• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,015 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 21: Three's a Crowd

Chapter 21:

Three’s a Crowd

During the time Midnight has been pursuing the keys to unlock the Elements of Harmony she has also taken the time to write a letter to Princess Cadance earlier in the last week. In the letter she wrote:

Dear Princess Cadence,

How have you been?

It has been a while since the wedding since we last saw each other so how about we get together in Ponyville to spend time together sometime this weekend?

I understand that you don’t trust me since you know the truth about me but I can assure you that all I’m asking is just some quality time with my sister-in-law and the pony who used to foal sit for me.

And as a princess now you have my word that I swear no harm will come to you during our visit if you agree to visit.

Give some time to think about it and let me know and if you say no I can respect that.

With high regards

Your sister-in-law,


The next day the letter makes its way to the Crystal Empire where one of the royal guards walks up to Princess Cadance in her throne room with Shining Armor in his royal guard uniform standing at the bottom of the staircase leading up to Cadance’s throne where Cadance is sitting from above.

“Your majesty.” The royal guard announced as he presented the letters. “Your mail.”

“Thank you sir.” Princess Cadance politely replied as she used her magic to pull the letters to her as she looked through them before widening her eyes on the letter from Princess Midnight.

She immediately opens the letter and reads in it with surprise in her eyes.

“Everything all right, sweetie.” Shining Armor asked as she sees his wife's widen eyes.

“Yes.” Princess Cadance quickly replied after snapping out of her shock. “It’s just a letter from Twilight.”

Hearing this causes Shining Armor to react in shock hearing this. “Twily? What did she write to you about?”

“Well it’s nothing threatening.” Cadance reassuringly told her immediately worried husband. “According to her letter she is just asking to spend some time with me.”

“Cadance, if I were you, I would decline her offer.” Shining Armor said seriously. “This is just a trap so she can lure you into a false sense of security so she can take over the Crystal Empire.”

“But Twilight doesn’t have a reason to harbor resentment me.” Cadance reminded him. “I didn’t do anything to her that upset her unlike you and what if she is not trying to pull tricks on me.”

Shining Armor eased up a little when remembering that Cadance was one of the few ponies who was at the wedding who didn’t hurt Twilight which contributed to her becoming an all-powerful and dangerous alicorn with the ambition to take over Equestria.

“Besides, this could actually be an opportunity for us.” Cadance added. “A chance for me to reach out to her and convince her to make amends with you.”

After thinking about it more Shining Armor reluctantly replied “Just please be careful. Because the last thing I need other than losing Twily to her descent to madness is to lose you too.” Shining Armor pleaded with her to be wary of her evil sister’s manipulations.

“Don’t worry Shining, I will.” Cadance firmly answered as she turned to the guard. “Sir, could you do me a favor and fetch me my quill and paper.” She politely asked him so she can write a reply back to Twilight.

“Yes, your highness.” The guard bowed as he ran off to do so.

On a relatively peaceful morning in Ponyville, Midnight went outside to her mailbox, took the letters out, closed the mailbox, and went back inside. She skimmed through the letters placing them on her desk after briefly reading them before finally getting to a particular letter with a familiar crystal seal on the back of the envelope. Recognizing who it had come from, Midnight opened the letter and read it without hesitation. When she had finished reading a content smile formed on her face as the letter was from Princess Cadance confirming that she can make it to Ponyville to see her.

Of course this means trying to meet up with Cadance is going to be an opportunity for her to try to reach out to her and the girls are going to be on high alert watching out for the princess’s safety when they hear that she is in town Midnight is not worried about that for she has already made plans to deal with that.

At that moment, a knock is heard on her door. Midnight answers it and it is Fluttershy standing at the doorway.

“Hello, Fluttershy.” Midnight pleasantly greeted the peagsus. “What brings you here?”

“Um, so sorry for barging in like this." Fluttershy fearfully apologized before continuing. “But um there seems to have been a little mix-up with my mail that somehow managed to get here by mistake.”

"Oh, don't be silly Fluttershy, you're not interrupting anything." Midnight said in a surprisingly kind tone as she handed her the letter she got by mistake much to Fluttershy’s surprise. "Were you expecting some important mail too?" She questioned the nervous Peagsus

"Oh nothing really other than the news that Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures have given me permission to observe the rarest, tiniest, most adorable magical creatures in all of Equestria – the Breezies!" Fluttershy nervously and quickly replied as she explained.

Midnight was impressed to hear this as the Breezies were among the hardest to find creatures in Equestria. Being allowed to observe them was quite an achievement. "Wow, Fluttershy, that's fantastic!" Midnight spoke as she smiled. "Getting to see the Breezies is quite a difficult achievement to accomplish!"

"Oh, it's not just fantastic; it just might be the best news ever!" Fluttershy said happily while still quivering in fear.

Just then, Pinkie Pie came barging in knocking down the door and tackled Fluttershy. Just like with Fluttershy and Midnight, she seemed excited about something. And it didn't take her long to explain what that something was which left Midnight wondering what she is risking a visit to her home to tell Fluttershy.

“I just got the most incredible mail anypony's ever received in all of recorded pony postal history!” Pinkie excitedly explained while holding up a flyer with Fluttershy opening her jaw in apprehension while Midnight’s smile turns in stoic disinterest as she fixes the front door she knocked down. “It's a flyer about a one-day sale on used patio furniture! Aah! Could this day get any better? Woo-hoo!”

Midnight simply rolled her eyes that Pinkie was actually interested in clearly used furniture.

“I gotta go see this furniture.” Pinkie said as she hopped up and dashed.

Midnight could only wonder how Pinkie managed to stay focused on Fluttershy the whole time and not even notice Midnight despite her fear for her but it was enough to trick Pinkie into going away for the time-being to get her out of the way so she simply decided to just let it slide as she turned her attention back to Fluttershy.

“Well, since you’re here.” She said as she uses her magic to summon a bag, a hat, and a scarf. “You can help yourself to these supplies for your visit.”

“Oh.” Fluttershy said in surprise seeing this kind gesture from her former friend. “I don’t know what to say.” She added as she looked into the bag to see she has packed her a book on Breezies, a map, water bottles, a camera, and some snacks for her trip.

“Consider it an apology gift for accidentally coming across and opening your mail.” Midnight told her with a smile on her face.

“Well, thanks I guess.” Fluttershy nervously responded as she placed a bag on her bag, the hat on her head, and the scarf around her neck.

“Well, goodbye.” Fluttershy meekly said as she backed away from the door and ran away as soon as she was out of the library as Midnight waves bye with her hoof as her smile turns into a devious smirk as little does she know is that she has placed and attached an unnoticeable tracker and hidden camera in her bag so she can monitor her and the Breezies later on.

