• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,048 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 14: Princess Midnight Part Four

Chapter 14:

Princess Midnight Part Four:

Twilight Sparkle, who was previously thought to be dead, actually turns out to be alive all this time, evilly laughs as she reveals herself to the Princesses, the Mane Five, Spike, and Shining Armor. None of them honestly expected this at all even Applejack who correctly deduced Midnight was evil all along was really Twilight this whole time as they looked on in complete shock at what they just saw.

“Surprise!” Twilight replied with a smirk while chuckling evilly again.

“Twilight?” Celestia spoke as she stood up still in a state of shock. “Twilight Sparkle?!”

“In the flesh and fur.” Twilight causally commented still sporting the same calm and dark smile.

“But how…the explosion you died.” Celestia asked very confused still stunned of how this is even possible.

“Oh that.” Twilight quickly responded while knowing what she is talking about. “You see, what you saw on the train was an explosion, but the Twilight you saw was really a duplicate as a result of a duplication spell I performed.” She said as she continued to explain while using her magic to show a flashback on what really happened at the train station.

Twilight in the flashback creates a duplicate of herself then changes her appearance to her Midnight alter ego before putting on her Mare-Do-Well disguise so no pony would recognize her. The duplicate Twilight then boards the train in the same angry and upset manner Twilight had after calling out the others for abandoning her.

Just halfway into the train ride, the real Twilight uses her magic to make the train explode which lead to ponies on the train either suffering injuries or outright dying from the explosion while the duplicate Twilight was sent flying a distance lying unconscious and dead as a result when she landed on the ground from impact.

Shortly, after hearing about the explosion the Mane Five and Spike were the first to arrive on the scene desperately hoping Twilight is okay, only to react in complete horror upon seeing the duplicate’s lifeless body.

“Twilight!” Spike cried out as he ran up to her body. “No, no, no…” He sobbed as he caressed her in his claws.

Fluttershy cried in Pinkie’s arms with her comfort as she too cried uncontrollably at their sight of their now dead former friend.

Rarity could only pull out handkerchiefs for every pony as she couldn’t help but cry for what had just happened.

Even Applejack and Rarity could stop themselves from cry as Applejack takes her hat off in respect for Twilight’s death and lower her head in shame as she contributed to the girls abandoning her at the rehearsal by leading them to check up on the faux princess.

Shortly, afterwards the princesses arrived on the scene and could only look horrified at the sight of their beloved unicorn now dead as Princess Luna gives herself the honor of covering up Twilight’s lifeless body and putting her in a coffin so no pony else can see her like this.

While this is going on Twilight disguised as Mare-Do-Well observes the scene from afar smirking seeing that they bought the illusion she set up and they now think she is dead.

After the flashback ends Twilight stops working her magic as her horn stopping glowing.

“Impressive, isn’t it.” Twilight asked the still shocked ponies and dragon while impressed with herself. “Although it came at a cost of some ponies who had the misfortune to be on that train, it was ultimately for the greater good for Equestria’s future.”

“So that Twilight we saw was really a creation of your duplication spell?” Applejack asked realizing the Twilight everyone in Ponyville was really a duplicate.

“Yes, Applejack.” Twilight answered. “Once again, you’ve guessed correctly just like everything else that had happened when I was around. Yet I have always been a step ahead of you at every turn and have managed to convince every pony otherwise.” She smirked and chuckled evilly again at managing to fool every pony yet more convincingly.

“But why, Twilight? Why are you doing this” Celestia asked completely shocked that she would trick every pony like that.

“Why am I doing this?” Twilight asked like she was being faced as if this was a trick question. “Ah, Princess Celestia, so wise and benevolent, yet always so naïve in the face of the real truth.” She said sounding amused that for someone who knew her really well can’t piece together her motives unlike Applejack as Celestia's expresses complete and frozen sting of betrayal from her heart as she continues. “If you recall what happened back at the previous wedding you’ll have the answer.” Twilight answered referring to the moment Princess Celestia walked on her while coldly telling her she has a lot to think about leaving her stunned and in tears by that. Princess Celestia remembering that moment now realizes why and it was because she abandoned her instead of comforting her when she needed it as the flashback of that moment plays back in her head.

“Twilight, what happened back then. I’m sorry.” Princess Celestia remorsefully said while pleading for her forgiveness alas this is only met with Twilight laughing this off, the thought that Princess Celestia actually thinks an apology is enough to make up for the way she treated her.

“Listen to yourself, sorry for what? You actually did what was best for me.” Twilight positively responded. “I mean you did tell that I had a lot to think about.”

Princess Celestia could only look on at Twilight devastated to see what her hurtful words have caused her to become as they echo back through her mind as if her own words were being thrown back at her as she sends a duplicate Chrysalis out to terrorize every pony around Canterlot while she continues talking to them.

