• Published 3rd Jan 2020
  • 8,047 Views, 115 Comments

Light and Dark - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle is gone after tragedy has befallen, in her absence a new unicorn comes to town but is secretly up to no good as she has a hidden agenda and a mysterious motive up her hoofs.

  • ...

Chapter 24: Inspiration Manifestation

Chapter 24:

Inspiration Manifestation

On another fine and festive day in Ponyville, Midnight is out for a walk seeing that many ponies are preparing for the Foal and Filly Fair, a festival dedicated to all of the colts and fillies of Ponyville. While walking she sees Pinkie Pie happily bounce up and down eager for the festival to begin.

“Hear ye, hear ye! The Ponyville Foal and Filly Fair is almost ready to begin!” Pinkie announced to every pony in attendance as the crowd chatters in excitement eager to begin celebrating as well.

Midnight has also heard that Spike has come over to town to help Rarity create a lavish puppet theater for a puppeteer pony client for the festival. For his crush, Spike would be more than happy to help Rarity out to the best of his ability in the name of love.

She then sees Rarity and Spike head out to meet their client with Rarity’s creation all ready to go as Rarity is ready to expect praise for just recently finished and successful project. But to Rarity’s surprise the three words that spoke from his mind are quite the opposite of what she had expected.

“This is awful!” The puppeteer exclaimed in disgust.

“Awful?!” Rarity questioned completely caught off-guard by his response as he further examines the cart.

“And completely unusable. Hmmm... Ugh! It doesn't travel! Oh, there's no room for my puppets!” He harshly commented on the tight space and wheels not being on the ground. “It appears I won't have a traveling puppet theater to use after all.” He added as he walked off in a huff with his puppets glaring at her with her with its googly eyes.

“I don't know what that guy was talking about. This thing is perfect!” Spike reassured Rarity she did a great job while claiming he doesn’t know what he is talking about but it didn’t stop Rarity from running off in tears really hurt by his harsh criticism.

“Well, he wasn’t wrong when he pointed out he needs a puppet theater with amble space and great mobility.” Midnight silently commented that his criticism is accurate. “But yeah, not very nice.” Midnight added also agreeing that he could have said a lot nicer than how he said it.

Spike concerned for Rarity follows her back to her home where Midnight decides to secretly follow from behind. Once at Rarity’s home Spike tries his hardest to comfort her but it was too no avail as Rarity was too depressed to try to create something new feeling she won’t be able to get it done in time and be able to satisfy her new clients. She is now deciding to lie down on her fainting couch doing nothing but sobbing while eating ice cream.

Spike seeing how upset Rarity is decides he needs to take matters in his own hands as he thinks of an idea as Midnight who was watching from the window unseen has also come up with another plan seeing this as another opportunity to test Spike’s abilities as she creates a gust of wind and “accidentally” blows a note she has written into the house for Spike to read once it flew right in front of him.

Spike reads the note that reads “The solution you seek is somewhere in the Castle of the Two Sisters.”

After reading the note Spike sets out to the Castle of the Two Sisters to do so without question but not before fetching Owlowiscious from Midnight’s library for help to do so. While approaching the library, Spike had to really quietly and carefully hope that Midnight isn’t around to catch him in the act knowing that he could be a dead dragon if Midnight catches him snooping around her property without permission as he approaches the front door.

But to his surprise he finds that she isn’t home as she would have detected someone was here at the sound of the door opening.

Spike seeing that he has more important things to worry about immediately decides to find the book he needs in order to help snap Rarity out of her funk dismissing what should be immediate suspicion for the young dragon.

Unbeknownst to Spike, Midnight was secretly spying on them from a distance from the library in the nearby bushes just opposite of the treehouse.

“Your suspicions are right, Spike.” Midnight said as she secretly follows them. “If only you stopped to properly put the pieces together you would have figure out what I’m up to this time.”

As Spike and Owlowiscous headed out to the castle, Midnight continues to follow them and uses an invisibility spell so they don’t catch her spying on them as they look through books that have the answers that he needs to help Rarity.

“Argh, there's gotta be something in here somewhere.” Spike wondering out loud looking for answers as he tosses the book away as Owlowiscious hoots at him.