Shortly afterwards, Fluttershy all dressed is prepared to take her train to her trip to see the Breezies with her friends seeing her off at the train station.

Unbeknownst the ponies Midnight was watching from her crystal orb as she makes her way to the train station to greet Cadance.

“Here's a wrap, in case it gets cold.” Rarity offered with a bright smile, opening Fluttershy’s saddlebag and placing it in there.

“And I packed you a basket of nice fresh apples in case you get hungry.” Applejack added as he placed a basket of apples in front of Fluttershy.

“Have a great time!” Rainbow Dash expressed.

“Oh, I will. And I hope you have fun back in Ponyville.” Fluttershy returned as Rarity used her magic to readjust her hat as the train whistles blow signaling that the train is about to leave. So Fluttershy immediately boarded her train as the conductor calls out “All aboard!”

The conductor looks at his pocket watch and then boards the train himself as the train departs the station.

“Goodbye! Goodbye, everypony!” Fluttershy called out waving to her friends as she rode the caboose.

“Fluttershy!” She screamed out as she chased after the train. “I'll never forget youuuuuuu!” She screamed as the train literally left her in the dust before catching her attention to a floating red balloon passing by her. “Ooh, something floaty! La-la-la-la-la!” She happily trotted back to the train station as every pony heads off from the train station.

As the four ponies head back home Midnight casually trots by them heading towards the train station.

“Nice day for a friend heading off for a trip isn’t it.” Midnight causally said as she walked by.

Seeing this causes them to register bewildered looks on their faces as their former friend just walks by them and politely greets them without tearing into them as they watched her arrive at the train station waiting for somepony.

“Are you girls hearing and seeing what I think I’m hearing and seeing?” Applejack asked the others.

“That Midnight just greeted us instead of taking another opportunity to tear us apart?” Rainbow Dash answered yes to Applejack’s question of Midnight’s surprisingly display of kind politeness to them.

A train whistle is heard approaching the station and it is a crystal train which means Princess Cadance is arriving in Ponyville to visit Midnight.

“Oh, no?” Rarity gasped in realization. “That train! That means Princess Cadance is coming here!”

“We gotta stop her before she hurts the princess!” Rainbow Dash fiercely said as she flew off at top speed just as the train pulls up to the station and fanfare played as the side door opened with two of the crystal guards walked out with a red roll of carpet rolled out, as Princess Cadance walks out with a flashy appearance.

Both Princess Cadance and Midnight bowed each other to greet each other. ”Your Highness.“ Princess Cadence greeted.

"Your highness." Midnight greeted in the same tone as Cadance.

Seeing this causes Rainbow Dash to fly over the two alicorn princesses instead of charging at Midnight causing her to skid on the platform getting splinters on her hooves as she crashed onto the ground off of the platform catching the princesses attention.

The two crystal guards quickly ran over and tackled Rainbow Dash treating her as a threat to their princess.

While Cadance was concerned for Rainbow Dash, Midnight expressed silent satisfaction with Rainbow’s suffering with a malevolent grin on her face.

“Guards, stand down!” Princess Cadance commanded them to which they immediately obeyed and released Rainbow and backed away a couple of steps as Cadance approached the injured peagsus.

“Rainbow Dash, I apologize for my guard’s behavior.” Cadance apologetically told her as she helped her up.

“But what are you doing meeting with her.” She asked while pointing a hoof at Midnight.

“She is here to spend some quality time with her sister-in-law as I invited her over myself.” Midnight answered.

“What?” Rainbow Dash asked in shock as Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack ran up to them to see what is going on with stunned looks hearing that she actually agreed to meet with her.

“I’m afraid she is telling the truth this time.” Cadance confirmed as she directed her attention to her.

“But darling do realize who you are dealing with?” Rarity asked as if she doesn’t not what she is getting herself into.

“Yes I do as even though we don't see eye to eye she is still my sister-in-law.” Cadance firmly replied as she flew up to the platform to face them. “I’m trying to see if I can get her to come to her senses.”

“Um, I hate to be honest here but Twilight right now is not the pony who is going to listen to reason.” Applejack hesitantly told her the one big flaw with that plan.

“Look I know this doesn’t seem wise but she was willing to listen to me since I didn’t do anything to her hurt her.” Cadance acknowledging the risk she is taking but pointed out the plus side of what she is trying to do which lead to the girls to see what exactly she meant as she wasn’t there when they walked out on Twilight at the rehearsal since like her she was a victim of Queen Chrysalis’s machinations with knowing looks. "Which is why I agreed to meet her so I could try to convince her see what she is doing is wrong and get her back off from whatever she has planned to take over Equestria and from doing something she might regret.” Cadance calmly explained as she continued.

“And if she is pulling any tricks up her hooves.” Rainbow Dash asked still uncertain as she flew up to the platform but still flying due to being in pain from the splinters in her hooves.

“That’s where you girls come into play.” Cadance responded as she turned to Rainbow Dash handing some ear devices to each of the ponies. “From afar I’ll have you girls listen on to our conversation and keep and eye on us from afar that way you can spring into action if Midnight does try anything to harm me.”

“I suppose since she is willing to listen to you we could do that.” Applejack reluctantly agreed.

“Great! I knew I could count on you girls!” Cadance warmly thanked the girls as she walked back up to join Midnight.

As Cadance walked back up to the train platform she nodded at her guards that everything is ok as they walked back into the train with the red carpet rolling back inside the train and with another whistle the train departed the station leaving the two alicorn princesses to walk off together.

“Well, I gotta get myself to the hospital.” Rainbow Dash apologetically told the others as she looked at her swelling red hooves “Since I’ve got a ton of splinters on my hoofs.”

In a flash, Rainbow Dash flew off to get her splinters treated leaving Rainbow Dash unable to help for the rest of the day with Pinkie Pie running after her to nurse her back to health.

“Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie shouted after him. “Wait for me!”

“Guess that just leaves you and me to watch over.” Applejack told Rarity as they prepared to follow them. But before they could they had to stop in order to avoid being hit by a giant blue object coming towards them at great speed which flew and crashed into a nearby tree.

Applejack and Rarity ran up to the tree wondering what it was.

“What in tarnation is that?” Applejack asked.

“No, not a "what", but a "who", dear.” The mysterious but familiar voice in the tree said.

“Oh, no... That sounds like...” Rarity said recognizing the creature’s voice as he sneezes causing all of the leaves from the tree to burn off in blue flames revealing the creature to be Discord who is all blue all over his body.

“Discord!” Applejack and Rarity exclaimed as Midnight secretly looks back with a knowing smirk on her face that her counter-plan is falling into place.

“What in tarnation are you doin' here? And why the jumpin' June bugs are you blue?” Applejack asked the Lord of Chaos.

