• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,048 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 17: Bats

Chapter 17:


One bright and early morning Midnight is out running her errands. She is getting herself new quills, books, and exercise equipment as she spends most of her time reading and doing training exercises so she can improve on her combat skills to prepare herself to go toe-to-toe with any creature with and without magic.

She then makes her way to Sweet Apple Acres where she is greeted by Big Macintosh when she makes her way up to the barn.

“Good morning.” Midnight greeted the red earth pony.

“Hello.” Big Macintosh positively replied.

“I’m here for my usual bucket of apples.” Midnight said.

“Eeyup. Right this way.” Big Mac replied as he led her to one of apple trees in the field.

One of her stops for food includes Sweet Apple Acres for a bucket of apples as she does like their apples even though one of the family members is one of her enemies. It was fine by her because all of the times she has been there since the wedding she is usually greeted by her brother Big Macintosh who usually assists with her orders who both help each other out in getting the apples she needs. Big Macintosh bucks the trees while Midnight catches the apples with her magic.

Just as the two are working together to get the apples from the tree they heard Applejack scream “Dang nab it” in frustration.

“I’ll be back.” Big Mac politely told the alicorn with a small smile as he ran off to check up on what's frustrating Applejack.

After Big Mac ran off, Midnight secretly followed him and hid behind a nearby tree so she can eavesdrop on their conversation.

Applejack shows Big Mac some of dried up mushy apples on her hooves.

“You know what this means.” Applejack asked her brother.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac calmly replied.

“Vampire fruit bats are back!” Applejack added.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac replied in the same tone again seeing what the problem is with a simple look at the apples.

“I’m going to get some help.” Applejack seriously told her brother. “Hold down the apple farm till I get back.” She called out as she ran off.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac called out to her.

As soon as Applejack runs off Midnight quickly teleports back to her apple basket and then acts like she was waiting patiently to avoid suspicion that she was spying on them as Big Mac came back.

“Sorry about that.” Big Mac apologized.

“It’s okay.” Midnight replied to assure him it's no big deal as she and Big Mac continued to get the apples from the tree.

When they finished the two walked back up the hill so he can properly load them onto her cart.

“So…” Midnight started to speak while feeling the need to ask. “Everything okay with Applejack?”

“Yeah.” Big Mac sighed as he honestly answer the mare's question. “Expect it seems we have fruit vampire bats flying around our apple trees.”

“Fruit vampire bats? What are they?” Midnight asked out of curiosity.

“They are bats that really love apples to the point they suck them completely dry leaving nothing but dried apple skin and mush.” Big Mac explained. “Here at Sweet Apple Acres they are a serious threat to our business.”

“Like a threat that could doom the family business?” Midnight guessed through her inquiry.

“Eeyup!” Big Mac answered with a nod to confirm that she is correct. “A threat big enough to threaten our apple supply and make us struggle and stretch whatever we have left through the winter.”

“Really?” Midnight said sounding intrigued to how bad these vampire bats can be.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac said as they made it up to the top of the hill. “Hopefully Applejack will know what to do before they ruin her blue ribbon apple.”

“Applejack made a blue ribbon apple?” Midnight asked again sounding interested in hearing about this.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac answered. “A huge apple she grew for the upcoming state fair in Appleloosa that has the potential to win a blue ribbon for the upcoming state fair.”

“Sounds like she put a lot of effort into growing that apple.” Midnight said sounding impressed as they load the apples onto her cart.

“She sure did.” Big Mac said. “And would be a shame if those bats managed to sink their teeth into it and ruin all of her hard work.”

“It sure would.” Midnight said sounding like it would be unfortunate if something were to happen to it as she reached into her saddle bag and handed him a handful of bits as payment for the apples with a tip included for his help.

“Sorry to hear about that and hope your problem is resolved before anything bad happens.” Midnight said with a small smile as she made sure she had everything before turning to leave while waving goodbye.

“Thanks, Midnight and I appreciate your concern and I’m sure Applejack will be able to care of this while me, Granny Smith, and Apple Bloom check up on the produce competition.” Big Mac thanked her happily as he waving her goodbye as she turned to leave with the same smile on his face.

As she walks away, she figures to herself Applejack is going to seek Fluttershy’s help in dealing with this problem since she is the pony expert in dealing with animals in Ponyville along with the rest of her friends for assistance.