“It's not "who", it's "what"!” Spike knowing how to speak owl corrected as he looked back. “Like, what can help Rarity make something in time for the fair?” He added as looked at another book. “She really, really, really wants to make a creative contribution. She said I'm her favorite dragon, so it's up to me to come through for her in her time of need.” He added proudly as he pounded his fist into his palm before turning back to continue his search by hopping on the ladder with wheels on the bottom allowing him to slide over to the next shelf. “There's gotta be some kind of spell that'll do the trick." Owlowiscious instead of working with him just hoots in response. “Come on, help a dragon out!” Spike insisted him again to help him as he continues looking.

As Spike pulls another book from the shelf Owlowiscious managed to appear in front of him hooting again.

“Ugh! It's not for me! It's for Rarity! The one who made you that bow tie you like so much?” Spike told the owl annoyed at his constant hooting at this point simply puts the book back in its place as he slides down the aisle only for Owlowiscious to be sitting there already hooting again to get him not to seek out a spell book to help Rarity. “Okay, I get it.” Spike begrudgingly conceded about ready to turn back before he does something he'll regret.

But before Spike could turn around and leave, a book hooked onto to a lever is pulled by Midnight’s magic causing a secret passageway to open to reveal a book under a green aura in a small room.

“What is that?” Spike asked in amazement as he approaches it despite Owlowisciois warning through hoots not to while Midnight watches on slyly smiling as she watches as if Spike is doing exactly what she wants him to do.

With a simple breath of fire Spike was able to melt the lock off allowing him to open the gate to the special book. Spike approaches the book as Owlowiscious hoots nervously knowing that is going to end badly.

Midnight watches as Spike climbs up the stair case leading up to the pedestal where the book stands. After reaching the top Spike was able to obtain the book as Owlowiscious hoots nervously in Spike’s direction.

“What? If I wasn't supposed to have it, it wouldn't be so easy to get. And it's covered in spikes, like me.” Spike assertively told Owlowiscious that he is doing nothing as he walks back down ignoring the staircase and pedestal crumbling down as he walks down with an unflinched stride as Owlowiscious still continues with the nervous hooting and while Midnight smiles impressed seeing this unflinching walk he just displayed.

"Inspiration Manifestation: Instantly brings ideas to life." Spike said as read the title. “I'm likin' the looks of this one. Hmmm.”

At that moment the wall slides back close the passageway which Spike simply shrugs off as he continues to read from it.

“Perfect!” Midnight commented in satisfaction as she watches Spike leave the library seeing that plan is now in motion as she secretly follows them while still invisible as her heart glows.

Midnight continues to follow Spike without him knowing back to Rarity’s house and watches the scene from the window as Rarity has spent the time while they were away eating away her sorrow through a dozen cartons of ice cream with a messy mane.

“Somepony’s sure gonna need a workout after this.” Midnight stoically commented on the sight of the drama queen continuing to wail in her despair.

“Rarity!” Spike happily called out to her with his hands behind his back.

“Leave me be!” Rarity cried out still sobbing from her rejection. “Can't you see how distraught, disappointed, and downtrodden I still am?”

“But I brought you something.” Spike offered as he hopped on top of the couch.

“Unless it's another carton of vanilla oat swirl or word that the festival has been cancelled, I don't think I'm interested.” Rarity declined as she places a hoof on her head.

“It's magic!” He added to further encourage her in order to try the book out.

“Spike, precious scales, I already have magic.” Rarity again declined after tidying her mane up and used her magic to eat a chocolate from a Valentine’s Day gift.

“But not the kind that can help you create something in time for the fair.” Spike countered as he presented the book he just got. “This can!”

“I suppose it's worth a try.” Rarity decided as she levitated the book with her magic from Spike’s hands seeing that she has nothing to lose at this point as she began to read the spell. "From in the head to out in the world, every thought to action.” Rarity started to read the spell. “Hold close this book and through its spell, you'll start a chain reaction, projecting forth whatever beauty you see.” As Rarity continues a green aura comes up to her horn seeping through into her magic. “Only when true words are spoken will you finally be set free." Rarity concluded as her aura is now sporting a green color much like the book's cover.