"And I decided what to do with life after renouncing all of you well except for Spike, Cadance, and Princess Luna of course.” Twilight continued as she flew around the nine ponies and dragon. “After some much needed thinking I’ve decided to do what I think is best for all of Equestria. Starting with taking Canterlot and Ponyville with this wedding playing out just the way it did when Chrysalis attempted to take over with the only differences being is that I am her in role yet doing so more effectively and smarter than her and Applejack is the pony who was properly suspicious yet unable to do anything about it like I was when she invaded.” She added as she flew right beside Applejack while glaring at her.

As Twilight speaks, everyone realizes how and why Twilight set this wedding up so she can take over Equestria piece by piece starting with Canterlot and Ponyville and the wedding itself is playing out very similar to when Shining Armor and Princess Cadance tried to get married before with Twilight being the one attacking and taking over with Applejack being the properly suspicious one.

“So that’s why you did all this? To take over Equestria and get revenge on us for the way we treated you back then?” Applejack asked in an still shocked yet angered tone.

“Why I ought to beat you up for this Egghead!” Rainbow Dash furiously yelled at Twilight for what she has done as she attempts to attack her which she simply uses her magic to freeze him in place and throw him back to ground to injure him to which Twilight simply laughs this off.

“Nice try Rainbow Crash” She mockingly replied unfazed by her attempt to charge at her like that. “But that’s not going to happen because this time the Elements of Harmony aren’t around save you now thanks to my plan to have them locked away for good. And since I’m the bearer of the Element of Magic as always even if you do manage to obtain them again you can’t use them against me.”

“You wanted the elements to be locked away?” Rainbow Dash asked completely surprised hearing she is responsible for this as well. “But that means you knew how to get the Tree of Harmony weaken with all of those vines attacking Ponyville.”

“Which also means you knew about the seeds Discord spread around the tree in his attempt to weaken it.” Princess Luna added in further realization as it all dawns on her.

“And the fact that Ponyville would have been overrun by those vines had we not given up the elements.” Pinkie added in the same tone in realization.

“And we would have lost both of the princesses to them that day if we didn’t.” Rarity exclaimed in horror as she too came to conclusion of the truth.

“And that would have allowed you take over all of Equestria there!” Spike exclaimed as Fluttershy could only gasp and silently cry at the thought as she whimpers in fear.

“All of the above are true.” Twilight responded unfazed by their horrified reactions. “For some ponies that have been slow in the fast lane you are all smart enough to figure it out from there aren’t you?”

“But why Twily?” Shining Armor asked in disbelief. “How could do you do this to us, we’re your family, and they are your friends?” He asked as he pointed a hoof after her former friends.

“To Cadance, Spike, Luna and every other pony, it’s hard but necessary for Equestria’s future.” Twilight responded with some regret in her tone as she addresses them before turning to an ice cold tone directed at him, Celestia, and the girls. “But as for the rest of you, not very hard considering you had no problems treating me that way at the wedding rehearsal.” She added recalling them abandoning her at the wedding rehearsal as she directed her next words at them. “Not to mention when I said something similar to Applejack just recently for accusing me of being evil, you girls still stuck around to get her to understand her mistake and get her to make amends with me.” She said as she flew right above the girls still talking in her ice cold tone. “Something that none of you provided for me since she was the one who insisted you all abandon me like I deserve it.”

Hearing this causes the girls to look down in shame realizing what she is talking about. When she gave Applejack an earful similar to the one Shining Armor gave her they still stuck around instead of abandoning her unlike what they did with Twilight because Applejack was the one who told every pony to forget about Twilight and they should go check up on the imposter instead and they all agreed without second thought.

“But…” She started as she focused her attention back to Shining Armor. “…I should thank you because you helped me see for what these ponies really are and that friendship really is what I thought it was a grand waste of time and that I am really better off without friends like them.” She said as she pointed a hoof at the Mane 5’s direction causing them to open their jaws in shock hearing such cruel words from her. “After all you did say this wedding was something that obviously wasn’t as important to me even though I put a lot of effort in making sure everything goes perfectly twice.” She chuckled as Shining Armor lowers his head filled with guilt and regret at the dreadful things he said to her as she flies up over to the balcony railing.

“Now if you all excuse me, I got to go take care of Queen Chrysalis again.” She said as she opened her wings again as she changed back to her Midnight appearance. Before she flew off she turned to Spike, Princess Cadance, and Princess Luna with a polite and sincere expression and tone. “As for the rest of you, I’m sorry you all had to see and hear that. Wonderful to see you all again!”

She flew off and then found Queen Chrysalis cackling as she prepares to start feeding off the love of a couple ponies she had just captured when she hears her name being called out.

“Chrysalis!” Midnight called out to her as she blasts her with magic causing her to free them as they ran away for cover. “Get away from them!”

“Fine!” Chrysalis said as she focused all of her attention on her now. “At least I wouldn’t have any problems sucking up all the love of every pony after I take care of you.”