With this new development in light, Midnight begins formulating a new plan to turn this into her advantage as she thinks to herself as she heads off to continue her errands as she makes her way back to town.

She later makes her way back to her library where she puts her supplies and groceries away before setting up her new training equipment just outside the back of the library so she practice new combat skills and magic spells. During one of her personal training sessions she looks at her crystal orb to see what Applejack is up to.

She sees Applejack gathering the other girls together for their help in getting rid of the vampire bats. She explains to them of how hard she worked into growing that apple to the size it is right now and how important it is to deal with this vampire bat situation before it gets worse. Fluttershy attempts to resolve this by trying to reason with them into understanding how important that apple is to her which is something that Applejack is very reluctant on even trying thinking they can't be reasoned with.

“Um, excuse me, Mr. Vampire Bat—“ Fluttershy started to try to explain as one of the bats tosses down a dried up apple at her feet. “We were just wondering if maybe you wouldn't mind leaving that really big apple alone?” She continued to ask only to be greeted by being pelted by apple seeds by the bats causing her to retreat back to Applejack.

“Well? What'd he say?” Applejack inquired.

“Um... yes.” Fluttershy answered causing Applejack to smile with hope.


“But... it could've been a no.” Fluttershy added causing Applejack to frown hearing this.


“This is the first vampire fruit bat I've ever met and, well, it might take some time for me to really understand their language.” Fluttershy said s she explained herself.

“Uh-huh.” Applejack said skeptical of Fluttershy’s approach. “And in the meantime, this pest and his vermin friends are gonna go after my prized apple and, while they're at it, every other apple in the orchard! These vampire bats are nothin' but a bunch of monsters!”

“Monsters?!” Fluttershy said in shock hearing her call them a harsh word. “Oh, that's a bit harsh, don't you think?” Fluttershy asked Applejack

“No, I do not.” Applejack firmly said before she and Fluttershy sing a song about their stance on the bats.

[url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV94KouvOls]Bats!

Midnight observing this sees that Applejack views them in her words as vermin's that needed to be given the boot while Fluttershy sees them as equals just like every other living thing wanting to compromise by giving them a sanctuary meant just for them.

Even though both sides have a point and while Midnight silently agrees with Fluttershy’s assessment, Rarity, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash take Applejack’s side as they chant to get Fluttershy to change her mind much to her discomfort.

After they finish singing they set off to round up the bats so they can get rid of them.

Midnight then quickly goes to the library to pull out a book on vampire bats then another book on spells as she reads them she begins to see another potential opportunity as she secretly smirks to herself.

After a day of spraying around anti-bat repellent around the apple trees that haven’t had apples bitten into yet to keep the bats at bay the five go home to get some rest so they can think about a permanent solution to the vampire bat problem.

At night Midnight heads over to Sweet Apple Acres in her Celestia-sized alicorn form where using her magic she is able to gather all of the vampire bats just before they could sink their teeth into one more apple once she has all of the bats rounded up she then uses her magic to summon Fluttershy who was sound asleep.

“Fluttershy” Midnight whispered to Fluttershy in her ear which caused Fluttershy to slowly awaken.

“Wake up sleepy head.” Midnight told Fluttershy as she opened up her eyes and saw Midnight flying above her causing her to gasp in fright and cover her eyes not wanting to believe she is awake.

“This is all just a dream.” Fluttershy she said to herself “This is all just a dream.” She repeated to herself.

“Oh is it?” Midnight asked her while evilly smiling. “Then I guess you could say the same to these fruit-infesting bats.” She replyed as she showed them the captured bats in her magic aura causing Fluttershy to gasp in horror.

“You let those poor bats go now Midnight.” Fluttershy angrily demanded the powerful alicorn.

“Or what?” Midnight asked unfazed by her suddenly assertive behavior.

“Or I’ll give you the stare.” Fluttershy responded with fierce determination.

“Oooh.” Midnight said mockingly with faux fright. “The Stare. I’m so scared. Ooh. The stare.” Midnight said laughing off Fluttershy’s threat.

Fluttershy then grits her teeth angrily and performs her stare on Midnight while also performing it on the bats without realizing it. Seeing this she still pretends to be scared by Fluttershy’s stare like Discord.