“More like a shade of cerulean, to be precise.” Rarity whispered to Applejack feeling the need to correct her as she pointed out Discord's new color coat.

“What are you, sick or somethin'?” She questioned Discord as he coiled down from the tree and then sneezed again flying backwards a small distance and onto the ground.

“Well, of course I'm sick.” He responded while crossing his arms and pointing towards his skin. “The blue skin? These sneezes? Could somebody find me a fainting couch?” He asked as he and Applejack looked at Rarity expecting one from her.

“What?” She asked in confused disbelief at the thought that they actually believe she is going to lend a fainting couch to him.

“If you're so 'sick', why have you come here instead of, y'know, staying home in bed and getting over your weird illness?” Applejack skeptically questioned as Discord sneezes again and blows his nose.

“Because this condition has left me helpless, simply helpless!” He responded as he laid against the tree weakly as Applejack raises an eyebrow not buying his story. “Why, I can barely lift a spoon.” He added as he tried to light a spoon only to struggle and fall onto the ground causing the two ponies to roll their eyes annoyed by his antics.

“Oh, if only Fluttershy was here, alas she is on her trip to see the Breezies. Oh, wish I hadn’t forgotten that was today.” Discord sighed as he brought up the fact.

“How do you know about her trip?” Applejack asked him surprised and suspicious of his knowledge of Fluttershy’s whereabouts.

“Well, she told me about it in her last letter.” He explained as he pulled out one the letters from his suitcase.

“You and Fluttershy write each other letters?” Rarity asked confused and surprised hearing this.

“Well, of course we do! We're friends!” He explained as he now appeared wearing a hospital gown while hooked up to water pouch injecting water into his veins. “It's just such a shame that today of all days is when I really need her. Oh, well, it’s a good thing you two volunteered to be my own personal nursemaids.” He said smiling at the two ponies.

“We did?” The two ponies looked at each other in confusion not recalling when they ever agreed to even to do that as Applejack quickly leans in to Rarity’s ear.

“That joker's up to something, and whatever it is, we're gonna keep it as far away from Princess Cadance as possible.” Applejack whispered to her in a hushed tone as they looked at Discord who is lying on a hospital bed hooked up to a heart monitor.

“You’re right.” Rarity whispered back. “It’s bad enough that Midnight is dealing with her right now with who what’s what she could do her. Although I do so wish we could be able to watch over them like she asked us to!”

At that moment the tree turned into Discord who is now looking down on them literally.

“Did I hear you two talking about Princess Cadance's visit with Princess Midnight?” He asked with intrigued interest. “Or as very few ponies who know the truth call her Princess Twilight?” He asked them intrigued of what he is hearing.

“Maybe.” Applejack answered half-honestly.

“Fluttershy had mentioned that those two were getting together today. Mm-hm. How wonderful for them both. It is so rare that those two get to see one another.” He pleasantly noted. “Especially after Twilight became the villainous mare Midnight.” He added leaving the two surprised that Discord knows that as well. “I don't know about you, but I sometimes wonder how close they could actually be.” He wondered as Applejack and Rarity look at each other wondering what he is up to and what he is implying. “All those years apart before being reunited? And then seeing each other from time to time as Twilight adopts her dark alter-ego that only the ponies close to her know the truth.”

“They're plenty close.” Applejack again half-honestly said.

“And if they're not, this rare opportunity to focus on their friendship will certainly bring them closer. Unless...” Discord said with ideas in his head.

“Don't even think about it! They mustn't be disturbed!” Rarity sternly warned him against pulling any tricks on them. “It’s bad enough that Midnight is around the princess!”

“Disturb them? I wouldn't dream of it.” He defensively answered before picking them up by their heads. “Not when I have two such dear friends of my own who have already offered to take care of me.” He smiled and then dropped them back on the ground. “And at such peril! This flu of mine is highly…” He suddenly feels an itch on his nose causing him to sneeze on them ”…contagious.” He finished as Applejack and Rarity turned blue and sneezed flying backwards a distance knocking them out cold.

“Oh no, I've gotten you both sick.” He said with faux shock. “Whomever shall I turn to now in my time of need?” He questioned himself as he chuckled evilly having succeeded in getting them sick and out of the way just as planned.

Midnight having watching the scene from her orb is pleased to see that Discord took care of them just as planned before she put her orb away as she and Cadance faced each other while walking into town.

“Now that everything is all settled…” Midnight started as she genuinely smiled. “…Let me start by saying how great it is that you could make it. I’ve been looking forward to this for quite some time now.”

“And I can definitely say the same as well.” Cadance somewhat nervously replied but maintained her composure while still sporting a friendly smile. “Although not the way I had hoped. But knowing you, you made some plans.”

“Boy have I.” Midnight eagerly said as they approached the town square. “Just a nice day at the town square for sightseeing as the Star Swirl the Bearded Travel Museum is in town today.” She then stopped for a moment as she raised a hoof up as she remembered something “Which reminds me…” She added as she uses her magic to make her Star-Swirl costume appear on her. “…Got my costume ready just for the occasion.” She chuckled as she continued walking.

“Well, at least there are parts of you that haven’t changed even with your new approach in life.” Cadance awkwardly commented while trying to find the right words to describe her.

“Oh, come on now.” Midnight grinned as she nudged Cadance. “Just because I have different ideas and goals for Equestria’s future doesn’t mean I’m still the same pony as before. Besides, there is that old saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” She added referring to her appearance that makes her seem villainous but is deep down a pony who has good intentions for Equestria even when her methods going about are extreme and has put up a very convincing act while doing so.

“True, but don’t take this the wrong way but there are better ways to focus on that goal without hurting other ponies.” Cadance reluctantly told her in an attempt to get her reason with her nicely. “A princess always looks out for every pony’s well-being other than looking out of her own interests.”

“And throughout my time as princess I have been looking out for them.” She calmly replied. “Even when there are times I have had to make tough decisions.” She added as a way to tell her again that what she is doing is tough but is necessary.

“I understand that, but I am just telling you this so you don’t do something you might regret.” Cadance advised while still being very understanding of her response. “Because I really care about you and it would be devastating if you got banished to the moon or worse killed.”

“And I can assure you that neither of those things will happen because I know what I’m doing and I’m always a step ahead.” Midnight reassured her concerned sister-in-law as they arrived at the museum exhibit even when she is not so sure that she gets the message and is wondering where the girls are unaware that Midnight had already sidelined her backup. “Oh, look we’re here!” Midnight happily said as they arrived. “A whole day to celebrate Star Swirl the Bearded. What could be better?” She asked Cadance with some excitement in her voice.