“Did it work?” Spike asked.

“Hm, there's only one way to find out.” Rarity responded read to test it as she gives a determined look as she focuses her now dark magic with green eyes as she uses the magic to beautify the book with a zap.

“Oh, my!” Rarity gasped in amazement seeing that it worked wonders. “I thought about making this a much more beautiful spell book, and I have!”

With another zap of dark magic she transformed her couch into a much bigger and extravagant version.

“Dear, dear Spike! Here I was about to give up, but like a true friend, you've come through with flying colors!” Rarity complimented causing Spike to blush wanting to think nothing of it. “Come! We must find the puppeteer right away, so that I may provide him with the most fabulous theater he's ever imagined!” Rarity set out halfway out the door with the book in tow with determination to try her task again. “Or, should I say, that I've ever imagined.” She added as her eyes glowed green as if she is evilly smirking just like Midnight who is currently giving the same smirk as she watches from the nearby trees.

“Oh I’m sure you’ll definitely do so Rarity.” Midnight commented as she watches Rarity and Spike head back to the festival. “Since you are helping me in return set up another test for Spikey-wikey by thinking and acting just like me.” She added as she chuckled evilly seeing that she could potentially corrupt Rarity into following her hoof steps if she wanted as she sets off to secretly follow them where she watches Rarity and Spike head off to meet up with the puppeteer who is setting up his puppet theater at the entrance of Sugarcube Corner as Rarity approaches him with the book in her saddlebag still smirking with Spike right behind him.

“Ah, Miss Rarity, come to see the show, I presume?” The puppeteer condescendingly remarked as he stepped outside to face her. “You'll notice I had to make do in light of your recent failure to produce a functioning theater.” He added in the same tone as he pointed to his puppets dancing through his magic.

“Oh, but I think you'll find the new one I've created will be much more to your liking!” Rarity confidently replied shrugging off his attitude as she pointed to his right showing him a very eloquent and formal theater booth which Spike places a presenting hand out at its direction which really amazes him.

“Ah, well, it is gorgeous, but that was never the problem now, was it?” The puppeteer observed very impressed. “Oh, well, this one does seem to travel.” He added noticing the wheels as his puppets pull on the theater like a wheel barrel “Plenty of room for my puppets...” He added as walked inside of the theater. “I say, Miss Rarity, I don't know how you managed to do so in such a short amount of time, but you seem to have redeemed yourself.” He complimented as Rarity proudly raises her head high hearing this. “How did you manage to do so in such a short time?” He asked very curious of how she did it.

“As a matter of fact, she used a s–“ Spike tried to explain before being cut off by Rarity knocking him down to the ground.

“A good designer never reveals her tricks.” Rarity simply explained as she smugly smiles as the puppeteer gives a look that says fair enough in his mind.

“A little smug there Rarity.” Midnight commented a little disapproving of her shades of arrogance. “But a good designer much like a good planner never reveals her secrets indeed.”

Afterwards the fair went on smoothly no problems after that. Shortly after the fair ended Rarity thanks Spike for finding her the inspiration she needed to pull it off.

Spike then wanted to bring the book back to the castle seeing that the job is done now but Rarity really loving the dark magic’s beauty wanted to hang to it for a little longer which Spike agreed to seeing that there wouldn’t be any harm done there despite Owlowiscious’s warning.

Midnight watching this is content with this with a knowing look that the dark magic is further corrupting Rarity to the point she will go crazy from its overuse as she flies off back to her library to await for her next move so she can watch Rarity’s descend into madness.

Sure enough, Rarity has really gotten in really deep with her use of dark magic having managed to beautify everything in her shop by the time Spike had arrived to attempt to retrieve the book.

Now she is thinking of beautifying all of Ponyville with her newfound and forbidden powers and because Spike doesn’t have the heart to tell her she is starting to lose it and is going out of control Rarity still has control of the book and sets out to do so.

She continues her beautification of Ponyville with dark magic by using the magic to turn the Apple Family’s cart into a golden cart with jewels, poofs up Rainbow Dash a heavy dress, and Fluttershy an overly-extravagant bird house who all are left surprised wondering where how it happened. She even goes as far as turning a regular children’s party into a formal Canterlot-like party which the young foals don’t seem to appreciate.