Chrysalis immediately blasts magic from her horn directly at Midnight who effortlessly puts up a magic shield to block the blast before using the magic shield to form a blast right back at Chrysalis sending her flying a distance and then tumbling across the ground.

“You’ll pay for that!” Chrysalis angrily shouted at Midnight's direction.

“Bring it!” Midnight returned unfazed by her threat.

Chrysalis charged at Midnight who effortlessly dodges her attack causing her to crash into a cart carrying cabbages. Recovering from the crash she growls at Midnight who simply crosses her arms unimpressed while in the air.

“Is that all you got?” Midnight asked disappointed “With that kind of fighting they’ll make anyone a queen these days.”
Chrysalis simply sends another magic blast at Midnight who simply dodges as the blast hits a bird vaporizing it instead.

Midnight then makes her back to the castle with Chrysalis in pursuit trying relentlessly to land a hit on her only Twilight to effortlessly dodge all of her attacks before retaliating with a magic blast to the face causing her to be staggered from the attack as she crashes into another vegetable cart from her loss of flight.

Midnight makes her way back to the castle with Chrysalis attempting a sneak attack from behind only Midnight to simply use her magic to freeze her just inches away from her face as she turned around. Chrysalis could only move her eyes in disbelief as she is being overpowered by a young alicorn who smirks with satisfaction as she blasts Chrysalis flying away with a powerful burst of magic along with the other changeling in a bright purple blinding light over the horizon far away from Canterlot as unbeknownst to every pony vanishes in a bright light as soon as she is out of sight to cover up the fact that she is a creation of a duplication spell by Twilight.

Just as soon as the threat is neutralized the crowd of ponies emerging from their hiding spots applauding and cheering for Midnight for “stopping” Chrysalis and saving every pony which Midnight humbly waves to the crowd while briefly looking back at the main ponies on the balcony watching in shock seeing what Twilight is doing. She is slowing gaining more and more support from every pony in Equestria while discrediting them (expect Spike, Cadance, and Princess Luna) in their eyes. Twilight smirks at them while silently telling them that there is no stopping her as attempting to accuse and expose her of her villainous acts would gain them further contempt from them for their previous failures from the previous wedding and risk exposing the truth of what happened at the wedding rehearsal to them.

Midnight after listening to them applauding her for heroics for a minute speaks up so she can address every pony.

“Everyone...” Midnight began. “Queen Chrysalis has been defeated again and is now sent back to where she came from.” Hearing this continues the cheers from the crowd before she continues. “Even though the day has been saved again, the same mistakes by these same ponies have been repeated that have led to this crisis happening again.” She said as she directed a hoof at Shining Armor, Princess Celestia, and the Mane Five’s direction causing them to be taken aback by this as the crowd wonders what she is talking about.

“But that’s not true!” Rainbow Dash furiously defended herself and the others.

“Really?” Midnight asked turning her attention to the blue Pegasus. “Then how do you explain Chrysalis managing to get into Canterlot undetected again?”

“I…I don’t know?” Rainbow Dash stammered failing to come up with a response.

“Because you and the others girls were too busy dealing with the wedding preparations to notice any signs of suspicious behavior. Were you or were you not preparing for the wedding?” Midnight questioned in a demanding tone directed at Rainbow Dash.

“Yes, I was but…” Rainbow Dash honestly answered before being cut off by Midnight.

“Then you and the girls are guilty!" Midnight firmly and harshly told her.

“Princess Midnight please stop this at once!” Princess Celestia demanded.

“Why? So you can try to save face from your failures including your most recent failure to stop Queen Chrysalis?” Midnight said to the sun monarch in the same harsh tone. "Twice, I might add."

“No, that is not…” Princess Celestia defensively said before being cut off by Midnight.

“Oh, I know exactly what you are trying to do. And in doing so you’re still making the same mistake you did when Twilight tried to warn all of you of the previous changeling attack and once again you were powerless to stop her.” Midnight said unconvinced by her attempts to plead her defense.

“No!” Princess Celestia assertively spoke. “She showed up unexpectedly and no pony showed any signs of suspicions like last time!”

“Because they have gotten smarter since last time and that doesn’t excuse the fact that if weren’t your mistakes Twilight would still alive and this whole changeling crisis that happened today could have been avoided. It’s still your fault she’s dead. Do you deny it?!” Midnight told her very sternly to her.

“No.” Princess Celestia reluctantly answered knowing that trying to expose her would get her in further hot water.

“Then you are guilty as well!” Midnight declared as Princess Celestia hung her head in shame as she turned to Shining Armor.

“And so are you Shining Armor, captain of the royal guard because even with your extra security measures Queen Chrysalis was still able to get into Canterlot undetected and take down your shield again.” Midnight accused the stallion.

“But, no one know she was in Canterlot none of us had no way of knowing.” Shining Armor tried to say in his defense.