“No, no!” Midnight cried out as she used her magic to send a reflection of her magic’s light into Fluttershy’s eyes who still managed to not blink while still glaring at Midnight who then smirks then laughs at Fluttershy who is left surprised to see the stare is unaffecting her.

“Nice effort for you to stand up to me with that move.” Midnight said impressed with Fluttershy’s bravery yet unimpressed thinking she could actually defeat her with that. “Too bad I’m immune to that like Discord.” She said as her magic aura let the bats go free. "And I am an all-powerful alicorn."

Immediately after saying that, Midnight blasts Fluttershy to nearby tree knocking her unconscious.

By the time Fluttershy comes to she has taken a vampire-like appearance with fangs in two of her upper front teeth with her peagsus wings look vampire-like wings who then proceeds to suck up the juice of many apples nearby while Midnight watches from the distance in the shadows smirking that her plan to trick Fluttershy into using the stare against the bats into not eating apples and transferring that desire and vampire traits into Fluttershy while tricking her into thinking she was dreaming this as she ends flying back to her cottage to her bed and by the time she wakes up she really believes that she suffered a nightmare when it actually happened.

Midnight satisfied seeing that she succeeded, teleports away back to the library now back into her normal alicorn form so she can go to bed while now eager to see what happens now when the others go out on their next stakeout.

The next morning, Midnight pulls up her crystal orb so she can see Applejack ready for apple bucking again.

“Apple Bucking Day, take two!” She said as she awaits the upcoming sunrise. “Yee-haw!” She said in excitement as she trots down the hill ready to buck some apples off of trees that bats haven’t gotten to yet. “Time to collect those juicy, sweet apples!”

She bucks another tree of apples and while she got some good apples she still got apples that have been bitten into, dried up, and turned to mush, and it has apparently gotten worse as she sees more mushed up apples are lying down on the ground causing her frown in anger seeing this as she then gathers the rest of the Mane Five at the farm shortly afterwards to show her what happened and so they can prepare to round up the vampire bats so they can kick them out.

“We need to take more extreme measures.” Applejack told her friends as she showed the others the rotten apples on the ground.

“I hear ya, Applejack! C'mon, everypony! Let's track down those vampire bats!” Rainbow Dash responded ready to follow Applejack's lead as she led the group to where the vampire bats resided while Midnight is patiently awaiting the surprise they are about to come across.

But when they met up with them and to their surprise they find that they haven’t bitten into a single apple as they just sit on the trees with a loss of appetite and when Rainbow Dash offers one who is reading a book an apple he just swats it away which lands on Rarity’s horn causing Applejack to find something is off with this scenario.

“What in tarnation?” Applejack asked in surprise seeing this. “Something’s wrong here. There are apples that have bitten into yet not a single bat has sucked a single apple dry.”

“But if the vampire bats aren't eating your apples...” Rarity wondered out loud.

“Who is?” Rainbow Dash asked ending the question as she flew over to Fluttershy. “Do you know of any other creature that might be capable of this?” She questioned Fluttershy if she has any possible ideas of how this could have happened.

“I’m sorry?” Fluttershy apologized as she looked away. “I don’t.”

“Well then this means only one way to find out. By catching whoever it is in the act.” Applejack said as she pounded her hoof into the grass with fierce determination.

“And how do you propose we do that?” Rarity asked.

“A stakeout!” Applejack answered. “Everypony, let’s meet back here when night falls. Then, we’ll find the vermit who has sucking my family’s apples dry and put an end to this mystery.”

Everypony agreed with this proposal expect Fluttershy.

Midnight watching this puts her crystal orb away as she goes outside to train some more as she readies herself for the next part of her plan.

The following night, The Mane Five meet up together and start off patrolling the apple orchards all walking together while unbeknownst to all of them Midnight is secretly spying on them in her Celestia-sized form hiding behind some nearby trees.

“The witching hour... “ Rainbow Dash said to Fluttershy in a spooky tone as an owl hoots.

“Maybe we should just call this off.” Fluttershy nervously suggested. “Not sure about the rest of you guys…” She said distracted by a sight of apple which caused her drool at the sight of it. “…but I'm really hungry.”

“Oh, Fluttershy, it'll be okay.” Rarity reassured Fluttershy as she walked up to her. “Don't forget, darling, we're all in this together.”