Spike kindly and politely tries to tell her she should stop at this point but Rarity having already lost her mind due to the dark magic’s influence still insists on making more beautifications to Ponvyille with Pinkie Pie’s party next on the list.

At this point, having seen enough Midnight puts her orb away sets out heading back in Ponyville where the mayor finds her after spotting Spike wearing a dark magic created outfit made of blue crystal.

“Princess Midnight, the gazebo has been turned into solid crystal, and two ponies are now trapped inside its walls!” The mayor alerted her.

Hearing this causes Midnight to fly over to the gazebo she saw the two trapped ponies inside the gazebo just as described by the mayor.

Using her magic, Midnight was calmly able to transport them out of the gazebo with her teleportation spell and landed them safely on the ground.

“Thank you, Princess Midnight.” One of the ponies gratefully exclaimed as she bows before her.

“Don’t mention it.” Midnight humbly responded before continuing. “Now if I may, did you get a glimpse at the pony who did this did you?” She inquired them who were unable to say "Yes." in response as they all see that the bridge has been suddenly turned to solid gold.

“Both of you, get to safety!” Midnight commanded the two ponies who both nod as they set off to do so. “I take care of things from here.” She called out in the direction they are running off to.

With her wings at the ready she flies off in Canterlot’s direction for the next part of her plan by seeking the princess’s help and involvement in this matter.

Arriving at Canterlot, Midnight dashed through the castle in a hurry making it to the room the Princesses were in where she alerts them of the chaos that is going in Ponyville. While the royal sisters were skeptical of Midnight's claims they ultimately had no choice but to help her out in the matter since Midnight can and will blackmail them by threatening to expose their secret if they didn't comply with her so Celestia has Luna go with Midnight to help clean up Ponyville while sending a letter requesting Princess Cadance's immediate help.

Together they quickly headed back to Ponyville and from the distance as they flew in they could see every building in Ponyville was crystalized and bejeweled. Princess Luna widens her eyes in shock seeing this.

“What in the name of Ponyvile…?” Luna exclaimed in surprise of all of the shiny magic that has spread around town before they both landed on the ground as they examined the magic while having to shield their eyes form the shiny glare it produced.

“Still believe I’m behind this.” Midnight questioned Luna if she believes her now in a “I told you so.” tone as she glanced at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Let’s just focus on the task on hoof.” Luna sternly responded as she examines the magic by getting a close look at the bridge. “This is definitely dark magic.” She confirmed. “We need to get rid of it before it gets worse and if they are no more further arguments shall we get started?" She then asked the younger alicorn who nods in response before watching Princess Luna begin the removal dark magic process as Midnight joins in after watching her perform the spell after a good minute.

By working together they were able to concentrate their magic in cleaning up the dark magic. They managed to make much progress after several cleanings. By that point both Midnight and Luna appeared to be tired but not enough to stop them from continuing their efforts in trying to complete their task as both alicorns have strong energy from earth pony strength, peagsus speed, and unicorn magic combined.

As soon as they finished their most recent round of dark magic cleansings Princess Cadance flew down to help assist with the clean up. With Cadance’s help all three alicorns were able to expand and strengthen the effect of their magical wash and were finally able to clean up all of the dark magic that was spread all over Ponyville. Because Midnight already has experience with dark magic she still had as much energy as Luna and Cadance even if she broke some sweat as a result from the energy consuming experience.

"That’s the last of it.” Midnight said.

“Thankfully.” Luna agreed as she wiped some of the sweat from her forehead as she searches around for any spots that may or may not have missed to which they managed to clean every single spectacle of dark magic from Ponyville. “Now we need to find the pony responsible for this mess and making sure Twilight is telling the truth this time.” She added with a glare at Midnight’s direction who glares back at her in return as they heard and saw Rarity walking by from a nearby distance.

"What happened?” Midnight asked the unicorn as she approached them. "Are you okay?"