“Well that’s because she has gotten smarter to get around your barrier by getting in somehow when no pony was looking before you put it up.” Midnight logically responded. “How else could she have gotten in?” Midnight questioned Shining Armor as he couldn’t offer up another answer. “Are trying to say that you are blaming the royal guards for what you did? That this is all their fault for not doing what is best for all of Equestria while serving under your lead? You know you really could have made a difference in both invasions had you listened to your sister instead of disowning her and kicking her out of wedding when all she was trying to do is protect you but you didn’t did you?” Midnight unsympathetically told him as she continued firing hard-hitting accusations at him.

Hearing this causes Shining Armor to sigh in defeat knowing that she is right and that doing anything else is only going to land himself in further hot water.

“With that all said…” Midnight said now turning her attention back to the crowd to address them again who along murmur in surprise hearing this development. “These ponies have proven that they have a lot to think about if they ever want continue doing what they do in order to protect Equestria because at this rate with their record of failing to prevent these easily avoidable situations Equestria is no longer safe in the hoofs of the Sun Princess, the Elements of Harmony, and the captain of the royal guard.” The citizens and wedding guests then looked at them with disgust in their eyes seeing the truth of Midnight’s words. “But don’t worry, from this day forward I will do my best to ensure Equestria’s safety along with Princess Cadance, Princess Luna, and Spike who have done their best to help us in a time of need by my side.”

As she says the last part the three addressed give Midnight surprised looks at them at what Midnight means that they will help her protect Equestria as Midnight publicly is stepping forward to take charge of Equestria’s future which means she has control of Canterlot and Ponyville while they have to answer her due to many ponies glaring and murmuring in disgust as they only suffered a repeat but the heroes that they are supposed to be looking up have failed to protect them and live up to their promises again.

“For even though I may seem like a pony you don’t trust at first, you will find that if you follow my lead and put your faith in me, you all find promising results from my leadership as long as you all trust me unlike all the ponies who have ever doubted me.” Midnight concluded her speech to everypony in attendance.

After finishing her speech the crowds cheered for her as Midnight smiles before her citizens while waving to them. Her smile would turn into another devious grin as her plan to take over Canterlot and Ponyville has come to full fruition.

Following her speech, the wedding reception and party would take place as every pony including Midnight continues celebrating Shining Armor and Princess Cadance’s wedding by singing “Love is in a Bloom” as many ponies continue to praise Midnight for stopping the evil changeling’s solo attack. Every pony except the princesses, Shining Armor, the Mane Five, and Spike who all know the truth about Midnight’s machinations and true identity yet are unable to do anything about it without digging themselves deeper.

"Love is in bloom

A beautiful bride, a handsome groom."

Midnight sang as she directed her hoof at Shining Armor and Cadance who are both in the center of garden are both dancing with forced smiles to hide the truth from everypony yet secretly unable to truly celebrate.

"Two hearts becoming one

A bond that cannot be undone because."

Midnight sang as the Mane Five dance along with the married couple to continue keeping up the act with the same forced smiles as they dance to assure everypony that everything is fine even though it really isn't.

"Love is in bloom

A beautiful bride, a handsome groom

I said love is in bloom

You're starting a life and making room

For us (For us, For us....)"

She sang as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watch from across the garden while wondering how to handle what Twilight has just done.

After many of the wedding guests have left ready to see the bride and groom ride off on their honeymoon carriage, Twilight herself is now out looking out to the balcony to admire the full moon feeling very proud and satisfied with herself as she managed to tighten her grasp of power over Equestria with the staged attack and that there is nothing any pony can do about it as she has also just achieved her revenge on her brother, former mentor, and former friends. Even if they do decide to expose her they would exposing themselves in the process as that would mean telling everypony the truth of why and what lead up to Twilight's descend into villainy.

At that moment the three princesses, Shining Armor, the Mane Five, and Spike walk up to the balcony to confront her for her actions.

“Beautiful moon out tonight.” Twilight positively commented while still looking up in the sky even though she senses their presence as she was expecting to see them again. “Because the timing of the occasion is really fitting to my name isn’t it.”

“Do you have any idea of what you are doing?” Princess Celestia sternly asked her.

“Yes, I do.” Midnight nonchalantly responded as she turned to face them while answering her former mentor's question. “I’m doing what is best for all of Equestria.”

“By staging a fake changeling attack with your duplication spell and having them a fake Chrysalis attack Canterlot, your own hometown, Twilight!” Princess Celestia asked in disbelief sounding hurt by her betrayal especially after learning of her lies.

“A simple necessity in order to make it convincing and doing what it takes to achieve your goals. Something, that I believe you of all ponies would understand since you’ve been in this position before.” Twilight casually responded as she thought nothing of it.

“But that’s not the point!” Princess Celestia snapped in response still trying to get Twilight to understand her point as she angrily addresses her. “You could’ve hurt many ponies with that stunt you pulled today. I would never do that even if that meant securing my own interests.”