“That's right. Nopony leaves this orchard until we've solved this mystery. Agreed?” Applejack said to every pony present with determination to catch the mysterious apple bandit.

“Agreed!” Every pony expect Fluttershy said in agreement as they turned to different parts of the woods.

“Does everypony have their pony signals?” Applejack asked every pony where Rarity uses the magic aura from her horn which produces a bright blue light in the sky with her cutie mark on it and Pinkie produces a flashlight of her own producing a light with her cutie mark on it. “Now remember, Pinkie Pie, only use the signal if you see somethin' suspicious.” Applejack reminded Pinkie of when it’s okay to give the signal.

“I got it. Something suspicious...” She said to Applejack while briefly shining the light in her face causing her to fall over disoriented by its shining glare before her mood turned into a more serious expression looking around for suspicious activity before noticing Fluttershy sniffing at an apple.

“Whatcha doin'?!” Pinkie shouted at Fluttershy who immediately snaps to attention to walks ahead with Pinkie following behind her suspiciously.

“Alright, now everypony split up. We'll each patrol our own row of the orchard. Whoever or whatever's destroyin' my apples has gotta be here somewhere.” Applejack instructed the others before every pony separated to patrol separate parts of the orchard on their own.

While all this is going on Midnight secretly snuck around the orchard focusing her attention on Fluttershy as she awaits her transformation back into a vampire bat.

“I have a bad feeling about this. A really bad feeling about this...” Fluttershy said to herself as she eyed another apple. “That apple... It looks... so juicy... and sweet...” She said as her eyes entered an entranced stance as they turn red and as she drools again and slurping her tongue at the sight of the apple as one of her fangs regrows.

Midnight seeing her transformation secretly produces magic from her horn and sends some magic at Fluttershy to speed up the transformation and with another desire to kill those who get in her way intending to try to have her try to kill her friends.

As Pinkie was patrolling she heard an apple crunch.

“What was that?” Pinkie exclaimed in surprise as she turned her attention to the direction of the sound.

She gasps when she sees an dried up apple core on the ground.

“Suspicious!” Pinkie happily said as she giggled. “It’s pony signal time!” She added while holding up her flashlight only to drop it as Fluttershy immediately flew by at a fast speed.

Midnight secretly follows Fluttershy while casting herself an invisibility spell so no pony can see her as she flies over Rarity so fast she couldn’t make out what she saw and spooked her to the point she decided to check up on Rainbow Dash who thinks she saw some shadow in the distance then flew over to tackle it only to end up tackling a scarecrow instead.

Unbeknownst, to her Fluttershy is watcher her from the shadows with Midnight secretly observing behind her in the shadows too before flying to another apple to suck it dry catching Applejack’s attention who gasps in shock at the sight and raises her flashlight in the air to get every pony’s attention who meet up with her as they see a huge yellow bat curled up hanging upside down from a tree as Pinkie shines her flashlight at Fluttershy.

“Suspicious!” Pinkie said to the bat who opens her wings to reveal herself to them as Fluttershy in her vampire bat form who hisses at her surprising all four ponies at the sight of her transformation as she sucks the juice out of a another apple.

“Fluttershy?” Pinkie asked her as she shined the flashlight in her eyes who simply stares at Pinkie. “Yoo-hoo! Fluttershy!” She asked Fluttershy who simply hisses and tries to bite in her response causing Pinkie to lose her balance and fall off the tree as a result.

“That's not Fluttershy... That's Flutterbat!” Rarity frighteningly corrected Pinkie.

“Uh... Fluttershy, sweetness, please come down, and... do stop being a vampire bat.” Rarity nervously asked Fluttershy only for her to hiss again in response as she got herself another apple to slurp, suck on, and spit back out.

Rainbow Dash took a try by flying up to her so she can knock some sense into her.

“Fluttershy! It's me, Rainbow Dash! Why don't you cut the bat act and come on down?!” Rainbow Dash shouted at her only for Fluttershy hiss at her and send Rainbow a distance away from her before attempting to charge at her to bite her which Rainbow Dash narrowly avoided causing her to fly away from her in fright.

“Whoa!” She exclaimed before flying away and back to the others. “Maybe we should just let her come down when she's ready.” She said before flying for her life from an angry Flutterbat before flying at top speed to lose her.