“I’m fine, darling.” Rarity honestly answered while a little dazed from the exposure to dark magic while not caring that she was talking to her former friend at the moment. “At least, now, I am.” Rarity started trying to find the right words to explain herself. “For you see It’s just that… Spike was trying to help me with my creative mojo for the Foal and Filly Fair… so he found me this book…”

“Book? Like what kind of book?” Midnight inquired.

“It was this odd-looking and old dusty book." Rarity tried her best to her knowledge to describe said book Spike got her. "The title of that book was named Inspiration Manifestation.”

“How are you feeling?” Luna asked sounding alarmed as she remembered and knows about said book in question.

“I’m fine, Princess Luna.” Rarity reassured her. “Just a little dizzy and fatigued is all.”

“Please. Let me help you.” Luna insisted with concern as she lifted Rarity onto her back. “I take you back to your home so you can get some rest and recover from this incident.”

“Thanks.” Rarity gratefully spoke as Luna quickly teleported away to Rarity's place where she places and tucks her in bed before teleporting back over to where Twilight and Cadance were last standing before turning to Midnight with a begrudging and apologetic look on her face.

“Well, I guess I owe you an apology as you were telling the truth this time.” Luna told Midnight as she raises an eyebrow still suspicious still not letting her off the hook. “Even though I still think someway somehow you had something to do with this.” She sternly added to warn Midnight that she still knows someway somehow she is behind all of this.

“Well with all things considered it’s understandable and apology accepted.” Midnight replied and shrugged it off by taking no offense to her accusations before grouping the others together for a huddle as she focused her magic. “And now to deal with the dragon responsible for this.”

With a zap of magic the three all teleported to the library just as Spike was entering the room with Owlowiscious.

"Whew?!" Spike said in relief as Owlowiscious flew inside. "Told you Twilight won't suspect a thing." He happily said as if he seemignly got away with it until to gasp in shock seeing the three alicorn princesses are already inside waiting for him with his fear mostly set on the dark purple furred alicorn.

"Would she? Would she really?" Midnight spoke up unimpressed as she flies up with her hooves crossed.

"Twilight!” Spike exclaimed in fear. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, for starters I live here.” Midnight stoically pointed out as he raised a hoof to their surroundings. “And number two, I had just heard from Rarity who tells me you gave her a book that allowed her to access dark magic, you know, the magic that made everything all formal and shiny.” She added as she glared at the young dragon who backed away terrified. “Well, care to explain where you got it?” She sternly asked Spike expecting an immediate straight to the point answer.

“Well…” Spike nervously tried to explain while fearfully shaking his legs. “I got it at the Castle of the Two Sisters.”

“How were you able to get it?” Luna questioned.

“I was just looking for books that would help Rarity. I ended up stumbling onto a bookshelf that moved and revealed a secret room. So I ended up taking it because of its title “Inspiration Manifestation.”

“Where is the book now?” Luna inquired.

“I…” Spike hesitated to answer before confessing. ”I ate it because I thought it was the only way to stop it when realizing how out of control things were getting. Turns out I just had to follow the last part of the spell and tell the truth to Rarity.”

“Not exactly the best way to handle it, but at least it wouldn’t cause any harm to you, Spike.” Princess Luna responded with a sigh. “As long as you didn’t magically interact with it, you should be fine.”

“I better get going…” Princess Cadance told the others as she prepared to leave. “I’ll see you at the Equestria Games.” She added with a smile and left.

“Well, now that everything is taken care of I better get back to the castle.” Spike quickly and hastily added as he fled the library to avoid facing Midnight’s fury as Princess Luna followed him so he could escort him back there as she is going back to Canterlot too.

“Please try not to do anything drastic, Twilight!” Luna advised the villainous alicorn as she took the time to turn back to face her. “Or pretty soon my fate will yours for the next thousand years. And trust me being trapped on the moon will do little for your sanity and happiness if you do not fight the darkness inside of you.” She warned her before making her leave.

“Oh don’t worry Princess Luna. I can assure you neither of those things will happen as pretty soon I will be the one leading Equestria for a great new change once the Equestria Games comes.” She said to herself while shrugging off Luna's concerns as her heart glowed as she evilly grinned having another one of her plans for Spike succeeding as he managed to save Rarity on his own further proving of how far his loyalty will go for the ponies he cares about.