“But I didn’t, did I?” Twilight nonchalantly responded back still justifying her actions while uninterested with Celestia’s attempts to reason with her. “Besides even if I did they won’t be pointing hooves at me since they know that I’m gone because of all of you. Not to mention you had no problems sending me to fight your own battles like with when dealing with Nightmare Moon’s return.” Twilight added while recalling the time she brought up Nightmare Moon's potential return to light which lead to her discovering friendship which lasted up until their betrayal of her at the wedding rehearsal to prove her point that friendship to her is nothing but a sucker's game.

“Because I couldn’t access the Elements of Harmony and needed new ponies to activate them to save my sister. I’m not like that!” Princess Celestia defensively told Twilight.

“Aren’t you?” Twilight asked her unconvinced. “Because that sounds very similar to what I would have done if I were your hooves. Using other ponies as pawns in your little game, manipulating events around you so you benefit from the outcome. That’s sounds like something I would do more than you think and try to say otherwise.”

“Twilight, please listen to her.” Princess Cadance desperately spoke to her now sister-in-law.

“Cadance.” Twilight replied to her pleas in a pleasant tone. “I understand that you disagree with what I’m doing. But what I am doing is something that is best for everyone which is something that the others had failed to consider.” She added as she pointed towards Shining Armor, Princess Celestia, and the Mane Five.

“What are you talking about, Twilight?!” Applejack asked in an exasperated tone. “Of course we take everyone’s feelings into consideration!”

“Oh you do? Do you?” Twilight asked turning her attention to the cowgirl unconvinced with her claim. “Like you and the other girls did when I first got tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala, or when I nearly went crazy over a late friendship report, or when I tried to bring up my suspicions of fake Cadance, or when you decided to send me away when trying to save the Princesses from the Everfree Forest?” She calmly recalled back to all the times they failed to take her feelings seriously. “When will you really learn? Each time you say are going to promise to help me out when I need you always turn your back on me and fail to live up to your promises.” Twilight pointed out as she rebuffed her claim coldly.

“But, but… Twilight we’re your friends.” Fluttershy pleaded through stammers.

“Friends care for each other like family!” Twilight coldly rebuffed as she faced Fluttershy. “Yet from what I’ve seen you’ve proven you don’t treat me as one like a true friend or family. As it has proven that I was right that friendship is a waste of time!”

“But, but, I, I…” Fluttershy weakly tried to explain only to be cut off by Twilight.

“But, but, but.” Twilight mocked Fluttershy as she tells her off. “Save your breath, Punyshy! Why don’t you go cry to critter friends!”

Hearing this causes Fluttershy to cry and the other girls to gasp in shock hearing Twilight’s cruel words at the shy and meek peagsus.

“Now, darling.” Rarity said stepping forward in Fluttershy’s defense as the latter cries in her arms. “Surely, you don’t mean that. We don’t need to stoop down to petty insults.”

“How is me meaning what I said petty?” Twilight said still unfazed by what she just said as she glares at the fashionable unicorn. “Plus I find it hypocritical coming from a pony who is all about petty with her petty concerns about fashion.”

Hearing this causes Rarity to gasp as tears form in her eyes as she turns away to cry in her hoof as Pinkie steps forward in her defense.

“Hey, leave her alone! Fashion is her passion!” Pinkie defended as she stood on her two back legs and moved her hips around.

“And what are you passionate about? Birthday cake? Party hats?” Twilight coldly fired back as Pinkie's heart felt crushed as she lowered her head in sadness. “Seems to me two of the most frivolous ponies of Ponyville are trying to telling me how to live my life when they pursing pointless pursuits that no pony gives a flying feather about!”

Fluttershy’s heart could only sink in further hearing the cruel words she said to them repeated by some pony else as Pinkie and Rarity form tears in their eyes as they joined a hurt Fluttershy by crying with her.

“What is your problem?!” Rainbow Dash said angrily flying up to Twilight’s face.

“You are my problem!” Twilight responded by using her magic to pull Rainbow out of her personal space.

“The fact you have the decently to ask me that after explaining how clear it is to when the truth is already out Rainbow Crash.” Twilight continued while releasing her grip on the blue peagsus.

“That’s it!” Rainbow Dash furiously responded to that insult as she charged at her where Midnight quickly grabs her with her magic again, just inches away from her face, then sending her flying backwards into a nearby wall knocking her out earning her more gasps of shock from the others seeing her do that to her own friend.

“Next time you do that I won’t go so easy on you!” Twilight coldly told the unconscious Pegasus with no remorse for what she just did.

“Twily, please…” Shining Armor pleaded. “Think about what you are doing. I know you have every right to be upset with us. But we’re family. You’re still my L.S.B.F.F., Princess Celestia sees you as her daughter, and these girls see you as family. Are you willing to throw that away for the sake of power just to please every pony at other’s expense?”