“Flutterbat on the loose! Run for your lives!” Pinkie Pie screamed as she dug a hole in the ground.

“Pinkie Pie, calm down! See? She's back on her... branch.” Applejack told Pinkie while pointing to her back hanging upside down on her tree.

“She's just biding her time! Waiting for the right moment to pounce!” Pinkie Pie frighteningly responded unconvinced by Applejack's reassurance which is something that she is actually right about as they are unaware of what Midnight has done to her.

“Pinkie Pie, bats don't eat ponies. Not even vampire bats.” Applejack reassuringly tried to explain to her.

“But maybe vampire ponies eat other ponies! I'm not taking any chances!” Pinkie responded still unconvinced as she quickly dug deeper into the hole and tunneled her way out of the farm underground.

“How did this happen? That's what I don't understand.” Rarity asked in confusion.

“Oh, I think I can answer that.” Midnight's voice spoke as she revealed herself from emerging from the nearby bush with a devious smirk on her face surprising the others hearing the voice of their former friend again and in her Celestia-sized form again approaching them.

“Midnight!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed surprisingly and angrily.

“So you’re behind this.” Applejack asked her in the same tone as Rainbow Dash.

“Once again you are correct!” Midnight answered Applejack's question with complete honesty. “Although it’s no brainer my appearance will give away that why Fluttershy is now a vampire bat but how is where you’ll be most surprised by.”

“What did you to poor Fluttershy?!” Rarity angrily asked her as she gets ready to charge at her.

“Simple.” Midnight calmly replied to Rarity’s angered response. “By getting Fluttershy to perform the stare against the bats while I casted a spell to transfer the bat's desire to eat apples off of them and onto her.”

“Why did you do this to her?” Applejack angrily asked her. “What did Sweet Apple Acres do to you?”

“Nothing.” Midnight still calmly replied. “Your brother was kind enough to help me with my apple orders that I have nothing against your family and after hearing about your bat problem I figured I’d try to help you out there.” She explained.

“By casting a spell on Fluttershy to do your bidding.” Applejack asked her still angry at her for doing so. “By turning your own friend into a vampire bat for the sake of ‘helping’ me.”

“Don’t go pointing hooves at me.” Midnight responded unfazed by Applejack’s anger while asserting that getting mad at her won't solve her problems “I am helping you, my own way of course. And you know the funny thing about this is that if had just heard Fluttershy out and listened to her, this all could have been avoided. Bats like ponies are equal to and ponies that seem evil at first glance can be deep down good inside if you take the time to get to know them better.”

“How would you know about what Fluttershy wanted?” Rainbow Dash asked her suspiciously of how she could know about her and Applejack’s argument on the bat problem.

“Because I’m a pony expert and Fluttershy is the type of pony that cares for every creature no matter what they appear to be.” Midnight casually responded to Rainbow Dash's question.

“Well, you certainly made a mistake showing your face around here because you’re due for some payback.” Rainbow Dash angrily said as she charged at Midnight who simply smiles and stays put and before Rainbow Dash could attack her she is suddenly pounced on by Fluttershy who tackles her to the ground and beats her down into unconsciousness and finishes her off by biting her on the wing.

Seeing this causes Applejack and Rarity to gasp in shock seeing Fluttershy do that to her friend even more so than learning that Midnight had just cast a spell on Fluttershy to make her this way.

“If I were you, I’d run while you still can because I forgot to mention the part where the spell I cast has her more than willing to attack and bite you if provoked especially trying to harm those she cares about including her master.” Midnight told Applejack and Rarity while still sporting an evil smirk as Fluttershy stands up with her wings spread out ready to attack as she glares at them.

“Flutterbat, Attack!” Midnight commanded Fluttershy causing Applejack and Rarity to scream and run for their lives as Fluttershy flies towards them to attack them.

“Have fun!” Midnight darkly commented on the sight of seeing her former friends getting attacking by Fluttershy.

Applejack and Rarity are both screaming and running for their lives as Fluttershy flies down to try to bite them which they barely dodge as they split up and run in opposite directions and then immediately ducked in nearly bushes to shake Fluttershy off of their tails.