“Absolutely nothing at all.” Cadance warmly responded before she gasps and trotted up to something that caught her attention. “Is that the candlestick he used to light the way when he was exploring the caverns of Maretania?” She asked, eyeing a candle stick in a glass case.

“It sure is!” Midnight happily replied.

“Oh, I can't believe I'm getting to see it in real life!” Cadance eagerly exclaimed as like her she is also a big fan of Star-Swirl the Bearded.

At that moment the candle shook and turned into the appearance of Discord.

Princess Cadance yelped at the sight while Midnight shows an unimpressed look.

Discord sneezes, forming a blue bubbly liquid which crept out of the showcase and toward them causing the princesses to step back a bit until it stopped. Discord once outside of the glass case appeared in his normal size and literally put his head on his body.

“Discord. What are you doing here?” Midnight asked unamused by his antics.

“Oh, dear, dear Princesses, I'm sorry to say that I'm sick” He said in woeful pain as he turned away to cough causing to pull their heads back to avoid getting coughed on. “Blue flu.” He added.

“Blue flu?” Cadance questioned Discord while Midnight could only return a look that says “Are you kidding me?”

“Ah, I fear I've already given it to poor Applejack and Rarity.” He added as his nose itched up a sneeze.

Through quick thinking Cadance used her magic to summon a magic health bubble to protect her and Midnight from Discord’s infectious sneeze.

“Magic health bubble.” Cadance explained to her.

“Good thinking. “ Midnight complimented impressed with her magic abilities.

“Indeed.“ Discord agreed as he pressed his face against the bubble. “How would Midnight nurse me back to health if she were sick too?” He added as he placed a claw on the barrier of the bubble. “You will be letting me stay at your place until I'm all better, won't you?”

“Well, I suppose even though the timing is very inconvenient.” Midnight grudgingly said while looking at Cadance as she was really looking forward to spending a whole day with her undisturbed.

“But taking in the sick and the desperate is something a friend like Fluttershy would do.” Discord reasoned in a pitiful tone as he opened his claws to release butterflies. “Helping something that friends do for friends?” He added giving her the puppy dog eyes look before crossing his arms looking put out. “Unless, of course, you're really saying that you're not my friend.” He added when Midnight gave him a stern look.

“No, that is not what I'm saying.” Midnight calmly answered.

“Oh, how elated I am to hear that.” He said as he quickly returned to his mischievous behavior and walked up on top of Cadance’s health bubble. “Shall the three of us head back to your place? I don't want to get anypony else sick.”

Midnight sighed in response as she and Cadance headed off to the library. “Guess we don't have much choice.”

“Carry me?” He raised a hoof as he slipped off the bubble back onto the ground as a result of Cadance moving with Midnight.

“It isn't far. I think you can manage.” Cadance politely replied as she turned back to face Discord as his wings literally fell off.

“Oh, poo.” Discord complained as he settled to slither his way to Midnight’s home trailing the two alicorn princesses behind.

Once they all got to the library, Discord is all tucked in Midnight’s bed with a fluffed pillow courtesy of Cadance’s magic.

“Need anything else?” Midnight asked.

“Just knowing that I have a good friend like you to take care of me has made me feel better already.” Discord responded as he began going through her stuff, opening the drawer in the nightstand and pulling out the scrolls messily. “I'll be fine here on my own.” He added as Midnight quickly confiscates all of the stuff Discord touched and put them back into her drawer and placed a magic lock on it to prevent him from accessing her personal stuff. “Oh, just before you go, just a little small request.” He called out to the two as they were about to leave asking for another favor leaving Midnight to sigh at his lack of manners.

“As long as you promise not to go through my personal belongings.” She irritably told him while giving Cadance an apologetic look.

“It's all right.” Cadance reassured Midnight in a whispered voice. “We'll just get him what he wants and be back to the exhibit in no time.”

Hearing that was enough to get Midnight to smile for her.

“What was it that you needed?” Cadance nicely asked.

“A little glass of water please

A fresh pressed hanky if I sneeze.”

Discord started to sing as he pulled a hanky from Midnight’s ear who looks on unamused.

“Some tea with honey from the bees

Whenever you can brew it.”

He sang as he magically popped up a tea cup with bees flying out of it before magically making it disappear and looked at the two alicorns with fluttered eyelashes.

“I'll get your tea.” Cadance politely told him as she walked off to do so.

“And while I get a little rest

A teeny tiny small request.”

He sang as he appeared in the bed then made two duplicates of the bed with a miniature sized Discord pulling out a bottle of oil as he appeared from under the mini bed.

“Some codfish oil for my chest

Poured from a crystal cruet.”

He sang as a giant codfish appeared holding up a hat and cane.

“A crystal cruet?” Midnight questioned as Cadance came back with the tea as Discord continued to sing at a faster pace.

“My goodness, I'm a nincompoop

Because I fear I've got the croup”

He sang as flower marks appeared all over his skin as Midnight and Cadance stir up pumpkin soup in a big black cooking cauldron pot.

“I need a vat of pumpkin soup

And scarves made out of zinnias.”

He sang as poured flowers out of the pot onto them

Did I say zinnias? I meant silk

Or something shiny of that ilk.”

He sang as he turned the flowers into silk and spun the two around.

“And then I'll need some nice warm milk

And pastries from Abyssinia

And since my stomach's feeling crummy

Why not give my aching tummy.”

He sang as his face appeared on his stomach and rolled his eyes as Cadance covered her eyes from the sight while Midnight groaned in disgust.

“Something soothing, something yummy

Piled up with noodles?”

He sang as he made noodles appear and drop on both of them causing the two to give him annoyed looks.

Add a slice of homemade rye

With stacks of Swiss way up high

Served with sides of sweet mince pie

More basil; I need oodles!”

He sang as sits in front of a table of food with Midnight dressed as a waiter outfit with glasses taking his order.

“Anything else?” Midnight asked as she rolled her eyes annoyed with his antics.

“I'll be grateful for your charity

Until the bitter end”

He now slowly sang as he had Midnight share a forced slow dance with him in the spotlight and then appeared with Midnight on top of him and forced her to lift him up as he stood up.

“Because I've heard that tenderness

Is what you lend an ailing friend

Tenderness, isn't that right, friend?”

He sand and questioned as he pulled Midnight in close to her.

“Right, but—“ Midnight tried to say to him but gets cut off by Discord as he begins to sing fast and upbeat again and dropped Midnight to the floor.

“So, who's ready for my big reprise?” He told the two with Midnight silently saying to herself “Not again.”

“I'd like that glass of water please

Some magic spell to cure disease

A firm "gesundhoof" when I sneeze

A fresh bouquet of roses”

He sang as he had Midnight and Cadance appear wearing black robes with Midnight again having big glasses on her eyes and then pulled her horn having it appear as a bouquet of roses causing Midnight to glare at him with silent fury with the look that she would have killed him on the spot if he actually broke off her horn.