“I know exactly what I am doing.” Twilight started still talking in her ice cold tone with some venom in her voice directed at her brother. “What I am doing is for every pony to thrive on peace and harmony and if I have to make tough decisions I will do that no matter what it takes.” She said while glaring at her brother who looks on nervously as she gets into his face. “Something that obviously isn’t as important to you.” She said throwing back his words from the rehearsal back at him. “And if you truly are my B.B.B.F.F. and these so-called friends were my family you all would never have left me alone like that, so I guess me caring for family is out the window with that all said and done.” She added causing the stallion to cringe with guilt after being reminded of what he said to her back at the wedding rehearsal.

“But I should thank you for doing so. After all you made me the pony I am today.” She added with an evil smile as her body glowed neon purple causing him to look on frightened to see her descend to villainy.

“Now that I have everything I need…” She continued to speak as she pulled out the Alicorn Amulet from her dress pocket and put it around her neck leaving the others surprised to see that she somehow obtained the amulet. “I am really to begin my duties as Princess now that I have control of Canterlot and Ponyville.”

She then flew up to the sky uses her magic to raise the sun and bring it up to the moon. A large shadow began forming at the same area as the sun moves behind the moon to create another solar eclipse.

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia’s eyes widen in horror realizing what Twilight is about to the sun moves just right behind the sun to start the eclipse. Suddenly, these wisps of darkness began surrounding Twilight and enveloped her in total darkness as she maliciously grins as she is engulfed by a bright light.

“No!” Princess Celestia quietly cried out as tears form around her eyes in horror.

When the light fades away and the darkness clears up the sun is moved back down to the sky to continue nighttime in Equestria to avoid suspicion. When the shadow emerges from the darkness it is Twilight who has a new appearance, appearing as alicorn that is just as tall as Celestia with dark purple fur and a black mane that is as long and sparkling like Celestia’s, sporting black armor and boots with wings colored black as well with her true pink cutie mark with the highlights on her mane and tail still sporting the same pink streaks with the alicorn amulet around her neck just like Princess Luna when she was Nightmare Moon.

With her new transformation complete Twilight who is now Midnight Sparkle cackles evilly fully relishing and embracing her newfound dark side and magic as her horn lights up purple and green as her heart glows neon purple again.

Every pony looking up is horrified seeing what has just happened including Rainbow Dash who had just regained consciousness, Twilight not only turns out to be alive as Midnight plotting against them the whole time, but now she has turned into the new Nightmare Moon ready to take over Equestria just like Princess Luna before her.

“Now!” Midnight says as her voice echoes every time she speaks. “Time for you princesses to surrender Equestria to me, while you still can.”

“Twilight, please! Don’t do this!” Princess Celestia cried out with tears in her eyes.

“Ha! Nice try!” Midnight scoffed at her former mentor and mother-like figure dismissing her desperate cries for her not to do this. “You had your chance to prevent all of this. You don’t have the power to defeat me. None of you do." She coldly brushed her off before continuing in a casual tone. "But if any of you ever care to try, you know where to find me as I’ll be around carrying out my princess duties in Canterlot as much as each of you and living around Ponyville for the time being until further notice. Because it is only a matter of time before all of Equestria is mine.” She added before turning her attention back to Princess Cadance. “Cadance, enjoy your honeymoon and I sure hope to see again soon.” She told her with great sincerity and politeness before she evilly laughs as every pony looks on frightened by her new appearance as she uses her magic to disappear in a cloud of smoke.

As Midnight disappears all but Cadance and Princess Luna could only look on devastated at seeing what has happened. Twilight has become the new Nightmare Moon all over again, only this time there is no stopping her, and it is all their fault.

In order to keep the public from being suspicious of what had just happened, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance make their way to their carriage as they prepare for their honeymoon and use this time to discuss on how to prepare of how to stop Twilight.

“What have I done?” Shining Armor asked himself with deep regret as every pony makes their way to the carriage “What should have been a memorable day is now truly a nightmare as I truly have lost a sister.” He said as bent over and covered his face to hide his tears.

“It’s more than that.” Pinkie Pie said with tears in her eyes. “As we have truly lost the Twilight we all knew and loved since now it looks like evil Twilight is here to stay.”

“It’s Nightmare Moon all over again.” Celestia said mortified by what has happened. “As I truly have lost not just a student, but a pony I saw as a daughter to me.”

“We got to help her!” Spike exclaimed. “If she is banished to the moon we’ll never see her again!”

“But how?” Rainbow Dash said throwing her arms in the air in disbelief of how they can defeat her now. “She’s just as powerful as Nightmare Moon, has the alicorn amulet, and has dark magic at her disposal. How are we going even to stand a chance against her?”