Fluttershy having flew up to where the two ponies disappeared then flies off to find the other ponies while Midnight flies over as she sees the two regrouping once they are certain they are safe shortly after Rainbow Dash having regained consciousness caught up with them. Although she has lost quite some blood from the bite and is left a little woozy unable to fly in the air long like she did earlier leaving her in no shape to fight anymore.

Midnight seeing the group all together now gets Fluttershy’s attention and motions her to attack them again by directing a hoof at their direction.

“Hit the deck!” Rainbow Dash cried out as Fluttershy swoops in causing every pony to nearly dodge her as she flew ahead causing them to run after her with hopes of saving her from the descend of darkness like Twilight.

“Follow that bat!” Pinkie said as she led the others off into the last known sighting she was seen in.

As the ponies run off, Midnight flies over to Fluttershy to offer her another apple as a token of gratitude for what she has done so far who simply sucks up all of the juice from it with determination to kill them to which Midnight evilly smirks seeing that she has taken Rainbow Dash out of the fight again with three ponies remaining well two since Pinkie is too scared to even confront her now as Fluttershy ears turn into more bat-like ears as her transformation into a vampire bat is growing even more.

After losing track of where Fluttershy went the three ponies stopped to catch their breath expect Rainbow Dash who simply walks since she is in no condition to run or fly with the amount of blood she lost.

“I can't believe we lost her!” Rarity said spooked of what had just happened.

“Oh, Fluttershy, where are you?” Applejack worriedly wondered as Midnight and Fluttershy observed them from the shadows. Midnight looking at Fluttershy nods her head motioning her to attack again.

Fluttershy seeing them swoops in to do so nearly biting Applejack just barely dodging her in the process as she sweeps in and grabs another apple with her teeth and bites into it before swooping in again to repeat the same attack.

“Look out! Whoa!” Applejack screamed as every pony ducked to avoid getting apple seeds spit onto them while leaving behind another sucked up apple which lands in front of Rainbow Dash’s hooves.

“If she keeps this up, your whole crop will be gone in no time!” Rainbow Dash told Applejack as she walks up to her.

“That's the least of my worries. I just want my friend back.” Applejack responded in a way saying that her primary concern is putting others needs before her own.

“We'll never get her back unless we corner her and catch her so the spell Midnight cast on her can be reversed.” Rarity said. “But the only pony who can reverse the spell is Midnight herself who will never agree to do so as long as she is out for our flesh and blood.”

They continued searching for Fluttershy before eventually finding her on the ground just in front of them.

“There she is!” Applejack told the others in a hushed tone.

But before any pony could do anything else Fluttershy turns and sees them, hisses at them and flies towards them biting Pinkie Pie before flying off.

Rarity and Applejack gasp seeing Fluttershy do that to Pinkie Pie as falls to the ground weaken from the bite.

“There she goes!” Applejack said as she flew off.

“Oh, this is no use. I think the only way we're gonna catch her is if we find a way to lure her closer to us.” Rarity told Applejack seeing that trying to catcher is much harder than they anticipated.

“But even if we can lure her to us, how're we gonna get her to stay still long enough for you to do reverse Midnight’s spell if you can at all?” Applejack questioned Rarity pointing out that her magic is nowhere near Midnight's level.

“Aww, if only we had Fluttershy to do her Stare on the Flutterbat and Twilight wasn’t evil to perform her spell on her.” Pinkie said seeing the situation is looking grim right now.

Hearing this gives Rarity an idea. “That's it!” she said smiling.

Midnight witnessing this sees that they are going to try to have Rarity perform the reverse spell on Fluttershy and undo her corrupting magic with the help of Applejack’s prize winning apple. Midnight simply has a look of disbelief thinking that plan would work since it was just pointed out to them that Midnight is the only pony who can reverse the spell since she cast it in the first place. Yet regardless, she has a calculated expression on her face as she is formulating a new plan in her mind to deal with this.

“Okay, let's get our friend back. Action stations!” Applejack instructed the others as Rainbow Dash lifted the blanket covering the huge apple of as Applejack pulls out cutting knife.

“So much for having the winning apple in the Appleloosa State Fair, huh?” Rainbow Dash asked Applejack who sighed “Yes.” in response but was more concerned with getting Fluttershy back as she cut into the apple with some juice and its scent leaking out of the apple. The scent catches Fluttershy’s attention as Rainbow Dash having enough strength to flap her wings to push the scent of the apple towards Fluttershy who flies towards the apple while hissing at Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s direction.