“Some lozenges will soon appease

My wheezing when I start to sneeze

A wig to keep me from the breeze.”

He sang as he literally swapped their manes.

Midnight personally didn’t mind the mane swap as she thought her black mane looked interesting on her bright coat of fur while she thought Cadance’s mane adds some brightness to her dark coat of fur when Discord showed them his wrapped up toes.

“And blankets for my toes-es

Take tweezers out of my valise

And then massage my knobby knees.”

He sang as he had the two literally massaging his toes who both looked away uncomfortably of having to do that.

“A bowl of peas, some extra cheese.”

He sang as the two shredded cheese onto a bowl of peas.

“A cuddle with a Pekingese

A singing harp who's named Louise

A goat on skis, a new trapeze

And more and more and more and more of these

And just because I oughta...

Make sure I'm drinking in the right

Amount of fluids day and night

I wish I may, I wish I might

Have just one little thing

Oh, would you please finally bring

Me that tiny glass

Of water?!!”

He finished singing as he flooded the room with the water quickly being evaporated by Midnight using her magic to evaporate the water by summoning fire to engulf it with another unamused expression on his face as Discord tucks himself back into bed and coughed again.

Cadance using her magic fills up a glass with water as requested and handed it to him who moves to sip from it only to “accidentally” drop it and break the glass.

“Oops. Sorry.” He “apologized” as he sneezed again blowing blue bubbles which Cadance was quick to repel with her magic health bubble spell again as Midnight glared at him seeing right through that he did that on purpose before walking away clearly irritated by his behavior.

“How did you even catch this flu?” Cadance asked him as he got back up.

“Inadequate hoof and claw washing?” He answered as he sprayed anti-germ spray on Cadance’s magic bubble.

“There must be some way to just cure you! There has to be a spell or remedy in one of my books!” Midnight wondered as she looked through multiple books with her magic.

“There is one way... “Discord brought up as he turned onto the bed to face them.

“And you didn't think to mention it earlier?” Cadance crossly questioned him for waiting until now to tell them.

“Slipped my mind.” Discord merely answered without any hints of apology in his tone of voice.

“Well of course it would since managing important details in life is beyond you.” Midnight sarcastically responded as Discord uses his magic to make a cloud appear with a huge flower on the top of the hill.

“On a hill at the very edge of Equestria, there grows an exquisite magic flower. Pick the flower as it drops its petals at sunset. Then you can make a magical soothing elixir to cure the blue flu.” He explained as he pictured the flower wilting with its petals mixed into a brew in a tea pot that Discord drinks from returning to his normal color. He then snapped his finger to make the cloud poof away.

“I suppose you have a good reason you didn't bother to get this flower as soon as you realized you were sick?” Midnight questioned him with a raised eyebrow sounding suspicious of Discord at the moment.

“Well, I couldn't travel that far in my condition. By the time I got there, I'd be too weak to even attempt to retrieve the flower.” Discord attempted to justify his reason while curled up under the blanket with shivering as he is cold.

“So where exactly are Cadance and I headed?” Midnight asked.

“Well…” Discord started as he appeared in a tourist outfit holding up a map. “You'll want to head north, turn left, th— “He then stopped with sudden realization. “Oh... You know, it'd be much easier if I took you there myself.” He said as he formed a paper sailor hat on Midnight’s hat which she quickly took off.

“I thought you were in no condition to travel.” Cadance questioned suspiciously.

“I'm not. We'll need to make some arrangements.” He answered as he placed both of claws on both alicorns as he chuckled.

"Don't even think about it Discord!" Midnight sternly warned him against pushing his luck with what he can and can't do under her and Cadance's care as she used her magic to place him in a magical barrier than only she can break as she flew off ahead with Cadance following behind as the Lord of Chaos simply pouted in response that he couldn't get the girls to carry him on a chariot.

By forcing Discord's cooperation he guided them to the edge of Eqeustria where the flower is said to be located as Midnight carried Discord still in her bed and inside her magical barrier bubble. Once they managed to reach their destination Midnight canceled her spell to allow the magical barrier to disappear allowing Discord to be free while still recovering on her bed. Even though Discord was on her bed, Midnight didn't care as she plans on burning it when this is all over since Discord rubbed his chaotic magic all over it.

“The flower is just at the top of that hill.” Discord told them as he pointed to the flower at the top of hill which meant another long walk for the two of them.

As the two walked up the hill Midnight sighed as she started to speak.

“I'm really sorry about this. All I wanted was to have some peaceful quality time together.” Midnight apologized to her.

“I know, I was looking forward to it too.” Cadance kindly returned.

“I just don’t know why Discord feels the need to do this us. If it weren't for me he would have been forcing you and me to carry him with that huge chariot.” Midnight commented.

“Well at least once when get this flower he’ll be out of our way and we can enjoy whatever time we have left to spend together.” Cadance assured Midnight as they neared the top of the hill.

“That’s true.” Midnight said with a smile before it turned to a frown at the thought of Discord. “Even though I something about his “blue flu” very fishy.”

The two made it to the top of the hill as they looked up at the huge flower from above.

“This is the top. So that means here’s the flower.” Midnight said as she looked around the cliff before noticing the flower and turning her attention to Cadance. “Come on, if we hurry, we can still have some time together.”

Working together the two were able to use their magic to pull the flower slowly and surely from the ground.

“One... last... pull!” Cadance said the flower roots were almost pulled.

With one last pull the two were able to pull the flower off from the ground and off of its roots.

“Phew! Let's get Discord and this flower back home, then all our problems are solved-“ Midnight happily started to say before being cut off by Cadance’s attention to the ground shaking.

“What in Equestria?!” Cadance exclaimed as a giant wormlike creature a Tatzlwurm appeared from the hole and then roared that them showing his mouth having three tentacles under three flaps seeking the alicorn princesses as prey causing Cadance to scream in fear while Midnight on the other hoof shows no fear in the face of the giant creature unfazed by his threatening appearance.

The Tatzlwurm lunged at Midnight and then Cadance who both quickly dodged his attacks as the two flew up in the air. The Tatzlwurm responds by crawling back into its hole and then leaping back up at great speed managing to nab Cadance’s rear hoofs with his tentacles.

“Twilight! Help!” Cadance cried out for help.

Midnight seeing this flies back in furiously as the Tatzlwurm plummeted back to the ground.

“Get your coils off my sister-in-law!” She shouted at the Tatzlwurm as she shoots beams of magic at him causing the Tatzlwurm to let go when he screamed in pain allowing Cadance to fly out of harm’s way as the Tatzlwurm feel back onto the ground.