“We’re going need the Elements of Harmony if we have any chance of saving her. Hopefully, by the time we free her of her darkness from within her heart she will come to forgive us.” Princess Celestia said with hopeful determination.

“She managed to save me from my darkness when I was Nightmare Moon.” Princess Luna added. “Now it’s our turn to help her before this alicorn amulet and dark magic completely consumes her to the point to where our now nefarious enemy will no longer be able to tell the difference between right from wrong from within her corrupted heart and mind. Otherwise, they may not be any hope of saving her from that point as she further descends into madness and insanity.”

“But how to do reckon we do that?” Applejack asked.

“By finding the keys we need to unlock the chest containing the Elements of Harmony.” Princess Celestia calmly answered. “You girls and Spike go and search all over Equestria, find them so we can regain access to the elements. Once we do we can defeat Twilight and once again have peace in Equestria. Hopefully, by then it won’ be too late, and I won’t have to banish her to the moon.” Princess Celestia said as looks up in the moon’s direction. “ Oh Twilight, please don’t let it come this. Please don’t make the same mistake my sister made.” She pleaded while shedding a single tear as Princess Luna places a comforting hoof on her shoulder to reassure that will save her no matter what it takes.

“In the meantime…” Princess Luna turned her attention to the others “Me, Celestia, and Cadance will carry our princess duties and hopefully we can search up more answers of how to help Twilight when we do defeat her and free her of her corruption. We need ensure no pony ever knows the truth of Twilight in order to avoid a panic.” She told every pony as they all reach the castle front doors as Princess Cadance voices her opinion.

“Are you sure that keeping the truth about Twilight is the right decision?” Princess Cadance asked. “There are ponies who won’t be happy with us for doing so if they do find out who Midnight really is.” Cadance added as she is pointing out a major flaw with that plan.

“Yes, I’m sure.” Princess Luna firmly replied. “I know there are ponies who won’t be pleased to hear about this, but we can’t afford anymore backlash from our previous failures which could cause further chaos if left unchecked.” Luna calmly explained to the young alicorn the necessity of this approach. "We need to see if we can handle this quietly."

“Okay, I understand.” Princess Cadance said coming to agree with Luna’s argument before turning her attention to the girls and Spike.

“Girls, promise me you will bring Twilight back from the brink of insanity, and put an end to this nightmare before it's too late.” Princess Cadance firmly yet politely asked them.

“Don’t worry, Princess!” Applejack confidently replied as she places her hat in front of her chest. “We find those keys to reaccess the elements and we will save Twilight before it’s too late.”

“Yeah! Let’s do this!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in the same tone.

“For Twilight!” Pinkie yelled happily.

“For her forgiveness.” Fluttershy added with newfound determination in her eyes with a confident smile on her face.

“For her fashion!” Rarity added in the same tone which earned her glares from every pony and Spike.

“What?” Rarity asked the confused group around her. “Her new transformation is a crime against fashion, some pony has to stop her before she goes further down this madness.” She defensively told the others causing Applejack and Rainbow Dash to roll their eyes annoyed.

“Don’t worry Princess Cadance and Shining Armor!” Spike said with determination “We can promise you that we save her even if we have to search all over Equestria to find those missing keys.”

“Great to hear, Spike!” Shining Armor gratefully told the young dragon as he put a hoof on him. “If anyone can save her, I know it is you and her friends. Hopefully we will know what to do we have what we need to save her. Good luck!”

After saying their goodbyes, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance make their way out the doors where they are greeted by many happy ponies here to see them off on their honeymoon as they make their way to the carriage.

Once they are in, the carriage takes off and Princess Cadance throws the bouquet of flowers out of the carriage which Rarity is quick to grab with her magic only to grin embarrassingly upon being glared at by the nearby ponies who were trying to get a hold of it before she snatched it out of their hooves.

While this is all going on, Midnight is out watching the carriage leave Canterlot from a distance on the city’s outskirts while observing the Princesses and the Mane Five’s plan to defeat her with her crystal orb. She then smirks seeing her takeover of Canterlot and Ponyville while revealing her true self to them is just the beginning as she already has a plan to deal with that and fully ensure her take over for all of Equestria.

“And by then I will be ready for I have plans for all of you.” Midnight said as she chuckles evilly as her body glows neon purple before she began to sing.

Throughout my life they’ve treated me like a joke

They thought I was over-protective

They thought I was dead.”

She sang as she flew up looking at the sight of Canterlot.

“But very soon they’ll pay for what they done to me

For treating my attempts of friendship as a joke

For all the times they’ve turned their backs on me

I’ve waited so long to have this chance

Oh, how this day has been perfect

To have finally have succeeded at achieving this opportunity to have my revenge. “

She sang as she flew into the nearby forest.

“As this is only the beginning

The beginning of a new era

Where I will rule Equestria

And when I do it will be how I envisioned.”

She sang as she flew up to the trees with magic forming around her horn to show a vision of her watching over ponies getting along nicely with each other from the Canterlot castle.

