts on Midnight's amulet.

"Witness, my subjects. Gaze upon an ever greater and 'powerful-er' Trixie!" Trixie called out to everypony with a hoof raised up as Midnight quickly snatched up the amulet.

"What?" Trixie asked in surprise as Midnight quickly tosses the amulet to Zecora.

“Game, set, and match.” Midnight smirked knowing that she has won.

“What the...? But how could that be?” Trixie asked in shock of what had just happened.

“Sorry, Trixie but this amulet is going back into hiding where it belongs.” She simply responded as Zecora places the amulet inside a chest. "Oh by the way..." Midnight added as she placed a hoof around Trixie. "...the amulet around your neck is actually one of Zecora's doorstops."

As soon as Midnight touched the doorstop around her neck it fell off onto the ground shattering into many mini pieces.

“But what about those spells! No pony can do those spells!” Trixie questioned in disbelief now out of the amulet’s control.

“You’re right. Not even me. Zecora taught me so much about magic while I was in the Everfree Forest." Midnight explained. "She even taught me when not to use it. My magic alone wasn't powerful enough to take on the Alicorn Amulet head to head, so I needed to use a different kind of magic – the magic of friendship. I also knew that the only pony who could get the amulet off your neck was you."

“But what about the pony with the ten instruments?” Trixie asked still really confused about that.

“That’s not magic, that was just Pinkie Pie.” Midnight said as she directed her towards Pinkie, who was cheering by playing the instruments as Trixie backs away and leaves unnoticed by the crowd as they all cheer for her to thank her for saving everypony from Trixie's brief tyrannical rule.

With all said and done, every pony began working on returning Ponyville back to normal removing all the trash that the corrupted Trixie brought upon and by the time Princess Celestia and the delegates arrive, every pony in Ponyville readily gathers together for the show.

Midnight began using her magic to raise the critters in the air. Then, she magnificently began to twirl and float them around in the air, similar to how she did earlier during her practice act.

Everypony was releasing sounds of awe and amazement, including the Saddle Arabian delegates except Fluttershy who was nervously covering her eyes as Spike comforts her.

In the middle of one of Midnight’s tricks, fireworks exploded above, emphasizing the beauty of the performance. Midnight looked around as she placed the critters back on the ground and saw Trixie poking her head around looking for her. Midnight motioned her to meet her at the Everfree Forest as the crowds’ cheer at her performance.

Once the festival was over, Midnight was able to get to the Everfree Forest where she would meet Trixie.

“Well, did you bring it?” Midnight asked.

Trixie nodded as she presented the chest which she hands over to Midnight who peeks into the chest and then in return hands her the same bag of gold coins she gave her earlier to purchase the amulet in the first place.

“Excellent, you did well Trixie.” Midnight said smiling with content with Trixie's success at completing her task at hoof.

“Yeah” Trixie replied while looking down ashamed of herself. “Listen before I go, I just want to say I’m sorry for how I acted under the amulet’s influence.” Trixie apologetically told her. “I wasn’t in control and as a result I treated every pony horribly and threw you out of town.”

“Well, that's what happens when you mess with power you can't control.” Midnight honestly and somewhat bluntly tells before continuing. "Although, I'm honestly surprised you hadn't heard about what happened to Twilight or the fact that she is now gone."

“Gone?” Trixie asked in surprise hearing this.

“Yeah, and in case you haven’t heard, Twilight has been gone since the Canterlot Wedding as a result of a train explosion that took her life or at least first attempt of what would have been a wedding.” Midnight sadly explained to her finding it a little difficult to break the news to her this way.

“How?” Trixie said deeply surprised and saddened to hear this.

“Long story short, the events that led up to it are a result of her friends walking out on her when she needed them the most left when her brother got mad at her for trying to protect him from the biggest mistake of his life. Their actions really hurt her and because of it she cuts ties with them all together in return. It would end being the last words she would end up speaking and the last time any pony ever saw her again as a result of that explosion.” Midnight explained to her still sounding very sad and distraught over what had happened.

Trixie couldn’t believe what she was hearing and could only feel sympathetic for her feeling if she was still around and made amends with her they probably could have become good friends but now hearing that she is gone it will never happen making her previous vendetta against her completely vanish.

“Anyways.” Trixie said changing the conversation from the uncomfortable subject. “Thank for the bits. This will sure help with me living on the road. Hopefully by the time I return every pony will have forgiven me for everything I’ve done under the Alicorn Amulet's influence.”

“I’m sure in time they will. From what I’ve seen every pony is very forgiving towards those who are remorseful for their actions." Midnight reassured Trixie before changing her tone into a more serious one. "As long as you don’t make the same mistake though” Midnight cautiously warned her on her last sentence which is something that Trixie immediately took to heart as she prepared to use her magic to leave the scene but stopped at the last second to ask Midnight one last question.

"Before I go I gotta ask just one more thing." Trixie said with a raised hoof. "Even though Trixie did what you asked, why did you have Trixie go through the trouble of getting what you wanted from Zecora's hut instead of keeping it while you had the chance?"

"Because it was necessary to ensure that it got back in the right hoofs." Midnight explained. "By doing so and having you retrieve for me while everypony was at my magic presentation was the perfect opportunity to get it without raising any alarms."

"Okay, I guess that makes sense to even the great and powerful Trixie." Trixie understood why as she turned to poof a smoke cloud where she would run away into the distance when the cloud cleared up.

"Take care of yourself." Midnight called out to her as she ran off into the distance.

After seeing Trixie run out of sight, Midnight smirked as she opens the chest to reveal the Alicorn Amulet inside. Her body glowed again in satisfaction that her plan succeeded and now knows how to take over Ponyville when she goes on about it later on. Also her duplication spell to create a replica of Twilight and pass it off as an illusion with no pony the wiser to her involvement or the fact that she is responsible for duplicate Twilight’s appearance as she now has two of three things she needs to back herself up with in order to enact her main plan of taking over Equestria.

Author's Note:

After the brief episode of focusing on some of her good traits hidden deep down her dark heart, we go back to the main focus as Midnight enacts an Xanotos Gambit by having Trixie attempt to take over Ponyville with the power of the Alicorn Amulet. Either she can take control of Ponyville using Trixie as her puppet or learns how she go on about taking over Ponyville from there.
As you can see, Midnight's magic is very talented and powerful to the point she is able to easily take on Trixie in a magic duel even capable of taking her on without magic when she does much better with little effort in the rematch duel when she doesn't even try the first time around as her of her plan.
Which leaves the true potential of Midnight's capabilities still a mystery implying that she capable of much better magic than she let's on.
With the alicorn amulet now in her possession along with dark magic in her heart that causes her body to occasionally glow under certain emotions as a result from King Sombra's attack, she now has two of the three things she needs before beginning her takeover of Equestria with a much arising mystery surrounding this which will come into play very soon.