The Tatzlwurm then leaped back up and grabbed Midnight with its mouth trying to drag her into his mouth. Midnight was able to fire magic at the Tatzlwurm with additional magic provided by Cadance who shoots at it to help free Midnight.

“Let go of my sister-in-law!” Cadance shouted as she attacked the tentacles herself, allowing Midnight to be freed from the combined attack.

Midnight seeing this is very grateful for Cadance coming to her rescue even when they are technically enemies at the time wanted to thank her but had to focus on dealing with the Tatzlwurm first as it leaped up and grabbed them in his mouth. Working together they easily were able to free themselves and emerge from his mouth as it falls back to the ground again. By using their magic they were able to force the Tatzlwurm on the defense.

“Just... a little... more!” Midnight said as she added a little more power to push the creature back into the hole.

“And for good measure...!” Cadance said as she grabbed several boulders with her magic to plug up the hole in the ground to keep the Tatzlwurm from emerging back up again which worked wonders as the wright from the boulders was enough to keep him from being able to attack them again.

Once the Tatzlwurm was defeated, Midnight and Cadance were able to land and relax in relief now that that's taken care of.

“Are you okay?“ Midnight asked as she looked at Cadance.

“Yes.” Cadance replied as she is ceasing her panting. “Better than okay actually.”

“Then let's get Discord back to Ponyville, make that elixir, and finally get a chance to spend some quality time together.” Midnight said eagerly ready to put an end to dealing with Discord and getting continue their bonding time.

By focusing their magic, they carefully picked it up and moved it as they flew back to Discord.

As they flew back to the bottom of the hill they saw Discord dancing and cheering in his normal color something that surprised both alicorns when they saw this.

“To the ends of Equestria! To face such great danger! And she did it for me! She did it all for me, for me, for me!” He laughed as then appeared wearing goofy clothes as Midnight and Cadance landed in front of him. He stopped and raised his shades to notice them as they angrily glare at him when they see that he was faking the whole time.

“So I was right. You were faking!” Midnight flew up to Discord’s face still glaring at him as she addressed him all without raising her voice.

“I was! But I had a very good reason.” He admitted as placed a claw on Midnight to lower her back to the ground.

“We're listening.” Midnight sternly answered wanting to hear his very good reason for doing it.

“Well, I was in my thinking tree – that's where I do most of my really deep thinking.” He explained as he made a big tree appear and grow as Discord sat on one of the branches before making it disappear. “I was there, and I said to myself, I said, "Discord, your friend Twilight says that she's your pal, but she never writes and she never pops in for a visit." He added as he wrapped an arm around Midnight.

“I don't even know where you li-“ Midnight tried to explain only for Discord to cut her off by pinching her lips shut.

"Now that she's a princess, maybe she's decided that she's too good for you." Discord continued to explain as he made a crown briefly appear on his head.

“I have never considered myself t-“ Midnight again tried to say in defense yet is cut off by Discord again.

“But how was I supposed to know for sure that I'm truly still friends with one of the most important ponies around?” Discord continued as he was questioning himself.

“I'm not more-“ Midnight again tried to explain yet is cut off again as Discord picks Midnight up with his tail.

“By seeing if you would go to the ends of Equestria for me, of course. Which you did, literally.” Discord leaned in to Midnight’s face as she rolls her eyes in annoyance. “Congratulations, Twilight, you passed my friendship test!” Discord congratulated Midnight as she shook Midnight’s hoof and placed a medal around her neck with Discord giving a thumbs up in front of Midnight’s right eye as Discord puts together the other half.

That still didn’t change the annoyed and angry glare on Midnight’s face as Discord twirls a flag around.

“Why the angry eyes? You love passing tests. It's not because my little exam put a damper on your visit with Princess Cadance, is it? Made it so that there was no time for you two to focus on your friendship?” Discord commented rudely as Midnight grits her teeth angrily ready to give him a piece of his mind until Cadance spoke up.

“You didn't put a damper on our visit at all.” Cadance gladly replied.

“He didn't?!” Midnight said surprised hearing this.

“I didn't?!” Discord responded in the same tone at the same time Midnight spoke.

“Spending the day at the Star Swirl the Bearded exhibit would've been more relaxing, but to be honest, relaxation is the last thing I need.” Cadance explained as Midnight landed back on the ground.

“It is?” Midnight asked with a hopeful smile.

“Don't get me wrong. Life in the Crystal Empire is wonderful, but it's become a little... predictable.” She shared as she turned her head for a moment.

“I enjoy a little excitement now and then. Getting to face all these challenges today was just what I needed. And facing them with you just made me realize even more how lucky I am to have somepony like you as a friend.” She added as she placed a hoof on Midnight’s shoulder and then hugged her which Midnight warmly accepted causing Discord to cross his arms displeased seeing this.

“We may not see each other very often and we may not see eye to eye at the moment, but I know deep down you'll always be there when I need you and that your heart will always be in the right place.” She added as she turned her head to Discord. “Just like she was there for you, Discord.”

“Yes, she's a real sweetheart. We're all so lucky to have her in our lives.” He grumbled seeing that he didn’t get the result he wanted although he was right about the fact that Midnight isn’t a sweetheart.

“You know, Cadance we make a really good team together.” Midnight positively commented. “Maybe we even have potential for something even more.”

“We sure do.” Cadance agreed in the same tone though unsure of what Midnight is implying.

At that moment the ground shook surprising Discord as the Tatzlwurm managed to emerge from the ground again hissing his tentacles as the three backed away.

“What in the world?!” Discord frighteningly said as he held onto Midnight.

The Tatzlwurm leaned down close to the three then sneezed snot ono Discord before he could use his magic to do anything about while Cadance and Midnight were protected by Cadance’s health bubble spell. The Tatzlwurm then slithers back into the hole he emerged from feeling ill leaving behind a trail of snot and mucus.

The two alicorns smiled as they managed to come out of it well while Discord turns sickly green with green spots managing to catch an actual sickness from that sneeze.

“At least now I can say you didn’t put a damper into Cadance’s visit since now you got what you deserved.” Midnight commented with a smirk. “The pleasures of poetic justice.” She added as Discord falls down on the ground feeling really ill.

The next day after Princess Cadance returns to the Crystal Empire and Fluttershy returns from her trip to see the Breezies Discord comes to stay over at Fluttershy’s home while he gets better for real this time.

Midnight watches from her crystal orb as Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash, came to visit now all feeling better along with Pinkie Pie visit Fluttershy and Discord who is now inside a pink health bubble at her cottage.

“I don't wanna go sayin' you got what you deserved...” Applejack started as Rarity took over.