“She's coming!” Rainbow Dash said in a hushed tone as Fluttershy approaches but before she could bite into the apple Applejack kicks it away to reveal a hidden mirror which stops Fluttershy in her tracks who then turns away to shield her eyes from it only to be looking at another mirror held by Pinkie Pie who had just enough strength to do so. She turns away again only to be facing another mirror held up by Rarity with her magic but before she could try to cast her spell, Midnight has already cast the spell herself wrapping Fluttershy around with her magic around Fluttershy transforming her from a vampire bat to a normal peagsus again as her teeth and ears are returned to normal.

Every pony is surprised by this as Fluttershy falls to ground completely exhausted and drained of energy as they look to see Midnight still holding onto Fluttershy with her magic who is now deep in her sleep.

“You know while I applaud your efforts, you still disappoint me as you still tried to attempt a plan even knowing that the only pony who could reverse the spell was me.” Midnight commended them while berating them at the same time for not thinking things through.

“However, seeing that you Applejack, having learned your lesson after having a good portion of your apple orchard and your prize winning apple sacrificed for the sake of your friend, I see now I no longer need to kill you and the others anymore.” She said as she placed Fluttershy down on the ground still in a deep sleep with her magic.

“Until next time.” She finished as she disappeared with a bright flash of magic leaving the other ponies speechless that she willing performed the reverse spell to turn Fluttershy back to normal as if what had just happened was punishment enough.

Needless to say, all four ponies are relieved when Fluttershy wakes up now back to normal.

“Oh... where am I?” Fluttershy asked every pony greeting her with cheers in relief.

“Thank goodness you're okay!” Applejack said to Fluttershy as she hugged her.

“But... what happened to me?” Fluttershy asked in confusion.

“You turned into a vampire pony!” Pinkie Pie said as jumped right in front Fluttershy with Applejack right behind her very annoyed but her lack of sense of personal space.

“I tried to eat ponies?!” Fluttershy asked after gasping in shock.

“Of course not!” Pinkie lied to Fluttershy to try to avoid upsetting her.

“Uh, yes.” Rainbow Dash bluntly said ignoring Pinkie's attempt to not sugarcoat what she just did. “Because you bit me on my wings and bit Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow said while showing Fluttershy her bitten wings showing that she lost some blood from the bite. “And tried to kill us.” She added.

“I did? Oh my gosh I’m so sorry!” Fluttershy apologized to Rainbow mortified at what she had done to her friend.

“It’s all right, it’s not your fault since Midnight was the one who cast the spell on you do this in the first place.” Rainbow Dash comfortingly said to Fluttershy.

“Wait? So I really did do the stare on the vampire bats.” Fluttershy asked again before realizing what she thought was a dream was real and that Midnight tricked her into performing her stare against the vampire bats and casted a spell on her to turn her into a vampire bat. “Oh my.” Fluttershy again said mortified realizing what she has done under Midnight’s influence before flying off crying to her home ashamed of herself.

Shortly afterwards, the four ponies quickly follow Fluttershy with Rainbow Dash being carried by Applejack and Pinkie Pie as she is still too weak from blood loss to run. They manage to catch up to her at her cottage where they come across her crying on her couch very upset with herself having already cried a puddle of tears.

“Fluttershy darling, it’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.” Rarity sympathetically tried to console her as she approached her and brought her in for a hug.

“But I still nearly killed you all.” Fluttershy said between sobs. “Especially you Rainbow Dash.”

“Fluttershy, you were under Midnight’s spell.” Rainbow Dash said to reassure her she is not at fault. “You had no control over your actions because of her.”

“But I also ruined your apple supply and your prize apple for the fair.” Fluttershy still cried to Applejack very mortified with herself.

“I’m not too worried about the apples.” Applejack reassuringly told Fluttershy as she placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “What’s really important to me is that you are okay now and it is all over.”

Fluttershy sniffled a little bit touched hearing that she has more value to her than her apples.

“And to tell you the truth, none of this would have happened had I listened to your suggestion instead of letting my drive to get rid of them get the better of me.” Applejack added apologetically.