Later as Princess Luna is flying back to Canterlot with Spike in tow, Spike sighs in relief that his former friend didn't kill him for trespassing on her property.

"Thanks for the ride." Spike sincerely thanked Luna. "You really saved me back there. I really though Twilight was going to kill me for causing that whole mess in Ponyville with all that dark magic floating around."

"Think nothing of it." Luna calmly responded with a small smile as she looked back at the young dragon before changing back into a more skeptical one as she wonders the exact details of Midnight's involvement in this. "Though I still can't help but feel Twilight was responsible for this someway and somehow even if she wasn't the one using dark magic all over town."

"I know." Spike added with a confused expression. "I mean Twilight would have confronted me the second I stepped into her library yet she wasn't around at all when I came and borrowed Owlowiscious from her. I wonder if she wanted me to find that book in the first place."

"What do you mean?" Luna asked wondering if that’s the connection to how she was truly involved.

"While I was trying to comfort Rarity I found a note that flew inside suggesting I check out the Castle of the Two Castles which is where I found that the book.” Spike explained. “It wasn’t until a secret passageway opened that I actually came across it but the weird thing is I didn’t open it unless...” Spike continued to explain until he stopped mid-sentence with his eyes widening in a horrified realization. “She was there the whole time while my back was turned. Now it all makes sense now!”

“I knew she behind all this but I couldn’t figure how and what until now.” Luna grimly responded. “It seems all of that dark magic is really taking a toll on her sanity as she is now engaging in even more darker schemes.”

“I know.” Spike agreed with the night monarch. “If it weren’t for me Rarity would have suffered the same fate. Just not knowing of what Twilight has planned really scares me as if no pony knows what she is going to do next.”

“Well let’s hope she doesn’t do something drastic to the point there’s no hope of saving her.” Luna spoke sounding worried herself. “Just seeing her in her Nightmare Moon like appearance even scares me.” Luna truthfully admitted her thoughts of their terrifying adversary as she flies towards the Canterlot castle having just arrived in Canterlot.

Midnight watches this from her crystal orb as she now focuses on Princess Cadance who is currently flying back to the Crystal Empire currently looking a little tired from cleaning up Ponyville while looking visibly worried for her sister-in-law’s well-being as seeing her descend into darkness really scares her too and would be deep down heartbroken if there was no way to save her.

“Oh, Twilight.” Cadance spoke to herself in a somber and saddened tone. “Please don’t let things come to this.” She said as a single tear fell from her eye which fell to the ground and formed a heart shape on the ground when it landed.

“Don’t worry, Cadance.” Midnight spoke in a reassuring tone to herself. “As long as Princess Celestia cooperates with me you won’t be forced to do the unthinkable as soon all of Equestria will be mine.” She added in determination and confidence as she focuses on getting herself ready for the upcoming Equestria Games, ready to put her endgame plan to take over Equestria in motion while focusing her orb on the Crystal Heart which glows the same color as her heart again as it twirls around with no pony around to see it as Midnight sporting her teeth as she evilly smiles at the same time her heart glows again.

Author's Note:

In this chapter, Spike has further proven his abilities of how far he is willing to go to save his friends as Midnight tricks him into introducing Rarity to dark magic. Midnight’s schemes have gotten darker as the dark magic is really getting inside of her heart which leave you all wondering how far she will go in order to achieve her goals as this next chapter will answer that very question as she carry’s out her endgame plan at the Equestria Games.

As you have read I also added Cadance in this chapter with her role like Luna helping clean up Ponyville and scenes where she Luna and Spike worry about what Midnight is up to next seeing that the dark magic is really taking a toll on her sanity with the scheme she has just pulled and they have no idea what she is going to next with the Equestrian Games on the horizon.

As for whatever Midnight has planned will be revealed in the e next chapter which will be released sometime next week which will definitely be an chapter worth reading once I properly take the time to finalize it so it live up to the bar the Princess Midnight arc set.

So please be patient until then and I can definitely tell you all the wait will be worth it once it is out and ready which you’ll the know a day before it’s actual release.