“Well, I have no trouble saying it. You got what you deserved!” Rarity told him bluntly.

“Now, now, he's learned his lesson.” Fluttershy told them not to be so harsh on him. “Isn't that right, my little patient?” She said to Discord with a smile as she placed a hoof on Discord from the hole through the protective glove.

“I'm so glad that you're back from your trip, Fluttershy. Just your presence here is making me feel so much better.” Discord gratefully told her as Midnight watching this rolls her eyes in annoyance.

“I was just wondering, could I trouble you for just one more thing?” Discord asked her.

“Oh no.” Midnight said to herself knowing what he is about to say.

“Could you get me a teeny, tiny glass of water.” He asked.

“Of course I’ll get your water, Discord.” Fluttershy kindly told him as she patted him and then went off to do so.

“I hope your happy, Discord.” Rarity continued angrily. “Because of your sudden appearance, we couldn’t follow up to Princess Cadance’s request that we watch over her when she visited Midnight.”

“Oh I have definitely learned my lesson trying to mess with that alicorn princess Midnight or really Twilight Sparkle.” Discord told them with a pout as he crossed his arms. “Especially after she summoned that giant worm to sneeze on me after helping her keep you all away from them.”

“Wait. What?” Rainbow Dash angrily asked as Pinkie got herself a glass of water just so she could do a spit take in surprise hearing that he was part of another one of Midnight’s plans.

“Dang nabit!” Applejack said as she threw her hat down on the ground in frustration. “It all makes sense know!”

“I can’t believe she did this to us.” Rarity exclaimed in anger. “I had to clean up my mane and beautiful fur because of that!”

The four ponies, Discord, and Fluttershy who just walked in all look at Rarity with puzzled looks.

“Stare all you want, what she did to me was another crime against fashion.” Rarity told them as looked away with her head up not even looking at them.

“Just how does she do it!” Rainbow Dash as she threw her hooves up the air in exasperation. “How does she always know what we’re planning?”

“By being very smart and correctly predicting everything I thought you would do.” Midnght’s voice spoke through as she appeared inside the cottage to face them as she chuckled evilly causing the others except Discord who looks at her angrily expressed surprised looks on their faces seeing her again.

Fluttershy dropped the glass of water on the floor causing the glass to shatter upon hitting the ground.

“You!” Rainbow Dash furiously exclaimed as she charged at her again only to be froze in place just inches away from her face by the unflinching alicorn.

“Like your usual charging at me every time you see me for an example to the point my earlier appearance was enough to get you out of the way.” Midnight told the blue Pegasus as she flung her up to the ceiling to render her too weak to move point yet conscious enough to witness what she is saying and doing as she continues to speak.

“Good to see that you are both feeling better Applejack and Rarity.” Midnight complimented the two who both frown at her insincerity. “Too bad that’s not enough for me to reconsider my stance towards you girls.”

“Why in tarnation would you send Discord to deal with us.” Applejack questioned with a glare in her eyes.

“Simple.” Midnight casually answered. “One, It gives away zero suspicion if someone else did it. Two, he loves chaos. And three, he is an ally to me unlike all of you who I promised something even more valuable than friendship in exchange for his help in my services.”

“Like what?!” Applejack demanded to know what exactly she promised him.

“The privilege of getting to create chaos in a part of Equestria limitlessly.” Midnight simply answered as she turned to Discord with a content smirk of satisfaction at seeing Discord sic for real this time on her face. “Well almost limitlessly and under my rule of course.”

A couple days prior to Cadance's visit and Fluttershy trip to see the Breezies. Discord was over having tea with Fluttershy at her cottage. During when Fluttershy went to her kitchen to get some more tea and cookies for them to enjoy together, Midnight watching them from the window uses her magic to send Discord a royally made letter for him instructing him to meet him at her library.

"Take your time on the tea and cookies Fluttershy." Discord kindly called out. "I found something really chaotic outside I just got to see."

"No worries." Fluttershy kindly returned. "Just don't even try to hurt anypony because I'll know if you do." She firmly warned him that she has a close eye on him in case she pulls any tricks on her.

With a snap of his fingers, Discord immediately teleported right over to Midnight's library where she meets the alicorn princess herself.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Princess Midnight herself." Discord jokingly bowed to her while using his magic to make a robe and scepter appear on her again.

"Nice to see you too, Discord." Midnight politely addressed him as she used her magic to take off the royal accessories. "Now that your here let's get down to business."

"Okay, but don't expect me to office work because I don't do well in cubicles." Discord commented as he appeared wearing a dark blue sleeved dress shirt, with a matching tie and jacket.

"Not that kind of business." Midnight corrected him as she sent magic at his forehead which caused Discord to feel something weird as he regains his memories of Twilight.

"Oooooh..." Discord exclaimed as he regained his memories. "Wait a minute!" Discord said in realization as she looks at Midnight. "You're really Twilight Sparkle and alive all this time!"

"Correct." Midnight calmly replied. "It's only fair that you now know the truth about me as I explain my proposition to you."

"What kind of proposition." Discord suspiciously asked Midnight as if she has more tricks and hidden truths up her hooves.

"A proposition that I think will interest you if you desire something to your chaotic liking." Midnight further offered.

"Hmm." Discord responded as he literally made an copy of his eyeball to make it closely eye her as he is watching for any tricks Midnight has up her hooves. "I'm listening. But I've got my eye on you."

"Fair enough." Midnight calmly accepted that response as she continues as she pushes the extended eyeball aside and out of her personal space. "But I can assure you I'm not trying to trick you as all I'm offering is giving you the ability to create chaos around you to your liking however you please."

"Oooh!" Discord eagerly responded as he clasped his claws. "Sounds chaotically interesting."

"As long as you carry out whatever job I have in mind for you whenever I need you and you serve me under my leadership when I take over Equestria." Midnight further explained her proposal while warning him that there's a catch to her deal.

"Hmmm..." Discord spoke in thought. "So I get free will to have whatever chaotic fun I can if I choose but under your rule?" Discord then replied by turning away while crossing his arms in refusal. "I'm sorry but I don't work wonders to following orders."

"That's fair." Midnight calmly replied accepting Discord's answer as it's no big deal. "But keep in mind this is a once in a while opportunity that Princess Celestia would never give to you if you completely decide no." She added as she flew up beside and behind Discord in order to further convince him to work with her. "You may never get another opportunity like this to be able to get have some of the fun you always wanted to have, something worth more than what friendship could ever hope to give you." Midnight further manipulated Discord into reconsidering her offer as she circled around him seeing that Discord is still hesitating after hearing Midnight's last sentence. "So again, may I ask...?" Midnight offered one more time as she offered her offer for a deal-making hoof shake. "Does my offer appeal to your interests even if there's a small price to pay."