“So I have decided to listen to your suggestion about building a sanctuary just for the bats.” Applejack told her. “And I would really love your help in building it for them.”

“Really?” Fluttershy asked having calmed down a bit. “You mean it.” She asked with a smile

“Yes I do.” Applejack firmly replied.

Hearing this causes Fluttershy to smile and hug her for hearing out and forgiving her for what she did.

“And don't forget, with the bats having their own apples the seeds they leave behind will grow into even bigger and better apple trees.” Fluttershy happily told Applejack the bright side of having a vampire bat sanctuary.

“Does that mean what I think it means?” Rainbow Dash eagerly asked as she placed her hoofs around Applejack and Fluttershy.

“Yup! More cider too.” Applejack confirmed to Rainbow Dash

“Yea-he-heah, whoo!” Rainbow Dash celebrated as she flew into the air.

Later the next day after building the bat sanctuary at Sweet Apple Acres the Mane Five later head back to Fluttershy’s cottage having Spike summoned so they can he write about this experience in their new friendship journal.

“Okay, got the part about the spell, Fluttershy turning into a bat, building a sanctuary... “ Spike said as he written down in the journal.

“Be sure to put in there that I came to see that my short-term solution was a little short-sighted.” Applejack added as he leaned down to Spike’s eye level.

“And that you shouldn't let anypony pressure you into doing something that you don't think is right.” Fluttershy also added as she leaned down too causing Applejack to blush in embarrassment. “Sometimes you have to tell even your closest friends 'no'.” She concluded as she lifted her head up as everyone nodded in agreement.

“Wow, I can’t believe Midnight did that to you just so Applejack would learn a lesson from this.” Spike said in surprise of Twilight’s most recent evil act.

“I mean seriously, what is Midnight’s deal?” Rainbow Dash asked confused why Twilight would do that to the ponies she used to value as friends.

“Well she is Midnight now and doesn’t seem to value us as friends anymore.” Rarity explained the best she could about Twilight while sounding a little choked up about what has happened to her. “After all she is under the alicorn amulet and dark magic’s influence which is affecting her ability to tell right from wrong.”

“That is true, but once she is free from all that corrupting dark magic she will see that we really are her friends and will be more than willing to forgive us.” Applejack responded agreeing with Rarity’s assessment. “Now, how about we celebrate our stronger than ever friendship with a nice, ripe, juicy apple?” She asked and presented Fluttershy with another apple to enjoy only to be interrupted by Pinkie wearing fake vampire teeth in her mouth.

“Stand back! I vant to suck its juuuice!” Pinkie said in a vampire accent before attempting to bite into the apple only for the vampire teeth to fall out of her mouth causing Pinkie to grin in embarrassment.

“Please don’t do that.” Fluttershy told Pinkie Pie in a embarrassed and serious tone not wanting to be reminded of her actions as Flutterbat as she couldn’t stop crying over what Midnight did to her and what she made her do to her friends.

Unbeknownst to the six, they were all being spied on by Midnight through her crystal orb from the library who is pleased to see that her plan worked out as she managed to trick Fluttershy into performing stare on the bats, turning her into a vampire bat, scared Pinkie to near-death, injured both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, all to successfully teach Applejack a valuable lesson as she now is in the kitchen making apple treats from Applejack’s prize winning apple which she secretly stole from behind her back.

“Well, I gotta to admit to myself, Applejack’s apples are real prize winning treats especially all of apple pies and treats I will get to enjoy out of all this.” Midnight said to herself as she munches on an apple fritter and chuckles to herself literally enjoying the delicious taste of victory.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, we see Midnight taking things to a darker level as she creates the Vampire Bat epidemic by tricking Fluttershy into peforming the stare against the bats so she can cast a spell to transform her into a vampire bat in an attempt to get her to attack her own friends all for teaching Applejack a lesson of her short-sighted eyesight on approaching problems.

With what Midnight had just did in this chapter will leave many wondering of how far she is go to achieve her goals to which the far reaching extent won't be shown until much later in this story as drives deeper into villainy as carries and uses all of that dark magic.

Even though Midnight could have had Fluttershy kill them, the reason she didn't is because she still needs them alive for her upcoming plans as we get into the part where the keys needed to re-access the Elements of Harmony come into play which will start in the next chapter.