“A place of peace and prosperity

Even more so than Princess Celestia could ever hope to dream

As every pony will under my protection”

She sang as she produced a vision herself fighting off Queen Chrysalis with beams of magic just like before during her staged attack.

“Bad guys will cower before my might.

“Ponies will revere me.”

She sang as she produces an vision of ponies cheering for her for saving them to which Midnight humbly appreciates and returns the kind gestures as she flies by.

“And see me that I am the perfect pony for to look up to

For this is only the beginning of a new era

An era where everything will get much better

Where every pony is happy and safe under my lead

Under my protection

An era where every pony will much safer

For this is only the beginning of a new era

An era where soon my former friends, Princess Celestia, and Shining Armor will pay.”

She sang as her magic showed a vision of them imprisoned in jail reflecting with remorse for their actions.

“For making me suffer

For casting me aside

For treating me as the bad guy

For treating me like an outcast."

She sang as she brought up a vision of the wedding rehearsal where everypony walks out on Twilight.

As soon they will see how wrong they were to treat me that way.”

She sang as flew around making tree sculptures of her former allies except Spike, Luna, and Cadance.

“As this is only the beginning of a new era

A beginning of a new era

Where all of Equestria will soon be mine."

She sang as she produces a vision herself watching over Equestria from on top of the Canterlot Castle.

Where they all will follow my lead to a glorious new future

As this is only the beginning

A beginning of a new era

Which I soon I will lead as I have every pony’s best interests

More so than Princess Celestia ever could.”

She sang as she used her magic to set the trees on fire to symbolize the burnt bridge between them.

“As this is only the beginning of a new era

An era where soon everything will be all right

For soon I will prove those who doubted me wrong

Why I am the pony to look to up to

For this is only the beginning

A beginning of a new era.”

She finished singing as she flew out of the forest as the fire spread throughout and burning down the nearby bridge.

“A new era where every pony will see why I am the one they need for the good of every pony, and where those who have ever doubted me will pay.” Midnight confidently said to herself while smirking knowing that she is capable of setting out to achieve her goals now matter what it takes or who gets hurts in the process as she flies off in the distance.

As the forest fire burns she leaves a mark with her new image burnt into the ground of her giving that same evil smirk.

Author's Note:

Now that I have finally managed to reach the halfway point of this story. You'll see you have read quite a story especially the last two chapters as Midnight successfully manages to take control of both Canterlot and Ponyville in the same day as the wedding.

As for my reasons behind this, Midnight's true identity and motives are now out at least to the main cast seeing that she managed to successfully take over Canterlot and Ponyville just like Chrysalis ensuring that the wedding preparations and the wedding itself played just like it did the last time Shining Armor and Cadance tried to get married which kicks off the main plot in the first place ironically in her favor in her flare of delivering poetic justice to them hench the irony of this whole situation.

The main reason behind the decision to reveal the mystery behind Midnight is for the story's mid-story twist for those who did not see this coming as I felt it was fitting for the main cast to finally know who they are up against as this story begins the Season 4 arc to show not only they are going to have to find the keys for the locked up Elements of Harmony but also now have to deal with a new enemy who is an unstoppable force not to be reckon with.

In addition her Villain Song "This is Only the Beginning" is a parody of "I Have a Plan" from the Lion Guard which I found fitting for her as like Scar they have visionary (albeit different) goals for taking over and they don't believe in the power of friendship or at least refuses to despite her great understanding of it.

For those who feel Midnight is coming across as arrogant and smug, well she's not when you think about. She carried out a successful staged attack that allows her to rule Canterlot and Ponyville while having the Mane Five and the princesses wrapped around her hooves as even with her secret out they are in a position that they can't expose the truth to everypony as it would mean revealing the wedding rehearsal incident that lead up to this moment while everypony still looks up to her as a hero. A hero who truly does what is best for all of Equestria who isn't afraid to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals even the unthinkable when comes right down to it. She can backup her threats and herself up as she manages to avoid making the mistakes Chrysalis did when she attempted to take over which lead to her defeat. She still hold the cards over everypony even when the main cast now know who she really is.

As for Midnight's transformation, with her research she now can access this Nightmare Moon like form and powers and even dark magic affecting her ability to tell right from wrong she still has control over her appearance and actions which will let you all know that Midnight won't be in her new form all the time as the sight of her in that appearance with cause every pony to panic.

Hope you all enjoyed this four-part mid-story arc as Season 4 focuses on Midnight seeking to increase her control over Equestria while too searching for the keys needed to access the Elements of Harmony as she is fully aware that they have the power to defeat her if used on her like it did with Nightmare Moon before her as I continue progressing this story later on this week.

Also for any comments involving the spoilers please cover them to avoid revealing spoilers those for those who haven't read up to this point please. I really worked hard to try to get this mid-story twist done right.