After a few seconds of letting Midnight's words through his head Discord reached out in shook Midnight's hoof in agreement. "I'm in!" Discord evilly replied.

"Excellent!" Midnight positively replied to having cemented making a deal with Discord. "Now that we are in agreement here's the first job I have in mind for you..." Midnight began to explain her plan to him and his instructions as she looks at him with a devious smirk.

When Midnight finishes explaining the deal she and Discord made Midnight finishes by sporting the same smirk she did just after getting Discord's complete cooperation in her schemes.

“You are so lucky I’m sick for real right now because you would be bowing before me if I wasn’t.” Discord growled at the alicorn with his arms still crossed.

“Well, even if weren’t you’d still be bowing before me but you’re not are you?” Midnight countered as Discord defiantly grumbled in response. "Also next time, try to make your ailments more convincing because your blue flu excuse was as fishy as having chocolate milk fall from the sky." She reprimanded Discord for not putting much effort into making his lies sound very convincing. “The most important thing that even you need to learn is that order always triumphs over chaos.” Midnight added as she lectured him.

“But what you need to learn is that in the end light and good always triumphs over dark and evil in end.” Applejack fired back at Midnight.

“True, but that depends on who you are dealing with and it also depends on you girls accessing the only thing powerful enough to defeat me which you don’t have right now.” Midnight commented unfazed by Applejack’s comment. “But feel free to head over to the tree if any of you ever care to try to unlock that chest containing the element.” She added as Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash can only glare at her direction as she finished. “Now if you all excuse me, I’ve got plans to make for Equestria’s future.”

She evilly laughed as she teleported out of the cottage and back to her library as they all look on in stunned silence, especially Fluttershy’s, who remained frozen in place every moment Midnight was in her cottage.

Back inside her library, Midnight checks up on Princess Cadance who has now arrived back at the Crystal Empire who is now talking about her visit with Shining Armor.

“So how was it?” Shining Armor asked her as ran up to her relived that she is okay.

“It was fine, honey.” Cadance reassured him. “Aside from having to deal with Discord’s antics and fighting off a Tatzlwurm…” She added before being interrupted.

“A tatzlwurm!” Shining Armor exclaimed in shock and anger. “I knew it! She was setting you up! I never should have let you go on your own!”

“Shining Armor, she didn’t set me up to be killed. That was Discord’s plan!” Cadance firmly told him.

“Discord?!” Shining Armor exclaimed again still furious. “How did she get Discord on her side?”

“SHINING ARMOR PLEASE!” Cadance shouted to get Shining Armor to stop in surprise seeing her yell like that.

After doing her deep breathing exercise she calmed down as continued to try to explain herself.

“I’m fine. Really because even if Twilight had planned this she clearly had the heart to keep me safe as she promised and clearly she cares about me to the point she doesn’t want to see me dead.” Cadance calmly told her husband. “She saved me and I saved her in return as like we were truly sisters-in-law.”

“But why would she save your life when she could have you killed you?” Shining Armor questioned confused of Midnight’s motives.

“I think deep down her dark magic filled heart is her good side showing that she still cares about many ponies in Equestria even with darkness consuming her.” Cadance explained. “Mainly because her desires for vengeance is more focused on the ponies who actually hurt her at the wedding.”

“Right.” Shining Armor acknowledged her logical explanation with a regretful sigh before continuing. “Sorry for flying off the handle there.” He apologized. “It’s just even while Twily is showing she still has good in her despite hating me, the girls, and Celestia, I can’t help feel she always has ulterior motives for doing what she is doing and I think Twilight set this all up to test you like Discord did to Twilight.”

“It’s all right.” Cadance assured her husband as she hugged him. “We just have differing views on how we see Twilight.” She explained. “Because she harbors resentment towards you for the way you treated her at the wedding rehearsal all you see is the darkness in her representing her evil ambitions. Because she really cares for me deep down is the little light I see in her deep down showing she still has good inside of her.”

“I know.” Shining Armor agreed with Cadance’s assessment on Twilight as it was accurate. “As much as I want to help save her I still feel the need to be prepared for whatever she is planning to take over Equestria but I can’t figure out what it is.”

“Well whatever it is we’ll be ready once the girls obtain all the keys they need to access the Elements of Harmony.” Cadance said with her confidence in her voice as she turned to face the nearby window. “I just know sooner or later Twilight will turn around and see what she is doing is wrong.”

Midnight watching this smirks as her body glows neon purple says to herself. “We’ll see about that Princess.” Midnight said confidently. “We’ll see even though the answer to that question is right in the same room as you.” She added referring to the Crystal Heart that they there still unaware of what she has actually done to the Crystal Heart as the heart only glows when they are not around before putting her orb away.

While she is impressed that Shining Armor correctly managed to put the pieces of her plan all together she still is certain she will succeed in the end with special plans for Princess Cadance herself as she looks in her safe to get a look at the three keys she has already obtained with a satisfied grin on her face.

Author's Note:

So here's the return of Princess Cadance for the first time since the Princess Midnight arc as she appears attempting to reach out to her sister-in-law to try to get her stray away from pursing her ambitions to take over Equestria. However, true to form, Midnight is always a step ahead as with Discord's help was able to set up the whole visit in her favor for the purpose of testing Cadance's capabilities.

Her alliance with Discord is further explained as she promised him the privilege of being able to create some chaos around him as he pleases in exchange for her services in order to sway him from following and obeying Princess Celestia thus secretly beating her at her own game of having Discord's magic use on her side.

Even though Cadance doesn't have as much screentime as much as the Mane 5, she will play a major part in this story in the later chapters as Midnight even after her start of darkness genuinely treats Cadance very well even going as far as looking out for her well-being which could be crucial for those hoping for Midnight to come to her senses in the end.

For this chapter I also added a couple scenes with Cadance and Shining Armor while leaving out Discord forcing the alicorn princesses to carry him around to establish that Midnight is not a push-over.

In this chapter Shining Armor correctly pieces together that Midnight's invite to Cadance to Ponyville was as set-up so she could test her capabilities with Discord's assistance as like with Spike she has plans for her too.
And it is clear that both Shining Armor and Cadance have differing views on Midnight as Shining Armor is focused on preparing for whatever Midnight has up her hooves to take over Equestria while Cadance seems to be the only pony who really tries to seek out the good from within her dark heart as evidenced from her heart-felt attempts to reach out.

As for whatever Midnight's endgame plan is, it won't be until near the end of Season 4 later on into the story, once she has the remaining keys in her possession to fully prevent the girls from re-accessing the Elements of Harmony with the next chapter focusing on the next key to come up sometime during the weekend. So enjoy this chapter until then for those really into my story so far.